Page TKrcc THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 111, It .-: The Office Cat IIV JUNIUS IMIIOIH'CIMI fil'.VILK HI'ltlSd 'I lii' r.entlo uprlni! will noon he hIHi iim 'Ilium Ih iilili'iirii galore "I'In hum Id I I'm mill top iiml mar- l.ten HUiili'H iiml nli'iU nit mum Wllil ki nun nm (lylriK uurthuniil 'I'lni hinebnll hi'iiiiiiii'n iii'iir Hut mi erstwhile nIkii Ik iiiIhuIiik "I'In iiiik Iiml trail", "Hoik liner ' Tiihiii tC mi nii'ti IihiiIh aiiiioune ii "Kuril I lay ' nheii nil 1'onl ears lui hnlli'il in make tliemnelven Hi liiiiiio mi llm streets T A Steven Mill n.iyn lin miiiiMi'il Hull was what I'uriU illil mrry day I'ririiuMi' i.irix "I notlm you tri'iinnlly people iiml ink Hum lit plfk town uiir riir ' "Yes. n.ilil the enterprising eitlien. 'Tin null! iiilln ii tiiunlii'r tit life III mirnnr,. poIMm In ml way A tiliin inti'i irv will ri riiHn In lirjir what yun Iiii lu nay when he's r"l(liiK' ii free tide Tnic lu Tj it" "Hay. this blasted rar ynil stlirk inn wllli I kIiuiiIi) llilnk was meant In stall. JiiiIkIiik ly tin- way It arts" "Well, what nti' you klrklm; nlmnf llliln'l yuu liny It (ll llm In hlllllllll HI plan?" Out lu Oiuulia a can meter render Itirni'il nut u Im a luirRlar Hotm limes II does seem raltirr hard In make llin distinction .Nil lfP'no Paul -At Hut pari) I tlintir.M '"r rostome whs rlppliiK. I'atilliu' Well, If you were a Ken lli'liiaii, )nu would lui' told inn Nil Two iioil iiiiiNtort lu emu ofllfr In I hit tiuttKiiiit pIlKlit of Pleasant Val ley, N V What i banco bun u post rani there, up ask you Timberworkers Local No. 188 ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE WEEK When You Help Us You Help Yourself We will start with a lit tles easy pping. The en tire Skating Rink will be given on April 11, 1022, all receipts going to Timberworkers ben efit fund, local 188. Price same as has been. Scandinavian Hall downstairs Wednesday, April 12, 11)22. Let's stay on trip at the Hot Springs Bath House. Entire ro ceipts to be given to the Timberworkers' local 188. Wednesday, April 12, afternoon and night Prices same as have been. If you can't swim drown. Come anyway. We will end the week with a Big Union dance at Chiloauln. Ore. The ' first great Union dance ever given at unuoiHiiii April 14, 1922 All money goes to Tim berworkers' local 188. A big good time offer ed. Music donated, by Fylling-Bean Orchestra Remember Friday April 14, 1922, at . CHILOQUIN TODAY'S FASHIONS THESE STYLES HALT FLAPPERS Queen Victoria Herself Would Approve These Pretty and Conservative Frocks Ojiecn Vjclnrlu licmi'lf would have approved of these styles whlrh ('over shoulder' blades und'Splnal rotiitnn The pitiitulum It w liming toward mom lonservatlvr style for spring und summer Embroidering In bright color, applliiii'il ornaments. In elvct und Kill ami hand-painted design an sprinkled lavishly over frocks ami even null of ni'iilrnl shades. A plain llllli' dress In sand shade homespun emerges from obscurity through a riot of field flower Irri'd arro the lower part of the iiklrl In idlk embroidery Daisies, popples, rorn hlooiiiK, wheat and huttcrrups rllliihed from the hem alinoit