The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 15, 1922, Image 1

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V 91
fcttmng Herald
toxmjht am wi:im:h.ii,
ii.un oit H.vyw
Member of the Associated Press.
I'iriiiiitii Vfiu- .ii, irj7i
KMM.vni pai.lh, )hwjox,vi:ivi:hi.v, maiich i.i, imi
piiich mm
Hii'itiSMi: roiitr iii:vi:iihi:h
cpnor ruiPinn ,
One Fircmnn Killed, Eleven
Injured; Lou Estimated
at $15,000,000
OLVMPIA, Wunli , Murili 16
'llin Mule niipri'iint innrl lo-
ilny returned tint conildlnu nf
' O M. Lamon, formerly president
nf Hi" Defiimt Hen riillmi vluri
' American bunk of Tnriinw It
, hold tho PIiimo (iiii uly ion i (
erred In allow liu: cross cxiimluii-
lldii (if l.umou regarding loans
previous t(i Keptouihor 2 ft. I 'J -II
A mm' trial wnn k run ted
.h pptlown nnl lfrf Imru Tiiltni li)
(owrtinicnl I'linm Willi
Tink, mill Alrjdmirn
CHH'At.o, .MiiiiIi in. A
Imiilnr rurly morning flm lieie In.
Ill) lcMm)lll HOIK of lilfllie-.
ImllilluK Just miHile lln IihmI ii
IiIiI. The lo est limited ill
rriiin Hl.imo.llOO In in.lMHI.IMMI.
iin riii'iniin n. kHlt-il mill II In.
Jllllit, olio t-oMily,
Tlio flrn plurltnt In lli renter uf
it Motk hounded hy V.i n Ihirrn,
('.mill, I'lllllun ntreetn mill Went
Jnrkkoii boulotsrd, unit liuriH'd o
ery hlrurliHH In llinl nre.i Tim
ll.iiiirit leaped iirriiKii Jnrknnn nmt
uti'i'krii llin oue'-ntury Ilurllnglon
riillriiml of llin building
A Ktruni; u hut also rarrlril llin
ll.inii'H iiht Vim lluri'ii Hired
routliwurd, mill liti rti ! through uti
other Mink lo Ihirrl'iin Ntr'Ft. The
llurlliigloii building, which was
( nihil fireproof, held the flrn from
spreading wmtwurd
I' i:. Brhlff. president of I tin
Cnufodlnue)r Hpcclully company
where llli (ire started, mill lin re
lelveil ii throutenlliK Irller from it
former iunio)i The nlati wn, ur
rent eil nmt Imtil for Investigation
l I.. II'imiwt) Smllli Mnkn. Plen
for .Muliml llelifiilne-i
Mutual helpfulness, nml realisation
nl tho mutual need for earli otlirr's
ntirri-n. should murk I lie relation of
llm fnrmer unit other liinlimi Inter
oil of tlia -cmmunlly, ilnfiireil (!. I.
( I'urmer) Hmllh. In nil nddress to.
day nt thn chamber of rnmnirrro for
um lie prriulicd llin mieerll Oil the
foiinilutloii that llin fnrmer. us the
producer of life's hefensltlon, won the
nsentlnl Industrial f.irtor In tho u
port of the nation, hut lliut nil other
legltlnjuin huliir trntmpor.
t .it Inn. illntrlhutlon, etc, were purl
nrrn In tho eiiterprlmi.
Any effort on llio put of the hul
lieM limn that Mill mtviinro tho nitrl-
rulturiil prniliii'lloii. lll provn n r.ooil
Invextinent from n nelfloli uliinitpiiliil
ho iiHitrrli'il, hemline It w pl.u e
inoro money In rlrrtilutlnn In n com
munity anil nil will hlniro In llio lar
kit votumo of profll
So hetter nRrldlllUliil inellioilH.
lilitlier ntiiliilnri nf tlventork eulture
unit nil UiIiikh tlint m ii K ii ritrinltiR
nioro profltnlilo. Iiu arp,ucil. help the
entire rnmmitnlty.
