The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 20, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    ifff t1lt t 'n(T- in .
M0N1MV, MARCH SO, 1023
Pniro Two
The Evening Herald
V. n. HOUIjR...JWItor Mil PublUhcr
If. 11. IIILli Clljr Kdllor
ruhlUhod daily except Sunday, by
riio Hnrntrt Publishing Company of
Klamath Kalln, ot 110 Eighth Street.
Entored at the postottlce nt Klnm
tth Kails. Ore., for tranimlaMon
IhroiiRh the lnnllg a ocond-clnsst
Outbursts of Everett True By Condo
7iAnnrvuuLa"LaaarLnn.n-Ln.n."Li'ij-i-.-i' -------- -- m !mi
lr ontltlcd to the uso for publics
lion of all riown dlipatchci credited i
to It. or not otherwise credited In.
thin paper, ami ntto the local news!
published boroin.
H4vs to opeM
-oN'T HOt--C:-.
you ' hv&
FINANCE ninne cannot develop
the ilnlry Industry In Klnmath
county, an InduUrr thnt this region
In eminently fitted for. and which
would olvo to a larse extent the
problem or transporta
tion ncl marketing.
The bi!ikji of this community
havo shown ai undcrstandlnc of
the Imparlance of dalrylnR develop
ment In the r support so far. and
doubtless, as financial conditions
Impro.i, will cont uue and cnlnrBo
their helpful po1 e.
Hut, while wo v.ould not ro sc far
nj to say tint dairymen must be
horn, there Is 'ot of makliG over
that must jke place In tho mrth
odg of tho averajro Indlvl'-'at who
"keeps rows" o make of htm n
real dairyman.
Farmer' Smith, m hi addresses
hero, touched upon some of th
needs: elimination of haphazard
methods and deter- -.atlon by
scientific tests of the productiveness
of tho herd ami the euallty of tho
product; weeding out ot all un
profitable cows and of x scrub
sires; uUoluto cleanliness, which
not only adds to the price of the
product but Is as essential, for the
protection of tho pub'lc health, In
tho dairy ns It It In the hospital
opcntlne room.
With 'he possibilities that Klam
ath hai i a daliylng region, there
Is no likelihood t' at Its wonderful
potentialities In this direction will
long be overlooked. Already east
ern dairymen, with operations ham
pered by long" and rlgorou( winters,
have their eyes upon this territory,
and with Tery little publicity dairy
men from many leg favored places
will bo attracted to this land, where
cheaper acreage, ample forage, alti
tude and climatic condition, com
blno to make tho results of their
Industry and skill more profitable.
Farmers of Klamath county have
an opportunity to creato a founda
tion for a great future for dairy
ing .through application ot modern
methods, furnishing an obeet lesson
that outside Investors cannot fall
to seo and heed.
Klamath butter, we arc told, now
sells readily, and at a premium
over tho avert re makes. In outside
markets. And yet tho highest level
ct scientific production and hand
ling tho ruw n II: has not been ap
proached here
On account if our location and
cheap alfalfa 1 C tn r-yer growing
abundance, a t'j Klamath irriga
tion procct expand, wo have the
opportunl'y to establish here an
industry that Tealo profitable
ubo for the land, bring In hundreds
of families build creameries and
condensing plan -, aad enormously
to our payrolls uiul our general
Thero ls no guesswork nbout It.
Callforn'a communities, with less
i i s rjr -
H'Fi.TlJ kcSfl .
W,rZA ;
I i--S'
' r&s
Hon-et. ivauus
t- r v- Sj&
-r .""t
i. t I
iwl '
Letters from the People
tiK :ovi:uxmi:nt wntimit
Editor ller.ild:
Tho opportune time of jours to
ltnmuuiv Kcrtlon U nt liuiid Tho peo
ple of llouiinin and Horsefly dlMrlct
liy voting favorably on tho r.ov em
inent contract, March 'i'i, thereby
helping Lnugoll Vnlley to obtain
water from Clear lake, ore helping
thomsolvos. Tlioyvnro committing the
Itorlamatlou service to expend nt
least JiiOO.000 cn'ti. tho Impounding
of llorm'dy water, assuring water for
pr.irllr.illy 25,000 acre of land
What does thli moan to tho town of
Eight oars ago ltonnnza had an
up-to-date flour mill and creamery , splendidly
and more population than today, j
Why did they fall? Lack of patron i
ago. n Ntho people wery unable to
raio rnoiigii, uniier tiry lanu larmin- )
tn support them. What l their con-1
dltlnn today? I'rodurlng nn excess of,
grnln and milk product over their
need'), which hno to bo freighted
out. but still not enough to support
local creamery or flour mills or lr
Induce tho railroad to complete a
spur Into llonatixa Vote to nrrept the
contract, which Langoll Valley will,
do. get tho water on the l.nuN and , Kara gets tho lining cup.
