The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 09, 1922, Image 1

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WAit,ii:it roNKJiir, iciti;,H. mu'tiii;iii,v wimih
I'lrnxiilli triir. No. II1MIII
Department of Lnbor and
State Board Called Uoon
by Mayor Wiley
.Mil if I li' Oregon state mili'llla
lury Im.iiil mill dm director nf run-
llliillini nf the department of labor
In cf felting 11 teltlemciit nf illffrr-
I'llll'H lietWl'CU lllllllllTllK'II iiihI cni-
iln)t'H K'tliiy wan t i'l iifnt '! by
.Miiynr W K Wiley In If l gram lo
W. I. Wiiuiluuril, I'liiilrinin of tlii
lull' board, mill Hugh I. K'irolii
of llin ilepnriiuml of lalmr. Tim
liliitn wm, derided it poll by tlm
liiu)(ir follow Iiik U lili'i'llllK lulu
Jrnlclilny Mflernunn with 11 group
nf business nirii iiinl reirueiitiillvci
nf. lli lumber workers.
The inesmgen follow.
MW F Woodward. I'liiilrtniin Ore-
xoii WMo ontlllntory lliiutil,
i-nro Wooilwnnl-Clark llrug t'u .
I'orllanit. Oregon
"A strlko Invuhlug 11 great many
men In tlm lumbering Imliiklry In
Kluin.ilh (oiilily has arl'en, princi
pally uvrr Increase In hours, ntul
hit lnvti effectho li'ii liny, with
Ho proiperl In view fur settlement
In I ho Interest nf the public wel
f.ifn I would reaped fully link Unit
jour Im.iril lend It nrllutory
pourrn In llin xurilltmmt of tint
mutter mitt t tint you icmr to Klnm
nth Falls nt your earliest roinen
Icnrc. W H Wll.i:V "
"Hugh I. KiTwIn, Director of Con
illUllon, l)pinrtiiii'iii of Labor,
' Washington. l. (' :
"A ttrllo Involving a RDMt many
in mi lu tlm lumbering Industry nf
feeling neii-ral plants hero unit m
li'tirilug lull) California, tin, arisen
over liicrrnmi In bourn ntul rnlur-
t Ion of pay W 11 M respectfully usk
Hint Jutl Mnnldil 11 Colicllliilor lo alii
In uilJuntliiR rnntruvurxy.
"W 8 WII.KV."
llluli HthiMit .Sliiilnit,
"WeNIi lluMi'jmiMiii"
Will I'll'-OMl
MhiiIi 17 '
TI10 Junior rl.iin nf tln IiIrIi
(itliuol will innki' tin linw to ttin ttiei
IrivxuliiR jiulillr of Kl.imnth K11IU nn
Mnrrli IT unit IS. when It will ire.
out two onn-nrt plnjn In tlm IiIrIi
iicIioiiI luiilltiirliiin
.Ijiiihh MnnnliiK. Mllilreil l.el.
(Iran Mltum. WIIII.1111 Cl.irk nml Mir
In 111 Worlley, iiMUIeit Iiy u ill.irlel
from Itio ititMlr ileiriuient. will
pri'M'tit "WkUIi lluiieyinnon". 11 cot
tmiiii lny In wlilili eiiollciit iiunuly
nml plrtiiri'imuo hc'IIiirh kimiIiIiio to
pruiliire n ilellKlilfill rlferl Speiinl
(iUro hettlnK" I""" H l'l '"' ""'"B
iniiHtri'tti-il Iiy ttio .liiiilur iiieinlier
of Hie manual Iriilnliu: tlrjinr t iin-tit .
The neroiul il). "The NelKliliurN."
In 11 nUntrli frnm llic life of 11 email
town, written hy '.win (Jul", initlior
of the IK2I prli' piny. "MIh I -it lit
llett." Tile MM lnrlilileii lone Solo.
111011. Kutliryn I'lrldi, l.ellui Miller.
Until Utter, Helen Ciilttwi'tl, lleriilee
Her lor, Herbert I..iiiiIIh nml Walter
Tlm il' linvo lieen rhueii with 11
vluw lo nrtUtlc iih mkII iih entertuln
imint viititP. nml eery effort In helnc
inuilii tn mnko 11 rent rontrltiutlon In
rommiinlty ilrnmiitlcH In their proline
lion. ('PinmltteoH from tlie Junior
rltiHH iiro co-operiillni; In the prepam
Hon of roHtitnici nml tntlliiKH. ."n
Hint the entertainment wilt ho rib-tliu-tly
11 Ntuileut pruilurtlon. The
pliDH nru being inaclieri Iiy Mint Until
WllHOit. of tlm KitBllnh riepurtment.
