WKDNMHIKtY, M.llttlt H, I MM -- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pimo Two 'i I 4' I I Th Evening Herald V. ft. HOUM:....K(ll(or anil PnMlnhcr . M. HIM City IJtlllnr tMll(ljiS1 dully except Sunday, by rkfl Hernld 1'iibllnhtnit Company of Klamath rail, nt HO RlRhth Street. MMMMMMMMMMAAMMNM(WMMWMWMMMMMMMAMMAWMMMAMK VWM L Outbursts of Everett True By Condo Kriinrcd nt thn pnMnffloo nt Klam itli Knll.i, Ore . far tr.innmls.ilon through tho mall no r.ocaud-cl.iMj tnnlter. MKMBEU OV TltK AHSOOIATRI) 1'ltKHS Thn AttnoclnttMl Vrctn l exclusive ly entitled to tho iiri for pntillcn llon of nil new itlip.itrhr.i credited to It. or not otherwlsn credited lin thin paper, and nlso tho local news publlihed herein. wi:i)Nii.w, MAitai.H, mis! HGLK.O, tSVXSR.CTTV 'BR.INICLS LI.IlllV . . M.vu .wvvi I, fTMIN- T"J LOT N lril wreT of- TO IV luHAT TX VooT N fT. iix town i. -rJgUi -ti-if45-CS2 y . I HOME SPIRIT ACCOMPLISHMENT of nny inr po.o must nlwnn lie preceded by n lieRlnnlnR. If Klamath KaIN I Kolnir to brenmo n homo rlty It mum hnvn the conveniences nnd Improve ments thnt other cities hnvo. nnd cr- Knnlted effort mut lie made to pet ! them. Water, street nnd sewer Improve ments are of course hroiiRht nbottt liy proeeduro of the municipality throiiRh j Its duly authorized representatives. ' Municipal Improvements ure ccn-, tlnl hero uh In every other proRren-' tilvn community, hut It Is net ef: them that wo nro now thlnklnR. nor J of tho Rervlro of public utllltlot. It Is the Improvement that may he accomplished by tho collective action of cllUcns In tho way of providing parks, playcrounds. removing rub blib, eradicating eyesore, beautify ing lawnn nnd RlvlnR intention to oth er details, on which perhnpx the mun icipality may lend nld. but which ehlotly are accomplished by our own efforts. Tho approach of spring makes this a llmoly topic for consideration. Socn tho imow blanket will disappear, bringing to light n number of spots that aro not nn aesthetic credit to tho community. Krost will fade from tho uround. clearing tho ay fcr plant Int. Whon wo say that a beginning bould bo made, wo do not overlook the fact that groundwork has been la'd tor parkB and playground and other development of this general Idea and that the chamber of com merce. woraen'H auxiliary, library club and other organltatlons and In dividuals have studied the situation and advanced definite plans. But "now Is the accepted time." Thn time to get down to actual die- Rlnp. with tho united effort of the "communityfinancially and physical ly, behind tho program. Tho Herald applaud the progress (hat ban been made by those who are farslKhted enough to roallze that tho cultivation of n home atmosphere create. on ever-deepening loynlty to the homo community. Tho Herald's policy Is enn of constructlveness and harmonicas effort to speed commun ity prorrets. The men and women who are cndcavorlnc to make this community one that every citizen will bo proud to call home, have our earn est wlihes fcr succcm. I CAPtiS Do tvtsi HCRC "TO see THC DOCTOR.. m :1 ,-S:il Am: TLS&' ' , ) -"X ow' m f r v " v ' Aly, Pi : VMVrL t 41: set thc. joctor e.H h- - N r-'ota. QMS THiNS-, ISQUISITIVS. vv smoutcrs cvvvs m an --i Laovful Paih IV. .. . r-a Mltutod luitlioi'lllort (the county com t) could legally select it com t hnuso site. Then liow can the hu pretuo court render i ilerlston fuvor ItiK tho Mil I n street site without snunrely anil flittly lexertlug Itself, There Is nn open distrust ns u whole throiiRhout the nation ngnlnst tho Jndlcliil depnitmeut mitt no