for croaiuery, flour mill, grnln eleva
tor, ami additional In and nut going
lonuago, which moans Ihn completion
ot tho railroad xpur Into llonnnta,
not by Hubxcrlptlou of local money
hut by railroad capital Itnolf.
If wo can show them enough lon
uago to warrant it, rest assured it
will come.
In former ears wo have huoii
tliounandR of sheep mid cattle driven
through our country to tho Inlgatod
amis bojoml. Why not prepare to
fi'od thenu floclJs and herd mir-eelu-s?
Lot us lomciiibor that to sue
tostfully coiiipoto with others, wo
must play tho name iin plnjcd by tho
succodiful. Also that wo aro Auiorl
ran mid tho lait four letters of that
word "I can", should bu our nccepted
This iiiioitlon Is even morn vital
to nt than tho road bond Issue which
our lection of tho county put over ho
Vours truly,
Not "cooking." Cookery ia 11k1
only noun form of tlio word
"cook" in Hie latest (lictioiinn'o.s.
Cooking is a present participle
and the expression "Mlectric Cook
ing" is incorrect
"Why not say it with Electricity?"
Harding has r. 0 pairs of trousers
WouMn t It be great to be his broth
er' .Man who married the times In six
what will be tho result At least six, Oulf rule Keep jour 0)0 on tho
times tho amount of Irrigated land.! ball -epeclully when tho rntirio Is
the products of which will uaturallv crowded
renter In llonanz.i. nstirlng support ( Our idea of fun Is u barber trying
' - - i-i-i-i-inrWTrKnrM-rv-wwTinjTJTjnjTruiJi-
to tell himself a funny fi while .Moiiy a iiitidldalo loc thu rain
xhuMiig himself bocaiiio his gas ghon out
l.onltin s.i)n what ho wants now Ik Himiso iii In AutlgnulMi Is bollig
money This In earning out his pollc) ' haunted. Mii)b llio Hint's duo
of lining friendly ; Hun I keep )i-iir hands In our
AVllli Will In tho movies all the pa kot whin thero l a Job on thrill,
pi.tilmaiiters want li.tsscs ' innvlit L'srapm In Holler"
Optlmis' A man putting up u wire headline A liaril'bollril )cKg.
feuro to kooii iluikelis out of Ills When unliin people u t il remit )nu
ganleti iwondor what I liny wan'
then search alter method ot at- degree a desire for tho benefits
talnlng the benefits and then tho. We aro now down t tho ways and
benefits come naturally mean, singe, and It will not be
There Is a general realization of 'long before dairying hero will bo
the benefits that dairying will bring I expanding by laps and bounds .and
to Klamath county and In a large taking rank as a leading Industry
News From the Country
KOU SAI.H Olt TIIADK -Two twelve
Olivo chill Rung plow, good ns now J.
A Johnson, Phillips' ranch IS-! I
LOST Man'a flcoco lined le
glove. Kinder return to Herald of
flee. Howard. IS-21
Taken up on or nbout October If,
1921 1 llrlndlo steer nbout - )cars
, old. weighing S00 pounds, branded
on right hip dash y (ronncoteil) one
tlllilnr put 111 rlvlll iifn. mm nil. w
ther ' fork In left ear The owner can
claim same by paying tho rests and ,
feed therefore by calling on O. II
Hunt on my ranch I milo north
Shasta school house, t miles north
west of Malln
O i: HINT Hi 23
led him to resolve to devote his life
Inrenlv to the betterment of tho lives
II .It. Prentice of Medford ws a , of ,hc ,,, lrlpi, ,0 mpreM
business visitor in Merrill TueJoy. on ,,, amIcnC0 lho fact ,hn, th,.r
Mr.-and Mrs. Albert MyoM were j curee or ,allro ln m ,tPI,cnded
Klamath Falls visitors on Tuesday. ,argcIy up)1 ,hcr ow rorti. Tie
Mrs. Hugh l-alvey. who ha becntoa n)an. humoro, Morc(1 tu..
