The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 31, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Pnjja Two
The Evening Herald
l It. HOUI,K....Klltnr nml I'nMWicr
II. II. HILL City Kdltor
1'nlilUhuil lnllyexcopt Rumlny, by
Tito ItornM l'lihllnhlim Company of
Klninutli Kails, ut 119 KIrIiUi Rtroot.
Knlcrpil nt (li postofflco nt Klntn
nth Knlls, Oro., for transmission
tlirntiKli tlia mall as scconil-class
Tlio Associated Prcmi Is exclusive
lv fill It led to tlin uo for puhllen
t Ion (,f nil now dlspatcho crt'dltocl
tn It. or not olhrrwlso rroilllPd In
(Ills pnpnr. nml nlso tlio local now?
PiiIiIIaIipiI lioroln.
lltlDAV, MAltai St, tt'-,i:
of rnrti raiitrmlitiK party, ntut n
pross which iillnyn passion unit
rcokjt to present, lulltorliilly nml In
It now rolttintiii, tlio controversial
suhjeot mutter marltnlly nml with
tlio view of bcltiK helpful In end
ing tlio difference. Ik ii great asset
to tlio community It penes.
Tlio mitlon needs production In
lint It need.
T lli:ili: seem to ho an ntl-too-general
feeling that newspaper
men ha n class uro Irreligious; Hint
their nrl! I'rlnpn io constantly to
their attention tlio senmy sldo of llfo
thut innny lose their spiritual hcar
Iiiks nml drift upon tlio materialistic
Such a conception of tho character
of thoso who conduct tho nation'
new simpers must necessarily reflect
on the Integrity of tho pros Itself.
It lay the foundation for distrust
nml dlabiitluf.
Wo eutinot deny thnt a certain por
tion if llnpMHnliTi l lmt on
ern of a curtain class of papers do
elaro In a demand from tho public
for tho publication of detailed de
scriptions of unwholesome and abnor
mal Incident In social rotation. Hut
tho bulk of nownpaper men aro non
oHt, with nn ethical code ns high, or
higher, than any other profession.
Thero Ih at present anion; news
papers n movement to get back to
fundamentals, to strengthen tho raor-
nl standing of the pres. It Is maklnR
headway. It In known as tho "Hack-to-tlie
lllblo" movement.
Tho Iliblti has a greater lnfluoncr
iimn tlio lives of tho men who con
duct tho newspapers of America, and
ut tho world, than most people re
cognize. And In this connection wo
present an excerpt from the remarks
of Olln V, Kennedy, manaplnR editor
of tho Miami (Kin.) Herald, before
u youtiR men's lllblo class In that
city recently:
"I presume that I was Invited
hero not as a student of the Illblc.
but rather as a newspaper man to
Rive you soma Idea as to how tho
lllblo Is regarded In a newspaper
office. I novo known many news
paper men In my time and have
never yet found one who did not
have a boly reverenco for the lllble
and Its teachings. You may think It
strange In my sjylnc so, but I am
convinced that there Is nothing
that has been printed In n news
paper, thnt Is morn Interesting
than tho stories In tho Mlilo. Kvery
phaso of crlmo thnt hns occurred or
will occur Is covered by tho crimes
depleted In (ho lllhlu. Kvery In
ventton, every Rront luippenltiR,
ovory great wnr Is told moro com
pletely In tho lllblo Until tho now?.
paiiors hno been nblo to over re
late tho stories of any of these j
thing. Thorn is moro romance in j nI1 , mjr industries
:V Zper'tlcnou' No' Z -I "" '"," ",,"'"' "'
ever printed eijunls that of Hiith jIH 'l confidence between em
nnd Hoax. There are no more plover nnd employe. Thnt. In n
thrllllnR murders thnn that of the nutshell. U tho whole ulm of tho
..laying of Al.ol by Cain t woild ',.. .,lllmr,m.,t we i,v..
ask im where on tho sporting 17, , .
panes today ! there nnytliliiK ""' llom,r ,( represent.
cqunllng tho Rront chariot races) We reRret deeply that up to this
described In the lllblo? Sometimes. , ttiuo the omphoor, nnd employes
considerable doubt Is cast upon the , , ,,', ,
Vecilllar stories printed In the I ..... .. ... ,
newspapers. Are tboie an stories! "1' ""' hope that through
printed today that arouse more Jot her ngcuclc,, or. far preferably,
curiosity than that of Jonah audi through their own Inherent sense
of what Is fair nnd rlRht, the
tle.i directly concerned may speed
ily end tholr controversy and Klam
ath Kails be spared the siifferltiR
which must ensue It the strike con
tinues. Very sincerely yours.
