The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 13, 1922, Image 1

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    1 'M
itumtftuj Herald
vi:nr, iiaiv on h,vow in ijahi
Member of the Associated Press.
I'iri'iilti Vhii ii. Win
KLAMATH FALLS, OltlXiOV, THfllSDAV, APItll. lit, UK!'.!
Group Conference Aj?ree
rncnt Reached at Close
of Bonrd McnriiiK
I hellnio Imlli iiprrutoi mill
worker hum reeii Iho light, mill
(lint uiiil end in Hut MinirimTH)'
lit iicir I hope In hour I tint lliti
whlMle mo Mowing nml nil
ini'ii lire working within ii fun
dny " - Win F Woodwind
nriHT.t.MiiMJ v.xriH
I Winker Mill meet III" em.
phijen In group id lliele re.tet.
lie pIhiiIx in Kiik mi nitilciMmiil.
liiKi IhHIi tide, ullli Oik under-
fmnllng llml tln liimr iie-tloii I
om-ii In iII'imIiiii, J
" Cnttrlllnlloli ImiiiiiI ttlll Imv
IU finding on tlio furl glenm-il it t '
tin' hearing, l'Kellier ullli lli'
tati until of earning' to I'" fill'
liMieil liy lertiiln of Hie mill mm-1
punle lo t'linlitnnii Wixxlwitnl nt
It A belli r feeling pieuilU le
Ihii'ii ttncUei nml ompliiji-i llinii
tin nl mi) lime -.line tin xlrlki
in turn it,
III n ilrmnntli session ut llin con
illliiUcn bonrd hearing last night. In
which n deadlock iletclnpod which
tltrenleiieil III ilritroy nil tin nf fort m
of tho board to effort n r.oltrmetit.
llin 1 1 rt tiwiKltiln result of tliu hear
IliK Mere obtained when tlio worker
nml employer agreed lo timet In
their respective plant In mt effort
to rearh some understanding lo end
the strike Tlio meeting Mill lm lieM
Friday afternoon ut tun o'eloik
l.nte )etrrd.iy nlternnon ttie ink
er n nml operators, nctliu; on the sug
gestion of Die linml, itint In private
slon In seek nil understanding. Tint
board nml onlooker were included
I'orty uperntiTH nml 12' Kirlkem
Hern prenenl. Tlitt remilleil In llin,
nlnmt nRreeinctit which, prnvlnim lit
the opetilnt; of tint evening iieiiiiloii
miih repmlUteil hy two men Mho .lillt t)i( (Vl,lrnl cm(lI KroiimlK nml
they repreitenled the wnrkem It hint
hren found, they null), llml nfler the
meetliiK n majority of the worker
were not In favor of tmitliiK In Dm
mill hut Mould meet the opi'intor nt,
inline tm Id In hall. Thcuo fpokenmen
went icnri:i lloili'iiliainrr nml Chu
When tho henrltiK opened. Chair
man Woodward alaled thn roMilt nf
I lie nfleriionn meetliiK of opoMlor.
mid Horkcr nnd nuked whether Ihere
went nny dlinienlliiK voice. Iloiten
h.imer and UroMii then repealed lhelr
aHscrtlmii A refc ' Iheli ileelar
ed while II. A. Kmime. .ti t Inn n
Miol.einnan, retired In oht.iln Ihn d
ilt.lnn of Ihn openitorH. Hn relumed
hlinrtly with the nnnouucemeiit that
thn operator would meet tint men at
tho mill and ut no other place.
At thin cruelul point, nfter Chair
man Whoilwunl had voiced hi re
;rot that u dnndlnck nhnuld
In th'e Iniil hour, W. II. rilbb.ild. a,
hhtant Nlntii atlormiy Kenernl, ndvln
or for tint hoard, took the floor nnd
iiiadn mi eloiiuent plea for n hetter
hjilrlt of r(foprrntlnt
"Tliimi I n neceimlty or n dead
lock ut thin llmu.'ivKlubnlil declared.
