h"h Piigo Three THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FMOAi', MARCH , IMS J 1WT", sVpm l-p a! v. . W 'l ' : .2b,7 KLAMATH PACKING CO. Palace Market Br w Tom Sims jxyy Phono 68 524 Mrtin St ECONOMY IS WEALTH By BUYING your MEAT from US you will help to eliminate HIGH PRICES Saturday Specials GOOD BEEF STEAK ' POT ROAST Steer Beef m-i5c BOILING BEEF Juicy nnd Tender PORK STEAKS PORK ROAST Tlmy knocked llm "I" out of law ful whiskey, mill look what's li'ft. 'I'hu himill rlvul of din Ford Ik out A mini parked ohm liy a mull Imx mill lli'i parcel postman ear rlul II off 'I'iiii in M r It rent In ruimlm; unrest Tom IMlsnn lH ii nil I in: Hid women iiiii'hIIiiiin now, ami tint mmwur to nil of thorn will bn "becaiMe." April Fool's tiny comes on payday this )i'iir ' Itobbed III HprInK House." headline. First nprlni; house clean IliK Wouldn't It bn awful If married tifn wn ii h lm il as tlmy nay It In? Ilroknn promlne urn lirtnt to IIIPIIll rll, next, at UiIh nfflio, tint followliiB trad of limit NW'.NW,, HI!, HI'1., Hcilloii in, ami NW'.NW,, HWV4HWM, Sec. 2.'l, T. 37 H., Jt, 11 I!., Wllliunullo Mrrlillan 'I'll (1 niilo will not lm kept open, lint will lm dcilnrcil cloncrl when thorn, present at tlni lioilr named lnivw tuim i'il hlddlnit. Tlm person makln; Km blithest bid will lm reiiulrcd to liii' iiiudlaluly pay to tho Itecclver the' amount thereof, I Any persons iIiiIiiiIiik ndvursblr tlni aliovo-ilcM rlbml lulu! nro advised toj flln llii'lr claims, or objections, on or, before, till) 1 1 tint designated for Halo, (Publish for flvu (oiim.rullvit weeks' In tlni "Klnmatli Herald ' Klamath 1 J'hIIh, OrcK'Hi) F ! f.KJHT, ItcKlntcr. M 24-ni A, 7-1I-21 28 NOTin: or assvm, mi:i;tivi of MM) OWNKIItt OF KLAMATH lUIAI.N.UJi: IHhTHKT: Notice In hereby Klvoti that tho annual mftntliiK of tlni lanil ownnrn, or Klamath Driilnagn HIMrlct I cnl I11I to moot at tlm office of Dm Iloird of Supervisor 111 Klamntli Fulls. Oru ' iKon, on Tuesday, March 28, 1922 at t tut tifMt tt ! nr 1 11 tti ttr I lm France says she will pay ux when ,myl0l,0 ,)f ,.(.ctlnR ono Hupo'rvltor to, alii' nn, That Isn't noun ihhikIi. servo for tlm term of thrco ji-nw, ' Foulest humans nro Paddock '""'I for tlm transaction of any other, KirVm-v miv tnoM writer Wn i lulrn-H Hint may properly comi! be. ami Klrksiy, nay upon wruir. vwifor ,,, im-cllnic. Ily order of the, say tlm fastest hiimmi Ik tin- mnn J tionrtl of Supervisors duly ontcrcd who miirrlml fifteen times. 'Fubuary 23rd, 1922. I Many 11 house lacks paint bceatino !,, "' "' .')K'"V!',. . . , , , ,,. , 'County Clerk and Secretary of Klam- daiiRhtor and tlm auto don t. . t,f ,)rnnnKP tirld. Tlm iinml that rocks thn rradln 1 17.27 inc. I doesn't pet tlm poodlo dm:. ' ...-. .-.-r,i.r,;.-nrvrT1. 