K P. MAltSll.
V. S. Commissioner of Conciliation.
Noted Sportsman Will
Sail for South Seas
the whale and of Lot's wife beliiR
turned Into a pillar of salt? .With
Iiir In the press of today could ex
cite as great curiosity as those
stories. I think that nil of you
who have even carelessly read the
lllble know that every modern In
vention has been foretold and thnt
nothlnR has been left for the new
papers to record except the de
tail'. The great disasters of the
Inst thousand years do not com
pare with the flood. No mob scene
of modern times has auytbliiR to
comparo with the crucifixion of
"Turn to the courts. If on will, A PASAOKNA. Cul.. Mnrch 30
and recall. If cu can. any trial In K(,h Spalding, noted sportsman, will
S..riSXfflS'S - schooner-yacht ,1,1s year
that of the trial of Christ by PI- ' !l" o M wako "" extended
late. The Rreatest lawyers of to- tour of tho South Seas In 192.1, ho
day say that It was one of tho amumiired hero recently.
rB7ii n"a:i; tofl & vw-
has equaled It In the IcRal ability 1 rk naval architect to design the
displayed. craft, which nrcordltiR to present
"I know that mllltoifs of oplo ,,! wm lnvo u leiiRth over all of
marvel at the stunts c f ,62 f , e(ilMnf. raiU, cf
r .... (.m..... m.... ..,...-. ........ .......... fA. ...i, ... ,.,, ...
iv... 1 iiiiic .l lull PM-i;.i.
The sportsman will art as his own
skipper on the proposed Jaunt, whllo
his wife will serve In the capacity of
f.W. os-" MAIN
A - jQr I
Tlio Very Newest Spring Hats Featured
for Saturday
IIIr hats mid small ones, hrluht colored huts nml sombre
ones; huts elusteied with flowers, Rav fruits, ostrlrli 11111I
ribbons; fnnhloned In erlspest straws mid soft silks.
Si:4. Section i:. and NW',NW.
SWi.SWi, Sec. 23, T. 37 S. H. 11
:.. Willamette Meridian
The sale will not be kept open, but
will bo declared closed when those
present ut the hour named have ceas
ed blddliiR. The person maklliR the
IllKhest bill will be teiillred to I ill
mediately pay to the Itecelver the
amount thereof
hlKhest and best bidder, for rash, nil
of tho Interest of said C W Wlllson,
A T Miller, mid Alia IMtlll l.obert I
Miller, defendants In said suit, and '
of nil persons clnliuliii: under, by or '
throiiRli them, In nnd to the said I
premises, or ns much thereof ns may
bo neressary to satisfy said Judgment
In favor of the said plaintiff with
1 Interest thereon, tntiether with nil
Any persons clalmhiR adversely the I i-iKtu and luiioi.i.iii..niu n.,.i i.,.v
, ,, . ,, , , , , , . , . 1 ....-...,,,.... ,..., ......j .,
iiuiitiit'MTineu 1111111 are anviseii 10
file their claims, or ithjccllous, on or
before the time designated for sale
(Publish for five consecutive weeks
In tho "Klamath Herald'' Klamath
Tails, OroRon.)
K. P I.IU1IT, IteRlster
M 21-31 A. 7-H-2I-2S
may nrcriio.
I.. 1.. LOW.
Sheriff of Klamath County, OreRou
Dated ut Klamath Kills, OroKoti.
March 17. 122
llt'UT K. HAWKINS. Deputy
M 17 21 31 A 7-11
WMCItll i:VICIlVll(lV (10KH.
Ntnicu roit piiti.icA'iio.v
Not Coal Laud
pciimc iaxo SAI.K.
Tonight's (he Night. STICK! STICK! STICK!
Everybody Come. Good Time for All
Henefit Tiinberworker.s' Local 188. Plenty of local
Uilont, and good big picture
Louise Glaum
IVitivcly one of the best pictures Miss Glaum
ever made, and
Good Comedies
Kicjit hours a day makes a working day. He here
tonight and help them win the fight.