in Ihn waist lino. A taffeta evening drem In old Mum l ornamented wllh a flock of The .lunt ami I he 1'njutt livendar ntorklnRi, npenklnR In Rpnerallllen, am reminder that Reed and nll walk on rijually comety U'K. ON II Bit I wrnt In a fountain wllh Mary And met with an awful mlnliap: Kor I awkwardly emptied a bottle Of noda all over her lap. Hut Mary wan Kentln and grnrlnun (l'or none In no tactful an nhe) And nmlllnK with perfect rompanure. Kahl nwrclly "Tito drink ant on inc." The t'linnK' Wife lleforo) we were married you lined to nwear you would loo me nlwayn now you only nwcur. KomrlhliiK WronK llnhby'n iIok wnn llmplni; nlonR on three feet. "Look, Daddy! Tr' not lilttlnK on all four cyllndern." - - - "i - injvinnnftitrtnjfn - rin.rinnnnin CLASSIFIED ADS MVAAAMVrVVV'VVVWMVpMVVVWVVVVVVVqAiV' MISCELLANEOUS Chal mora,' good necond hand ron dltlon. Will trade: foreman rar. Ford preferred. Can bo neen at llulck Halen & HervU-n Cu. Klamath ul 7th. 1 1-12 r'Olt HA1.K Vlctrola und Duffel. Call Mm. Garrett ut Swoct Shop. 11-13 I.OHT Haturduy nlRht between Olene und Klamath Fulls, u lup robe. Cull 122W. 11-12 Newtown applea $1.50 per boi. Hot CroBH buna for Thurnday. Jlottlod milk 7c quart. Why not Ket your chicken or rab bit nnd Hauler egux at the Public Market, Dili & Klamath. 11-12 Anyone wantltiK ranch work apply ut AKrlculturo office. . 1 1-1U NOTICK Annual moutlng of Upper Vun Urlmmer DrulnuKo Dial,, April 22. 1022, ut 3 p. m. ut renldeuco of t'rod McKendreo. Kor purpono at olectliiK supervluor and aueh other' business that may ebme before the mcotloK. KHIM) MclCI-:NDHi:K. Sec'y. 1J-12 RA8V WAI.KINO Hubbor make It, Seo Jack Kioat. heels io-ir WANTKI) Nino Dourbon red lurkoy tKRH. I'leuso Htato prlco und write Ituy Freuor. K. F. O, No. 1. Olene, Oregon. 8-12 Whlto Leghorn baby chlcki, IlllOO per 100. Tuncred utralu. .Heavy luyera; circular. Henry Tnrratt, Corn JiiB. C.J, ' V 7-SJI sfSaaaBBMW company mJ bird hand painted across It full, stiff n 1. 1 r I Some are bluebirds, wllh brown nml Rruy wings, other are gay songster of the tropic In ornnKO, crimson, emerald Another drs In Copenhagen tnffeta In flnlihed with nld-fnh-Innid nosegays, ull tied with Bold roril ami with stem wound In koIiI tinsel, nil from vehct and uppll uued ut Irregular Intenul over tho entire Kannenl. tftlll nnother ilenlRn U worked mil in Knyptlnn flRuren ami nyni oU, vmbroldrrPil or lialnted on idlk litounoH anil xklrtH. There wnn a time, oxpostulatm Harry llorrl when thn naiaphone wan u wry uneful and renpected rltUen, but, llko no me kind of people they Rot to runnlnK around In palm, trloi and lutein und proved onro mom that Iwo'h company, three'n bad company. More earthquaken In California They're awfully nennllhn about men tlonliiK them nut there It'n nald that newnpapon now unn the headlnK "Latent Moementn In Ileal l.'ntnte." Sucrenn often brlnRi potne, morn often nvolrdupolne. but IISTIIAV NOTICK Came In my place, near Modoc Point, Ortuber IS, 1921, one Here ford bull, comliiK two yearn old, marked wllh under-bit In rlRht ear, und branded on left hip with dim brand, apparently I C, Owner may recover animal at my ranch