l-.iVjaavje.J Page Throb THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Monday, MAitcir 20, inaa LV m' The Office Cat II V JUNIUS ll.l. llttni In ii hiiiimiliulil hint Irinii 11 Nn Yiirli niii'r "Tn rlil Hi" lumlry nlnhru uf. rril until, m llii'iii villi ili'iuitiiri'il nlni linl nvi'ry fiiw tti'iiliH." Hut Imw urn r Ki'liiK In iniikn Ilium liulil mIIII wlilln wit kIvii llii'iii mi ulcoliol nili? Hut lli'11-.tl) When I hey drat lliel linruild, "A lleiir.( I'nr eeiy Imp ht-'d huvn her llmrit, lln'il ilmt lirr fiuit Nti'pN fur mill nriir, Hit railed her "lilnl"; nlin railed Ii t til "ilmir." A llttli' liiirni'pUy hllrlied tlin tn, Nmv he'ii llir coal' 1 1 n iuiIIiIiik illlerr' C ll. C ln)n miyN tlin only mull wlm never Iiun Npoki'ii n rri)N word to III wife miir hern ilnmli, and even he uf tin made nn lmri'Mhn centurn A Onlik lt (in n It wnN n pitiful iiilnlaKe. mi error. kiiiI nnil iirltn I waited fur tlin rail a) triilli. tin' I Ik Ii I Aa low nml dim It rame nt lat. ami from it iur there nlepped n lUltlty dame, unit, Innkllli: up mill iIiimm tlin place, he n'raljjhl until me rami'.. "Oh, J.trk' dim rrled. "Oh. dear nlil Jm'k'" mill klituril me un nlni upaki', limn linked iikiiIii nml fright ened, cried "Oh, ttlint it had m In take!" I nald. "I'liritlvn me, madam fair, fur I mil mil yuur Jark, mid a rn Kardn tlin klH oil Mnve, I'll ntrulKht ay rIii It hack " Anil htrn Hint iiIkIiI l'e oflin rtnmt upon Hint plalfnim dim. Inn miiy unrn In n man's wlinlti f, do niirli IIiIiirii riiuin to lilm. One of the ufflrn fnrrn Jllnl told IIn uf u ample who had heen married fur twelve earn and wire tllll hold In i; hatiiln. Then added "Tlin man wan nfrulil to lot kii fi.r fear tin would ri-i liurt." SAII I've readied m hold uf what' the lltn Of ef pity 'i a pleilly My cellar han't any Juke, Ami my ilnmljiiliu In empiy iva iiu.scii. Jon Mrlliinald i.i)n Ihn mil) iIiIiikn III the lllihi'ruu Hint will Inat forever .-ire tlin htiiiiMi noul and the liatlrnal iluht. in riiiiuioro rii'iiii Hint V'llalf n inlmile! I'll kIp yen a IIrIii to tint Kale; U'k very ilnrk." Cheerful Riinul "Hiin't luitliir. I ran ei In the dark. Why, when I wiin III I'landem " Hnt "Yi'N, yen; hut ynu'rn not In I'laudem iintr yim'ri' In my ,ir nation hud." ToiikIi I.im k IIU liornu went dead nml lilit inulo went Iuiiiii; tin Intt hi rowH In u poker Kiimn; then a cy rlrli rame on ii Hiiuiiiiitr'ii ilny unit Mew hU linium nml liurn n way. An eartluiunke caino when limy unrn r.nno nml awiiIIiiwi-iI tlin Krulinil Ihn liuiimi vwin iiii; tlin tux iidlertor Iheti rmun 'riiiiml and eharited him fur Ihn hole In tlin Hrniind. i'emi: Ah a hcniity, I inn not n Hlar Thorn am other morn liiiniUmim hy far My fnrn, I ilfn't mind II, v l-'nr I urn Imlilml It Tliu people In front not Ihn Jar. wii'i; iii:.tii wii. i. COST .MOICi; IN HAY CITY KAN FHANOIKCO. Miul'li 20 Tho ciml of wlfi) hnulliiK In koIiik tu hu lilKlmr In Hun Framlsco from now on, norordlliK to Kitporliir Judi;o TlinmiiH F, (Iraham. AftiT HnltiK n man $,100 for apply Iiik n IlKhtiul mnti'li