' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Four RATVnDAV, MAnOIt 1ft, 1022 ''" i' - 13.2 PER CENT MM T N iil oxer 1!20 Cnllfoinh niul Plor lilu lofk'ct llio popularity nt their climate nnd rotds xxlth rospottlxo gains (if 19 fi per rent niul 24 S per cent It In Intercut Iiik to nolo Unit six rtntcrt account for out one-third of I ll rt nrt tatl4hM ft tntlt ttttttttft lltlnnln. tnillntwi. Mlnhliriii. Xnw 'York. Ohio niul l'onnsxlxnnli n?- ,0f ,1"M I IlllhOr IIMHT CALIFORNIA GOES FAR TOWARD MAKING "STUDEBAKER YEAR" The pirt plnxod liy tlu state of t'nllfornli m making I'lJI ii Studo lt.ikor jettr Is shown In detailed y,xvt figures of 'iu wli' tint roielxod immune i no sumo- AITObKiX Increase Is 1,229.023 Over Previous Year; Supreme Test Is Passed Klntlstlrs compiled by tln 1. V. Comlrlrli Kubber com pan v glxe n total of 10.ri24.39S cars anil trucks registered ln( tin' country mirlnRJ 1921. This Is'nn Increase of 1.229. (123, or 13 2 pur cent oxer ITCO. When thorn xxero 9.296.372 motor , vehicles registered. I Tim Rain ni:iiU during the put' jpir xxnrrnnts tin- consideration of! thn automntlxo pessimist. The au tomobile business has gon cthrnugh Itx supremo test It has emerged victorious ami there I no longer miy room for cslmlin. Author ities cnnccilc that ox or one-third of th earn running arc owned bx farmer. Despite tho fact that six larso aRrlrnlturul states show a de crease oxer th'o previous ye-tr, tho Industry has forged alio.nl. It I remarkable that so few stntes shoxx a decrease. Wheat ami corn In 1021 sold nt extremely loxx- prices frequently far below tho actual cost or proiiuction. Tnts or itscu xxomu tend to restrict tho use of unto, mobile n by farmers, et 'In Mich t atcs as Kansas, Nebraska and loxx a, xx hero the agricultural do prcj.slon xxai moit acute, tho num ber of ran ha Increased. Motor hlrlcs are betomlng'n essential) tn farm Implements. New York again leads the field xv 1 th SIC, 010 car and trucks, an Jncreano of 123.S2C, the largest undo In any itate orcr the previ ous year. Ohio Ik second, with 726,700, a Rain of 10S.700 oxer 1920. rennjlvanla rllnRa to third place, with CS9.5S9. xxhlle' Illinois In cloio on Its heelj xxlth 670,434. The largest porcentaRO pain was inado liy Went Virginia, where an incrcaso of 3S.1 per cent l record- rrintnllnh tra ullh rnntliliin.1 ruin !.,f sm ii: , a i .h.,... The loport. Issued liv Motor ltoK- l' "x i line. j iV ' " " . . . .. ... . m jrfnlco has more car, than the Oration .News of ('aliform. shows tire Ki.ropo.in .ontlnont. Their "" - WM.Irlwkw xxero sold aggregate total of 11.7M.S49 , 1.'. state list voar as compared prealor than tho total registration , l,h ll,SN h l,,,, ""u Ux "v of the country In 1916. mid Ruterr11"" mniifJcluror of lxo. In than tho nrvsent xxorld WRHlratloiw faft' BIII0,,B "" my ul..l,.kor ojcludliiK the rnltod St tc. v wor" "," ',rKr,t "h ",0 M- Xoxii.ln I, on tho bottom rtii.R of r,,,,,,r,n ' ""' ,txu' l'st-prlced tho ladder, xxlth IO.nO.i o.ir IVI-' ",ak,'- of four-'vllmlor car. r.iiaii) uoiexxoriiix uie met that Sliideb.iker .iUA nhoxxed the niKK.'st ponriit or incro-xio oxer axxnro l only one stop nbove. xxlth 21.413. llx comp.irNou tbeso I.iIim are not n bndlx tiitrod ni it seem. llll ..f ...4 .1... for nlllirr one .if llioin hi mnn.. "'",' "' "" """" .. . .... ... .. . ....... . cars than tho entire Chlneo em-' plro There xx as one motor chicle for oxery ten pooplo In the country In 1921, ii couipired xxlth one for U.S In 1920. If thl, nxcriRo xxero maintained throiiRhmit tho xxorld there xvould lip 17o.OOH.0iii) cars In ue. Tho xxorld registration toda.x l approximately 12 'iiHX.OOO. t'.ill- forniu and Ioxx-.i lead In tho mint- exact. I Rllfll. to bo of n t per rent Sale, of S..M0 Studebakers In 1921 coin pared xxlth xxlth 4.4"i9 In tho pro xloiid oir "In 1920 inlo of Sliiilobakor cars xxero per cent o( the total number of car sold In California, xxheroa-t In 1921 the xxore ! per tout. said Mr l)imhatn "Kllnil inline Konl nnd Choxrolot. Studo baker sold 1 3 per cent of tho total her of cars as compared to popula- "' ,'' "' """ r "-C'si-reu .in tlo xxlth one car for every C3 .K "' "' S. habitant. South D.kotH h.iR third,' ?1 ttr '",l w,""''k"' b"rn," place xxlth nn axeraKe of 6 3. N,..Ostbll,he.l as tho largest builder of hra.ka. tho 1920 leader, dropped .