The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 07, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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(lly W. I. Teutsch, County Ajrrnt
in Lnko County Kxamlncr)
Thorn wito thrcn big surprises
which featured tlio hearing of I ho
N.-C.-O. In Its potlllon for aban
donment of operation nt Alturas
JnKt Wednesday mul Thursday. Of
course, I li" two days of hearing,
which were filled to tho lirlm with
Interesting testimony and cnxs-ex-nmlnstlnn,
were teploto with sur
prises. I) tit of tho many siirprNns
thern worn three outstanding ones
to mostof those present.
The flirt and greatest of theo
was apparent almost Immediately
upon nrrlval In Alturas, anil as tho
hearing proceeded was brought con
Mnntly more forcefully to mind. It
wai llttlo expected that the hearing
would bring forth tho top-notch
railroad legal talent on tho Pacific
roast. Tho calibre of the coune!s
ii ml Interested parties assembled nt
the hearing Vcro the greatest sur
prise. The testimony and crosvex
nmlnntlon by them was a liberal
education to the ordinary layman
Scth Mann, bead of the, traffic
department of the San Francisco
chamber of commerce and leading
rate tariff attorney on the Pacific
roait, no doubt take,, first place
among tho leading talent present.
Tho shrewd, easy manner In which
ho' brought out testimony by cross
examination was a revelation to
many. It Is said that Mann has
twice refused a seat on the United
StatPg Interstate commerce coutnils-
Keen In taking up every Incon
sistency In testimony was J. C,
Jlarrlman, from the legal depart-
Specials for
Egg 25c
Boiling Beef yc
Pot Roast 12V2 15c
Veal Roast J5C
Veal Stew 12V&C
Veal Steak. gc
Good Steak 12Vfcc
Bacon ,-Back 20c
Pig Bacon 40c
Bacon Strip -20c
Picnic Hams 2ftV
Fresh Sment, 3 lb for 25c
Everything in Proportion
menl of tho California railroad com
mission. Equally clever In his easy,
even manner w.ij, W, J. Hinford.
examiner of the case for the Cali
fornia commission, tt was liar
rlman who complimented Attorney
A, I). Hay upon thn splendid presen
tation of the case which I.nVe coun
ty had made. Harrlman stated
In effect that 1n had witnessed
mnny henrlngs similar to theono nt
Alturas, nnd thai I.akcvlnw was
especially (ttrtunate In having men
of good judgment to direct the case
of Lake county In a manner which
wn, practically unattacknbte.
Other prominent lights at the
hearing were Charles 'M. I.evey,
president of the Western Pacific,
II. 11. Corey, Oregon' public service
commissioner. Messrs. Itoswick and
Fulton, Southern Pacific counsel.
J. S. Moore. Western Pacific coun
sel, nnd K. II. Walker, counsel for
the Heno chamber of commerce.
The second prominent surprise
was Charles Moran. president of the
N'.-C.-I. Is the type of
Individual seldom seen In this fron
tier country, and his manner I ex
tremely cistern, or, perhaps moro
descriptively, Kuropean, where It Is
understood he ras educated. A, ho
entered the court worn during the
first day of the hearing many opin
ions wero given out which werp not
altogether complimentary to Moran.
Generally, It might ho said that this
opinion characterized him as a par
asite on the N.-C.-O. This, how
ever, proved to be a has'ty decision.
and It could be generally heard af
ter Moran had taken tho witness
stand what a surprise ho was.
Ills generarvnowledgo of the road
and his thorough knowledge ot the
railroad acts affecting the case In
dicated that the hasty opinion of
him was In no way Jutlfled.
The third and most gratifying
surprise of the hearing to Lakevlow
peoplo was the testimony of C. M.
Levey. In which he IndUrated a
friendly attitude toward the coun
try tributary to Lakevlew and
northward. Ho testified that he
thought this territory capable of
great development, which might
tome day Justify the construction of
a broad guage road. His Interest In
the country was manifest In his of
fer to lease the N.-C.-O. with an op
tion to purchaso at the expiration
of tho lease. It was understood
that Levey Inquired, while la Al
turas. about the grade which he
could get from Lakevlew to Bend,
Indicating an extension In case the
road Is purchased by him.