Ilo ilerrleil the tu-llcn of men on
lintli nUt wlin miuitlit In (renin n
feelliiK of unliiKniilmu nml illntriid
hetHeeli llio 111 It II on the I. mil nmt llio
mini III town, unit inked for u hroail
er nml morn ('lirUIInu lew point. In
which nil would Attack tho problem
(if modern mUteiirn In llio HkIU of
nioilern mntlMiiU with llio common nil
vmiiouinnt uf clvllUntlou iik ii koiiI.
Will hi ii pracllmt man, un ho ex
plained, deallnrt with
prohlemti from thn utiiiulpolnt of u
prnrtlrnl fnrmer, Knrmrr Hmllh prov
ml In ho mi (inlortiiliilnr; iipe.ikei'.
with n Klft for clear expresulou nml
upt llliiHtr.illon, 1 1 In mech wiih KTiel
oil hy tmirki'il nttentlon from llin
liirKn crnwil. Tim lunchenii room was
lo-i-i- Wn, Two lo Ono I'mnrlli"
Oti-r l.luliter 0iMiiientt Win
ner ,f(rr (Jeno Tniinej-
.s'i:W VOItK. Mnrcli Ift Hurry
llreli or I'lltnhuri: Moiiilny iiIrIiI do
feiiteil Tom (.llilionn of HI Paul, re
nhliiK the JiiiIkcm' ilrrlnlon alter
their 1.'. round match In Miiitlnon
HMiiaro Kardeil. ,
Clmile Tall, of .Mlnnenpnllii nnil
Vlnnliec, I'liilmant or the Cminillmi
IlKlltWrlcliX tilljiInK title, won tile
jmlKen' derlllloil llWr (leorile KflRel
or Kan I'raiiclixo In mi S-riiiml pre
llmlunry lli other lioliln. Alio llleln. New
Vork lianliiinwelKht. rerrhei'. the
Judxrn' declilon niter nn S-rnuml
hoilt with (leorite MruV" of San
l'riinrlro. nml Kill Kaplan nl Medl
ilen. Conn . reri.Unl the Judi;en' ilo
iIkIoii nfter an elRhl round match
with Al Wnimer of I'lillniletphln
Olhlinni Mint ii Iwo to one f.iwirlte
Ilo Imi ii record of 22 kncrkmiU In
hm In it ::" lloth In wolxlit nml
hrlcht ho innrlopped Creli (treh ox.
tiectn n mntih with tleim Tunney for
llin IIrIiI hi'iiv-welxht title
Despite Defeat Another
Amendment Is Offered
by Senator Pitlman
cinc.v.'o'H "f;oi.i cOMrt"
WAHIIINdTON, I) ( .March 1ft.
- Tim n en ati. tinlny ilefeaini iho
third nllempt lo'nmeiiil llio fnur
power Ireity k fhnt ontnld.. nn
lloiiH would ho called Into coiintil
tntlon reKunllriK 1'nclfic niutrovjjr
xIcm Denplto t tin ilefeut of )eitprilay
of two nmmiilinentii (or thai pur
pone, ii new amenilmeul, more lim
ited in Hcopu, wni 'pronenlei lodiiy
hy I'lttmun of Nevada It provided
that In any future (ontroverny out
ride nation, havlni: Interentn In tho
I'urKIr would bo cilled Into con
ference "for coniilileriitloii" of tho
In the two previous propomiln tho
woriln "for innlilrrntlon nnil ml- I
liniment'' were ueil, and p.irtlcl
patliiR powem were not limited to
thugn hnltiR Interenl In the I'jrlflc.
LONDON, March If. With nil
Fednrii.ln Iho nffcrtnl ureas of ftoutli
I Afrlru cleared of thy rolieln. ix'ipi
poriiiiun oi (in tr'iiir.ii ci'finni i uie
Itaml, lliu MtriiKRln npparcntly h.-n
entered Into n filial phnne.
Jeipenton, prlnelpal of the re-
uiiiIiiIiik letilem of ronlHtniiri', and'
rerdnhuii: were taken hy the Riitirn
iiient forr.eK uftor nn attack hy ,-itHI
lory, lank" nml nlrplnnen
"llliiinoiiiN nnil HoiirlN" linn !i!h
Wll nnil Humor
Construction Program At
tributed to Improvement
in Net Earnings
, CHICAdO, Mnrrh Ifi.Tho
"Oolil Crt.iiit", homo nt mnny of
, ChlcaRo'H wenllhlcut fnmllluii
wm hnkcn lout nlRht by n
hum!) oxploiilon nt thn homo of
Alilormnn Chnrlen J ARnnw
i Tho front of tho homo wan
wrecked nnil wlmlnwH of hnunon
, for bloikn arouml woro nhatter
, tI.