In order that Ihote niny Ik no
feur of oor'crovilhiK the nHnemtily.
It bun lieim derlileil to admit onlv 2.'0
ut oncli porfornuinre- the umiiiiI on i
nclty of H10 n.semhly Htilli plnyn will
bo ulveu on the evenlm: of Mnrrh IT
nuri oRuht on Mm eh IS. with n Hpec.
Ul nintlnno on Hnturriay nfteruoon for
tho benefit of Rrnmmnr ncliool pup
IIh. PrlccM linvo lieen tniiilo very low
In orrior thftt everyone may coino nt
reuulnr "niovln" tnlen. TIckelH may
bo obtnlnori from any IiIrIi hiIiooI
Rtmloht or nt tho niunblrri.
MAjtKivr m:roirr
POHTIiAND, Mnrrh !. Livestock
Jileuriy; eK lvn renlH lower, buy
ing ptlco IT conta to 20 cents, butter
Htcnriy. Wheat to 1.32.
coiicili Tour
POII'II.AND. March ! - KU
rnnrcriiH ruffoied ii loss (if near
, ly 122.1111(1 In ii fin. here early
imiii) when n building m 112
I'lrnl street burned Tin prill-
I'lluit loner win lli CmiHl I. mi Hi-
cr nnil HIkiii Funding hiiiily
l.'Klrmlle ilmn Ate Aiiiiiiiinti'il
l'urtt Her lie lo leelo
Hiiitini'T lli'oil
roill l.ANIl. '" i:tenlve
plmiH for tile ilevi'liipmeni next (Dim
mer of Hi" 11 1 n 11II01111I fiicllltleii til
Dlmnoiiil lake were nunc tllireil by the
Ruveriiiiient fnrent erl( jeiitiirriuy
unit llirliuln the InillrilUR
of roniI4
aloiiK Hie e.icl utile of the lake, a
rouiiertliiK ronit between Hie lake mill
the ("ruler lake rerjon. the entlllillh
mint of Mimll reorln nt Ither enri of
tllmuoiiil Like unit the Improvetnunt
of tampltiK jtrounilii for tourliilii
The rniutrtirllou nf the roinU will
beRln In the near future The ro.ul
lo.tlii Crnter Ukn ri-Rlon will renrli
ten mllen 1011II1 from Dlnuionil luku
lo Join (he ptini'iii unlmproM'it mail
which Icailn norlli from ('ruler lake
It will ronllnue nroiinj the couth enri
t'f the lake tnwiiril Iheenol Mile, turn
north nt Hliort creek miri continue
Ioiik the jiMe of the lake lo Two
Hear 1 reek at the tiortliiit enri
('nmplnu (ittiiiml I'lmitiril
Tht roml will open up Milu.ilile
rniiipliiR Rrouiuln hIoiir Hie thrii'
lillle utreli ll on Hie ennt hdle of Hie
take, nml with the completion of the
roml to Crater t.ikn Hie nrea will be
ealy nrrelhle to Crater Inke tour
lnt.i, ami -lure the cntubletlon of the
nuil up lloRue river lt miiiiiiH'r the
nren nlo ran be reacberi by marhlno
from the ItuRUe rler valley
An ntli'inpt will be marie to Intor
et private capital lo the ninount of
ftn.uoO or J 11.000 for the first
thrce-)wir perfnil In the lMtaucu of
permltn for rcort nt Short creek nuri
Two Hear creek, where iiiimIh nml
InriRlUR will be irnvlilei fur tnurM".
unil In the iiiulntrnanro of 11 Ktore to
carry ratnpern' nuppIIm nuri Ranollne.
It In nlmi expecteri to have placet on
tlin .ikn from 10 to 15 boatM lo bn
renteri to c.tmperit ntul n bathhouic
11U0 bi cout)mpluteit
luno. atlnni Aiittioileil
ThcAe pUnn han been mnrie poi
dlble throiiKh n net of con
Broil to protect private cnpltnl by
RrnnlliiR lemici for recreation ion
venlencoH, renortN unit hotels In nn
llonnl forentx.
