n i. MTtnnAv, Armti i a, iom THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Vny,a Six Isn't It Funny What a Difference Just a Few Years Will Make" - In Easter Bonnets Miss 1862 Miss 1872 Miss 1882 Miss 1892 Miss 1902 Miss 1912 Miss 1922 L . I -vH L w B lr Bww aw L. ( fl3nFw& FlHMtill rssHr l Er" KEf" arSaW5M W xK!rS,i" k .- H v flBi . K JT-B ir lJHH W.'r ..kxFr3p f I j B I ttl-0a- 1 I RiK32LfFf YFl Kc rf 'Alar - ..vxV . ' " l" H rMrtvr. j '' tT Vakar- Bl I WHl. vaW f I TKC wr I --B H-&ixi TltAClNO back to the days of the civil wir alrl. Sho ore tin KaMcr bonnet with wide, crown swathed In ostrlth feath ers. A few flowers peeped through on a brim of black taffeta above and shlto silk underneath. SAL'C, to say the least. i the tie-feathered bonnet worn by fair Kasler paraders a half century ato While ostrich plume' cascaded down over n brim jurt wldo enough to cast a shadow over tho brew. SUE would come to town In her Quaker Rown and bonnet would the Mis of 1SSS Sufi straw covered with cr.iy silk uml trimmed with shy pink roes ThN KAVi a initliftil lock and appeal ed to the youth of that ii.iy IXTllOtHTINKt the lat word In ehleknes!) and dash. It prevail ed utt .10 e.irs ago on Easter morn Tas a s.illor bonnet with pert crown and saucy brim () trleh feathers drooped far down oer tho side. LIKE the heidr.ear of proud cavaliers was the hat whti the early twentieth lenlury'itlrl' wore on Caster mom , Thcro, was a wide brim o( flower em broidered silk and a druopliiR oitrlch feather at the side. ONLY III )rars aw el Ml l!M'J I'l'cpi at in from a Imim ui'l tlmi would uppe.ir inieer In Mi it. diy Trulv a pUlurc li.il. II wan eM'fip'lon.illy In rue, wllh pil iimil brim of flowered silk and iiilrlch leathers fovrrcd III" hrim HI: It t. wo are up ) t t o truh feather after a run if fli tear" ll"e pt"i"d oil t ti . I Mil, id) of ' '"' prisxllt day ntipi furlh In a iinliiiii limin-'l if ni eu straw with ilusler" u i ol.i -ilk ami a dash of Milium Personal Mention Ml.ii Clr Calkins or tho Calkins Donelsonlniurnnco agency Is con fined' to her home today with a illght lllnci-i. Mr. and Mr. Hoy Andcncn left this nK mint In search of a new loca tion. Mrs. Kdward Drudy and daughter, Mona, left this morning for Dorrli where she will tIsII with her mother and father for a tow da)s. Mrs. Tom ledc, who has been here vUUIdr her brother, left for Lot Angeles this morning. Miss Alice Milter left this morning for Berkeley to take up her school work. She has been visiting with her father. J. J. Miller. A. V. Clemens of Dorrls was In the city today attending to business affairs. P. II. Hutto ot Yalnai was In tho city today. W, Mooncy. a cattlo shipper from San Francisco, was In town looking after business hero. Among the prominent visitors here today wore Store Adams of Macdoel. Wra. O. Haielsteln. a banker of Dor. rls and- W, E. Fox ot Yrcka. 0. M. Strowbrldge ot Chlloquln. who has been spending a, few days In this city transacting business. left for his borne today. C. A. Patterson of Midland, at "companted by his son made a busi ness visit here today. ' Mr. and Mrs. Durrcll Short and family are shopping In the city today from their ranch on the Merrill road. Mrs. Frank Chorpcnnlng of Olenc. was 'transacting business In the city today. llcrt C. Thomas returned last night from a week's trip to Sacra inento. Mrsi Henry Uavls was In town for two days, stopping at tho White Tellran hotel. Kho nay the roads are In very bay condition between hero and Swan Lake viltey. Mrs. Hoggs of Ungell valley has been visiting Mrs. K. S. Phillips at her home, 2M Pine street, for the past few days. J. Percy Wells bsg been ill with tb grlppo several days. POSTER AWARDS MADE Many Anhllc and Original Kntrle