one run even RUnircU whnt will hnppen. How eer, thero U but one xolutlou of thU whole court house mailer, to my mind, mill Hint Is, It has been u rio.ii fraud from Its Inrlpteury to the present because It litis been fr.au: lit by :i wilful minority in mi effoit to defeat tho majority. It. A. i:.MMITT. IMItor. Ku'itliiR Hernld- linxo been under tliU dl.Milcl' Visual proof, I nsk, A rumor him ulso been circulated Hint unlesi this contract Is curiled. tho Koornmont will ttike the water from t'lcnr I .alto (from which lul.e, western !.uii:cll Vulley Is lo be lr rlRiited) Into ('iillfurulii. Ilul one Hip nrouud t'lenr l.iiko would deuolo Ibo ulkiolulo Impossibility of iliis, be ciniHo of ho contour if I In i-ouiilry. mill luck of liillil lo li(. IH'IriiIoiI Another point, w.ilei moil In l.nu r.i'll Vulley In inn In ii ditch In llon- nnzii, where userii iiniler the lower luojert of this Hnlein i.in secure II nt the low cost of $ lit lilt per ncn, while ihu K.itno l.imt h now only pujltir, ubotit Jlil.Tii) pec tine Wheio Is thn limit who will liidulce In n liiiiiluexx (teal ki this? If. :ih Rhltl'il. Ill l.ci lliiNlns noticed letter fimn the ,Vni of thn luxe In this coiinly wne people In your p.iper. I Inke this op- j delliiiiuenl Inst enr. where U the nil portunliy lo put u few furls before i ,. t,,,t wishes to leburden himself the reMdenis of my own community iigaln? Klnillv look bow nninv w..r.. (I.relln. Oregon! and others Inter- , imminent, vet on Irilr.ated nlares , cieo in inn coming election .Muren I 21. In matter of entering Into u coiitiai'l i .., I., r.i-,.. ..f ........ ....... ,-.i I . ..141 ,11 1. 1111 111 Willi'!. Millll 1111 tho Irrigation ilUtrlrt In tho . nation (not at tl.u t.rir... ihmi.hi Pmn. m.itr4 it t,tttoniont anil nraco novrr Letters from (he People with the novernment for water. As udvertlred In Hie local paper )our choice Is Riven of voting "on" or "no" on the conlrnrt which calls for nhimt $19 00 per nrro for construe- I Hon. and $12 Si! per acre for water 1 plus drainage nnd maintenance, enu- 1 servatlve estimate $.".0n per acre. This tilings Hie total tNiM per uere to $TC..u ThH Is found by dlvldliiR the tntnl amount In dollars by mini- 1 lier of nrrci In illitrlct. about 'J3D I Iiik acres. To fair minded people thN Is mot nn exhorbit.int price, especially when financial conditions nro as they nre nnd will be for the next ten years In place of Inducing settlers It tends to ware them uwa. for luvnriably I tho first cithMtlon they ask, nfter In- i forming them oii nre under mi lr- I rlgatiou system I. ' What do )ou p.iy j fur water" At this prfte. it will i.,l. mid iiiii for the upbuilding of no eniinlii' tfulill.it-a limine .,, .... i ' ' " '" ' w.inl fair ij.iy mid economy In . It i HiIiirs , ' .1011 N" AI.I.KN FARM POINTERS I'.iImiii id,. I'lelil Mire HiH. .Many berry growers are repot t trouble with mice Hint follow hole to the base of plants. or even make tunnels of their own Until the innlcs mid mire ran be dlsrouraged by any system of ciiltl Nation that will tear out the rldg" In the row between plants Willi Mm I. raspberrleH die. k niltu.iiim; will ii, this, bnl with lrenl plant., , Kr.ipn line Is best Alice .in be piilioned easily bv mlxliiR i nn inline of tri hliiiie lalLlluidi meiiiion tne Hot .springs Is rather generation before the water i.ke I- one ilghni ounce. ..ic.li.irlii suniing lo tne inquisitive wtien It I lifted from the neck llcldo.. umit , lueltn in.irls oatmeal , well known that the county has the has been done In the three ears we hi tn.li or runwas greater sum Invested there. There nre ! three very gooil reason for adopting ii,.. n, o..