I i tl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pajro Two MOXDAV, M.tllCII lit, 101 I II i t . i f V The Evening Herald P. II. HOUIiK....Killlor nml Piibllfdicr , R. HIM Clly Kdllor rij " VnAAftf)VVVUVwVWVL'V'ViVVVVVVVuVVV ' mm mm mm mmmiif Outbursts of Everett True By Condo iyAjvijrLOJUVViJVtriAArirLr-nnAr ruiiiniri'i -,---- ---.-- ..-a " 'IuKlInhrt dnllr except Bnndny, by Tho llornld Publishing Company of, Klamath Kolt. nt 11!) KIrIUIi .Street.- Knlered at tliii poitofflro nt Klam ith Fall, Ore., for trnnsmlvilon throtiRh tlio nuillit a noconil-clnnsl ninttnr. I MKMtlUll OP tiii: associated' minss Tl.n Associated Vrctta l exeluMve. Ir entitled to tli n life (or public-!-' tlnn ot nit nown dhip.itrhc ireditodi to It, or not ntherulan credited I n thl papT, nml ntn tlio local iioa publMhcd herein ' MOMMY, M Mil II i:t, Will WrtUI 'TXSKliT SvSTTCvS "330W -rw SVSNIMGS. tJ AfW: ..-r t'o 3PC.MD TM vSVCrM i.mtH THC VTMWTBR lotMa. sIV4 U tfCMT, r VU. Co WOlV ANV OTT 5e"DY. 'jSf' ::r - Ui.VJ 7 W ' "AVLsl yTtl rs QSt rsa f: j BETTER DAYS i n it. c. rnitiu:s Til I J commodity tnni needed to-il-iy Ik faith, faith th.it present illfflfultlPH will ho overcome, that! overhonKltiR clouds will pas, that I tho diillne rf toilny will Rive place) to somewhat Krilor nctlvlt) In a j tomorrow not far off. I Despite cvervthlnr. 1 nolle o 'hat there Ik Justification for calculating: i upon tho Incipient revival of real! Improvement thU uprlnc Tho nation' principal flnanchl center li nKiiln In th prlp of pel-J mli.n. Many banker talk n ilnlo- j fully an thry did when the pot-ar hocm firm collaped. To listen to them yon would think that nit our trouble were Htill ahead of in nml that i had mado no Kritlfylnc procreM toward tho "itahliH'itnnt of wound foundation for the up building of solid, noun I proprlty Those who oro wearing blue (lasso foresee tho breakdown of all efforts to Ret the (lerman ultuatlon under cffectlvo control; they fore too flnan'Ial and f.-curity market eho rcnultlnn from tho noldlcr bonus lcRlslatlcn; they fcrereo fail ures galore, lniluntrl.il, financial, ronmcrclal and every other kind; thry foreeo n nntlon-wMe railway trlkn; they foresee other labor trou bleu ax a coneuuenc ot the "ll'iul datlon" of labor, which they df claro :nut no much further; they forrseo nothtni; but continued lack ot purchasing power on the part of our 40,000,000 agricultural popu- latlon; they loresec a bombardment nt frightfully bid annual reports; thoy forrseo nothing but the pro. p;ct ot further dwindling ct our foreign trado; they forcco rate re ductlonn injurious to th rallreadi: ther foresee ijnvcfilflaet and JiB-z. certainty ever tariff 'flakerfng; they foresc-o disturbing political splits and other political development likely to affect business; they foresee fur ther price-cutting right and left. In short, the pcsilmKtx see noth ing but dlkheartenlng development) ahead. Kor my part. I do not belle o they are seeing clearly I do not believe they arc seeing straight. 1 do not bclfovo their illr forebod ings will bo fulfilled. I nther sus pect they am putting the worst face on things for not dislritonMed pur poses. I believe as firmly as I eor did that spring will mark the advent or better time, that the Improvement at first will Imi ery moderate, but that tho recovery will gain momen tum during tho rest of the year this, too, even should the threat ened striken 0ccur. The urge to find employment for idlo capital Is becoming tremend ously strong. Think of It: when tho government offered $40,000,000 treasury