The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 6

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    Piifo Three
fUTmn.w, M.t licit in, low
Thn InrRtMt porcpnt.iRO
11 P'orliln Plvo states
vr factor hoi coiilrllnttnd moro to
tho hnpplncsH niul tfonvmilenco of
....----.-. TOR TV rEUT," .
i i i !
' ,1'lV I I I'l II i III" II ' I ' v I
I MJrt I H l. II .I'll s i I "I x l 1 -
83 Per Cent in This Coun
try; Rnlancc Divided
Among Nations
io rlin of ihc world thi density, ppr rnt
in" inotur poi i,i"i ii ,ii ih rin tu
i l HtnliJ I '.ir'Ulli: J'lltnt Rnlll I Iliorr thn 100. 000 In reels- tlm nnnntn
"! ri'icld Ion flKiiri'.'i show l rut Inrin lnt ypar Tli"y wore Now m
for oviry 10.2 person, lowu ; York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, f'ullfor-1 ritllNCII Off I.IN'K
one for evnry i.28. South D.iko- I nla unit I lllnntH . oi-'
turn oiiii for every 5.38. Nnbraska '
fir evory 6. 10, Colorado oneJMinolt Vi;ilM'l,i; Csm'.yn.U,
very 6.7K. niul Kmixim nn- for ,ft cor.vntV'H PltOSPKIUTV
ry 0.14. I
Vf York Kill I lead In lotnll Tile rnplil strides mmlc hy tin- In-i-
"i trallona wllli $12,0031. The jiliislry rnflpcteil In Hie sternly In
fiiin r leadline states In order nru: Icronso of reRlstralluns nnrli your.
(iii'ii .20.G32, Pennaylvaiili OSS,- prom conclusively that Iho
r .'. California C73.fl.10. Illlnolsi mhlclo li a utility, ami I eaapntlnl xhclm, Innnmhplin, Diiltloniiolm nd
i.To.131, Michigan 177,0.17. Texas to tho prospirlty of tho country. J DuppIrIioIiii, except for n stretch
4r,,.0lfc ii ml Iowa 400,528. Tlio.nayii Hip (looilrlch company. It ' of lfiO vnnU llirotish nutllonliiilm.
. '
aTlt.U8llfU(l Vtunco. . Mnrrti
is. Tho Strasbourg rlrrull, whom
Hip mitomohllo (Irnnil Prix of In tuku place on July Iff
next, In l:t klloniflter 300 nirdors
motor ! ,CU1K' nm' xklrtj, thu villages of BnU
Pl.i:iMis,l III
ki ,.r Niiinr.ii ll.'ory
M,l. MI IM I I II tiii:
II.-. I IHIf
in .v i: i s.nir'-
HI'.W VnllK. M.u.ii I- xi ,,
whirn In (lin illniiiil, of I'.n.i
Ronlll, lll'lllll AllHMlril, li llilli'iiilnr
plnalonuiiriM l mifrnrliin hip lUltor
intRoily or lit Hut Co.noii.imo yi-nrn
Tim proilil I., font IH'lk of lbi l
Raiillr imiilliii P'Ptlln IliUM Im ImiwkiI
In lmui"t. for Aini'rlrnn npiru tinvp
ili'Mloil II mlinlidon to tit It lnl srloD
iKIc rlirlm.
In other Minl. iIik Ainrrlrnn Mu
iiiiiii of tinluriil lilaloiy Iihh Iikpii In
lortttpil tlnit ii pli'Mnsiiuiu if tlii"
MPtoBUlf iinlor lx now IIvIiir In I'uU
k'otilu nml tlii
hi tixtmiii tho itipurv i'lcoin' unlit
Imtltit cri'ilt'iitlnU uro pronuDUHl.
I'rofixior I'li'nii'tlll d SMIII nf Hip
IIiU'iioji A)ipn Zooloul' ill Kuril, ii l
H'lllliS 'UI "I'll a lurKi' "ii"illlli n to
(opturi Hip iiiiIimiiI iilltp or ili-inl Ii
iri''Ui' i'Im I .ill l'i:il" h.ih i. imr'. I
hy .Mart In Hhi rili hi ..u I . 1 1 Iimi.ui.
iril.l' UllK III the ,lnP
i n
i, I '.
t Pllll.
I IM it',
i' . t
till' 11
Mlltlolix nt "'mo .n
I in .
