PflggThtflg.' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i DELZELL REVEALS WORK OF P. O. FOR PAST EIGHT YEARS lly V. A. IM'lell, I'iinIiiiiinIit My Hiiccciiitiir In officii Imvliii: limm rlionnn, Int will noun rerclvit IiIh ioiii intuition mill Imm'iiiihi tint now iinl iiiiin Inr nf KIiiiiiiiIIi I'nllM. In rntlrliiK friim tint piinltlmi I luivn linlil fur Ilin inuil dlillit yt'iiiN, I uIhIi In KXli'iiil In iny imrriHHr "'V '"'"' wlnlinn fur lit n mir rimnfiil iiiltiiltilitlriillnii mill lo I'ltmul In Ilin pillilli'- wliimn hcrvnnt I Imvn britu, my tippri'dutlmi nf mir iiiimy ItlllllllKHfldM To klni: ilinrnn of thn ofririt In Nn viiinlwr HU'it. iinilnr n niniiuliinliin friim rri'rtliti'iil WVoilrnw Wllnmi, It linn lii'im my forlunn to bit piintiiiiiatitr tlirnriKli llm IryliiR pnrlnd of tint crcut world wir wlirn our Kovurn nii'iil ilnriil niiw nnil uiniiiiiiil bur iliinii nnil rrnimiinllillltli'H upon Hit poHl.uiiiHtnrn. Tin1 inoiortiitleim iilul ix pitrl.mi'n of tlinim moiillm nf wnr bit vli'tt ulll ri'innlli n clmrlnliril tiinniory nnil ii Hintlcr of prliln Unit I roulil t ti tin servo my roiintry AliI'M i:iilMin,,n Dim of tlm rirst xxlrn duties lm. posed iipon our lirnnrli of tlm nervlrn , una In iuiiIpiI the. iinny nml niivy In ...JWiirln: nllntiiH'iilii In this work tlm Klniiinth I'a I In officii inadn n nt mnrknhht mm-iinI. Mum recruits for Ilin nnv)" went sent In from thin himrnoly mittled mniinliiln rotinty tlinii from nny otliir officii nf like nlr In Hi" illstrkt The rcconl for ii rm - nml mnrlii" enllaliiieiils was ul iniml ii h Krciit. How mini)' mtrn hours of crvlcn wn kIvi-ii this duty nml liow ninny miles tlm nM "tin llrxln" covered will novPr lm known, for no record wan kept, Inn there ninny ilnya when my ntflre una full of recruits, Ioiik trip were inil lo outlying purls of tliu county nml flfii'in liour itnyn were tlm rtiln riilher tlmn tlm etreptlnti for lli pnatmnater Anotlmr lirnvy responsibility was tlm Inlior Incident lo tlm Wnr Rav Iiik rnmpnlKii Without warnlnu or Urn help not nvrii nn nrrountlnR sypttem nt tlrat. our nHlce was made n distributing point from thla county mul tunny tliuunnmU of dollars worth of wnr nnvltiR stamps wore placed In my hands with directions to itlntrl hiile them to Hi" 2f other olllces In tlm rouniy whlrh were limn account In 15 to thin office, ami In ruh (hi rale of tlm stamps Tho tnsk wan nc riunpllahed nml ho It nitli! to tlm cro 'illt of tlm various officii of tln rnun-' ty nml our own, that whrti tlm ilrlvn wnn ended not n stamp remained un nccoutitcil for TliH iluty properly be. tunr.cit lo tlm treasury department, ' hut iiiir I'lmtmnntnr (lenernl llurlrsnn loatinl tint prnttnlflrr) department to thiim to tmt tlm nli over, Just nn ho hml previously loaned us In thn wnr department for recruiting Tlmn ennm tlm Wnr Itoviwun stamp sales nml nculn wn wrrn loaned tn tint Internal rnvr-nun ilcpnrtntpnl In help Ihcin. ItrtjUlrr Allen Tlm alien riienilm wuro to ho rrit Inlureil thin woiihl ronm miilrr tlm ilepartiiiint of Juntlco, hut n no mar nlialn mtii uvnlluhlu In Klamath idiiiity, thin iluty wnn Riven tlm pott inuiter. All iilli'itn In tlm county weru fCKlntircil, thumh-prliit nml nil nml uuro ru'iulrcil to report rcKulnrly tn inn, Poruilnslim km ro'ittlrvil to rhunKu ri'ilili'ttco even from one ntrcet to iinollier. Knch rhmiKo reijulrnl ro port In iunilriipllcnta lo hit mnilu to tlm various