"I think both nlilon to thl controv
itrny hnvo overlooked thn fart Ihnl
thorn am othera than themnnlve who
(Contluuml to Poko 2)
wi:.Tiii:it ron.uui.iTii
Tho (!ytlo-HtonuaKraph ut llmlor
u'iiiiiI'h IMinriiHicy
t"" I roKlHler u hlKhor
unroiueiiiu eii
Hiirn than nt thn
tlmu or yeHterdiiy'H
report itlthouKh
movutuenlit In eith
er illrecllon uro
not Joiik MUHtulned.
Aftor ritdnK hint
nlKht it HllKht fall
oe our rod thl
inornliiR. No prom
Iho of Mettled wea
ther tun lm made Ioiik iih thl eon
tluuu.t. Thn proHuuiti KtuiidH In neut
ral ground with Indication tdlKhtly
hotter ror fair weather, than other
wIhu. KorortiHt ror next 24 heur:
Uimt'ttloil wimtbor with hrlHk
Tho TycoH rocording thormomotor
roglHtorod maximum and minimum
tomnoruturos, todoy, a a follows!
"Kh ...
Low .-l!'
Storm Center
iv2 (Sif 'a.
i:imrr Dover, assistant secretory
of tlio treasury, I n renter of n
political storm Ihiit may tmult In
the resignation of hlsli government
official. Politician my Prrsjilcnt
Harding support him In opposition
to Krcrrtary Mellon nnd lnltrnal
Jtevsnue Collector Illalr.
Airilllgi'l Ii)' ('iillltlllHrn
fur Hiiliinlnj' Aflu-nooii nl
t'eiitnil Hiliool (IioiiiiiIi
April 22.
lo oIimmw Hnlnril.ty,
iledlKlinteil hy I'ri'ililelit
llnrilltiK nit tlie KoMen iniiihiTK.iry of
Arliur lliiy, locull). Mm rcarlieil )et
terdny ittlernoiili Ii)' n roniniltleo of
lint U'imiiiu'ii auxiliary of t tin rlinin
linr of roinniprre, inei'tlttR In thn
chnintter of coiiunerin rooniH Uculilei
inemlmni of the iiuilllnry,' there wern
prenenl I) Treil Weiilerfelil. niin
inmiiler of llin l'Klott. W.
0 Hnillh, city coiincllninti. nml Hob
ert tloetr, prlnclpnl of tint IiIrIi
iichool, nil of whom promlM'il mnUt
nnce. A 111 of nil nKelirlet mill t ril I I1 till 1 n
Mill he iiiiki'il for the liniiiKurntloti of
n mnx'immt. Ii:ivIiii: mi Itn nlijerl the
tllllimito iiiloriiinetil of the city with
tree. It M'an rrnllseil liy tint roinmlt
tee that lint mnoniit of actual plnnt
InK Ihl yeitr not ho Inrite, Inn
It wiit full tlmt ntini'.ruin.o of Ardor
Dny llti ii proK'mn uonlil he n roii
KlnrlliiK point for nrcnnlint elfnrt,
which. It won renllinl, mint lm upreail
over n perlml of )enr to Kel any con
nlileralil.i reftllt
Tlio proKrmn on April 3J, will lm
Iwtlit at 5 hi lurk K.itnriliiv iiflirnnon
will rniiaUl or nil nddreH. mnr and
phtnllni: or vine and perhap a tree
ImintlKutlmi of thn mnnt ctiltahlu
pec( of tree ror thl climate will
he mndti. and reldeltl will lm iirKed
In idant tree lo iidnrn their prein
Uen. Iiilh thl KprlitK nnd tblH fall.
Tint week rrom April t to 22 hn
Iteiitt net iih tit o ))' pro
clamation a I'orent I'rnlecllon week,
nnd the Klamath and Lake Counlle
I'lirenl I'roteetlvn iihHe l.tllolt. elate
and i;ov eminent forest ofriclul, local
lumbermen, and iltlicn cenernlly
Mill Join In Kit nliM'rvanco.