cirtlflcctos tho bids reach -Y I'tf MIM-tr SU3PCIOUS 1- JLii puss -ro esr him ooti Z a HOLT ON I VVC I THE f'Z X SpeeJT CHAKiS.csa MY- xr R that vouvjMe on j TSmims jxyy FIRST HE OF i tfuced, so that tho sweeping reduc tion In production cannot well full to bring Interesting dmelopmenw bifon very long. Karly thin month wheat price reached the highest level since last September. The advance thl year ha ranged from 1G to 20 .ent a buthel. Thl 1 a consideration of great Importance. It will do more a prevalent a high plar.i today I'ati. ii.e. work pull u thniiiKh peslmlsm I In .t.nl murage rati ' "I.kjiit in tiii: t'i.r.iiu.ra" STIt..M IIIIX I'Oll TOMCIIT Iring lt.li heller, tho famous Amer ican novelUt. who for )ears stood After n man break hi word II in't it flood hi It wa If ttu want In know wit there I it soitrelt. of farm litittd, look at the big league bull leiim t'hleagit I building the lilggeM hotel In lite wot Id. New Yotk hotel will still bo the highest though. A man I making lightning. Thl I teal lightning and tint the l;lml put ttt In bollle. 1'oIImIi Diet oto Hoover w rltlten Hoover helped their diet I A tax on eery new burnt plan might raise the bonit Peel do their spring training run ning up ami down the column of u I dictionary Itndlum I uiioted ot M. .'.00.000 an ounce. Pa no more. If scientist can hear nuts' foot- steps like thunder they ought to In ent them ome rubber heels. Some singer get $1000 a night, ' but look at the rlk they run. 1'lly the poor moth. Just when we j are getting out of our winter clothes he Is getting Into them. The trouble with being bald Is you ' hno so much face to wash. Auto makers say It Is difficult to fill orders Dad sav the same Met the New York hoy who put out a fire In a school building Is afraid to go back now Too much overhead .keeps many n lnilnes under font j; f Originators of national prune, week ! cem full of their subject. 'VuhlnKtoii report the public dehl grew to $'.10,000,000 at meuth: but what' a few million when we can't pay them? A fine way to reach a small boy ! to fight Is make hist wear n red tie to school The handwriting on thn wait shows the man rents tho house. A Kentucky mail ran off with lit mother-in-law who wa visiting him. j That's a now way. Mr WurW head tho poitnfilre and lO.uuo humorists are happy LURLING t S OUT THE FACTS He Feels at Strong and Act ivc rr n Boy nnd Hnsn't n Trace of Rheumntiim or Stomach Trouble Left, Declares Meyer. "I would be an unreasonable mnii mil tit bo satisfied with nil that Tan lite hits done for me ' said l-'rod Me) er. popular (MM mute of Hie stcamer er Lulling, Alder SI Dock, Cortland. Ore. 'Tor four or fle years tnv sloin ach w-a all nut of order and I suf fered terribly from rhcumntlMu No body but molf will ever know the misery 1 went through lit that time I rollldu't eat without suffering the greatet dltre. my bark hurt me so that It wa agony for mo to bond oer and straighten up again and 1 was so nerxottsanit restless I couldu t get the sleep I needed. "1 hae a splendid appetite now and my stomach feel Just like a new one I am a strong and active a a i boy again and It I only right that I , Service to Patrons Our Company given unexcelled service to its patrons. WD iniiliiliilii a Double ciew tend) to moi'l all enioreiiili"; when the Mil i nines, whether day or night This In- auto die 1'atruii, If he hum l.lghls or Power lung that Hi" xorvli-p will um be olf i I lltL tt jr J n IF you nro in doubt on your Motor instnl lutiqn,; or.othor power information, you nro wvlcomo to ask for information in