ilepartmenta. No extra help, or remuneriitlon wnn Klvon for t(jo inlileil work. With nil thrmt nilileil ililtlcn It In woll to recall Hint wo wuro hmlly Imnillcuppeil In our reKiilar pontnl work hy our efflcknt ulorkn koIiir lo war mill lenvltiK thulr placiw lo ho fllleil hy Inexiierli'liceil holp, Tlm flu I'Plilemlc nildeil Itn ilcmornllintlnn, At ono tlmn, I riTiill, out of ton oniployea only two roulil report for iluty nml jk tlmy workeil SO hour nhlfln for never ul itnyn lo keep tln mull moving- I froiimntly look my own car nml ilu llvereil thn rural route. l'lually, whim tlm wnr wan ovor wn with iiKalu horrouml hy tlm war department to iihmIhI In tlm nnlo nf Mtirplun army mipplliM, Homn of our patroim will recall tlm Inbhy ntackeil full of hucon nnil liealiH nhout that lima. Thin wnn our pnrt In winning tlm war nml noun roinplnlneil nil wore Klml to do their hit. Let tin hopn It may nover nRnln hecomo niicennnry for hiicIi nervlcii. It nmy ho n loni; t lino until our country ran return In thono penreful ilayH of MH, porhnpH Dover nituln to those conilltlon, hut lot iih iiiicli Btrlvo to hrlng our nation hack tn Uh old lime prosporlty. I'lve t.'lerkn llmployill On tnklm; rhnrKo of tlm office In 10 13, tlm office wiih located In the Munloclc ImltilhiK hetweeu Scconil nnil Third BtreelH. f"lvo clerkn worn d Inn tlm work. I'l. Klamath mid In tormodlnlo offices wore IioIiik. pervod hy. hurno hIoko. Junt nn they had heen for mnny yenrH, Oilonnu on Urn wont Hide of Upper Klamath l.ako had uum inor Horvlco only. In wlntor they woro without nny Rorvlco exeunt when nomo ono voluntoored to come thirty miles through tlm mountain drlftn for thn mull. I rocnll Hint on one ocrnnlon In Into winter, two of tliu womoii Ihoio (Mm, llonn Torrny mid Maud Null) hriived tlm dmiKt'r f cnmnlm: tlm leu on foot from Odenna to Alconia to meet thn Fort Klamath ntar.n nml ronm on In for tlmlr innll. Tlinrn worn miveral hilinlreilit or poumlii of Oilnnnn mall ntnckml up In our officii -tlm ue,. ciimiilallon of weelm, HurtliiK out tlm flrnl I'Iiinh mnlliir tlmy rittiinmil with Ilin mull on n hamlnled ami rronned Ilin lake acnlli In wifely, Tlm next day Ilin Ice hrolm up. My flint offlilnl win iiIiik wnn to itnt winter nurvlrn nnliih Untied for thorn. Tlmn followed tliu neveral attmnptn lo nocurn city deliv ery norvlcn and tlm rural route. After nnveial tiirn-ilownn hy tlm iteiuirtmeut wn at hint nlli'ieedeil. When Ilin ten year lenne expired In limn on tlm Murdoch- hullilltiK, Mew iiiarlern unfn neciireil under competitive hldn. Tlm officii wnn to located In tlm Cviiiih' liulldlni: nt IDth and Main. Now eiiilpmcnt throiiKli nut, M) per rent morn floor npacn, vault room, hotter Hi;litlm: mid nteam heal, nil romhlim to produie Improv ed werklui: rondllloiin. Tlm rerelptM of the office Imvn In rrennml over not) per cent nluce l'Ji:i tlm money order hunluenn hIiowm approximately tlm name r.rmttli. My nuccennor, Mr Mi fall, will lake over a force of rlitht rlerkn, four ilty carrlern, mall menneiiRer mid one rural route Tlm ntnr rout en Include thn f.akevlnw run of 121 mllei dally, the Merrlll-Malln route 10 mllen, the Itecreatlon route 34 mlh-n (hunt m-r-vice), and tin- Hwnn ronlo in tn II cm In leiiRth All llmne roulen nerve mnny pntronn IIvIiir nloiiK their runn The lotnl population nerved hy the office In approximately SO (id of whlih 110(10 nre In the city proper In nilmmer there In nil