The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 21, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    i f
TVWDAY, MARCH ill, 1923
' " ."".'. ' mwwi i ,
Pngo Two
Th Evening Herald
r. K. BOULK...JMUor Mid PnblUhrr
H. JR. HiL..-...........City Kdllor
Pnbllihed dally except Sunday, by
The Herald rubllnhlnir Company of
Klamath Falli, at 119 Eighth Street.
Kntercd at tho pontofflco at Klnm
ith KallH, Oro., for tranamUslon
through tho mails as nocond-clnM
The Amoclatcd Prea I cxcluMvo-
Iv ontitlod to tho ua rnr pumica
lion ot all newt dUpatcbet credited
to It) or not otherwlRO credited In
tliln paper, and also tho local news
publlihcd herein.
NATIONAL mid world problem
nro demanding today the unit
ed niipport ot every American for
the party controlling the destinies
of tlio American republic. Clvlllta
tlon Itself Is at stako, wo arc told
by tho more gloomy observers of
world politics. Tho average Amor
Iran Id not likely to bo sl-impedcd
Into panic by tho pessimistic
prophets ot universal disaster, but
tho prudent man, looking to bis
own comfort and convenience, the
wolfaro of bin loved ones and tho
advancement ct tho community and
commonwealth, will, an a Reed clt
lien, endeavor to do all In hli pow
er to rcstoro as speedily as possible
the equilibrium.
As a plain American, a member
of tho party now In control ot
American affair, tho editor of Tho
Herald urges that our first duty Is
to set our own houso In order.
Tho first step Is toward develop
ment of our own individual lives;
tho tatting of time from our busi
ness and social Interests to Rain an
undcrstamlliiR of our community
Wo believe that now, more than
over ,11 Is Incumbent upon Repub
lican, to. renew their allcRlanco to
tho party of their choice. In a
Rovcrnmcnt, administered as Is this
government, by n majority which
determines Its policy by party divi
sion. It behooves each member of
tho governing party, onco It has
established its representatives In
tho seat, of power, to stand united
ly behind them.
Tlio pructlcul method of lending
support is by thorough organize
tlon down to the uttermost unit
and for this reason Tho Herald
, urgM tha republicans & Klamath
county to stand up to the rcspousl
bllltles that tho last national elec
tion Imposed upon every member
of tho party, to forget their private
bickerings In thlg tltno of general
need and strivo for a broader un
derstanding and a united purpose
The tlino has como when Amer
icans must take control ot Amer
ican affairs, openly and above
board, throuRh established methods
tested and proved by time, and not
through secret organizations and
Invisible empires, whose speech Is
fulr, but whojo actions give their
words tho llo and strip tho mask
to reveal beneath only selfish ends
and basest purposes.
With men like Theodore A. licit.
veteran leader ot tho democratic
party in California, renouncing his
llfo-long ulleglanco and registering
a a republican because, ho do-
clurcs, that ho believes republican
principles aro the most efficient
means at hand for dealing with
world problems, hoivcan men and
women who have been consistent
supporters of tho party bo longer
blind to the need for Intelligent and
concerted cffortT
America stands today a firm rock
in it swirling maelstrom ot world
upheaval, liy clinging cloto to the
path of well established precedent,
by holding fast to our belief In
American Ideals, by renewed
pledges to safeguard tho dear
bought herltago of freedom and
democracy, wo can set an cxamplo
that will restoro reason to tho for
elgu nations that have not yot ro
coverod from tho madness of war.
orcneo to a cloth-covered table."
And that Isn't nit. A man will
borrow a chow of tobacco, says the
Tribune, and set hli teeth In It
"right whero soma other man has
gnawed out n chow." Yet offer
him a plcco ot pie nt home from
which his wife or child hiw taken
n bite, and he would "holler his
head off." At homo ho won't drink
out of a glass from which onn of
tho family tin. been drinking, yet
away from homo ho will drink out
of a bottle "after half a doicn oth
er fellows havo had tho nock of
tho same bottle In their mouths."
Yes, men are queer. No doubt
about It. There's nothing more In
consistent than tho mate nnlmnl
unless possibly It's the female. In
stances mlRht bo adduced on that
side, too, no doubt. It anyone dared
to do It.
