The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 15, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Pnftti Four
Newi'From the Country J
Olyiln Unrku hn .movr-il his limine
over to (lie cunt ulrttf f ' P'"
lie nearer thn roml.
0. It. Kluer nolit a liiinch of utrors
Irint week to Slukel.
A(tne Knninn wn out-of school n
couplo of ilnya last week on ncconnt
of nlcknea.
1, H. Klllott lost n vnluniile milk
row n few dnr W50.
Mm. I.ou Storey Is nt the Wnrren
Hunt honpltnl. Bho was operated on ;
Inst Tuesday. i
The Tnow Is so deep on tho Wm.l
llnrkn rnnrli Hint Ilnrks had to plow
n rood In order to Ret out to take
his Iiors to market.
Walter fitoroy visited n. W. Krt
man Sunday.
Mr. I'aulus sent another buneh of
Hirers to tho Knman ranch tho first
ii f tho week to ho fed.
11. I'. Lewi was out looking over
his cattle Sunday.
Quito n number of I.ono Vine folks
attended tho dance at Jcsso Johnson's
Knlunlay nlRht.
Mr. and Mrs. KlRer and family
spent Sunday nt the homo of Mrs.
MdRer's brother Dr. Suit tear Mer
rill. Itolf Ocertson was sick Monday
mid did not ro to school.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Knman and Mrs.
J. K. Knman called on Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Uarks Sunday afternoon.
DORRIS. Cl Mrch 1.". Jran
Kcstcrson returned Monday evcnlnR
from his home at Grants Tass wheiy
ho has visited Tor the past two weeks
with his parents. Mr. Kesterson Is
nsoclated with his brother I. K, Ks
tcrson In the Topsy lumber company
near here. The company will prob
ably liepln operations artlvely after
April 10th. Mr. Kesterson stated.
A. II. McDonald of the J. F. ranch
returned from San Francisco last
week where ho has been spending a
vacation. Mrs. McDonald will return
this week.
Girls of the Dorrls high school arc
busy soliciting advertising for their
first annual book, which will be pub
lished shortly befyre the termination
of the 1921-1022 term.
Snow Is fast disappearing from the
sldo-hllls and low-lands under the
penetrating rays of the warm sun as
sisted by a warm wind. In the moun
tains, however. It still remains from
two to four feet In depth. This fact.
It Is thoiuht. will materially retard
tho lumber activity In some Instances.
Fomo lumbermen have provided for
this eventuality by decking a good
supply of loci 'during the past fall
nnd winter.
C. It. Dowraan, proprietor of the
Chllon.uln mercantile company, spent
Monday In Dorrls on business.
Frank Taft Is suffering from an
attack of rheumatism. Although not
confined to his bed, he Is barely able
to walk about tho streets.
Miss Nina Seaver of Keno was a
visitor In Dorrls yederday.
fluy Quackenbush Is assisting K.
Vrrderman In laying a new floor In
tho rear of his grocery store.
C. 0. Merrill of Klamath Falls was,
n visitor In Merrill Frlduy.
Tom Lynch who was In Klamath
Falls n few days Tocclvlng medical
treatment was Able to return home;
this week, nnd was In
Tho Davlji brother
lamb born recently. It
Merrill W.;il
had n freak
L. A. ltlchardson visited Ills wife
In Illy Sunday.
(Mrs. Clms. Collier has been III with
tonsnlltls thU week, us also has ('liar
toy Scott Warren,
Dr. Smith was called from l.nko
view Wednesday to attend Arthur
Hamaker who was shot and seriously
wounded by Lester Ilium.
lllion came to Illy and went to
llamaker's ham when ho was work
ing, and upon finding him aloiio ut
most Immediately drew his sun, ue-
developed body but was lacking the
head except for the eyes. It was ship
ped to Klamath Falls to bo exhibited
hns a well ' cording to Hamaker, nnd demanded
'of him "Who aro tie men who are
looking tor mot" Itumakor. told him
. he did no,t know anyone wits looking
Personal Mention 1 1
" '
T. Ij. Snook, Justlco of tin pence of
t'hllonuln Is hero to appear ns n wit
ness before tho grand Jury which is
now In session. Ho Is registered nt
the Hall.
0. M. Specke Is n Klamnlh
pert on snrliiKs fur vour ciimIi.
Ions ut tho Oregon Ilium" company,
7th Kliimiith sts. in
J-nmblnw Is In progress among the for hm, All the tliiwylw n. Hlxon,
farmers. Jost of the large bands wlllinilll h, RUI, on nm tHIliR him ho
Tho dance given last Friday for
tho piano fund was reported as a very
pleasant evening. Something like 130
was realized tor the ball piano.
