I fl til BDNKHOAY, ArRllj B, 1MB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pogo Two Tttie Evehini Herald R. 0OUt.K....KtIltor and PabtbihfT It. II. ltlUi -...Cllr Kdllor Published dally oxcoptv8nnday, by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Kails, at 119 Klghth street. Rntored nt tho postofflco at Klam nth Falls, Ore, for transmission through tho mails as second-class matter. , MEMDKR OP THK ASSOCIATED TRESS Tho Associated Proas Is cxcIusIto lv entitled to tho uso for publica tion 0f nil news dispatcher crodltod to It, or not otherwise credited In this paper, nnd also tho local news published horeln. wi:nvi:sAV, aimuij rf, inssa J THE RIGHT MAN I EASTERN Oregon Is no dllctantc's paradise. It Is peopled by men nnd women who nro familiar with tho hard facts of life, equipped by their descent from a rare of pioneers, mnny of thorn pioneers themselves. to jret right down to tho bottom of the business j.Mlv'ng. Theynnturnlly 'choose for leader- J$Vfl In gorernmentnl nttnlrs, men of their own type, uiiafrald of hard work nnd not sattstlml with superfi cial scratching In thjo theoretical field' of political econemy, men who hnvo practical alms fc tho develop ment of this vast eastern Oregon cm- plro, nnd tho prntlcat Intelligence whereby to achieve their nlms. Such a man, hard-headed, demo cratic, always on tho Job, Is X. J. Sln nott. congressman from this district, who lini announced his Intention to ncnln seek tho republican nomina tion. XIck Slnnott's record In Congress Is one of untiring effort nnd accom plishment for his wholo district, and especially havb his labors borno fruit for Klamath county. He has been Indofatlgablo In his endeavor to sccuro practical aid for this county's development. To his acquaintance with men and methods Is due tho early reclamation of tho Tule Lake lands, tho rapid develop ment of the Klamath Irrigation pro Ject. the attention to Indian affairs that makes the Klamath tribe one of the most advanced and prosperous of the nation's aboriginal population. Dy reason of his broad acquain tance with western problems, and his marked ability In 'discerning western needs, be Is a member of a number of Important committees, chief of which Is tho public lands committee, of which he Is chairman. At this time, when the whole east ern part of the state, and Klamath county particularly, stands upon the threshold or great development, to re placo such an efficient servant with nn untried man, would be unthlnk ablo folly, the political suicide of an empire. And, of course, there Is no danger of such calamity. Nick Slnnott will bo given the republican nomination at tho May primary, If he never sots foot In this district, but wo urge In dividuals not to let anything swerve them from their plain duty, tho cast ing of their ballot so that their con gressman may seo, by tho unanimous decnlratlon of his ontlro constituency, that his scrvlco has tho appreciation which his Industry nnd sen) In tho public scrvlre havo earned. I A PLAIN ISSUE (Mcdfonl MaII Tribune) THE danger of the Ku Klux Klan must bo pparcnt now to all sensible, pcoplo In Southern Oregon, Including, we hope, soma of Its mem bers. Two outrages havo been committed lu the past tow weeks. Tho first near hanging was officially condemned by officials or tho Klan. Undoubtedly the second wilt bo. nut this much is known. On two occasions groups of masked men havo taken tho law Into tholr own hands, and Jeopardised the lives of two local residents. In one case, at tcast, tho death or Uic victim was averted by narrow margin. ir theso outrages wero not commit ted by membors ot tho Ku Klux Klan, then they wero committed by soma nnknown Individuals, masked nnd mlstnken by tho. victims for the Ku Klux. That much Is nbsolutely cer tnln. In either case the danger to the community Is the same. If any group of cltiiens In