The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 11, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Tl'KSIMV, Al'ntli II, 1022
Page Four
Personal Mention
Mr. nml Mrs. li. W. Conrad are
visitor In Ihls rlty from nonsmulr
W, II. Cnrroll. 'representing tho
Anil Orapo company of Snn Francis
co, Is railing on merchants hero to
il ny.
Pntil Fnrrnll arrived hero hint
nlKlil from 1'orllnnit on n liulnc
", William T.ilt, prominent .Mcdford
htiqlnrt innn, l n vlsltnr In tliln rlty
Mrs. t'liiirlct Wcthrnw returned
lust nlRlit from Los Angeles whore,
she bus spent the paM flv(. month.
C. II. I.andls returned lnt n I slit
from California.
F, K. Kastmnn. Standard Oil com
pany roprrirntathp. I a hiisincix vis-
llor hero loiloy.
Mr. anil .Mr. J. N Panders and
children (Cturncd last night after a
month' visit In California.
Mrs. O. Dennis nml Mr. Hoc Flom
tiling of tlio new Long-Hell Lumber
company town of Leaf, are hero today
pun basing Htippllei for I lie ramp.
Mr. and Mr. C. (). Young returned
I.ipI night form Weed.
Mr l.eU Ilradford and daughter
returned last night from Ashland
where llflV had visited friend-.
F. It. Paeon I hero mi hmlnen
from San Franclco.
A. 11. Shelby, represenllng tlio lla
lor Hamilton company of San Fran
cisco, I transartlng hixlnet here.
1). Warren of I ho Modoe Lumber
I company returned last night from
V. ( Dalton was liVtho rlty today
looking after liit'lnr affairs from
hi ranch near Malln.
Mr. fid Mr. C. It. Ihvtvman nml
daughter. Allro was visiting In Kl.-ini-nth
Tall today from Clillixinln.
I). Ilowman and C. C. Hcldrlrh.
mrrrhants ot Chiloquin, were In the
rlty today on business.
Ivan "Pankey, Yalnav rancher l
registered at the Hall hotel.
(J. M. Strowbrldge. prominent gar
age own of Chiloquin, was In Klam
ath Kails today oa business.
ley teams for a guaritntco or Ht)-iiid
ono dny' expiate, to vthlch (Irani
Pass has agreed, but to which Med
ford mid Ashland ho ouch made a
counter offer ot n flat guarantee of
10 This, If accepted, would leave
three da)-' expenses or approximate
ly S'lJiO.OO to ho met by the local
team should they make the It In. Pu
les thai amount ran bo raised by the
student within the next row days, or
Hindu with tlio valley schools, nil
thought ot a baseball 'trip (hi spring
will lune to be abandoned.
iu:r.w i.t (itt)i:it
Order of default was entered In I lie
j c.isn of lald It Lev mid V. T Pull
ey, against Francis Adams and wife
and Pianel Ail mils. Jr.
Avintor Haunts Hnncnr
Ghostly Plane Is Seen
sion ot a ghostly aviator holering
In it phantom plane around the linn
gar used by the late Lincoln llearhey,
who plunged to tils death at the Pan
ama Pacific exposition In San Pratt
Cisco seven year nco. have thrown
resident of Il.ty Farm Island, near
Vere, Into a panic, nccordlng'to Har
ry Voung, tender of the bridge con
necting the Island with the mainland
One resident, a vegetable grower.
claims to have been the phantom
aviator on two successive night,
while crossing the bridge li the
dark, and feared that the plane, fly
ing low, must collide with his wagon.
A the plane rame rln.o to Itlm It did
not alter It conri according la the
man. but Instead It "flew right
through him."
UoMdent of the Island state that, the phantom might pesslbly
have been their Imagination, they
prefer hereafter to pass llearhey's
hangar In the daytime.
After P.eaehoy'0 death, the hangar
was removed from the exposition
ground and, tawitl to the Island,
whoro It has remained untenanted
ever Ince.
M'lr OX xeti:
(irorte L. t'handlei today tiled suit
against Joseph 1). IVrxan and other
to foreclose a mortgage on laud In
the valley, south of bote, seriirltv for
it loan of IlltOti on a nolo dated
March 20. 19 1.
ci..mii:s otvm rin:yn:.Ti,v
(Continued from ragn 1)
An Interesting phase of the Oeno.i
deliberation If treaties mid political J
subjects are permitted upon the I
ageuda, concern the H.iltlctnd Ital
kau state embracing Poland, l-'lu- ,
laud. Ksthonl.t, Latvia. Ittini.iula. .'