1 iiirni it .ft niir.itil'r r n.ii,!. Toli'inrn (loornor Oimfil" Mi'ilcan headline, htm Mado Ily vlrtun of an -x- utlon In fore- Mutton Stow Vt-nl Slew Uacoii Squares Picnic Hams Cottaj;e Hams Hacon bacljfl,lij,'iiL 20c iiacou l)acky.,liKliL 28c " licavy 20c Hi-ad Cheese 12l2c Liver SaiiMage 12'2c It hot for jclontiro duly ImiiciI hy tlm Cl'-rk of I tho Circuit Court of tho County of Klamath, Htate of Oregon, dated tho ' Ifith day of March. I!i22. In a certain at 2 o'clock p. m, on tlm 2Mh day jitult In tho Circuit Court for nalil of April, ni'xt, at thin of Men. tho fol- County and Htato, whcn-ln I.eidlo limine tract of land KSSU'1, Her- j Hok'th, a Kxocutor of tho F.Mate and tllon 2 T 37 H , l( II K W. M 'taut Mill nnd teitament of Alexander Tlm mili lll not lm kept open, hut Martin, Decerned, u plaintiff rrcov I mil lm declared (lured when thono ired JuilKiimnt axalmit C I). Wlllxon Ipreri'tit at the hour named linn renn 'for the nilin of fifty three hundred od hldillni; The periiou imiklni; tlm neonty fho and fl-100 dollar ullh lilr.heM hid will Im required to lm- ' Intercut (hereon from March Sth.i liuedlatelv pay to tlm llereher the ID22 at tho rate t,t 8 per cent per amount thereof annum, and could and dlghurimmcnlH I Any oemotiH daltnlni: ndveroely the i taxed at twenty to and 10 Jfli) dol nlmii' dcKrrllioil land are nihlneil to ; lam on the Nth day of March, 1922. ; I file their (latum or ohjortlnni), on or j Notlio Ik hereliy Kiven that I will liefuri. tlm Hum denlttnated for ".ilo 'on tlm l.'.tli day of April, 1922, at the I (I'lllillnh for fho ronnerutUo week front door of the county court hounc TSTTT! I In tlm ' Klamath llurald" Klamath In Klamath FiiIIh. Klamntli county, , ... , ,. FallH, Oreison ) 'oreKon. at 10 o'clock in thn fore- " "" la'''lnR under, by or F V l.lflllT, llfslttor .noon of, nalil day, nell at public nuc throu." ,ncnl( In P"'1. t0 Jhc ,al'1 I M :i II , 7 1 1 11 2N SPECIAL Two pair of film MhIcj llo.o for 11,00, lllnck, brown, whlto, ValntM CKc a pair. ANDROSS-GLOVER SPECIAL BLOUSES llnhlliit, Cropo, 1'onRoo, J'olor Pan or Tuxedo Htylen, ffl.0.1, Value to I7.C0 STYLE SHOP 707 Main Street Fhone 341-VV WOMEN'S AND MISSES' READY-TO-WEAR Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 52 t 3 Big Specials for Saturday Wraps, Dresses, Suits $23.75 Values to $49,50 Silks or ' Wools For Sport or Dress Wear Tricotines, Twills or Tweeds SPECIAL A Wonderful Selection of Hats Values to $10.00 $43fO Andross-Glover Style Shop Two Deliveries Daily, 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. .Nuriii: roit n hmcviion lsOI,ATi:i 'lltAl'l'. (I'oMl.liir) Not ('out Laud ITIU.IC IASU HALF. ui:i'autmi:nt of tiii: inti:iuoii V. H I.ANK OFFK'i: lit l.iikmtim OreKon, Marih 15. IV32 SOTICI. U hendiy kIvoii that, nit dlroctid Id the CiiiniiiUnliniT if the NO'llli: I'oit I'tlll.lCATIDN IS(ll.Ti:il TIIAT (I'oMl.li'T) Not (Yal Land priii. ir uwusAi.i: DFPAUTMKNT OF TIIU INTKIUOIt, f K I.ANIi OFFICi: at l.akcvlow Oregon March IT.. 1922 NOTICi: U hereby Klen that, nn 'lion to llm lilgbrat and bc.t bidder. premlM. or an much thereof an may - I for canh. the followlliB dccrlbcd b" necennary to natlnfy said JudKment i property, to-wlt . . . .... ii it ,p IIVI1.H n i M unit, lin i ''vaHaatn Hiu (.eiieral .mill offi.i under protilonn dinctiM by tlm Cotninlnnlonur of the hum and profltn thereof, of Hoc .