by School Children "FALL OF UiBVM.V TO UK SHOWN' HEBK SUNDAY ' I). W. Griffith's "Tho Fall of Uabylon," rroduced on au even more elaborate ucalo than "The Itlrth ot a Nation" and "Hearts of the World" comes to tho Strand Sunday. Some Idea of the startling magnl tude of this latest of the Orltfltb Huper-plcturcs may be gained from the statement that It tost more than $050,000 to produce, Is presented by a company totaling 125,000 men and women, and has 7,f00 horses taking part In the great chariot races and pageants attending the Feast of Dal sbatxar. Tho great walls of Babylon, with their giant height of 300 feet and. the spacious boulevards built up on tiselr tape; tho wonderful balls In tlj-Tem4U'Ot.BeUhaarvbalii a mile In leiftb. with slant elephants of a!abattfi'rlln up along their sides; the v'arl-cojorfd .lights that play and slow upon the fountains of perfume 'and wine; "the dancing girls, thffHJsti'rlesteMMt an nil tho mtglity splendor und luxury' of those ancient days these areliut tho out-stapdlnt-'features of OrHflth'8 "The Fall ot Babylon." "The Fall of Babyloti will bo the Easter feature at the Strand Sunday. There wllj be no change In prices 10 cents and 20 cents. ARTIFICIAL $50 LIMIS $75 Legs, Ana, Braces, Arch Support WM. . KEId.V CO. Mt Mm) W, Ookliinil. Calif, Prizes In tho health poller contest, conducted by the Oregon Tuberculo sis association In conjunction with high and grade schools throughoot , the state, were awarded by the Judges, MIm Clara Calkin and Miss Mildred Thrasher, as follews: Division one. Mary Ooldthwalte. ninth grade, Chlloquln school, first. Only entry. DIvNIon two Clan "A" . C.oldle Jacoby. eighth grade. Central school, first; Kenton Hamaker, eighth grade. Central school second. Class "!". Marll.i need, seventh grade, Central school, first: Ruth Kllngenbcrg. seventh grade Central school, see ond. Division three Class "A", llobert Clay, sixth grade Riverside school, first. Class "B". Thelma Dearlng. fifth grade Central school, first Division four Class "A", Marian Danner, fourth grade, first: Loreta Williams, fourth .grade, second. Claw '11", Allc Stlnclman. third grade Pelican school,, firm: Pauline Burn ett, fourth grade, district 37, second. Division flvi Class "A". Wanda Dorsey first grade Chlloe.uln. first. Class "Br, Stanley Cartright. first grade Chlloquln school first. A largo number ot entries were re ceived, many of which weru original and artistic. The prUe-wlnncrs here were sent to Portland whero tho bjt posters for tho stato will bo chosen. Tho contest was staged for the purpose of promoting good health through teaching proper living conditions. damage action now pending between I .Mlthell nml Marshall Hooper and 'others, wherein Mltrhell claims he has been damaged In thnt amount. Allen v Alien Default order was entered In the circuit court today In tho divorce case ot Karl Glenn against Josephine Allen. The ease will bo heard during tho early part ot next week. KNIGHTS TKMPMU WIIX WORSHIP AT M. K. Clll'lttll NEW TODAY rOPMI Pair of glasses with sluill (mo,(i sword) at tlm apltim of the rim. Owner may bine same by call I . I , ' ' - - liil'S, at It o'clock. t (irar.i Melh- oiiiiiiaiiiUry at I" 311 u in ot tlhit f-dlsl Kplsropal Churrli. i:iniiitli uml date High Slrenlv, Kluiniith Palls Oregon Hi JoUMiIMB KlllHhU urn curillallr All Knlithts Tnmpliir urn nnmii ,nurn wi rtiieuu wnu us iilesled to report III full uniform 1! H Hi:Nlt.