to Ids wKo'h nnn, ho iiniioiinrnil thai liltirk eyi'H lioro nffnr would runt lafiO nach, IiirIoiiiI of I'l.lO iib horidoforo unit Hint klrkH would hu inliii'il frnui Udl to ar.O nml hlnwH from $50 to $100, FSTHAV NOTICF. Ono hay koIiIIiik with Htur In foro liiiiul, lirmiilutt liar V. connoctod, on loft nlioiilitur, iikii about U, wclKht iiliuiit HTid pouiulH. Ownor pay rood hill nnil cost of publication. Tho ant tnul h ut my riincli V mllo wont of pulry. Mir(u Stt)cli8or, 7-l In Form ' H ' ., , & ' I Mian Hun, Knitininrii champion jutnixr, cnurs llm liurdlo at Pad dlmton tvhero IJiltUli ulrli oi training fur I ho Olympiad to U Ik Id tit Mont Carlo. FEWER EARTHQUAKES, LESS LOSS, OF LIFE, DURING YEAR 1921 (It) Hut A". luled I'M',.) WAHIIINOTON, II C, Murrli 'JO l'eer I'urlhiiiinki'ii.. wllh no Iiinn i.f life unit Verv llttln ilaiiinrn in tin i,. irl). marked I'J'JI .-ih lompiireil with i -.1.11, rror i rmiriN a Tuttiiorf. ill ri'itnr uf tliu Oeorr.einwn Cnhemlty KitUiiiiilnlrul uleinrvuliiry hern, no nniinriil today In IiIn )early official hiillelln "Tliu )n.ir NtuuilN out an one of low imlmulrliy," N.ihl I'ri'feimiir Tim ilurf "Our nlmeriatorv mdiiiiiiii!Mitili rernnlN I'.t eiirlhiiiiukM illMlurlntiir, iltirlnK t 'J - J , iin aKiilnm r,s in 'j:n Wit linvu rereHeil illap.ili'lieM plarlti', lltn lllimher of e.irthllllaken tint world i Mr lit III? fur Hie tear Of llm.,. TT unrn dUltirhaiireH within I hn I'nlted KlutiN. while In IH20 there unrn !i e,irthiiiakeN reported In HiIn louti try " iTIiu record uf illatiirlianri'N In llm Culled Stales fur IU2I. Willi the l'i2ii irord. Iiy rtaten. fellnwn: Htuln l'j;i '.120 California . .. , a.S C2 Colorado R 3 tJInli fi r. IIIIiioIk . . n Nov York I o Ort'Kim ,T a! Houth Carolina ,1 I ArltuiM 0 n IViitn)lvaiila tl 0 Triini'NU'u 2 ; Malnit I 2 Mlniiiurl I n U')(iliiliiK 1 J Hniltli Kakota I 2 Indiana . . t it Vlrrlnl.1 I l Alanka liiul mm iitake lat )ear riimpuri'il wllh one In 1920, wlilln Hawaii had one In It'll nml none In I'.'M. Tlumn In Aluuku nml Hawaii Intt year, the first nn March 1 1 nml Hm lattrr mi Mnrrh 21, wnrn severe nml n'nrn of volcanic orlcltt. I'rnf Tiiiuliirf reports Two if tlmsu In I'lnli wnrn nry utronr, illtiirhunrn wlilln the others reported In llm I'nlted Ktu!i-n wnrn of lltttn nlKliltl r.mrn There worn no pronounced tlilnl waves reported finm Vesnels i Iiir tlin oceans nml other waters I'ruf Tuiiiliirf says, and It therefore Is con sidered unlikely ihi-m wnrn nny i tonslvn niiliiuiirlnn earlhijuakes ilur IllK the year. NtJTICi: Hill ITIII.It'ATHI.V ' (PlitilUlici) ii:i'.utmi:nt of thi: intkimou. I'. H l.iiml ufflrn nt l.nKi'vlow, l)n Ron, M.irrli 6, 1!22 NOTICi: In lii-roliy Kln Mini Win field K tillkoy, of D.iMs, Cullfurnln, who, on May I lilt, 1H2D. miiilo 1 Ionic nti'iiil Kntry (II .1 It No 2D). No ill Ilia, fur lI'iNW",. KWi.Nini (IioIiik Tract No 20), tin Hon II, Township 41 8, Itauno ti K Wllla lili'ttn .Meridian, has filed notice uf Intention to make flunl throe-ear proof, to cstaldlsh rlnlm to thu land liluiW) desirllicd, heforc C