(.(. It S iiumiiuiil to the (leneral Laud offlro, under protlnlniin 'uken and levied upon nn iippllentloii of UeorKii Mit'ol I , n,.r ,6,-.. It S , purnuant to the erly of thn nal.1 C. I) Wll . Iiim. 8-rlal No 01 1,. rt w.. m I iitl'P,i,p,,,in f Paul llocnrdiin of Ilox .that I will at nald dale. In favor of the nald plaintiff, with i ..i. u .i .i. i i.in.t, io inierexi mercon. lOKeiner wmi an town of MnkMIIe. (Now city of co,t ani dlsburacmcnL that havo or Klamath Falln.) Klamath County. m1 accrue . . , .... Statu of OreKon, toKethcr with all . ... , , '-J- L"'' and nlnKtilar Ihn tenernenln. here- Sheriff of Klamath County. OreKon. edltam.-nu and niipurtcnancci ,)a" "l1t,a,ma'1' FM' rt,Kon, thereunto belonKltiK. or In any lne I ir,0.,,!':, ?;,.,,...- ,, , nppertalnlnR. and tho rents, In- ., ,.",VV. ;""" "vvul- . ir.iiii t on the prop- c lllnon. and NOTICK OK SilKlllfFH SAI.K OF al nlllllle Hille in Mi.. Iili-lio.l l.l.l.lor ,."..."'.. v.'-.'. "."I". "AT ".."."': .".."-." -V. '""" "'"..' riHiri;HT U. KAhCUTIIM .... . t,lf ,,,,, raiim, wioKiin neruii Miiaru neu ai puunc auction io inei I nr Vn 1X11 ,1.111 at iii.t Ioh than I . .is per aero. Nl, niics:. w ff,.r at public hlKhent and bent bidder, for canh. all1 ... .... Pncnn roimT nP tuv ; li'. I 'he hlKhent bidder, but at not of thn Intercut of said C. W Wlllnon., ' c?tV nv mil-rVw vni fui ii . I,... Hi.,., iniin'.,.. ........ .1 in Ia t miii ...i ii,. v'.ii.i. i.i... nTATr. Oh UHMiU.N IOII KUM- .-.. ....... T B ,., . ...,,, .., ... ... , .11,11.-1, iiim iuu r.iiibii iMurii nVlnrk a hi on llm 2Mb day of Al. Miller, defendant In nald null, and Benefit Dance Given by Tiinberworkers Local No. 1SS . N .x Scandinavian Hall ' r Friday, March 24 Admission, Fifty Cents, Including War Tax Music by Fylling-Bean Orchestra 'nniMMMMi MMMMMAMWMMWWMMAMMMMMWMWWWWWVWWWWM CLASSIFIED ADS i m0 MMmnMMmMMmmpwwwwwwwwv MISCELLANEOUS FOIt SAI.K Fourteen . . hornen, chcai ATH COUNTY Hiram Pickens, Plaintiff, M A. II. Vinson, (alio known a AI lie II'. Vinson) and Cassia Vinson, bis Mlfo, Defendants. Notlco I hereby clvon that by vir tue of an execution and order of nalo duly Issued out of tho above entitled court and causo on the 16th day of FOIt SAI.K Thren limine and car-'-'01"" ''Ik "i1'" 111:0 for twit ram Larue lot f.ichiL- Apply at II. W. Orr ranch, two ratio two Hlrreln, ilono In, f 1.U00 I'unli, hal. 'rom Gazelle, Calif, Ilox IS. 23-2S' 2iMHl at tr.o pit inimtli W K k .1 I. I'atterkoii, runtractlni; painter. 1 i.aii tsouili litn street 1 ...1 1 . 1 ,ci ' made the 3rd day of September. 1921. ",w " "'.i0"."'.11, 'an' entered of record In said court and causa on tho 3rd day of Septem ber, 1921, In fuor of the plaintiff aboe named and against tho defend liiB painter. I ; ant. A. II. Vinson, directing that I 33.31 h()'1A,'K:,!i,?,1,:u ?X '" ,r,,?t" Mrfr tho iuiim mentioned In said ; I r,J. 1, ,'''' conal,l"' KW Judsment and hereinafter set forth House, now rlhlit. Imperial Karasc. 