('u reque Ing at Herald office and paying for au. IS 300 IN CLUB WORK IUjjh ami filrl nf KUniatli County Showing 0nnl Vrvfpva Three hundred hoy.i and glrl.i of Klamath county are now enrolled In county crub work, according to Frank Sexton, county club agent. Among tbi-nn who are doing ex cellent work. Sexton vaya, Is Stella Schrvlncr of the Spring I-ako dis trict, who began club work three years ago. In the Hewing division she has completed three divisions ot ten hours each, as well as the cooking project of teu lessons. Ifer work was exhibited ut tho county fair each year, and was awarded two first and ono second prize. In June she will attend the two-weoks' free course for boys' and girls' clubs at Oregon Agricultural col lege. "Habits of Industry and thrift, Initiative and resourcefulness are developed In the club work," Sex ton said. "And wo feel that tho practical Jinowledgo the children are gaining In tho work will make them more useful citizens- and help them to raako their way In tho world." TOPSY GRADE IS OPEN Going lU-ported Hough In Spots, But Possible or Automobile "W. t. Fraln, road supervisor, re ports that Topsy grado Ik now open to travel, although rough and muddy lu spots, liocks which made passage of the road difficult havo been blast ed out and tarn are now using the road without trouble. The road has never been entirely closed, says the supervisor, although passage has been difficult and cars have essayed tho trip Infrequently. Autolsts returning from Chllo quln report tho road to bo In had condition In many places, particular ly in the lclnlty ot Lamms' mill. While the stages are making regular trips, a number pf cars were reported to havo been stuck In tho mm!, Colalian ti Culnltan Decree of dhorco was entered by Circuit Judge Stone yesterday to Amy I.. Colahan from Stephen J. Colahan From the testimony given at the trial yesterday, lack of support and ex cesslxe Indulgence In gambling and drinking caused the separation. Snook t. Snook Calvary Commandery. Knight Tent par, will attend Easter services to- morrow at tho Methodist church at it o'clock, meeting at their halt atj 1030 In uniform and marching to, tho church. A special program has been prepared. FOR SAt.K Fully furnished six room house, bath, rlusoti, built-in cupboards, furnace and electric range. Housu newly painted, Puvod street. Price S3&U0 Address XXX, care Herald. 1319 iiiumiitidnr ! WEST, Itni-order ll-tr. FOB BALE tiiO acres good land only five miles from Klamath Fall. 120 now under cultivation. 126 Irrigated, Fair buildings, good water On state highway. Price only 150.00 per acre If taken soon. It E, Smith Itealty Co., M7 Main street IS WOMAN WISHES work by hour or day. Phone 337J. ! Nifty Nine Will Play ! Merrill Here Tomorrow i FOB BENT Furnished cabin. 741 Walnut. room 15 Judge Stone today signed an order of default In the divorce caso ot T. I.. against Bertha O. Snook. The trull-1 mony of the plaintiff will be taken I this coming week. I Martin v. Wlliu. c-t. l. Keturn on execution for $5 1.'. 7.75 was filed "by tho sheriff's office this morning In tho rase of tho Alexander Martin estate against C. D. Wlllson and A. T. and Altn Edith I.obert Miller. Tho' execution covered lots flvo and six In black 32, of Klamath Falls. Mitchell t tfixqvcr, d id. Deposition of tho testimony of J. B. Mitchell, cotcrlng ."S pages was filed In tho circuit court this morn ing, which pertains to tho 100,000 If the weather' permits baseball fans will Ik, permitted to sen the "Nifty Nino" lu action here tomorrow afternoon against a team from Mer rill. The snow this last week has made the dragglni; of Modoe field I m pos sibly ujitll tomorrow rooznlng. Should tho weather slay warm, tho Initial game of tho season should prove a good one. Tho Klamath ,tenm will bo com posed of Chas. Unite, catrhcr: Bob ert (iootz, plu her; Chet. Shrfter. first base; Frank l'eton, second basu; (Jeo. Dow, shert: Harold Wort ley, third base, Pat Montgomery, left field; Kenneth Malcr, center field; Vcrn