: j, m. & i rmimmkv, march in, ti HHHbMM THE EVENING HERAjJ), KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pnjro Twrt Th Evening Herald r. H. WVLK...lMlor a fvMtasMr H. R. Mitt. ..CHy MHm PblU)ir4 datlr except 8unday. br fke Herald PublWltln Company of ith Fan, at up Kiinib street. Klamat HELP "SELL" COMMUNITY PROSPERITY KalsrM at ttm' poatnttlce at Klsm- ttb Palli. Or., for transmission through tho malts ai second-clan matter. MEMBJCR OP THB ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated rrcsg In exclusive ly titled to the uso tor publica tion ,oi an newt nispaicuee creauea to It, or not otherwise credited In thli psper, ,snd alo tbo locat newa published' herein. ' THURSDAV, MAHCIt 10, 19SE! EVRHV letter that goes out of Klamath county for the next few months should carry tho increase of coming prosperity prepared by T. A. Stevenson, secretary of tho chamber of commerce. The secrotnry has sot resolutely to work to counteract some of tho ndvorse publicity that tho community Is getting, through press reports of local controversies. At the forum luncheon yesterday he explained his purpose and submitted to all present tho Initial piece of publicity, which Is reprinted below, and which ho urged every business house and Interested Individual to enclose In correspondence to the outside world. Tho message will ho printed and distributed at cost on slip convenient for .cnclouro. Any one who desires to Join this movement for advertising Klamath will be supplied with as many of tho slip as can bo used on application to tbo chamber of commerce. Tnccosiiairiuing, This 1' !hti mfcssage: 1 SHOWS WISDOM Yt la always Interesting to watch at i Jl work tho man who knows his bust nos. Ho may bo n great surgeon, master of the most dcllcato nicety of technique, cngiued In an operation that means tho salvation of long yoara of un tul life, he may bo a dig gar In a ditch vim y proper control of pick ami shovel makes lighter an arduous task and ruins fty per cent efficiency ovr i i rtnikr fellow; he may bo at the ' id of a company of soldiers, cr ho tni be In the hind most rank, but you spot him by the precision with wl.l.'h he directs or obeys directions. Ho may be a forest lookout In imo lonly aerie high above tho clouds, he may be rnnnlng an air drill In the deepest mine: he may be n follower of any 'of the thousand end one vocations that make u, mUcrn civilization, but re gardless of the power ho holds or the humbleness of his station, be Is en titled in tho utmost appreciation and support.: "Tho . n who knows his Job." Knuws whore and when to apply bla energy in or.-, r to get tho best re sults. Knowj, too, that perfection, rarely attained, hut there alwaya room for Impnr.c uent, and considers today'a best done tal: but a stepping stono toward tomorrow it better achievement. This Is not a paesn cf praise tor the so-called "expert", who u too often Incllnod to view efficiency as a sort of fetich, of which bo Is tl e sublime apoatle; too often Inclined to ran wild on theory and worship at the shrine of his own ego. It'a a straliht-from-the-heart trib ute to the man on the Job, be he a graduate of Harvard cr the univer sity of hard kftBCks.