23tf out f the personal property of nald M WWMWWWA' WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 'FOIt IIKNT I room Ii ' , P.llllt nnd tunur. rliHO In. 12.. nor l ith. watur paid Partly furnished i Fll.. MIKMH. OF ML'KIC W K. and J. K. Pntternon. 30 S. ) Present enrollment 38 pupils. Ctll. 23.21 Tli'Tv Mum Ho ItiliKOli I For thn fact that our present enroll- llarua lis In used cars If wlut xnn """"" " wrsesi evor Held uy u fMVWVM)fWWWWMWnaM Located on Siding and Paved Street. Inquire of J. T. Ward, Central Hotel JIfinnj-uvxj-u-uLi uinrijiAJii" --- - '-"' ' j VWIIIt. 1 11U.S il c) Under Ilulck. 2 -19 IS i i') under Ilulck. I--192U, il c Under ('handler. 1 l92o. ii i) Under ChalmcrH. I -1 92H Ford. jil 1920, r. ry Under llulrk. I 1 1920 Ford delivery body m'H'ii s.i.i:s At scitvici: i-o. Kliinuilli .i, nt 7lli M. ncbool in Klamath county. Complete course on tlm piano In 20 lessons. Course start at any time. Enroll now.' Studio 306-309 Winters IlldB. 20tf defendant. A. II. Vinson, and If suf ficient personal property could not bo found belonKlni" to tho said defend ant. A II. Vinson, out of which to satisfy said Judgment, then out of tlm real property belonicinR, to said defendant, A. II. Vinson, and which heretofore ha been attached here in: NOW THKKKFOIU:, by lrtuo of said execution and order of sale and In compliance with said writ I have Taste is a matter of tobacco quality Wr HJtc it ii our lionrt Mir flint ihf toluicot uiril In ChotrrlicM Jtr oflinfr (juility (ind he nrc ofUtlcr uitr) thin In sny other cipjirttc it (lie price. "J S . PiiMBl Mfc niVii J Whlto Locliorn bativ chirks. Ill nn ; per 100. Tancrod strain. Heavy layors ,,uy i0Ved upon the follow lnK de- .IO...H.I. nun, irwii, v-uruiiig, tai. scribed real property bclonglnc to . I ' 10-31 o.l.l .Infmulnnt A. II. Vinson nnd vim, ,n.w TT. '. ... heretofore attached by mo In tho said Kill Itl.NT Sulto of offices, also artion. nnd I will on Satnrday the ono sleeping room, hwonson Hide. ;;t, day of Murch. 1922, at the hour 21-20 0( io o'clock In the forenooii of said t.,i, on i- ri .i. .,.. Z . I ")'. O'0 ronl loor 0l ,n,, omen M)lt 8AI.1. OU Tit ADI--Twa twelve coty court hnuso In Klamath Coun Olho chill buiir plow, Reed as now. J.I, y, Oreuon. on Main Street In said A. Johnson, Phillips ranch. ll.2t Klamath Fait. Orcnon. sell tit pub- FOIt ui:nt- smal ll. n.,llnn t.i tlin IiIp1ipI lilililer fop Furnished and llllfurn-' .,.i. n n,n ri..i,i mi., nn.l lmnr.i Ished apartment Also two room t t'lt, cald defendant A. II. Vinson, mil house, lei. 3-2W. 22-24 ,n nml (0 sad real property parti- ... .v.,... 7 7. i : T" cularly described an follows. to-wt: WANTl.D Ono Ilourbon red turkey (i,.rn belnu Insufficient personal rty belonftliiR to said defendant beiiiK unable to find sufficient mir.minl nrnniirlv liplnnclne In natd Ori'unn. 22.2t , ,tefendant. A. H. Vinson, to satisfy s. Id JiidRuient) iin.iii.M una iiuuruun rcu lurKey (ihoro Kobbler or ono bronio turkey Robbler. , nropor Pleuse write and state prico to Mr. mi.t i Uuy Freuer. It. F. U. No. 1., Olene. ... on foii hi:nt- uparlment 73.M. -Completely l.yle