The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 07, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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I Personal Mention
C, 13, IIIpp, (iKlRtnnt Ronornl npont
for tlm California OroKon Power com
imny, nrrlvnl lirro Innt nlKlil for ron
inillnltnn with tlio locnl office.
II. I. Mortenrnri, prpddVnt of tlio
Pelican liny Lumber rnnipnny, re
turned IrtBt nlslit from a business trip
to Run Frnnclseo.
1), M, Mcl-emoro, prominent stock
mnn, nrrlvrtl licro Insl iiIkIiI from
A, K Krnnso of Hip Krnnse
linr rompnii), who lun lern In Wood
for n day or two, returned lnsl nlKht.
A, K. I'n f ford of tlm Rlerrn Madro
forent service, ulth lipadnunrters nt
' Madero, California," Is u visitor hero
( V.. Spero, representing the Ran
Kranrlaco Ilulletln, arrived hero lait
tilnlit for n shnrl ltuslness stay.
Mrs. A. I'. (Hover letufned lat
tilcht from n I wo weeks' visit In Hip
Raernmentn volley.
('. II. Illll nnd C. P. Arnlll nro busi
ness visitors here today.
II. K. Calkins returned from the
Houth last nlRlit.
T. M. linker of Tillamook was
nmonft the arrivals on the train last
0. K. VnURhn of the Southern Paci
fic, who has been III In the com
pany hospital at San Franclsro for
tho past two weeks, returned last
iiIkIU. Ho was accompanied by Mrs.
I-oulso Cnlluuo of tne Oolden Ttule
returned last night, from Hilt, where
she has been visiting friends.
Mrs. H. Tutrcll Is a visitor hero to
day from Hilt.
Dr. J. II. Carter lias purchased the
residence of I. (1. Van Hellen. 435
Jrffcrxon, nnd lll make his homo
there following tho departure of Van
Ilcllcn. formerly In tho shoe business
1'crc, who will mnko his home In
II. Wells nnd his family were
pengers for San Francisco this morn
liif;. They have been residents of this
rlty for tho past year, employed nt
the mills. Wells also has a ranch near
Jl'errlll. They will return to this city
when tho work opens up again.
Andy McGee left for Ashland on
this morning's train to visit his moth
er. Ho was accompanied to tho train
by n number of his friends.
Tho Dunham Auto company Is un
loading a carload of Ovcrlands today.
V: P. Overton from tho Klamath
Agency Is a visitor In this city.
Henry Jansscn returned last night
from a four month's visit at Salem.
J. M. IJakcr and II. D. Dunn of
Portland, representing tro Hubcr
Constrcctlon company, are business
vlsltora hero today.
Mrs. Charles Itogcrs of Medford Is
u guest at the White Pelican.
It. II. Slagel of Modoc Point was
n city builnisri visitor today.
If. ICelnapple of Malln was tran-
ractlng business In tho county seat
A. ICallna, imminent merchant
nnd banker of Malln, an In tlm city
todny transacting hutdnoss.
Ucurso Afcor fiom near Kcno whs
n city vlsltor today visiting Mrs, Ager
who Is III In a local hospital,
Tho faculty of the Mills Addition
school hnve nrrnngod for nn nrt ex
hibit to be held on Kildny, April H
Tho exhibit Is being glvenfto obtain
money to purchase frames for some
of the pictures.
K. C. H. S. Ball Team
Plays at Malin Today
Thl afternoon the high school
baseball team went to Malln to play
a game with the Malln high school
team. The Inral boys hao not n
yet had enough good weather In
which to prartleo to rhoose a regular
team mi tho contest today Is simply
n tryout for the tfi men maklug the
Those to go to Malln were Cha
drove, Hnbert (Soctx, Chester Shrier,
Kr.uik Peyton, Oeorge Dow, llnrnld
Wortley, Donald Dickson, Kenneth
Mnler, Vernon Christy, ltnymotid 1111
ton, Robert CornNh, Harry Mnlatore.
Law euro French. Leigh Dickson Pnt
Montgomery, nnd Clifford Hogue.
First-class dressmaking. All work
guaranteed. Mrs. II. D. Cozad. form
erly of the Andross-Glover Style shop,
r.22 Klamath avc. 3-S
FOR RK.NT FurnlshM- and unfur
nished apartments. Also small
house. Tel. 312W. T-S
FOR SALK I dor. Leghern hens. 1
year old. Laying. Telephone 4T9J
or call !27 Jefferson. T-S
dlven by the Chelan Cnmp Fire
girls. Central school, Saturday. April
S, 1922. at Johnstone Furniture
store at 10:30. 7
County representathes wanted In
every county In the northwest to re
present a strong lino of Metal Grain
Dins and other Metal Farm Conveni
ences direct to tho farmers, and Irri
gation and drainage specialties to
such users. Position permanent and
profitable to good salesman with au
tomobile. In answering give age. sell
ing knowledge and references, Now Ih
the time. COAST CULVKRT &
FLUMK COMPANV, Portland. Ore
gon. 7-10
with plow and tractor disk. Uox F.