- t... ' .in- nut ' nip,'' n.n- I ItROKH HOT SPHIVliS SITU To tho Kdltor f AAmtm i r itnll hIIkhiIiih .. I.a fh . m....- ... .-.. a..-,....,,, ,-, ,..,,., U ,00 ,H,r p.,,,, 1(, hl,tl 7 7 iV , '","'u" I building and the most sightly loca now In circulation, soliciting lKna-t,0M lures nsKinR county omcers to move mid H. ait"r ! Every rltht nrlncliileil man or wo man will defend to tho utmost the! MM00 already paid cacrodncsH of tho Individual home. As wo kgo It, the Improvement ot a city, by physical bcautlflcatlon can not help bUt ralso Its moral tone. It creates a community home spirit that causes tho Indlvlduul to defend col lectively his homo tewn, and strive for Its betterment In harmonious unll son with all others of the samo way of thinking with the samo racred pur pono and tho namo ilcgreo of earnest effort thnt ha would um In the ud- vanccment nnd defenso of the bit of property that Is claimed In fee slm-1 pie. Wo truM that there will be no lack of funds or of united endeavor thl year to deter thn promoters of xurh n worthy enterprise from making I great advancement In tho program ' they lmvn planned. Into and accept the .Main street court house and stating that the building Is now completed. Tho building Is not flnUhcd, there fore tho petition Is mUleadlng. A competent architect estimated $30,000 would bo required and the county clerk, who would evidently mortgage hi soul fcr the prlvtlego of occupying tho structure, placed an Item of $10,000. for that purpose In bit tentative budget to tlo county court, thereby admitting that It wa not completed. The petition further .1, H.I. Ih.t Ikn Onl Cntrvm I. ..It. I ,"""" , , , ",u ""' , ' h; uu I Is now wearing the brand "dishonor. Inc bn noli! for a rhcnl rr nthnr nnr. ... . .- ..MM. I .. I .!...... laI"l I'wir, , ..in, ,p uktiin iii.iui .IHK ill" ,. , . i Kllf fr.r wllMi Tlllptin.n j ..w., .. ....... ,.... ..w. throwing til in self Into the gear. It has been observod for a serlc of years that the main street adher ent have labored strenuously for convert but f ach succeeding election i1IkcIc3ch tho fact that they have lost more kOiiU than they have saved However last Tuesday's Herald ills cloio that they hato one prospective on tho inourncr'.s bench. Iteasnnlng from the fuct Hint his Identity Is srcrcteil behind an tuMimed name It may bo riiRgeted that In his optim istic fidelity that he has (iver-confes- ""l ml thai lir. I. no i,hlii...l...t .Mn. I.... radicals for tho Main Mreet ! ',.. """""- ..-.,.......- i u'-u ui.ii iiu was earryiiig mat no Second It Is the cheapest for the taxpaer for If II wero accepted tho county would hae two court house. one to hell and nppl thu proceed on the other tho other way nothing to sell and the loss of $H.,000. Third The majority want It and have positively expressed thenu-elvcs on seven different occasions for the' last twelve years every candidate for! tho county court who favored the Hot .Springs ha been elected nnd every one who opposed It tins hern de feated, and we call to mind one of our heretofore respected citizens who JJJ"J -- .