tkw' - .: ""A. tiaiettttut Herald WEATHER FORECAST iunkiht and ui;dm:hi,, iui.v nit KNOW CfeWS OF THE WORLD ' BY THE , ASSOCIATED PREM ' 4 , f J 3V . ' I'lflienlli Vi'iu. .n, IKJ7II 12,216 CATTLE Shipments Valued ot Over $73(VC00; Business Less Than Past Ycnra A lutitl iif I2.2IH beef initio valued ill upiiultiiiituly t ?:tli.HMi tut vat been itlilppml (mni hem HiIk ximmhi and It In uiulcrniuud Mint lo H , , t. pill linflllll Hill M'llnilll t'lllKI'H 'I'Imi shipping hii thin hmmui ciU,iIk iilimit mmhnlf lluil nf limt JiMir 'I It In la ilili' In llic full tlnil market ii'tiillllnn thin year in lens fit vtirn tii limn during Hi" hint lliri'it in lour years Hlni'li 111111 aulli Itxiinl llilit iiiiiilllliiti mill nulil iiiikI nf their lii'iil" ClKlit liirliiiiiU cnnslnllm: uf 2HS film lii't'f nicer were shipped from lure Saturday by Htukel k (Hfleld uf Mi'lilll In .1 II IiiIiiimmi A tninp.tiiy nf ll.iu 1'rnMi Imii ALL SET FOR SMOKER Allict linn IhuIhii h (!ihh Cull I fin Klllrrlitluini'lll TiiiiIrIiI A' net fur tlm l.rnliui nmtiker to nlKht The hllallit'M meeting will tin culled pinmplly nt 1 3n III order nut In t -In) tlin rtitcrtulumeiii Tile KIIHlUlT In Upl'tl III llll IH-MT- Win liii'li, lint lint In tin- general pub Mr Tlirri- will he nt inliiilanliiti I'lmrKK An iiirt'lli'iit pregrum him l.i in nrrmiKi'il unit will liirlmlii n good ImiliiR rani (ni timing oti'mI Hint U mini In irnvliln luterol will m lii'twri'ii "Whltler" WIIIIhiiik nml l.nrvcy Curler An lti result nf iiti iirKUUH'lit hIhiiiI It'll iU)' UK", V 1 1 lliiiim 11111I Caller nluKt'il 11 (Nlli but tin hI ttin ri-ur nf 11 Infill tnnl IimII Tliny wnr lin Rlutcn. IiiiiI iiii nerunda i)ml fnuglil net by round Iml tuilll ntlil lllill "I'liuugll" Thin nili huppi'll- 'I in lit- I'nrliT. umi lit lum ihnllcnK ml V 1 1 1 lit III k In ini'i't him tnulght If till" affair Hliniltil full In Inter "i, hern In tln Tuny Vlnci-lil-Joe Tnlifr limit. Tuber wtm In frnin Hull t.,ihii. nuton u iniilrh with iitie-rt'Utid Wle. tin. Merrill whirlwind I'ntll Unit lll.ltrli In lirriHIKi'J. tin will ''tukn I'm 11 k tht'r rnliii' " Vim tlit Ii.i im-ii'il In In' 11 li.inl nut fur iiIIht nnii.iiilM umi itlimilit rUi IIik Hull l.nhn Iml Hiiiiii'lliltiK In think uliiint llminlnii umi lllm(, mill "Tuffy" AntlrrMiii nml Vminu riKNliiinimiit will innrliiitit llm irnr.rmii lli'frt'li nii'iilM will tin h'iu-iI MORE SCREEN SCANDAL H't'11,1 (hull IM'dliilllll In 9HHMMHI ll.tlilKKt Suit I .UK AN(li:i.K. .Miirili 21 - lli in, i Uwmi, nml Inn iilrtiitn nlnr, Ik fin. tli'fi'iiilmit In ii null fur fttin, umi iI'iuiiiki'h liy IMi'lln Taylor, nlmi ii film iiiirDHi, wlin wiik niimijil liy llm fiirmiir mi rnrri'iiiiiiiili'iit In n ilhnrin null. In I'rlviitn llfn Hi'i'iiu Uwi'ii Ik .Mrn. SIkiiii A umi Walbli. Iln wfi nf UmirKii W'hImIi, hiti'I'II m'tiir. In Imr illvnri'ii riiiiiiliilnt kIih iiKHtirli'tl Hint U'hIhIi umi MIk Tuylnr Irnl I i IIvIiik nt tho miin aililn'NH In MnllywiiDil mill u ilnfliiltn llinn mul ll.ltll wlll'll Hill)' WlTc Hllfll tllKI'tlllT WITH KlVt'll. 