THE EVENING HERALD. " KLAMATH flALLS, OREGON Pngo Fouf TUKHtMV, AI,Ilir,4. 1029 1 i ,r 2&H" '' Good Baseball Weather For Opening of Season HAN FRANCISCO, April 4. (loot! Ii.ikcIiiiII weather Is expected lit nil iltli'K for tlm opening nt Iho Coast league loilay, except nl Salt I.nKo, whern ('(iiulltloiiH were reported tin-faorittilp. PRODUCTION RISE IS SHOWN BY BASIC INDUSTRIES OF U. S. (Monthly Summitry Itjr I'Vtlornl nerve lUtitnl) Up. PADDOCK BEATS MARK Cliniiiilon Sprinter lmer I'reilom Heron! by One-Fifth Second 1I0N0I,UU T. II.. April 4 Charles l'addock, California sprint wonder Saturday lowered his previ ous record for 120 yard by one- fltlh second, running tho distance In tl 2-3 nnd continued to the 125-' ard mark In 12 seconds flat. Tito j marks wore made liy continuing a 100-yard dash which ho won lit !) a-5 seconds, l'addock la compel-' lug against local nuticies in n icrli'.t of exhibition races. In the 120 mid 1ST yards distances he was wtlhottt competition after the 100 yard mark. Ileantcr of 1 1 Ho was i n'cond In the 100, nnd was timed nt 'J 4-5 seconds. ruddock also won the 220 yard dash, his tlmo being 22 seconds. Tint wind was against l'addock most of the tlmo In tho 100-yard dash, but aided him somewhat In tho 120 nnd 12S yards, the track being curved. EXCURSION TO CAVES Tho outstanding feature In bust ness development during tho past few weeks linn been the Improvement In basic Industries (Including steel), nnd especially In the movement of railway equipment, copper nnd other metals. A marked Increase In tho pro duction of automobile has also been n feature of the month. Building which has been on Iho upgrade for several months past continued Its growth In activity. February, 1922, building permits wore about 40 per cent In excess of those of February 1921, nnd tho advance Is still con tinuing. As ngnlnst this favorable trend In tho physical volumit of pro duction in basic lines Is tho fact that a variety of conditions have operat ed to offset the encouraging Improve ment which has been noted In tex tiles during the winter months. Prom inent omong these unfavorable influ ences are tho disturbed relations with labor, but uncertainty n to cost of production nnd lack of forward or ders has had n depressing effect In those districts where no labor trou bles have made themselves felt. No Important chnnges hae been oberv cd in other manufacturing lines, such as leather boots and shoes. Agrlcul- I turally the month has been one of favorable development considering tho season. According to official figures a marked, even If still limited decrease in unemployment Is under way. In trade, both retail and wholesale, the tendency has been on tho whole downward although not pronounced- Personal Mention Natural Wonders of Jinophlne Count)' to IU .utolM Metro Wdh.Nh, UrC., April . CCIC-l ,,. I, .. - ,nntl, - nr Ihlltl It br..tlng completion of tho road to . wai at ,hg tlme last ypnr Tne movc. Joscphlno caves, 45 mllog southwest ' mcnt o commodities to market dur of Orants Pass, Ore., an automobile jnR the month has been very satlsfac excursion will bo run from that . ,t,ry aml an ercaso In carloadlngs city to the caves early In June. Th0;nas een noticeable In many parts of W. O. Ilurko, n rancher of thn Spring l.nko district, who was lu town transacting business yesterday, said Hint ho was going to start the farm work soon. Miss Helen O'Connor of Midland, who wits shopping in this city ester- day, left for her homo today. Mrs. 15, II. Simmons loft today for n two weeks' visit nt (Irants l'ns. Mr. and Mrs. ltegenberger left for Sacramento on this morning's train. Miss Certrudo Cox left today for Ashland for a visit with friends. Miss Cot was formerly employed nt Ander sons' groceteria. C C. Chltwood left on this morn ing's train for Jacksonville. Oregon where he will tnke chnrgo of n drug store, lie was accompanied by Mrs. Chltwood and daughter. Dorothy. Mr, and Mrs. W. Frank Arant, formerly of this place but now resid ing In Ashland, nro here visiting old friends and relative for n short time. F S. Wilson of this city left for Weed this morning to attend to bust ness nffalrs nt this place. 