ifcuimmg Herald WEATHER FORECAST 'IONH1UT (AND Ht'.M'AV, I'Allt, HOW TO KILLING I'ltOHl' IN Till! MOIt.NINI' NEWS OF THE WORLD BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Associated Press. I'lfliiiilli fit'. Nil, MUIIH KLAMA'IH PALLS, Oltl.GON, HVI'I IUM. APItlL I", llrj'j PIUCH FIVH CENTH HUES FLEE FLOODED AREAS OF ILLINOIS A. IH'MNIA VII.I (MM'CI. ! ,'MIMM II' , 1,1,1 l',H WILL ! ,(jiii:i: 10 no likhwiki; HlfSHUWV f.'OMMIHSIO.V OI'IINH fllDH O.V AI'I'HOX. I.MATIII.V 8 MII.KH WOHK THE SPIRIT OF EASTER D01IS PUNTS IN IRELAND IS (ii:noa, April ir. -rim lift in Ic tnnfiTi'iK n t f xl ii y con- llniii'il In discuss llin Hum- rIiiii iiiintlun Kiliinl.iil del" isiitiv cxproimcd their willing- rOIlTLAN'I), April IB Tho hlnhwny commlnnlon today opened bids nn approximately CR m!lc of road work, fol- TO ST T S j IowIiir the nward last nlpht I of contractu for fin mllen of , road work and nix hrldKCn, Eht 1 Binnnr faster T T I n 'i In iifkiiiiwledgn HumIii's ! pmwm iIi'IiIm ntnl morel clalini 1 4 iKulimt llni iiIIIk U llic allien ' would cancel ltiiitl.i wiir Fight to Retain Homes Is Lost; People Encamp on Nearby Hilltops nai'i.i;m. hi. Am ii i-ii-htmi: the crow Inn HiichI, tinr inn ti in hl "urn, I Mn men ill Nuplen thin uinniliiK Inil llin r Ik Ii t in nt uln lliolr Inline from llin r.riiti of Hut lllliudn ilvor liy 13 n tit (Int i.ullrn i(iilllii'n of VIM) (iintllli'M win int forced (linn liiiiiin (u ttliriillip In mi itriuv n( li'llln tin h kunll III III ti northward of llin luwii. CAIIK), III., April IS -A break nrrtirrril In the eeo nt Grntnl Tim er liuluy mill llin swollen Mlmliirdppl spread nvor finoo acres n( cuUIviiImI Intnl. Tln wniei In uluni fenl deep In "line, plnren. All tolrtcllls have fli'il. Tim limit nf It, "00,0011 worth nf rropn fi-arml !' lint farmers nf fmir ilrntn ngp dlntrlitn north of Cnlrn. IICAHIMTOWN. III., April IS Three iiuirn liulins nf tint Hllni.ls rlv ir flowed In Dip streets hem tmlny Many rlllienn c1c1nra'il llitty would May to tho last. STRIKE AT DEADLOCK Oprrnlitr. mill Mm l'nr Axirt it, Ikfure llniiiil HrAiiiiK Kriini conversation with tmth mill nprrnli r unit rttrlkt-rn. It wn up pmriit tmlny ilmt tint Munition linn reirhed it deadlock even morn pro. linunreil tlinn tliut existing before tlic conciliation bnnrd hearing. Thn men derlnre they will not riiiiiprniiiUe. Thtty uwnlt, It In nil trlood .the tltittlngn r! tho con rllliillnn I'oanl, lirllevlng thnl n rnviiMbln decision would lend morn I ImrkliiK tn their cnumi. On tho other li.mil, tin) opcratum seem tie itrmliifil likewise In make Hm hour im-nllon mi Issue from which they nlll nnt deviate. "I'.lKlit lintirn or nothing," de tlxro (tin strikers "Nine hour op ti ilnu't upcr nli'." ilcilnm ihs npitrntnrt. They wore ci fined tixliiy liy J. ,M. While nf llin Weed Lumber company, who llkewlt-e declared t tit planttt tit W'ri'tl imiiiIiI nut nprr.-iln ntirrpl mi it Icii-hinir Ii.ihI. Itiimorn t lint Irniililii liml iiriiirrril Iht'rtt l.nt lllKlH wrrn ili-nli'il liy Willie. Ilrportn were inrreiit lo.l.t) tli.it tin' nprriilnr,, iijnl.'iiipUli'il linpnrt Ini; nii'ii to run thn plimU. Thin .!