additional route main tained over the mountain between hern nnd Anhtand which hrlnitn In the main tine mall nevernt hours ipilcker tlmn hy train Bnrlre. .Mrrln All rilUt'im The pokttiiuntf-r In the onn ROvern. mint official whom ilutlen hrltiK him Into rontnet with nil the rlllienn of IiIh community He wnltn upon nil. the rich mid poor, the lilxh and low ly; thn prnMU-upn nml klddlen, nnlnt mid nlnner. honu-folkn and Mranr.ern It ha hreu my endeavor to Rhe eniinl nervier to all. llellevltiR Hint my po nltlon wan onn peculiarly adapted for audi nervlrn I hnve nt nil time rIvpii unipnrlnRly of my Hum nml inenna In the nnlnrtnlnmenl of our clty'n Riltntn i;ieclally In thn nutter of tourlnt Information nnil lmmpekorn Imiulrlen ran the pontmanler render Reed nervlcii for hln community Krarrely a mall hut brlnM niirh In qiilrlen ill of which require much time nnd patience to nnnwer. Another kind of Imiulrlen which rfT wayn touch the heart-ntrltiRn In the nppt-nl of mothers hack rant for word from wnnderltiR nnnn who neglect to write home Thn nuuiher of nurh ult imata In much ure.itcr than would he niipioed. In my )enrn of nervlre I hnve npent much lime In looklnR up theno relntlvcn nnil frleniln nnd the mnny lettern of Ihniikn I hnve receiv ed from Rratrful motliprn nre the lii-al rewnrd In thetnachen for the ner vlre rendered. Tluinka I'n In rtotlnK I wlnh lo enpeclnlly thank Hie prean of thn city for tlm mnny, tunny fnvorn I have received from them. Alwnyn wIIIIiir to in-npe-rute III the hetterment of tlm nervlrn, never rarpltiR or even crltlcil unlenA It could he In u constructive way, they nro Indeed denervliiK of full credit for thn pnrt tlmy Imvn plajed In tlm Rrowth nnd Improvement of our office, Whllo both pnpern for yearn have heen of the, opposite poli tical faith to tlm administration, I cannot recall mm nliiRln adverse crit icism of my olRht )cnra term. I thank you. No I Van, Willi SIurh Ho sure to Ret a nupply of calcium arsenate on hand In (IrIiI tlm Harden hIurh when tlmy appear. In tlm mean time the hurnliiK or plowing of fenrn rown, ditch banks, and similar un cultivated ureas will Kreally reduce, tliu amount of hIiik Injury. O, A. U. Kxporlmont station, PVlll) y vv ra 7Jt ty WARNING! Say "Bayer" when youbuy Aspirin. Unless' you see the name "Bayer" fen tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Headache Colds Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Haver" boxtw or It! tablets Also bottlm ol lit ami 100 Druggist. Aij'lrlu U Itt trad una vt lltcr Msuurtclurv of MouoiovllciclJctir t Uallcflk-atM DUELISTS SIGN PACT Hurry leoii Wilson nml Artist Crl ley Declare I'unl Hell led OAllMlir, IIV TIIK HKA, April 4 - -I'eiicii formally returned to I'nrnnn nun yiinlnrdiiy, when Harry I.eim Wllnou, tlm hiitlllni; author, nml Tlmndoro M. Crlley, painter wllh u punch, concluded a solemn iiRree meiil to refrain from further dunl in k, Tlm nrmlnllro wnn effected nnd tlm pad drawn tip at a conference between Wilson, artlni; thin Hum without tlm vllliiRii grocer or other seconds, mid Attorney J. Hhermmi Woolf, Crlley'n jienrn deleRnte. Tlm Vernnlllen of tlm o union wnn the Wilson homn nt ('arinel lilclilands. Karnmrn cxiertlni: lo hill Canada thistles or wild inenillii: dories sliould Ret kooiI hliiili) weedern now no these perennial penln may hi) kept rut off bnhiw Rroiind all niimmer Cmlern nhnnn iitimher In 8ft. (Iro- leery orders urn