The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 03, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Trtgo Four
MoxPAr, Arnu, a, ji
Pacific League to
Open Season Tomorrow
SAN ntANCISCO, April 3. Tho
J'nclflc Coast league lomorrow
opens tho season of 1922, which,
officials predict, will bo tho great-
cut poiinanl rnco ever staged in a
minor league.
Tlio opening games will he:
Ki-nltlo nt San Francisce: Oak-
In ml nt Sacramento; Portland nt
Los Angctcs. and Vernon at Salt
Lake. H
Capacity crowds are expected In
cery park.
Weekly Schedule of
Pacific Coast League
April 1 -9 Oakland at, Sacramen
to; Vernon nt Salt Lake; Seattle at
San Francisco; Portland nt Los An
geles. April 1116 Seattle nt Sacramen
to; Portland nt Salt Lake; San Fran
cisco nt Oakland; l.os Angeles nt Ver
non. April 1S-23 Vernon nt Seattle:
Oakland nt Pertland: Sacramento nt
San Francisco; Salt Lake at l.os An-
April 2 ."-30 Oakland at Seattle;
Vernon at Portland; Salt Lake nt
San Francisco; Sacramento at l.os
May 2-7 Seatllo at Pertland: Salt
l.nke at Sacramente: Los AnReles at
Oakland: San Francisco at Vernon.
May 9-14 Los AnReles at Sacra Sacra
meneo: San Francisco at Salt Lake;
Portland nt Oakland; Seattle at Ver
non. May 16-21 Portland at Sacra
monto; Seattle at Salt Lake; Vernon
nt San Francisco; Oakland at Los
AnReles. to
May 23-2S Sacramento at Seat
tle; Salt Lake nt Pertland: Vernon
nt Oakland; San Francisco at Los
May 30-Junc 4 Salt Lake at So
nttlci Sacramento n( Pertland: Oak
land nt San Francisco; Vernon at Los
Juno 6-11 Portland at Seattle:
Sacramento at Salt Lake; Los An
Reles at San Francisco; Oakland at
June 13-1S Vernon at Sacramen
to; Oakland at Salt Lake; Portland
ut San Francisco; Seattle at Los An
Reles. June 20-25 San Francisco at Sac
ramento; Los Angclct at Salt Lake:
Feattcl at Oakland; Portland at Ver
non. Juno 27-July 2 San Francisco at
Seattlo; Los Anitelcs at Portland;
Sacramento at Oakland; Salt Lake at
Vernon. 'MWW
July 4-9 Los Anceles at Seattle;
San Francisco at Portland; Salt Lake
nt Oakland; Sacramento at Vernon.
July 11-16 Oakland at Sacramen
to; Vernon at Salt Lake: Seattle at
San Francisco; Portland at Lo
'July 18-23 Seattlo nt Sacramen Sacramen
eo: Portluid at Salt Lake: San Fran
cisco at Oakland; Los Angeles at Ver
non. July 25-30 Seattle at Portland;
SacH-amento at Salt Lake; Los An
geles nt Oakland; San Francisco at
Aug. 1-6" Vornon at Seattle; Oak
land ut Portlaml; Sacramento at San
Francisco; Salt Iako nt Los Angeles.
Aug. 8-13 Oakland ut Seattle;
Vernon at Portland; Salt Lake at San
Francisco; Sacramento at Los An
Rules. Aug. 15-20 -Portland ut Seattle;
Salt I.ako ut Sacramento; Vernon at
San Francisco; Oakland nt Los An
BeJes. Aug. 22-27 Los Angeles at Sacra
mento; San Francisco at Salt Lake;
Ccattte at Oakland; Portland at
Aug. 29-Sept. 4 Vernon nt Sacra
mento; Oakland nt Salt Lake; Port
land at San Francisce: Seattle nt Los
Sept. B-10 San Francisco nt So
nttlo; Los AiiRclrs nt Pertland: Sac
ramento nt Oakland; Salt I.nkc nt
Sept. 12-17 Los AnReles nt Seat
tle; San Francisco nt Portland; Salt
Lake nt Oakland; Sacramento nt Ver
non. '
Sept. 19-24 Portland nt Sacra
mento; Seattle nt Salt Lnkn: Los
AnReles nt Snu,Francl-co; Oakland nt
Vernon. ' ,
Sept. 26-Oct. 1. San Francisco nt
Sacramente: Los Angeles nt Salt
Lake; Portland at Oakland: Seattle
nt Vernon.
Oct. 3-S -Sacramento nt Seattle;
Salt 1-ake. nt Portland; Vernon nt
Oakland; San Francisco nt l.os
Oct. 10-15 Salt Lake nt Seattle:
Sacramento nt Pertland: Oakland nt
San Francisce: Vernon nt Los
Spoclnl Monday (tame
April 24 Vernon nt Seattle.
May S Los Angeles nt Oakland.
May 29 Sacramento nt Seattle.
Juno 19 Portland nt San Francis
co; Seattle nt Los Angeles.
Jul? San Francisco nt Seattle;
Los Angeles nt Portland.
July 17 Seattlo at San Francisco.