Christy, right flcjd. A flvo Inning preliminary between tho "Nifty Nino' seonds and Del. Robertson's "Bear Cats" Is planned. KKTKAY Strayed to my placo about n car ago. u Boan steer t years old, Brand ed swallow crop on both ears', upper bit on right ear and small brand on right side. F. E. Masten, Olcne, Ore. 13-ie m ATTENTION K.MOIITS TKMPI-K Calvary Commandery wilt attend I dlvltiu sertlres on Sunday, April 10,1 Easter Sunday April 16, 1922 Methodist Episcopal Church Invites You Sunrise Travel' Meeting and Hrenkfast, (:.i0 a. in. Sunday School, 10 a. in. Special Program. Morning Church Service, 11 a. in. Anthems, Solo, Duet, Easter Sermon. Epworth League, U.M p. m. Evening Church Service, 7.U0. Special Pro gram by Choir and Sunday School. Easter Is Ihii crowning day of tin- )ear, It Is the day nf liiipn and ftltti) assurance. It U the day wIh-ii we -m to see tlm shore lines ot tint Homeland mid seem to hear tlm choir Invisible ihaulliii; It lit nin-- of prulse "CHRIST IS RISEN" TST STRAND 19. wm:nE everybody goes- HOME OF THE HODKINSON FEATPIUM Tomorrow, Easter Sunday the Great Biblical Picture "The Fall of Babylon" A Purple Romance of Another Day The story of a brilliant people who were dust when tho Gentle Carpenter wus born; who hungered for food and lovu and happi ness EVEN AS YOU AND I. They built a marvelous city, Babylon tho Mighty, with massive walls that only treachery could reduce. A lover, tho good Belahazzar, woro the legal robe, torn from blm In death by the politicians, tho uchemors, who betrayed tho city and enslaved a people that they might humiliate their rulor EVEN AS TODAY. And a wild, lovable little Mweothcart from tho mountains, who ndored the king and loved a singer, might havo waved tbcm all. But there was laughter and wlno and feasting, and romantic plans. It U tho story of Today, as well us Yesterday. The story of you and mo. , 125,000 men and women in the mighty produc tion; 7,500 horses in the marvelous chariot races along the Euphrates. " Tonight, Conway Tearle in "After 'Midnight" Also Good Comedy Admission 10c and 20c - 1 1 Cm4 TW 3t--l- lfl ii I rIE Stu-ebaker UCHT-S1X will nppenl to every buyer who wants ' n low-priced car that will be satisfac tory in performance, nppearnnce, com fort and endurance. And in addition to iU recognized supe riority in theae etacntiala. the LIGHT SIX carries refinementa found only on more expensive cars. The LIGHT-SIX ia equipped with cowl ventilator operated from the instru ment board; cowl parkins lights; inside and outside door handles and large rectangular plate-glasa window in rear curtain. A thief-proof transmission lock, which reduce the rate of insur ance to LIGHT-SIX ownera 15 to 20 ner cent, and cord Urea are also aland- ard equipment. ror ncariy three-quarlera of a century Long, semi-elUp-c spring! (50-inch in and is the largest builder of six-cylinder rear; 36-inch ia. front) and aoft, gen- cars in the world. 1 Tomring, 91048 1 3-Pwr A.-fr, $1048; CoifRomdtfr, 91378 Stdmn, $1780. AUprif f. m. . factory, ' DUNHAM AUTO COMPANY v SOUTH SIXTH STREET uine leather upholstered cushions, nine inches deep, provide unusual comfort, Its 40-horsepower motor delivers ample power for the hard pull. And vibration is practically eliminated by Studebaker'a method of machining the crankshaft and connecting rods. The intrinsic value of the LIGHT-SIX ia unmatched at anywhere near the price because Studebnker does not skimp on materials or workmanship but uses the beat. It ia built complete in the most modern and complete automobile plant in tha world, making possible its low price of $1045, f, o. b. factory. Sludebaker has been building quality ""-i unu selling- mom ai inir price ! ....l. .1 . I, ru v;.,,!.. . -