' liib
Ur Irtil'Tli A l.ii' mh. illriTliir of
Imr' tlni"' urii i Info w.m
l In. riHiri of live mam miit Im In Al.ii-
tho Aninrli.ui Miiwum f iminral !!- ,. .
lory, pollll , llml the nl-nl ru " I "" ""r- f " w W,,I",5' r,r
r " . .,.l.flu.l !. i, ti.,l,M,riliptitt n tnllll.
I llviil nliiml "MMi.tioii yiur. no nml i ' """"" .
Mir . ll"'. ll'ilB I"'"" "' iH'llHil f,'.u"
pnuniU, won living In Hip iinlKlnrtj 13 no-
riKiM'il 10 "ll Mtixii rhunRliiK "-n-vlriiinii"
nl maitii ttucli ntjirlno llf Im-nosillitK.
11 u Piii pmcmi iu iioriiiu 111 1
which ilin inorfhi' nuMinlnr thrlvinl lo
1 wwn III" anil to uillllim of yom!
nco. ami ny thut "Iho nhrupl cnil-1
line of itii. ijmrlnp ippill.' I lip)nmlt
nflliliilx hom r.f iw.l tt" "H""""'" "'" '"" "nun: tpt. .-
I tition in tho wiioi.' limn ry ur inn
! mrtli hrfiirp Ihr cornlne nf mmi. I l .
I prnhnlilv itniinorlm) with thn rlnup nf
! .1 a-l p'Tioil of iiabp ut 111 'im
I iliilon, .iiiii lh. oii-pi of 11 iiixw miiti-r.-,
, ..i:i. in ulilih Mo- hIiii.'i wpn I'lti-r
11 11. nl Hi.- h'iiiiiii. m hrli'f hut Im'
lltlo r Viiliiio I'ol.ix
lli'imrli'il prpii'iirii of ii"'xi iiiiiii
CrniBo Invcutlcalara eotilil not flml
"TI)i poiuliili" PSplanatlnii for tilts
ruport from IhiinRonln la Unit If
Willi a bl IP thrro ar inft-glit'IliJil
turllrn In tbn vlrlnlty. an vvaa nil
takpti for a ptiMtlnnauriiK Ttioio tur
ila with Hulr lone, allni nck.
wlmmlns n th xurfurp wllli tho
lop oMhrlr round haib oxpccnl.
uiitilil proxi ni micli .hi npi'i-arniifp.
' ("Mill"!! II W III" ll 1l it" l.fl" lH-
I'lln f..r Hi-il"-li ... 1I1.1. ilu mil inn
linn I'n 11 i-Miiiiii .n llii. vipri
11.01 i'ii .' I'. rli t'.i 11. 1 .
ii-liinin ...-. kll" I II foilliil In
K all x.i
Graham Trucks Have
Doduc Power Plant
. 11..1.
Ilntrrlnn Hip truck fli-hl four yiiir
URO xx ( ilmi'iiH i.f oilor 1 1 iirttK ul-'
HMily 1'iiinpi'UiiK fur niipniniu . lint- 1
ham llroilipri". with phiniH 11 1 lii'irolt!
ntnl l.viiumlllp, luil , him iiulikly
mi ihi'lr ny in Iho front rank. A
illitlnrthi. foil turn of ilriihuui I Irol Ii-
ira truck In Hi IIiiiIrp IImiiIipIh power
plulit. Tim truck l umrl.oli'il ntrllla-
Ivi'ly hy IioiIrii llrothcru ilunlor or 1
Kiuilintloii. j
t.lKlit nml powerful nml utiinltly I
rotintrncli'il, l.r.ilum llroilipm 1rurt.11!
carry I Ion 11 ml I i tun Innilt ut n J
,li:ifi up 1 nf 20 to no tulip an hour. ,
I tin I versatility Iiuh hi-i'ti Hhonn hy
tho ln.ikirn In pinvlillui; hoily typua
llml cimir Hip mIioIh flclil of liunliii'gi
iipi'iIk, nml 1'iii'h typp lx Hhlppi'il fiom
liptrolt i.r llviiiixvllli'. lint., riuupluli)
wllli nth niul hoil)
Coiiiiiii'iilliii; 011 ilin upprnvnl Onih
inn Hiolhorit' triirlc him won iiiuoiik
imni'ii I'VPiywIipri", II S Wiil.oflnhl.
Ininl DiiiIrk ItrothcrK' ih-iilrr h.hh
"It In crrlalii Hint IIiiiIrp llriitlipriH'
u. 1 l wax tlionmglih ii
unit 'h..l II nff.-rfll Hip owppr a . .'