What tho Tribune overlooks,
however. In till, little analysis. Is
that a man Is, Rcncratly speaking,
two men. llo Is one person with
men and ho Is another person with
women and children. Here Is a
starting point for a philosophy
which miRht really explain the sex.
And women? No. they're not
two persons apiece; they're several.
And'so men arc usually wlso enough
not to try to explain them at nit.
Letters from the People
immnm iNiiiiWsWi
Editor Herald The first requi
site for good roads Is the proper
location curves and grades by com
petent engineers. The state high
way commission expends about 6 4
cents of every dollar for engineer
ing purposes, which Is unavoidable
and profitable In the end. Effi
cient surveys are the basic founda
tions for any permanent finished
hlRhway, and Klamath county Is In
deed fortunate in securing the serv
ices of tho stato engineers whoso
record throughout the whole stato
Is unsurpassed by any on the Pa
cific coast, considering the natural
birricrs of resistance they have
mado It possible to move from one
end of tho stato to tho other In
high gear n feat heretofore
Ihoucht Impossible. I n .Marcn 3lst tncro will Do n
Klamath county through Incffl-! Kreat meeting of tho Klamath count
clcnt surveys of lt 5.300 miles of civic league. Friday nflrrnoon and
road has wasted sums Impossible evening ami Saturday and Sunday
to estimate, but appalling In tho ag-' will be filled with various activities
grcgato. Kor Instance, of 36 miles i i mo league,
!) or H per cent Is to bo preferred,
In order to make the nscenslnn in
shorter lime.
This may be practicable for tour
ing cars, but equally as Impractic
able for heavy loaded trucks, which
welcome the lowest grades possible,
men nt the expanse of extended dis
tance. No rotd should be less than 18
feet In width, ami near cities mid
trade centers, where traffic Is more
congested, not less than St feel.
At all curve the oiitstdo should bo
materially higher than the Inside,
In order to roltuternrt skidding and
the prevention of accidents. No
I road should be uxnctly level, neither
side nor oudulso. In order to assist
drainage. Water Is' tho confessed
enemy of roads, therefore, to pro
cure the best results, great care
fIhiiiIiI bo exercised In provldliiR
means to not only In He, but to
compel all dampness to leave tlio
highways with tho utmost dispatch.
No water should bo permitted to
stand In holes or puddles In the
drain ditches, as It will eventually
percolate or soak under tho road
bed, soften tho soil, weaken the
foundation and susequentfy cause
ruts and uneven places on tho sur
face. All new highways intended for
dirt surface only should bo con
structed with at least IS Inches
crown In the center for future re
sults, rather than the present, n. It
will by constant traffic soon work
down and adjust Itself to proper re
. Klamath will In tho future re
quire roads for especially heavy
traffic lumber and xrnlti. our
principal redeeming commodities
and as the difference In expense of
transportation between a three and
six ton load W so small the traffic
manager will without exception pre
fer the greater load; therefore our
highway architects should fully
consider the requirements, and net
accordingly, with full realization
that It will be to expensive to
provide for such a contingency nt
the beginning than to rebuild, re
model and repair nt n later date.
rm'.vrv nvit' i.K.vtai:
AXMirxriw me ,Mi:im.(;
free to nil persons of high school nRo
or older.
On Friday evening, March 31st nl
tho l'resbjlerlau church and before
tho pictures nro shown n statement
ns to the purposes, progress mid me
thods ot the league will he made. An
opportunity to Join tho league mid to
contribute to Its support will ho given
but there will he no long drawn out
begging for money. Ten minutes Is
nil the time wo shall need for this
Other announcements of the pro
gram will be made soon,
Wo were never more confident of
the success of the league. The good
people of Klamath county nro looking
for an nvonuo for the expression of
their sentiments In favor of law mid
order and this the Klamath county
civic league proposes to be. II repre
sents no factional or partisan Inter
est Lawlessness In high places or
In low places will meet with relent
less punishment at the hands of our
officials supported by the league
There Is a place mid a welcome for
every home loving, law abiding citi
zen of Klamath county In tho Klnm
nth county chic league. The success
of the league will be of distinct ad
vantage to eery legitimate Interest
of Klamath county. Of nit times now
Is the tlmo to help us and thereby to
help yoursehes.
lly W. S. SLOmil. President.