'I'h I h iicriiMitlnn, MlKri Taylor rnitx fnrtli In Imr mill fur iIiiiiiiiri'h, Iiiih ii'.'inllt'il In "ilimlruilloii uf Imr i;nnil riiiiitiilloii for mortiillly mul liliin," ami tiuK ilamiiitcil Imr iiliuulJiiK In tho inotloii plrluni pro fi'uhfi'm In tlm nxlt'iit uf MAUIil.T ItKltftll' I'OltTI.AND. Miirch 21,- l.lvi--mock, iirrk nml luittor Htoaily. Wheat li.2i in $i,:r.. vi:.tiii:ii I'nuiiAiui.iTiiw LEI MIDLAND DURING SEASON Thn liiiroinotrlc pruMNitru U ko IIiik lilt" "low" nn-ii. tlm liyclo HlorniiiKraiili nt UmlprwoniPH I'liur nuicy reRlMiirliiK 30,1.". at 2 . m, to ilny, Cloiuly unHolllinl wniilmr will pioliuhly provnll una a (urlliur full won lil Indlcuto tho uppruarli of iiii otlmr Htorm, Korocnut for huxt 24 Iieuih: Clnuil)'. with motluritto ti'mppru tnrcH, followoil liy urifiuttlml wuutU- or. Tho TycoH rororiltnK tliormnmolor riiKlHloroil iiiaxlmum mul minimum ttimpornturo, today, ib (oIIowh:-- illlRh 55 Low 80 -r I w 1111:1. i:hs ti:m:phu.i: 10 111: iw:n iiv 1 (ii, 1,1:01: 1 011 ikimi: iidkcation mikiihi: Ni:V VCIItlC. Mnri'li 21 Culli'lle iMliiinlliniN noun may tin iiiiiiiIiimI 11I hiilini HiioiikIi II111 wlrelcn lelophmuA ined Iiiiii Now Vrl iiiilvi'islly mi iMiiiin fil 1 ml 11 y iiiMN for till) enlnhllshment of 11 hrumtcunt lug Million (it Kit Wunhlligtull Hiiiiuii illvlnlmi, finin wild li 'Iiiuhin III all II H i nurses Will tin cutullirtl'il "SHOW ME" STATE TO HAVE CHARGE OF FORUM WEDNESDAY MitIIiik Will Hi 'fin mil (Iiii- to I'lillllrr ltrlirlll nf MUmiiiVI I Tim iliaioliir nf rcimiiHTii' fnriiin Wi'illUMilay will Iiii Ii.iiiiIIimI t'litlri" ly liy iimmlmrii nf thn ilimnliiT who wi'rn Imrii In MlMiniirl Ii In t(, hu a "tilinw Mn" ilny, mul tlm rniiiinll ti'ti, hoiili'il liy Dr. I,. I) (la, Iiun lit't'ii plminliiR for Mivi'tal wrnkK on llm priiRrum. Tin. iiii'Mii will Ini typical of Ml Miurl, luiliiilltiK purl., "turn ilinlivr," Imlti'rinllk unit nwi'it pn tiitui'M TlnTi' In ntlll n illnrunHlnn aliiint whi'lh.'r tlm imiRhiuu rlKht fully lii'ti'iiKN In .MlHunurl or Ar k,uia Dr. M.inni'y itialntalliH t lint It I mi Ark.inniiH Inti'iitlnu Tin prlnrlplt. p.irl nf tlm prnKraitl will lin hmutli'il liy tilt' iliililillllR It'.iui ilcfi'liilliii: thn iiininlmiliMi iumiui;ir form uf kovi'iiiiiikiiI It II. Dunlur. who pin) i'i mm of tlm tt'llur rnli'n In thn riTi-nt ilUnm mIoii luifori. Hit. Ktmly Kroup wilt In. Rlvt'ii Mifflrlt'iit linn' tomorrow In I'lplnln In ili.tall llm ('iiiiiiiiIuhIiim in.iiuiRi'r form nf r.'ni'rtniu'iit mul why It hlioulil In uilopti'tl liy Kliim atli Kill In ti hlrnni; ail nil all. nf tilt. MliiliaKir plan, nml will uutlliii. Hn wnrkliiKN to 111111.1. pri'M'lil with .in lili'ii uf luiv Iiir tlm m.ilti'r liroilRht ln'fnrn tlm peopli. ut it fiiluni ilali'. A wi'tk littT nut. uf tlm loiiurlliimn will mmwir Dunliur'ii nrrMimnitg mul ilc fi'iul tlm prt'ni'iit K)ili'in. In ailtlltli'ii In thn ri'Rillnr pro nr.iin W. W. Soiithwoll, who hap pfiiH In hall from MUmiurl, will liavi. n truliu'il "nhow nit'" itiartt. whlrli lin rl.ilniK ran nurtn an miicli III. Inn mul riiiinliliT.ilily morn lllllMlr than an initial iiumln'r of tht fain otm Mlnnonrl niiiti'K. Thn rummlt It'ti iinki all nl.iti. Iiri'lhri'li tn nhow up fatly mul hi'lp nuil.i' a iiuIko I'trillliilili. In llm lac ri'pnlatloii All MlhHi'iirlaiiH. w lift tier ur not mriiilii'rN of tht. (liamliiT of mm inirrn am lirRQil tu atti'lul Hit. iiiitI lm;. HAT TO BE IN RING Allot ni' .1.'