1 ii. x mI i. Ii 11 til inn ho ohtuliu-.l in
ottuT imjiiii :iiP"U"alrc,iily on tin-
( I'altim hux rcc: nl purrluix
(1 a IIik Six fituileluker
W Ii llurlaii l now now rlilltiR In'
ll I H IlK'tlllt "hl ll.lXl'll t!l Six I
Siiii..i.iI.i r
W .i:. Ili'llllll Im
oni of Iho iipw
"I'miiiniratls flKiirM nnmp
liitpri'xllnn, furl bUoUI Hip flchl of I
ton ami I xi ton trurl.a. CnmiMroil
mIHi tlii'iV(irngo of io alitor liiliiu:
I 4 tan iriirka. (Irahum llrotlnr I '.
ton frurk not only wi-lshu I'.oo
puumla ton, tint l $1100 lnlua Iho
iipffiffn iirlrn nf Ihti f.lht.r .'.n Thn
l.r.e,mr ratine of It. Ih.-Up nt0T ot a l,lB slv S'1"'I,K"'- '"'UK-''
llroihpM mm.r U U.S. uhl.-b lx - ni llw liuiilmin Auto fomiwny.
lo3', inori- h p limn Hip .rai. of Tho Afnio Motor
60 uthi-r I i Inn tnirka or &o I toil iu ctowil thn an to of 11 IIpii Spppil
irurLx liraliam llmtuara' I Ion irmb ' Woroii In tlm Callforiilii-OrPRnn I'ow-
U ilin pi'iiiiita holiiw thn nxQMgoj pr imian.
wijIi'.Iii of So nthor t ton iniohB niul! CharlPH I. HnhorlH In onu of tho
HolU for $ inn let. Ami Hip r.t of rocctit Imjern of Special Six Stiulc-
H'p.ilr pnrU for liraliam hnr 1 liakor from tho Duiitinin Auiu com-
triirl.N, lioth I ii'ii ami 1 1 ton Ui. p.iny.
run Jim 110111 60 pur nml lottor h. s. Wnkoflphl. Jural DoiIro iloal- fur ollior tiueka of llii" unmo ,.r , ,nty oxptitln(; tlm arrival of
rnpni'liy. n cnrloatl of HoiIrh rarii. IiicIuiIIiir 11
(triittnm lltothi'ia' truoli I conl 1 1 ' ton Crnhatu Urns, truck, with
.. ...... . ....;.. o, . I....... .
i lire o'IMUM'oii, who IPlir a 1 im on 1 11t11.1t 111 oh. ioimt iiiiiii, nnirii
I tho I inn lpi. niul rear :iil x lis on" iipw In HiIm lorrltory hut R.1I1I to
NIIW VOIIIC, Mnrili IH. Mori'
Hum 83 por mill of l hi" 12.rSS,fil(J
tiiolnr i'hlion In nun In llu worhl
lin. In Iho I'lillnl Kt.iti'K. With In J
, .10.1. into In UiIh country ami !OI.-i
iM) In tho oilier CurIUIi iipp.-ikliu
roiintrlp. tlipm n ri- h-fl only 1,122.
030 lor tlm rent of Hi" earth.
Dlvlilnil Into cliixxlfi
piiilomi, iliii wnrlil rpllrnilniia or!
motor vi'hlih'i hm1' North 11 ml!
, Kiuih Auicrlcii, 11,163,110; I'.uropi'.l
I.IKl.'iOfi; Asia. irH.7.10; Orpnnlr.i.
I2G.2SI; Afrlrn, fi.'i.h.lZ. IlPRliitr.i-
llori In Kp.inliili KppiikliiK roiiiitrP'K
iRRri'Rat.,1 2ll,r.SI.
j Tliiixo Hlntlvtlm wpri" R-itherpil hy
, iiuiomotlvn Imluntrlp. Otlu-ra from
j tho Hiimn ROiirio hIiow that lotiti-
irh'H In whlrh motor vphlrp nr'
mot iiiiinernim nri. In enler: I'nlt-ji-il
alnli, lii.Siiri.CCO; Hrcnt II ri l-
iiiii. i:i7.682; Camilla, tr,-t,.S8;
rninri", 23fi.M0; fli-rmuny, !i..-,Si;
Arri'tilliiM, 7r..0(l0; AuMr.illa. 73,
bill); Italy. 63.0110; Itnll.i. tl.'jSI;
lllllfh IiiiIIph, 46.HUII; Spain.