appreciated. i TITATIOV IN Till'. COHNTV t'OUItT OF" TIIK htatij or oitKdo.s roit ATM COr.STV In thn matter of thn Kntatn of John W Hull tit. Deceased. To Martini J llanta, William T llanta, llnrry Unwreuce llanta, Kvn Hllsby, mid Coy llunyard. in Tin: namu ok tiii: htatk OK OIIKHON Vou nre Imrnhy cltnled and required to appear before the aboM-entltleil court, nt thn court room thereof In the City of Klnmntli rnna, itinuimii coun ty, OreRoii, on Hnlurdny Ap ril !! I'l"? nl .1 n'rlock u in., then and there to allow cnune, If "any you nave, wny an orner nnouiii noi un entered by nnld court nutliorlr.lliK It C. c.roesweck. iiilminisirator or nam Kntnte lo aril nt private sale for cash or upon terms thn followliiR real property beloiiRlnR tn nnld Kntnte, to wit: Sltuatn In Klnmntli County, Ore- Kim. Southwest quarter of Hnuth- west quarter of Hecilon 2!, Houth- ennl quarter if Hoiithenst qunrter of firctlon 30; Northeast quarter of Northeaiit qunrter of Hecilon 31; Northwest quarter of Northwent quarter of Section 32, all In Town- ship 3H Houth IIuiiko 1 1 i Kast of Willamette Meridian; also Went H of Northeast qunrter nnd Knat H of Northwest quarter of Hertlon .11 Township 3S South IlaliRO IIH l.'ant Willamette Meridian. WITNKHS the Honorable It. 11. Hun. nell, JudRo of tbo County Court of the State nf OreRnu, for Klnmntli County, with the seal or said Court nfrixed, thin SOIh day or March, 1922 (Rcul) C It m:i.AI. Clerk AI.I.AN HI.OAN, Deputy 2I.2H A 4.H.IH AllMININTIIATOU'S XOTICK OF KII.1N4I FINAIi .UXNHI.NT IN TIIK COI'NTY COUUT OK TIIK STATK OK OIIKOON KOIt KLAM ATH COUNTV Notlcn la hereby given that I havo filed my final account mid report as Administrator or Hut Kntnte ol l.ucleu K. (lullbcrt. deccanod, nnd tho nliovn entitled court ha fixed upon 2 o'clock In tlm nflernnou of tlm Mil dny or April A. D. 1922 nn thn Hmo nml thn County Court Itoom In tho Court Houno ol Klamath County, Orrgno, In the City or Klamath Falls, 2 Shams BolhLonq Filler 3 Msrni rTUH sneKAMi spirin A I ,l.r B A ,v - Women Think 5 Minutes Long Enugh on Phone HACItAMKNTO, Cnl . April 1. Tlm Haermnenlo Women'n count II feels that flvo minutes In lern: emiu'h for any pernon lo talk over n parly linn teleplmnu and a recent lesolu lion ilcrhirlnj; It against rooi) policy mid Reed maiiimrn lo mrnopollro thn pnrly linn for nodal vlnlln via thn tel epliono wan adopted. Mnmhorn of tlm council Imvn been quoted tin naylm; tlmy hopn other orcanl.atloiiH will conidder tlm iihiiim and tnko steps to correr; It And Dm public In ht'lplfiR with plenty of Reed wlnlien. Imdern Rrocery ntocK In romido'e Try them. .1. K. Kniltira tc Co. I i - . nn tlm plum, when nnd wlmrn nny pernon may present nny objection or exception to nnylhlni: contained therein, or to iiliythlni: done by him an Administrator, nnd that nl such ( tlmn mm place tlm nhove entitled (our I will finally pan upon mid net tle nald arcoimt limilll'.UT KMONDH, Administrator of thn Kntntu of I.urlcn I;. (Illbert. Decensed March 7. H 21.28 April 4 i I'hono your Rrocery order to Kn-. dorn. I mmiu0j000m CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS Swedish select certified seed oatn, Ion lotn 2 '.4 its. lens quantity 3 ct.i. J, A. Ilushonc. Klamath Kails, Ore Ron. Cnl I nt Murpliey'a Keed store, 124 H. Cth Ht. 3tf Klrnt-clnns ilrensmnklnR. All work Riiaranteed. Mrs. II. I). Coiad, form erly ol the Amlronn-dlovcr Stylo shop, r.22 Klamath nve. Z- IIOAItD & HOOM 10 per week. 703 nth St. I'hono 3C0K. 3S KOU HKNT I room houno cor. MlrblRnn Ave. Inqulro 1GIS Menlo Wny. 3-I Arri'-vnoX! I KPRtnnr i-ouvocniion Kiamatu Chapter No. 35 It. A. M. Tuesday ' evenlnR April 4, 1922. 