solving your problems. ' ' ELECTRICITY means progress-Rrcssive? ira you pro THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CO. If uii wish to learn saxophone or! I )ceitm Unit, cor MM H High, well V".V "i'l' Mr V K ,'"r,l,l,nr' '". Isillteil for sele.l p.trlles..wi be tent- """ h i "led at nominal prlei Apply to M I Motschenhachrr, I'litmo CSi'.W, or on Herald cluulfled ndi pay yon. premnes 30 If should gle the credit to Tanl.tr, for It rerlnlnl) did the work for me." Tanlac and Titular Vegetable Pill are sold by druggist iierwlnre Adv. r.Mur MAtilli.W i'.i.i.i:d HV IIHATII I.OS AN(lKt.i:s, March rv Kell.tr. world famous 13. llar- maglclan. died at bis home here Krlday, utter two )enrs uf poor health uud u so ere lllnes of several week, lie was 73 ear old. Get results by using clais ads. to turn the agricultural tide man , with the antl-llterary cinema element any ot the many plans now pro- ,., .... ,.,. nnru from irrwn nr. uoed for extending financial alst-. ...., i t,n. i.. ...r. t..t ...l WOIIK Ktllt YOl'llSKI.I ...-.. . ..... ....... .tit.nn.t. i. I . ' . . . 'Start vour own buslnes by keening W- ..... !... ... ..... &I.M....U. a........ I - Mlt. IIOOKKKKI'Klt. , the lure of the shadow sheet. the acc-cunt,, nt merchant, garages. unco to our farmer although, A u bm am m m m -m mm ! itf i..it iak..s .. . . .,"-- "n .- ii ssnii-.u, . . .-.f .--, .j,Hographtcally regltratlv and profetsional men. bv mean of our able that more adequate facilities beautiful, dramatically logical and j Ilookkeeping Service Sstem. Whole be provided for extending loni;or-, convincing; and .ibovo nil raroltiR n r l'arl "'n'' A money-maker term credit to agriculturists. ' ,,lg whole-'ouled lesson and .Urall''0'. ... - Kven tho mo skept.ct. are now-:..The U(:nt , th. CIoarlns.. . . .S..; cbllsed to recognize that the aver-t t)n.j t0 u)ce U plaf0 w,h tho fM, , ago price level has reached a re- that the cinema mart has ever afford-' coNTiioi.i,i:it cai.i.h roit hank st.iti:mi:.vts m nrii in W.YSIIINC.TON. U.V . Marrh 13 The controller of currency ha railed for n statement of the condition of all National bunks at the rlne of liusl nes. March lo ltcgul.tr meeting Aloha chapter No 01. () K H Tuetduy. Marrh H. 7 30 p m . followed b raril parly to which all members and vUltnrx are Invited lly order of i:dlth Deltell, W, M 13-11 markaMr stable bails. The changes 'riS'w"'octirrlns 'In different com modities arc almost all In a salu tary directien: that is, most ot the things selling below cot of produc ed. I Seven editions of over nlno nun-, dred thousand copies ot "The Light In tho Clearing" have been Issued by Itacheller'g publisher a selling re- CLASSIFIED ADS isiiBt Asittf M.m.BLW isiiliiiiiittPMHL mT . . '-vpiaw Want td newest "Broadway Flashes"? "llK ct tlicni. play tlieiu. srll tlicuili tit ltd tlttvs ulicail ni'iiily nil the Mittppj lo trnt, one steps tilitl Milti" tlmt HhuiiIuiu liniis tut tli. I'liiyctl in the trin Mrontbuiy at vie, lv Hroatlwttv's lavuritc niciiestrus. 3k NEW EDISON tiwiirr -irt it y I Mr I ilit I II,r trr U r tl 111 and i'.' f H liiiiiu. (( iiltir ill Aittl tt' HU.iAV 1'riii ( uiiUI. j. III. . ily i tiMirr ttltlik lt t( ' tHi ..li. I .Mr ,lritinri'. I Iti m oil' l. 'ciiitir t i liny 1 rr , I Jr i- r.tt t i. in.-1 hi t iltc Jjoii.u 1U1 i KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE (.1:0. a. um i. t12 s.iuili MH, Mnt I'ln. in. iu.i Hon are creeping iipwtrds. while, cord in American fiction which is ex-1 products still out of line In the oth er direction are tending down ward. At the beginning ot this month Dun's compilation showed a nominal advance for tho previous month, and a total Increase of 3Vt per cent lrom point, recorded fact is net Insignificant In relation to tho matter of scarcity alluded to. IJt-pl! all tho uncertainty ex-pres.