- doing the best with bis opportunities as ho finds them dalty: meeting his probelms aad admitting mlstaku, but alwaya In control of tbo situation. Coming down from generalities, and speoklng from tbo point or view of the practical newspaper man, we want to express our admiration for eth rlght-down-to-bedrock, matter-cf fact way In which tho present secre tary of the Klamath county chamber of commerce la tackling bis Jrb. We may not know a great deal about bla Job as a whole, but when be gata to dealing with matters of pub licity he Is playing on our home tot. The aecretary assorts, truthfully, that tho outsldo press Is "playing up" newa that bares to the world our faulta and weaknesses; and news of our development und prosperity takes second place. Unfortunately the public concep tion of news, which shapes the edit orial Judgment for all editors are socking to givt the public what it wants la that which Is most unusual In tho world's dally evolution The more extraordinary the happening. In tho light of cnmnic" experience, the greater Ita news value. It Is the usual experience for n man to mate with :nuu good womun, es tablish n homo, icar children, pay his taxes, obey the law, bear his abarel of community responsibility, keep his marrlago vows saend, nnd so round out a iisuful nnd honorable life. Occasionally, iiower, man de parts from tbo naual. He brats or bo trays his wife, slays his children, em besslcs from hi" emploer, goes to Jail, or I - handed. Not one man lu five thousand, perhaps, ever strays widely from tho path ol rectitude. Misfor tune, dishonor and tragedy are not the rule of llfe'but the exception. Hut their very infreijuoucy mako Ibolr newa value. Our local controversies are not uni que, but they aru not tbo normal oc currences of life. There am' angles that are so uncommon as to approach the unique. Therefore any new devel opment Is heralded by newspapers far and near as news, something to at tract, If only for an Instant, public at tention to un unusual condition. A 1.ITTI.K HIT OF OPTIMISM tt Is characteristic of people lu Klamalh Kails. Oregon, to pass along good news to their friends. It Is something llko tho Golden Rule; It work, both ways. In this connection t want to add that wp are ery much pleased that tho year 1921 has gone from u. (Had, because it carried away unpleasant memories and brought most ple.is.iiit news. Klamath Kails Is tho county seat of Klamath county, and although tho county population only slightly exceeds 15.000, the following Improvements will take place thls year: Outside Money Cost Fsod r.oo.ooii.o 150,000.00 t 150.000.00 .150,000.00 J .150,000.00 50.000.00 50,000.00 123,000.00 12.1,000.00 64,000.00 54,000.00 Improvement lload construction Pine Ucctle control Reclamation work Soldier bonus Street paving Sewer construction $1,227,000.00 Total .$1,227,000.00 State of Oregon pays halt the bill, t This amount will bo spent by government.. Private timber owners will spend the same amount dis tributed over three-year period. : Congress appropriated $700,000.00. K.stlmated at . least 350,000.00 will be actually spent this year. Other projects listed below haw been announced anm Im provements will either be made this jear or will be started and finished next year. Railroad building . '. .fS30.000.00 $250,000.00 Extension water main, .. 45.000.00 45,000.00 Total $295,000 00 $295,000.00 Hear in mind this Is over nnd above our normal lumber capacity, which alone will bring us an income of approximately 1400.000.00 per month between May and November. Have we not sufficient cause for being optimistic' If you are Intorestetl in our new country drop the chamber of commerce line and receive further information Yours for Prosperity. II. ANN OPTIMIST. DO YOU REMEMBER When Bloomlagcamp's. Stun r I Crrrk, Krrntn's and Clin'. vtevt the srtopplag places for freight Irani on the road to nnd from Agx-r? Whew the "old swimming hole" nan in I he Ankeny ranal U front of the PreabyfrrUn