730 p. m Ilunlncsa and M I.. M. deRrvo. Visit Iiir rompanlonn. welcome. J. K. HKATTON, Bec'ly 31 KOU SAl.KWhcat. marquis nnd I blue stem. J. II Ilarnen, It K. D. No. 1, Klamath Kalis. 1-1 WANTKD Practical nuralnR; mater nity cases especially. Reed refer ences, 441 MIchlRan uvn or Hales Ment market. Phonn 29CW. 1-1 I- KOU SAI.K OK HKNT 3 room cot tage, Klamath and Payne. 1-6 Saw mill machinery lor sale. One CO x 1C ft. llutt scam nteam boiler, 12ft Ih. steam pressure allowed by Hartford Innuranco company. Nearly new. Onn 12 x 1C Houston Stnnwood & (iambic! center crank engine, fine condition. Onn American Sonlor edRor 4 x 4C, In first clans condition. Ilox T. C. Her ald office 31-U 'KOU HKNT 100 acren good Irrlgat I I'd land. Cash or crop rental. In qulro Ilox 2, Herald off lie 30-C 00000f00jJVVVVW SAVOY CAFE 532 Main Street CHINESE DISHES NOODLES SPECIAL MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11 TO 2 0WVWWiA0i0 New Yeast Vi tan ion Tablets Round Out Face and Figure With Firm, lUalthy Flash. Increaaa Energy and Beautify tho Com plosion Easy and Economical lo Take Results Quick Thin or run-down folks SklNWY JAW "Ss?. JIw'T " J icMtuntVHic l I nouNDio a "-x ...... ueiv sbeuuxR: 8&T f BUST ceiccrut. &IWOIOIR& btiluUo A unit 'Water bol uble C). It tanUlics plmplca. bolN ami aVIn eruptions a if by manic, atrcngthens the narves, luiild up tha l-ody ltb firm tlb anil tiuue anil olten coniplaUly raiuvcnulca th wbol ojateni. Quick, I'.ratifyinn remit. No eus canned. If iou nro thin. pnlo. b-iKKanl. drawn Imikimt or lack i-ucrv nnd enduranco Uku Majtln's VlT.MON-tw;o tablets with ecry ww's.-.'fe".. moaauro ycursell each week and continuo ttklng Maatiu a ITAMON regularly until you aie aatiafml with your gain in weight itnd oncrey. IMPORTANTI Wbilo tbo remarkable lieoItb-lHiildinR value ol Maatina VI-TA-MON lias la-en cliurly and wsitieiy uemomtratcd in cac ol lack ol energy. neroui troubles, iincinln, imlieeatlon, constipation, skin eruptions, poor complejlon nnd n generally weakened physical nnil mental condition, it should not bo lined by uiiymio who OIIJKUT.S to balius their wcicht Increase! uormal. Do not accept iinliitloiis or substltutea. You can t-'t Maatuts MIAMUN UUoU at all ooU druistd. .MASTIKS Wujff THtoaiUHM vusi - aoai CUttHli H17MMO.V8 Kqiilly I IO IN TIH5 ClItCtJlT COIJIIT OK TIIK KTATi: OK Olti:(ION KOU KI.AM- ATI! CODNTV. Thn Klrnt National Hank of Klnm ntli Falls, Oregon, a corporation, Plulntlff, vn. Kred M (Inrdon, Dofnndnnt. To Kred M Gordon, Defendant' In ilin Namn of tlm Hlnln of Oregen: Vou nre hereby required to appear nnd nnnwer tlm romplnlnt tiled against you In tlm above entitled court and null on or hoforo Thurndny Hid 20th dny of April, 1022, nnd If you fall no to nnnwnr. for want there, or, thn plaintiff will apply to tbo court for thn relief prayed for In Itn nnld tnmplalnt, to wit; 1. For Judgment nRnlnnt you for tlm nun) or 1300 with Interest nt the rain or X per rent per annum rrom May 4. 