uii' ; ttATUHDAY, MAItCH JM, 10M THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pugc Two I.' ' -L ., & O . I X A. 4 4 AUTO CO. NEAR MAIN Si PHONE 298-J .. j 1 1 lpl 'hf-tm twi. Ml IS II REED 4 supply f lip STREET JSP Arriving Home in a Barrel iriniNTC I .. iKSMHIi' " -. I T California State Had Mem bcrship of 30,000: Is Second Lnrucst Vl!c3lo Cellcire nil l.i who finished In tint nhMacIo ski noe mim heme li bntrvl Tin' race down Mil on olds ami In lairds Produced HuHllt. fills United fill n 8 iiml biush OF AUTOS STOLEN El Bit' EVENING Thieve Work While Own ers at Theatres or Plnccs of Amusement SAN I'ltANCIsro. March IS Close In the 311,000 membership marl,- (ho second larnest nicauti.i Hon nf motor mr owner In tin' world' This U thi' position of tho Call ferula State. Aiiloinulilto association a iHMttltiii lucked by record of jrcnl arhlexonionta lit the Interest o( ( tho 111:111 at the wheel anil founded on service. I On September 2. 1007. tho nsso- elation u.ts Incorporated, wlthnnl capital Mock ,ai n mm profit mak ing body anil opened lio.iiiiiiurtori In a Kinall office In a downtown Imllillnc In S.ui Francisco, with a full bo.tril of dlrortors. lint only two rinplnyc. Today tho orRJiiUa tluii liaH crnlral headquarters In Kan l'ran-lon. oroupylnr; 16.0 40 square feet ami two floors In mm of tho busier bttlhllnKs on Van Ness avenue In addition It maintains district offlco kIu l'resno, .Modesto, , K'tecUton. Oakland, H.m Jose, Sail ' nar. Vallon, Sacramonto, Chleo. ' ItcddlnK and Santa Uosa housed In j their own location and employing OVERLANO HELD HIGHEST TffE OF LIGHT m Improvements Found Only on Expensive Autos, Snys E. A. Dunhnm In business ut tli" same stand In Klamath Palls slnto. U0. out 12 rarn. tho Dunham Anin enmpan) this season In nftorthr. what N do- POLICE DO GOOD WORK 'itlaiiil 1'iHYo I'in.t, All Itnl nf .11 Sluli'il 1'iiin ninny i'iiih," HiijH dm committee, "Many InimliodH nf iwHsetiKer nun I aio Inn HtnmlliiK ill Hi" ciiili, In nl ln)n, In yards iiml tiller iintiiimdi'd I places 'iIiI'iiiikIioiiI I'IiIciiho every nlitlit Many mo. nut pHilooled hv any liii'klnu device or llr.hls. Many Milu 'able earn ntn Infl hIiiiiiIIiih ah iih ImiiiIoviiiiIh mid olhor mIiokIm with oii I'.Iiioh ninnlif: ulill,. Umlr owiioih uro oliowlinrn " l-'or IIiobo loaniniH (ho romtnltton oxpoctn Kimd iomiiIIn ftoin action rf liiHinaiii'n I'oiupanloM ioiIiioIiik ratoH In inotoi' oar IIh'Mm ami ri'ipili Inc th iiwnor to aocont a.'i nor nun of tho . Iiikm on Hlnlnn rarM KNtahllKhmonl of a parking xpaio i wlii'in moior ohih may ln loft undor I I'l'llro itminl fi r a foil Iiiik. In tin) oiliilon of lln. oniiimllloo, itiino miivli I to roduio thofiM I'OIITI.ANI). Miinh IS- Klfly fmif anti tnohlli", woro tolon and F. .. .1...... .. ..- I I.. .1... .. . ... ,..,..,.. ,.-.