-l"""ler cars In 1921 nnd shox to fourth Plate, xxlth 5 I people for , tht' Rr,,a,,",t rll-lil P-rcentaRo each car. Alabama makes tho poor-"' iln ot M .'"toniobll ...an.. est shoxxlnp In this resptct. xxlth 2s.r-,c,urcr ,,)1,,r,,Xl, ,,"t ,h" wnnU persons for each automobile. Ncxx I"" '',r allablo this ear are far In York, xxlth the greatest number f ,"" r h "" :"r""' '" '"r. xx nen nuiuen.ihor sales; anil proline- cars, his nn nveraRo of 12 7 pooplo for each on In ue. If the lead ers per capita axoraRo could be maintained throughout the country xxe xxo.ild noix hare 20.327.000 mo tor chicles In use The saturation point has liardly been reached. II.UDION lot's MOIOIIINO Discordant noises and xlbratlnns from automobile drlxliiR may bo abot liheil If the RUREettlon of Dr .Maragc. before the French Academy of Scien ce at Paris, are adopted Ur Murage saxs horns should be tuned lu bass and tho titrations deadened by the uto of lead or aluminum so as not to Irritate the car. New western car has, boon signed to sell at about $500. tic A TpODAV TOi ciMPLElteLY" EQUIPPED v yljQ.B. TOLEDO 1 J f ISH?0 !2?.?. I BW BS I "OAD3TERJ330 eoAN aaa VVjsy A JBf coupe 'auo GREATEST AUTOMOBILE VALUE IN 'AMERICA DUNHAM AUTO CO. 403 South Sixth Si. Phone 52-W I'ltlx.Ui: Tlltl' I'l Ml' miiliider will buy Hliliillor, ihenper A snuill t'loctrle eomprosed ulr curs, ho sa puni has boon designed (in I lie prl- xnte r.nr.iRo Tho iiinent comes (loin TWIIJi III N ON III 'I'll It! it liiiitp socket It eliminates use of Klmor A Sport x, llrwihlui. N Y the hand or motor pump Niloiuist and Inxenli r. topmis ho has 1 porfoe'od tho t II InituliiK Mii'sel on WOIII.DN l'i:i:i:i: C.lt L-Ino In aiitiimobllo use It lll run KiiRlnnd claims possession of the oiiutll well mi uu grailo of undo xxorld's Htnallost aiitoiiiobllo It I a oil, saxs Sporrx, unit xxlll keep gnliig three-ix heeled trosn lntxeon u miilor on lard or htltior lie's tried II. lint utr and nnlorixilo. xxolghi 1 Ml ho sits i pounds and cost, 5 ,1 7 ." The motor It j m oxer tho single rear xxhool 'STARR IS NAME OF DURANT SENSATION So-tailed battorj ' rojuxon ilors I ti, jus ,.lr w lilelt V (' Kiir do restore a b.tttor.x's strength ( llnt promised ho xxi uld unxoll In (or a xxhlle llul at the expense of WinhliiRlon is on exhibition In III it tho butter.x The) shorten tbo Hf j It In tho Connect lent immiiio of the battorx plates The best luixt romus of ll.irpoi llroihors xx.i.x Is recharging b olortriell). 'iti: svr.s iiiti: st Dur.iut mid a pari) of friends and nssorlates. IncliiiliiiR his sou. II I' Purant. prosldonl of thn Diiraiil The .iiiiin.il tiro bill Is more than Mlllllr ....... ... rntif,,,,,!,. iu,u M.on.M.oo........ bin lloo..M.o.om. of1(1(, wu , BMII ,,, ir , ,, ,u" ' """ '" ''" "'J1" ",i.r .1 ,.l II... fl..l ul.nultlP expert Klgbtx per tout of the m iter lal In a tiro is perishable Deteriora tion can bo t hocked b.x toustatil attention, 'The new produit Is to bo kuoxii as tho Starr car. mid Is to bo man tifmtnriil bx tbo Duraut Motois. Inc. under contract xlih the Starr CMI'IN; twit ATI!) .xioior cinnpanx. xxnirii oouiri'i ino tlrotxth in popiilarlix of wuiiuiirr1 Uolrlliiiilnn of the tar In the 1'ult- GOOD USED CAR VALUES New 1922 Chevrolet Touring .$600.00 1920 Hudson, wire wheels, nir springs $1,100.00 1921 Overland 4, just like new . $550.00 New 1922 Chevrolet Delivery ! $600.00 1920 Stearns, Knight, snme ns new $1,000.. 