1020, attorney' feen In tlm tui m or f 100. and plaintiff's cost and disbursement)! herein; 2. Thai tlm uslinl decree bo mndo for the nnlo of thn following describ ed premlnea belonging to you, to wit Bout h went qunrter of northeast quarter of section 32, township 40 south, ran Re 12 Kant of Willamette Meridian, In Klamath County, Ore- Ron, which you mnrtRared to plaintiff to necuro tho payment of tbo numn nbovo mentioned, that thn proceed of nnld nnlo be applied In payment of thn amount dun plaintiff, and that KOIt HAI.I A Reed loRglnR outllt In A-l condition, ft ton truck nnd R'.i ton trailer nt llulf price. Ilox 383, city. 29-4 roit sai.i: 8MAM.KV AI.KAI.KA OIUNDKIl 40 Inch cuttlnK bar RrlndlnR rapacity 10 to 2ft tons per dny. Suit- nhlo for commercial or private farm tia.t t'ntt lit. nnnmtf.rl nltlinr afnllnn ary at bnrnn nnil warnhousen or port-' able lor field use In moving from stack to stack. Tho machines hnvo heen In actual operation nnd their merits fully teated thorouRhly over hauled and In running order. Prices very reasonable. Look thin over for your own benefit. Kor further Information, write to (ilobo (iraln & Milling company, Sac ramento, California. 30-5 Mako your auto new, with Auto-Nu Day coat enamel. On salo at W. K, , nnd J. K. Patterson, C30 S. Cth. 27-7 ' 'KOU SALE 1 DodRo car In first-' I class mechanical condition. I'rlco irlRbt. Imperial garage. 23tf I Teach your dollars lo have more , cents by Retting W. i:. & J. K. Pat terson to figure on painting, C30 8. Cth. 27-7 - 111.. SCHOOL OF Ml'SIC Present enrollment 38 pupils. Thro Mut Ho n Itenson Kor the fact that our present enroll ment Is tho largest over bold by a school in Klamath county. Complete courio on tho piano In 20 lessons. Course starts nt any time. Knroll now. Studio 30C-309 Winters' Uldg. 20tf If you want to sell It, buy It, trade It. or find it, try a Herald classified ad. Swedish select certified seed oats, ton lots 2'i eta: less quantity 3 els. J. A, liushonc, Klamath Falls, Ore gon. M-3-Apr. who want to quickly get eoinc good, firm, i-olid firth on tlulr bono, fill out ths bollowi and aunVrn clinks willi utronc. Iiralthy tls urs, nnil build up In creased enemy ur.d vital ity tliould (iv t.iUna a littln Mnatin's VITA MON willi their meals. Maitiu's V1TA.MON la a tiny tiibtct cont.ilnina liiKlily coucciitratnl yeast Nil.uninca ua well ui tbo tu otlier ktill mora iai itortant vltauilm-i (Fat 'Are PotltiTdy GommIm lo Put Ob Firm Flb, Clew the Skin and Increase fcnargy wnen warn nam EveryMealorMoMyBack you, nnd nil persona clnlmlnK under you, subsequent to tho cxeputlon of nnld mortgnRO, to wit, May 4, 1020, ha barred and forccloacd of all rlRhtA, claim, or equity of redemption In nnld premlnes nnd ovnry pnrt thorn or, nml Hint plnlntltf may hnve JudR ment and oxecutlon nRnlnnt you ror any dcricloncy which may remnln after no npplylnR nil thn proceeds of tlm salo or nnld prcmlies properly nppllcnhlo to the satisfaction or said JtldRiiient, .1. Thnt plnlntlff hnvn such other or rurther rellnr nn to tho court may seem meet nnd oqultahtn In tho premlip. Thin summons In nerved on you by publication thcreor ror n period of nix consecutive and auccMlvo wceka (7 Insertions) pursuant to nn order theretor duly mado and entered by Hon. V., V. Htono, JuiIro or nnld court, which nald order Is daleil March 7, 1922, tho datn of the Ural publica tion hereof belnc Mnrch 7, 1922. HKNNKIl, MANNINO & (JANONO, Attorneys lor Plaintiff, whoso busi ness and post office address Is Amorkan National Hank DldR., Klnmntli Fnlb, OreRnn. M 7,14.21,28, Apr. 4,11,18 I iSSESSSSS WOOD Is tho cheapest thing you