CIIAS. i:. I1IIEW. Chairman.
E. M. Cltll.COTi:. Vlro Chin.
K. It. DANNEIt. Secretary,
C tl. HUNT
Executive Committee.
I Am Absolutely
Free of Rheumatism,
Nervousness and
Dyspepsia--Thanks to
It is a Wonderful medi
cine, states Mrs. F. E.
Touniel, 731 Merchant
St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Million$ of people
all over the U. S., Canada
and Mexico have testified to
the remarkable recanstruc
five power of this wonderful
medicine. Get a bottle to
day. At all good druggists.
(Continued from t'ago-t)
ICEHIIKY In Klamath Falls. Ore
gon. March IV l!'22. to Mr and
.Mrs J M Kerbey. Tiltf line street.
a daughter: named Comet.
IIOLL'O -In Klamath Falls. Oregon.
March :, 1022, to Mr. and Mri
Arthur Iloleo. 127 Commercial
street, n daughter: named Alice
KUt'REK-ln Klamath Falls. Ore
gin. March 21. 1!22 to Mr. mid
Mrs J II. Kruger. 1 03 1 High
street, n sou
Six hundred to seven hundred re
sidences In course of construction.
Now dwellings of most modern type
considered high In price. Several
large office buildings, apartments, an
Elks' temple mid new theatre should
employ 200 to Too Itoml work, with
street Improvements and better con
ditions In lumber mills mid toggling
camps, should take up the slack In mi
oniplumout, now numbering around
TOOK, iron mid steel production nil
account lark of demand Other III'
dustrles operating with reduced
forces, for lark of orders Caieful
buying prevails (Iradilal price re
diirtlon noted Smalt firms going cut
of business because of high rents and
low prices. Itolh employers and em
ploes are studlug conditions and
are being governed more by real
facts than In several )enrs.
Li.ovn ;i:oiiii: will ask
Lyceum Hall. cor. Sth & High, well
sillied for solect partlei, will be rent
ed at nominal nrlrns Annlv in M
Motschenbachcr, Phono 656W. or on j 'nre. Austen Chamberlain, a govern
premises. 30. tt I merit leader, announced
LONDON. March 21 Premier
Lloyd (leorge wilt ask a vote of con
fldenco April 3 on the government s
policy regarding the (ieuo.i confer-
mmmm m m .... . -ni ,-, fl , , ,-, i Ln n.nrxj.iL-ij-. -. n , -i
of road now under
toward Ashland , not
three-fourths of "one mile
more than
of the
The county central committee of
the leaguo will meet nt 3:30 p. m. ut
the Presbytorlan church for Its bust"
old roxd Is brought Into uio or foNlness session. Tho chairman of each
lowed, tho remainder of which be- precinct In tho county with two of his
Ing a totol loss of all work per-, committee men are entitled to p.irtl
formed and money expended for, clpnte In this meeting, Tho two com
tho preceding 40 or CO years ont mlttcemcn are to be chosen by each
tho old roulo. No obectlcns can bo j precinct chairman. Important busln
raised to tho new route, as It ls,M a'"K ,ho Hens of organization.
itralchler. shorter, curves moroi education in citizenship ami law en
gradual and grades lighter no
grado exceeds 6 per cent, except a
short space on Green Spring moun
tain, 724 per cent, which could not
be overcome
forccment will como before this
Af 6 p. rn. a banquet will ho served
to those committee men and to a few
! other Invited guests. As there are
Tho Algoma grade I. to bo re-1 lrty-ono precincts represented In
grctted. but adopted by tho state c,,r "rsanlzatlon nlnety-threo com-
MAil EN nro queer," pblloso
1V1 phizes tho Altoona (Pa.)