00 Tliost1 :iro but a few of our u."i'l car bar gains. . If inti'iott'tl in any .suit of a used car be sure and sec our line before buying elsewhere. H. S. WAKEFIELD Dodge Brothers Dealer 1212 Klamath Ave. Phone 101! oil States, said Dtiriilil ' I'ho Starr car has cre.iled u - - groat do tl of Inter' nt among Oiosi r mki u lie.irniK, in front mil ro-ir Slme On unnniiuroiiient xxns first xx tut hnxp seen It. They did not I wIhtN together xxuh a Clink-n made three weeks ago. mini) ton- touring ma) result lu production of a lion kind of aiitomidillu ospoelall) adapted to this purpose It xxlll bo tho kind of car that xxlll make renin. lu an toiiipact u xwi) as possible, fori1'1'" l'l,lt " """ Possible to build jaxle and lliitihklss t)p. ilnxe sli.ifl uiiire4 renieinliii: Die mixx tar lion rem hod their hig hpoint "Kor Instance, reports for Janu ary show that 392 new Hliidebaker cars xxero sold nt retail lu New York clt), as compared xxlth 117 In Januiry. 1921, an Increase of 275 car or 215 per cent In Detroit retail sale xxero lt as great as In January. 1921. Kansas City, Cleveland, lluffaln, Chicago and other points throughout tho coun try alio show big Increases, The best Comment I can make on these figures Is th-it they speak for thiimsehes '' in itiil liaxe lii'ou tiirioiil throughout lb , i baggage, ramping eiiuipmi tvt nnd all," car xxhlih embodies so many fun- I lie lubiilir haikhoni other necessaries o( a long trip .turrn of the higher prlio tlassos to slxo Oitr.it ufoniiiro, is innirpiiratod muutrv The Slarr car. as us ex- sell III comiK'tltlon xxlth the lowest ' In Hie frame glxlug stlength and ' pmli'il Is si met blur, o( a i..'nu- tU.IMHI.IHHI t'Alt Tll' IlltS t priced ears heretofore "li the mur- j rlgldltx to the bod) (Inn. bxiailsn It couliilns so tinny Only about 19.999.99'J persons lu yvl t hlll, uur-r)iiiter I'olitl- 'The bod) of tlir Mlarr ear Is of features tli.it ure not .ny'v.e. Ii) the I'nlted Slates may be clissed li ntl u,,,) s,.i motor, and tho full si renin Hue design, xxlth a high I au other low prliod tar. the group o( ncttinl or potential .m-( touring tar lH built to carry ftxolhood mid slanting xxlndshleld. II I Oiirant has promised iiianll(y do tomoblte oix tiers, according to Leon- pan,t ngcrs In lotuforl Mechanluil ' xxlll bo prodiiitd lu all popular nod ll.-r h)liino I. but deillned lo urd 1'. Acrs, Cleveltnd hanker n-ut tires Include n disc rlutih. so j els It ha,, m'iiiI i lllptli sprltiRs. j late xxlilcli. If an), of his fixe Nearly half of these already own irtle mIuIiiir transmission xxlth xarittim (eml gasiiine tank and i plants xxould be med lu Its iiiuiiu machlnes A larj;e part of tho re- three forward speeds and rexerso, , olo trie ,ill e'ltilppeil ' faetiin 'j MPf 4y'"sfc',''t(" ff-ffijfflviyftifti I BStBi I BBBBBB I BBbBBBBBBWIBBHHbi HBBl9BbX I S I PW (LCaBBBll imI lBBBkiBil Th SPECIAL-SIX $1475 I. v. . fatter a Genuine Value TODAY, more than ever before, it is to the buyer's interest to de termine what is BEHIND his car as well as what is IN it. In the SPECIAL-SIX, Studcbaker offers a car, the enormous sales of which are the best proof of its value. The SPECIAL-SIX has established itself in the minds of thousands of owners as an unusually capable, powerful, roomy and beautiful car. Its tremendous popularity contrib uted largely to the attainment of Studebakcr'a position as the largest builder of six-cylinder cars in the world. But in addition to the value that is IN the SPECIAL-SIX. there stands behind it, an organization whose re sources nnd permanence are assur ances of continued service to the car owner and of protection to hint not only today and tomorrow but in the years to come. For 70 years, Studcbaker has been building high quality vehicles and selling then) at fair prices. There are many reasons in addition to the unquestioned intrinsic value of the SPECIAL-SIX why it should be your motor car choice. You arc urged to inspect this car NOW. V MODELS AND PRICES Ufht-Sa, P.JI2'W.B.40H.r. Chua. J675 Touring 104 Ro-ir().P-.).... 1045 Coupe-R(2-PM.).. I37S Sn I7W Sptcial.SU CPom.. liv W. Il Mil. P. Ch-i. $1200 Touring 1475 lV.ltter(2-P-.)... 1425 R-sdticr (4.IW)... 1475 Coupe (4.IW) 2150 SJ 2350 Big-SU 7 ;, izc w.n.to ii. p. Chassis ., Touring Coupo (4 -Pass ), SwUn ......... .$1500 . 1785 . 2500 . 2700 tl ii" 'H'ti Dunham Auto Co. 403 South Sixth Phone 52-W THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR ( ' 0 " iiiiB , m