HlKli School Student I'rAtllcltiK
for Mi-I Willi CraulN I'a-
In preparation for tho routine In
terdUtrltt dehalo I'rlday nlKht wltfi
Ihn (Iraiiln ('a IiIkIi school on tho
itietlon, "Itekelved: That n i;radu
nled Income tax ithnuld hn made n
feature or tho ntato hyutem or tain.
I Ion In OreKou," J.tine Mannltii; and
Albert Moorland, leprenontluK tho nf
flrntatlvo ror Iho Klantnth County
hlrch Hchnnl havo been practicing
dally lioforn thn aBsembly and now
havo their material and Bpoeche well
In hand ror tho romltiK contest.
It wivh learned ut tho IiIrIi hcIiooI
this mornlni; that (Irani I'atH will hn
repreBcnted by UorlyHR Courtney and
Lulu Cnrrett, who will probably ar
rive In Klamath Falla thltt evenliiK.
Principal (Inntr. also iinnounced
that tho JuilKc ror thn debate will
ho W. I.. Kmlth. I'rjnclpal of thn Mn
llu Union hKh school, anil Don New
hurry and II. V, Linda, attorney of
Application ror wilt or liabou cor
pus by Carl Schubert, 8r recently
cnnvlctod In tho Juutlco court on u
charKo or having lluuor In hi pits
hhkhIou nml lined ll'TH, wa douled
today by'circttlt JuOko C. V, Sloiut,
Tho application wad made on Iho
ground that tho romtilalnlni; wltne?s
wuh not preHcnt ut thn trial, but tho
court hold nvti preaenco wn not 08
Bontlal, nn hn wn not nucosnurlly
thn only poison Injured throtiRh
tho nlleRod law Inaction,
Movie Commcdian Declares
He Will Take Rest to
Get Rid of Fat
HAN niANCIHCd, April 13
nm (l-'ntlyl Arlnnkli'. melni: iii-'nre, m'iin iiciiillteil In nix inlti
nti'H nt Ihn third trial Initt eveiiini;.
Arliiiiiilit mid hit would titko ii
Komi rent nml Ret rid of niirpliin fli-ili,
nritilred ilnrltiK the IiIiiIk Ho plmni
lo return to tho plitnreit If tlio puli
i.11 tv.tnln him.
Tint remnlitlni: iiimiulutiRhter
i rhnrccii (iRiiliiHt Aihnckle will hn
iIIkiiiIhmmI liiiinei.iley, Annlntaiil
l)ltrl(t Altoriiey Krledtitiiti tin-
KAN niANt'lSCO. April 13.
I.nter today Ihn illntrlct utturney
illninlimeil tint reiitnlnlni; Arhttckln
tiintiRlntiRhtnr clmrcc
. I
Hlm-tliiK IIiksIiiiis Mitiiler Oilier
of llellef WiiKnli", I .'ill llir.e?i
I'AIUH. April 13- A MMtiilier of
Ainerlriin drUern of rein f w, icons In
IIunhI.i hue heen killed III the Rtreit
Ii)' the famlntii'd pnpiilarn who will
ed the horM'n for food, accordlMR to
report to the AhU'rlcnti relief orRnnl
7.itlomi In I'nrlft from the I'fa, Hash.
kn and Tohylllabul famlnn ilUtrlUv
TOKIO, April 13 .Inpatient troop
havo driven the Chita i;ovcrnmeut
force from tho neutral zone between
them nnd thn VlndhnMok koi em
inent troop, my n Vladivostok ill
patch. Tho .InpaneMt forced the Chita
troop n rar north n Slim:ikokn.
nhotll 100 mile from VladlvoKtok
nnd nrn npproachlnR the Umirl xtatlim
a few ntllc farther north. The Vhnll
voKtok Kovernment troops have occu
pied tho town of Olpn.