Tribune. "Now, wouldn't there bo
u roar, when they went homo to
Ihelr moals, It they had t0 climb
upou a high btool In front ot u
tublo on which there was no cloth,
and eat Ihelr moals in thut fash
ion? Yet a majority of men, when
they go to a restnuront will pick
out tho highest stool und a feed
board with n0 cloth on It In pref-
cnglnecrs because of the vast
amount having been expended It
wag thought not practicable to dti
pllcato or chango the route. The
famous Topsy grade, now 9 per
cent, could havo been made a C
per cent grado without adding an
Inch to tho length or a nickel to
the price.
A car can now ascend tho hill In
eight minutes In tho Intermediate
while It could bo mado ko as to at
tain the samo result In four min
utes In the high gear.
Prominent writers on transporta
mltleo men are entitled to sit at this
table. Had space permitted wo should
havo both glad to havo our two hun
dred committed mon and women at
this feast to be spread by tho good
women of our churches,
Tho great four re$ picture show
"Safeguarding tho Nation", gotten
out by the United States government
will bo shown at tho Klamath county
high school at 2.20 p. m. to all tho
high school pupils of tho county and
to their parents. Parents nro especial
ly urged to bo present The pictures
will bo shown ut tho Presbyterian
I rhtiri-li ni.'iln nt 5t ll tn nml n(?nln nn
mnlnfnln flnil 11 n nor rent! -- --- - - -... -..
grado Is easily susceptible In 10 Sunday m S . in Should tho Interest
i.ii. ...... ........ .i- . ,... warrant our doing so tho pictures will
bo shown one or moro limes on Sat
urday. All theso picture shows nro
high gear, and when a six or lesser'
grade "cannot bo obtained .and at
chango to lower gear become i
necessary an Increase In grade to!
IIAIIY CHIX White (lold.ui Huff
and Ilrowu Leghorns. Anrnimi.
At'TOMOlllLi: WANTED Will 'Hack Mlnorcas, Huff Orpingtons. It.
trade big lot on pavement and Iteds, llarred and Wlillo Hocks
1100.00 equity In service station every week. I. noch Crews, SeubrUlil,
equipment ror goon ngnt car. Will , u.uiiornia 17-2:,
give deed to lot. Ilalanco due on I
equipment payanio monthly. Call rim iu..i -or win sen on easy
UMt niter o.o p. m. 20-22 ' terms niui uairy rami, own irrlga
I Hon mid part In alfalfa. P C Carl-LOST-
Pair skld-chalns on river road "on, llox 183, Klamath Falls. Ore
to llonunra. Kcturii lo Dunham Auto' HI 21
O. Howard. 21-23
White Lerhorn lialiv rlilrkx 11 I on
LOST Munch of keys. Pleaso leave ' 1'er 100. Tnnrred strain Heavy layers
ut Herald office. Howard. 20-22 .circular. Henry Tarralt, Coming, Cal.
Small ranch for sale at Ashland,
Ore., one mile out. Iltio an ucro with
Improvements, fenced and cleared.
Make good chicken ranch. Ilox C. It.
Herald office 20-22
Taken un on or about October IT,.
1 1021 1 llrlndlo steer about 2 vc.irs
I old. weighing S(iu pounds, hranded
'on right hip dash y (ronnritted) ono
Farm wanted by ex-soldler under ' ?",Lcr..',U...!? Til"1 .""V. "W.M,
state bonus plan. What havo you lo , . ', ,, 7aM ,' ..ivInL- ho r ? .in
offer? (ilvo size of place, location. Im-. " " " " ' ,' ft" ! '' 'V'"
I mllo north
i miles north
UMI.-1. !! it in iiuiwu, in... nun, un- f,.,,,i thereforo bv e.i
provements and all descriptions In lt' ,i'y -Inch
first letter to llox fl. C, caro H.wl.l.Bll,;nflli,il JZo, i
mil'.O x...., ,, llln
! west of Malln.
O E HUNT 10.23
Will I nolo exceptional value In.
furm land for 15000 stock In First J STEAM HEATED rooms 3.r.O por
Stato and Savings or 3000 stock us week. Largo, well lighted lobby,
first payment. Address "Spring Lake (shower baths. Nr winter rates,
ranch, It. .No. 1, llox i.8 Klamath Central Hotel. J T. Ward, Mgr. Utf.