. Ii. ,1:1111111 I'niliiilil) I'llnl In Cull I I'.illllinl Itan. Attuiliey i:. I,, nillott prolMhly will he tlm flrht laiullilnlo to cant hi hat lulu tlm polllli-al rlilR III thin I'lty when, an I'aiullil.itn fur tlm ilriiill JuilRcnhlp, ho flleH piitltlou for llm office with Urn Hi'iretary of Ht.itn. Klllott Ii.ih lint muilo formal en try In thn race hut he milil toilay lm pruh.ihly wutilil i no, tint ho hail llm matter uiuler hitIoiis con Hlilerutlou. Tlm petllUili, reiiilrliiK apprtulmati'ly t:uo nmite.i, hat not lii'i'ii Kent to llui Hccri'lary of Hlalo 11 h yet hill prnlmlily will bo In (ho near future, ho nulil. BONUS UP THURSDAY Himpt'imluii uf Itiilr mul Knur IIiiiii'h IN'Imte to Ilu AIIiihiiI WASIIINtlTON, 1. ('.. .March 21,- 'tIic Huldlerx bonilH bill will bo tukeli up by llm house Thursday under 11 suspension of ruli'R under a plan agreed upon today by Speaker (III liito mul Chairman Campbell of tlm rules committee. Tho speaker agreed to entertain a motion to suspend tho rules. Knur hours debate, urn lu bu allowed. ONE KILLED, BELFAST AsNiinslii.s Khcupn Mllltnry I'tures I'niler Cut it of llevulviT HImIn lini.KAST, March 21. (lunmuu killed 11 man lu UurdluKu struot last night. Military forces Kent to tho scone were mot with u fusllado of revolve!- shots under cover of which thn iihsushIiih escupd. Carters struck toduy lu protest ngnlnrt tho luck of protection from snipers, tiia.MATii I WAKPLy TD TD E Denies Existence of Secret Agreement for I'rilinli Co'Oporntion WAHIIINOTUN. II r. Mulch 21 I'liiHi'iilatlnli III llm Hi'Maln toilay (if ii liiltnr from Ht'irclary Ihiclii'ti iliny Iiir any Hi'crt'l msii'i'iiii'tit I'tlHictl fur fut ii re Itrlllnli-Aiiu'rlraii to opi'ratloit. in rhiirKt'i) yi'Klnlny In thn Hnniitc, lei I tnilii)' tu miutlirr uffuit liy uiipuMmitu nf tlm four power treaty In rciul It hark to tlm roinmltti'f, irfc!ita'lni; it watm ili'li.ilti. Ilnulii.t mutiil In tlm letter that lin Impeil tu wii mi "further iinper- nlniiH ilium llm verm liy mul liiinor" of tlm Amtrltitn tleeRatf. WAHIIIMITON. Mnrrh 21 The Amerldiii itiivernini'tit eu'ereil Into no uiiilcrnliiliiliiKH tltirliii: the Arum fen fnreliri. Hut lliliuilli'il In treaty form ami matle pulillr. It mum hlateil at Hie White huiie tmlny Tlm rlmrRu nf a Hirret HKriM'lilellt wan ilenrrllieil an oiilraReoiiH mul tiulhlukiilili. It war ilerlareil fttrllu-r tint It win luiuii realile that tin. Knrornmciit nhiiulil Itnlli' .III pa II tu Hie rutifereiice ami then make a n-i ret iiKreemi'iit ant ji Kiiulntlc lu her SUES LIVESTOCK CO. Ak I'ajniriil uf l'.il Dim Aiiuiini; (Hlitr Sull- I'Miil Jnck Hl.iter. iloltiK IninlneiiH imiler the imme uf Lakenliln l.umlit'r rum pa ny. Iiiin flletl milt In llm rlrcnll ruitrt iiRalmt thn Klaiiiuth