Jugoslavia and Czechoslovak!,!, all of
whom will have delegate at the con
ference. Of theso nation. Klnland, Latvia I
and Pstlionl.i already have an all I- 1
mini with Poland, while Jugoslavia. I
Cierhoslovakl.t and Itiiiualila, com
prising the Little l.'ntiili are on !
friendly terms with her. l.lo.ul j
(eorge, It Is understood. Is anxious to '
further strengthen theie friendly rt i
latlons and at the name lime iiilni
niUo tlio dangers if future war.-t in
tlio llalkans h) securing at Opium
a treaty of peace with Itussla on the
one hand and Poland, with her allies
and the Little Kutente on the other.
Should iirh a treaty develop fr-cii
the ronferenre. It would affect the
peace of more than iiio.miii.oiio national.
Question of Finances
Confronts H. S. Players
LOS ANfiKLF.S. Cal.. April 11.
Income taxes paid by I.o Angeles
cltltcn this yer wore ttl.000.000
I less than the total of a year ago. ae
' cording to officials of the local In
I tcrnal revenue office. Approximately
twenty percent fowor Individual fll-
cd Income tax return thl ear thar
' In 1921. the aggregate collection be
, Ing J30.000.noo a compared with last year.
Plioph.ito lli-lp-. Milium
Forty pounds ot superphosphate
to ouch ton of barnyard manure ap
plied to the land will result In In
creased yield. It reinforce the
Leslie I'eyton, manager of the high
school baseball team. Is In receipt of
letters from tlrant Pa. Mcdford
mifl AaMntwl In rochnl In rmnoit
which ho has been trying to arrange ' ,manu,7 ' Phjorus. the element
to play In tho valley on April 27, 2S
unil 29.
Peyton has aksed each of the
Local No. 188
When You Help Us
You Help Yourself
We will start with a lit
tle easy going. The en
tire Skating Rink will
he given on April 11,
1U22, all receipts going
to Timberworkers ben
efit fund, local 188.
Price same as has been.
Scandinavian Hall
Wednesday, April 12,
1922. Let's stay on top
at the Hot Springs
Bath House. Entire re
ceipts to be given to the
Timberworkers' local
188. Wednesday, April
12, afternoon and night
Prices same as have
been. If you can't swim
drown. Come anyway.
We will end the week
with a Big Union dance
at Chiloquin, Ore. The
first great Union dance
ever given at Chiloquin
April 14, 1922
.All money goes to Tim
berworkers' local 188.
A big good time offer
ed. Music donated by
Fylling-Bean Orchestra
Remember Friday
April 14, 1922, at '
In which It Ih low, but which
drawn upon heavily by the crop.
(Continued from Page 1)
time obligations. Including those
held by the I'nlted State Oraln j
corporation, a total of $1 1,333.-.
091.011. of which J10.i:.O.n.t56
Is principal und tl.lS3.059.SI In
terest accrued and unpaid. I
Interest amounting t() I1S9.SI3.
IT9 has been paid by thirteen of
the debtor nation on various obll-
gallons, but no Interest payments .
hae been made by Armenia. Aus
tria. Ksthonla, Hungary, Lithuania I
or Nicaragua, although In the case
ot the last named country Is duo
on Its note until their maturity.
Oreat Ilrituln. Franco and Italy
combined owe more than Slo.ono,.
000.000 of the total Indebtedness i
duo (hi country. The smallest hill I
I against Liberia, who owes ;i total
of S2A.2IS 85.
By Our Country Editors
Schcol was closed fuvcral day on
account of the Illness of tho teacher,
Mr. J. a. Mct'lollan.
Tho l-adles' aid koclcty will meet
with Mr. Dan Kaylor Wednesday
Mr. Jess Drown's brother, Mr.
Cooper, and his family, are hero
visiting from Oklahoma, and look leok loek
ing: for a placo to muko their home.
A baby girl arrived ut tho homo of
Mr. and Mr. Jay Falrclo'H Saturday
April. 8th.
Mr. anil Mr. Chan. K. DoLap and
family und Mr. J. II. Crlfflth wcro
guest at Clydo Orlfflth' for dinner
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mr. Dan Kaylor spent
Sunday at the homo ot Clin. Lattu.j
Everett (Irlfflth la over from Ash
land on n visit.
Mis Telllo Latta returned with
her mother from Klninuth Pall Inst
week whoro they havo been for Mr.
Lattn'a health.
Mrs. J. II. Orlfflth of Klamath
Falls spent tho week-end visiting
hero with relatives.
