The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 7

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    i"1 vwiW
,Page Fouf
RAttmnAY, MARCH 1. 1023
I .
MKTATIIAHTAlV, Society Editor.
Member of tho Junior class of the. On Tnesdny, March 14, Miss Mar
Kliiumth county high school Inot I Rnrct Smith became the bride of It.
night presented two clovor llttlo plnyn 12. "Wood nt tho home of tho Kcvcr
nt thn high rchool nuUltorlum, cnllt-1 end A. L. Hire,
lud "Welsh Honeymoon", ami "Tho J Thn double ring ceremony m
Neighbors." "Welsh Honeymoon Is' used, nml ni made more beautiful
bnKed on tho W'clsh superstition that, by its simplicity The bride win at-
tliii snlrlls of tlioso who nro to die, tended by Miss Clara Calkins and the
during tho yoarMnay bo Keen In the
rluirrii yard on Hallowe'en night.
"Tho Neighbors" wan full of quick
wltjftnd funny situations, the scene,
being Inld In a Itltcben. The east was
in follews: Mis' Dlanlhn Abel, Kaih-
ryn Vlrlch, Grandma, Lethn MlllcrJ
lVlor, Herbert Lnadls, Ezra Williams,
Walter Short, Mis' l'lmrm Moran,
Ruth Utter. Mis' Trot, Helen Cald
well, Inez, tone Solomon, Ml' Carry
KIMworth, llcrnlco Hector Those ap
pearing In "Welch Honejmoon,'
were .1 nines Manning, Mildred Lents,
"bran Milam, William Clark and, Mar
Inm Wort Icy.
A very successful social evening
ww spent lost .Frldny by the Scandla
Lodge of this city. A ery good nt
tendance was reported. Preceding the
social n short business meeting wns
held when It watt unanimously voted
to donate n smnll tfiim from the treas
ury to tho TlmbcTworkers' relief
fund tor needy families In the com
munity. "Hearts and Diamonds," n bril
liant three act comedy, was produced
Thursday and Friday cvontnps at Ly
ceum hall by member of the Gaelic
Dramatic club, composed of members
of tho Sacred -Heart choir.
Doth nights the cast played to a
largo and enthusiastic audience. The
proceeds will be donated to the acad
emy funds Those participating were1
Misses Ituby Fonwick,. Esther McAn
drew, Agnes Drlcoll. Mesdames by
rnn Xoud, and D. Hanlon Crump.
Messrs. Waller Hannon, John Lin-
man, ueorgo uonncrs, u. uanion
groom by Harold Gray.
lloth young people are wry wol)
known here among tho jounger social
set. They will mnko their homo nt
Copco, having left for ,thore last
Mrs. t. 0 Ilo.iKl.itul entertained at
her homo on Third street last Mon
day evening for members of the cast
of "Tho l'rlnce of l.lnrs" which was
recently produced here
A most delightful evening was
spent with music and conversation,
and dnlnty refreshments were served
at n Into hour by the hostess to the
Misses Mildred Thrasher, Teddle Dur
bin, Mrta Chnstalu, Messrs. Andy
Mrflec. John Houston, Kenneth Perry
and Wjlter Marshall.
The w omens' auxiliary of the
chamber of commerce! will act as hos
tess Saturday nfternoon to the women
of Klamath Kails at a tea In the
chamber of commerce rooms at 2
During the afternoon Mayor Wltey
will discuss various subjects of cllc
importance, and particularly the san
itary condition of this city. Health
Officer Dr. H. D. L, Stewart will
also speak, and Mrs. O. It. Mocller
will speak along city beautiful lines.
A good attendance Is anticipated,
particularly of thoso who have re
cently taken tin residence here.
On Tuesday afternoon the Leisure
Hour club was delightfully entertain
ed by Mm. T. C. Campbell nt her
beautiful homo on Pine street.
Dow Is of green carnations suggest-
Crump. Murray Hannon and Charies ed tho spirit of St. Patrick's Day, tho
Magulre . i I dainty color scheme also being used
'jTEAiu,siitFittrY' i
,rrrl MfitcoM yrnM
IjLgfjgl sttvict MZJJ
Tonight Warren Kerrigan
in "The Lord Love the Irish1'
Another Show that will set the town talking. Look
this Sunday Show over
The famous Saturday Evening Post Story
by Earl Derr Biggers
featuring MARJORIE DAW and
an All Star Cast
Also, the Reformed Bandit, AL JENNINGS, and
Vaudeville Movies and a Gold Coady
Continuous Show Sunday, starts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Admission, 10c and. 20c
In the refreshments and confections
served by the hostess.