l.heiitnck (iiinpany for colleitlon nf a hill for IIT'J 3d fur rixhU anil ware ilellwr cil lo the ilefnliilmit He nlmi ilemmulii JiulisiUcnl for iittortieyit fit ntul nwt mill illntiurnementH. Other new raneii In tlm rlrrull iiiurl urn: l.iikn I: Wulker URiiltirt I Klmer J. Ayerit. J. I HtelRer. mul It I i: llyern for forerlunuri. uf a niorl I R.IKH on real property, the miiiiu tu he nulil at Slierlff'ii mile mul llm pro- reedK to lie applieil nil K.ltlxfartloii uf nolo; mul A Wlrkntrom iiKahmt ! thn I'llie M.iiinfartiirlliK romp.iuy ti rnllet't u note fnr JSfiS.TI exei-tili'il to the plaintiff liy thu ile fi'iulatit Manli 2'.i. 1921. Divtiitci: (iit.Wicii I'eilll UUotl w.ih Rrallteil n tllvnne f I din l.i'Hler Itlxon III tlm (lii'illt court tliltt muriiliiK lllxon In now uwaltlliR trial on cluirKe". niie lieltiR iiHnaillt with Intent tu kill Ar thur II.UlKiker, N IE G AREN'T CRITICS UNREASONABLE AT Member of the AfiHociatcd Press. kam.h, niti:(fo,v, ti k.hiuv, mikii at, ittu-j OTHER NATIONS OWE I U. S. AMOUNT EQUAL TO $100 PER CAPITA Siillun (If In llii) 111 Hill 'lli-iur; 1 llilll-li Drill i lie KliM 1 Taken l'i it) 1 1 11 nj Hum WAlllIIMITON, D C Mat'li 21 Wjinliinrlnii will i.Kiilii ilrnw ti,,. in-teriialli-iuil npoIIIrIiI, early In April wlih a cerlfH of t-unferciKCH with Cur tipenn iialliiin nn what they am roIiir tu ilu uliuiit their ilebt In I'ni'lt! Ham. Theni lunfereiieeH will lm attemleil hy lepri'Xfiitiitlvi'H uf ImiIIi major mul minor nntlutiK from 'In-nt llrltaln, Krancn mul Italy to IvHtlinnla, I'ln 1 11 mt mul I.IHiuunln. Thu liiilehtt'ilneiw of thn vtirloim rouutrlen tn thu riilltiil Ktatex n-jiri'-l.ntiU III the iiKRreK.tle, more I00 for each mini, woman mul dtllil In thin roitutiy, the total IndiulliiR overdue IllUTIKl lining 1 1 .331.1 0 I.. 000. Although tho Men.ito Iiiih In-lit up temporarily, on 11 iiichIom of ton iitltutlonullty, tin) cnnflrmallon of two momljcrx of coiiRrcini Kemitor Hmoot mul lteprei'ii(atlvo llurtun -nn tnemborH of the forulmi deht re fuiuliiiR cimmiiiI'ihIom, nrranrementii nlre.idy urn under way fur tnklui; up thn adjustment uf thene lo.inx offl'l all) at the e.irlli.'it iioitilhlo mnmeir The three memhern of tlm rummliM lou nlreatly rcnflrmeil nro Secretar) nf TnMiitiry Mullmi, Sccctary of Ktate lliiRheN mul Serrularv of f'nmmerrf Hoover Whonver may finally lie con firmed lu the two rcmnliilliK pluren Ihein Ihreu u hu the RlllilInK nplr lit uf Hit' American rnnimlniilun. The llrlllill ileht wltl he the first lu lie '.ikeii up. tlenlde lielni; the lar Rod. It Ik tlm (-lily one that offem any runnlderahln )ioie for early (nnli. Thu llrltlMi debt lo tho ("lilted Stuten, on monev and credit uilrunred tlurlne tho war Ik $ 1. 1 r.C.3 1 K.RT.S 14 In addition, there Ik mi Item of $."00, 4 72,1137 inrrdue liiterent. Advance t Croat llrltaln. like tluxli tu other ioiintrlt. were mad? .it wirlmii ralt"( of Intereit. To clarify tlm whcl)i traliBiictlon. It Ik now proponed thu total debt lip r' fituitpd by Creal -llrltaln'.itJ IioiuIk with .1 uniform liitvent rate ami moro h pa red ma turity porloil. Such lietuls. taken by HiIk ROVcrn ment u hiHiirlty fur thu loan, would no! necemiarlly lune to be hold till maturity for t'ncle Same lo Ret IiIk money bark, "they would bo iii'Rotl Hide, ntul as murket rondltlmis jimtl ffcil. 