As to what will be the outcome of
the hearing Is entirely problemat
ical. It was suggested by Seth
Mann, however. In a conversation
with, one of the Lakevlew delega
tion .that when the matter came be
fore the Interstate commeroe-com
mission It would be compromised,
and cither the N.-C.-O. would be
taken over u' e of Its connec
tions or there would be an adjust
ment, of ratet which would permit
It to operate. In any lustance, It
was Mann's 'opinion that Lakevlew
would at least have Its present
transportation facilities with a pos
sible great Improvement.
Tho chamber of commerce has
been complimented upon the show
ing it made at the hearing, which
was brought about by a genuine
community interest In the matter
of transportation. Thus far the
work has been well done, It Is
thought, but It has not been com
pleted, and In the interest of tho
entire community It Is necessary the
Lake County chamber of commerce
should work out a definite program
ot action which will nld develop
ment nml quicken the coming ot
satisfactory transportation.
I). O. Wllllam.s was a passenger on
this mornings train for Portland
where he will look nfter business In
A. F. Salficky loft this morning
for Portland where he was called by
the death of his father In that city,
Mrs. A. C, Tnpscott, who has been
111 nt her home nt Pelican City for
f-fconto time left for Santa llarbnnt
this morning. She was accompanied
by her mother. lu has been with
her for tho past two months.
iMr nud Mrs. II. W. Tower are htis.
luess visitors In this city from their
homo nt Kvno. ,
Miss Huth Lindsay, bookkeeper at
thn First National bank. Is III at her
home with tonsllltls.
d'aul 11. .McKce, vice president and
general manager of the California
Oregon Power rompanr l.s registered
at thn White Pelican hotel from
Medford. together with C. K. Illeo
and T. 0. ilradley, officials of the
company. I
Miss Mary Walker, who has been
employed until recently at the Wo
man's store, left for her home In Ash
land this morning. She was accom
panied by Mrs. 0, Urown ot tbLs city.
,L. C. Smith and F. II. Hutto. both
ot the Klamath Agency are registered
at tho Hall.
Mr. and Mrs, Marlon Nino returned
last night from San Frinclsco where
they spent the past two weeks on a
business and pleasure trip.
Mrs. (Jeorge Harden Is registered
at the Hall from her homo in Chllo
Mr. and Mrs.' G. E. Histop and
family aro recent arrivals here (rom
Portland. They aro registered a the
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Shepherd left
this morning for Roseburg where
they will visit with Mrs. Shepherd's
parents for about three weeks or a
Mrs, Clarence Alva Miller and lit
tle daughter Alva Lou of Portland
are the house guosts ot Mr. and Mr.
Jack Slater. Mrs. Miller Is a sister
of Mrs. Slater and will bo remember
ed by her friends here at Miss Lula
Mrs. Miller and mother, Mrs. Nora
K. Hagen will return to their home In
about two weeks.
R0ARDHH8 WANTKI) Home cook
ingRate reasonable. G22 Klam
ath Ave. -M
FOR RNNTModern furnished nnd
unfurnished apts. Winters' llldg.
Auto cars good as new.
I Scrips llooth, t passenger,
I7U0.00. now 1400.00. .
I Oakland, ti passenger. 1500.00
now 11100.00. . '
1 Dug, Chalmers, f!50.00. now
I tort truck, $ 100.00 now
Obliged to spawn with luy little
hatchet. See DU'k, 340 llroart SI 7-11
Sportsmen to Meet in
Portland on March 15
rOiVGHr-Bcnefit Timber Workers
Local No. 188
Warren Kerrigan in
"The Joyous Liar"
Everybody Come. Lots of Good Vaudeville and
Excellent Picture Program
t and Good Comedy s
also Several Acts of Good Vaudeville ,
Entire Receipts go to Local 188
Special Matinee Wednesday at 2 o'clock
v also Entire New Show Wednesday
Two Shows at Night, 6:30, 8:30
Matinee at 2 o'clock
Admission, 10c and 20c
PORTLAND, March 7. Repre
sentatives of Oregon sportsmen's
organizations will meet here March
13 to dlscuts fish and game laws
and tlife preparation of a definite
program to Improve hunting condi
tions In the state. The proposed
federal law, Intended to Impose a
tax ot 11 on hunters In the United
States, In addition to any state or
local tax, also wilt be discussed.
Equity lino
The First National Rank of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, a corporation,
Plaintiff, ,
Fred M. Gordon, Defendant.