Mrs. Luther Hasklns has gone to
(rants Pass vrhero ibo will spend
few weeks with her parents.
David Cox of Klamath Falls spent
a tow days with his mother In Mer
rill. i -trr
Mrs. K. D. Harwood spent a few
days In Klamath Falls this week.
You Wouldn't Do It!
If you were employing travel
ling salesmen as do wholesale
houses to sell your goods,
would you dress them up In over
ulls and send tbem forth, un
Hbnven, to meet the public? Ab
solutely not! You would want
them to look prosperous, like
"somebody" who were represent
ing u firm that was not a bank
rupt, but on the contrary quite
reliable and up to date.
If you are not employing trav
eling representatives, printed sta
tionery is often your salesman.
It, like the human salesman, in
u wuy reflects, your standing In
the world. When the recipient
of your letter r ps open tho en
velope ana glances at tne en-.
closure that la the critical mo
ment. He Is either well impress
ed with the neatness and gen
eral appearance of tho sheet, or
olse bo at once places you In the
"rubber stamp" class, somewhat
needy und careless of your busi
ness transactions. Successful
people like to do. business with
successful firms.
We can fit you out with sta
tionery, correctly arranged and
perfectly printed.
The Dnwiii Prist SImp
116 N. 4th St.
We carry typewriter1 paper In
ream package. at prices
th( wi) surprise y6, j
not lamb until later. Tho averngo Is
generally lah-ge. many twins ami trip
lets, and oven some with four lambs.
Some hay has been wold recently
hut for a nonlnal price.
The l'lokett sheep whfrh have been
feeding on J ho Voss ranch nt White)
would shoot him If bo moved Fin-
visitor, registered nt the Hull from
Oliver Martin Is registered at tho
Hull from his homo nt Merrill.
1. Ferguson who resides nt Dor
rls, Is registered nt the Arcade.
iA. It. llrnshenr Is registered nt the
Arcado from Portland.
L. t. llurko Is In this city today
I'Olt SAI.IO Lots rtSiMiRI, I.Ik U '.i,
.MtiiH Aim ii. ,M)u-resiiient owner,
pnld tnves II rs. mnko offer J It,
i' i ill ii in in? i ,ti in I.,, a...
K. . " ''", .... ... ... ... ,ti3 .mil'
a"" Kotos. f,
oily Hlxon fired, hitting llnmaker In J from his homo In Uonansa, transact
the left side, the bullet going under 'ins business,
threo ribs and piercing the lower part
of the left lung. It w.s Mken out
near the center of his back.
Hlxon followed him uround the
Lake moved to tho King place to harll( f rtnK tw0 ,or shot, at him
feed. Another .bunch has been on the , , jl0 ran, y,.ning all the time thut
Smith placo. It' would seem as though .ho wotllll .-KOl n, yet", after which
the hay would lie pretty well cleaned ,o mounted his horso nnd rode to
up If tho present weather continues. ioatty, giving hlmslf up to Mrs. Tny-
.1. H. Hobbs was n Klamath Falls ,ori n j,.puty sheriff. Hamaker Is
visitor on Friday solwly Improving from the wound
A petition io the govornor Is being ntul )t j, hoped there will be no serl-
circulated for the modinration, ot ttie.ol,g complications
sentence of Jifcke Finch. This sentence Verne Mjr-rs was
Is considered Jiy many to he too se
vere. This petMon Is at the Merrill
drug store wherje any who wish, may
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Walker were
hosts for a small pwrty recently. The
evening was spent Jn playing, "BOO".
Lunch was served and a pleasant
evening spent. Thoo present were
Mr. and Mrs. U. H Andernon, Mr.
and Mrs. E. D. Harwood, Mr nnd
Mrs. Ed Fraslcr and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Porter, of Medford who has
been visiting his daughter. Mrs. J. A.
Ilrown left Sunday for thi east to vis
It his old home in Ohio and on his
return to visit annther daughter In
New Mexico.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ilrown are stay
ing In Klamath Falls for Uie present.
Thlrra and Helen AmWson were:
among those absent from school with
Elmer Anderson of the Merrill
Mercantile company was a Klamath
Falls visitor on Tuesday. '
The Ladles' Aid will meet Wednes
day, -Feb. 1.". at the home or Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Anderson and
children of Klamath Falls spent Sun
day In Merrill.
'A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mr. Oeorge Vocbatzer.
Henry Cox was a visitor In Klam
ath Falls during the week.
Verne Mcrs was tne uinner Ruest
. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wallls Sun
day eenlng.
