w t , ri4i.. " : j 1 ;;! V " trauj Herald s.. WEATHER FORECAST TOXIOHT, r.illll TCCHOAV, ItAlX IX WENT, I'AIH IX KANT I'OltTIOXH NEWS OF THE WORLD BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Associated Vrem. Hri'Viilli Vwr. No. (Ilt7n l(l. MATH IWLLM, OIIEGO.V. .MllMUV. MAIU7I 'JO. IMS! I'RICS FIVH CKNTA Ste ictiie .f. GLOVER STORE Twelve Rins Trtken While Family Is nt Theatre; Enter Through Rear lliirglarn entered Hut A. I' Olnv it Jewelry More. Ml M.iln. between 7 no mill I (i .in Hiimliy nlclil unit IcilllUed 12 rltlRil valued lit $2110 l.'iitmtire wan gained hy toning a 11.nl ilimr. which npcun Into !lovei'M llvlni: apartment Olover nulil 1)10 Imritliiry w.m miii milled lil In In mill Mri. (Ilnver worn iitleinlliig u theatre, mill Hut It win apparent their inn vi-iiK'it I h linil hern watched Tim rliiKx wern luken frotn lint (ronl ihnw window With miii iirnitlnn they wern nil women's rltiRM. Vnl iliihln watches ami utlirr ewelry In lint show rnn'H Merit untouched, Ii'iiiIIiik In lli" belief tlint llin mini tut it lii-nti frlKlilrnml ny lie for" 1 iinil'li'lliiK tiiclr work No iirri'tt Imvii linn mnilit n tolinrftlon with Hi" theft VET SMOKER TUESDAY Hitting mill Wrestling IV n I m I- glim Hi,miiinrlrr Three limine nml nun wrestling I11111I. 11 ple.entliig iniiliml, IhIm of mt mnl drinks anil iiiuatr- -IIiIm In Hip prnKrnm nniinunrail by W V Win hlnnhani fur Hi" American legion mniikitr nt headquarter Tuesday iiIkIiI. Tim smoker l free In all n mTvlfit men.. Tntiy Vlnri'tit of IhU rlty anil Jne Tuber of Halt l.aku will Mtn" Hi" main boxing nt'lll. Tint w rentier" will tut Harold Christy mnl Hob i:n dren loli 11 IIoiimuo will ml mils llh Unit Muriiliy nml "Tufty" An. demon nml Young Kltliiiiiiiii the famous paper-weight", will iitipnur In their popular Kl" nml tnki art Thin Initio first uf n series m( smoker proposed Id Him Legion, nml 1.1 iirtnln to tin n IiiiwIIiie mirrpmi. n.iyn Wlnnlnnliani "('"in" early nml itrt n kiukI '!," tin NMiniN I'X'Dcnlri' lirn BANKERO ON TRIAL I Man Aniui'il of Klilniiplni: Smi Ii llelil for Nut llailnu l,l(eni COTTONWOOD fill . Marrh 20 -Or ,1. II. Ilankero. fnrnierly of Klam ath I'allit, h( Man In lint iipntllKhl ii moiilh or mnro iiko, when hit ih.irci'it wild Iddnapplni; hln i-wn miii In fhlin. vmim kUiii n preliminary "X iimlnatlon hero on Hut (h.irf." "' priirlli'lni: miMllrlnit In Cotliiiinond without flmt IihvIiik n Milhl llrensr til prarllio In thin tnt" Jndi;itl, It WllllniiiM held l)r tlnn Intrii for trial In" tint ttiipcrlor court mnl allowed him to i;n on hln own M'riir.nlrmiri' Tint piOM'tiltliin Ik Im'Iiik (oudiitteil hy Hut attorney f r Iho ntatii hnant of medical I'xiimlncrit. 917,000 I'llli: AT Hlliail); HAVi: llrMIIIKNCi: DIHTIIICT AiaiANV, March 20. A kiK0. hiiriN i ret Htorc. confectionery mnl residence witro liurnvd yeHterday at rilicild, i:i miles from hum. Tim Iiihii wnu $17,000. Volunteer fir" until hjivimI thu runt nf tho hunlnctm Huctlon. Hiiuid: roucv to hi: roitMi'i..Ti:i at ci.r.viaaxii WASIMNOTON, I). 