To Fred M. Oordon, Defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby required to appear
nnd answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
court and suit on or before Thursday
the 20th day ot April. 1923, and If
you fall so to answer, for want mere
of, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in its
said complaint, to wit:
il. For Judgment against you for
the sum of f 300 with Interest at the
rate ot 8 per cent per annum from
May i, 1920, attorney' fees In the
sum of $1.00, and.plalntlff's coBts and
disbursements herein:
2. That the nsual decree be made
for the sale of the following describ
ed premises belonging to you, to wlt:i
Southwest quarter of nortneasi
flnatrer of section 32, township 40
south, range 12 East of Willamette
Meridian, In Klamath County, Ore
gon, which you mortgaged to plaintiff to
secure the payment of the sums
nbove mentioned; that the proceeds
of said sale be applied in payment of
the amount due' plaintiff, and that
you. and all persons claiming under
you, subsequent to thn execution of
said mortgage, to wit, nay 4, ivzy,
be barred and foreclosed of all rights,
claim, or equity of redemption In
said premises and every part there
of, and that plaintiff may have judg
ment and execution against you for
any .deficiency which may remain
after so applying all the proceeds of
the safe of said premises properly
applicable to the satisfaction of said
Judgment. ,
,3, That plaintiff have such other
or further relief as to the court may
seem meet and equitable In the
This summons Is served on you by
nubllcatton thereof for a period of
six consecutive and successive weeks
(7 Insertions) pursuant to an order
therefor duly made and entered by
Ifon. C. F. Stone, judge of suld court,
which said order Is dated aiurcn i,
1S22. the date of the flMt publica
tion hereof being March 7. 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, whoso busi
ness and post onice aaaress is
American Natjonal Bank Rldg,,
Klamath Fall, Oregon.
M 7,14,21,28, Apr. 4,11,18 i
Rain or snow, I nmon the Job
with u smile. So If you want garbage
hauled please call 40fJ. t'i it. tirovp.
FOR ItRKT Modern furnished nnd
unfurnished apts. Winters' llldg.
Three Durham, two fresh, one to
freshen soon. One llolstnlli, mllklnn.
All four nt a bargain for rash.
Also 12, head Well-bred llotstoln
cows, noine fresh, othnrs lo freshen.
Terms tn right party. J, N. Itrumhnll,
1'hone I4!J. 7
FOR RKNT Two and II room furn
ished apartments. 410 tilth Ht. Tel.
342W. 7-0
RBNO, Ner., March il. Divorces
and, marriages In. Reno have nIiowii
b heavy decline In tln first two
months of Out year, compared with;
thn same period In 1931. In Jan
uary of thl year 43 divorce suits
iWire filed and 30 marriage licenses
I were issued, compared with Kt ill-
Torre filings and 40 inftrrtago li
censes In January, 1921.
February of thU year recorded
07 divorce filings and 20 tuarrlagn
'Good young steer meat.
Hottlcd milk, 8c quart.
Whipping cream, Sc, 4 pint.
A-l potatoes, $2.70.
(lood eating apples.
l'ubllc Market, Otis A Klamath. 7-1 1 . U(clm anst ll divorce tilings
"VHI trade a tj ton Oary truck for1 "' -9 marriage licenses for the
home or Income property and furnish same period In 1921.
work. K U. framblltt, l'ubllc market. According to tho records of the
office of the county clerk, tho di
vorce filing, are tho lowest for sev
eral years. .
' m
Thn word "thought" In tht sev
enteenth century meant anxiety n
Intense that It amounted to nit-gulnh.
WiANTKlv Work, millwright or car.
penter, Address llox O. Herald of
fice. . 7-9
FOR SAUK Several good building
dots at prices to suit the times.
Close to band. All bargains. See Dick,
Q UrosJ street. 7-11
I ' mil C8T 'n(09 I'MWmI
A new "wlrelei" direction find
er Is stated to unable u pilot lo
steer a chip without the guidance
ot sun or lighthouse.
Thro hundred tons of C3al n day
nre consumed by thn power M.ttlim
tint supplies rlectrlclty fir tlio
London underground rallwnr.