The fire patrol erlre will be con
lluut'il nml tirob.'ibly enlarRtri nruunil
tlm lak.t(!railiiR of cattle 11 ml nheep
In the nreat ucri by vncatlonlntK unit
lourthts lo to be prolilblteil. anil thorn
will be no timber cutting ullowi-ri'
whcio It will Interfere with tho re
ireatlonnl nuri M-culc miIiicr of tlm
No plan hne 1 11 mailo for Ihhii-
1 111: 01 miner homo permltn. iilthoiiRh
It wait Mnleri Hint later billiie policy of
Icnxlur. mull permltM for plotx bnrk
front the lake xhnro lu the timber on
Hie weal hlo may lie effecteri.
Tho I.1I.0 In iibuut elKht mlli'M In
rlrcumferenro nuri all lint one mile,
which Ih too Hleep fur recreational
ilewriopmcnt, la urceniriblo to camp
ern. The plan.i for Improvement! alno
emlirnro tlio bitllillni; of coinonlcnum
miri fnllltleH (for 1I10 comfort of
Noted ll rigid Inn (Aihocnto May
ltctiictcd lo Come Hero
Wuid wim reculveri today Iiy tho
chamber of common o from "Farm
er" Smith, tlm widely known Irriga
tion mtvncalii mill stutlMlrlnn Hint If
hn could mnko arrangement ho
woulri I'oimi to Klumutli county to
dim ttin with reslrientH of l.ungell "nl
ley Urn propanod enntrnrt for, gov
ernment development of tlm l.ungell
Valley uml Horsefly Irrigation din
trlrtH, which Is to ho voted upon
Mnnh 22nd.
A meeting for general iIIhcuhhIoii
of tlm matter Ih Hcheduleil to ho hold
nt llonanza March IS, ut which tho
ehiimher of routmei're, tho county
court nuri organization nuri Individ
mils, besliles tlm reslrieutH nf tho iIIb
IrlcU, luteicsted In tlm development
of Irrigation in Klamnth rounty, will
lie ptesont.
It l.i hoped, paid T. A. Slovonson,
necrctury of tlm chamber of com
morco, tliut Smith can urrnugo tn
ho boro for that meolliiG.
fcuwrng Herald
Approval GiVen to Olcott's
SuRRcstion that District
Attorney Resign
(Hpiilnl to 'I he HeinPI)
HAI.IIM. Manti !l - Approval of
Ooternor OIcoIi'h miRReHtlon that
district Attorney C c llrower of
Klmiiuth couniy rellu'iiilih tint po-
xlllou If be flinU bluiKiitf tttialile to!
cope with nlli-Reit "ili'iiloralile anil
iltimnablu" romllllonn there. Ih ron-
Inlneil lu a letter from tho Klnm
uth toiiniy court lo tlm ;overnnr.
mailu public today Tlm letter.
MlKticil by JmlRe It C. Ilunnell nuri
Coinmlmitonerii Short nnd l'orilco
iliuih'n that the nti t lior It ti-tt of either
city or county nre lallliii: to enforce
(lie lawn It a)ii-
'The tllnli-rKlKtleil ili-Hlre to com
pllnunt joti tiion tlm Ma ml )ou
have taken recarilltti: the ktato-
iiieulH ininle by (be illMrlct atior
ney of Klamath touuty, rdutlve to
thu crime Klluiitlou anil'liU alillll)
to rope with II
"Wo ricMre to arid to what ou
may already know, that Hie matter
of crime In HiIh couniy In 9! per c?nt
purely petit, nuri that the officers,
both municipal im well an county
anil Htnle. at alt times uro lining
alt In their power lo acrompllih
I he nrri'Ht uml totnlctlon of m.-il-fcurorn
with what co-opcratlon they
( an obtain from tlm off he of tlm
district attorney, which latter. in
wo are Informed ami to .1 Miiall ex
tent of knowledge, U practically
"Tlm fait of the matter In th-tt
tho illbtrlct iiltorue) of tills loiinty
Im nut only Inrompelent, an nn at
torney, hut In mentally deficient.
We wlah further to nd,l that tliU
court, on ruch. I unable to call
upon th office of the district at
torney of thin county for any n
idKtnnco In nny mnttern whatnoowr
and recelio tho Haum.
