The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 01, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two
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The Evening Herald
l It. OUIK....Kdltor find PahtMirr
If. It. 1111.1 -City fcdltor
Published ilnlly except Hundsr. br
Tho IlornUI Publishing Company of
Klnmath Falls, nt 119 Eighth street.
Entered nt tho pottofflco nt Klnm
nth Falls, Oro for transmission
through tho mills 'as second-class
mntter. ,
Tho AsnoclaledPross It exclusive
lv entitled to tho wna for publica
tion of nil new dlspatchc credited
to It. or .hot otherwise credited In
this paper, mid Also the local news
published herein.
HATUlttAV, APIllIi t, 102S
BEGINNING Monday, following
Ion established custom, Tho
Ercnlng Herald, offers during the
month of April, n reduced rate to nil
annual subscribers. At the beginning
ot tho'ycnr tho management of the
Herald changed, and under the now
control a policy was adopted that had
as Its basic principle, a square deal to
all, with special privileges to none.
Tho results of tho application of
this policy, even In tho short time
that It has been on trial, have been
highly satisfactory.
Wo nro Inspired with confidence,
nnd wo bellcvo that during tho com
Ing year The Herald, In common with
the community It serves, will make
great advances; not alone In material
prosperity, but along lines of moral
betterment as well.
Wo want to sco here In Klamath
county a united community, conse
crated to tho protection and advance
ment of American Ideals. Wo believe
that each reader has tho same -high
goal In view.
Wo have no doubt that from time
In tlmo we will dlsagrco as to tho me
thods to bo pursued, but wo sincerely
believe that all residents or Klamath
county aro loyal to our ono main
purpose tho moral and material de
velopment of Klamath county.
Personally, and as an Institution,
wo strife, and will continue to strive,
nnd have made and will continue to
mako sacrifices In everything save
moral principle, to securo a working
program of harmonious endeavor that
will lead to the accomplishment of
the common purpose by the speediest
From this basic policy In the com
ing year, Tho Herald will not deviate,
regardless of whrtherit brings ma
terial loss or gain, although we think
wo gaugo the general sentiment cor
rectly and expect no loss.
Wo call your attention to It now,
as a matter of rightful knowledge
that you are entitled to possess, be
cause It Is a policy that we ask you
to endorse when you pay your sub
scription for the coming year.
We are proud of the past achieve
ments of The Herald; and because of
Its firm standing as a community In
atltutlon, wo believe that It can exert
a great helpful Influence In tho future.
Today The Herald Is giving the
community a news service second to
none given by any paper In a city of
tho size on tho coast. Out we are not
satisfied with merely following in the
rut worn by others. We are dally
building an organization that Is con
sistently and constantly Improving
the paper's service, and within a year.
as general business conditions lm
provo and the community's prosperity
udvanccs, we expect to add features
that will Indisputably place The Her
ald in the front rank of the Interior
press, as befits Its Importance as the
mouthpiece of a community, unex
celled In resources by any In the
northwest, and tho reflector of the
''gggy 3V m
best Ideals of that community.
Mrs. C. M. Hnmsby will entertain
tho Art Necdlo Work club on Wed
nesday at her homo on Fifth street.
Tho Knights of Columbus enter
tained in honor of the Indies on Wed
nesday night of this week. About
thirty couples attended this success
ful affair, Tho evening was spent nt
&00 and A very fine musical program
was given. Tho ladlei prlzo went to
Mrs. Florence Drchcr and Hyron
No tut received tho prize for tho men.
Tho Ladles Auxiliary of tho Amer
ican Legion will hold their regular
social and business meeting on Tues
day afternoon of next week. A full
attendanco Is urged.
Mrs. R. A. Emmttt was hostess to
tho Happy Hour club on Tuesday
afternoon at her home on Pine street.
Tho afternoon was pleasantly spent
with sewing. Those present besides
the club members were Mesilnmes J.
E. Swanson, Earl Whltlock, Miles
Ltppert and A. F. Saltlcky.
Tho Presbyterian church held Its
annual dinner on Monday evening. A
larger crowd attended than any pre
vious year. After dinner a business
meeting was held and the officers for
the coming year elected.
.The Fifth Friday committee of the
Odd Fellows' Lodge cntertnlncd at a
dancing party last eventng at their
hall. A musical program was also
given. A large crowd attended and
evcryono reported a most enjoyable
time. Cards were enjoyed by those
not wishing to dance.
Tho program was as follews:
Song Eight little girls
Piano duct ..Ruth Cofer, Helen Abbey
Reading Virginia Peyton
Folk dances Jean Thompson
Remarks .Frank Armstrong-
Piano Solo ..... ....Gertrude Cofer
Vocal solo ....... ........Vera Houston
Song .. filrls chorus
Closing address ....J. J. Miller
Mrs. G. A. Massey entertained a
number of friends at a brfdgo party
on Friday afternoon. The house was
prettily decorated In yellow. Tho
prize for highest score went to Mrs.