Miss Florence Dlllard of Shasta
View spent Saturday night at tho
homo of her aunt Mrs. 8. II, Orlfflth.
Mr. and Mrs, L. A. West and fam
ily and Fayo West spent Sunday af
ternoon at tho homo of thelr daugh
ter Mrs. Clydo Griffith?
Dick Flynn moved his sheep to
Stukcl bridge whero ho will feed
them for n while.
Jim O'Kccfo has moved his sheep
to Malln. .
cd their horse Into their camps pre
paratory to the season' work.
Charlc Lcnx was In Kirk early
this weok from hi ranch nt tho ii
pur end of Klamath marsh.
J. Paul Wamplor ha moved oer
from Ft. Klamath to tho Shaw Pert-1
ram Lumber company's camp ami Is
busily engaged In making preparation
for his mimmcr work.
C. K. Drown of tho Martin mill has
everything In shape for tho mason'
run. Ilo expcclii to cut a largo scale
this reason.
A foil of tho poverty stricken Win
nlugham family, who havo been Isol
ated at tho upper end of Klatnnth
marsh this winter, mado a trip out
on skis this wool; to get provisions'
for tlio family.
Mrs. Itobt. Taylor lias Just return
ed from a short visit with hor son
Hay Tayloj at Ft. Klamnth.
Tho local Southern Pacific mixed
freight and passenger I rendering
communication with tho outside
world every other day.
It Is rumored that tho Pelican Hay
Lumber company, will movo their
stock In and will Mart work at an
early data.
I). Dodge w'ho has taken over tho
Illrd wood cutting equipment Is bus-'
lly engaged cutting wood for tho
Lamm Lumber company.
Our economic buy
ing power (includ
ing over 900 stores)
enables us to sell
so moderately.
xF H P r
Watch our, low
prices, examine our
niorelmndiHe. We
save you from 10 to
20 ',, on our new
seasonable goods.
Your Easter Suit is Here
No matter what price you
may have in mind, or what
fabric or style you may desire,
vou can dcnciul unoii fimlimr
many pleasing models in this
splendid showing. Here are
the season's newest fashions,
including models for street,
sport and dress wear. Trica
trine, twill cord, ratine, home
spun, tweeds; also checks and
plaids. All the latest color
ings. Prices range from
$19.50 to $49.50.
Women's Dresses
Special $19.75
Kxtra special offering. Wo
men's high class dresses. Mod
els selected from our regular
slock priced at a substantial
saving. Heautiful styles of in
dividuality and smartness.
Straight line, basque and long
waisted effects trimmed with
braids, ruffles, buttons and
embroidery. Taffeta, Canton
crepe, crepe de chine, poirct
twill. Newest colors. Priced
special at $19.75.
Easter Needs
Can Best be Supplied
at this Store
Women's Dresses
Women's Porch Dresses in attractive
styles, samples and odd lines; made from
gootl grade Percale, assorted light and
(lark colors One of our K. C. IJ. New
York buyer's specials. (See window.)
Children's Dresses
Serviceable frocks for girls (I to M years;
all made from good quality ginghams,
linene, beach cloth, crepes and cambric
percales; large line of assorted colors.
Prices greatly reduced 95c up to $2.50
Lovely New Blouses for Easter Wear
Tailored blouses of crepe de chine to wear with
Easter suits and sport skirts. V or round necks, with
Eeter Pan collars; also square neck with long collars
and vest fronts. Long sleeves. Trimmed with tucks,
plaiting, hemstitching, laces and hand-embroidery.
White, tan, mais, biege, jade, rose and flesh. Splen
did quality crepe de chine. Prices range from $5.00
to $14.50.
Easter Handkerchiefs
Ladies colored all- linen handkerchiefs,
with hand embroidered designs in one cor
ner. Special, three for $1.00.
Ladies' fancy cotton handkerchiefs, col
ored edge. Special, two for 25c.
Presenting the Newest Coat Modes
Models for All Occasions Moderate Prices
Aside from the uncommon smartness of the styles
and the moderate prices, there is an additional ad
vantage to be gained by choosing your new coat at
this store, viz. : larger and more complete assortments
than are to be found elsewhere. Customers tell us
frequently that our showing is the most attractive in
the entire city. Many beautiful new models are shown
in Gerona, Veldyne, Pandora, Delysia, Velour, Trico
tine, Tweed and English flannel. Dressy cape effects
and the more practical belted and plaited styles.
Short and medium lengths. All the new season's best
shades represented. $19.50 up.