1011I1I be nold to private IliVeH turn Junt us our own ru eminent IiooiIh would be nulil. Thu reflmuiriiiK or refiiniliiiR 1 f the Kreuch mul Italian Idiiiih will rail for more flnenM' than (ireat llrltulu'ii No one in official circles experlK an) remit with thrie that w produce ac tual money ut mi curly date. How ever, they cm bo Rotten toR'cther Into (Continued to Tugo 3) LIFE CONVICT IS KILLER-BT IT N Shot Is Fired When Pris oner Released in Yard Hurls Rock KAU'.M, March 21. John OrIii (imilitiil uf nhootliiR two men at. Cluremont tavern In I'orllaiul lu 10 l'J, wum uliot mul killed today by a penitentiary Riinrd. 0le, who ,wnB nervliiK :i llfo term fnr the murder of Ucotko I'cr rliiRer and Newt IlurRCK, hail made rrpeateil tlireatK to kill the Riiard untrni relented from tho iMilutlon ward, whero hu bad been confined nearly a year. When let Into tho yard HiIk morning to exorcise ho nclzcd n rock and hurled It at the iRUiird, John D.ivldion, who fired whii OrIo apparently uttempled to 'throw a necond rock. STRIKE CALL ISSUED' 1 llltiiuilnuii'. Miners ilnlereil tn (in j . Out 1111 April I j i INIMANAI'OUH, Manli 21 A ' 1 formal call fur funpctmlon of work j by anthracite and bltumliioim mlucrc April 1, wax Iiimied today by union lu.'.idiUarters. WASHINGTON. H. C. March 21 -The White hoiiso Indicated that the Roveriiment hax not entirely ahand cned It attempts (u brlnR the bitu minous miner and operators togeth er for 11 conference ileslRiied to pre vent u strike. WASHINGTON. I). C. March 21. Production of bituminous coal In 1 he ( Italtril Stutea. ntlmulatiMl Ijj thu 'posulblllty of a ttrlko on or after April 1, Is climbing upward to levels never surpassed except during the peak of tho war boom J mul tho following Industrial ex pin I kIoii. according to estimate Issued toduy by the Reoluglcal survey. During the week ended March ,11 the output of reporting mines !w.iM ll.OSK.nno toiiH, or 4.1UO.00U ' tuns than wore mined lu thu 'corresponding week of 1921 untl I only 2.000.0(10 less than tho great- ust totul over mined In a similar period. Anthracite production also In (leased, the tutil for tlm wek uf .March 11 belnt; fixed ut.l.'JS2,00D tons compared with 1.193,000 tons the previous week mul 1.925,000 one ear ago. TIMES iMrmm: or i.fJi,i:v HIM, I'Ult AID OK WOt'NO. HO HOIdHKItH IH t'IKJKD CINCINNATI, Ohio., March 21 PrRciit neccKnlly of car- Iiir for thotmnndfi of mental, ncrvotiR and iihynlcilly hindl caiiped ox-norvlctj men will bo "IrMed to ConRreKKmon and nenntorn thin week when 4 m ''in burn of tho dlnjliled Amu- rlcan volnrano of tho world war In all part of tho roun try, will demand pannaKo of llm l.anRley hill, npprnprla- tltiR $lC,r,0o,OOO for Incrcai- cil honpltal f.icllltle. HEATED DEBATE IN MEET OF STATE TAX REDUCTION LEAGUE Miijorll) I 'in or Itepenl uf 1.3 