July 24 Portland nt Salt Lake
(Pioneer Day.)
July 31 Seattle at Portland.
Aug. 7 Vernon at Seattle.
Aug. 21 Oakland nt Lqs Angeles.
Aur. 2S Portland nt Vernon.
Sept. 11 I.os Angeles at Port
land; San Francisco at Seattle: Sac
ramento nt Oakland: Salt Lake nt
Oct. 9 Sacramento at Seattlo.
Personal Mention I
Strangler Offers Bet
For Derripsey Match
PONCA CITY, Okla.. April 3.
Ed (Stranglcr) Lewis, wrestling
champion, offers to meet Jack
Dempsey. boxing champion, at 101
ranch here in tho proposed wrest-ling-boxing
match for a sldo bet of
$50,000, and the winner take gate
The offer was contained In a
letter from Lewis, replying to Col
onel Joe C. Miller, who said ho had
offered a 1200,000 guarantco and a
split In receipts. Dempsey has not
been heard from.
Athletics for All
Is Urged at U. of O.
EUGENE. April 3. A serious
attempt Is being made by tho school
of physical education at the Univer
sity of Oregon here to Impart to
every male student In college an
Interest In some sort of recreation In
bis freshman and sophomoro years
to carry through life.
"It Is tho man with no ability In
athletics and no Interest In sport
that our department Is Interested In,"
declares Dean John F. Ilovard.
"Tho men who can mako tho var
sity teams ca'n take caro of them
selves," he adds. A sport schedule as
well us a study schedules for every
man Is tho aim of the department.
Local radio enthusiasts In the
Lucas store Thursday night enjoyed
concerts broadcasted from tho Los
Angelej (KVJ). Lou Alto, (KLC).
as well as from Denver. Violin and
vocal solos were clearly heard.
Some of the Klamath Falls ama
teurs have proposed too organiza
tion of a radio for purposes of de
velopment and study.
Greatest Story of the Northwest
Mounted Police
"Cameron of the
Royal Mounted"
And Vaudeville Movies and Good Comedy
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
Lou Tutllo of l.orolla wns a guest
of the Arcade hotel Saturday.
V. J. Chcdoslor, ynrd superinten
dent of Lamms' mill nt Modoc Point,
wns nt the Arcado hotel Saturday,
.1. K. Jones of Dorrls wns n visitor
In Klnmnth Falls Saturday.
Joseph Chenos, watch Inspector for
tho Southern Pacific, wns a recent
visitor In the city.
J. F. irnckett, who hns liecn n resi
dent of Klamath Falls for the past
two years, left this morning for
Crants Pass wheru ho Is going Into
H. It. Ilrncken. insurance apprais
er, who was In tho city on business,
left this morning for San Francisco,
31 r. and Mrs. Charles Pelck nnd
daughter, who havo lteen the guests
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Matt Kohn. left for
their home In Iowa this morning
after hating completed n tour of
tho west.
E. L. llosloy left this morning for
San Francisco on business.
Mrs. C. J. Qulgley left this morn
ing for Yreka where sho will lslt re
latives. 11. F. licit of tho Delanl Lumber
company left this morning tor Mt
Hebron tivnttend to tho shipping of
lumber from that point.
C. P. Anthony of tho Albany tan
nery has been a business visitor In
Klamath Falls for the. past few days.
Mr and Mrs. Stanley C EL Smith,
who for the past four months have
been on a honeymoon lour of Oregon
and Southern California have return
ed and are stopping at tho Whlto Pell
can. Mrs. Smith formerly was Miss
Ida Hron, prominent In the oungcr
set of this city.
W. C. Dalton and son,pf Malln, are
geusts nt the Hnll hotel today.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Nine from
Swan Lake valley were among today's
visitors herr.
It. C. Lord, n rancher from near Al
goma, was In tho city transacting
business Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wutklns. Jr.
havo returned from Ashland whero
they havo been spending titc winter,
Luko Rogers of tho Klamath Mint
company was In tho city todar.
Frank Courtadc from near Mid
land, was In 'tho city Saturday pur
chasing supplies for his ranch.
William Edler of Langell valley
was In this city Saturday attending to
business affairs.
K. E. Hodgeman of tho state high
way department who has been here
Inspecting tho routa for tho highway
to be built between here and Lake
view, left for his homo In Medford
this morning.
E. A. Welch, manager of tho Med
ford Grocery company has been here
on business.
Mrs. L. L. McDonald left Saturday
for her ranch In Langell valloy where
she will remain during the remainder
of the spring and summer. Mr. Mc
Donald preceded her several weeks
Frank Cborpennlng was a county
seat visitor today from his homo at
Archie Miller, englncor on tho
Weed local, has returned from a
ten-day vacation trip.
Mr. and Mr. V. J. Ilarnthouso
havo returned from a honeymoon
trip to Santa Cruz and will bo at
home at 421 Tenth street. Mrs.
Ilarnthouso was formerly Mlsa Car
met Mlllur.
Sirs. John Colvlc has returned
from Grants Pass, whero abo has
been visiting for tho past three
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hagelstcln of
Dorrlg were wcok-eiid visitors hern.