-td ovr tho Kuropcan outlcok. Kttrllng exchange has been advanc ing most Impressively. Until thl month, a 'inotatlon above $1.33 had hot been witnessed In 2 Vfe years, cither Important excnangen liavo also exhibited remarkable buoyancy, all things considered. All j this suggests that those closest to international developments aro tak-J ing a distinctly more hopeful vlow of the outlook, notwithstanding the Lclllitercnt iwsh struck by Premier MISCELLANEOUS ceeded only by the enormous circula tion of 'Tnrlo Tom's Cabin " The book ha been translated Into four teen different languages. In addition to the publication of tho original Ilacbeller novel, a special motion plr- last ear's lowest i ture oditlon of "The Light in tho on July 1. This Clearing" is now on the market. Al Jennings, the reformed bandit, vaudeville, movies, a good comedy and the sweet-voiced singer Irving I.a Chance in nil tho latest songs. in a k price i UsTlt.W netici: ' One bay gelding with star In fore- I'Olt Kl.i: i head, branded V on left shoulder, I Kour lot and building now- nd aK" l"ut . elght about IISij ... Miii,.a Unit r.i.i.l bill llllil Itil.l as iKjilomro ami store,- wtin nv- i""'. m-r i. ".i uiim , III,' IIIIUIIHI I .It 111 west of Dairy. .Martin h-15 Ing quarters, located In buslnes see- i"f publication I tlon of prosperous town on stutu runcb U mile w lilrhw.iv I3i00 12000 cash an.l bal- Stochsler. ance r. jears. Chance to take over I " 77T. i. ,. .-..I. . ...i .--I .. ....... IPOIt SAl.t- Veulnwn nun es. fl 3Z i ki. aiiui.iiu.'i.twi,......'...'..- ..it..,. " ,,.-...- rlL-ht from tin. marl. Sen or write I hoi. Any P O III the second xone I Louis lloldischar. room 6. Swansnn In Klamath county O A. Manning lltdg. Phone 2S0J 11-13 .Talent, Oregon J-lii WANTKD llousedeanlng. Ironing 'HAI.KS.M AN to cover local territory nml cir.. f rhiMren. itv hour or 1 H-llltig dealers. C.uaranteed salury ill luif.iiir wi'tK inr riKiii iiiiiii. in. Commercial Itndlum Co , fifth Ave. llldg., New York. H-ll es ihlrisliow hard to beat. Same I ---' Mr Hevenuo and Maude H'-vn- 10.20 rents. j ue. 703 N Second street. 10-1 1 cd the colossal tot-tl of $1,250.000.-! Polncure and the protracted uncer-' 000, Kcder&l reserve bankg havo a reyervo approaching SO per cent, a ridiculous ' surplusage That those responsible for earning Interest on fund will shortly find ways and means of putting It to work Is u talnty over tho Genoa economic conference. An appreciable increase in the freight carried by our railroads is worth noting. So is the modest In crease In steel operations. So Is certainty, that tho effect upon business will be stimulating. A significant lvolopment has Just come to my attention. A largo woolen goods plant find Itsdlt In an uncomfortable position hecauso It refrained too long from purchas ing wool when prices worn very low. Investigation reveals that other mills nro nbo bare of raw iuaterl.il. lit not u fiw- other Industries thU haute, tendency lo ullow raw mater luls and stoiks to tun extremely low bun been In vogue. Is li not, therefore, moro than possible that beforo long there will hu something of n scramble to uocuru both raw materials ami finished products, and that tt teul sonrrlly will lis re- Ami It Is equally certain ' the activity In the oil Industry. So Is the absence of