this country aro to be allowed to taka tho law Into their own hands, then any other group may do likewise. It one group Is to be placed above the law, then nil mny be placed abovo tho law. There can bo no compromise InJ this sort ot thing. Either this Is to be a land of, taw and order, or a land ot lawlessness and bolsbovtsm. Either wo nro to contlnuo to support our laws, our peace officers and our courts and depend upon them, or we aro going to return to the Junglo and call In tho gunman, tho undertaker, nnd let tho devil take the hlndcrraost. Our ontlro framowork ot civilisa tion is based upon equality before tho law. If it Is right for n "leading cltlxen" to take the law Into bis own hands, then It Is right for Emma Goldman or Dig IHU Haywood. Tho Issue Is plain. It Is as old as civilisa tion, the Issuo between law and lawlessness. , m Canyonville Oregon Nursery com pany has purchased a 320-acre farm near here and will set out 200 acres of new Oregon date prunes. Medford to build secondary water works reservoir. By Our Country Editors LONE PINE Kenneth Klger was out of school ono day last week on account of sick ness. li. Storey nnd son Whiter nro bor tng n well for Sam Enman. Joyco Slgtord was out of school all of last week. Sho has been having trouble with her eyes. Undo Clay Kntllft visited nt Jim Stevenson's Inst week, Clydo nrndtey 'sited friends in this district Sunday. E. U. Hosley was out to tho ranch Sunday. Chester Enman nnd Rolf Oeertson wero out of school Monday. A. C. Ilunnell nnd family visited at S. P. Dehlngor's Sunday, daughter, Miss Louise, visited nt tho homo of Misses Thlrrn nnd Helen Anderson. Mrs. Fred Peterson spent Inst week In Klnmnth Falls assisting In tho cam of her nephew, Drmv Campbell. A good-sited crowd attended tho social given by tho Ladles nld society of tho Presbytorlnn church on Wed nesday evening. Tho men trimmed lints for tho Indies, and n great ileal of amusement was enured by tlmlr of farts, R. C. flrocsbeck uon first prlia for tha best trimmed lint, tho hnt belonging to Miss Helen llrohn. W. F. Jlnnctto won tho consolation prlto on Mrs. l'nrkcr's hnt Ever5" ono thoroughly enjoyed tho iivonlng, A fair amount win renlltcd by tho lad les. Plo nnd cofreo'wns servod during Sovernl I.ono Pine folks went fish- ,. vrninl- nnii conor.il com! tlmn Ing Sunday nt the now Lost vcr U,nd by nil. dam below Merrill. Tho suckers wero Mr( n c Oroosbcek nnd children not running very much but rne'ljmvo Heon visiting nt tha homo of succeeded in getting n few. Mrg rjroesbeck's sister. Mrs, Rurr J. E. nnd Sam Knman ami Jim Woslbrook. xotick Charles Harpst baa withdrawn from the partnership of Harpst tt Wheeler at Rocky Point resort. Re creation. P. O. Oregon. Miss Maud Wheeler continues In the business and has taken over all unfinished business matter. Recreation, Oregon, April 1st. 1922. Signed, CHAS. It. HARPST. MAUD WHEELER 1-5 Slovenson dehorned their cows a few days ago. MERRILL Tho death of Mrs. W. C. Dalton enmo ns a shock to tho friends In Merrill. While U was known sho was very sick It was hoped her health would bo benefited by the change. Mrs. Dalton was loved by nil who knew her nnd tho family have the sympathy of their many friends hero. A great many attended tho funeral fr6m tho Merrill and Malln sections. Mr. and Mrs. R. IF. Anderson at tended tho funeral of Mrs. Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed nurrls also attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Dalton. Mrs Dalton was Mrs. Durrls aunt. Among the others who attended were; Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Popo. Mr. and Mrs. Lesllo Pooe. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Haslns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chester Has kns, Geo. J. Wnlton, J. It. Hobbs, W. F. Fruits nnd Mrs. M. Glacomlnl nnd Miss Pauline Glacomlnl. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Sloycr were Klamath Falls visitors on Wednes day. Kd Frailer and W. W. Walker, Sr.. made a business trip to Klamath Falls Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dalton were In Merrill during tho week. Their E. L. Whlslor spent Wednesday In Klamath Fnlls. Geo. Wilson was n business visitor In Klnmnth Falls on Wodncsdny. E. D. MInrwood wns n Klamath Falls visitor during the week. C. G. Merrill spent Saturday in Merrill. Tho Merrill Library club will meet Thursday nt tho homo of Mrs. E. D. Harwood. A dnnce wns given In Merrill hall by tho O. K. E. K. orchestra Frldny evening. All enjoyed tho evening and tho music was good. Tha Bunday school class of Geo, J. Walton gnvo n party at tho manse Friday evening. Tho evening was spent In games and refreshments wero served. Thoso present were: Misses Ileitis. Hoe and Mary Taylor, Deatrlco and Kathcrlno Walton. Ora Ottlcld, Messrs. Kenneth Colwell, Fred Popo, David Edgar, Oeo. J Wal ton and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. Loralne Hasklns Is out ot school with a cold. Mrs. Hugh Fnlvey who has been In Klamath Falls for soma tlmo re ceiving medical treatment returned to her homo Wednesday. Thoso bo caro for fish in Lost riv er aro feasting on them now as thoro Is a run of thorn at prosent and every body can havo BllHliey want. Roma put thorn up In various wnys tor fu ture uso. Largo crowds wnro nut Sun day falling nt tho now dam, but every dny numbers of tho Merrill people nro getting them. Theso fish nro con sidered by soma to bo excelled In tlnvor by no other kind ot fish. Mrs, Geo. J, Walton wns In Klnm nth Falls Saturday. Several bands of rnngo sheep nro being dipped nl the M. L. Monro place west ot town to unnhlo Hiom to pass Into California for summer rnngo, Owing to tho' fact that thoro has been u great deal ot hauling over tho roads while they worn wo,t. In somo places they huvo been very bad, but a tow more good days und they will bo lu good shnpa again. Frank Hedrlck ot Dodd Hollow was In Merrill Tuesday. W l Hill who Is on Jury duty in JhIyVWWEDAU.W,Y II fl AND STAYED UP 11 NIGHTS W WITH' jt trwjwm i m.zs I GROWTH Tho growth of this comnnny has not been an accident; it luis been the result of aiding and helping the community to develop. We have established reasonable rates for COOKING HEATING MANUFACTURING in fact, there is a rate for every need that exists. A POLICY of CONSISTENT helpfulness, is the reason for this growth. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CO. To Build CioarQality Up to th Limit WK&nW Mitch ywrnntrrfcU Wlll in Anywhi- ,tor frveCEUT CiCARjQuality 2 Slay Beth. Lon& nllar Jetton &irmn A($ CC JVlr'tu(tir sumt POXTUAO SPCKAKf Klainatli Falls spout Sundny with his family returning to Klnmnth Fulls Monday. Miss Ruth Hill spent the week end nt homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Anderson nro receiving congratulations nn tha Ml Hi of n sou bom Hat unlay April I, weight twclvii pounds Thu youirj man has lieen mimed Robert Prentice. Condon lliisluess men form rluli for purpnso of si'ciirlMg iidcimtt water supply, up to ditto lira appara tus, etc Dyspepsia Soon Disappears When You Tk TANLAC 25)00,000 Bm1m SoM STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGE MENT, CIRCULATION, ETC, REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST. 24; 1912. Of The. Evening Herald, published dally, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, for rpru ,1, iiraa. State of Oregon, County of Klamath ss. Beforo mo, a notary public In and for the state and county aforesaid, psreonally appeared F, It. Soule. who, having been duly sworn according to law, depose and says that ho Is the editor and manager ot The Evonlng Herald, nnd that the following Is, to the best ot his knowing? nnd bolief, a truo statement ot the ownership, management (nnd If a dally pnper, tho circulation), etc., ot the aforesaid publication tor the dato shown In the abovo caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied In section 44.3, Postal Law, and Regulations, printed on the reverse ot this form, to wit: 1 That tho naracj and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, nnd business manager are: Publisher. The Herald Publishing Co.. Klamath Falls, Oregon; lvdltor, F. It. Soule, Klamath Falls, Oregon; Managing Editor, F. It. Soule, Klamath Falls, Oregon; Iluslness Manager, F. It. Soule, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 2 That tho owners are: (dive ,nanies and addresse of Individual ownors, or, If a corporation, give Its name and the names end addresses of stockholdora owning or holding 1 per cent or more ot the total amount ot stock.) F. It, Soulo, Klamath Falls, Oregon; lluth Soule, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 3 That tho known, bondholders, mortgages, and other security hpldors owning or holding 1 per cent or moro of total amount ot bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) t First National Hunk, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 4 That the two paragraphs noxt above, giving the names ot the owners, stockholders, and security holder. If any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon tho books of tho company but also, In case where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books or the company a, trustee or In any other fiduciary relation, the name or tho person or corporation for whom such trustoo is acting, U given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the cir cumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security boldem who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason tp bolieve than any other porsou, association, or corporation has any Interest direct or Indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than ai so stated by him. C That tho average number of copies of each Issue ot this publica tion sold or distributed, through the mills or otherwise, to paid subscrib ers during the six months precodlng the date shown above is 2,060. F. It. SOULE, Sworn to and subscribed beforo me this 3rd day of April, 1922 (SEAL) A. JWJSJpARDNotary. Public luy commission expires August j, anzo; m ftm pia - Taste is a matter of tobacco quality , We Hate it si our honest rV gkaw belief tbst the tobaccos used jgW in Chesterfield arc of finer r'flSPsA quality (sod hence of better if W JJL uste) than in any other V jkt &? cigarette at the price. V""W t'"fe2. CheSterfield CIGARETTES ' of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended Lower Prices . - 20 now 18c CdjfiW' 10 now 9c lL$M (Two 10's-lBc) JPl sg)su av aw gtg)sg)sgtgt7 m mmmeK s fc ivK ag)sg)sa ' r Taae yourprocefs word jorn YOURGROCERknowiiheliigh ' mality of Folgcr's Golden Gate Coffee. He knows that the name of Folgcr hai meant "flood codec" Air almost three quarters of a century. Take his word for it and let him send you a vacuum packed tin of lolgcr's Golden date Codec today. You'll like it-it's "different in taste from other codec and better." J. A. FOLGER 8C CO. 511 Fnmduo JLmmi City VjIUi DOINGS OF THE DUFFS SHE HAS SEEN THAT POSE BEFORE BY ALLMAN I MV WIPsr-TMIUKS I I lW! ' WH'T QUITt THIS IS MV , -I MrSr -to iffiVv T J UKCTHAT P05E- RC6U1AR FACfi! OUGHT TO HAVE MV frtl HU Vflll fWM'T LOOK l PICTURE TAKEN-WHtVl Wt tW&SfS 1 7 CAM VOU TAKE IT ? I 15JMU rwrw ( . -Lj jjf I RIGHT AWAVJ (1 J . f I WAHTTD PLEASE YOUR VJIFfc-YOU TAKE SOME. P03E.THr WILL LOOK NATURALTO HER- T ALLglGHT r? ITWIU.HAVE -m FU A STANDlUGfbSe. l J I c r I, & XJPLzvfa yf I i fsWE. OUGHT TO ' f 1 KECOGNiZETHIS- tr SHOOT WHEN J ' ' '' A. DCAflW I fl -v. rviinu t ; tWfi Wm Seed for Your GARDEN, LAWN Of FIELD MURPHETS SEED STORE 124 South Siilh Street Phone 87 fr f mi.