inlll- iirc Tux fnr irnliernltli-i untl Hlntc Xoimnl rOltTI.ANI), March 21. A heated debute over tho 1.2 mlll.iK'! tax for the Ktato unlvcrKlty, OrcRon Asrleul tural coIIorr and tho state Normal Kchool marked today' mission of tho OrnRnn tax reduction league. A majority of the committer report recommended ropcal, while the min ority favored thu law. Dean Walker of Lane county at tempted to prevent J. II. SClRler, dolo cutn nt larRe, from upeaklnR, chr; lm; ZlRlcr had made derogatory re markK regartllng tho conduct of ."In dent In thn war. Zlgler denied tho charge, finally obtained tho floor. IMPROVEMENT SHOWN IN EMPLOYMENT FOR MONTH OF FEBRUARY SAN KKANCISCO. March 21 SIlRht Improvement In employment conditions In Oregon Is noted by J. A. Kolly. acting district director of tho employment dlvlslo nof tho Knit ii State department of lubor here. In his monthly report made public tortnr. Tho housing situation I well In hand, lumber Ik prosperous and prnspr'.liwnro food, for thn canning 'and' fishing lndusfrlcs'whfch' opcnln a few week. Kelly' report, covering several Oregon cities, follews: Kalrni Modem dwelling fur renting ncarce.' Twcuty.flvo resldoncc under construction. All Industrie?, Includ ing woolo uand lumber foundries, stone and clay, working full tlme; paper mills 3 eight-hour shift?. Or chard work will absorb 11 consider ublo number of men. Unemployment not serious, mostly among new- arriv als. Concerted effort tn stimulate business unnecessary. Condition fav or.ibln for largo berry crop, flood re tail business continues, with lltto unemployment. (Continued on Page Threo) ROUTINE AT COUNCIL CiiiiiiultliT Iti-piui mul (iencrnl IlKeii'-'.liiii tK-iupli-H Time Cnmmltteo reports, general discus sion uf city business and routlnu mat ters occupied tho city council last night. Thu street committee was authoriz ed to take up tho matter of draining Tenth street near Lincoln and to employ lubor for replacement of u newer un Second streot. A (ommunlcutlon from tho Stutz Kire Kiiglno company advised that tho nowly-purchnsed engine, was en route to this ilty and should nrrtvu here within u few days, Mrs'Kred Shcrmun was gruutvd permit to cotnluct thu St. Krancls iipartiuentit, and Mr. Kred Noel to conduct tho Marshall liouso. M. K. Parker wii granted u permit to construct additions to his resid ence. FERGUSON WILL FILED IMutu Valued nt SI.1,()(M); K. M. Ilubb tu Uu Kxeciilnr Tho will uf the latu Charles J. Fer guson, attorney, covering uu estate with an estimated value of upproxl mutely sir.,000, wus filed for pro huto luto yesterday. Tho widow, Mr. C. J. Ferguson und J. F. Kimball aro ntimud exocutor of thu will, but have urruuged to reslgu and will ask the court to uppolnt K. M. Ilubb In tholr htoud. Tho bulk of tho estate, under thu urrangemeut will go to tho minor children of tho decedent, u boy and girl, residing at WalU Walla, Wash ington, Mrs. Ferguson having waived any atnndlne a beneficiary In their favor, KHSWB MUCK VIVN SLATER OF 1 ESCAPE NOOSE State .Capital Punishment Law Upheld: Others Alto Affected HAI.KM, March 