Ill nt a Klamath Falls hojpltal.i Is ,,. lhc fony blaming one's
reported to bo Improving. I ri"lure t0 i,a,i Iucic tax'M tarff ctc.
A danco was given Friday at the T,e Mcrr, pco(Io apprcciate the
vacant houso on H. C. Parkers' place. prlvCB0 of bcnK nb0 to !lcar SmItll
The ladles' Aid met at tho heme of jam, wUh ,t mght havo bccn a,,ver.
Mrs. B. H. Kdgar Wednesday. March t,e(, morc extensvely ag .ome
in. This was the annual election of not awar(, of ,,,. Mnf. n Mcrrlll,
officers. The following were elected: Mr( Schuch( the librarian Is con-
Prcstuenl. .Mrs. uco. vvngni. ! , ,. hr h ,..,.,. ld
I1AHV CIIIX Whlto (Solden Huff
and llrown Leghorns. Alironns,
lllack Minorca. Huff Orpingtons, It
I lt,ir.i.t n.i.l W'.l,.. ir..t
.. Illtl.) .I.,.V. Mill. .1.111.1 ..1.1.9 .
every week. Knoch Crews, Seabrlght, STHAM HKATKU rooms 13.30 per,
California. lT-.'s i week. Largo, well lighted lobby.
shower baths, Nssr winter rates
FOIl HKNT or will null on easy ; Central Hotel. J. T. Ward, Mgr. Utf
terms flno dairy farm, own Irriga
tion and part In alfalfa. P. ('. Carl
son, llov IS.,, Klamath Fulls, Ore
Project manager Newell, county
agent Thomas and club leader Sexton,
were In Merrill with "Farmer" Smith
president. Mrs. J. 11. Hobbs; Secre
tary, Mrs. W. F. Hill: treasurer. Mrs.
Geo. J. W'nlton. It was decided to
have a hat trimming social Marsh 31. j Wednesday.
The men to do the trimming ana wie Mri) IJarry Ackcy wag aUo ,1(.r0
beat to recelre a prlte. wh le .ppnkers on Wednesday.
A lunch was served following the) Tom CaIamM of Oakland. Callfor
buslncM meeting. Tho tables ere;na wa- a Mcrrln vldltor during thu
deocrated suggestive cf St. Patrick 'p
and Irish Joken and conundrums were m
given thoie present causing consid
erable amusements. Tho following t
i Tuesday evening March 14. a limn
ladles were present: Mesdamcs C
nowman. J. A. Hrown. 0. H. Carlcton.j her of friends turprlsed Itolf (ieert
J. H. Hobbs. K. H. Kdgar, Chester g0n. It being his sixteenth birthday.
Hasklns. J. W. Hasklns. A. Frasler. The evening was spent In card play
lloso Davis. W. F. JItinette. (! W. j nK and music. Miss (icertson served
Officld, Miles Moore, W. F. Hill, K. ( f0 cream and rake.
Craig, Ktta Scogglns, Oeo. Thoma. ( a ji i pound boy was born to Mr.
J. W Taylor, Hurr Westbrook, C. N. una Mrs. It. I'. Ilensley Tuesday.
Woodhousc. tieo. Wright and Miss .; March 1 1. t
Lctha drivel. I Tho thawlnt: snow from Stukel
The annual congregational meeting ; m(nn, haH cashed uround thu
of tho Presbyterian church was held . ,)rl,,K0 uet0M 10 (jrlff,, ltttoral. un
Tuesduy evening. Kluctlon of officers . ., ,. , ,. r0!),.(
nninrni iuivn,.iiiep. bavn lmllt from and tho regular business of
us small beglnuliua In u few years, church was transacted. j
For Instance, t .t, terr torv con-i r. nci mtx torn i.yncu were
talncd In Stan 'aus, Merced nnd
San Joaquin cour.iics supplies raoro
than half tho milk consumed In
tho Sau Franclo bay region, and
has a surplus for butter making
and uvaporatlng Mint kce'ot scores
of factories o, arating tne year
round, Including auch plants as tho
llnrden condensliiR plan' near Mo
desto, employing a couple ot hun
dred workers. Most of this great
development has comu ubout In
tho past two decades.