Any amUtnnrn that you may ocn
fit. In our wlidoui, to render tin
lu buying that office vnrnteri by tlm
preieut Incumbent without obliging
the tux pa)cr mid otern of Klnm
nth county to renort to tlm oxpeium
of 11 recall will be greatly nppre
clntiri hy 11 large number of voterii
and tnx payer."
MAYTON'. Ore . March 'J.- frank
Stepheun, a farmer. '". was killed by
nn explntU'it while blasting Mump,
lie hud lived In thin region nlure he
wii.h a young man.
) c.oB.c.r
WMT V' 'fc
NAMe one
C -""V -
J (
r"' f'
jS& ,
Member of the Associated Press.
I'lo Koulliwiiril In
WhMi loiter Wn,
ul lluii'.iiiiili'
I "on nit
Two roliber.n broke. Inlo Hie Hon III
ern I'ntlfle b.igRngo mom at Weed
yenterdny and nlole a' mull pouch
containing reglntereit mall, it w.n re
portud liero todny. The report wnn
verified by J. J .Miller, local tigent
for tho Southern I'nrlflr, wbo(aM
(oiuphtlo detttlln Mere lai-kilu here
Tlm men -were kuIiI to Imw fbri
roulhwnrd In nn automombllo wlihh
later nan found nt DuiiBtiiuIr
HI11111I.1M CoiivtriKlloo I'ioiiomiI on
Mi Kciiii
I'nKs Itonle
lUTSKNi:, March . One Oregon
highway project which will ho cirrleil
lo completion thin cnr Li construc
tion of a ntiindnrd road ncrom the
nunimlt of Hie Cancndn mountains by
way of .MiKenzlu pann. Contrart'
hno already bien let for tho work,
and nn moo nn the miow In nulflclcnt
ly melted, work will romtnence.
Tho contract calU for n road from
llflknnp. TO mile cant of KuRene.
over tho rrent of the mountain, ney
euteen mllen long. Whin thtn work
In romptilcd n highway of tntulnrri
width will extend from Kugene up
the McKenzIo rlirr. ronslderuri one
of Hie limit beautiful streumn on Hie
I'aclfic, to n point three mllen
eant of the nunimlt. Tlm highway In
iilmont lompleied frc m that point to
Henri. In central Oregon, whero II
will lonnect with Tlm Dnllen-C'allfor-nla
highway, n state project. The
M3lcnil fnrent service are co-operating
In tlm construction of McKentlc
Many Pay Bachelor Tax
Would Marry, Ask Return
MISSOILA. Mont. 'March 9
I'orly net i'U rrquentH for refund of
bachelor taxcit, paid before the Moir
tatia Mipremu court bud held the
collection of tho tax unconstitutional,
are piled up In a b.'mket lu rfm office
of the county commlaalcncrs, await
ing fiction, while the attorney gencr
nl has ruled tho money tnunt bo re
turneri to thnso making claim for It.
On b-icholnr, lu npplylug for re
turn of his tax money, wnn xalri to
Iiiivh been greatly dlrnppolntcd be
r.iunfl It was not gheit him nt once
"I Jald tlm money out for bachelor
tux," he explained tu tlm county nuri
llior, 'nuri now I wnnt (o get mar
ried. I thought if I could get the
money back thin morning, I'd buy my
mnrrlagn license whllo I was In thu
Tho county commissioners, now
thnt Hie ruling of the attorney gen
eral hnn been rerehed, uro expecteri
lo refund the money.
MAWH l, ll'-'2
Says He Would Advi:
Banlcs to Decline Accept
ance of Certificates
WASHINGTON'. March 0. Con
troller of tlm currency, Crlnlnger an
nounce,! today thnt In vcnt of paji
sage of honun legislation providing
for pa)ment lo t-x-nohllorn hy ailjust
cil fervlco certificates, he woulri ail
vlso tho National bankn to riecllno to
accept tlm certificates as security for
Crlnlnger described the proponed
plan to ex-Fcrvlce men placing the
certificate as collateral for loans
lo SO per cent their faco valuo as tho
"worn kltjri of frozen credit" and
declared that whllo ho could not ord
er the National bankn to refuse to
accept tho certificate as security, he
would strongly advlio against their
acceptance. -
I Mil I
fbmnl for Ktatc fn mm I s Ion
Will Ascertain Value
Nino requests for appraisal of
I.1111I iimler thu soldier bonus act
huro been referred to tho local ap
pralnat board Iiy the state comml
slon, to which hppllcatlons are orlg
Inally directed, raid M. h. John
sen today.