Qolden Lincoln and Mrs. Wm. Marx
was given the consolation. The hos
tess served dainty refreshments at the
close of the afternoon. Those present
were Mesdames 8cha!!ock, Moe, Hale,
Hoagland, Marx, Van Emmon, Stev
enson, E. L. Elliott, Baker. Dunbar,
Stewart, Terwllllgcr, Cbas. Martin,
Newell, Truax, Harry Goeller, Gold
en Lincoln and the hostess.
The Assembly will bold Us next
dance at the White Pelican on Mon
day, April 10.
Without doubt the most successful
and brilliant social event of the seas
on was the annual Elks' masquerade
ball given at the Elks' temple on
Wednesday night. Every Imaginable
thing was represented In the way of
costumes from the Ku Klux Klan to
a unique suit representing a bottle of
moonshine. Great pains wcro taken
by those on the entortalnment com
mittee to make tho affair all that It
should be and much pralso Is duo
them. Some of tho costumes wcro
very elaborate, many having sent to
San Francisco for theirs. Tho dance
lasted until a late hour.
Mrs. Mollle Beldlng entertained
tho book committee, of tho Wo
men's Library club at tho White
Pelican hold Friday afternoon nt
tho regular meeting. This commit
tee's aim Is to keep In touch with
tlio best curront literature nnd to
purchase tlioso books best suited
for sinnll public libraries. Duo to
very limited means, but few books
can be added to tho city library,
nnd tho donations of money recent
ly given for Juvonllo bokR have
been most gratefully received. This
committee consists of Mesilanjes
Jackson Kimball, H, It. Harrison,
A. M. Worden. W. A. Welst, 0. A.
Krause, Molllo lleldlng and Miss
Enola Hawkins.
Tho Women's Klkg club will en
tertain next Tuesday nt 2:30 at tho
Elks Tomplo t 230. .Mcsdnmes
J. It. Carter. J. E. Enders. 0. II.
llrown and L. G Hoagland will be
hostesses. All
Elks are Invited.
stlng women
Every Man Should Have l.lfo
Especially If lu Is a married man
with a wife nnd children dependent
upon him fur support. There nro
penty of good old-line mutual com
panies, and ono It about us good as
another. Don't wait for tho Insurance
agent to find ou; go nnd see htm
Tho man who U engaged In business
enterprise of any kind, or has n fam
ily to support, cannot afford to ptf.
off for a single day the nil-Important
matter of getting bis life Insured. If
you haven't got tho money to pay
tho premium, vour hanker will loan
It to you, particularly If ho already
hns money loaned tr you. adv. It
It Isn't often that an Indian smiles
scarcely over does ho laugh, but
n group of Indians In thn Fort Mac
Leod district of Canada recently en
Jord n laugh that was probably tlio
most boisterous lu which they had
ever Indulged.
Irving dimming!, who piny tbo
part of a gambler In "Cameron of the
Itnynl Mounted," which comes to tho
Strand theatre Sunday, vmn tho mnu
who furnished thn laugh Cummlngn
was dressed In tlio role of a frontier
gambler, nnd he looked tho part.
Ono day, while nut on "location", ho
enmo across a group of Indians. Rec
ognizing his nttlro as tliat worn by
sportsmen, and always keen for 0
game of chance, tho Indians Invited
Cummlngs to "deal 'em up " Cum
mlngs had a spare hour, and wishing
to oblige, sat In at tho game. In n
few minutes the Indians possessed
every doltar that the artor had with
him. They thought It was n good Joko
that amateur could "clean out" n
professional gabmler. Then, when
Cummlngs explained that ho wasn't
a gambler, but an actor, the Indians
laughed louder than ever. A few
hours later, when Cummlngs ngaln
passed them, on his wny bark to the
hotel, the Indians were still laugh
ing. Cummlngs lost about IS Ho says
ho Is glad that It wasn't a larger
amount. The Indians might have
laughed themselves to doath,
Htato tncrcnjca ICtpriiillttirr-i
More. I hail SI'l.fUNMMKI
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. April I.
Notwithstanding tho reported drop In
prices and tho gradual "return to
normnlev" the cities of California In
creased their expenditures morn than
sixteen nnd one half million dollars
tor tho year ending Juno .10, 1021,
over those of the previous ear, Btoto
Controller Ray L. Riley said hern-today,
In n statement of total receipts
and expenditures of all thn cities In
1021. compared with those of 1!"20.
The receipts for 1921 were il,
.i2x,203.r.3, mid for 1020, iss.nsr;..