The afternoon was devoted to
cards, tho prim for tho highest score
being awarded to Mrs. J. S. Klllo'tt.
Mrs. Campbell's guests were; Mcs
dnmes 12. R. Hall, Horaro Manning,
II. W. llrldgeford. J. 8. Elliott, M. S.
West. Fred A. llaker, lioldon Lincoln,
K. O CummluRS, 12. 1). Lamb. James
Perry, It. I. Deweese, and I. II Mb
bert. On Wednesday. March 19, tho en
tertainment committee of the It. P
O. i:. will entertain Elks and their
ladles at a masquerade lull. Tho
ntfalr Is being anticipated as prob
ably the besl dance of the season..
An elaborate tfarty Is being plan
ned by the Ladles' club of tho II. V.
O. E. for next Tuesday afternoon at
the Klks temple. An Invitation ts ex-j
tended to all Elks' ladles and their
friends. I
Progressho bridge will begin at
2 IS o'clock and at the close of thei
afternoon, a short musical program
wilt be given. Aniviig other numbers, j
n selected chorus from the high i
school will sing several songs Miss
Esther Calkins and Miss Margaret
Schubert will also sing. I
Mrs. Margaret Pitts entertained a
number of friends last Monday oven- j
lng nt a turkey dinner A dainty
color scheme of red and white was
artistically carried out. Covers were'
laid for Mr. and Mrs J J Parker.
MV and Mrs. R. E. Smith. Mrs. Gold
en Lincoln and tho hostess.
Mrs. K.I Propst. assisted by Mrs.
E. O. Propst, w-as hostess of one -of
tho most delightful affairs of the past
week, when she entertained members
and several guests of the Happy Hour
club at her home on East street,
Tuesday afternoon.
St. Patrick's day was the Inspira
tion for tho color scheme which was
carried out In the decorations, place
cards and favors. Ihirlng the after
noon each guest was presented with
a white quilt block on which she must
embroidery a large shamrock and her .
Initials within a given length of time. '
Mrs. George Humphrey was success-j
ful In winning the prize for having ,
completed her work first ( . I
At the close of thn afternoon dell
clous refreshments were served by the '
hostess to Mesdames S. Porter of Chi-1
rago, (i. T. Porter, it. Motscnenbacb
er, J. Grimes. M. Mills, F, nremer. E.
Sanders. N. Otterbeln, Walter Don
art. W. Norri. A. T. Salflcky. J.
Seeds, W. Weeden, E. Fry, E. ,0.
Propst, R. A. Emmltt. H. R Richard
son, Wm. Stelnmetz. Geo. Humphrey,
Jennie Hum. J. J. Keller. W. P.
Johnson, L. Iluconlch, and R. J.
Two elaborate parties, whose In
spiration was St. Patrick's Day, were
given Wednesday and Friday of this
rk hv Mr, 3. I Pn,lra f hr
homo at 213 Cedar Street.
A profusion of green serpentines
were caught at the ends with little
favors In keeping with the day. Sham
rocks were used to border the rooms
and form a center for each table, A
clever luncheon, in which the color
schemo of tho holiday was again car
ried out, was served by tho hostess
in tho late afternoon Mrs, Endcrs
was nsslsted both daya by Mesdames
J. If. Carter. Byron Hardenbrook and I
Philip S. Pope. Wednesday's Rtiostsj
were the Mesdames J. M. Alnut. Joe
Brett. E. M. Bubb. Perry Rurke. L.
Hoagland. T. M. Watters, R. U. Orem.
Roy Durbln, Fred Dunbar, J.' S. El
liott, Jas. Foster, Wm. Oanong, Rex
McMllllan. L. H. Haines, John Sie
mens Jr.. 0. W. fgle, Glenn Jester, E.
D. Lamb. G, C. Lorenz, L. Terwilll
ger, J. E. Hosklns, and Mrs. M. 8.
West The honor prize was won by
Mrs. J. M. Alnut and the consola
tion by Mrs. J. S. Elliott.
Friday's guests were Mesdames,
DIckernlann, H. E. Haugcr, Curt.
Setzer, Charles Martin, H. J?. Moo,
Charles Moore ,H. D. L-. Stewart, G.
A. Krauze, C. I. Roberts, Oscar Shlvo,
E. B. Hall, I. H. Hibbert, II. W.
Brldgeford. E. II. Pike, C. M. Rams
by, Leslie Rogers, Fred Schallock. J.
J. Parker, Golden Lincoln, A. E.
Whitman, Earl Whltlock, J. Brocken
brough, F. Pie, L. O. Van Belten
and R. L. Dowceae. The first prize
was awarded to Mrs. Fred Schallock
and the consolation to Mrs. I. II.