0., Mnrch 20. Tim Kdioral pidlcy committee nf tint I'nlled Mine worknrit plan to meet I'rlday In Olovolniul In formulnto u policy for thu hllumlnoiiH minora wlidii tho wlrlke In called April 1. BUMS I 1 UATIIiai I'ltOIIAHIMTICH Thn liaNnuetrlu priiiHUrn hoveled In thn vicinity nf 110, fill for nearly HO houra hut iihout 4 o'clocU thin inormilg thn Cyrlo-HtoriuaKraph at lliiiliirwond'H I'haiinucy hCKiin tn i'ok Ixtur n full In presRiirit mid at 2 p. m Hut tendency wan h t III ilownwaid While Iho ilecreaBO him heeu kIIrIU no ilouht n illHtuihance In fnrmliiK to tlin Houtli. KnrciciiMt for next 21 heiirH: i Ktonn hrewliitf tn Iho South, (.'on tinned nioileratn litniminurH. Tho TyroH riunrdlitR lluirmoinalnr refilHtcritil maxlmiim nml mluluuim tiunpeatuniK, today, iih fnllowH! HlKh 4R I.ow : 2C ni; iter waivim mi;v iiecovku 1 7,i,Mi(i or HIOI.KX I.IIIEItTV WINDS WASHINGTON. DC, Mum Ii I" Secret mtvIhi employes limn retnvrrcil all uf Hut f I7fi, iiimi uurlli (if llliitrly ImiihIh hIiiIiui Iritni llin branch iifflrn nf llin triMintiry ilojin r t nwri t lliiliiiiliiy niitlii. A I111111I "in- ciuplo)o ami mi iilli'Kul iireoni- iilirii miii arretted -- K. K. K. ACTIVITIES BEING PROBED BY MEDFORD OFFICIALS Alllllll llllll ,f ,lll' Hllnlllff Man AtiiiiKi lll'lrlil Al. Iiiriirj In Ailliui .MiairoUl). M.ircli 2 - lHtrl t Attorney It.iwlet Moorn linlny i miikliiK mi lnvcntlr.iitloii of tlinj m'tlvllli'x it Hid Kn Klnx Klan. iiieinlii'rn of w I1I1I1 urn iilli'Rinl to' liivn nliilni ti'il J I' Halo, iroinl n ill I iltlirii nf tlilN rlty, (in I'rMny nlr.lit mnl taken him to a point I near Tallin Hoik, ten in I leu from! .Meilfnnl. hcr" hit wan threatened) with IiimikIhk If hn 1II1I mil ilrop a I rlt II null for 1 1. Ml tiRiiliiHt a Mnl-! tonl ri-nlilctit. Il.iln huh releaHeil i j Milan lie prelendeit to fall In a , faliil, Ihcti'hy filKiitenliir; liln cnp-i I turn I Actenllnr: tn ri'piirti extant l.iicj I jetitenl.iy afternoon Halo H.mj j nun" thi Morn" for liln rather thrill-1 . Iiik iinrli'iiri'N I'rhlny tilhht, ex- cepi in injiiri'ii leciniK". mm mm liei'ii il ronniillallon mIIIi IiU at-' InrnxyN ilurliiK th" ilny It l nlmi reporteil that h"y lnltoil tint illirtrfrt' atlorney'n olflrr, iiUIkiiirIi Hint offl cl il win nut lheri It It known Hut hcn lilln Prl ilay nlKht tint mankcil KnKInx klilnapern lictniiiti tilarineil nt IUIk'h ' fiiliiilnr; npi'll" mnl ilrntn hark 10 .Metlfor with hi in unit n Iciim'il him on (Iriii'iiKiv ittri'i'l, thi'y 1II1I Ko llh tint uilninnltlon that ho rould remain In .Med font, hut that If hit eer relutoil or romplalni'il nf ' tint kliluNpliiK mnl "hannlnp." Inii I dent hit twinld in eel with death. ' Whi-n Hour Tahtit llork thry hnil , plurrd tint ropn arinillil hlit neck i I hey ili'claroil tli"y would lianR him iiiilem ln ilropped a milt for money I'aRalllnt n Med ford rltlell mnl prom I ImI to net nut of town at onrn and iituy 11 ny. GAMBLE ON WEATHER I'ollic IIImIo, (iluiintli- Vool IUmnI nil TrliiiMTiitlirvi I KT l.fll IS. Mnrrli "nl'cllr.t to day nnuoiinriil thry hail illiroiri'il Hi" lUlMi'Uin here nf n Kiuuhllni; pool h.mttil on weather tempi rnturt'ii wh J ho ron fUra Hon of I.DOi) HckotH which were found In tin pohKcuxlon nf William llardncr. a Kit en mini, who U undur urri'il. Tint tlrkelN went prlcoil nt " renti" nml Till rcnta nml tint prlti'it for win nine iiumhnrii r.iiiKi'd from II to i'i nun, accordltiK fo tint police, who n.ild tint Imky' iiiimhern went iletermlucd hy taking tho Inxt nuniher.t nf u few ndecteil titinpitraturn rcadlncn. HIII.V ItONC. llHCIiACIN i'Aiitepiui'ssi'ini: I'llll.Allia.rillA, Munh 20. An operation In which five Inches of hIiIii hone went rut from thn Ior nf n lenr-nhl hoy to rnplnco fhn Inchon nf hln hpIiiii hone, wan performed In ti hospital hern today f t Thn patient, (lennto llawklnson, wan hrnilKht from hln homo nt Con cord, Mann., hy hln parcntx. Ho In pnr nlyzed from Iho hlpn down, The operation tnoU mi hour nnd Iwonty mlnulen, Tho pleco of hack hone removed w.m illneaaed mnl In nald In hne cnuveil the p.irnlyHln. It wun not nerpHwiry to put a plato In nurli n yoiniK hoy'n left. SUM! AXNOr.NCKHM' aIiout iiuviaiv wiaac I'OUTI.ANI), March 20. I'rulliuln. ary uuiiouucvment nf lluyeiH' week, which will hn held In Portland An Kiuit li In 12, are IicIiik unlit out to the mercliautH and rotnllern nf 1 1 west, urn Htiitrn fry thn Pacific Northwest Meichnnt.s' asnoclatlon. which haud Idh IIiIh annual event ftiv thn rhmnher nf coinnierctt, l A. Spencer In chair man nf Hi!h year'H event, tihaii niaavia)- 8AN KIIANCISCO, March 20. ArKUincnt delayed Hie Hclcctlnu of a MiM'oyd alternate Juror for the Ar hucklo trial today, GOOD If I were handed on Mother 0' mine, 1 know whose, love Mother o'.thino, 1 ' ' John Mcllenry It cd' nni In Iho dlntrltt ml unit rB'tm I) HANGING OF 18-YEAR-OLD BOY MAY BRING ACTION ON MEASURE Almllllon (if I'apil.il J'iiikIiIiiii'IiI III lll-trlil of i iiIiiiiiIiIii KxHt led In follow WASHINGTON. I C . March 20 .H The hnnitliiR nf John Mcllenry. con- Hme I Imva tn do It," IVako nald. lited lh-e.ir old flayer. Friday U"Aud I illnllke thin hmiKltiR wnrnt expiicted to hrliiR final action hy i of ill. miiKrcm on lillln nn pendltiR which rather O'CallaRhan. who pra)ed provide for the abolition nf raplt ill with .Mciieury durliiR hln lat puillMimeni in in" inn i -"- --i luinbi.1 Oint hill Introduced hy Senator Dial of South Cirrllnn lian already paioed t the neuate. and han been held up In the limine for nmo time. .Mcllenry wan lianRed nftir ef- death, fnrtn of enatori. church liKiders "Jiilnt wan thlnkliip uf (lod nu he nnd other Influential permiuj hnd mounted the cjJ(oM. That Rave failed In .ih him. Numervoun ap-jhlm rouraite. Hut hn never roallz pea Ik were made dlnt tn I'renl-, ed Hie M'rloumiwin of hln crime, dent llardliiR. Tint raito aroiiN'd , , - morn Interest In the dlntrlrt than J l or ('. WINS TIIACK MHin ally In recent jearn. hecaUKe of the belief that, Mcllenry wan mentally n i I.OS AN(!ia.KS. March 2u. The child, and that the illMrlct author-1 l'lilvernlty of California track team lllen wore excentlnp one not , re-, uponnlhle. HERE LIES Tntr BocTTLeocct?. rVAO MEPE LIES 1?AE CUSTOMER. - BY the highest hill, 0 mother 0' mine! would follow me still, O mother o' mine! .. II(V!in Kill MIL' 1 rig. o ! t ki"e hi Another itooil-lijr Th.