21. Orvnon'i capital punishment law wm U)ld by the, mipremo court loday In nV nylng th application or Klvln D. tfnrliv tn pnnnoctlnn I with tho murder of flherlff Til Ty- lor of Umatilla county, for writ I of habeas corpus. Tho decision affect several con demned men In tits Saltm ponltan. tlary awaiting oxecutlon, Inctadlag Dr. Ilrumfleld. Tho capital punishment law waa attacked on thn ground that tha stnto legislature exceeded Ita au thority In submitting a proposal for the restoration of thn law after It' had been abolished by the people' vot. JWhy and John I, nathle wrro convicted tn connection with a Jail break at Pendleton In July. 1920. Kxecutlon ha been twice deferred. GAME LAW NOTICE OUT Kbit anil (a'amft CosmiiImIo AV tre,i Loral Game Wardea Official notices of the chance of tho fishing law, Jnst received here by Game Warden Stont aad beta made public through formal ad vertisement, are a follews: Closed seasen: From Febraary 1 to May 1C, of each year, both dates Inclusive. Open seasen: "From May II to January 31. of each yrar, A-d It I and shall ho untawfal, for any person to like, catch, angle or fish -Yir 'trout1 or -Wgmf fish In the county of Klamath, stato of Oregon from January 3L to May 15, of each year, both date Inclusive. And It Is and shall be lawful for any person to take, catch, unglo and fish for trout and other gamo fish In the county of Klamath, State of Oregon, from May 15 to January 31, of each year. RETAIL CLERICS MEET Ti'inrxirary ITmldrut and Hecrrtary Am Klrctcil A reorganization In the labor coun cil hall last night of the Retail Clerks' Protective association result nd In thu election of Frank Andrews a temporary president and Clydo Fox a temporary secretary. C. O. Young, organizer of the Amelcan Federation of Labor, ad dressed thu member. I.KOIOV AU.MI.IAHV TO KKKT A meeting of the American Legion auxiliary will bo held In thn court houso roams nt 7:30 this evening. Will Hunt Megatherium Alto Ancient Glyptodon CH1CAOO. March 21. One does not usuilly hunt 1,600 pound mam mals with turtlo-llko shells and ton-foot tall oxcept In bad dreams, hut u party from the Field museum will hunt for such an animal, and other u straiiKo In Argontlns, this full. Klmer S. Itlggs, curator of tho department of paleontology, head the expedition, and he means to bring back tha megathorlum and tho glyptodon dead or allvo prob ubiy dead, an they are recorded as having bco nextlnct a long while. Tho glyptodou Is the creature with tho charming tall descrlpod above; the megatherium, a variety of ground sloth, Is a fellow a few alzoj larger than the elephant. Tho sloth kuown today la a dweller la trees, from which he hangs all day, moving slowly about toward dusk. The megathorlum, however, bad no need to climb tree, for be could stand on tho ground and reach lofty branches with his foresaw, These are a few of the huge mon sters Rlgga will seek In the south ern wonderland. He won't dlsdata, however, 10 look about for eatkaet animals as small as mlea, aad m peels to "d reinalM e4Jtb. "' TAYLOR CMMOT A l fch -! .