- ....,, ... ,, ,,!,. ,.,lll0 (.mmilMlln -.in in r I'ui.ii.iy in i in iiiiiiii, in hnmlroil oorilim; to tho ropoit or tho nolo tliWi d-parlmvnt of tbo iollon iln paitinont to Captain II A. l.owU of tho Imp' in of rocordx l-'nrthor Indlcatli n of tho offl ilonov of tho miuail In noon In tho : fart that tho four motoro) clot' Mot ion iIiuIiik tlio month woro all ro ooorod llonlilon lotrtoWtiK nil lint ono of tho ram Molon in I'olnnary j tho Hiiiail tonnori'il niio car Ktolon laxt Juno, two Molon In Aunufit. ono stolon In Novomhor an. I tlnoo Mtnlou In January mid a motorr)oo I Louis Hongland Sees Better Times Ahentl CIIICAtlt). Ill , March IS -Two-llllliU of tho midiiiiiilillrn Molon Ihmo mi' laliou lii'lui'i'ii 7 :io ami mid nlRht. and by far tho nioatont nam hoc nl in o'clock whlln Ihi'lr owiioih nro nl Ihoatorx ami olhor plaroq nf nmii'otuoni. accordlni; to tho com- mlltoo mi motor cur llirfiM of I ho rinoo "Ono of Iho HiiroM ImllcnlloiiH of ami twontj-ilitoo immhhiih I leturnliii: pnnpority.' hnld I.hhIh woro irloil Ihmo In lounoiilon with ' "'"tKliitnl. of Ihn llulck Maloa ami motor car thefts botwoon .lanuar) I Mtr ! company, In nn Intorvlmv and AltKUHt IT., I'.i-I Hlay, "In Urn rcnumptlnn of auto- Olhor olnorvntli'im of tho ronimll-im"''"" "Ml1 accomiory advorllHlnn. clarod to bo tho boil hay In a llc.lil j Molon In AiikiijI, at woll as ihrr wPliibt tiuallty car known tr tlio firm .nutouinbllo Molon In W'iuIiIiirIimi. ilnrlus thai porlml. Tho nr Is the' In tbo mnllor of blrois Iho now Overland IIkIii "fom" notllng do- miuail (corns to b..o i;otio lui,, tho ll'oroil hiro ut 7IC. 'tntraclK flobl. Tho ropori runrtiiil.'.-i In rommenttni: on the Ovurlaud ("lllcyclos roporto.l Htrti'ii. 'j:t, blcy- 1 from tw,, to twolvo portoiia o.ich. and noon totirlnc buroaun In Utiro-. car. i:. A. ininbam said "In my . i-j cb roeov. rod. L'C " i ka, Santi Crur. Hanford. Napa. Jiilen thU 1 th bent cr solllau under , CoalltiKO. .Murrcil and Yoscmlte. $1080. Fir lit nion.-y tho tutor koN , tins MkIIiiimi Is now 1 Those branch offices brlnts to nil, Imprnvi'iiioiits found only in tbo bit- I S.oolal Six Slmloluker. koctlons of northern California tho lor cars. liiPluilltix llmkoti b.-urltiK' iun-to-tho-mlnuto lourlnK bureau and i !' front whooU rind dlffor-ntlal In map service of the ansoclatlun and,lw rear a.l. annular lull brlnn provldo point of contact for tour- In tbo transmission not Just plain Inc members. A total of HO men j ! ml "all boarlnss ami a and women are oniploe,l In nil do-. or; Ib-ck dry plate multlpt- .tl-K nartments ar.il the nisoclatlon In ltH clutch iisIiik a now loo follow A thief has been known In walk Into a Iiiiko public Karaite m nlKht and roor the walrhmiiu ami olhor omploos with a r.nti while ho ilroto nway wltb tho car of his clu Ice Tim thief tiKiuilly profois to hold up a man about to iml bin aulomehllo In . . I a Karaite, rather t It it ti to lironk, linn i i"r In KaniKo after tlio onr Is lookod up slate liy far the r.roaior niimbor of Mol j on nniomobllos wore taken in t be e.l it hi of the Intrinsic ,ilue, but lo bo tlKi'.l In Willi us limns n I.i. breakliu;. Tho la rue iiorioniuKo of itinft som to be commllloil I.) ini'it or boys iimlor the UK" of twenty-five )oars "The carol, sh ami Indifferent mot nrlni li t'-i"Hiili,i for lb.