1'iiti: ciui:i Aft'i si:i
rOHTLAND. April 13.-CharRe
or Inefrirlency, mliKonduct and
drunkenne wi're filed iiKalntt l-'lrej
Chief John Youni; today by C. C.
Drown, u I'nrtl.iud renldent, through
hi attorney.
Chief Young denied th echarge.
ileclarlng they reulteil from a con
nplr.iry by lit foe, who hid "be
hind an outtddcr not amenable to
Meellni; Conteni'M nl U o'CIhiU Af
ter Curly Ailoiirimient ; I'iimI
WlllliiniH I'rnld n
The htarlnK huforo tint publl' r
vlie (nmmlHflnu In the matti'r of loc
al rir lnurun',o nnd water rharK'
thl inoriilii::. ndjoiirued nhortly after
it wn Minwned, In order thai ri'pre-nentiitlw-H
ol the city, ihamber ut
eoiniiier'i!, htalo Inmiranro rritlnK
bureau nnd nlato Mrn inarhat'n of
tho and Callfornla-OreK'ui iiower
I'linp.iiiy niMliI talk over delall'i or
ihn plan for Inerearins; th" local wtt
or NyHtem, ami nilhmlt It n atlfyln
all p.irtle when the nimnlMidnn re-(iitiM-iieil
thin afternoon n 2 o'clock.
The tdtuatlon wn outline d by .1 A.
Cordon, prenldiml of the hatiiber of
roinmerre. lie aald that the illy wa
thiealeneil with an approximate In
ereai or lnuranci! rale. nrr.rcKat
Iiik $60,000 annually unleiiK better
Urn protection was provided nml that
tint power company had promised to
enlnrry It i.yMem to inwt nUlre
itiont or the prennt Itnurnmn rate,
It uu annual Increase In revenue ol
apprniltnalely $20,000 a nurnil.
J. N. McCuno. manancr or tho rnt
Itir. bureau, confirmed tlm utatcmettt
recnnlliiR lnuranc0 rate, and ald
the Inrrnnxn would hnvo been made
beroro thl time, had not tho rhnmbc
or commerro nked delay until the
plan lor Increaslnc tho water nyitem
had been Rtlbmltted.
AmoiiKdctnll to ho ettleil nrn
whether the new miln line should
comn nlotiK thn hill above thn huil
lie dUtrlct, or up Klamath avenue;
whether the city should own hydrant
or pay rental to the porer rnmpany.
and other matter MibMdlnry to the
cetieral plan.
Chnlrmnn Fred Wllllnm. i-r tho
puhlle wrvlco commUslon I presld
I ni: nt tho hearlnc. Thn fin- m-inhal
I reprenetited by Horace Pykea. a
ltant: tho power company by I'nul
II. MrKcc. neneral manaRer: the city
by Mayor Wiley and Councilman
Weht; tho Insurance ratltiR bureau by
J. N. McCune, and tho chamber of
coinmrrco by J. A. Gordon, proiddcnt.
WASHINGTON, April 13. Legl
latlcn providing long term credit
for farmer, reduction iif railroad
rate. iideiilat.i tariff protection on
agricultural products and develop
ment of tho MiimIo projects as
n fertilize,-" producer wa nnnounced
to the senate todoy by Senator. Cap
per. Kanna. a nmonu tho objectives
or tho agricultural bloc.
MAiiKin iiwtmr
I'OltTI.ANI). April 13. Cattlo
hteady. Hog Rte.nly; prlmo light
$11 to $11. no. Sheep steady; bcBt
Kprlng lamliH. $10 t $13. Kggs lc
higher; hu)lng prlco 20c to 23o.
Duller firm.
Wheat $1.22 lo $1,211.
Australian Aviator Crashes
in Practice Fljght;
Engineer Dies
LONDON. April 13. Sir Honai
Smith. Australian aviator, who with j
hi brother, Hlr Klnth, had plumed
lo atari rrom Croydon, April 2C, on
a rilfiht around tho world, was'
Kiueii wnen nt piano crnfihet In n
prattlre fllKht at tlrnokland today.