Hut thl., condition vag not creat
ed by money alone. Dairying Is a
business cntcrprtso that an tho
same complexity of problems s haB
any other. It required skill and
knowledge to ovurcomo tuo-problems.
Hut skill conios with prac
tice and knowiodgo with studious
First comeg the realization of tho
bonefltH to bo derived from a given
course of conduct; then tho deslro
for participation In the benofits;
Klamath Falls visitors on Tuesday.
Kdd Frasler and W". W. Walker Hr .
were also Klamath Falls visitors Fri
day. Dan Colwell received word that his
daughter Knthcrlne, who It in Chlco.
California for her health, was Improv
ing. Mrs. C. J. Ferguson, tnunty school
superintendent was In Merrill Wed
nesday. Fred Peterson was In Klamath
Falls Saturday.
A card party will bo given at the
library Friday, March 24.
A largo and appreciative uudlonco
attended tho tulk given by "Farmer"
Smith, School wus dismissed so thnt
tho children might attend nnd the
first half hour of his talk was given
to them. Ho told of his llfn and con
ditions ot his boyhood days. He told
of Joining the army In the Civil war
at 17. At tho closo of lho vvar ho went
to Minnesota, then a new country nnd
the conditions ot tho f.trmcra there.
Mrs. C It Klger and Mrs. Sam
l.'nmaii arc on tho sk'k list.
Herald classified ads pay yon.
If you want to sell It. buy It, trade
It. or find It, try a Herald classified
Whlto Leghorn baby chicks, It I no I Swedish select certified seeil oats,
per 100. Tancrcd strain Heavy layers ton lots 'J'!) cts; less quantity 3 cm.
circular, Henry Tarratt, Corning, Cal J. A. llushong, Klamath Falls, Ore-
10-31 gon M-3-Anr !
I "II best atcoio I- I
4 stuvict Asteiilf
Athletic Tournament
Monday Night, March 20
Klamath Amateur Athletic
Cor. Fourth and Klnmnth
Hal ( lirmty (rhampliii of Camp I.owm, s Huh Hnd-'rst mutoiilr
for championship of Northwest)- lln.i 'j nut or 3 (all
Walsh vs. Herrliigtou (ioiM fast Mitch
Montgomery vs. Mills- for championship of Klamath High Hiiioul
F)lllng vs. Comlfli Iteturn Mutch Stpetdy Flyweights In ocUni
nil tho lime
Houston vs. IIIm'z Throe 2-mliitilo rounds
Alilds vs. Angus Walsh -115 pounds of Pop
Numerous other ntliMIc evi'iils If tlnio permits. A full evening
deserved Seats, 1 00
(leneral Admission Hoc
Mrmbers, TS'
Members ZoC
Will find artistic memor
ials at 1010 Main street.
IIMil . .
wneiier an nnno.miif
nionutnent or a .small
marker, it is of the best
material and workman
ship. And this is the
proper time to place your
order for spring delivery.
Klamath Falls Marble
and Granite Works
1040 Main St. Klamath Falls
roi in rsdr
'Wl r -v V. N" ll ,U 1COME.TO,
) XK &1 urtt ' f NO PLACE A rSTl KiV VT.. . avC U. MOTHER'
lcT7roP '', V rvnuel Y V I t2iZf "-rT"'. '"o,w -ezrrw l ast roi i cmnij I V
100 lb i. Chick Feed $3.35
100 lbs. Chick Math $3.25
100 lbs. Meat Scrap $6.00
501bi. Charcoal $2.50
100 lbs. Ground Bone $3.25
100 Iba. Egg Math' $3.25
100 lbs. Dairy Feed
Murphey s Feed Store
124 South Sixth .Street
Phone 87
rfHdrlli"W tfe '