Two Shows- (! :,')() and 8 :.()
Our select, lanre. eroded
Netted Gems and Gold Coin
Potatoes will sell in 15-sack
lota or more for S2.50 ner
Read This.
JLarco red onions, 10c pound
Spinach, 10c pound
Lettuce, 10c head
Cauliflower, 20c head
Itutabagas, 5c pound ,
Turnips, Cc pound
Or ten onions, 10c bunch.
Sweet potatoes, 7c pound.
Carrots, 4c pound
Parsnips, Cc pound.
Local cabbage, Cc pound
Cooklnc apples, 4c pound.
LirKo suloct outing upplus, 7c. lb.
Cider, COc gallon, 15c uuurt
All kinds beans
1:rrs. 2Su dozen
Select prunes, 12c pound
Dried peaches, 14c pound
liaising, 24c pound
Home canned fruits and Jelllug
Home cannod pickles and plcallll
Try our moat murkct tender meats
Klamath Cheese, 29c pound
Milk (dally) 7c uurt
Whipping Cream pint, ISc,
pint, ,35c; quart, 70c
Dairy butter 7Cc roll
Local creamery butter, 78c roll
Iluiio-inudo homny, 12c pound
Hulk, sauerkraut, lGc ijuart
Dressed mid llvo chickens
Seed potutoes
Producer to, Coisuaer"
When have there been moor thrill
Iiir stunts than thnt of Absalom
whose hair rauVht In the branches
of n tree. leavlnc him hanglnR as
his steed galloped from beneath
him? There are a thotlstind scenes
depicted In thf. tllble. which. If
they could be put on films, would
bo far moro thriiitn than any-.
thlnR that could be shown tc.lay. I
"I have roiiRhly sketched these!
Ihlnps which have come to my no-1
Not Coal Ijnd
tlce. merely to Impress upon you i DKPAKT.MK.NT OK TUB INTKKIOH, .for cash, tho followliiR described
tho fuct that within tho covers of
l S. LAND OKKICK at l.akevlow
the lllble there Is evervthlnc you1 OreRon. .March 15. 1522.
can Ret out of the Newspaper. If NOTH'K Is hereby Riven that, ns
you will only study tho bock, and . directed by tho Commissioner of the
not treat It as a thlnR apart from Oneral l.and office, under provisions
dally life. I ' Soc -"'. II- S, pursuant to the
"Kvery copy of the lllble that applliatlon of Paul llOKardus of llox
hns been printed, every pinto that 3.ul. Klamath Kails. Oregon. Serial
has been made for prlntliiR the.-s' "H';2. wo will offer nt public
book, every pleco of manuscript a,e. to the hlKhest blddur. but at not
from which the book has been set lp.? Vmn ,3 l2 'r .nc.,' nt 10
In type. iiiIrIU be destroyed today., flock a m on the 2Sth day of A p.
absolutely wiped frcm existence. rl. next at this nfflce. tho following
and within one week's time the; trnct ot IanJ: NWH.NWU. 8L;
book could bo reproduced from tho I
minds of those who have commit- agip
ted It to memory. Tnesc professors
and students could bo nsctnblud tor.
the work within u week by wire
less, and a million printing presses j
put to 'work printing new Iilbles.
This cannot be said of any other I
book, for no one has devoted thei
thought to any other work that hoi
has to tho lllble.
"The lllble should bo tho dally I
companion of every person and
should bo given tho study that Ui
Riven to other books, 1 fear that
many touch tho book in such a
reverential way that they do not (
obtain from It the practical pur
pose for which It was Intended. 1 1
always think of Christ us a practl-i
cal man, who had the world's good
at heart, anil whoso wish was to I
Insplro Ills followers to produce a
hcxik which might be handed down
through the generations as a prac
cal RUldo In uvcry-day life
vetici: ok siii:uii'K's s.n.i:
lly vtrtuo nt nn execution In fore
closure duly Issued by the Clerk of
tho Circuit Court of the County of,
Ktamuth, State ot Oregon, dated tliel DI'I'AIIT.MKNT OK THK INTCIIIOIt.