( iIciiIimI hy onu nf tlmm, vlm Hlutnl Hint nit imh iiiiiwi had Ikimi iiiililtt. Hit nalil tliut liuolur n.i tin kuntv. nn cuiicttrtuil plmi nf uctliiu li.nl Im'i'm ilnc III oil upon liy lliu op crnlnrH. tfnloii nffirlnM liuvn rlulmi'il tliut llin nppr.ilom Innu licuu iittniuptliiK In hint wiirlicrn ut HfirriMiitwitn, V,vl''irlliintl mill b'uulllf, lint that lliolr iffnrln luivn teen ihcckiuutoil tliruiiRh pOutiir wariiliie in mi nf tint Htrlko roiiilltlon hare. Komn Koffi'il nt tlin lilttn Hint It inlKht lu pomillilii to briiiR n innii iiiiIohs they wiru prjofcimlunnl Htrlko hrokorn, It wiTh Konernlly bnlU'veil tliut tho uroup mnotlnfn yvntonluy wuro fnillli'KH, Opura(or cUlmcil thnt tint nii'ii raino "cocked ami prlmod" on tlin itlfclit'liour qupntlon, whllo tlio iiiitn kiiIiI tlin opcrntorn luil hkk'oiI not to muko uiiy concun hIoiib, WI.'ATJICU I'ltonAIIIMTIlM Tho buroini'trlc prntntiirn climbed 1 1 t lowly ii p w n r it from 0 p. m. yen- lArtlnv litilll A l o'clock thin itinrn. ' 1 Iiik nlnco which I hour thn Cyclo- I HtormuKniph n t Unilorwood'H l'linr- ScHSA. it nmcy linn roKlBtur- (JPJS)jB However t h J?0 jfK mark ut 2 '' '" tn tZ I day wan HllKlitly I " I nuner than dur InK lh(t curly mornluK hotirH, rIvIiik KrotintlH for the tiopo that Kuntcr bonnutH will oxporlunco fulr wpiithnr, J'orccimt for noxt 24 heurs: (lonornlly fair, probably cool, with vurluhlo yliulti. The Tyco recording thermometer regltterod tusxltnum and minimum tomperaturoii, toilayps follows : IIIkIi i 0 , ItOW 3! ili'Md PRIMITIVE ALTARS WILL MARK EASTER SERVICES SUNDAY 'llliillsmnl, nf Wiilllliif In Cilli " am Hilltops nl ll.iwn In ('tiiiiui minute lliiin i linn l.dll ANIiCI.I.'S. Cnllf., April It. Iliilli.'lul.ilin mini; liy thijini.iiiiU nf t (irrtliliiTn will illu; frmn nitiillierii Ciillfitrulii hllltnpn ut ilnwn tomorrow wlirn llin Iteriirrttrllnii will bo com liinmurntuil In nilliloor nervlieit tliriiuitlKiul the K'liilhlnnil Mix I nntuhlit piTlujitt of thn prim IllVn nllnrn lmrn llimter nervlrfu will tin linlil Ii on Ml Itilltlmtoiit. ni'.lr Klvernliln uliertt the flrttt croiti fur outdoor dnotlntiti In nlfTliln wiiN rnint'ii Mir jrnrw inn win nut nnly plain where thn imrvlrm were held, but tiefnrn Iciik tint number nf tlinnit who iolni'd In thin yearly pit- r.rliuiiKit i;n' ki taut tliut (tin nlopim ( of the mount could not hold them. nn other nhrllliti bi'Knn In nppe.ir III widely nciittereit plnren. Tlin Ml. Itiiltldnux pervlcen, how- ever, hnvit rontlnued thn mol potu- ( Inr ntnl ure. In fad, rmueil tlirniiKh out the louniry. VUltnrn from nil par In or America tire In lllvrmldn ! nluhl nwultliiR the nouml nf thn toe nlim which niiiiimoii thcui tn tho Heniirrectlon, ltnr- I'lrlufMiuo I'nimllily even mum plcluronqun Hum Ml. Iltibliloiu. nlllioiiRh Imn u-lil.ilv knriun. In llin Kaater nltar nil Ml l.nwo, near I'mndenii. Thin con-1 iltli of n criun l In u mlrn on n crnR nenrly u mllo hUli Wornhltiper llnvo nln-nily nncendvu Ml, I.owe to. nlRht. idcippltir: it n Invem u nhnrt illnlnnrtt from the nllar, tn Im nn hnml nl daybreak. Ill wliurp lontr.ikt In tin-no relllliRn In the Hrenn ut Avalnii, Citiillnix In land, whern Hit1' ILmler lelebrimts cnllier upnli n iniblily bearh. wntrh. InK fur the Mm In rle nut of the Pa cific, llin nlRtinl for the npmilliR chant Itrtliiiuln IIimiIi. on the mainland 2.1 mllen miillll nf l.n AltRelen. wlilili Iiun hud nunrlMi uTtlrei fur net oral yeitrn. this Kunter Ii:im elubnrnleil on llin Plan liy nrriinKliiK n iterlen nf t.er- vlien, extfiidltiK from il.iyhre.ik fo ! dark. Ii.iyliri'alt .