1,1'iu ft riant Il'-nnntt, engineer,
who had planned toaccompany tho
Smith brother,! on tho world night,
wa alto kilted.
The miichlno which craihed was
Ihn one that thn Smith Intended to
line In thn rilRht.
Cet .liiilKineiit of $1,0.1.1 In Litiga
tion Ovi-r Ktrnvntlon
Decreo ror (ho plaintiff. W. J.
Nicholson, was signed today by Cir
cuit Judgo Stono In NlchoUon's ult
against II. W. Poole. A. A. Iloll
man. I). O. William and Krcd
Ducslng a defendant, nnd Mar
parol Durrell Dlddlo or Portland a
Intervenor, giving Judgment to Nich
olson or $1, CSS. SO, with Interest
from November S. 1920, nnd $250
attorney'a fees and coit.
Tho suit grow out of a dlsputo
on tho excavation work dono by
Nlcholon at the corner of Klghth
and Klamath avenue, and tho lot
next to tho Wlntcr'a building, which
wa to bo occupied by thcatro build
ing In connection with tho Pelican
Theatre ( corporation, tentatively
formed In tho summcr of 1920.
ci.i'it woiuj I'ltocmxsixc
Fifty two boy and girl arc enroll
ed In tho county club work this year,
Including a sewing club of 37 mem
ber, n pig club or 10 and a dairy
herd club or Dvu member. All of
tho club nro doing good work, ac
cording to Frank Sexton, county club
agent, who returned rrom a visit to
Mnlin and .Merrill yesterday.
CHAIILKSTON, April 13. KIght
hundred keg or powder, stored In a
building a quarter or n iiulo south
west of tho Charleston general or
dnanco depot, ten miles from
Charleston, exploded today. Tho
shock w;ib rolt for mllci. Thre?o
workmen v.ero killed nnd several
. General aregorio Semeno?, IXu
lan Couack leader, haa been cr.
rvstdl In New York on a chargi of
PlUurtiC American mcrchandlso S3
eastern BIberU end of blss ro
ponstbl for th death of tiro
Americas soldlen.
Report of Finding I Made by
Civic tXut Tliroosh
Principal HmKli
A a result or class study In tho
Matin high school on tho county unit
plan or school administration, Prin
cipal John W. L. Smith today Issued
tho following report by tho students
of tho civic dais, which Included
Haiel Hunt, Kuth Purdy. Blossom
Turned, Zcna Wurlow and Annie
1. Tho office of county superin
tendent would bo abolished.
2. Alt districts having less than
COO children of school ago will, be
consolidated Into ono district under
tho control or a school board of five
members whoso main duties are:
(a) To omploy a superintendent of
tho district and fix hi or hcr salary.
(b) To employ all teacher In the
sub-district subject to tho approval
of thn local school committee.
(c) To employ siooV J:rItore
(d) To provido sufficient school
building and equipment.
(e) To prepare a budget and levy
school taxes.
(f) To consolidate sub-district
when necessary, or transport pupils.
(g) To tako over atl school prop
erty or tho present school districts
and nssttmo all their debt In tho namo
or tho county unit.
3. All district united will become
sub-dlstrlct with a locnl school com
mittee elected by Its legal voters.
Thl committee will havo chargo of
the local school property and may
reject teacher tor cause.
4. Tho county unit plan will pro
duce tho fallowing results:
(a) It will mako nil school tax uni
form over tho county.
00 H will glvo each child equal
school advantage.
(c It will enabto tho county to re
tain It best teachers nnd dispose
of tho undeslrablo one.
(d) It will cnablo tho county to
securo and retain tho best superin
tendents. (o) U will enable tho bonrd to buy
school supplies at wholesule and nt
u great saving to tho taxpayers.
(f) It will tend toward tho unlll
cation or school equipment.
5. Some disadvantage might be
(a) Tho county may bo too large
a unit.
(10 Centralization or power might
bocorao too great
(c) Some school could bo ravored
more than others.