near Modoc Point, opponlto now nchool house, upon payment of pntturaKii and mhcrtlfdng bllln. Apr r.,l2,l! CIIAH llCltNAIll) - ii'' - ' - ''i,"," --------- . WrWnMAMrWWWrlMVM FOIt RAM: Second-hand store. Very reanonuble Must icll ut once. Call G24 Klamath live. 10-15 FOIt HUNT .Apartment, ground floor, name uh house to nol f. Newly enameled and papered. r9 Wuvhlni; ton. Phone 682J., !) u. m. to C::I0 P. in. 10-12 i:. It. CAUPKNTRll. Pointer nnd PuperhuiiKer, Phono 270J A-8-M-12 H. O. Whlto Leghorn liaby Chlx for April, Mny & Juno delivery from our owii bred-to luy nto'ek. Our prices ure right. Model Poultry Furm, W. C. Smith. Prop., Coming, Cal. Klab Ushod 901. 6-29 Swedlnh noloct certified seed oats, ton lots 2 eta; low quuntlty 3 ctn. J. A. ilushoiiB. Klamath ;F1U, Oro gon. Cull ut Murphey's Feed store, 124 8. 0th St. ' 3tf . Order your trocu, shrubs and rose bushes. KLAMATH FLOWER HHOP , Phono '.89 834 Main Si. 0-20 FIL7. SCHOOL OF MV8IO Present enrollment 38 pupils. Thoro Must B Ilewioa For the fact that our prosont enroll ment la the ,'argeit ever held by a school In Klamath county. Cdmplete course on the piano In 20 lessons. Course starta at any time. Enroll now. Btudlo 306-309 Winters' Bids, SOU If you1 want to Mil It, buy it, trade It. or Mad It. try s Herald classified E. P. Hunt Named Coach of Stanford Freshmen' IIKHKI:M:Y, C'al , April 12,-K. I. Hunt, former I'nlvpmlty of Indlnnn iiliirlerlinrk, Iirh liecn niunml foot hall (onh of the frmhmi'ii at Stan ford Unlvernlty. Hunt Iiiin alhletle roach lit Ihn Herkotoy IiIkIi ncliool hern nlnro 1618. Hunt formerly pluynt under (llenn WnriHT, who In ndvUory roach at Hlnuford nml who will lieiornu head rnudi In two yearn when IiIh rontrart with llm University of I'ltttiliurrh et idren. Wnrni-r approved of llunt'it nelectlon. t 12 Coast Universities to Enter Athletic Meet BIJATTi.B, Wnnli , April 12 Twelve I'aelflr (mt tmlrernltleit and rollelteH hlivu already urinpleil lnl Intlonn to pnrtlclpalf In Hie Unlver nlty of WanhlitKlon'M third annual re lay ramlval, to lie held at Ihn Mad Dim hern April 2!i. A number of old rtn nm expected to enter Thn Hchooln that havn already plar ed men In Urn entry lint are Oregon Agricultural rollege, 1'nlvnrnlly of OrPROli, Wnnhlnnlou Htnlo I'ollone. Orrldentnl CoIIpkc I nlvemlty of Mill.l.n dvcldcd upon. ii ho. Unlvernlty of Montana, Monlnna i 0weer, MinaRcr I'oytcn nan W'enleynn ColleRe I'nrlfle I nlernlty. . ,.,, )U,y nn,, 1M Oiroajv Kched- CoIIcko of 1'uRel Sound, Itedlamln I Sawdust Ball Friday Night Duvall's Hall Oh, What a Sight! Cruise down and bring all your black-haired friends that will fall for the gang, and buck the Klamath Falls Union Jazz till your limbs weaken and bunch -to be wheeled. Don't let 'em get the edge on you, but cut-up enough to make the grade, whether you are green or dry. Then you can tell '"m saw. Bull Pines, $1.00 Sugar Pines Free P.