"Dlnmomlx nmt Hearts." propes
iiU Rnlore, illinovercil theft; Irlnh wll
nml humor, koiirh and Mep,-n touch
of tho ilntrny thene will nffonl the
Ihe.iti-Iovlnr; people of Klamath I
1'alU u chance to while nwny nn oven-1
i InR In plt.imiro nnd laur.htcr nt the!
Lyceum hull on Krldny. March 17. '
In order to forcKtall n crod(id
hiiUM) on St. I'.ilrlck'x nlRht, It hun
hern decided to proiliuo thn play.
"Dlamoiidi mid Heart " on TIihm
lay nlRht. March 10, for thn children
of Klnmiith I'iiIIii nt 2ftc ndmhuloii.
I'rlilny nlRht thu nilmiimlon will ho )
ccntH for both adult anil children.
Clllf.'ARO, March 1C Moro coti
M ruction work Im actually under
y or projected hy tho rallwayn of
Iho country for 1922 than for nov
"ral yenrii, ncrordlnR to utatlntlcs
preeented today by tho Killwny
Ari. Till. wa attributed to tho
.VfilPit A(;Wciiltorlt Sajn CVmnly
lint Htrlklna AitTiuilnw
0er OtlM-r l)ltrics
Klamath county an n dalrylnR
l&VHm Kllleil In Morrow County!
htrjclinlne I'ounil Ib-nt
.1. O, f.oliltliwnlto Hit) 0H-rnlloli
to ('uiilliienii- In Ten la)
- i
J. O. Coldthw.ille. prealdrnt of the
Modoc Lumber company, in In town
lodiiy. en route I re in San l'ranclnco to
I'rtlnnd. IIU pl.nm for thin Jears
opcratlmu urn workliiR out mtlf.ic
lorlly, ho i.ilil, and on bin return
from I'ortlunil In about ten ilan ho
i!xp;rt to bo ready to "step on the
niMMihsiov t ro.vini:it
LKOH. Curvnllln. March I ft. .Kick
riibblt-poUouluR ramp.ilRnx In I.nko,
-iMiilhenr. Morrow nml t'mnlllln uinn
Hen remilled In Hie extermination of
thounatiiM or (here pentH nay exlen
nlon nulhorltlrn nt tho rolleRe The
warfare nr.almt tho Jack rahhlt wan
carried on by county agricultural
u Renin In co-operation with the Unit
ed Htnlei bloloRlrnl nurtey
Slryilinliio pnlimuliiR wan found to
produce the bent renultn In Morrow
loiinly, where Sll.nnn of the 125,000
h.iren killed were wiped out by thin
liiennn lllllil'n ri'Hilltrd In Die dentil
or I ft, ooii nml orgmiUed driven 30..
When the polnonliiR rump.ilKtin uro
carried on under county iiRintn dlrec
tlonn the nut to the county In not
more (hun Cluo or lion. Harney
county, where thin iijdeiii In not In
effect, paid more than $100 In u cam
p.iliin which had poorer rrnultH.
H)itrL.tM rniTei: h.i:itm:s
to itr.v roit otivKitNoit
I'OIITLANI). March Ift 11 1 tr
due, editor of the OreROtt Journal,
today refuned lo liernnie.i democratic
candidate for Rovernor
SAI.K.M, Mnrch 1'- Tho I'ubllc
Service commlmlon hnn net Thuradny
March 1, 10:00 n. m. Halem, Ore
Ron nn the tlmo and plaro for a Ren
oral mcetlnir nnd conference, to coif
nlder phnnex nf the law. rulen nnd
rcRiitntlonn pertalnlnc to, or Involv
Iuk. the operation of motor vehicles,
for tho trannporlAtlon of frelnlit mid
pannenRcni for rompcnuatlon on the
public hlRhwayn.