A mad coyote was killed at Frank
Obenchaln's ranch Saturday of this
week by little Harry. They discover
ed It fighting with both their dogs,
and It bit one of their yearling calves.
Gilbert Harrison, who lives twelve
miles southwest of Illy, reports as
much snow at his place now ns there
was there the hard winter.
Miss Louise Howard Is helping Ot
to Doye at the pool hall.
Harold Tbruston. who ha been
driving stage between Ply and Lake
view Is quite lit with Influenra this
Mrs. Jody Owens returned to her
homo at Hound drove Monday after
visiting friends In Illy for the past
few days.
T. M. Kdsall spent a few days the
first of the week In Klamath Falls,
attending to matters of business.
Hohn Ilanderson and lloyd Adams
spent tho night with Otto lloye Tues
day night.
Sam Walker was a Ply visitor from
Klamath Falls this week.
Miss Pernlce Howard went out to
the Owens' ranch to spend tho week
end with Miss llarhara Owens.
Olen Parker was on the sick list
Saturday but was able to be behind
the counter again on Sunday.
Mrs. Kmma Keady spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon.
Monday Mr. and Mrs. Karl Walk
er woro visitors In Ply from the J. P
Our new sprlnjs stylos In footwear
hno Just arrived. J l 1,'udern K. Co.
Ladles, Kmniful, artistic pump
und oxfords lii'M'rlng styles, Sti.fiii,
$7.00. IS.tU. J. K. Knilors .C. Co
5.- . ir..ii;
Mr nnd Mrs. Michael C Suit were
business visitors hero yesterday from
the Merrill country whom they ope
rate n ranch.
Sol Dewey. Jr , of Lorelln spent
the day here yentnrday looking after
business matters.
It. C. Spink Is registered at tho
Hall from Spring Creek
Frank Peck wlfo resides near
Dairy Is a buslnens visitor here. I In
Is rcRlstered nt tlie Hull.
C I. Walil and family ore register
ed nt the Hnll from Susanvllle.
Mrs. Charles Merrill, n Klamath
county plnneor. Is visiting hero from
her homo In Merrill. White here she
Is the guest of her son, (5uy Merrill.
Pat Parker nnd Andle Mc(!eo went
to Ply today on business. They expect
to return here In a few days
X. J. Kstes of Portland Is here
visiting the Peverend A. II. llrlitow.
pastor of tho Christian church lis J
will remain hero for severnl days und
tuny deride to make this tils home He
Is n graduatn of Oregon university
class of 1920. j
Mrs It. O Stearns, South Lewis
street, who underwent an operation '
for appendicitis Monday evening at
the Warren Hunt hospital, today was
rnnrtrlml ii Im Imnpnvlnt
A K. Krose, well known lumber I
man of this ecrtloti left this morning
for Portland where he will remain for
several days on business
Andrew L'rjnn, ronnerted with the
Pelican Pay lumber company hero
left this morning for a two week's va- j
cation in San Francisco.
Mr and Mrs. H. K. Wood were'
passengers on this mornings train '
for Copco where Mr Wood Is employ
ed by the California Oregon Power
LyceunifllaJI, cor. ftth High, well
suited for solatt parties, will be rent
ed nt nominal price. Apply to M,
Motsrhenbacher, Phono fiAOW, or on
premises. 30-tt
Big Comedy - Drama 3 Acts
'Diamonds and Hearts'
Lyceum Hall '
Fridny, Mnrch 7, 8.00 p.m.
Admission. GOe
Gaelic Dramatic Club
Dunco Following Tiny
Children's Night, Thursday, March Hi
Admission LTic
Don't fail to read tho Herald Classified AtU.
I Mitchell ranch where they are feed
The roads In this vicinity are not lnK cmlft for n M McLemore
In very good condition except on the
highway. Cars are seldom seen but
thanks to our "old faithfuls" traffic
is not stopped though they have to
still wade through the snow drifts in
some places.
Frank Ottoman, assistant cashier
In the Malln hank, has mpved hfv
family to Malln to be nearer his
vorv. i
Mr. John Llskey was called to her, BUMt at a dlnn,vr B'ven Satu',Iay br
former home near San Francisco the M"' DUon at her homo be,ow m'
first of the week by the death of a Her Knttt were r,0"t of ,,pr m,lc
scnooi mates, iva iioyu, iieien ami
Klrkpatrlck celebrated her! Rut? CambeU' Ma,,le Cr0"' Uoro,ha
Kiwi,.i. v,iv,. I,., and Poabl Watts and J. C. Hamaker.
wuuv v .r
Mrs. Jas. Pell and two little
daughters have been spending the
past week with Mrs. Pell's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Parker.