Easter Neckwear
Many novelties just received in time for
Easter. New lace trimmed ehlmesetz and
cascade frilled jabots; made from Venetian
and real hand made Irish laces. Prices
$1.25 up to $5.00.
Corsets for Easter
Many new spring styles in
our various lines are now
shown for Easter dei)iand. We
feature the celebrated lines,
such as Nemo, Moclart, Red
fern, Warners.
At your service, two grad
uate corsetiers.
Exclusive Agents for Peggy Paige Dresses
Women of Odesxn lime I'eiv tlothen
nml Often Xi. Hat
Itny liros. will started their mill
Monday, April 10th,, and expect to
cut 20,000,01)0 feel this season.
C M. Shohnn reports that his now
hotel Is ncarlng completion and ho
will soon bo ready to accomiuodute
all transients und travelers.
Pat SlmoiiHon of Klinoiihon Druth
ers, is now very busy skidding ties
for Condrcy & Son.
Tho'dopth of snow lit this vicinity
Is fit til SO Inches on tho level and Is
melting very slowly.
It Is understood that tho Lamm
Lumber company havo recently niov-
Mrs. W. F. Kolsom visited
week with her daughter, Mrs,
cr, of Iilldobrand.
Mrs. Mary Ilulln and sons enter
tained a largo number of friends at
a danro ut their homo Saturday night.
Quito largo crowd attended tho
program given hy tho Spring Lake
uchool Friday night althouKh tho
weather was bad.
J. W. Wrlht of (Jazollo, California
visited at tho Frank Hiuwart homo
Mr. und Mrs. Win. Chcyno visited
with Mrs. Choyno's parents in Klam
ath Falls Sunday.
Mrs. Oeorso Williams received a
shipment of baby hlckH Saturday.
Mr. Arant Is feeding a band, of
sheep at Cluirlen Muvk'H plate.
Yes, hlr;
a now hut for Kastor. K.
ODRSSA. April 11. Spring fash
Ions do not bother tho women of
Odessa. Thoy havo no now fashion
Journals nor cloth with which to!
muko now dresses. Women sometimes
havo a hat and a fow yards of rough
cloth to clotho thomsalves.
Underclothing Is un unknown
quantity. So aro stockings for the
unlucky. Women who havo cloaks or
furs wmir them In day tlmo but ut
night leave ilium homo. If they did
not thoy would ho robbed In tho dark
ened streets.
Peoplo who go to tho thoatur trav
el homewards In groups for protec
tion. This lack of clothing hits very
hard tho youngor girls. One of tlium
said to thu correspendent: "I should
Illcr to go abroad, If only to get nice
, Tho oldor womon In Itussla, when
talking ot tho chiincu of over gutting
aboard suy, "After all, If Wo got
abroad Vo would bo -vury pnor and J
feci our poverty more hy tho eon
trusl. Hero wq aro all dressed allien
and moro or loss In rngs and so long
us wo ran got food enough porhapa
It Is best thut wo stay in Uussln."
Chalmers, good second hand con
dition. Will trade for small car, Ford
preferred. Can bo seen at ilulck Hales
& Sorvlco Co. Klamath nt 7th. 1 1-12
FOIt SALK Vlctrola nml Iluffot.
Call Mrs, (lurrott ut fiw'eot Shop.
Get result by using class aj.
Oet results by using class ads.
LOST Saturday night botwoon
Olene and Klamath Fulls, it lap
robo. Cull 122W. IMS'
Now town upples f I, fit) per box.
Hot Cross buns for Thursday.
Iloltled milk 7c quurt.
Why not gut your chicken or rub
hit and Kastor oggH ut thu Public
Murkot, 'Jill & Klumuth. 11-12
Anyone wanting ranch work apply
nt Agrlcultiirii office. U-lll
Annual meeting of Uppor Van
Ilrlmmer Hruliiugu Dlst.,' April 22,
1922, at 2 p. in, at rnslduncu Of Find
McKendree. For purposo of electing
suporvlsor and such other business
that may conin before tho meeting,
FltKII McKKNDItKK, Hoc'y. 11-12
iL. Xli
Kowhorg to gut community build
ing and city auditorium.
Mudfoid PIuus Hindu for now
high school,
St. Joo employing many men to
work In peach orchurds,
"The Fall of
Next Sunday
"The Girl From Nowhere"
. The Star without a failure, in a Photoplay
you'll enjoy
Coming Wednesday Norma Talmudge in "De
Luxe Annie."
Admission 10c and 20c