-S. The whistle will blow at 9:30 p. m., and the camp will be closed about 3 o'clock. Friday Night, 14th, at Chiloquin TIMBERWORKERS C33!; fatch your iwitt I ftKJH&M7flWvsgw - Tftnyvhgcl t' I .'Bolh'LonAFillGr s ' jtrffo&on G?rnan 'ayfS5bt LiSfSFSBl ' iPORTiTMio'1' ' .fSK!fi SAVOY CAFE . i r "l J"" I . m '" ' CHINESE DISHES NOODLES -SPECIAL MERCHANTS LUNCH, 11 TO 2 - u. wwwwwwvMWiwvivryvirvfvwatvanrMiMinnwriie UnlVcfHlly', (lonnRii TnlvcrnUy and thn Unlvemltyof lJrltlnlt Colnrnhla, Thn Unlvernlty of Cullfornla hnn duflnltcly deillnod to participate, and It In believed thn Unlvernlty of South ern California will not he roprenent oil Htnnford and Willamette nnlvcr nltlen nml Whitman colleen nr ox perted to enter Inter Thu meet, It linn been announced, will hn divided Into two elnnnen, the "A" dlvlnlon Ineludlnj? all nchooln, memhorn of the I'aelfli' connt or Northwent ronfernnren, ImvInK more thnn 2S0 ntudenln, Thn "II" dlvlnlon will lncludo'nll ndiooln not memlicrn of plther of the two rnnferencen Kvcnln In thu dnnn "A" will he the half mile, one mile, two mile and four mill) relnyn nnd nnmn npeclal nventn Including the 100 yard dah and the pentathlon Clnnn "II" evenii will Include the one mile relay and npeclnl 100 yard danh. Kvcry effort will he made to place the nlndlnm track and field In the hent rondltlon ponnlhlo for thp ramlval. Junior Athletes to Have Baseball Team A number of Junior athletes about town hav orKanlrod a bane ball team, i lected l.etlle Peyton their mnniiKcr, and re now ready lo meet all comer. An appropri ate name frr the team ban not yet uled two Kamea to bo played In k. i H''. VVJ.XTJT y - -Ts ttr next.nicWi "W4 2'S oVui'iim' ii 'i & i i gaaBTrafTage-- , . sss V V :.arJ-.rv acw r djs ntain aiiM-r n . m - Klamath Kails, one for next Hundny with Merrill, and ono for Hunday, April 23, with Malln. Tho players who huvo slgnod up to try out for poiltlon, are Charles Orovu, ttobert llootz, Vernon Chris ty, Itaymond Hilton, Chester 8hrlr er, Frank Peyton, Ueorgo Dow, Harold Wortley, Pat Montgomery, Harry Malatore, Itohert Cornish, Martin Adams, Dean Ileckley, Law rence French, Delo Mills and Ken neth .Maler. Dyspepsia Had Me In Its Clutches 1 5 Years, But I'm Now A Picture of Health TANLAC i' wottJtrtut,'ayt Mn. Lillian Turner, 421 26th St., N., SmattU, Waihn. All my frind marvt at t ha remark able change in my ap pearance, the adit. Thou$andt of pedple who uttered eo long they be lieved their catet beyond reach have found permanent relief through Tanlac. Get m bottle from your druggist. NOTICE TO CltEDITOItH I.V THE COUNTV COURT OF THE KTATK OF OIIEGO.V FOR KXAM. ATI! UNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE E8TATE OF CHARLES J. FERGUSON, De- ceased. Notice Is hereby Riven that the un dersigned has been duly appointed administrator with tho will annexed of tho Estate of Charles J. Ferguson, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath county, und all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present samo to the undersigned at my office at the American National bank, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 20th day of March, A. I) 1922. E. M. BUM). Administrator of tho Estate of Charles J. Ferguson. Deceased. M 29. Apr. 5. 12. 19. 