The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 06, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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TitriwroAv, ArniTi i, 1023
Page Tour
Personal Mention I
Dr. nml Mr. It, Jones nii visitors
lnrn from Weed,'
Sheriff l.lnyil l.nw nml DoputJ
Moody returned Inst night from Sal
cm. Deputy Sheriff C. C. Low arrived
)nl nlRht with Davo Wofilcn from
Kan Francisco.
Karl Whltlock, county coroner, re
turned last night from a business trip
to Itcno, Nevnda.
Ram Kobol and C. nroenburg arc
hnnlncsi visitors here from San Fran-
W. I'. Johnson, who linn been visit
ing In California, returned last night.
Mrs. II. Fisher of ltlchmonil. Cali
fornia, In n visitor here n
11. I. Lewis returned last night
from a business trip In Callfornl.i.
T. I). Ilanlcy Is a California visitor
lior tndar. I
Dr. K. U. Johnson returned last
night from a short business trip to
lteno and San Francisco.
Munch lajr. demonstrator for the
lloldnln Hardware company, arrived
hero last night.
Mrs. L. Wolfe arilve last night
from California and will make her
home In this city.
Anions tho guests at tho White
l'cllcan are: C. H. Jordon, Chlco, I.
S. l'alrclr, Seattle; V. A. niockllnger.
San Francisce: and Dr. and Mrs. J.
Jones, Wfccil.
Miss Sylvia Uhrcn of Alstuia and
('. C. Wcls of I'ortland aro among
tho guests at the Arcade hotel.
lAt the Hall: Mm. H. II. Jolley.
Klamath Agency; Alfred Cujtcl. Fort
Klamath: J. H. Kllgorc. 1-angell val
ley; Sam Sobel, San Francisco; S. S.
Rchell, Grants Tass; U. U Hunt. Eu
gene; W. E. Simmons, Dairy: and
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kltts. Dairy.
Mrs. Leo Tlrockman who has been
III with pneumonia for tlm past fow
dnjs was reported to hao suffered
a relapse, yesterday.
Monroe I.ytlo of t.nngoM Valley has
been In thn city fur thipnst fow days
mi Jury duty. ,
J. II. Knowlton loft thn city today
fur San Francisco where ho will re
main on btlslnosi n few days.
i.Mrs. M. 1.! Westmoreland nml her
sons, Clarence and Carl, left this
morning for Olympla, Washington,
whero they Intend to stay for some
time. They worn accompanied by Mrs.
n. Olles, n daughter of Mrs. West
moreland It. S. flooding recently purchased
tho property gnnun as the Charles
place at 1120 High street.
Mr. anil Mrs. Harris Dean returned
last night from a three week's visit
In i'ortland.
M. Ccntln of Merrill was a visitor
here yesterday. Ho stopped at tho
Central hotel.
Selby t'hrlne, who has been a resi
dent of Algom.i for the past eight
jears, will leave for i'ort.iliul Satur
day morning.
t Mrs. Jean Hobertson and smalt son
are visiting friends and relatives here
for .1 few das from their home at
J O. Hamaker of Honanza Is a
city visitor today
Sacramento Plnyers
Have New Insurance
SACHAMKNTO, Cal.. April t'..
Tho many players In Sacramento's
winter baseball league for tho seas
on of 1922-2.1 will hiivo what Is be
lieved to be n now form of Insurance
for nmnteur ball plajors. At a recent
meeting of the league, which wound
up the 1U21-22 season, u surplus,
which remained nfter tho hushers'
ball, was laid nslde for Insurance pur
poses. I'layers who ore Injured dur
ing tho games next season will re
ceive Insurance which will alleviate
to a certain extent flnnncinl losses
which heretofore have occurred when
placrs were temporarily laid up.
Arthur lioleo, born In Italy hut
now an American citizen. Is gaining
prominence In court circles as an Ital
ian Interpreter. Ills work In the Tony
Campa caso was declared highly sat
isfactory to all concerned
Don't forget that flno coffee. En
ders 25c Illcml. 6
llaillo may soon rlwil tho St. Her
mint dog as the savior of mountain
climbers lost In tho Alps
After twenty oars of experiment-
.Ing, Jean Lacarne, a French engineer
connected with tho Vallot observa
tory on the summit of Mont
has perfected -radio apparatus cap
able of resisting the severe atmos
pheric changes on the high altitudes
which break ordinary wireless in
struments. The suggestion Is made that climb
ing parties hereafter carry xmull
wireless outfits so they can 'obtain
quick help through tho Mont Diane
observatory If necessary.
Hadlo telegraph "nets" from Wash
ington to the 9th army corns head-
quarters and camps and stations have
Are Needed in Conserving
Baby's Health and
) jtaifi2 -fv
a f
Natural Kureer,
l)mi ninvr Hjfl
Everything needed for the "little folks"
may be found in ourvshop.
In fact, our stock of Nursery Supplies is
unusual, both as to size and quality.