I (till day of March, 1322. In u certain V. S LAND OKKK'i: nt l.akevlow. I
suit In the Circuit Court for said . Oregon. .Man Ii !.'. IU22
Ci'Utity and Slate, wherein Leslie! NOTICH Is hereby Rlv.'ti that a-'
ItoRers, as Kxecufor of the Kstate uitd directed by the Commissioner ..f itn '
last will and testament of Alexander (loiierul Land office, under provisions
Martin, Deceased, ns plaintiff, recov- of Sec 21 ...", It S., pursuant In tie'
..nil linliMiiiiiil .-iL-'ilnnl (' I). U'lllsiill illillllrlillon of lli-iiri-n W Mrl'.il
for the sum of fifty three hundred 1 luin. S.-rlal No o t72i!, we will offer!
seventy five nnd 'J I -toil dollars with at public sale, to the hlRhest blildei
Interest thereon from March Mh,lhtit ut not less than jr. 3S per arre.i l
1922 nt the rate of S per rent per ut 2 o'clock p. in, on tho 2Mb. day j r
annum, anil costs nun iiisourseuienisMu .pru. nexi, m tins ouire, uie rol . -.,.. .
t.ii.iil .it twiiiitv tw-n nml 10.11111 ilnl. ' levslni: tract of land' HUStt'l. ..- '
lars on the Mb day of March. 1322 itlon 2.". T. 37 .. It It K W. M.
Notice Is hereby given that I will I The sale will not be kept open, but
on the day of April, 1322. nt the will lie declared i losed when Uiom
front door of the county court house present ut the hour named have omh
In Klamath Kails, Klamath county, ied blddlliK The person making the
Highest hid will lie required to Im '
mediately pay to the Itecelver the
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely thejf
above-described Inlid lire advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
befor,. the time designated fur sale I
(Publish for five consecutive weeks'
III the "Klamath Herald ' Klamath '
Kails, Oregon ) I
K P I.IOIIT. Iteglstor
M 24 31 A 7,11 31 2S
Children's iMntinee Saturday, 1 o'clock. Admis
sion, one cup of suar
Timberworkei-s Henefit Saturday Nij;ht
Come! Come! Come!
I Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
Oregon, at 10 o'clock In tho fori
noon of s.ild day, sell at public mic
tion to the highest and best bidder
property, to-wlt:
Lots five and six In block 32,
town of Llnkvllle, (Now city of
Klamath Kails.) Klamath County.
State nf Oregon, together with all
and singular the tenements, here
edltamcnts and appurtenances
thereunto belonging, or In any wise
appertaining, nnd tho rents, Is
sues nnd profits thereof,
taken nnd levied upon ns the prop
erty of tho said C. D Wlllson, and
that I will at said date, time and
place sell at public auction to the
532 Main Street
Don't fail to read tho Herald Classified Ads.
Letters from the People
SSSSW1 MAJf0l00a0mm
Banner DOLLAR Day
for Saturday at
9th uiid Klamath
Phono 1,69.W
Klamath Kails, March 30. 1922.
Kdltnr Herald A3 I am leaving
the city tomorrow, permit mo to e.
pre; In behalf of my colleague.
Chan. T. Connelt, and myself, our
deop appreciation of thu courtesy
shown us by you at our Interviews
and tho public tfplrlled manner In
which you viewed tho regrettable
controversy In tho box factories of
this community.
Haroly docs a labor controversy
arlsu In which thero Is not un ele
ment of Justice In tho contentions
Four pairs flesh-color
Three yards Underwear
White and colors
Five yards new figured
3(5 inches wide
Two yards Imported
'15 inches wide, reg. 75c
One Girdle Corset
Regular $1.25
One yard novelty Voile
Regular $1.25
Three yd.?, black Sateen
36 inches wide, reg. 50c
Five yards White Daisy
Three yds. Indian Head
41 inches wide, reg. 40c
Four yards Nainsook
36 inches wide
One pair pure Silk
Black or brown
Regular $1.50
Five yards Plain Mar
quesette $1.00
36 inches wide
We have 15 patterns of Linoleum
Congoleum, Felt Base etc., to select from.
See our windows for your Linoleum needs
From thq cheapest made to fairly High Grade Hugs. Bear
this in mind Our Rugs are worth every penny we ask for them.
( Jhe Furnisher of Happy, Homes
100 lbs. Chick Feed $3.35
100 tbs. Chick Math $3.25
100 lbs. Meat Scrap ....'....$6.00
501b. "Charcoal ....$2.50
100 tbs.' Ground Bone $3.25
100 lbs. Egg Mash $3.25
100 lbs. Dairy Feed
Mur phey 's Feed Store
124 South Sixth Street
Phone 87
1- 7J?U1-
&' urr-ujK&fcM