"V. I). Dawson has returned hero
after an extended sojourn in South
ern California,
IN BUYING CLOTHES the first cost
should be the only cost. The first cost
should prove a wise investment, meas
ured by lang wear and satisfaction.
Kuppenheimer Good Clothes
give service; that makes one forget
the "first cost." For men who want
durability with style and appear
ance, these clothes hit the mark.
Double inbuilt values; all wool fab
rics; perfect fit; assurance of phys
ical comfort.
The "first and only cost" is surprisingly low
$25.00 '" $50.00
Leading Clothiers
Ho was newly arrived In this coun
try and was none too familiar with
tho Use of tho telephone. So ho took
down tho receiver and demanded.
"Ayo vant to talk to my vlfo."
Central's voice catuo back sweetly,
"Number, plcaso?"
"Oh." ho replied, perfectly willing
to help out, "sho bane my second
vun." American Legion Wt'cmy.
FOR KENT 2 room apt furnished
for light housekeeping. Oregon ,
House, r2T Klamath Ave. 3
Swedish select certified seed onts.
ton lots 2"t cts; less quantity 3 cts J
J. A. Ilushong. Klamnth Fulls, One
gon. Call nt Murphuy'tt Feed store, I
124 S. 6th St. 3tf
Martin Bros., millers, of Klamath
Falls, filed suit in tho circuit court
against C. V. and Lucille Holmes, for
merly owners of tho Klafhath Cush
grocery, for $1600 to recover on a
Trial In suits for divorce In the
cases of Jeunlo against Daniel Clrn
ton, and William II. against Rita
Hyde, were bad this afternoon.
SEEDS At Klamath Falls, April
.1, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. W.
'Seeds of Milts addition, a daugh
ter; weight 6V4 pounds; named
Mildred Fay.
We desire to express our heartfelt
thanks to our friends and neighbors
for the acta and words of sympathy
and kindness extended to us during
our recont bereavement In tho Iohb of
mir beloved wife and mother.
Y, O, Dalton and sons, 3
Holland House, easy turms, 2u
per month.
"Whit lock apts., easy terms, small
amount down.
, Twenty-eight feet on Main St., next
to Central hotel.
Sixty-five feet on Pine St.. between
Christian church ami KollogK npti.
Two bungalows urn! two rnraC's.
cheap for cash. '
Two houses on lots $800.
Ono house on 2nd St small amount
down, balnnco vory easy terms
Other houses In alt parts of tho
city. Terms to suit.
Furms near Klamath Falls, Merrill,
Malln or Ilonanza.
Three fresh cows with calves.
Logging horses and harness nnd
other logging; equipment.
Hay, grain and potatoes.
J. .V. llramhall. 208 Winters' Illdg.
Phono 149J. 3
First-class dressmaking. All work
guaranteed. Mrs. II. D. Cozad. form
erly of the Andross-GIover Stylo shop,
522 Klamath'ave. 3-8
703 9tb St. Phono 3C0K.
w eok.
SALESMAN Splendid sldo linn. Sell
our best Qtiullty Lead Pencils
which wo absolutely guarantee. Also
high grado calendar lino for ono do
slrlng all time proposition. Connect
with house having roputatlon for fair
dealing. A permanent connection for
hustler. Tho (Jeo. Jung Co. Cincin
nati, O. ' 3
FOR RENT-4 room
Michigan Are. Inquire
house cor.
1J48 Mcnlo
FOR RENT Furnished one room ca
bin. 741 Walnut. 3
FOR SALE dairy rows or will
trade for sheep or cattle Iiox F. D.
Herald office. 3
-with pow and tractor disk. Iiox F.
D. Herald office. 3
Regular Convocation Klamath
Chapter No. 3E R. A. M. Tuusduy
ovcnlng April 4, 1922, 7:30 p. m.
RuslneKR nnd M. E. M. degree. Visit
ing rnmpanlomi wnlcomn.
' J, B. DRATTON, Sec'ty. 3-4
1 Subscribe for The Herald (luring the month of
April and make 75 cents do a dollar's work. ,
It has long been the annual custom of The
Evening Herald during the month of April to re
duce the rate of subscription to all annual subscrib
ers, old and new, paying cash in advance.
Up to a Standard, not
Down to a Price
We offer no cut rates, no special privileges, ex
cept this one annual inducement.
The Herald during the coming year, as improv
ing business conditions justify tho expense of ex
pansion, will be a bigger and better paper.
It offers you today a service unexcelled by any
paper in any town of this size on the Pacific Coast.
It gives you all th'e local news, the cream of tho i
daily telegraph news, and sport, comic and fashion
features. It is a clean home paper, and its highest
endeavor is to maintain a policy in news presenta
tion that will not offend the most sensitive woman,
or suggest aught but-good to the mind of the grow
ing child.
For thirty days only, beginning Monday, April
3rd, The Evening Herald's annual subscription rate
will be:
$5.00 per year by carrier; regular price, $0.50.
$4.00 per year by mail to any home in Klamath
$5.00 a year by mail to all points outside Klamath
' county.