2 NOTICE OF ELECTION OF . HOARD OF THRK' 8L'PER1S. u ons of the MjaDows drain: AE DISTRICT OF KLAXATH COUNTY.' OREGON TO TnE'OWNERS'OF'KAND SITU ATE IN THE MEADOWS DRAIN. AGE DISTRICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY. OREOON: Notice Is hereby given that a meet ing of the owners of land elturta In the Meadow a Drainage District of Klamath County, Oregon, Is called for tbo purpose of electing a Board of three supervisors as and in the manner provided by taw; said meet ing to be held j In the County Court room In the Klamath County Court House In the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon on Monday the 24th day of April A. D. 1922, at the hour ot 9 o'clock In the forenoon on said date. C. R. DEL'AP. Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon. A 0 to 20 Inc. W. E. & J. E.' Patterson CONTRACTINa 'PAINTEIW PalntM, Oils and Varnish 630 8. Sixth St., KUniath Fall Phone B82-J from O to 5:80 ' DR. C A RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. BuUdlac PHONE at DR. J. a GOBLE . OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN 700 Mala St. i Pbeaw ll-"W We tit and grind glasses, Dupli cate broken leasee, repair frames. Is the cheapest thing you buy, pro vlded you make a wise selection. BLOCK WOOD 0.00 A LOAD Is the hottest, therefore ' the 'best wood for tue cook' stove. SLAB WOOD SO.OO A 'DOUBLE LOAD Is tho cheapest tor all purposes you get more lor the money. O. PEYTON' CO. 419" Mala PbOM'SM WOOD Chiropractic Removes tho Causo PgPfS tLsTsTstegigF .aLLLLKesBMBEt 'sTsflgigl "" gkigl Abnormal Normal Hplnnl Nerve plnrlieil nt this opr"lng Tho above rut shows how eas ily nervn energy to Important or gans may bo cut off. A similar condition In your spine Is the cause of your trouble. Chiro practic adjustments will cor rect It. Drs. Mallett & Mallett Underwood Hide Seventh and Main Phono 53D-J I. FRED WESTERFELD Dentist PtMM 4S4VW "X-RAY LABOKATORtKH Loovria BMc "XfasuMli Falls I. O. O. F. Pronperlty Rrbekah, 104; meets First and Thin TharUiy Ewaaaa Encampment 40, meet rach Twcwlay Klamath Lodge 1S7; meets each Friday WOOD s -Delivered T c o. D. load good blocks $4.00 Single load " $6.00 Double load " $8.00 Double load slabs.... $6.00 WOOD AND HAT FRANKFORD aa ataJa BC. rbOM TS Klamath Falls Plurdkiaf A Haathtg Co. UTt MAEf R. PHONB S4sVW DR. F. R. GODDARD OBTKPOATHIO PHYSICIAN AND 8UHGSON Ofttoe em Berideaea Phoaea 111 L O. O. F. THafPLH RAINBOW SWEET SHOP " BREAKFASTS AND -LUNCHEONS SERVKD SOFT DRINKS. ICB CREAM AND CANDIES Winters Buildiag Phoae 158-J PRICE, HILTON, A GARRETT Proprletora KLAMATH P08T No. S, American Legion meets In the bdiement of tke new courtboUse on Main Street on the first and thlrd-Tuesdaya of each' month. Bz-aervlce men are Invited to at tend tke meetings. LDr Pred Westerfeld, Commander. H. B. Oett, Pott Adjutant and to ilet and Employment committee. . " DR. H. J. WINTERS 'flniluti aad Staia Raadateted OPTICIAN Nineteen years kere la bwlnets We grind and fit.Gluse Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Sarrtce Beet Bqalpped Opalaal Stera In Sontkera Oragoa 714 Main Strat r NEW CITY LAUNDRY Finished Work Flat Work RofhDry "Put Ton Dads la Oar da' PHONB 104 Corner MAla aid Onager J. C CLEGHORN CSVUj aTKlClasTsTS ANDiC1tVMVO v awMaasB ATJaSH) evSHaw laP Ui,MsjJLjii - - 1