1). Herald office. "
White Leghorn baby chicks, $11.00
per 100. ' Tancrcd strain. Heavy
layers: circular. Henry Tarratt, Corn
log. Cal. 7-29
FOR SALE Rhode Island pullets.
1133 Grant. 7-S
FOR SALK Four room houso M
hlnrlf ntt n.nvnmnnf ttnrin Will
take car. balance easy terms. Owner
112.'. Main St. upstairs. 7-10
LOST Roll music someuhero on
Main St. Finder please phono 23 or
130. 7-S
FOR SALK S dairy ciiwh or will
trade for xheep or cattle. Ilox F. D,
Herald office. 7
i i
G yards Brown Muslin 5 yds Novelty Cretonne
$1.00 $1.00
Full yard wide. Reg- All new patterns, 33
ular 20c. inches wide
2 yds. Epongette 3 yds. Novelty Voiles
Sui"" $1.00
P 1 UU 40 inches wide, reg. 50c x
For sport skirts and one ; ; T ; 7"
piece dresses, reg. G9c G yds- Lce. Bordered
. Scrim
3 yards Alden Cloth $1.00
$ 1 00 36 inches wide, white
(Similar to Devonshire) and ccru
12 yds. Absorbent 3-yda Jape Crepe
Gauze $ 1 .UU
(1 ik About 15 colors to se-
VI . UU ieet from
Full yard wide :
""I T - ; 4 yds. Tissue Gjngham
5 yds. New Percale g f(
CI (t tpl.UU
P 1 UU A choice lot of patterns
Full yard wide to Eelect from, reg. 35c
mm -
New Linens for
at Reduced Prices
Easter Fashions
A Colorful Pageant of the New Models
The Easter presentations bring delightful opportunities
to patrons. The pleasure of your visit is appreciated
"A suit for every well-considered wardrobe" thus fashion's edict.
Whether the decision be for a trim tailleur of twill, a handsome three
piece affair of some rich fabric or a tweed of bonny bright color, the
Fashion Salons offer finest choice.
Tweed Suits from $19 50 Twills & Tricotines from $39,50
Frocks in new materials seen for the first time this season and of course
frocks fashioned of materials that have proved their worth. In addition
to already large collections we have just received new shipments from
our buyer now in New York. Especially interesting are new dresses for
afternoon and evening wear of Georgette and Canton Cit'pe, Satin and
These at $45 QQ Other new frocks from $ J 5 00
New capes, coats, wraps garments that are indispensable this season.
Rich wraps of softest wools, or silk, coats of tweeds, coat-wraps, capes
every type that is worn this season for dress, street, sports, auto.
Many new treatments in sleeves and other features.
Pric, $19.75
"A blouse year," says Paris and nothing loath the blouse steps gaily
into the picture. -Its oply.uim, o bV; the1 perfect complement to the tail
ored costume, it achieves iV'many interesting ways.
A leading favorite is the beaded which so many women
find becoming. Crepe do chine has a prominent role. Novelty printed
patterns are very attractive.
The Easter blouse often af(pcls brilliant new shades, embroidery and
New Tricotine Sails
FAQTFR Of high quality material Finely tail- A mrm
LriJlLR ore( yn pain nml fancy niodels 12 S)lHfl
CDFPIAI new styles for women and misses XlIJv
OftllAL (sizes 14 to 40) Charming suits in
. the wanted navy and black.
At an Aitontihlng Sale Price
Easter Gloves
Perrin's French kid gloves for wo
men(here exclusively )exphess the
acme of quality and Style. New 2
clasp gauntlet and 16-button arriv
als of this famous make have come
from L aBelle France, in time for
the Easter pageant. Of superfine
quality, they are distinguished 'by
lovely embroidery..
We also have the finest assort
ment of new fabric gloves from
Kayser, Fownes and other famous
makers, in gauntlet, mousquetairc
and other styles.
All at new lower prices!
Easter Hose
The smart costume must have
smart hose. Silk hose of the best
sorts, plain and in new novelty
clocked patterns, are here in all
colors to match the new attire.
For sports and all outdoor activ
ities we have provided ample se
lections of soft wool hose in many
SPECIAL Full fashioned all
silk hose, good medium weight,
with fancy lace clocks, may be
chosen in cordovan, black and
white at
$1.25 t0 $4.00 '
Essential to the success of the new
drape, new models of corsets are
here to give you the right founda
tion for your Easter clothes.
Slender, straight, supple affairs
as is the creed of the day with
just enough boning to give neces
sary support perfect in detail.
Every type of figure is cared
for in our splendid new stocks of
famous corsets.
New Brassieres of plain and
brocaded satin, allovcr lace, silk
and cotton tricot, linen, coutil, In
dianhead. Pink, white, orchid,
yellow, navy, black. Bandeau
style, back and front fastening;
also corsetxcover style.
At your serviced two graduate
corset fitters.
' ..i
The charm which' becoming neck
wear leads to tho costume is, right
ly, valued highly. Guimpes, col
lars of all kinds, vestees and sets
are here in th'e newest models.
Dainty, dressy confections of geor
gette, lace and net. New ,7Cas
cades" are delightful. -
Sports collars an(J sets, Peter
Pan and Tuxedo vestees elect
many fabrics and attractive gay