WKDNKHDAV, Al'RII, la, 1089 THE EVENING HERALD, i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Puro Two II II II '1 M - ,$.i ft- m ThejjEvening Herald V. lt.H6tJLK....fcll'tor nml Publisher II. It. HIMi..... City Editor ss"fVVsrrV'Myxfu'vv'uvvvvvvvvv Outbursts of Everett True By Condo fWAJAjWWWVbwWWWWW0V0W'' Published dally except Sunday, by Tlio llornld Publishing; Company of Klnmntli Knlln, nl 119 Eighth street. Entered nt tlio postotflco at Klnm-1 nth Falls, Ore, for transmission through tlio mails n8 second-class mnttcr. memIier op the associated! , rrtEss I The Assoelnlod Press I oxcluslve- J lv r-ntltled to tlio Usn for publica tion of nil now tllspntche,, credited to It. 'or' not" otherwise credited In' tills paper, nnd also the local news ptlbllnhod' lioreln. i 1 ' i vi:i).r.si.v, Aiwtiij 12, maa , ARBOR DAY IN a region fnmed for Its timber It In peculiar that tlio chief city should Ito no destitute of trees n ' Is Klnmntli Knlls. It Is a condition I thai cries loudly for remedy. i Tho President of tho United States has this, year proclaimed April 22 as , tho golden nnnlvcrsary of Arbor Day, j nml nuked co-operation In Its ob- j servanco by tho governors of all Mates, public officials and Reed cttJ rns generally. Tho week, which clones April 22. U set nsldo by tho s.imo proclamation as Forest Protec tion week, to bo likewise generally observed by tho direction of public attention to tun value of trees, the unnecessary was to that Is diminishing our forests, the deplorable effects of forest devastation, and tho need for remedial measures. Oregon, as one of the few remain ing hcaTlly timbered states, will d6ubtlcs Join heartily In the obser vance of Forest Protection week, and Klamath county, as one of tho most heavily timbered areas In Oregon, should be In tho van of the move ment. Thu Women's auxiliary Is encour aging a profiram of planting this year. Tho American legion post has considered a memorial trwc-Ilned rtrect In honor of Klamath county's sacrifice In the world war. Tho pub lic schools will doubtless Join tho movement, for upon tho ccmlnc gen oration will devolve most heavily tho responsibility of saving the nation's forests. The lumber Interests may be ex poctcd to tako an active part, and so may tho Forest Protective associa tion, tho chamber of commcrco and ull other agencies for civic develop ment. All good cltlxens would Join in so worthy a movement, If launched In a co-operative spirit and pressed vigor ously ns Its Importance deserves, and tho next week can be made cne of great educational and constructive value, eulmlnatlns In a generally ob served day of planting trees, shrub bery and flowers on April 22.' A shaded yard and well kept lawn often marks tho difference between tho real home, and a house where penplo dwell. With the cultivation of flowers, tbo community cultivates the homo spirit, which Is tho basis of our community and natloal prosperity. Jood citlxens could attempt no moro constructive work than to form nml follow an active program for tho obbcrvanco of Forest Protection week and tho golden anniversary of Ar bor Diy In lino with recommenda tions of tbo president. ASK OPKKATOHK FOIl STATKMKNT OF lll'KI.N'KKK (Contlnuod from Page 1) of San Francisco, president and ownor of tbo Dwlght Lumber com pany, and tho principal owner of thu Dig Lakes box factory of this city; A. J. Voye of thu Uig Lakes box factory, und C. A, Jordan of thu Chlloiiuln Lumber company. Dwlght said ho only know of tho general conditions In tho industry, because he had local representa tives to tako care of this end of the work. Voyn said ho could furnish data as to operation, and' for con tcmplutod operations. Ho roltcrat iid the statement tbat tho longer hour was vital to tho life of the In dustry. J It dovclopod yesterday from Jor dan's testimony that only yesterday u committee from tho union had called' off somo eight-hour men in tho' Chlloiiuin dlatilct who wero working on tho logging rullro&l. llo could not L'lvo the names, but suld tSoy wero from Klamath Falls utid from- tho union, Chairman Woodward then culled to' tho stand J. D. McCoy of tho uulon committee., who, aa secretary, signed tho