The line iricludes: Nurseiy Bottles, Nip-
pies, Bottle Brushes, Pacifiers, Hot Water
Bags,' Baby Combs and Brushes, Powders,
Soaps, Rubber. Diapers, Rubber Sheeting,
et cetera
We also handle all of the trade-marked
and advertised Infant Foods and Remedies
There's Nothing Too Good for Babyt
been established, by tho hIkiiiiI corps
during ilio last two uionthri, It was
announced today by tho war depart
ment, with n resulting reduction by
40 per cent of thn official messaged
prolnunly bundled by thn commercial
wlru companies between iIioho polntN
A. saving to tho government In who
tolls of approximately Jlo.iimi a iir
Is expected. It was added.
ril.s.MMEIl TO
Tho I'orllmld elinmber of com
merce Is planning Installation or n
radio receiving ami broadcasting set.
A committee has. been named to make
an investigation In the proposed In
stallation nml tn report to the board
of directors. It Is proposed to Use the
radio plant In rerellng or oenliig
concerts for tho benefit of tho mem
bers, mid also to broadcast speeches
of prominent men who appear at
functions of thn chamber
Walter llemrlch, oiiiir Aberdeen
Wushlngton radio enthusiast, heard
the speech made by Marshal Jotfro In
Hon It to at noon Saturday and Iho pa
triotic nooks over his radio set lit III
homo there U, H. (Irani, u ild regiment
officer, who translated tho Frenitd
Into English was attui heard.
Order your trees, Mhrubii and rime
I'llnoo r.Nlt H'M Main Ml
"' (i.2ii
FOIt KENT -Now- ami modern un
furnished apartment III ntonn
building, corner Second and Mnlu,
with bath, built-in features, three
largo rooms, Clillcoto & Hinllli, new
locution 737 Main St.
FOIt HAliE tiltl sewing machine,
practically new. fun for quick sale
Inquire Mrs, llraily, tiltl Lincoln tit
i.utitAitv MEir
On in count of the Horoud Friday
of this mouth hcluitxllood Frldny,
the lllirary board decided to hold
the regular meeting of thn Library
club on Friday of this week. Mrs.
Harrison will bine charge of tho
meeting, mid will talk on short
dories, reviewing some of them.
Secretin)' Stevenson of tlm chamber
of commerce will nlso give a short
talk, explaining tlm plUu for tho or
g.tiilMtlnn ot tlii) community coun
cil. Eery ime Is cordially Invited
IIAIti: At Klamath Falls, April i,
1922, lit Mrxind Mrs Isaac W.
Hire, a daughter; weight tl&
J FOIt KENT- -Furnished one room ca!
Try Kndcrs 2fie coffee, it Is fine. ! I bin. 741 Wnlnut. 6
W.ll pay good price to iiuoim who
ran show mo Jerseys giving 2 gallons
or over per milking llox II. M Her
nld office. S
It t. wlill ii Leghorn lUby ChU
for Aim II. May ft Jiinu deliver) from
our own bred-to lay stock, Our prices
aro right. .Model Poultry Farm, W. ('
Hinltb, I'rup., CnrulliK. 'al, Kstnb.
United 111 IH U-2U
FOIt IIAI.i: till TIIADC W)i havo
22(1 A, III thn Willamette valley
well Improved In "Very way, all rleui
Owner paid 2X.r.tl0 for II. Will lakn
guod 4u ill- Nil A. tract under Irriga
tion, well Improved, as part payment
What hnvo yuuT Clilleotn H Hmltli,
new location, 727 Mulu HI, it
NOTIt'i: Forced sale now on Auto
cars, calilns and loin, All must mi
rognrdleiiN of price. Owing to other
business must get away Hen Hick,
24ii llroud lit. I. Ililo money makes big
money, U-H
FOIt ItHNT NMcely furnished loom
for gentleman. .M2 N Uth HI li-S'
FOIt HUNT (Jood four loom plus.
loured house on Mlchlguli live , near
depot nt a mouth Clillmto
& Smith, now location 727 Main Ht
Single man wants 2 room com
pletely furnished apartment. Kitchen
not necessary Iteut must be reason
able for permanent tenant Private
entrance preferred lllvn rent, locu
tion, etc , In letter In A, II t' rare
WHITi: I'AI'HU FOIt HAI.i:i:nds
of lolls, from six to ten pounds III
rucli. excellent for wrapping pack
ages, lilt' patterns, lining shelves,
etc Six tents a lb, at Herald office,
I!. 8
We Know Where Business Went to! We're Going After It
Undoubtedly you're thinking
about your Easter Clothes;
planning your Spring outfit.
Let us help you. You'll find
suits of many models; the newest de
signs; the newest fabrics; tailored in
accordance with the high standard of
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
$35 40 $45
Come see us. Make it soon. No' obligation
We're always glad to serve yon
jft'S9r m m .sgissBBBBBBBaW.
V9BBBBBBBBBslssw9U( Vi'lBHkvBk
1 VflBBsBBP93BoBnUOwfSBvHsr
1bVmV V HH
Br ''. '
m S B
In the superb style and guaranteed all-wool
quality of
25oo $30
A Fino Line of
at moderate
A Fino Line of
Spring Hats
John ll, Stetson, MsJlory
flat, tho Crnpct Mill
Kmipp HatH
uiTvi buy Tntirr onuu txei