Tho land is scattered over the
county, said Johnnon, from Crcn
cent to Langelt valley. Appraisal
dcpenils upon tho weather, he said,
although he Indicated Individual
willingness U start-off Immediately
If the applicants would shovel the
know off the ground so tho ap
praisers could see It.
"Pltl.NCi: OF l.l.lltK" IS
Tonight tho "Prince of Liars" will
bo presented by the Unhcrilty Club
nt tho Star theatre with an all-star
local cast, all of whom havo previous
ly demonstrated thenr ability. The
Play In pronounced ono of tho best
ecr to be houn hore and It Is be
lieved hy tho management that the
S. It. O. sign will bn, hung out be
fore eight o'clock. A second pertor
mnnre will he given tomorrow- night.
WASIUNHTON. I). C. March 9.
President Harding and his party
plan to leave tonight for n week's
vacation In Florida.
1 W&ii's
WASHINGTON, I), c. March
9. Pronouncing tho Pour Pow
er treaty nn "Alliance", Bona
tor Itoblnson, democrat, of Ar
kansas, today In renewing the
discussion declared It woulri not
promote peaco but "will In
vito tho formation of rival al
liance and lead lo great harm."
Opposing Korcr In Meet for Liut
Time on Mnnngcrlnl nml
Counrllmanlc Forms
Whether Klamath Fall, will hare
a change In the method of city for
ernment during tho next year or
two may bo determined it the
chamber of commorco tonight whea
mombern of the city couctlt will at
tempt to defend tbo prmQt city
rbartAr nml rntlnrltmnnte tulwl l of
govornmont against the city ac
nger plan, which will be sponsor rd
by H. I). Newell, E. II. Hall, R. H.
Dunbar and W. A. Dehell. Thy
will bo oppospd by W. O. Smith,'
Judge I,cavltt and M. A. West.
Tho meeting will termlnato tbo
study group In city government,
which ban had four meetings In
tho last two months, and tboto who
havo been following tho discussions
aro very much Interested In tho re
sult of tonight's session.
Thu financial report of tho city,
presented by M. S, West soma time
ago, has been given closo scrutiny
by the opponents of tho present
plan, and It la expected that a largo
part of the argument will bo bated
on the present financial conditions'
of the city. It is expected alto
that New ell's delegates will atteapt
to prove that the present city gov
ernment Is a relic ot anclsnt tinea,
and far Inadequate to rawt artiit
day problems." -'!"t tharg4-fcr
advocates of a chaogo from the
present system at the last mooting
that It Is impossible to run a $4,
000,000 corporation on an efficient
basts when tbo board ot directors,
or tho city council, only meets once
a week, and are too swamped with
routlno matters to work out any
program of reform.
On the other hand, the city coun
cil will likely contend that It would
he too much of n gamble to discard
the present plan of government for
soma "new-fangled" Idea that Is,
at the most, not older than eight-
or ten years. Tbey aro also ex
pected to advance the theory that
the con of an efficient city man
ager Is too expeaslvo for a com
munity of thin site to attempt, and
that ho would bo unable to effect
a saving when hi, salary was tak
en Into consideration.
Tho meeting tonight Is looked
upon by buslnods men n tbo most
Important event for financial re
form that has been hold for some
time, and consldorablo Interest ha
been manifest lu thu debate.
Members of City Council and C. of
t CoiumltUt Hold Meeting
Whether thoro will bo nny fur
ther paving until the financial con
dition of tho city has Improved, was
tho tubjoct of a meeting last night
ot tho city council and a chamber
ot commorco committee composed
ot J, A. Gordon chairman, H. A.
Moo. i:. M. llubb, Ed Martin and
A. J. Voye.
While opinion wag divided on the
question, It was agreed that an
amendment Is necessary to tho city
charter ut thu May primaries by
which tho city would bo permitted
to create a revolving fund to bid in
property at sate on account ot
deltnquont paving assessment. Uy
tho plan proposed tho city would
bo permitted to issuo bonds from
time to time, ns tho need arose,
thus enabling It to provide funds
to buy tho property.
A letter stating the financial con-
clpal losor was the Coast Leath
riltlon ot tho city, algned by tho
mayor and council, will be mailed
to residents within a few days.