It Del.ap, Clerk uf tho Coiiniy Court, ut Klnm- MKIH'Oltll tlltAXTS I'ASS a "f WHY NOT GO INTO BUSINESS? Woll-l.'Ktiihllslu'il nml (loud Locntt'il Stores ami lliislncHK of i:cry Kind FOR SALE MiOerH nml HtllorH Meut Horo FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY aniilam) ORF.nnN Mi:irntn llciurr llloik I'lmno ,4 4-MOHT 'ItlWXK Jewelry Repairing If you let us watch your watch when it needs watching, you won't have to watch some other watch to sec how nearly rjght your watch is. Tiiink it over. GEO. L. METZ 622 Main St. nlli I'iiIIh, OruKiin, on lint I Dili ilny of Miiy, 11122. Cliiliniitit tin men ii h wldii'iiKfiH J I.. IIIkIi, Mm J I.. IIIkIi, (I. i:. KliliiinlKon, mill l (lilkoy, nil of J)urrln, Ciilirnriilii I" I'. MrillT, Hi-islslcr M in.SO.27 A :I.I.I7 netim: or an.M'.m, .mi;i;ti.vo ok li.M OWMIIftt OK KLAMATH IIIIAI.VAiH. DIHTIIIITi N'ntlin In Iwri'liy Klvmi Hint tint lllllllllll IMI'lltlllK (if till' lllllll IIWIHITN or Kliimiitli lniliiiii:n DlNtrlrt In nil li'il to ini'i't ni dm nfflii- of tlin llonril nf HiiimrvlMirM In K 1 :i tn ii t It I'atln Or" Con, mi Tiii'Milny, Mnrrh i!n, Wi'Z'l lit tliu hour of 'i o'lloili ii in fur the liuriKimi nf I'lnitlm: mi" Huprvlnr to irvn for the term nf thrnt urit, mill (or tlin tiiiiimictlnii of imy olhcr liimliii-HN tluit limy iirniicrly ioimh lw- font hiiIiI inri'tliii:. My nnlxr of tlin llniinl of HupdrvlKorn duly I'litcrud Ki'limiry 'J.'lril, IH32. C It m:i,ai .('minty Clurl. mill Hirnliiry of Klnm- nth OnilutiK" District. ! 17-27 llir SIMMONS i:iilly No. I 107 is Tin: ciitciriT coder ok Tin: HTATi: ()! OHKtlON KOIt KLAM ATH COI'NTV lll'IION TIMIIIIlt COMI'ANV, n corporation, I'lalnllff, VN. ciiaiii,i:h a cooimoiin', wii.. 1,1AM ItlTTCK, KIMON IIAIIlt, tlin unknown heirs of said Charles A Onuiljiihii, Wllllnin Hitter mid Hlmon llaer. and till persons rlulmltiK In hnvn nuy rliilit, till" or Internet In Hut property descrlhed In I'lalnllff s Coillplallll Defendanls Tu Charles A Coodjohn, William Itlller, Hlmon llaer, the unknown heirs of said Charles A. (loud John. William Hitter nml Hlmon liner, nml nil ersons iIiiIuiIiik to Iiiivii nny rl:ht. tllln or Internal In Hm properly ilnjicrlhoil In I'laln tlff'H Coillplallll , IN TUB NAMi: ()!' TUB HTATB OP OKl.tlON' You nml earh of voii nrn Imrohy siimmi'iieil to appear nml nniiwcr llm (omplalnt fllml In Hm uliovn en titled null within sl weeks lifter tlin I first pithllrutlnn nf tills Kummons In I hit Cienlnrr llnrnhl, newspaper, nnil you will take iiotliu Hint If you full In iippear nml answer or otherwlrn plead within said Hum. the plaintiff for wnnl Iherrof will apply to Ihn lihovn cnlltled Court fur llm relief demanded In the complaint filed In said mill, to wit lnr juilKiimnt nnil ilnrrnn Hint )ou havit mi estate, claim or Interest In nml to llm follow InK lU'srrlhril real property, to wit Tim Southeast rjunrtfr of tlin Southeast quarter uf Section Thir ty. Hm Northeast quarter of tho Northeast quarter nnil llm Houth one half of Dm Northeast quarter of Hrrilou Thlrty-onn, In Town- Graduate