Apts. furnished Telephone 22-24 HOT W.UTIt (-OMIN IMIWX NKUSWU. NWUSKH and SHSH;. See. 9. T. 39 S. It. 12 K W. M In Klamath County. OreKon or so much tberof as may ba neces Money Talks Make It Speak NanyLanguages Our shelveal are now full of complete pines of this Spring's n ewest novelties in footwear purchased by l Mr. Van Bellen during his visit to tlie National Shoe Convention in Chicago dur ing January. , We are showing Grey Suede and patent combina tions, Brown Kid and Suede combinations, with new . Spanish heels, Brown , and Black Oxfords., Jazz Pumps and Oxfords with the low flange heel very popular in the East. ) Priced from $6 to $9 ' .It will pay you to see our Bargain Counters Houston Jester New Hot SprliiRs bath house has snry to satisfy said execution which reuueeu uieir prices io iwenty-uve ,. i, sold In one may lo sold In ono lot without in- Jury to said defendant. A. II. Vinson. Said JudRiiieut consists of tho prln- ' . 'cliul sum of $300.00 toRether with Farm wanted by ox-soldler uuder interest thereon from January 10. cents, In order that all may take ml vuntiiKo of the mineral water, 21-27 CR Lower Prices 20 now 18c 10 now 9c (Two lo'-18c) esterfield CIGAR ET.TjES. of Turkish and Domesth tollaccosrzblended 7H statu bonus plan. What havo you to offer? (Hut site of place, location, lm proomentt) and all descriptions in first letter to Ilox (1, C, euro Horald, 20-20 UA11Y CI1IX Whlto Ooldon nuff uiul Drown l.eRhorns, Anconaa, Illack Mlnorcas, Huff Orpingtons, It. I. lleds, llarrod-uiul Wlilto Hocks every weok. Knocli Crews, SeabrlRlit, California. 17-2S STEAM IIKATICD rooms $3. CO per weok, l.arco, well llsbtod lobby, shower buths. Ntv winter rates. Contrul Hotel, J. T. Ward, Mgr. 9tf. Swedish select certified seed oats, ton Iota 2& cts; loss .quantity 3 cts. J. A, HubIioub. Klamath Falls, Oro Kon. M-3-Apr. 1 If you want to sell It, buy It, trade it, or unit it, try a iicraiu cioasiuou 1921. at the rato of S per cent per annum, less tho sum of IS3.00 here tofore paid thereon hy defendant prior to July fl, 1921; for tho further sum of $100.00 as reasonable attor neys fees herein: for the further sum of $42.12 with Interest thereon from tho 22nd day of November, 1920, at the rate of u per cent per milium; the further sum of $71.40 with In terest thereon from tho 20th day of AiiRiist, 1920, at tho rain of G per cent per annum until paid; toRether with plaintiff's rosla nnd disburse ments mnoiiutlne to $26,00, togethor with aceruliiR costs mid tho costs ot and upon this writ. Tho proceeds derived from said sale will ho applied to thn satisfac tion ot said Judgment and tho ovor plus If any thero bo will be paid Into the above entitled court to he dispos ed of n by law required and dlrectod. T I., LOW. Sheriff. Ilr ntlltT K. HAWKINS, neputy., F 17 M 3-10-17-24 Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads. Saturday Specials FANCY YOUNG HENS AND FRYERS . , " WHILE THEY LAST " The Lincoln Market "SURE WE DELIVER"' Main and Third Phone 444 aW-) m "1I -r f'i' ft ii 'x , --J i it. i, vj "K U-