(d) Political Inriuenco might en
ter '
(o) H tho people wore not careful.
Incompotent board members might bo
QiieMlon of Selling Hcervntlon
Timber to Come l'p
A meeting of tho tribal council or
tho Klamath Indians will bo hold ut
Chlloquln April 25, in order to de
cide upon a courso to pursuo rolatlvo
to tho proposed salo ot tribal timber,
according to Clayton Kirk, a mom
ber or tho council.
Steps will also bo taken, ho said,
to strike from tho rolls tho name
ot Indian who nro, not rlghUul resi
dents or tho reservation and not en
titled to the privileges many ot them
are said to1 bo onjoying.
Many or these Indians, Kirk said,
came to the reservation under former
administrations nnd have been thero
so long It la difficult to dotermlno
whethor they nro rightful residents.
Most Are Promptly Disa
vowed; Disarmament and
Reparations Stand Out
ORNOA. April 13 Whllo rumors
or a sensational nature are flying
thickly about conrorenco circle to
day, mont ot them being promptly
disavowed, ono fact that nlipuarod
to stand out w thai nolthor dis
armament nor reparations questions
would bo brought up for specific
action against the opposition of
LONDON, April , 13. Lloyd
George, Foreign Minister Schanier
and Louis Uarthou, heads of the
Ilrltlsh, Italian and 'French delega
tions to the Genoa conference, aro
holding an Important meeting to
day, says an exchange telegraph
dispatch from Gonoa. It quoto
Darthou aa saylni; that tho real
work of tho conferenco begins to
morrow. GF.NOA, April 13. Nikolas Lo
nine, soviet premier, will coma to
Genoa to replaco Cbltcherln aa head
of tho tlusslan delegation when ne
gotiation at tho economic confer
enco reach a propor stage, says tho
newspaper, Secola.
Hhortrklgo May Itrcommrad Ap
propriation of $86,000
WABHIOTON, D. C, April 13.
Senator Snortrldgo announced today
ho la considering presentation ot an
amendment to the agricultural de
prlmunt appropriation bill tn pro
vido $50,000 with which to continue
this summer alrplano patrol service
over the forests of California, and
parts ot Oregon and Washington.
W II. (ireoloy, chief of tho Forest
Service, advised Shortrldgo today ho
la In favor ot continuing alrplano pat
rol which ho said has proved so ad
vantageous In tho past threo years.
Ho said tho forest servlco originally
planned to Includo this Itom In tho
budget, but was advised by tho war
department that pianos and person
nel wojild not bo available.
Shortrldgo will confer with war de
partment officials and It given en
couragement will presont an amend
Official Name I Adopted by HJfiti
School Student
A meeting ot tho "K" men ot tho
high school was called last evening
by Proiddcnt Pat Montgomery, and
various matters ot buslnoss were dis
cussed. Among othor' things tho official
namo for the organization was adopt
ed, which will be "Tho Order of the.
"K". Tho president then appointed a
constitutional committee which Is to
roport a.t tho next meeting.
Club activities woro discussed and
It was decided to put on an enter
tainment and baskot social .Friday
evening, April 21, for the purpose of
raUIng monoy tor student athletic
activities. An entertainment commit
too consisting ot Tlobotr Gootx, So
los Mills, Chester Shrlvor and Clif
ford Ilogue was appointed.
OrganUatloa to Conic Fteforo todgo
at Special Session
Imports ot general Interest In tho
organization ot a- lodgo ot Pytblun
Sisters hero woro mado last night by
Knights ot Pythias, and It was de
cided to nsk all eligible women to
meet next Wednesday night at tbo
Pythlun castlo to discuss organisation
and, If it appears desirable, to organ
ize. There was formorly a lodge hero
and a number of former member
will be present.
Knights ot Pythias will hold no
session Wednesday night but will
hold a special meeting next Monday
night to welcome Grand Chancellor
Flnseth ot Tbo Dalles, who will par
tho lodge an official vlalt.-
, t ,' io'