37.600; Npw '.ealaml, 37.600; itim
ala, 36,000; llelKlum, 33,200; (ul'in
or Koulh Africa.; Mrar.ll.
26,00; Mexico, 2.1, 000; Ditimark,
fiilu. 20.000; Stxiuprlaiul.
Auntrl.i, lfl,:s6i; .S'urwjy.
Kwi'ilrn, 11,260; llnllaml.
Philippine UlnmU. I2.3M;
Japan, 12,200; AlROrla. 12,0tiu;
rolnml. 10.700. nml Chile. 10.000.
Thlu'ro am motor vahlrlp iivury"
Rliprt", howovr. Tho Mul..y 4tatM
hav, Turkey 6.3iio. IjRypt
1 6,0s I. rzicJio-Slovakla 4.113. tho
ilaiiM Slut'-n 3.100. Mororro 2.10".
I Slam ti.lsT. Dnmlnlcan rop-ihllc
1 1.SO0, Havx-nll l.r.uo. Ilntl.h Culatia
j l.oto. rarary Ulamla ssi. NVw-
' f.iundluml G00. Ilrttlsh Won Africa
.16. c.rl'iRPucan Kant Afric.i 4 ',
Pn-nili Wiat Afrlra 230. Mnl.ic.ia- I6!i, libll.iu Sotmilllaml 00 mul
.-von Monrovia linn 3.
Tho province of Ontario, with
.'Oo.iiQO, has ni'.irly half thn total
for Camilla, whllp thn prairie prov
llirp of fiaikatilii'wan. with 03.370,
le.'iilx tho nlil prinlnco nf Quehcc hy
: 4.000
AlthoiiRh Argentina lias a total
of 75)110 cars ami truck, tho city
of HiienoK Alrcx, with it population
'of 1.S0O.0O0 h.u only 15.000. npar
ty half of which arc tixlrabri.
) Tin rcKlntratlon of 467,582
for Croat Ilrltaln, IncluilinR Kuk
latul. Srotlaml, Ireland uml Wali'i.
I nuo iii- wiMMii ia,i4 iuiii(ittu j i in
oi iv oilinr h'iiIb to pxpppiI Hip 100,. . ruftrnalloiinl vnlmi In a minor ron-
j( mark wna Indiana, wllli 100.- ( kMituiioii toJny. 'Auioinntlmlly It
, ;l- ' (oiiimaiiilH thu hullillnc of hotter
, lluirc wnn Hit nriunl rf-Rlatrallnn ro.uli. ThroiiRh Ita imp. illxlani ' Hia" at l.o Maim, whcrol.liijaMruro
i'n u if 1,673.202 In li I'lilti-'l rural tprtloiix liavn lipott oponPil In won liv Aiiierhnn ilrlvnr "Jliiiirty"
S if h In 1921 imr I ' 2 0 . or 17 6 proap'prouM iPVlopmco' .Vo nlli-, Murpli Wai held III 1021, .' "
Tho circuit hai thri'ii aliurp ' tufhli:'
and acconlliiR lo drltura li ,lmlCh
moro illfflrult to imROtlatii.Tfhjii
IS. Oil;
nnmr would liatu pi'imlm .1 llu-lr j l"M ' 'a '"i I. IIipimh-
umuii In Im UKHOi'lati'il with this limk ' dn.iii.l ii Inn m.
'if llii-y had not flml .allxflcl llinn I "I'V limine. i..r. - I....I
in. .( li it li.iinexaki'. Hip IIoiIrii car.
1...11. 'in piipulurii) lu tho i'jkI uhero It la
' .I in ci'iii-rul urn'.
Oxceto Welding Works
Welding Work .
Large or Small
Thick or Thin
Inside or Outside
Rain or Shine
Day or Night
any Old Time
AV yi T-
A j ll lift i )
?& f tevs:
Wo wold uml Join tugi'tlmr
moililUK nml ovorytfiiiiB ropt
weililliu: i'Iiirh mid divoiTod
couple. Whon your
Is hiokon, hco Schubert.
Auto parts mid frames it
nui'i'liilty. Wo Hluiiil b.tcl; ot
ovpry Job. You tuko no
S.W .Main St.