-n. t.Iio ultnerni tll-ieieru-I on pirti, ularly tho priiuii i.iipvr Kitendenl. Captain W I. I'eako. and Katlier J. I' O'Callashan. nplr llii.il advlncr to Mcllenry. exprenn ml lhemelVeK an hupliiK capital punlnhment ouhl he lenliilated out i extttence. , "'l hnte thU thine more ovory In noum. militt Although HK.Utilt thu I havo never been principle. of; capital punlnhmenl. I am heclnnlni; to doubt tho competency of any man. JhiIru nf Jury, to pa sentence ol defeated l'nherilt uf Snnthern Call' foml.i here Saturday ti.'l to 3S. LIES AND LIES IJrVerAtY f mr M.1 OLP t .? xsr- . -,. ass" xi 1 . j VI rt - SB- A - or C-Sv Si "1 sk. ' I . II -- 4 C , , . I I I I 1 ILL ATTEMPT TO T E Acceptance Will Be Sought Dcupitc Absence of the President's O. K. f WABIIINfSTO.V. I). t, Mnrrh 20. I', iiuhlleaii hoiiru lomtorii failed to ' v to (a tend presidential npprovnl to ' romiiroiiiNo Iioiiuk hill hut went 1 n(l with pI'iiir to put llin incnmiro 'iironirh tint houni). Speaker (illlettn i fined to permit tho nirnnurit to i'nn up under n muprnslon of rule, ml a Hpcrlil ruin nlll he nrcemwry f'ir Itn ronnlilerntlon. lenders plan I' rotifer Into today on the proceed' ire 1 WASIIINCTON. V. V., March 20. Speaker Olllntt announced todny that ho wr.iild nrt entertain a motion to ' nuxpend the rulcn to put thn noldlcr hnniin hill throiiRh thn houno under a re trl'tlon on tho debate and without opportunity for nmendmenU. rreldet llardlns told thn repuhllt j ran houint lendern today thai In view nf expritftftlnun on the hontin ho had prevloinily made, he did not think It cinejiil.il to offer any rocommenda tlons now i Monili II, who heaucn tho houeo de ' lepatlon, made t hi annnuncctnont. He ndded that republicans planned to Kii nhead hn rrrommnnded by the houNt way and niennn commlttoc. WASHINGTON. O. C . March 20. Ilvpuhllcan houne trader have vir tually decided to hrlnc up tho boa un Thursday, IRRIGATORS TQ-r.VOTE nirni up Witlmilrty Whether the Horsefly nnd Ingclt Irrigation districts will enter Into a (ontract with tho Kocrnmcnt for Joint IrrlRalon i)stem mid canal, will, ho decided at art election Wednesday at Ilonanza and I.orella. Tour polling places will be main 'talned. ono at I.orella and three In thn lclnlty nf Ilonanza. Approval nf the contract submitted by thu Rocrumont will mean the de velopment at present of about 10,000 acres and a.'.ooo acres eventually. Those who have been Interested In land development In the two districts predict tho election will carry by 0 largo majority. M.UtKKT ItKI'OUT roitTI.AND. March 20. Mve- stock. ogRj and hutter'steady. Wheat. 11.21 to $1.29. N G -sT " vot'tii hi5xhm kihh to i:vi:i:thi:aut iiv iuimoj iti:ci:ivi;i iiv kvi:hvonk IIO.HTON, Mnrch 20. Amn- tcur railln tnlophuno fnng hurn 4 arc wondering who In tha youth 4 who from the fnr ntrelchc of 4 thu Atlantic flanlird a kli, to liln HW'iothcart. Kvoryonu cot tho klm. WITHDRAWAL OF ALL TROOPS FROM RHINE BY JULY 1 DIRECTED I'rexloiiilj' Annniinrol I'ollry I'lnreil In Execution ly Order of Hccrftnry Week WAHHINOTO.V. I) C . Mnrrh 20 Ordern dire t His tho return to thn Culled Status hy July I, of all Ameri can troopn now on tho Ithlne wnn In nucil today hv Secretary Wekn, who announcd the order wamorcly con tinuation of thn policy previously an nounced for