any Increase In unemployment. Nor must wo overlook the strength of tho security markets, lloth Mpck3 and bond started tho current month auspiciously, despite an uhseuco of wide public participa tion In stotk dealings, and It dimi nution In the feverish rush for bonds. Of course, security quota tloiib can fluctuate widely before Ink bus time t() dry on paper. Nev ertheless, tho action of tho security markets, broadly considered, has been tho reverse ot discouraging. After taking a calm survey of both domestic and International conditions, I refuse to Join the pessimistic (horns. "Tho winter of vealed? After all, tho actual ion- our discontent," I believe, l jiear- Slit-rldan New company organized here to manufacture furniture. Graduate Foot Specialist At Your Service Consultation and Examination Free K. K. K. Store I'oot Specialists WANTKI Lady to watch 2 year old baby a few nights a week. Ill N 9th t. 10-11 KOIt SAt.K OH !:XCIIAN(ii:-32Q acre In northern Lake county for Klamath valley land under ditch. Hox 32, Herald. 0-1 1 t- KOH HUNT Modern furnished and unfurnished apts. Winters' llldg. Phone. MiW 7-'J ., Vi:iKOItl OltAM.s IMS' AS.AM M.AM.VIII rtl.l.s: WHY NOT GO INTO BUSINESS? r- Well i:Ulil'ln and (ioiid Loro'ed Kt re-, and ' P lllllll'' of LYery Kllld ' FOR SALE Ili)er and Heller,, M it Here FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY f ASHLAND OREGON MKDIOltD "; u! Il.-mrr IIIimU un uun V.-,iri,i, Itblg. C ' I'boiie I Pimm. ttOO " jS "-l-MOST 'HlWNS SOI IIILIIN Oltl.t.OV " '' VOH HAI.K .N,o. 1. clean working, man's hotel doing fine huslne.is, 13,000 insh required. II. Ilehmanti 1I-17' Swedish select certified seed oats, , ton lots 24 cts: less quantity .1 cw. I J. A. Ilusliong, Klamath Kails, Ore-1 gon. M-3-Apr !' White Leghorn baby chicks, ill 00 per 100. Tanered strain Heavy lavors circular Henry Tnrratt, Corning. ( nl 10-31 The O K, Harbor shop has moved to fi21 Main, null to Slur theatre. J I) Jnhnmn. Pron. 10.13 ' i'STKAM IIIJATKD rooms 13.50 per If you want to sell It, buy It, trade, week. Large, well lighted lobby, It. or find it, try a Hersld classified shower baths Ksw winter rate. ad. .Central Hotel, J. T. Ward. Mer. 'Jtf. i Jewelry Repairing Jlrintf in that heirloom or broken jewelry and have it repaired before it is too late, or have that stone reset before yon lose it. GEO. L. METZ 622 Main St. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS NO CONSIDERATION BY ALLMAN WHILE I WAS OVER BORROWING THI3 BUTTER FROM MRS. BAILEY, 3HE TOLD ME SOME 8CANDAL ABOUT THE NEW NBIGH&OR5 ACROSS THE 5TREET- .Humptlon of tho necessaries ot life has not been so very drastically re- rMm lug an end. I believe that six months from now optimism will be MRS.BAiLEy SA1DTHI3 WAS HIS THIRD WIFE AND SHE 13 SUING FOR A OlVORCt WHAT DID VOO HEAR i ABOUT THEM? V" HERE, WAIT A MIMUTE,! WHAT ARE SOME OF THE THINGS HE TOLD YOU ? AT IE r t ' VTu " I'VE HEARD AIL f aicms' rvnoc oztrr 'r -IW ( .::. 'wOJabomtit-slipmb 'mXiLzr ilHZJi:..V i if h :! l.-i J? ir iSR&a A j woriiy I r ' ) Ml bftS rSS, Sf H ' ir- ' I'lLTeLLYoO ToNlfiHTWHEM IGeT HOME I'M LATE THIS MOPNIWG' IF HE ISN'T THE LIMIT TO S1MTT SOnETHINC LIKli THAT AMD THEM TO BEAT IT LEAVING A PERSON UP , l'"-ir" IN THE AIR THAT WAV ' J I'll. GIVE HIM TIME U TDGF.T To THE OFFICE ATTENTION POULTRYMEN 100 tbs. Chick Feed $3.35 100 tbs. Chick Math $3.25 100 tbs. Meat Scrap $6.00 50 tbs. Charcoal $2.50 100 tbs. Ground Bone $3.25 100 lbs. Egg Mash $3.25 SPECIAL 100 tbs. Dairy Feed $1.25 Murphey s Feed Store 124 South Sixth Street Phone 87 -. .? '"'-" J ,