buy, pro vided you mako a wlso solectlon. BLOCK WOOD Sfl.OO A IOAD Is thn hottest, therefore tho beat wood for the cook ntov. SLAB WOOD (M0 A DOUIII.K IX)AD In tho cheapest for all purposes you get moro for the money. O. PEYTON & CO. 410 Slain Ibone B3S I. O. O. F. Prmrierlty Iteltcknlt, 104- meets First nnd Tlilnl Tliuriluii K'nniinn Fnrampmrnt 40, meets eucli Turulny Klamath IxmIkp IB7; inrPls rnrli Friday Chiropractic Removes the Cause icuuouqv Normal Sjiliml Nervi- pincliril nt HlU IHH-'UllK Tho nbovo cut shows bow eas ily ncrvo cnorny to Important or Kutu may bo cut ofr. A similar condition In jour sploo is thu causo or your trouble. Chiro practic udjustmenta will cor rect It. Drs. Mallett & Mallett Underwood IIUIr. Seventh nnd Main Phono C39-J SINGER SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY Sole Agent 208 Main St. All makes of sewing machines. Small pay ment down. Easy terms. nrmstltrlilngi Elite Dressmak ing. Heading of nil kinds. Art N'et-dlc-uurk. Itlhbcm Novelties. Hiuitl Embroidered Garments for tho "weo one." We do repair work and rent any make machine. "Give Us a Call" Phone 5U-W . SBrSWsjsBlsBBiSB afBBSPMr1wji T W asam'JsT -- r.S aPO '""STB tckhdav, Arnifi i, jnaa WOOD Delivered T c. O. 1). Vi load good blocks $'1.00 Single load " ?0.00 Double load " ?8.00 Double load slabs. ..$0.00 WOOD AND HAY FRANKFORD 023 Main Ht. I'hono 73 Klamath Falls Plumbing & Heating Co. 1178 SIAIN KT. I'HONR CI3-W V DR. F. R. GODDARD ostei'oathio lnSICTAf AND BUItGKON Office nnil Itmldenm Phones If-! I I. O. O. V. TKMl'MS RAINBOW SWEET SHOP linnAKPASTH AND I.UNCIIKONH HKItVKD SOFT mtlN'KH, ICK CIIKAM AM) CANDIKS Winter Building Phone 1M-J piiicK, hii.ton o'Ainiirrr Proprletom DR. C A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Ilulhllng rilONK 01 ZELLA S. JONES Public Stenographer Itoom 10 Loomls Ilulldlos Phono 41 " DR. J. a GOBLE OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN 700 Mala St. Pbone 1JW-W We fit and grind glaarcs, Dupli cate broken lonses, repair tramei. KLAMATH POST No. 8. American Leclon meets in tho basoment of tbo now courthouse on Main Street on tho first nnd third Tuesdays ot each month. Ex-servlco men nro Invited to at tend tho mooting. Dr Fred Wcsterfold, Commander. II. B. Getz. Post Adjutant and Re lief and Employment committee. Klamath Falls Cyclery We are hero to servo yon and aim to servo you right. Motor cycles and Bicycles, Parti and Accessories, Tires nnd Tubes that will stand your Inspection, as w carry tbo best In our line. Re pair shop In connection with Harloy-D&vldson Sortie). PHONE 3713 1010 Mala St. Klamath Falls O. V. niSMARK FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Phono 434-W X-RAY LAItORATORIKfl LoonUs Dldg. Klamath I'nlla J. C CLEGHORN CIVIL HNGINEKR AND 8UHVUVOII Phone 103-J 133 8. Riverside DR. H. J. WINTERS Graduate and State Registered OPTICIAN Nineteen years hero in business We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Service Rest Equipped Optical Store In Southern Oregon 714 Main Street t SHOE REPAIRING Ilonest Leather Honest Work Honest Price JACK FROST Independent Shop 119 S. Sixth Work left nt Falrvlow Grocery or 1004 Mala St., will bo called for dally ! i r NEW CITY LAUNDRY. Finished Work Flat Work Rough Dry 'Put Tour Duda la Our Suds t PnONE 184 Corner Mula and Conger w mmmmrmmm II I I m a 4 u .AV ', 1 I ' T ,-a .t .. .j t$ .tt 11 L . A, . 'J'.L, , , Hk-J ."tei