church? - -i . When Tom Mania and the Itevrrrnd Itobrrt MrLanc furnUlird nil tfereatlM newspaper controversy over the rlghtrour of llio Ihnt Oil, tolls? When the first ditch was coutructnl carrying water for Irrigation of lasHts Mth of Klamath KalU? When Frrd Houston of Ihe K. K. K. More noiilrcl a reputation a a itoHbtrhaaded drill striker? This sort of .publicity does net have to be sold. Editors demand It, and will until tha.vublic's attltud toward what makes news changes. , The secretary of, the chamber of commerce Jcnows his' Job. He knows! the Impossibility of changing either, the public taste or local conditions ..m.I1iI Vlnl kv hvtnvltiv tA llpllt I stories of development and greater possibilities of development In Klam ath county, he expecls to counteract the less desired publicity. ' In other words be would apply an J antidote until the system has rallied ' to normal and thrown" off the poison. I It is a practical solution of a hard and hampering problem by a man! who knows bla Job. It Is a solution that will work, per-' haps not to the perfect degree that the secretary hopes. The newspaper craft have somo well Ingrained Ideas. Th school of the blase old city editor who said: "If a dog bites n man, that'a what might bo expected audi not news, but If a man bites a dog that's a whale of a story." Is still far from extinct. Rut here's one nowspaper man who! wunes me secretary success, ami whose nowspaper policy will be shap ed a little closer toward the end the secretary desires, If within the range of the possible. figures of failure among advertis ers with the figures of failures of non-advertisers thoso who freeze to death. I LKKHON FOK AUVKUTIHF.ItS V ; Yuba City, Cal. Sutter Independent JU8T the other day we Kaw an article which read something like tbls: Once upon a time, a man had a furnacu which was not heating his home with satisfaction. One day he becamo angry, and going down to tbo furnace, exclaimed: "Not another lump of coal will you get until you give me more heat," The poor fellow froze to death. Herein Is a lesson for advertis ers. Some man puts a little ad In the paper, and It It doesn't bring the results that he expected, he says: "I won't advertise again un til tho other ad brings results." So tbo poof fellow freezes to death. If you want further proof of this, lookup statistics and compare the .. j . NORMA TAIIAIKiK AT KTUAMI l GHOSTS OK YKSTKUDAY Krom ahoft. sweet little woman, living to do good to her fellow beings, and finding poverty "not so bad When you get ued to It," to a reck less, hardened little social cormor ant, taking advantago of her posi tion as queen of tho night life of Paris to flceco her victims unmerci fully, Norma Tulmadgo makes an un paralleled transition In "Ghosts of Yesterday," the Sclznlrk picture showing at the Strund theatre to night. In this picture Norma Talmadge reaches the apex of dramatic power and equaling her In emotional Inten sity Is KuRcnc O'Hrlen who plays tho male lead. Also a good comedy and Vincent l,achace In newvsongs and tonight Is country store night. Some of the prizes given away tonight at S 30: 2 chickens, 2 boxes randy, bag sugar, 5 quarts milk, ran oysters, pound rof (vf, package tea and others. Show starts G 30. Same prices 10-20 cents. K 4r TPmSims dXYT Yap Island Is settled ; but thu oth er ynps ro not, A fool nnd his "heavies" ant soon parted. Only national bonus so far s ali mony. C llootteggers lmi tnndo moro nb s tit I nor than prohibitionists, Collego students claiming co-eds nro cave women mustn't Judge tho girls by their clothes. Lots of