zlne nahl, "that public annpuncn
m nt hnn already been mado to
construct oer ftOO mllen of now
line thin year and contract, already
; haro been let for nt leait half
Anions the projectn authorized are
an extension of ft ft rnllen on tho
Atchlnnon. Topcka nnd Santn Fc
from Ktatanta, Kannun, went, and a
line 40 tnllcn lotiR from Tawhuikn,
OkUhntna. to Owen, which nro un
derstood to be tho flrxt of several
project which this road has In contemplation
The Dallas-Terrell, a "Texan, road
nhortaRo of railway facilities nnd , tfirr'tory h humuer of advantT
tho Imirrovement In railway nctjaRM. declnrrd C. h. (Pnrmor)
'-arnlnRn within recent months, S Smith, who In hero at tho request
of tho chamber of commerce, tho
Farm Iturcnu,, lrrJRtlonltn and
other organization Interested In
agricultural development discus
nlnR local dairying poaslbllltlc with
a group today.
DalrylnR, ho said, In tho first
place solren tho transportation
problem. The percentage of freight
nnd handling cost on a carload of
butter or cbeea is a relatively
small deduction from tho soiling
prlco per pound, whllo tho hand
ling, warehouse and hauling charges
on a carload of hay represents at
ban uwarded a contract fpr tho con-l least half of tho final selling1 price,
ntruction of 31 miles of lino; thV Concentration of tho product to
Portland. Astoria and Kantcrn Is avoid transportation costs Is tho
now building u 32-mltu extension at I ono remedy for tho farmer whose
a con of J2.C0O.000, and tho Kan- distance from market places hlra at
snn and Oklahoma Southern has j a disadvantage lit competing with
been authorized to build 71 miles.! the farmer who has a shorter haul,
"With reference to second track. I and consequent!?' lower rate, said
the Santa Ve has announced tlint It 'Smith, who slnco 1866 ha beon
ra m
No Further Request Made
' on State Board; Tele"
grams Made Public
I.OH AN01:LI:.V -March li Ie-1
fetiMi uttorney .Mi-lonnliI todn nr-,
Kucd In tho Obenchaln trial '
i (limileil Hiiro ('oocet'-looN In
ltuLii ; W, l. IIiijwimkI HeniN
MOSCOW, Munli II -Wllllnm 1
Haywood heuiln n group of Amerlruu
.. W W. in whom Premier Lenlne
linn grunted n couciHi)lou to operate
tho big Niidejelusky Iron works In
Iho t'rnl inoimt.iln reglnti, part of the
tcoal mines In tho Komietz b.inln nnd
auxiliary factories.
l'orly-elKht httndrod American
workerH uro to bn broiiRht from tho
United Sttiten, each brliiRlug ft no
worth of tools and nRreolug to ob
Nt'mi tho hovlct labor code, It has
beromo known.
rooi) sai.i: H.Ti'iti.v
Thn hearing of I.eMer Hlxon, hold
for thu ullcped shooting of Arthur
Hnmaker nt Illy recently, which wn
net for today In the justice court bus
been postponed for it day or two.
At'hTltlX Oirirt LOANS
WASHINGTON. Murch 16-Thn
senatu lltlntniiiouMy adopted LoiIro
resiMutlon extending for twcn(-fh
e.irn li;an of fifty in I It Ion mado to
Auitrla for famine relief.
Another Politician Out
Craves Dee Catcher Job
will reduco Rradesand provldo on
additional track between Yampa,
Arizona, and Griffith, 75 miles, tho
(Jrcat Northern will build 74 miles
of second track In Washington and
I elf eu here, and thn St. Louis und
, San Franclvo hns awarded con
I tracts for 30 mlleif.
studying tho agricultural problems
of tho country for tho O. W. It. a
N. railway, j i part of tho Union Pa
cific system.
"Could Klamatt i J-ounty, rc-.petqL., 4
tu uair;iirf wiiii (uu nan sfoaquin
Now- comes n rnndldnto for tho
office uf city dog catcher.