63S 2d an Increase of f I0,342,ttr.n.27.
Tho cities spent In 1021. 111.1,312,.
710.77, nnd In 1020. 7rt.747.O0G.88,
an Increase of llfI,tifl"t,G23 80
All r.alil.tnt attit vlalll-i- TMptt-
.... .. ......... mail a .n. ., ....-
Second degree Masons aro requested
to nueiiii a mooiing ai Masonic nail,
over Gulden Rule store, Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock April 2nd 1022 Ho.
organization-Election officers nnd
preparations for Easter services. J,
E. llrnttou, 32 decree Sec'ly. 311
Edison Says:
"Electricity and Machinery can make
household drudgery a thing of the
past and that at soon at woman
There .should be an eight-hour day in
the home. The averagu woman hns
something staring her in the face un
til the dinner dishes are done.
L -1 L1L
Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads.
While we maintain here a complete bank
ing sen-ice capable of meeting all banking
needs of our patrons, we especially urge you to
use our Savings Department.
Saving is everybody's business old and
young alike. Haven't there been times when
you could have used a reserve fund to good
$1.00 or more opens a Savings Account at
this bank. Why not come and start yours
JUullu Aids Firemen
Among thoso endeavoring to find
vvldur uses for wireless aro Assist
ant Flro Chief James E, Granger of
Clc.volt.nd, Ohio, Chief Moran of the
Hartford, Connecticut, flro depart
ment and Superintendent Garrett of
tho flro alarm signal department of
Dallas, Texas.
Superintendent Garrett has a
radio receiving set Installed In his
automobile, and by this- means Is
kopt informed of overy flro alarm',
no matter where ho may bo ut the
Notwithstanding the wonderful
development In radio work during
tho past few years, wo may look
forward during the next decade to
applications In this field which will
bo truly marvelous.
Have you seen tlio Dig
Pair of Eye
in front of 700 Main HtreotT
Well, that's Dr. Ooblo's.
where you have your eyes ex
amined, glasses fitted, re
paired or udusted.
Rroken lenses duplicated.
We surface, edge, drill and
bevel the lenses', any shape,
size or stylo.
Central Auto Service
OBI Main Htm-t
All Dodge Open and Closed Cars
Ilcnd and Clillo'jnln
Ilondcd Under Statu
The Magic Carpet
Af OU could fit on the fabled carpet of Bagdad and
view the world. In the of an eyelash it
would cany you any place you wanted to go. All you
had to do was wish. v.
Advertising is a sort of magic carpet. Ityad it and in the
twinkling of an eye you can review the merchandise of
the world, pictured and displayed for your benefit.
You can pick up this paper and in fifteen minutes know
what the different shops are offering in the way of
fabrics, patterns, varieties and qualities of almost any
thing you want.
The advertisements introduce you to the latest styles
the newest comforts for the home -the best of the
world's inventions. They tell you how to buy, where to
buy and when to buy. They keep you posted on things
necessary to feed and clothe you and your family and
make you comfortable and happy.
Head the advertisements as a matter of education. Hem!
them to keep abreast of progress.
Read the advertisements regularly
ww-firiiw .. - I v
OFFICE - r ' I nn ni
nn J-
fa M, PLEASE ?, X.... . . I'D LIKE.TO SEE ) k7i-X TELL MB WHEBE
J lUUkLTinU uniiliiniuniu-rl J uriw , "7. 77. T .T I
?0F.7Mp?zi HIM IN THE "eSsT 'I C OFFICE. i.J'lT.i'S.'f-Kf
- ! . r. I . . -t t. . a va. .k OC A T A i- aU flJ M I . Tlli:rHJK. lAIFriTl I
OFFICE - r nnni 7 ' wmoo wilbukv r"- - f L r- BACK :j J" aeiicVV
i j i -V duff? jrXf,FFICEV fYi Xy-rr. sftzJ aES-
JB-6 ggA 1 I l'-R3-G2---P-Pgggf MgPVJ.ggggggLai ZaZBaLZZaZaaRiBVS-Jgggggf-M , WnSSftHalgaS
Dn GobIe wTmk 4& W'IMflftSl WTtfl nSIS '-?iwa
Phone, Ofc. 18SW, nrs. 8.II-J Zk I JMMsBMstggJ (jjfK W && Uwmf'Wl
''in 1 i ' . M J - k i i.i - ' ,i jJ- '
100 lbs. Chick Feed $3.35
100 Ibi. Chick Math $3.25
100 lbs. Meat Scrap .'..$6.00
601b . Charcoal $2.50 L
100 Ibi. Ground Bone $3.25
100 lbs. Egg Math ,, .....$3.25
100 lb.' Dairy Feed
j$1.2S , i
Murphey's Feed Store
124South Sixth Street '
,sS J,f..