1.. It. nnd K. A. McCollum of Dorrls were overnight visitors In Klamath Falls. R. K. Clasco left today for Fresno. California, for a lslt of a week or 10 days. W. C. Tallman. Southern I'aclflc engineer, who has been relieving Kn glneer Uarnhotue, left for his home at Dunsmutr this morning. K. K. Harphan of tho Pacific Mint company was In tho city to attend a meeting of tho stockholders held last night. Harphan left for Kugcne this morning. Tho little daughter of II. S. flood- federal forest service and tho slate liavo co-operated in building the road, which Is expected t0 be com pleted in time for the excursion. Thn Josephlno caves are among tho natural wonders of Oregon. While in tho past they have at tracted hundred, of visitors each year. It Is expected thousands will seo them each season in the future, duo to tho now road. The forest service has provided suitable camp ing places near the cntranco to tho rives, and electric lights and steel Malm-ays, to make exploration m nro simple, aro being installed. the country. Tho advance in the Index number of wholesale prices shown by the federal reserve board's compil ation amounts to four points for the month (from 13S to 1421913 prices equal 100). Financially the month has shown but little change, nnd discount and Interest rates have not moved materially. Foreign trade shows a somewhat further decline with a much closer approach to ad justment of export and Import figures both hero and abroad. Increasing stability In foreign exchanges, with tho exception of marks, has been the rule. TST STRAND loe- WHERE EVERVBODT GOES- HOME OP THE HODKINSOX FEATURES JSg AMATEUR NIGHT A Riot of Fun Lots of Good Talent Tonight Elaine Hammerstein IN "The Country Cousin" From the famous stage success by Booth Tarking ton and Julian Street. Direction, Allan Crossland President Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt said: "Thoroughly worth while. I enjoyed every minute of the play. Its message is real and wholesome." "Bully! A typical American play that every one should see." t Also Good Comedies ly so. Rctoll trade Is uniformly lower i man nt her home In this city. Isaac Ilarl of Newmans wrote, Ne braska, Is In tho city looking for u farm on which to make his home. Hare Is visiting with his father, Adam Hare, during his stay hero. Mrs. A. J. Voye and son have re turned from San Francisco where they have spent tho past few months. Mrs. Voyo has boon studying vocal I culturo during her stay there. Fred Wyss, logger. left this morn ing for Colore to look over the condi tion on his ranch near there. R. K. Whipple, and M. I.. Lewis left this morning for Dorrls. They Intend to drive an automobile to this city which has been stalled there for some time on nccount of the roads. Paul Musgravo and Km met Hood left this morning for Phoenix, Arli-1 ona for an extended stay. The young mm expect to find an opening In their lino of work there. W. Bcntlcy and A. It. Johnson loft this morning for Dorrls to transact buslnoss at that place. R. W. Hunncr, special agent for ths National Union Flro Insurance company, has been In this city tran sacting business with tho Calkins Donaldson agency. He left for Weed this morning. W. E. Royce, owner of a dairy farm near here, was In tho city to day In search of n milker. WUHum'Deal left this morning for Hornbrook for a vlsjt. Ho was accom panied by his nlern who will visit with her grandmother at that place. Mrs. II. R, Peterson, accompanied by her little daughter, Carol, H hero visiting hor sister, Mrs. Ilcrt Mitchell, 1185 East street. Sbo will leave on Saturday far San Francisco. Tomorrow, Beit "The Lone Wolf." Lytell and Hazel Dawn in Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30 THE ror.vrnv COUSIN" SEEN AT STRAND TONIGHT M, XV J$ Big Bazaar Tuesday, April 4 Givo B Timber Workers' Local ltt fgitf Q Jvwy Work, Candies, Etc. && ', Scheduled for a ono day presenta tion nt the Strand theatre tonight, tho now Solinlck plcturo, "The Coun try Cousin," in which beautiful Elalno Hammerstein Is starred, is said to carry oven a deeper appeal than did tho stago play which earned not only tho lasting appreciation of tho general public, but also brought forth words of pralso from President Wilson and tho lute, Theodpra Roose velt. After ha had seen ho play Roosevelt said: "Tho Country Cous in" Is a first-class American play." When viewed by President and Mrs. Wilson, tho nation's executlce ex pressed himself ta having had "much pleasure," and said that Mrs. Wilson and himself particularly admired tho play both becauso of tho tho "simpli city, sincerity and dignity" In which It was presented and becauso thoro bad been dono something "thorough ly worlh'dolng." In Its filming as a Solinlck picture, tho famous play of Dooth Tarklngton and Julian Street has received some sympathetic and colorfully dramatic treatment to enhance Its worth ai an Interest-holding story typical of Americas life today. Also amateur 'sight tonight, Your MtroaajM la' J. slstfs!rscV