-j -,-.ri-innnn -, nn.njjTjoJtjTxjjjij-urt.ri.r.rinrin r n n.njT..ruTjxftjjxrLru', CLASSIFIED ADS 0rirrry0yryrfr-0m0mti,,t0tmiif MISCELLANEOUS I'Olt SAI.K Auto car good ns now t Hrrlpiui llooth, 'i iiassengcr, $700.00. now Hou.on. 1 Oakland, ti iassenger, 1500,00 now $300.00 I Hug, Clulmur. $250.00. now i $125 00. t ton truck, $100.00 now $250 00. Obliged to spawn with my little hatchet. Hi'n Dick, 210 llroad St. 7-1 1 , KOIl HUNT 2 rniini apt . everjthllm ' furnished, $M Turin r Apt M2l Oak St i in WANTKII To buy ten good Rrad" sow, ur gllt., bred to furrow this spring. A. M. Thomu. Matin. Oregon facts. In It present condition It I not a negotiable commodity. Tho county has no title nor can It J procuro one without finishing and ' moving Into It. To move elsewhere ' woutd nlgnlfy abandonment and tho property would nercksarll) revert to1 the original owner, thu Hot Springs' company. In that event the county's ' would Rill where the "woodbine twlnelh" and thereafter and forever be Ghxcurcil (rum our optical tlslon. The petition , B-'ks for neutral signers only, whll" scleral of the present signer. fctron for pledging him- and then reverse Halo or snow, I am on the Job with a smile. So If you want garbage hauled please call I55J. It (Iroir. 7-11 . It you want to sell It, buy It, trade It. or find It. try a Herald classified ad. KOIl II K.S'T Three room house, time In, partly furnished. Inquire ill.-. Pine. Phono 56SH. rt- KOH lti:NT Our Tuxl j-erlvm at fu lled Cigar store I'liono IN.1. 2-S Will trade 3 ton Oary trti'k for home or Income property and furnish work. I.'. V. Cramblltt, Public market. -7-1 1 Swedish select rerllfleil seed oats, ton tots 2'i rts; less quulltlty 3 '!. J. A. HushonK, Klamath KuIN, Ore gon. M-3-Apr. ! WNTCI) -Work, millwright or car penter. Address llox II. Herald of flee. 7-'j KOH SAI.K Several good dots at prices to stilt thn times ('lime to hand. All bargain. See lllck, 2lo llroad nireet. 711 HOO.M roil liKNT- Kiirnlshcil room In n prlvnlo family Willi uso of telephono and bath. Ptionu I I5lt. - ...ii IlllltlllllC I , KOIl HKNT -3 I'b'ilin 273J. room furnished opt. 1-7 I'Olt HUNT -Two and room furn l.shed apartments. I III 10th St. Tel 342W. T-'J K)lt HKNT- A tractor propoHlilon 1000 arresTule land In good condl Hon. will yield 20 to 50 tin. per nrrn If heeded lo rye. f. mile south oitst of -Midland. Will leuso to responsible Am considering purtllasy trnrt of panic for term of years .M. Mots- White Pine or Sugar Pine timber, rhenbacher, 72'j Walnut, Klamnili I hreo to six hundred million feet with Kails. -7 or uiim.uL kiw mid logging equip- ,.. ..... . . . . , ... I. .lll.l u , HI IJII KMl Ul HIT '" ".n n..c- i .iruiim, oeur u... ear. . ..rAtBM ihi h M ent. In first letter Main approxl-1 KOH SAI.H-A marxH oi tno tame oiu "pusti and ( .. ,,.., mate p " 1 nvnp rt lit fin . HTASMSti HOOM.OMiV T STIt.WH TIIKATIIi: Tho Klnndlng room only sign wob hung out last night at tho Strand thoatro where two performance. wero given lust night for Ibo benefit of tho Timber Worktrn' union. liy upeclal request, Ted White, manager of tho theatre, tonight will stage his turnout! liluckfucnnct. Several local ncU nro scheduled a- well us un excellent' feature plcturo simply u trap for the unlnformnl. Tho reading Is smooth nnd oily but between tho lines Is u plain photo graph of a wolf in sheep 9 nothing Ju.l why theso loud mouthed ml- Feeling Grippy? Cold Coining Os? DRV, ttcl.'Iing rcn-.Soi i.l the throat, heaihrhc, ft i . , t : ache, Uon't play wi'hllijit . c.n cold. Get Dr. Kins' V . Mrm:, at once. You will liU th" w y it taUs hold ami i the I'jujIi, lx-,n-Hie plilc.m ami riSievio the on.-.ti'j;i in the ees ami IiimiJ, ati'l t"nn li'oat.j up the m'Jit obstinate iit'a I. cl t-IJ und i;tipn.'