Falls. 20-21'
- If you want to sell It, buy It, trado
FOR SALE OH TltADE Two twelve It. or find It, try a Herald classified
Olive dill! gung plow, good us now. J.iad,
A. Johnson, Phillips' ranch, 18-21 L .
- Swedish select cortlflcd snod nnts.
LOST -Man's flceco lined leather ton lots 2 H cts; loss quantity 3 ct.
glove Finder return to Herald of-, J A. Ilushong, Klamath Falls, Ore-
flcn Howard. IK. 21 gon. M-3-Apr. 1
More Spring Hats ,fust Unpaukud
Sailors, Tuihniis off-the-faco models and mushroom efforts
In the new Spring shades. Just tho thing fur your new
Tweed Suit (illumed with Unworn mid fruit, fiinthwr and
novelties, "
(Continued from Page I)
tho form of unified loans, ut a fixed
Interest rate mid n single maturity
date, which will simplify computa
tions mid negotiations at such time
as full or pat Hal ropnmont Is pus
After these will coniu llelglum. Po
land, Czechoslovakia, Serbia, Kuma
nla mid a dozen smaller fry among
nations. Each will send to Washing
ton financial representatives to as
sist ambassadors or ministers In get
ting Ihelr debt lo Uncle Sam refund
oil and extended
In the matter of the Estate of John
W llatlla. Deceased.
above-eulllled court, m the conn
room Ihoieof In Un. city of
Klamath Falls, Klamath Coun
ty. Oregon, on Katurilii) Ap
ril 22. IU22 m .1 oVInc I, p m, tl
and Iheie lo show eauso. If ntiy vim
have, why un order should not ho
enleied by said court aillbot llng It
C. tlioeslieik, admlulstiator or nald
Estate to sell nt pilvato sale for cash
or upon terms tlio follow lug teal
propel ty belonging to said Unlnte. lo
wit Situate In Klamath County. Oie
gon, Southwest quarter of South
west quarter of Section 20, Mouth
east quarter of Southeast quarter
of Section 30. Northeast quarter of
Northeast quarter of Section 31.
Northwest quarter of Noithwont
quarter of Section .'12. all In Town
ship IIS South Itaugii I I VI Cast i (
Willamette Meridian, nlno West I",
of Northeast quarter nml East
of Northwest quarter of Section
31 Township 3N South Itallge I I 'j
East Willamette Meridian.
WITNESS the Honorable It II linn-
mil, Judge of the Ciaintv Ciutt of
the Stale of Oregon, for Klaimith
in Martha J llantn. William 'l'
llauta. Horry Lawrence ll.iuta. Em . County, with the of milil Court
Silsbv. and Coy lliinvard affixed, (his SOlli day of March. I'::
OF OltEHON You are hereby dinted ' ALIAS SLOAN. Hepui)
and required to appear before tho , 21,2s A I 1 1, is
When the Time
to "ring" her, ring us up and "lot
George do it" furnish the ring, we
mean. Whether it's the kind for sin
gle or double harness, we can furnish
it. Even if she's already your wife,
we have scads of rings that are appro
priate. Kriend wife sure would appre
ciate one now as much as she did the
first one. Why not do it now?
622 MAIN ST.
TUB pain and torture of then,
matism can be quickly relieved
by an application of Sloan's
Liniment. It brings warmth, case and
comfort and icts you sleep soundly.
Always have n bottle handy and
apply when ou feel the first twinge.
JtJnetratet without rubbini.
It's splendid to take the pain out of
tired, aching muscles, sprains and
drains, still joints, nnd lame backs.
Tor forty yeais pain's enemy. Aak
At alfdruEgists 35c, 70c, $1.10.
J li! l""l fa I SPOILED IT ) I SOMETHIN j
100 lbs. Chick Feed $3.35
100 tba. Chick Math $3.25
100 lbs. Meat Scrap $6.00
50ft s. Charcoal $2.50
100 tbs. Ground Bone $3.25
100 lbs. Egg Mash' .'$3.25
100 lbs. Dairy Feed
Murphey's Feed Store
124 South Sixth Street
Phone 87
- " 'W V " a w trvVfw" "' s ' prv r
,'if t rtl -m
t -V ft'- ' it. V