- b of 'hut bi'lii'i- time.. In Iho milomo bile, ns woll as other ImliiMrlc. "I" ahead or us Is Indicated by I bo fact that ' Molor." In their Jinuaiv Issue, has 'J IS p.ic.'s of niltomobllo and arcosmiry inhortlslim, which I umloisiaml Is a now roior.l. ' I hae nlw.ijK considered ''Mn- i true Index or the coiicral i'f the aiiloniobibi lmluslr. ami I iltoiofiiro fool that Iho dopros sl.'ii turner has b-oit tiirinil mIioii Ih it iiiiiii.iiln.i iiboos Httrli a i;raH fyltiK lliiroime In ailvorllsltii; pal rmiaKo Tbo Juu 'iirv l)2'i Hhnw and lloforoucii niitibcr Is tin excel b'lil colloilho oi"rlon of lb" nl llltiilo of aiiloin"hll ami accotsory mauufactiirurs towards the now 'iir " varinuH services operates .12 auto mobiles nml three nIkii iiostlnc trucks. Purine lOL'I the associa tion printed and distributed 171, 7i3 maps and served 220,000 mo torists with tourliu; Information. ' Approximately 7O..I0O Incoming to!- I op-bone calls woro 1 the year, ami no "The Overland mi tor Jiol.U nil records for teas ' mltoase. raiii;irn from 2.' to 29 inlliM to the ciilun of KanlliiP. A mom durable viurd. reliable motor cnunul bo fonml "Tbo f tidors uro on.- piece presio.1 hleol, crown type, nn good us cm be rocordeil diirltiK ' found on any car. roKardloss of price loss than 44 1G i Tim body M nil (eol and Is olrctrl- transcontinental tourlnc pai ties rally welded at all joints. It Is flu- woro supplied with maps and Infor- Uliuil with throe eoatn of baked I'luut- matton rcicardlni; their trips, (branch office maintained by i The ol the, ..As t0 rtiilnf;. we will prove by I usoc!ailon In tho osomlto Nation- domonsiralloii that the Overland Is al ,park alono cared for tho tourlnc) ilv ,.3slost rldlnc car In Klamath wants nf CI 22 motorists. Today there arc on the road and highways of northern California approximately 30.000 of tho now n.ulonally famous yellow and blue .road markers erected by thu C. 8. A. A. lor tho guldanrn and dlreitlnn tf motorists practically ono sIkii fo revery member. No other Matoj In tho union can be compared with ; county outside of tho Kraiikllu AIOVII ACTOIIS scaiii: ship's imssi:ci:hs Callfrruli In tho matter of-roull and liasnliiR to either side at a life 'illslnnro Th.i InriL'ni.f nn,l tniif.il fif Tho passengers ;n onrj r f the fast Trans-raclflc liners were startled re j cently by the nppcarauro of a small boat .yviral miles off tbo tiiiMoii (late. The boat was bobbin,; Us u.i5"j Kisnlnc. Purine 1921 tho cnKlnner- uirouttn a heavy ea cominr. ncau on 'inc department of the club orected . toward the liner wlihtut any appar p I90S5 road slcns. 112 traffic hut- nt effon to cc mply with marli.; iions urn! manv hundreds of narklnc , navlKallc n traffic rules by MKiialniK ' , .. ! 'Men. In inn various municipalities of northern California. Tho asso 'elation ha, im completed the rec-t ,ho l'acnKers hurried lo locate the Hon of approximately 0.000 roadMPla,n un'1 lnform ,,l, r th" "" I markers on th Victory hlshway..' I'cnillnK collision. ( .This road. stretchliiK from San Hurlnu tholr nlwen-o tllior imwn-. 1 Francisco lo Now York. Is a con- "" '""! " "'" rail were Klvm J ollilnllon of present lnteKral IiIrIlI" r'nl ,l,rl" '"' Hi" "" l'"'" l" I ways, and Is to b elmproved within I '"'""," '" ",u"" ,"""jr '""" I tho n...ar future. It Is t oho sinned i tl1" ,,ow "r '"" nm "n" ,,,n,, "' M In V,.u- VnrV Ih!. v,.nr nr(.,lri.. I "'""eU mi it. tourw io saieiy ... . .. ...... K rf'"- ......... ..... year, to iiresent plans. This routo will be the path over which annually will travel tlioiinatiilx t-( motorists i who will first visit this section of thQ state. U: .MOIITAI.ITV HK.MAItKA III.Y LOW IH'KI.VO LAST VKAH At lb.' outlet of 1021 various au thorities iiKr.'Od that at luist COO, 000 uutoiitoblles would bu scrapped during tho yar. National Automo blbi chumbur of (om.nerce, ami oth er production flumes for tlio year, io rn pa red with tb" Incre.iKO In roi: Istratlons show this total to be wull under tho 400,000 mark. Cure nro delivering excoptknul MtrvJre. In- i stead of helm: dlscirdcil at tbo end of tho cMlmalcd flvo-year period, they are ilellvnrltic at least six yearn henlio. Tho total produc tion of ears und tl ticks In 1921 wag l.