-"'iiiltniii" N'urlli of Hid illy, in tint leciMitly H'tlli'd Him Keriiundii Valley, the town nf Oweuiimouth will be the rem. nf Mill another daybreak an .emlduRii tn Im held in tin municipal Creek thenlre Tint lillln "f Whlttler, tn tlin r.nutheiiHl. nnd of Applies Mck.t to the KOUthwrHt. will almi heur al ia rx. In thn ntilnklrlH of tho city, two nervlron, which ln piiht p.irn ilrow llioimandH of celebrant", ulll ho held. Onu of Ihciin will he on llaRln Hock, a Iiiikk boulder In the nor thorn foot hills, wherv nn electrically IIkHIpiI crosH nn tho HUinmlt will Hiuiimon thn multltuden: tint other will Im In n nnturul nniimllhenlre In n canyon norm or iiouynouu. I REPORTING BIG TASK! noil I'iikcn of Nliortlinnil Notes Tk en nl llourd Hem Inn A feature of tho conciliation board hearing not apparent tn many, hut novnrthelCHH of high Im portance, waa thn reporting by Grunt M. Ituymoud, official court reporter, who wrote In ahorthund every word uttered during tho threo ' duy hcuhIoii. Thin menus fi00 page ' nf shorthand uuten which, whim transcribed, will make 700 pages ot typewritten mittur, Until tlio transcript It rocelved by the conciliation board at Port land little ran bo done, toward reach Ing a decision. Haymond ex pects to complete tho work within ten days, .hut will forward portions of tho work from tlmo to time ns It Ih finished. w.hi:hoi!si:s iiuum.d IM0NDLKTON, April If.. Two warehoused nt Pilot Ilock, togthur with their conlonts of grain nnd wool worth over 120,000 woro burned to day, Incendiarism Is sunpoctoil. s" """stei' V J, tx& . N m. "" Jwt i jeHm ' Am i ' v 5b Ji1 jri tj George Bogus A.W.O.L. Is Greek, One Black Eye Kluluatli ntiunhlnc proved ton niU'r, for (IcorKo'lloniiK, ilreek. herMni; out n I3.'i0 fine for mnmihhinliiK. !eerRe. with other trimtlen. w.m working on thn court yard wood pile )esterdu under thn "cnRtu" cyo nf Murk lliin nun, court Iioiihii Janitor, but when thn 3-HO roll call came CeorRc wjj mlmilnK. Qinittlonn put to Kherlff l.ow ItrotiRlit the follow Iiik niatenirnt. "Vou enn wiy lie In Just a Cwk, and he him n hlnck eye If unyhn-ly nhnutd reii n Creek wit Ii a black eye. Ihat'n my man. I want lilm. Iln hai ri mo "A W. O. I..", anil when I i:rt hrm Im In roIiir In he K. O. I." t'P to threo o'clncli Hiln afternoon CeorRii wun ntlll mllllB. hut the nherlff'n offUc wnn of llie opinion that he wan In lildlm: tn Rlamalh Kttlln nnd Unit hn vnuld probably be apprelicliilrd bufore nlKht - FINE CATI'LE SHIPPED Cieil Mukel SemU ('oiislgnuu'lil In San l-'rmirlMii I'lcni (.Sk-IiiI In The llernlil) , MIIH. ANIL April IT. A ulilp-i meni of extra fine beef r.itlle was shipped from hero today bv 1'ied Stiiki'l or Merrill tn C. J. JoIiiikoii' A Co. of San Train lien. Win. Muoiik). nhlpuiir for the company, win In cliiirgit nl llie Hhlpment. The, ratlin were brought hero l-'rlilny by I'red ritulicl nnd son, Ulmur. , 1 And when the snbbnlh was naslUed from the Mary Maudalene, and Mary the motluT Eded and were amazed: neither said ol James, and ha Ionic, had bqrfght sweet spices, that they might coiifc ajid anoint him. . 2 And very early inlhcjpnglht Ihi fii-st day of the week, JtlKiy $Jhie unto' Hr the sepulchre at Ihe risinOT the sun., he .J And they siiul among (ftemselycii, ,, ,.w ..... ... ., ...... t the door of the sepulchre 4 And when Ihcy looked that the stone wa.s rolled av was very great. 5 And cnteringymto, they sawfa-young man right side? clothed in a':l ment; andthey were nfl C And he saiUnntd attriahted: Ye seeksu which was cruciuea'-ti not here: behold the laid him. 7 But go yoiuvwnl? and Peter that he goiH Galilee; there shall you rnirl lliil t (3UIVI UHIU V ft And J hey went' DRUG SEIZURE MADE .. i , iioMii,. w.tii rmiiitii with si.uno Will III III l'USM-S.ioll IIIUR4 Snltiril 1 1) (lie iMillrc at SI.flDd urn rlnl lute tint nlRlit Willi llie in I ft nf lloblile Willi I, will known lure, ulien lie lui In i ii einplojcd ns n waiter In ri liiilr.iulH. Tin nriiNt wii iiuiile It) fulerill offlie-'-, the police ntnl tin." flieilrt'i of fin'. A M-.iiih of Wan I rec.ilel n pniinil of