Foot Specialist f i our ocrvicc A .9 f Consultation ntnl Kxnmlnntlon Frco K. K. K. Store Foot fipcclalliti WOOD la tho cheapest thine you buy, pro vided you tunko a wlso selection. BLOCK WOOD (tl (HI A IHH'lll.i: MIAII Is tho hottest, therefore tho best wooil for tho cook store. SLAB WOOD SMI.t'0 A I.O. la tho cheapest for all purposes you Kut moro for tho tuoucy. O. PEYTON & CO. 4HI -Mnln Phone 033 ASIII.AXH KLAMATH I'AI.USg IT. 7. Mitlforil lllilis. I'lmno IK)(I S01'TIIKKXM)UKt;OX tililp Twi-nty-fiiiir, Houth of Itnmtn Tun, KiiHt of tint Wllliiiiiiittn Alnrl iIIiiii, In Klnnmtlt County, Orc;iiti iitid tluil you tut fori'Vor rnjiilncil nnil il'ilmrruil from niwrtliii; liny diilin wliiitnviT to MiliI pruiiilnux uiIvithm to piuinmr nnn (i"ciitritn: inn tuiumirr to Iiii tlio oMnur In fen nlrnlo of tho hiiIi dtimlliuit IuiiiIh, for plaintiff cohIm imil illnliuriii'iiii'ntit Incurred In HiIh null, ii nil for xucli other mid further relief iih to Hut Court limy doi'tn tnrnt nnil eiiulttihle Till Hiiiiiiiioiih In iuiIiIInIumI nine n u firil flip hIv u,i,Im Ittf f.r.t.tr tt ll... .....,. .... ...- ...,- .... ..; ...... . ... ,.,.. i Ifomiriililn CIi.'ik. C K'onn. .Indue of tlin nfiovn enlllled Cr.iirl, whlrh nnler wnN iluti'il Mnrrh 2nd. 1922 Tlin ilntii or firm iitiniiintion ih .Miirrn n, rjzz iui;i i) runriiKit, Attorney for IMiilnllff. AiMrr-RN, KIiiiiiiiMi rails, Onr.nn M li.Kt. 20.27 Air 3 10 NOTICB I'Oll I'l IIMCATION IHOI,ATl:l TltACT .Vol Conl I .nml I'lltl.lC l,AM.SAI.B DBI'AUTMBNT OK TUB INTBItlOll, V. H BAND OKKICB at l.iikovlnw, OrnROti. Koliriinr 17, 1922 NOTICB In Imn hy rWcii Hint, ns directed hy tliu CoinmlMloner of the d,. jIPl Droadway at Stark Portland, Ore. Its convenient location in the heart of the city's activities and its proximity to the Shopping and Amusement cen ters during the Holiday Season, is merely another of this famous hotel's attractions. $ ii I i ll Arthur H. Meyers Manager '-! i .mmm,mmmmmvmammmmmmvmmmw,mm,m SAVOY CAFE 532 Main Street CHINESE DISHES NOODLES SPECIAL MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11 TO 2 jaWas VsMMWMMWWWWMMVMWVWWWWWWWWMWtiVNMWMAAMAAAMAMMAMAMs1 fSB"4aV q wieBauiiiiu ivmmmmHmmmmmm -! 0m0f0r0w0A0AAAAA WAREHOUSE rrm Located on Siding and Paved Street. Inquire of J. T. Ward, Central Hotel aaaJaMMMMMMWMMMMMMVMMVMVMMMVMVVMW Yes-s?; Vkmwn Tablets Greatest; Complexion Secret Banishes Skin Eruptions, IUCKHU0J Of What l'. Ar. Beautiful F.atur.U You Have an Ucly Skin. Flabby I toll. HoIIom (h.ka or Scrawny Nerkt Ma.lln'a VITAMON T.bl.U re Potlv.ly Ouarantot to CUe You N.w ll.alih, H.auly and a Moro Roundod Fee. and Fiiura. eruptions purifying irwinana i CP.CASY AS nV skin fJB" 'jaa?1 Bouf.ii iroisW ZJBISHEBZl V't? ry 1 Thero is nolhlnc i lo like It, an do not accept Imitations or substitute. You can get Mastiu VITAMON Tablets rt oil iod drugsuta- oMASTINBj EED41 tHt ORIGINAL CtlitSlNI VtAST VIIAMINl TAUlfcl tlunnral Bnnd offlcn, under provl slons of Hue. 2ir5, It, H liurstintit to tho nppllciitlun of lloracu It. Dunlnp, Hnrlnl No, 01 1609, wo will offer nt 1 pulillR Nnlu, to tho highest hldder, hut ut not Ions Hum $:i.