This Is nolle other than Nick Cur
ler, the smiling joiing man who ae
ctptH meuKcs In Iho Western I'n-
Apprtxes Snle of Uikc ItigliLs
to Irrl;:ntli)ii oiiiMny
SAI.KM, March 15. Tho desert
land board ban approved the proposed
sale of the rights nf tho Walker lias
In Irrigation company In Crescent
Inn off leu. and who. as ho cnuntH the' lake to the Tunialo Irrigation dls
words, pretends not to notice when j trlit. The tulo Ik to bo made nn condl-
ji:t AititrcKiii: .nitons
5AN KIIANTLSCO. March I". -Ten
temporary jurors wero
obtained nt noon today.
they contain a frantic appeal for
Thit Wontern t'nlon office force Is
autjiorlly for this ntiitemi'iit. Mem
her nay Nlrk Cnrter'j platform Is
"tr. tit 1" catch nt least ono of
every 10 dogs Politically, hu is (leg-inntlc.
Hon that when certain mxet are
realized settlers having options on
lands in the enst unit will bo reim
bursed for tho money paid Certain
legal points Involved In tho transfer
aro jet to be adjusted by the courts
before a formal contract can be exe
Tho Amerlruu Legion Aitxillnry
will hold ii rooked food sale Hiilitr
day, Murch IK, In tho loom adjoining
Iho Hull hotel, It wuh, unuouiued lo
diiy. In churgft wilt he Jennie llurn,
Hazel Vuu Itlpor nnd Ada Matthew.
wi.WTiir.n I'lteii.wiiLirn:
Tho Cyclo-StormuKrupli nt Under
wooiI'h Pharmacy roglidorH Mllghily
lower today thuti yontorduy.. In fact
thn tendency hnn blon downward for
three iluyH. Slnco morning thu full
Iiuh lieen compnrallvely rapid nnd
blink wind limy bn expected tonight
mid rondltlunH nro fuvorahlu for eith
er ruin or hiiow, ,
ForeruHt for next 24 noun!.
Cloudy unsettled wenthur with
moderale itmipuratiucH.
Tho Tyco recording thermometer
iCRlntnrd maximum nnd minimum
tmpnrnttirns today, a follews: f
High ... r. 47
. f.ovt 31
PlalnllffM Allege I'nIIiiiv mid Negll
uence in Dulliw
Hugh Kiilvey und Julia 1'alvey
have filed n milt In tho ( limit court
nguinnt Dr. A. K. Wnlter Kresne, do
mtiiidlug u Judgment or $ I "Ift 1 2.7ft
us dumuges und cohIh, ugiilnst defend
nnt for alleged negligence und failure
property to perform dutlen as u phy.
nlc Inn.
pitopesi: wiur.M.vo or
I'ltTLANO'H MAIN STlllirrr
POUTLAND. Mnrch Ift.Wldon
lug of Wuslilugton Ntroot, one of the
main nrtnrloH of truffle in thn busi
ness district of l'oitland, ban boon
proposed to thn IiiihIiichh men located
on that thoronghfuro by City Knglu
our O, Lniirgaavri. HulldlngR would
bo nrcndod on each Hide, HtdownlkH
moved hack and tlio-pavoniout will
onod, i( tho plan Is adopted.
valley of California?" inquired ono
of tho auditors.
"Why not?" said Smith. "Lower
land cost would giro Klamath coun
ty 23 per cent advantage In tho
cost of production. Tbo altltudo
and climatic conditions assure the
highest grado of dairy product.
Klamath county. In dairying, has
ono striking advantugo over tho
San Joaquin valley thn possibility
J nf producing hero tho finest frnda
of checso, of a quality that will
keep Indefinitely, which Is some
thing that cannot bo produced In
tho San Joaquin valley."
He pointed out that Wisconsin
and Minnesota nro leaders of tho
national dairying Industry, yot
Klamath county has n shorter win
ter season, nnd tho winters nro
milder hero.
Danger of glutting the market
was discounted by tho agricultur
ist hy instances from moro than
half a century of practical exper
ience. "You can always soli a high clas.
Vroduct," ho said. "Tlio consumer
will alway buy, nnd pay a premi
um for tho. privilege of buying tho
ahfOlutcly A-l grndo."
Smith detailed experiences of his
own as an organizer of creamery
Industries, showing that tho pri
mary need was a pure product.
Having established tho quality of
tho product, ho showed that thn
marketing would tnko care of Itself.