Mrs. Stoe had a paralytic stroke
the last of last week. Dr Smith was
called to seo her a few days later but
could do very little for her.
Little Jean Dixon was the honored
Sunday by Inviting a few of her
schoolmates to spend the day with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grayson are
rejoicing over the birth of a baby
girl which came to their home Sun
day last. Her name is Dorothy Mild
red, Mrs. Pelle Klrkpatrlck came Mon
day from Merrill to spend a few days
with her daughter Mrs. A. Lay
man. She reports her daughter-in-law
at Dorrls who has been III so
long. Is ablo to go to Oakland, Cali
fornia where they are In hopes she
will regain her health.
The ladles of the Helping Hand
society met at the home of Mrs. Kthel
Wednesday. The next meeting will
be -with Mrs. Powell, Wednesday,
March 22.
C .11. Klrkpatrlck and wife were
In Klamath Falls Thursday. Mrs.
Maud ChrUtensen returned with
them to visit her sister. Mrs. Wilson
and Mrs. Klrkpatrlck for a week.
her teacher Miss Cliff and both the
grade and high schaal teachers, Mrs.
Richardson, Mr. Kady, and Mrs. Km
mo Keady. After a bounteous and
delicious dinner tho little folks play
ed games and bad a wonderful time
until lato in the nfternoon. All re
ported a delightful time.
Vincent to Meet
Cavett at Beatty
lleatty will bo tho sceno of a
boxing flout Frld ly night when Kid
Vincent of this city will moot Kid
Cavett of lleatty In a six-round
match. It I understood Cavett I
aspires to meet not) itoss, nob Al
len and other local ncrapper. and
that he was told ho would havo to
earn the right by defeating Vin
cent. Whether he can do this Is
problematical. Vincent has shown
what h can do, while Cavett I an
unknown quantity.
Snappy styles In spring footwear
for ladles. Now ready. J. K. Knders &
Co. IS-16
' ' -
Herald classified ad pay yot.
Spring stylos In "John Kelly"
footwear for women now ready. J. B.
Knders (c Co. Ifi-IG
Friends of Sykes Hamaker will bo
glad to know he has recovered from
his sick Bpell and made a trip to
Ilonanza the middle of the week.
Drew Campbell was seriously III
the lutter part of the week and it
wiih feared he bad appendicitis.
Mr. and Mr. Dallas Olvan were
Peatty visitors on Wednesday.
The Wednesday afternoon club
met with Mr. James Dixon, Wednes
day, March S, and the members de
cided to discontinue club meetings
for a short time on account of the
Mrs. Frank Obenchaln and son
Harry were Ply visitors Sunday.
Mrs. C. W. Warren and ion Ed
win are both recovering from Influ
enza. Moth are yet very weak but are
slowly improving,
Doris Kenyon
in "The Bandbox"
Picturized from the Famous Novel by Louis
Joseph Vance
And Two Good Comedies
Extra Added Attraction The Sweet Singer
Vincent Lachance
- In new Songs. Show Starts at 6 :30
Thursday, NORMA TALMAGE in "Ghosts of Yes
terday," and
Country Store
Fifteen Prizes
Admission, 10c and 20c
Great Minds Originate Fools Imitate
Big Special in
Fancy Tweeds,
Values to
707 Mnin Street
Phone 341-W
Big Special in
Crepes, Wools
Values to
350 Coats, Wraps, Suits, Dresses, Blouses
All New Spring Garments and each one carefully .selected and up to the
Style Shop Standard
Silk or Fibre, high
spring collars. Black,
$7.95, $8.95 $18.50
A smart selection to
choose from at
$5.95, $8.95, $12.95
Plaids, Stripes, pleated
or the new one-piece
20', Discount
off regular price
Andross-Glover Style Shop
A J worth
A diJtirtctivc codec flavor ij not
developed i by chance, but through
years of experience and care. Ai x
result of seventy-two yean of "know
ing how," Polget's Golden Gate Cof
fee is "different in t from oilier
coffee and better." It has a flavor
that never disappoints.
flavored coodness, Folder's Gotden
Gate Coffee is packed for you in a
vacuum tin. It's a flavor worth keep
ing, ten your grocer you want w.
,fimMr tYJi. Sl. V
" :CSn39aacs:::3IVairiyWimC ls ' JV
FOLGE&'S rLMrStSi3lmi
'?'' Ini8jO W
' $owllyou'
Shi (uoit.Jt nil
"- t-e j