(IO per aero, nt Two o'cloik I, M., on tho ,10th ilny of March, 1922, next, at tlilfl off Ire, i Ihn foIlowInK trnct or land: HBVt BWK, unit HW.NWU. tJ'Ttlon 17, 'nml NB'.NBU, Kectlon 18. T. 38 B., it 10 B., W. M , contiilnlni; 120 acres. i Thnso trniM nrn orilnrml Into tho market on n showing that tlin Kreater portion thereof In mountainous or too roiiKh for cultivation I Tho hiiIo will not hi kept open, hut will ho ilerlnrml rlnsoil wtmn thosn i prciiint nt thrf hour nnnmil hnvo cnnN nil hlitillnK. Tlin tiemon mnklnif tho i highest hid will hu required to lm 1 mediately pny to t)in Hucclver the I nmount thorcof - Any porsonB elalmlnK ndvorsely the ahove-descrllied land nrn udvlsed to flln their claims, or ohjecllon, on of I heforu thu tlmo (lunlr.naled for sale. I'uhllsh r consecutive weeks In tlin ' "Klamath Herald", Klatnatli Knlli, 1 Oregon. I K I' IIflHT. IleKlster. 1 F 20-27 M 0-1 3-20-27 vmmmmmmmmmmwmmmimimmmmm FOR RENT Puts On Firm Flesh. III II lil I m lil & If you want to quickly dear your skin and compV'uon, put Mime nnn, healthy tlch on your Urner, Increase your nerve force and cover, niJ look and feel 100 per cent, better, rimi'l tr' taking tno of Mutin'a tiny yeut V1TAM0N' Tablets with each meal and watch result. MasUn'a V1TAMON Tab- Uta contain hUmy concentrated yeait-vltaoilaca aa well aa toe two other etlll more important vitaminea (('at Soluble A and Water Bolubla C). They positively will not upaet the stomach or eaues caa but. on the, contrary, aro a great aid to diseation, to over come com ilmtlon and aa a general conditioner of the whole avstem. Pimulea. boila and akin teoin to vanlah like niacio under their tntlurnre, the compleiion becomes luautiful. the eheeka may inatead of pare, mo npa reu maieaa oi coionaaa. tna eyes brisht inatead ot dull. So rapid and amaaing Aro tho rwulta tbat auceeaa la absolutely cuaran ten or the trial coat you nothina. Ba aura to re. member the name Mutin'a VI-TA-MON the nriolnnl nml cmitno veAMtvItAmlno t.M.k Are Positively Gttavaaleeci to Put On Firm Fledi, Clear the Sfcia sad IaKrsase Energy Wberi TakeaWitk Every Meal or Moaey Back Chiropractic Removes the Cause HEALTH FOLLOWS CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE OH SPINAL NERVES IN DISEASES OF I THE FOLLOWING ORGANS: HEAD tYtS THROAT ARMS HEART LUNCS I hi a STOMACH PANCREAS SPUEN KIDNEYS 00WELS v nri-muis. Vs BLADDER Spiiut eCtfnLOH(R HUM The lower nerve UNDERTHE MAGNIFY ING CLASS IS PINCHED BVAnBAUGNEO JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CANNOT J TRANSHir HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CHIROPRAC- TICA0JUSTING RE MOVES THE PRESSURE. I THE UPPER NERVE IS rREEASNATUM INTENDS. V-""- ..Drs. Mallet & Mallet.. Underwood IlulldlnR 7T1I & Main PHONE 539-J 0, 1 vw f vine l t- v FTZVA 9 V-. v j ' I. O. O. F. Prosper Hy Hcix-knh. 10. mrrta First nml Tlilnl ThurMlnys Kwnunn Knrnmpuutit 411, niecU each TuexiUy Klnmatli IxhIkp 1.17; mcrtN each Friday N SINGER SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY Sole Agent 208 Main St All makes of sewing machines. Small pay ment down. Easy terms. Hcmstltchljiir, Kllto nrranak Ibx. IlcadlBR of all kind. Art Needlework. Itlbboa Noreltlea. Hand KinbroliICTcil Garmrnta for the " one." We do repair work and rent any make machine. "Give U. a Call" Phone 511-W ZELLA S. JONES Public Strnogrnphcr Iloom 16 Loom la DulldlnK FIiobo 44 t NEW CITY LAUNDRY. Finished Work Flat Work Rough Dry Put Vow Dad U Oar Buds' rnONK 154 Comer Mala and Ooager Klamath Falls Plumbing & Heating Co. 1178 MAIN ST. PHONE B4SW I SHOE REPAIRING Honest Leather lToaest Work Honest Price JACK FROST Independent Shop 119 S. Sixth Work left at Falrvlciv Grocery or 1004 Mala St., will be called fop dally Hot Springs NATATORIUM WARM DRESSING ROOMS, TOWEL AND SHOWER 35c, Children 25c DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTEPOATHIO PHTSICUN AND SURGEON Office aad Resldeaoe Phoa ffl "I. O. O. F. TEMPUB WOOD Delivered c. o. I). o load good blocks ?1.00 Single load " .?(5.00 Double load " .?S.OO Double load alabs....$6.00 WOOIJ AND HAV FRANKFORD 023 Mala Ht. l'hono 73 MOVED We are now nt 623 Main, with United Clgar Storo Wortley's Taxi Service I'lIONK 18.". RAINBOW SWEET SHOP linKAKKAHTS AM) I.UNCI1KONM hi:uvi:i BOrT DltlNKH. in: CHKA.M AND CANDIES Winters Building IMionn 1R.V.T rmcK, min-o.v & oAumrrr I'roprlctom COE'S AUTO SERVICE Oa and after March Ut ro will ba located nt Waldorf Billiard Parjor rnexi: ioh DR. J. G. GOBLE OFTOSIET1M.ST OITICTAX 70D Mala St. I'lmno la.l-W Wa tit and grind glaases, Dupli cate broken lenses, repair frames. KLAMATH TOST No. S, Amorlcan I.CRlon mccta In tbo basement ot tho now courthouto on Main Street on tho drat and third Tuesdays ot each month. Kz-aenrlco men aro Invited ,to at tend the meetings. ( Dr Fred Westerfcld. Commander. H. E. Gett. Post Adjutant and Ue llef and Employment commlttoo. Dr. Gerald F. Warren DENTIST Pensaaeatly located nt Dorrlf , Cat. Hpeclaliat In CROWX AND liniDGK WOKK Prlcca Reaaoaable. Work Guaranteed Klamath Falls Cyclery We are here to acrvo you and aim to aorro you right. Motor cyclea and lllcyclos, Parts and Accessories, Tires and Tubes tbat will stand your Inspection, as we carry the best In our lino. Re pair shop In connection with Harley-Davldaon Service. PHONE 27a 1016 Mala Nt. Klamath Falls C. E. niHMAllK ' - FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Phono 431-W X-ItAY liABOIUTOIUES IiOomia Bldg. Klnmntli Falls J. C CLEGHORN CrVIL ENGINKEIt AND 8UUVEVOK Phone 193-J 183 8, Riverside DR. H. J. WINTERS (Jradaata aad Stnto Ilcglstcrcd OPTICIAN Nineteen years hero In bnslnosj We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Service Deat Equipped Optical Store lu Southern Oregon 714 Main .Street DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I, O. O. F. Building PHONE 61 Excavating Teaming Let ni make yon a prlco on digging tbat bssemont ir other excaratlng 70a eontenplato. .We also do team work of every de scription. PHONfl 1 '-: . "t ,7", :U ': L ,& ,'