resolution of yesterday, to explain this action in tho face, of tholr resolution of yesterday. Mc- & OMe WMo -fj? V jfc .pJT : NV" ' W7 sK. O r" -- . Vrvjt" STOCK BY AIRPLANE Sheep TrnnpnUcl Tlirnimli J'roiil Klko to Suit Luke Air SALT I.AKK C1TV, I'tnh. April 12. Delivery of Ihostnck h iilr mall parcel post win accomplished for what Is thoURht the first Hunt when n sheep was reruntl. tiaiisported through the nlr from Klko, Nevada, to Suit Liiko, over 200 mites, for ex hibit at the fifth annual liiteriiiouii tain t.hcstoek show here The sheep was entered In the in hibits by i: .1 Mllue, superintendent uf tbo Nevnda Industrial school nt l-lkn. nml was placed In a ciiite which was strapped In the mall pit nn top of the pouches of the mail plane pll oteil by IC 1 FiiRer. Ac ordliiR to Chiron Nelson, sup I erlntetiiteiit 1 1 tbo western illusion of .111 ealr mall smite here, this Is the first time the scnlco has oer under taken the transportation nf livestock Albany Local mill tu open for iitendy run I Nuwpoit $'10,000 tiatiiturlum to Vie orecteil, Pendleton to be nurvryed In urnuo dofliille plntis for beiiiitlflcatlnu m: i.rxr. avmi:", a fiumu 1'I.AV. AT SlilAM) TOVK1IIT "Do Lhmi "Annie," N'orimi Til niadRo's latest Heltnlck o Ivnl, which will be shown toitlRht at the Stianil theatre Ik mild to bo aslly different from the nvornRe crook play. It tells the story of a flnel)-hrett unman whose hiltiband Is luteiested In cilin Inn) psjeliiiloKV ami who Is herself transformed Into a criminal by an nc- ildellt The crime she piai'tlres Is t In 1 "deluxe" Riiine, an adaptation of the otd badger R.ime In whlih the woman puses us a seller of de line editions and Inveigles some Individual with a weakness for pretty gills, where upon her male confederate breaks In to tho suitie ami blackmails the vb I 1 1 tit whom he lias found In mi euiliur I rasliiR position with his "wife " ' t N'orimi Tnlinttile,, la nsititi'Liltv niiK. I Veroiiln -.$23.ooo bonds voted Mr, , for t, ,, roj ,,lH H1.r(11 union hlKh school lrnin.i whl.li calls for beauty, style lone SprltiK billlillUR c. iistnietlonl ,,, ,IrIi order of nitlstry In the' ,,rl',, 'ar Miss TaliiiinlRti'H iierformiinro In llulldlliK boom trlkes Ashland t!,, ,n Hire brines out oery shiulo of ' OREGON BREVITIES You, Too, will Cooli wilh Electricity When you nro conviiicud of lltcio fncta: It will ki'ep vnni kltiheii inoler Tlie lil Ice will be letnllli'il In' the must; von do net h'ie In haste. It will conserve your food, not burn it; like the wood stove. nul moiling will be iliiiin while mi tin t lit-, work Ju it '! the switch; tllll Hiivllili Mm an hour of time Ilnve you tried Electricity? THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Coy could give no definite Informa- Mc.MlnnvlHe- Oregon Flro Hellef tlon on the subject, except to say association to erec' $"0 Ooo building that If thli had been done, and ho nothing of It prior to that j knew time, that U was doubtless tho act of the local men at 1'hllon.uln. He admitted that on all general mat ters tho local union had Jurlsdlc- j tlon. He premised to bring In the I facts at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Chairman Woodward stated that "thero Is evidence of bad faith here Consultation come placo on the part of tho union ' men. and ho would like to havo the facts. Asked by Flynn thi.. afternoon whether Graduate Foot Specialist At Your Service anj Examination Free i K. K. Fool K. Store Specialists he thought tho strikers" - ,.. . . . .. . .. , ... h luicuit'iu uiai iney wouiu lano u i wage cut rather than longer hours. ' which might result In a da in a ml J for Increased wages later In event they wero reduced now, a ruse, Claude Daggett, Ewauna Ilox com pany, stated that while ho did not doubt the sincerity of the men, be questioned their ability to live on a lesser wage. While not outwardly agreeing with Flynn, ha Intimated ' that he held a similar belief. When Daggett declared thut tho ' prlco of box shook had dropped 16. , he was asked from what price the' drop came. This Information he re-; fused to give on tho grounds that It j might be valuable to his competitors, and that prices varied with condl-1 tlons. Ho volunteered to tell the board In private, however, and j agreed to furnish a financial state ment at requested. ( GOLD MINING BOOMS Mother Lotlo Country to Ito Kerne of Kxtentlto Operations i MOKKLUMNE HILL, Calaveras! County, Cal., April 12. Mother Lode j country near hero will bo the scene of ' tbo most oxtcnslvo mining develop- J ment this, summer that has been ex. perionced In 20 years, according to E. 