Hibbert. ' T
Perhaps you have never worn John
Kelly shoes. If not, wo would like
to prove to you how good they really
are, f 8.00 to 110.00. J, E. Endera tc
Co. 18
(Continued from Page 1)
lng Is lost that can bo profitably
marketed, Is practically complete, ex
cept In a few localities still far from
transportation, and the Industry is
now organized to furnish its soft
wood products In all markets of the
The territory covered by the, Cali
fornia White and Sugar Pine' Manu
facturers' association includes the
Klamath Falls region of southern
Oregon and the entire length of the
Sierra Nevada mountains in Califor
nia, from the Oregon line south to
I t.
Opening Tomorrow
In Every Department of the Store
Disclosing the Authentic New Mode
'ITH every department rich in
articles of timely interest, with
the entire shop"alldressedup"
for spring, tomorrow will usher in a
cries of sty le occasions which will dis
close all that Paris decrees, all that
the smart girl accepts for this season.
This occasion centers in the Dress
Salon. Here we have surpassed
ourselves for this is the exclusive
ahopinyour community privileged
to feature the delightful Dresses
Fashioned by Peggy Paige.
New Spring Colors and Fabrics
MIMOSA, periwinkle blue, pumpkin
and cafe, the provocative colors of a
riotous spring you will find them all
in dresses fashioned by Peggy Paige,
The new fabrics: softest cashmere
which theFrenchcallkashaclothjthat
charmingcrepethat is like aheavy mar
quisette; laces,softas a butterfly's wing
or heavy as a net to catch minnows
all these and more beguile you in
the season's creations of Peggy Paige.
Cape dresses with a decided mili
tary air, others braided in lover's
knots, still others quaint as the
smocked frocks the English fashion
forchildren. Hardly a whim, a fancy
has passed them by.
Before you buy always look in
side the dress for the Peggy Paige
label your guarantee of all that
Peggy Paige stands for.
Peggy Paige dresses are unbeliev
ably moderate in price.
You Must Witness Peggy Paige Week
IF you are young, if you would
look young, you cannot afford to miss
Peggy Paige Week. This is your cor
dial invitation to be present at the
opening tomorrow.
aW -krmFmW aW .kWWW. BL '
the Tehacbapl; also the Coast Range,
south to Lake county.
'In this region there stands ap
proximately 3215,000,000,000 feet or
timber, as follews: Sugar pine, 3C,
000,000,000; California whito pine,
nr,, ooo, ooo, ooo white fir, 4o,ooo,-
000,000; Douglas fir, sC,000,000,
000; Incense cedar, 10,000,000,000;
red fir, 18,000,000,000, and the rest
The production of lumber now
umounts to approximately 1,000,
000,000,000 feet annually, which
means a virgin timber supply at the
fuctors, howover, affect this result,
namoly, an joxpecuid liicrcafto. In pro
duction and now forest growth on
out-over InndH. Tim present rut-ovor
lands In California and Houtlmrn Ore
gon aro now estimated to ho growing
timber at tho rato of approximately
aso.000,000 hoard foot nnuunlly.
Through porfoctnd cooperation ho
tween the United States K"vnrnmont,
thn stato and private tlmbor ownors,
n cnmprehnnslvo fire Hiipprosslon and
Hlnnli disposal system has hunu Hpreud
over this entlro tlmbnr area. Kxporl
onto has demonstrated that If fires
present rate lasting 325 years, Two are kept out, a new forest starts with
out planting, tho sbed raining from
iiuiccuvo irevs not removed iiuilni;
logging or from that olrcudy In tho
ground before the muturo trccn worn
cut. Thus, ropoducIiiK tint forests ho-I'omi-H
primarily a problem of keeping
rinm nwuy from thu young trees, and
thlH Ik how being accomplished
through the combined offorlB nf the
lumbermen nnd uutborled public
ngiuicloH. Ah It takes only from 40
to ir,0 yeitru to grow h.-iw tlmbnr It
NPoniH B.ifc) toaHiuiii( Hint this re
gion will bo ablu to furnish lumber
In Increasing amounts Indefinitely.
l.xpurt on sprlngH for your cush
ions at tho Oregon Harness company.
7th it KlumathSts. IH
FOR BALK Oft TRADE Two twelvo
Olive ihill gang plow, good hh now. J,
A. Johnson, Phillips' ranch. 1K-24
LOST Muii'h fieoco lined louther
Klovo, Finder return to Ileruld of
flio. Itowurd. 18-21
Murylund may bo Hie
to adopt u Bniollue Uxt
next statu
sjasBfariri 4 -s.irasfc J ui.
s t