This Store Reflects the Spirit of Spring
"Coat Day" in the Garment Store
Uoitnaj lb New 8on's .Curmt Motkw m C'ois . -
ror itport, Hlrtwt ami Praia Wrar. IHm't Fall tn View
This Noteworthy KUilblt
Whether you 'are ready lo select your now Coat or not It will bn to your ad
vantage to see tho new garments ou dlsplsy at this stole. Our stocks urn now
practically complete, alfordlng wldr range fur choosing In all the smartest tnodei
of the spring sesson. Costs developed In Cimclhslr. (leroni, llnllvla and Tweed
materials In a wealth of beautiful colorings that are so characteristic of the now
apparel. Drey loose Costs. Cape Coats, lielted Coats, etc., In many variation of
the node. I'rired f I0.SO to fSO.mi.
'Featuring Smart Models in
New Spring Coats
At a Popular Price v ri ' .
.tov.- A I
ift l V
A J In
i ' 1
Tho superb styling ot these garments and the unusually good msterljls used in
, their making suggest a much higher price Certain It Is, the values urc far better
than are to be fonnd In. the usual mo nf garments at twenty-flvn dollars. Hut
don't take our word for It. Come In and seo thrm with your own eyes.
- Velour, Chinchilla, Tweed
and other desirable materials. Coats designed fspeclally for sport ttnd motor wntr
In plaited, gathered and belted effects also more dressy nyl. Homn nlth
tailored collars, others with scarf collars. Raglan or wide sleeves. Mutiy nrn
trimmed with largo buttons. All the newest Spring colors. $?
Extra values at .. . -, -- .. . a&O
Spring Fashions for Juniors
Smart Dashing Becoming
Mother and-daughter alike 'will -bo Interested In this show
ing of youthful apparel, for It gives a comprehensive Idea of
jnst what-the younger set will wear the ceming: season, ' Every
garment bear, tho stamp, of Individuality and rare good, quality.
The New. Coats
Alt the favored modes ot the season may be seen in this dis
play. Coats for sport and dress wear In blouse, belted, gath
ered and, plaited styles. Of velour, chinchilla, tweed, covert,
basket cloth and other materials. Alio the new spring capes,
Priced at SI 3.30 up to S87.00.
The New Suits
, Exceedingly smart Bulla ror glHi'14 to 20. -Model for sport
and street wear developed In trlcotlnu and tweed materials,
llox, semi-box, tailored and flare effects; ffcM.78 to S3U.50
DlraUy.7. org'andlo and pcrn
geo'Bloases -Inislreu 34 to 46.
Many .de1lgbtfnl, stylos t0 n
lect 'Irom.- All the leading
colon, ' .'-'. WJJO to SU.75
For school and sport wear
new wool Sweaters In tux
edo and belted effects. Urown,
green, 'buff, navy and black.
Moderately priced to 93.75
New Middies
airls," and Misses' Middy
Uloue, of tlahael and gala
tea. White, scarlet and uavy.
Large sailor collars. The
prices range from SI.75 up to
S5.90. ., mm.,m;UlMMU
1 '
New Dreties
for Juniors
by far the largest and most
attractive showing, of dresses
tbe -Junior Bhop has had
awaits your Inspection. Love
ly frockn (or all occasions tn
all the season?! newest modes,
.Taffeta; 'Crepe Ue Chine, Crepe
Knit, I'ongoe, Trtcoletto, Can
ton Crepe, Tricollne, Tolret
Twill and tweed materials In
the soason'H most attractive
colorings. See theso new
frocks. Prices range' from
flfl.7 up, a
At Last, a Lightly Boned
Corset for Stout Figures
Stout women will, find gratifying news in thia
Modart design had given them a new scries of
models that are as lightly boned and pliant as
those worn by the women of thcraverago figure.
These new Modarts give even a better effect
than the heavily boned, stiff corsets you may
have felt it was necessary for you to purchase
in the past.
Modart Corsets
Front Laced
They are. ounces lighter than anyA, corsets you
have ever seen; yet so scientifically' designed
that they support the figure perfectly, bringing
out the wearer's graceful lines to the utmost
advantage. w H,1J( im0i
Stout women will find' in these new,1 Modtrta
the comfort and style they baveyearpefcry
desired. x ' '
Let one of our expert corsctiere.a;.domonstrate
this to you. . "' ' , '
C l(
Read Our Ad in Friday's Paper
'" .ff'
J tx
' -J