'M, Ilrowder, Los Angeles mining j engineer and president of a local min ing company. Many companies of this vicinity aro now preparing develop ments which havo been rendered poi slblo by decreased mining and mlllliiK ' costs. 1 What Your Eyes Need In Glasses Can he determined to an optical and math ematical exactness under our methods of scientific eye examination SEE H. J. WINTERS GHADUATi; 01TIC1A.N Phono 119-W 712-714 Main KsiiiiiiiiiiiiH Pwnltf Ijnl fliiSrrTHtfi mfflffisiiiiHMHHsBttHSVssstissil Good Cnrs Cheap Cheap Cars Good Cars for Slim Purses Cars for Fat Purses Cars for Everyone Come and see Yours before someone grabs it BUM SALES & SERVICE CO. Klamath Ave. at Seventh Phone 17G-W emnttniint fnling In tier portrait "' tianllimi to aiiii'lier It it an ahmnb (lilt trunk pnrt. iKliiir. It far tit uf Iiir slot) with a deep liiiiiiiin Inii'i the iniiiimmplai'ii lit Ibe fnri-o or lier est ami a tremendous stirirlmi at llm mmii pnrsiiinilli its w'll its n iim.iioio j t'tld iitbiilnglinl twist of tho stort ' Ho l.inn Annie ' nppeateil origin- I ally as n two part story In The Hal tinl.iv Evening I'ost; Inter It was made Into n play by Kdwnrtl Cl.irk ( ntnl ui'hleMiil eohslilernliln Niirrnss In sin in: uf iiomi i:i.i:tion I'A'riCllsilV lllltlliA'HOV ins- niirr Nnllce is hereb) given, Hint an elei-tloti will lie held III said District on May 2nd Vili. at what Is known New Vorl( It then was adapted lis nn th Jenmin Whitney liinili In sil.t senwti nliiv for ll. Tiilmnili-o ii'isiriii, iiiuhmiiiiii. wiiiiiiit mini SI ret n pill) lor MISS miniailgtV I l,,llron Irrl-iillnn .ll.trlrl -I., .11 l.. Mix Tulimulge's leiidlllK mini li I I'liceutt O'llrleti, who pt-rfnrunul u similar fnnrtlnii In 'iliimis of Vos iterdiy" and "My Itlr.ht of l'nr biisn ' for this star. I Tin piny Itself Is keved with in peine mid I II lived nwUi'i fr..in oni' silo boilils In llle h ii III of t III. mill fcir the piirpnse of piorrrilliiK with llni llttessarr loiixtriirlliiu work us Imln tnforo ili-terniUieil ly llm Itoanl of Din tors I Mini pnl 1th. 1M22 SlKtieil IIKUTIH'DI: Mit'OIIMIf'K, Her y lliiaul of Ulreetnrs, Apr '. l2-IU-2rt J I m. f'TTEARLSHtPHEMiY . 1 I I BEST tlC0(D I I jm. SERVICE mmL-t 507 MAIN STREET ue 7 ImAmK 'j BsflsT ssH r m y m Vf ma me GTober's- lv Golden Gaie" ryKX i j the order which Injure Jl jrJco!Tcc,lcMucFolcr'iGol(lcii Gate luia flavor t)iitnecrdiuppo!nti. It is"i!iircnt in tJtc from other cof fee am! better." . s s "H Find out for )ourtelf how good it ii.Tcll jnurgtoccr to send )ou Form's Golden Gitc. . J. A. 1'OI.GHR & CO. Siin 1'rJniinii A'unui Cilf D-ilUi v ill I'iW ss""m L WARDEN IS ON TRIAL DOINGS OF THE DUFFS DANNY REGULATES RISING TIME BY ALLMAN Will Defend Himself Acalnst Clint p of Mlsapproprlullug; Fundi DAMMV. oh PAMMV - V;nii -"Alt ntTiiiv -t"iiXr- uut-nrt wiuui turn klM2C imill-Vnilfifi-un ItPI MvivJi-iMwtrs ijwjji iii " HELKNA. Mont., April 12. Frank Conlny, formcr warden of tho Mon tuna stoto penitentiary, entered tho district court today to defend him self against churgos of mlsappropriu Ion durinK his term us prison official, property valued at approximately $300,000. Probably no caso In the history of j Montana has attracted such state wide Interest. Political fuctlons of tho stato havo lined up both for and against tho former warden und it In said tho rcbults of the present suit will do moro to decldo issues at tho comlnK election in November than any otbor ono factor. wmm$j 'tsfeeiUH wi III, rTv.EHTv.oNE.- liir QyAjr . . innni J s TweMTv-THfJEE. ; , VZ ' Uv fe rM Vtvjentv-four' yW r, why),, Tw &mf (''l 'tit vj 'Si Seed for Your GARDEN, LAWN or HELD j .h4 ,t v 5 i w c .iJ f i . . . j . t. ) MURPHErS SEED STORE 124 South Sixth Street Phone 87 J 1 i i .-jfri yr-t-yV.-aj ? k"WSsSHgmRjyj