withdraw Inr thn Amerl can forces early an poanlblo. GRAZING RULE ISSUED SI loop Croxoinft "Slnto I.lno Hntn llamU Intprrtrtl Mnnt Ilcforn any Rraxlnc permit will bo Issued coverltiR shcop grazlne In Dis trict r. on tho Mqdoc national forest, It inurt ho shown that alt sheep cross Iiir tho Oregon line Into tbo stato of California have had their band In spotted by n representative of tho bureau of animal Industry and cxhlb It a certificate to that effect to the forest offlcor In charge Thin wan anonunccd today by For est Supcrvlnor W. II. Durbln Thin certificate must show one of tbo two foltewlne: 1 That theso nhcep havo been In spected by a representative of the llureau of Animal Industry subse quent to March 11, 1322, and have been found freo from scab or expos ure thereto. 2. If tho sheep concerned arn either scabby or havo been exposed, the owrfer Inusl'Yroduec ccrtlffcato'of Inspection show Ins that they have been dipped one or moro times under thn supervision of a representative of the Hureau of Animal Industry In the alstato of Oregon subsequent to March n, 192 Noheep will bo allowed to enter national forest ranges unless these requirements have been fulfilled. AUCTION PRIZE COWS llluo Klhhoii Holder-. Sl.tteil to On L'ndcr Hammer Today PHII.ADFa.PIHA. March 20. Sons and daughters of some of tho world's champion luiro bred milk cows, will parade before, tho auction eer here today in tho Ilrcntwood Na tional sale nnd show. A number of stato blue ribbon holders are rtlno carded to go under the hammer and tho eyes of the dairying Industry In tho I'niteil States will bo focused on tho prices obtained for a significant reason. ' If tb prices aro good, dairymen claim It will place the stamp of ap proval upon thn effort to Introduco the pure brod Into nil tho dairies of thin country, while if tho prices are disappointing, tho same men admit It will mean that their efforts to im- provo tho Industry along theso lines will havo received a decided sotback Trom thu Pacific coast come a son and daughter of tho world's cham pion milk producer. Segln Pletertju Prospect, whoso record of 37,000 pounds of milk In ono year Is ono of tho wonders of tho dairying Industry. Leading Canada's offering at tho sale will bo tho sou of tho world's cham pion butter producer of all ages and breedn, Uella Poutlac, producer of OST pounds of butter In ono year. Canada also sends grand-daughters of May Kcho Sylvia, thn only cow In tho world to produce 1,000 pounds of milk In T days, yielding 41 pounds of butter. Thero will bo a number of cows who havo produced, under official test, up to 36 pounds of butter III sovon days and up to 1,200 lbs. of butter in ono year. Then there will nlso bo a number of sous and daugh ters of cows with lesser yet enviable records, mada under official tests. At tho shW vulunblo prize will bo awarded the grand champion cow and tho runners-up to her. Tho show hud sale wilt last four dujs and, 200 head nf tho best breeding stock of tho Holstoln dairy cattle will go un der tho hammer, Theso cnttlo como from nineteen states nnd Canada and sixty-fivo of tho leading establish ments will bo represented by anlraala. L K HNT NUT HELD National Oncanization to Start Active Operations on May 1 CHICAOO, Marck 20. With ,. 