theories would work If thoso who have them would. Amateur gardeners uso hoes; nmn tour golfers uso clubs; tho results are about the same. Vesuvius li breaking out. This spring fever Is everywhere). America has two thirds of the world's telephones and four-fifths of tho world's wrong numbers Road heg: A man who keeps lu the middle nnd leaves you both sides U. S. checker champion Is beaten by Scotsman. Keeping our firemen busy Is ruining checkers. Censors claiming our movies are "stupid" don" say It they found them that way or left them that way. Southern farmers would Im rich nnd happy It someouo rtmld teach boll weevils to eat weeds. When sumo people miss church thoy bavn to make up tho sloop at homo. (After rolled stockings get bark women will have no trouble boarding street ears boforo men. Prof, says our side of Niagara will bo dry In 2132, Why don't they lene prohibition iilono? MWMAAMMMAMWWkMAAAMMAAAAsMAAAAAAAMA 4MAAAAAAAAM AsiAAMVwa CLASSIFIED ADS Vwvwwv MrlVVVMsrSMrVWVVVVVWrwVVVSrVVVYVyVVWVVVVVVyvvwvvVVWwvv' MISCELLANEOUS svi.tax aaiMs to UK, kino ok nivrr CAIRO, llgypt.. March Id A script Issued by Sultan Asiuad I'mlni. announces that Kgypt iad heroine sovereign sla'o ami that tho sultan will n ssii mo tho title of King of Kg)pt Tho llrltlsli parliament has not yot passed an act lifting tho llrlt lsli protectorate Al'I'liKS in pimont flu; older to euro II, also dried fruits, foodii, flour Iteasoiiiililo. 127 N till street i'liotio f..S5W t 1-17 Tn whom It iiiav cencern: On and aflor this ditto Mis I. M Tot in Is not itiilltorlroil to collect auy IiIIIh duo A II. Halo or Klamath Kails News agency 13-III KOII HAt.K No, I. clean working ' mini's hotel doing flint IiiinIiio.iii, $3,000 cash ioitilrrd. II. Iloliiiiiiiiu. ! 11-17 KOII RUNT .MiHlern einniilololy fimilnlio.il apt. ON Main. KI-ID Lyceum Hall. cor. Nth ft High, well suited for select parlies, will bo rent- nil ti! nnmlnnl i,pli-., Amitv ti l Motscltenbacher, Phono 556W, or on promises, au-tr Ladles, graceful, artistic pumps mid oxfords lu spring stlos, $0 50, $7 00. $S00 J I? Sudors ,C- Co K, n; Wliltn Leghorn baby rlilctia, $11. no per inn. Tiincred strain. Heavy layout circular. Iloury Tnrratt, Corning. Cul. ni-.ii HTKAM IIKATKI) rooms $3 50 per week, Large, well lighted lobby, M.'i.v'nr i showor Imtln. No wlntnr rates. 't ,i. i ,,....,KH, li..,.., t ,. .,, ....I ,,.. iiir , . , . . . ii'iuifii iiiniti, j. i, tt aril, niKr, vu KOR HAI.i:-- Now tow ii apples, $1.35 box. Any I. O, lu thu second zoiio It you want to sell It, buy It, tradn In Klaiualli county O A. Manning, i It, or find It, try a Herald classified Talent, Oregon. !i-load. Swedish select certified seed oats, ton lots '.Mb I'tsi loss Humility 3 els. I J. A, lluiihoiu;, Klamath Kallii, Ore gon. OK lug claims ngaliisl tbo aliovo cslitto aio hereby notified to piosoiil thorn to mo with proper vouchors uttiiolieil, at in) losliioiiro, Merrill, Klauuitli County, Orotioii within six mouths NOIICIl OK APHII.NTMIAT AOMIXISTKATOR in tiii: cor.vrv corin ok this STATIS OK ORISGON KOII KLAM ATH COI NTY IN THIS MATTISH OK THIS ISsVTATIS from the tlato of this uutli-o OK MARTHA W VAN IIRI.MMISR.1 Hated thin Hilh day of March. A ! lioconsod ' U. t!22 I Notion Is hereby given thai I hao IIKOIItli: W OI'KII.'I.D. boon appointed us Administrator of Administrator of tho l.'state uf Mar tho Cslato of Martha W Van llrlin tli.i W Van llrlmiiior. Deceased 'liter tlereiised mill nil porsi ns luiv . M 10 23 30 A II 13 A Bargain from Our Kodak Department For ten days only, our Kodak Department offers to make a five by seven