appreciated at 4 1 WtljNMtU wllajr torn ire st' Isssssi s Mm WtLSVw. Do not Pay Big Prices for Your Spring Apparel ,LBB9tBW -saasBBr V sssBBteikb-. sistfeYg Prices Always the Lowest A Sale of Greatly Underpriced Dresses for Misses and Women Only $1975 A VERY IMPORTANT COLLECTION Including Reproductions of Advance Importations of Latest Spring Models At an Extraordinary Low Price THE FABRICS INCLUDE SATIN FACED CANTONS FINE CANTON CREPES AND SILK TAFFETAS g75HC"W 1 Q75 ifciaBM ff!51 -py i asawfls&s Six of the Many Styles on Sale Illustrated SIZES 16 TO 44 The selection includes very, lovely street and afternoon frocks, featur ing the highest points of fashion, developed in navy, brown, black, copen, henna, Periwinkle. Embroidered, braided fringe and lace trim med in solid and combination effects. A Rare Occasion, When Dresses so Distinctly Original and so Innately "High Class" are Priced so Low ANOTHER TYPICAL R. C. U. EVENT of special significance to every value and style loving woman and miss as it offers you at the very start of the Easter Season values that would be unusual at the end of the season, made possible only through our R. C. U. Col lective Buying Power and so admirably taken aire of for us by our New York Office Associa tion. 1500 Dresses, specially designed and made, were purchased for this sale. The oriR inal wholesale prices were $10.75 up to $22.r(). See these dresses. You will appreciate them, you will buy them. Our advice is COME EARLY. Radiograms UKAIt hAUUKIt Home weeks ago Sir Harry I.auder, an International stago favorite, made an address to tho Pittsburg notary clnb In the Fort I'ltt hotel. Sir Hurry, himself u Itoturlan, spoko for uhout forty-flvo minutes, and closed his ad dress with ono of his songs. Thoro wore probably 200 pcoplo In tho din Ing room nt the notary club Untun ing to Sir Harry, yot the speaker had a larger audience than ho over had before In Mi life and bis words and song covered a COO-mlle radius, with the center of tho clrclo at Kant rittH biirg, Pa. That address may have been heard by more than 100,000 people. The entire mooting of tho ro tary club was broadcasted from the WeatlogbouM company's station, KDKA. t PROGRAM GIVEN DAILY IdtmTS ths possibilities of the radio a atsass of entertain- Aa4-UairactlMi la the home VBtr4e4 Je the layman A, at jssst PMtsbarg, ,sjMWk 'K,. J., itv lion WII. at Springfield, Mshb., nnd I Htutlou KYW at Chlcugo, thoro litis como Into eilstunco u wlrclesx com munity extending over ureal por tion of tho enstorn half of tlm Unit ed States, which eagerly uwnlls civury livening the Wrstlnghoilso radio pro gram. These broadcasting xtatloiiH throw what might bo culled u radio btunkot of fiiitertulumont, nmiisometit and Instruction over n vast area, In which are located hundreds of thoiiH unds of receiving sets. iuiho si'r doi's to NoiiTii I'oi-i: On tho S. H. Ilowdpln, which U be ing equipped to tnako a dash to the North Polo, Is a WustlnKhoimo detec tor amplifier which will comprise un Important part of the radio equip ment of the vossol. In equipping the ship various concerns were requested to supply parts for tho radio set and the amplifier wus the Wentlisghouse donation. Try lenders' 2fic coffee. H Is fine 4 Cutting off the blossom ends of potatoes of slxe to weigh 1H to 2 ounces each and saving them to plant by themselves on now' ground or on land that has not grown potatoes for several years, will jiroduco bottor yields and a belter quality of seed NEW TODAY I'Olt linNT 2 room apt. furiilHliod fur Unlit liiiiiHiikunpliiK. Ori'Kon Houso, (i27 Kluniuth Ave. I l)ST-Kapphlrii ring at Slur thi'iitrn Sunday uviinlng. Viiluablii nnlr h ki-op-suke. Kinder please return to i Iluruld ofilcii Mr rowunl, t-n I''()lt Itl'INT Furnished one room ca bin. IU Walnut. 4 KOIt JtlCNT Furnished and unfurn ished uplM. CIoho In. Also small liniiHo. I'hono 342W. 4-6 1,'ndors' stock of grororlon Ih the ui'to-datn ouii. J. K. Kndeis & Co, I lK IYmliictloit Cost High V'KK production on tho nveragn Oregon furin does not not u profit abovu Interest on tho Investment, re ports A, (, I.iinu, professor of poul try husbandry ut tho experiment sta tion. It Is' necessary to reduco Iho cost ofproductlon to roullzo u profit, nnd tho easiest way to do this Ik to Increase tho ogg yield by bettor stock and management. Ilubam clover at over 20 to 25 cents u pound Is probably too ox- HAtlftlVA fnr UK., flvrnnl nnaulltli fni J bcokoepem, Say It With Flowers for Easter Klamath Flower Shop Hill Main HI. I'lionu nan I nTj' nrr l t - z.mti - -y.v. V ;i ., 1 .- $ ail$.. . JL .rr- , j