MADKAS, Ore., Match 9.--A col
umn ot black Bmoko was reported
Issuing from tho west stdo ot Mount
Jefferson crater today. It was re
ported that tho heat was melting
tbo snow on that tide of the moun
tain. , , , ,
f'rj H j
e ( .
aV4 f . w
Man Arretted for Sh'ootinff
Hamaker Says Life Had'
Been Threatened
That a number of Hly rnllaU
had threatened to lynch him beeatiM
of hit alleged horso rustlln actftl-
timm .ml It.. rMi ltirnl hail lic,7V
ms too. sirs
""" - -" '"T" ... : . r 7it- w
neon carried out wiia sariimkii,r,i
len about two.wwkt ao, .'it,t
ttatemcat today of Lattar IIIiMo'tj- j
ratted and broiftit to jail Uti
night for ahooUnt.MWW.lir3
In lil''jeitTtltrr''!,
It. M r.tftrrU tyjyykf
no DtuMtM 6Murris.
T oI'J'r jrt&ymin Ji
rV J .V fn an 4 j: J &r
I fared f iouu reward 10 any
-would "leave him out on tho :
He said he had come to iy oa 'tar- v.,
Ineta, and that uppa finding arris, 1
Crost out he went to the HaaaaVoT-
place where bo foand Arthur Jfawn
ker cleaning out hla barn. la tho ti.
Tertatloo that followed, ho laid he
would Ilka to kaow who the . . ,
were who bad threatened to lynch
him. Hamaker, he declared, itnnwcr
ed, "I am ono of those . . . ". and
turned upon him with a pitchfork,
striking and slightly wounding Hlxon
in the left wrist. Hlxon Mid he im
tndelately pulled" hla automatic and
hot twice. The first ahot, ha atd,
took affect la Kamaker'a left aide,
causing hla to whirl about to the
eowad thot mlaeed. He tried to thoer ?
a third ttoae, he aald, hut the gnn
"I had ho lataatlM tf ahooUng
Hamakarvmtrtty waulajL4e talk the
tta'tement. "vTe bad never been any
thing but good frlMde."
Hlxon declared Bly men had In
stituted their own law and that he
didn't tee why It wat uocetaary to
call in the aherlff. lie said about two
weeks ago, In broad daylight, Ander
son Allen iu ttrung up to a barn
rafter three times, after which he
-was given 134 for two horses and
started toward Lakevtow mlnut coat
or hat with tho warning never to
return. He named the principals In
this affair who, according to hit
statement Included nlno prominent
Dly stockmen.
Hlxon said ho had told Dly resi
dents that he wat not guilty ot rust
ling, asserting they still held a
grudgo against him because ot hla
having been freed 00 a similar charge
by a circuit court Jury hero In Janu
ary. Hlxon It about 2X and has ben
working In tho I.nngell valler. HM
hearing had not been tot this after
noon. Hamaker was reported tj he rest
ing oaalcr today aud It was believed
ho was out of danger.
Woman Charted With Murder U
Galled to Satad
I.OS AN0ELE8. March 9. Mada
lynne Conner Obonchaln today told
her story In her trial for tho murder
ot J. Delton Kennedy. She stalled
whon sworn in. She -was pale and
spoko In a low voice; her oyes were
on the Jury mast of tho time.
Referring to her diary to refresh
her memory, the told ot frequently
meeting Konnedy and atklng that he
return her letters, laying nbo "want
ed everything ended." Kennedy
wanted to continue their relatione,
the said, and told her that owing to
hla mothort Illness ha could not da
that which his heart asked.
Sho shed tears a the read one ot
Konncdy'a letter. ,
Tho barometric prewure baa fallen
steadily, and qulto rapidly since mid-,
night, tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at Un
derwood's Pharmacy reglsteriag 30.
10 a fall of 40 poiata la the last It
hours. Undoubtedly another disturb
ance u beaded thu way aad will,
probably reach ua tonight, or toaor
row morning accompanied hy rata or
snow. , ,
Forecast for seat 14 aourat-rr
Cloudy aud warmer, follow if
nnsettled weather. '
The Tyco lecordlag ttumaaaa
retutared maximum aad mlamw
temperature, today, aa followaj W'
High i. ...... J2l i"
,,, t..t,M!4rt,t'"t.V-
. . "i;?,.3r4 vJjr
ij 'r."Jp
..-aHV- I