enlargement from your favor ite negative, frame it in beautiful style all for 85 cents, which is less than the frame usually costs. We do tins to advertise tlie high class enlarging work that we turn out. , -. f. -,'U. -. ' COLD CREAMS Nylotls Cold Cream Oc Nyals' Face Cream OOc Pond's Cold Cream 3-V and KJc Daggett Ramsdclls tlih-and -liic Palmnllrc Cold Cream Me Squlbb's Cold Cream ."Mc Cocoa Putter Cold Cream MOc Colgate Charnils Cream ,"HK- Red Feather Cold Cream . . . . flOc Ingram' Milkweed Cream, fl.OOandftOc VANISHING CREAMS Pond's Vanishing Cream 03candn3c Woodbury's Facial Cream ......... -...Hoc Velvctlna Vanishing - ...ftOc Pompelan Day Cream riOc Crcrae KIcaya 7()c Mary Garden Vjnlsblug Cream ..........70c ROUGE Pompelan Illoom ...... OOc Illrd Kougo :ioc Rougo Dorlnn ........Ittc DJerklts Rouge -. ...'Vc Mavis Rougo .Vie Mary Oardcn Rougo ..- - TOe Rosaline - - -lie Veda Rose Rouge - 50c- FACE POWDERS Nylotln Facn Powder Wc Day Dream Face Powder .7c DJerklsir - rWcand fl.l. Puasywlllov TT... ........ 30c Pompelan Ileauty Powder aoc Armand's Faco Powder .. ....V)c and $l.oo Thrco Flower . ..7.1c Java Illco I'owdor OOc- TALCUMS Colgato's Talcum 3c Cha-MIng & Florlcnt :i(c Mavis Talcum :10c Pompelan Fragranco JMlo Car a Nnmo 91.110 Lady Mary 40c Mennen's Talcum ftOc Nylotls Talcum :13c SavelheToe but Kill the Corn A good toe is a good friend capable of a whole lot of serv ice, and it might be less painful to remove the corn than to re move the toe with the corn. Use Klamath Korn Knocker which with a very few applica tions takes out the pain and in three days or so allows you to pick out the corn itself. The trouble soon ends when the corn is gone and certainly this corn remedy will remove the corn if anything else in the world will. No, it will not harm the toe. PRICE 35c TOILET CREAMS Outlay Hand Lotion "Or Ny.il Iliilid Lotion 40c lllii.l i llonoy nnd Almond Cream l.a."land fOr I'amellno . .. floe Orlonial Cream 7.1c nnd a I. an Maurlno IliMtity Lotion . . H Donna Viva n.1r Holmes Front Ilia . ... . :t.V ISspe) s Cream ... . MOc DEODORANTS Mum Moo Odoronii . OOc and ,'Mr A II. H Dooilnra , 'Mr Ktomwii't :iiio Spirit Powder Hoc Auuilln niio nnd hoc Non-Hpl ftiic Velvrtllia Powder ,10e DEPILATORIES Domlraclo . .TOcnnd ft.SO Nwi , aoc Phelactlno ... .tt.'M Modeiio ... ... 9I.UU X llailn's Powder OOc D'-latono . IH.UO Wlvetlnn llopllatnry . .. . HI. on Zip 9.VIMI FRECKLE CREAMS Malvlna Cream one Sllllliun'H Frerklo Cream .... mte Velvellnu Freckle Cream . .104 Piirnln Frocklo Cream :Wc Olhllio, Doiiblu Strength I.UO Horry's Freckle Ointment .... ii.ie M.uirliio Krorklo Cream . . . not- Co-Re.Co Krorklo Cream .Vie TOOTH PASTES Popsndont Tooth Paste All,' Pehi'cn Tooth Pasto ,vie Colgatti'a Tooth Pastn 'Mr IVroxlilu Tooth Pastn :iOe Nydeutu Toulh Pasto flOc W'v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TrSfW I WHERT. PARTICULAf? PEOPLE L 1juwiVv1 DUY THCIR C3HUGS lAWJf) DOINGS OF THE DUFFS ONLY ONE CAN LAUGH BY ALLMAN r?r?y?Tyvi T Tl"1'' -II' ATTENTION I POLILTRYMEN t ' -,.-.-. -. 'wr,' r V,IY ' 4. ,- stf ., V, WJ-Vyl SV Lj I WASNY CR7JNG-! wu.r ' I "t'gV'&F" LI THAT'S NOTHIrK?! BlTT, 'M HEf2. :lov l aSy ' f -nta at? m&s L'-ha-m-hI apoot! r- TJ la"'aaaaaslsBBIPIWsBBBSBBBSSBBBBBPj 100 tbi. Chick Feed $3.35 100 lbs. Chick M.ih $3.25 i I 100 lbs. Meat Scrap $6.00 WSmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 501b . Charcoal $2.50 100 lbs. Ground Bone $3.25 100 lb.. Egg Math ..'. $3.25 SPECIAL 100 lb..1 Dairy Feed $1.25 mwmmmm Murphey's Feed Store 124 South Sixth Street Phone 87 rN t s r.iV 4 v i! w