Tho demand for the best of any
commodity, ho declared, always ex
ceeds the supply.
Production of high grado dairy
products, ho pointed out, demands
in tho first plaro butter and checso
makers who Insist upon puro cream
und milk, nnd who aro able to edu
cate the dairyman to tho necessity
)f supplying tho best of raw ma
terials. The better prico that can
be offerod for milk and cream of
tho host quality, ho said, makes this
education easy.
Smith will speak in Merrill this
aftornoon. Ho will visit the Horse
fly and Langoll valley .districts
Thursday and will speak In Bo
nanza. Ho will leave hero for
Portland Friday.
Despite thn belief cxprossed In
many qunrtors that (ho timber work
er' strike would be settled without
delay, llttta progress ha been re
ported toward that end and It la not
certain whether Mayor W. 8. Wiley
will call upon the state board of con
ciliation. Representatives of the Fed
eral board of conciliation are here
making an Investljatlon, bit have
not made public their opinions of
tho situation or their Intontlons.
The state law provides that In a
situation such s that exIstlaK kern
elthor party to the controversy. a
well as city or county officials, may
call upon tho state board who shall
at once respond. Should the board
make an Investigation, It would hold
a public hearing and all document
bearing on the case wonld be placed
on record with the county ckrk.
Either side Is privileged to present Its
sldo of tho case In writing. In which
caso an agreement must be Incorpor
ated to abldo by the findings of the
The telegrams between the mayor
and the state board, made pahllc by
wnillam F. Woodward, clubman
were a follews:
Varch . IMS
Win. P. Wjoodward. chairman,
italo board of conciliatien: kf
strike Involving a great many men la J
the lumberlnr Industry In KUnutn
county ha arisen' principally 'over ,
fcctlvo ten days with no prospect la
view for settlement. In tbo Interest
of the public welfare I would respect
fully ask that your board lend Its
conciliatory powers In Iho adjustment
of tbo matter and that you come to
Klamath Falls at your earliest con
venience. Mayor W. S. Wiley: Board will
promptly como on receipt of your ad
vlco that It shall serve as arbitrator
In present controversy. It findings
to be accepted by both parties. Rtrlko
to bo called off at once and employes
returned to their tasks under such
conditions nnd wages an may be of
fered by employers pending decision
by tbo board.
Chairman Woodward stated that
ho had written Mayor Wiley bnt that
as yet no reply had been received.
"The board necessarily awaits advices
from Mayor Wiley bofore further ac
tton Is possible," he said.
Mayor Wiley said ho contemplated
no furthom action until It becamo
known how tho operators bad decided
to act In the matter.
Hut He Litre! to Rm Day? Htory Is
Told la High School Play
There was no meeting of the grand
jury today duo to tho Illness of fore
man Jako Itueck last evontng. Ituock
suffered from an attack of heart
troublo but Is Improved today and
will probably be ablo to assume his
I duties tomorrow, ,
Did you ever wish for your wife
to die? Vavasour Jones did and
lived to rue tho day. "lsh Honey
moon," a one-act play which will be
given by tho Juniors of the high
school on March 1? and 18, tells his
dilemma and how It was solved. The
theme of tho play Is the old Wfelsh
superstition that If yon go to 'the
church yard on Hallow'een night nd
see tbo spirit of one you know, you
can count on his death before the
year Is out. Tbo year Is almost out.
for Katherlne, the wlfa pi Vavasor
Jones, and the terror and surprises of
the last hour furnish excellent op
portunities for clever acting.
Tho setting of the play ts the living
room of n Welsh cottage, aid artis
tic stago settings are being mado to
furnish tho desired atmosphere. Spec
ial coatumos will also ba used. The
loading parts will be played by James'
Manning and Mildred Lewis, sup
ported by Orin Milam, Marlam Wort
ley, nnd William Clark.
"Welsh Honeymoon" Is taken from
a collection of three Welsh plays by
Jeanotte Marks, who has spent many
years in travel among the obecuro
llttlo villages of Wales, aid knows
the Welsh character bettr, nerhafe,
than any living writer., "Welsh tfesv
eymoon" Is full of quaint charm as
delicious humor la both caaraetefs
and situations, enhanced by tna brand
Welsh dialect used thrtkt, ,- t