000,000 bunholn of wheat already undor contract on 100 per cent bonis, the American Wheat Ornw em association, tentatively organ ized at Knnsan City earlier In thn month, expoetn to begin operation May 1, according to announcement todiy. Plans as finally agreed upon hern will bo referred baek to each state unit repreientcd In tho organisa tion for approval, with each stato to namo delegates to tho general ratification meeting In Denver bo fore April IS. Tho new wheat marketing body was formed by representatives of thn Northwest Wheal Growers' associa tion and nt thn National Wfaeat Growers' association. Tho organisation plans to regu late the flow of wheat to market and to store the surplus against demand. 2ND OBENCHAIN TRIAL Date Will n Hrt Toinorwwj Jry Disagrvr in First I.OS ANOELES. March 20. A sec ond Obenchaln trial Is to be sot to morrow following a disagreement of tbo first Jury last night. Tbo revenge of a woman scorned was tho motive- the froMeation sought to establish In tha titarof Mrs. IedftlyBsObeaeUljfcrie4 .wlth'rouNsr Ir ecBtisWrt k slaying of J. Helton Kennedy on Aug ust 5, 1921.' Tho prosecution asked for n ver dict of guilty on the ground that the defendant conspired with Uureh to slay Kennedy. A considerable portion of the testimony In the nurch trial was ruled out In tbo Obenchaln case on tho ground that under rules of cvldenco It could not apply to an al leged co-conspirator. 51m. Obcnchaln's divorced hus band, rtnlph n. Obenchaln, was ono nf her attornoys In tho trial. 8ovcral wcoks before tho trial thoy obtained a marriage llcenno and onnouncod that they would bo ro-marrlcd If a verdict of acquittal were returned. TAX SLASHERS BUSY Many Remnimenilutlonti Made for Itnlurtlnn of Expenditure PORTLAND. March 20. The Ore gon tax reduction league, with rep roMcntatlvcs of 21 counties present, met hero today. President J. C. Cooper said the Icigiio was not concerned with shitt ing tax turdenn by finding other sources, hut solely with lightening lovles. Over a scoro of recommendations woro presented bx various delega tions. Including abolition of state commissions, creation of a governor's cabinet, adoption of tho lncomo tax, abolition of tho national guard, leav ing military Instruction with stato and county schools; abolition of mil lago Lix fur higher education and no road bonds for tho next 20 years. UPTON GETS 3 YEARS Man Convicted on Statutory Charge .Sentenced by Judge Stone Dean T. Upton, who pleaded guilty to a statutory charge Saturday, ap peared before Judge Stone this morn ing and was sentenced to three years at hard labor In the ponetontlary at Saiom. Sheriff Low will take him to Salora In tho morning. IUNKEHS IJACK IJOOTLKGOEKfl, COLOXEL NUTT DLSCOVEBH v MIAMI, Fla March 30. Boot legging backed by bankers, who actod as trustees for funds, was re ported to have' been uncovered here by Colonel Nutt, a revenue offlcor. CHARflKiJ DESERTION Earl Gleen Allen today tiled suit for divorce in the circuit court against Josephine Allen, charging d serUon, f 4 BY nSSOGMTIDN ' VfH