iiinrplilue, rnlm'i nt ."SIIHI mi iiiinif, mill n iiuintlly of yen tdii-o, ii Htw(ifiil Clilnfse ilruc Wind riitlitictl lite ilniK a for liK pi'ri)inil u.e. lie wilt lie Intl tli.nrrril wltti U liKlni; lite mill-ilruK int, M-nillut .in luiiti;.iliiiu. While ilriu; iletit-fi hae Imi-ii ioiiiiiiiiii i-Newliei', tills s (In- fli-k KIM llNllllll lien. prriii.w tu.Mi:i.i.ois is COMIVIi lOMOWIEOW MClir I. l'lnietli, of The IXiIIoh. grund ihaiiKtllnr of the KniRlitn of Pythian, will arrive lonnnrnw nlsht for n lt with Inial ineiuhern of tlio order, and will Pay Mil off.clnl visit to thn lu.-l lodge, HCCordliiK to n miwKigo receiv ed today by Lloyd Do Lap. keeper of rii-nril and sealn. oi'i:n Mji:u iii.th:i; Ni:W YOIIK. April IS. John McCormack. nonil tenor, who has Iven hiiffurtng from it throat affec tion, and whiiMt lllne.il becime nlnrming Wcducsduy. w- reported today to have paiied I ho rrlsK hut will be unable In I lug for R'-verjl monllis. THE RESURRECTION t ij-iing jPtpj i she. -";;.-v.v - fcpvfJi waruitfi i aiu. yfaem. tr.ia i TiVsiv KfjpaMiny tPre IOJIUU-IWcTOM ta 2Bm " "cijfK , as. An rH sTIA. Kff IM V '',y TtilafJir '1 nuvc' an ij-JLAr,N Jnev5tKi40l. 1Kie)MapvaSa(VAflcr thalSh .. wlB.tf n.LUi.SHItni, 4 .. l.rlrV lit) DiirvnitfrgaMJaiKCT and w WA f?S,nd ihn Jhem, He 'iim tlijstcaidue; nei S UirjiiUUCUtssrT JKi L1lnttoi.l fc3s-.-.Keta' " rraSJWfeacievdn bniffititShi placoiei4iacitth MJlardnciisi oF heart rMlfpusci.jtBy JicvcdTOjriK them fwhwKSmfVf&M(9aKt& risen. sec ""-lifcLXTSnHKje said 1 Bk IsTaV IsTBl .fHUaBMSSfst JbB1TbV. .taBHrRMnsHn.f.tssPTvii iiioiviiiBvaw'inri out 'arfrfl'"'"' "-'v-i m9& Wtkwm 0$BKf ti Kcalorzon and Carter Mills Prepare to Open; Oth ers Show Activity j (Sieilal In llie llei.-idl) DOHItlK. Calif.. April 1.V- One of the llful nlgnn of nctlrlty In tho lum ber Industry this year In thin Miction Iiiih been ijvldentfd during thn pant week by timneroun ihlpmetitn of lioMKidinld nuppllLn (onslmcd to Dor , rln for varloun parties who arc com mc hero to spend thn summer In saw I mill camps. i I'rrliap! the first mill tn bopdn , nawlni; In the Immedlato vicinity of ' Dorrls In tho (!. K. Kotcrnon plant, ' lontcd n few mllen west of town. Kftcrson. who Is one of the veteran J mlll'inen of Uutto Valley, arrived ' Monday and stated that ho Intended to bcRln operating liln mill full force April 17. Tho majority of Kester fon'n crew, II In understood, will como from Crants Pass. What the hours and wane scale will he has not been Icurnod. The Carter mill at Mt. Hebron wilt alno start operating Monday, It Is re ported. J. O'Nell will bo tho new manager of that cstsbllshmcnt. Other mills In this vicinity arc th Topiy Lumber company, owned by Kcstcrson Ilrothcrn and tho Welter Lumber company. Thcso two organi sations aro expected to run within a few days. Snow Is fast disappearing from tho mountains making It pos sible to operate logging equipment. DARK, DEEP QUESTION County AtM-.M)i U Pacing; Problem of Kfi-ctlon or Appointment Will nr will not Klamith county have nn ascssnr. and how would he gain off lie? ThPfit am the titicn ilnnn facing Hie ri unty clcrk'n nf f!en today, and in commanding tho attention of Attorney General Van Winkle ,i well. Tho quandary dovolopn from tho fact thai the present Incumbent, W, T. I.ee. wai appointed by tho coun ty court .upon the death lust year of bin father. Captain J. P. I.et Or dinarily tho tirm would expire In January. 