. Diililrcn nnd grownups alihe uj it. No harmful drugs, hut jutt gwl medicine for cold-., rouph and grippe, isild liy your 'Irujjcijt for 0)c. Dr. Kind's New Discovery For Colds and Couphs j over it little. home and u good In- rice per thousand feet, general i lornii, iholco location-near linxl- location. How near rail connection, incjw center of Medford. S1400.00 will j There is a suit now pending In the up;i Ity of pluut etc. llox A. I). II. j handle, must sell. K. I. llox 7N, Med- ! circuit court asking for an order com- j "rM office. c-S fonl, Ore. 2X-S j pelllng the county court to accept the , SMM TUK ,...,,. ; KAl.i:S.Mi:.V. Ag.nlH. Advertise. Sell .Main street site The supreme court piano suitable for theatre or daum; rawly to storekeepers Pig pay. i:x Mveral year- ago derided In the rase hull. O I.". IC.m, SOU Wiilmil St Khun- perleiiro not lietessary K Kuril. 721 of .Murdoili is Kamath county thru,'1"1 ''-11"- ''' Walnut St. Plillndelplihi. P.i . 27-11 , the Hot Springs site was tho legal ' M ,an , ,mV() o ' T;AM UKATKO ,,. M muni) seat, ami rercntiy tno same ad ,,, ready to receive puplU on week. Large, well lighted lobby, Haxopnone and piano Ktiullo H11 ,. siiower baths. N winter rale Ninth St V. K. Kuniuhur. 1-!i fentrnl Hotel. J. T. Ward. Mgr. Otf Science and Electricity cy Science plnyn a larijer pail in our daily life than people ini ngino. iv ?-?!?; w, m : r""iv2yt';' ,, . i Science round Hull wllli tllcilihlM, M'ly ttniill ulie inutil be tnicn Inlo o blmil.el lining lininlii'il, of Hiein, thnt would inndiiio Hie uiiiiii, loiiifniliildi' glnn -ii i-sseiillnl In the Slid oi Hie Old mill I'eeble, Tliu modern home can he no arranccil with the aid of Electric ity that several hours can be cut from the day's work- -to ho lined in pleasure or other interesting duties. Tins nixxtrrloii- lnr' I m I milt ,il "lli' i mil iiiind Ml fur ii f. W cent . tier dm Can yon afford lo he without it? THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CO. Jewelry Repairing lh'iiitf in that heirloom or broken jewelry and have it repaired before it i to hit", or have that stone reset before oii love ii. GEO. L. METZ G22 Main St. A In i850 W , .f H. thcyflKcd,, - , 4 r a mfolgrtcoficj V.-1 XZg - 0:1, v - J Js-t-------0l It's a real breakfast if its Folger's QQojfu j. a. polghr & CO. S411 Vuniiua Kmutt City DjIIji 5hitnoit,Jit'tin If you like good coffee, Toller's Golden Gate will more than please you. Tell your grocer you want it. court ruled that no one hie tho con- DOINGS OF THE DUFFS MflMHHMaMMMHMsfssspff THE I WANT THE MOST PROMOUNCED CHECK i VOL HAVE J PROPER DEPARTMENT' fcr BY ALLMAN won us un excellent' reaturo plcturo , lired out In Half a U-jyr Vou and comedies. Two -bows will be glv-1 wouldn't l if your Iwwch v.x-'s net- n innluhi - I ,n regularly. 'Jry l. ,in;'i Pills en lonlght. for 4luKsi, ll(1 Vol., Tfcp ,: lor wort tl all cJniKEitJ 25c. sV PROMPT! WON'T OlUr" Dr. Kings Pills If you wUh to learn saxophono or piano too Mr. V. E. Farquhar, 441 K. Ninth St. 4-10 OH.SOVOUR HAT 13 CHECKED! HOT 3TUFF-Y0U OUGHT TO GO IN DURLnSQUE- HE MAKES UP A FUNNV JOKE TO OWE ATHIH DIME.' ywu ku. OOME, Ct'CKOO iXL 3AV VOURE C5AFE-NODO0Y WOUJ.D STEAL THAT UD! 7ZRT ALL KINDS THE CHECK GIRLOVER AT W L-J CHECK Y0UK1 '' ,. ,, nf LUHCH GETS MY GOAT W rH u Z ' Jl O . til EVER OAV-WHEN I CO H PH ' l, . J , '- ir iuckc one wmnio iu m y7fflfflmj 7 f If THIS ONE CHECK MV HAT- IF SHE I ff,V' WA ' MV HAT IS . V OUGHT TO 1M A5K5 ME TOPAV PtL , '' Vf 1 I CHECKED ! our V111. F SAV MV HAT ISCHPrKeD.' I a6k I ' '...., Al vw,, ,w- i - ' nsri ' . . Mrtti"' t;"7L. 1 - . -- 111 I tm U l t-S". fft. ,V ' . -mm-r-w .mm- " "' ' ''! of Feed for your Little Chicks and for the Big ones too m r N-vrw r f y w MURPHEYS FEED STORE 1 124 So. 6th St " phone 87 I