I'liono 1211 1 -J
..l.llk J KM.. r,,.H ...III.... .... ......B.
i... ..iiu iiibti.t ii'iiiviu i.ji .';ij i
OC person ii. Kranio hux only one
for every 132 persons.
Mexico wa tho only country
whli h Importi'il moro automobile
In 11121 than In 1920, and careful
L'lUliuatt'H hhow that Hi automotivn
rcRltratlon lucroaaed nearly 50 per
rent la.t year.
1'orto Itlco la mini; motor vehi
cles to supply trauoportatlon not
furnished hy railroad. Tho devel
opment ot turn linen on tho Island
has reached largo proportion. The
imp of the mntnr hux nllo In n re
cent ilevelopiuent In Salvador.
I'nhiud, with a population ot 21,-
000. mill, h.w only 10,7'H) motor vo
1 hides, a l.irco iierrcniiiRO of which
an- in Warsaw, l.oiU and l'onon.
'The free city of D.iiuIr liai 1.100.
1 lltilRarla. whoso tr.inxportatlon
IwjKtein was wrecked durlnR the
'war, has only 1.140 earn and trucka
for ltx 6.000.01)0 population,
i Thu Increase ot automobiles In
IIcIrIuiii since tho war baa been
(almost 100 per rout, mid tho coun
try now has one autnmohllo for ev
ery 230 Inhabitants.
The Itusslau army operates 1,600
of tho .s10o motor vehicles In litis
sla, ami thero nro 3,400 In lluclin
rest alone.
China, with 00,000 miles of well,
rousti tided courier roads and a
! population ot 400,000,000, has a
J motor vehicle registration of only
.S.l.'iO. Shanfihal has 1.070 of theso
1 ami CoklnR 1.127.
, Approxlinutoly 7.000 ot tlm 12.-
2t!0 automobiles and trucks In the
Jap.iueso empire aro In tho city ot
i Toklo. l'oor ro.uls bavo rstrlctej
I tho sale of motor vehicles In Japan,
t Ilnmlity has 10.2SS nml Calcutta
7,050 of (ho 54,as:i in llrltlsli In-
I Half of the motor cars in
i tho Malay states aro lu Singapore,
Practically all Iho motor vehicle
lu Arabia nro used In tho city ot
Palestine tho craillo of Chris
tianity, luiH iVlii cars and trucks. It
Is now possible to motor from Joru
hiilum to Damascus.
' lu comparison with .tho other
i . -V
. . 72i tV 1 J7 . ! 3LVW X4T
, i -r - --J- . . X- "" Si -
Tell this
Essex Story
In 4 trips across America Essex 4 times broke the
transcontinental record.
Essex set official 50-hour record, traveling 3037
miles at better than a mile a minute.
For cars of its motor size it holds all official stock
records for speed and endurance from 1 to 50 hours
It set the world's 24-hour road mark of 1061 miles,
and the official 24-hour dirt track record of 1261
Essex also set the New-York Chicago record 24
hours, 43 minutes, and the San Bernardino hill
climb record.
Of course dad and the family are not seeking championship
speed and hill-climbing as the foremost qualities of the next
car they buy.
I'uUthey are interested in the reason for these results. Because
it bears importantly on every wanted quality in a car. It ex
plains why the Essex $1095 for the touring unci 1345 for the
Coach gives performance and reliability like the costly cars.
Essex set its famous marks, and won acknowledgement as the
greatest moderate-priced light car built, only by duplicating or
excelling the design and workmanship of the finest high-priced
oars. . .
Just See How Foreign
Experts PraiseIt
Writing in "The Auto Car" of London, Eng., S. F. Edge,
the most eminent English motor authority, says: "The Essex
has absolutely the brightest, liveliest little motor I ever found in
an American car."
E. N. D. writes in "The Auto" of Londen: "It is a colossal reve
lation of the value Americans can offer at its price."
."The Car" of London say;
'Its transcontinental record is not
merely a record it's a miracle."
There is an interesting little book, which'e thrilling story
j)f the Essex transcontinental records, made by four Essex tour
ing cars carrying the first U. S. Transcontinental Motor Mails
between San Francisco and New York. It also traces some early
and primitive methods of sending mail or messages at high speed.
Write to Essex Motors, Detroit, Michigan, and this booklet will
be sent you free of charge. .
400 South Sixth St.
Phone 264
1 x
'1 ,n '
,1 fi
' t
jjp rft".x'j'Hjjr.Ti -iff jjj ppr - m x--,jfTwrmpi., nt
. fl,v;
M 4 J