191' I. The question n ow ls. d(a.' -W. T. Leo continue to hold office for the remalndur nt thn elective, term, or fliall he or no mo other 'Person be elected to hold of fic for the remaining two yearn? And," If elected, would tho incum bent hold office. for two or four yenra? It Is reported that W. T. Lee says lie, will run. even If ho has to hold an election ull of his own. sepulchre; for they Irem- to any man; for they Jesus wa.s risen early week, he appeared ene, out oi wnom ils. welvWfcid told them that itliMum, as they mourned mlheyhatlheard hadlce-;cn of ptnred in an ifrtt-.frifm. fie Ihnv ;nt jito the country. y...yent and told it unto IHcHbelicved they them. e:npeareu unto the atSmeat, and up their unbelief and , because, they be hich had seen him unto them, Go ye preach the gospel , Mark, 16. ! EASTER LILY SEED NOW BEING RAISED BY GOVERNMENT .o lounger .erenry to Depend Upon tlermiiiln mill Japan fnr (rent White I'lowcri I IV HAHIIV III'XT WASHINGTON. April IC Uncle Sam Is no longer dependent upon ttormuda nnd Japan fnr the great white, bell-mouthed lilies that form tbo center of home and church de corations a't Kastcr time. Horticultural experts of tho do partment of agriculture arc now pro ducing both bulbs and flowering plants of tho Kastcr lily from seed. Kntlrcb New Mne Surplus seed and bulblcts produced ' In Illy propagation work at tho gov', ornment's Arlington experimental farm havo been distributed to florists I and prlvato horticulturists. From these are expected to grow aft en tirely new line of Illy culturo which ultimately will supply tho American market fully without dependence on Imported bulbs. To date, however, tho volume of bulbs and plants produced from seed Is not enough of a factor to Increase visibly tho supply or reduce prices. In another year, however. American propagated lilies should be a con trolling factor In stabilising the prices of lilies at Kaster tlmo. Just now, with Increasing demand at the approach of Caster, prices aro beginning to climb. Florists explain this by saying there Is a shortage of Imported bulbs duo to floods In Ja pan. Government horticulturists here say they havo no advices as to, floods la Japan affoctlng tho Hly'toO'lS'sup-' Ply On the contrary, they point to tho htutlntlrn covering Importations nnd show that tho value of flower bulbs nf all sorts Imported so far this year Is about ono-thlrd. or moro than $1. 000.000 more than for the same per iod a year ago. .Not Difficult Propagation of Kaster lilies from need Is not n difficult Job. Uncle Sam's gardeners say, nnd can bo un dertaken by any lover of flowers with good chances of success. In fact, thero Is no good reason why the 1-astor Illy, In tho greater part of thn United Slates, cannot bo made a homo flower, available tq everybody ut Kastor-tlmo, instead of a high-priced, artificially forced hot house bloom. FARMERS PREPARING Operations to Start Soon on Itlch Tulp Laml Near Midland (Special to The Herald) MIDLAND. April IC Prepara tions for the cultivation ot tulo lands near here on a largo scalo are undor way by M. A. Vochxaxer of Malln and M. Motschcnbacher ot Klamath Falls. Vochsazcr has on tho ground 14,- 000 feet of lumber for tho construc- tlrn ot i house and garage, nnd for other Improvements. Ho owns t.OSO ncres of rich tulo land which ho will plant to ryo as soon as went her' permits. On the Motschcnbacher ranch six miles from hero buildings aro be ing constructed for a crew of men who will start work soon. Several truck-loads of lumber and shingles havo bcon bVought from Klamath Kalis. FREE SEEDS SCORNED California Fniiiicrs Dl-approvo Coa "-.sslonal Measure! SANTA ANA .Calif., April IC Freo seeds, under congressional 'ap propriation carrying an Item ot $360,000 for disturbing