&TI.C&C. ItiKlstratlons In-ahlbu-N KTAC) IKTAOIN I'NIJNNII creased 1,209,02:1. It U re.iKonablo to hellnvo that the illfforcuco be tween Iheso two flKures, or IllO, CC3, represents thn number of earn that weio Junked last year. STOIIK Hi:itKlvJ'i:it Wll.l. Tlt.lVi:i IX COMI'OItT Tho Mork that rides with Dr. Oeorgo I. Wright horeaftnr will rldo In comfort. Dr. WrlKht recently pur cha.scd a Uoo Sedan ami n:iya ho uover before know what comfort was. Mem born of the crew were quick lo net , the name and registration of this violator of International law mid i proceeded lo report tho matter lo i I tho captain. On arrhlni; at his tabln they were flabberuasteil to see n i I broad smile on lilts fare as ho was passing n wireless messago around for the dolt elation ut tho crowd The mi'ssafco read: "I'ay no" attention lo ' niiiuII boat In V'fr coiirso neiir Hold I eu (late, urn sin otliiK your plcluru, re- cards, Irvln V. Wlllat," When attkod by the excited passenccrs If this w.ia not a v. ry daiiKeroiiH procoduro tho captain sinllliiKly replled: M'vu known that hi-y for hovoii years, bo Is loo , familiar with tho n'.-i to ovor :ot trapped." A fuw iIiijh later Wlllat met the (.api.iln In .San KranrlHcn und tbroiiKh the lourtesy of mio of the theatres was able to project tbo shot' of the liner on Hie hereon much lo the old man's ilnHr.ht und nnlonlsh meiit. This hit no which uppeara In Irv In V Will.tt'H plitiirintlon or the Saturday KwiiIiik Tost Htory, "I'lff; ''audio, ' which romei to the Strand theatie on Kttiiilay, Is exceptional from an educational Htmidpolnt In tbtit it furnishes a vivid Impression of tho overwhelming size nnd power of theim ocejin RreyhnuiulH nn vlowoil from Iho wntcr lino ut closo quarters. VALVE-IN-HEAD fe) Mm ( J J MOTOR CAWS I MOREFACTS you SHOULD KNOW The Hoed Auto Supply company has recently placed nil order for $3,0i)i) wor.tli of AJax tlroH, which will flvo then, a complete- line of this popular make, , ' 1 2 3 For tlio calendar year, .January 1, 15)21, to Jammiy 1, J 1)22, liuick built and actually sold over 80,000 automobiles. These wiles for tho calendar year 1921 exceeded by over 12,000 cars the sales of any automobile manu facturer havinjf a ,lx-eyllnder automobile in its line. These wiles for this period likewise represent a vol ume of business tfn.atcr by over $9,000,000 than the sales of any other automobile manufacturer exclud ing Ford. These figures are taken from official reports and are absolutely reliable. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, Flint, Mick Division of General Motors Corporation When Better Automobiles are fiuilt Huick will Build Them BUICK SALES AND SERVICE CO. Klamath Avenue at Seventh Street ill n- ..... ,T jnrv .i t" , 'wm . am, J -,'- . ' . - - ,' A-".'fV... S. ' W"lf" fc