seeds with out charge among farmers, will hnvo few "takers" throughout tho country If tho nttltudo ot Ornngo county farm ers, many of whom express distinct disapproval of tbo measure, may tbo takon as typical. "Farmors of this county do not want freo seeds," said Farm Advisor 11 ,rc, Wablbmt of Santa Ann. Developments Anxiously Awaited; Warship Sent at Precautionary Move DUllLIN, April 1 1 Eamonn Do Valcri today Issued nn Kaster message In which ho said: "Voung men nnd wo- men of Ireland, tho goal is In sight; stand together; stop ferward: Ireland In yours for tho taking. Take It!" LONDON, April IS. Dovolop monts In Iroland over Kaster aro awaited anxiously In vlowof tho re publicans' scliuro of four courts In Dublin, snd Arthur Griffith's deter mination to hold his pro-treaty moo' Ing In Bilge tomorrow over decr-c of tbo local Irish republican comma' dcr. It will be surprlso It Bund passes In SHgo without troublo. DKLFAST, April IC. IniurgeT Irish republican forces aro strength enlng their hold on Sllgo. The ropur llcans followed up their selsuro yes terday of the poitofflco, town hall guild hsll and bararcks, until now thoy control virtually every position ot vantage. DELFA8T. April IS. Two Drltls1 warships have arrived at Lough Swll ly, northwest ot Londonderry, as a precautionary measure. GRANTS PASS WINNER Local Debaters Huffiy Defeat Whoa Oppoatats "Wlp Oae Over" In tbo debate held last night In tho high school auditorium be tween Grants Pass high school and tho Klamath County high school, tbo Grants Pass debaters won by decision of 2 to 1, on their superior ability tn mako a "bluff" in rebut tal and to get away with It. Tho question was tbnt of tbo graduated income tax for the stato of Oregon. Tho atflrmsttve, rep resented by James Manning and Albert Moorland of tbo local high school; built up a strong argumont. contending that tho present tax-system was u failure, that the gradu ated Income tax would cquallto tho tax burden by distributing that burdon on tho thoory of tbo ability to pay, and used tho Income, tax system of tho stato ot Wisconsin as an example by froquontly quoting from the reports ot tho Wisconsin tax commissioner. The negative represented by Corlyss Courtnoy and Lulu Garrett ot Grants Pass, contendod tbst the graduated Incomo .tax would not equalize the burden; that It -was Inadvisable and impracticable In rebuttal tho debaters quoted from a letter purported to bo from the statu tax commissioner ( Wiscon sin, stating thnt the Incomo tax system ot that stato was a failure, and that tbey wero trying to got rid of It. When asked to show tho original ot this lottor, however, tho Grants Pass debaters wore unable to produco It, but Its work had bcon dono by destroying tho cuso ot tho affirmative The dobato was unusually Inter esting and was woll attended. A delightful entortalnmont was given by tho musical department under tho direction of MIss Evelyn Apple gate Tho program constated of a trio, "Moonlight on tho Lake," by Robert' Gootz, Kenneth Msler and Harry Pelz; u duct, "Whispering IIopo," ,by Ilobort Gootz and Harry Pous; and two girl choruses, "To a Wild Hose," and "Wu Did, Wo Did. Wo Certainly Did." The udgea woro Don Newborn, an attorney of Medford; J. D. Hatch, principal of schools at Do--' nanza, and Frod Potorson, principal ot schools at Merrill. WAIVKH IH-AJIIM1 Olonn Ulako, arrested April 1, on a liquor charge, today waived hear ing beforo U, f. Commissioner Bert O, Thomas and will face (be federal court at, Portland where, accordlag to his attorney, Wm. C. Marx, h will plead guilty. ' t? fx'i y V