The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 07, 1922, Image 1

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aftfc Itunmg Iterato
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I'Allt, niMtll WlCHTKItLV
Member of thfe Associated Press.
i I. Ill JHUIII!)
J ' .L"l. I
Klftrrnlh Veer. No. fllKM
Seven Hundred Men Re
ported to Have Walked
Out This Morning
"' lly AMMtrlalnl I!""
Wd.'KD, (.'!., March 7. All loml
plants of the Weed Lumber loinpatiy
am tlril up by a strike dun to the
company refusing to altor the nnw
sihedulo n( hour and wnrkliiK
illlKina effective March I. J. M
Whit, manager, said "no men were
Information that the, Weed plant"
were closed this uiorulng through a
striae of virtually nil employe was
received throuth a telephone mes
sage thin morning. Thn menage
staled that approximately R.'.O niru
were nut. Thn decision to strike wag
rearhrd at a special meeting at Weed
lant night whan a vote wan taken.
IUimM fr l'Mmon of ton tract
I'rtwannl to City
Tho Htrahoru railway problem
riimo before thn city rounrll laal
nl(ht whrn a pplltlon waa presented
Skins for an extension of time for
construction of thn Oregon-California
A fUittrn railway to Hprague rlrpr
Thn petition waa referred to tha city
attorney, anil to a coiummee com
posed of Councllmru Want, Hmllh and
Under amagreemenl dated Mar 5.
lflt Htraborn entered Into agree
ment wJlh'tbe rltr o build tin road
within three jearr. The politico
atatra that "oVog to tack of Judicial
Interpretation ol thn transforation
art,"'!! Work Baa been delayed, hut
that "II now upprar that rccrat
court decisions mill enable ald rati,
way company 10 couiplrtn financial
arrangement." An ritcnrJon until
May 29, 1133 wan requested.
Coutrnrt for the city printing was
awarded thn Klanuth llecord which
submitted a lower bid thun thn Krn
Ins llrrald. Cniinrltmun Hmlth point
ed out that the legality of tlip Klam
ath Itccofd waa undecided and advl
ed against thn award, but wai over,
ruled thrnuih Couneilmen Vollinrr,
McCollum and llawklna costing afrtr.
uiatlra votes, Councllincn West and
Hmllh voted In the negative.
A report of thn military committed
re unintended that thn city proceed
with drainage of Hallroad addition
A'potltlon of It property owner
for cancellation of imvIiir Minn on
HUth, Hatcnth and If li;1i atrcrth wan
rofcrrnd to (bo atrcet couimlttro.
rermlta wern uranted to Cnfer
brother, to.nrect au electric hIcii over
tbo iua Noodlo rcMaurant and to
;ha. I.. Jenicn to rnnducl thu lul
loit apartintnti.
U'AHVINOTJN. 0- March t -Advoratlng
the ratification of thii
Four folrer 'rcaly without qualltlcr,
tlon, Bcnator Kellogg, of MlnncsoU.
told tho,aenat!ftoday that tha pact
waa.sq ffftafrpia entangling coinmll
mnnta' aa to'Kak'o rcnervatloiiM eotir-
ecu of utar t gumen truther thun ud
, m
WABIIIKOTON..!). C. March. 7.
Tbq Mcrfaff I hill appropriating
$35,0,0901000. for'lrrlgtllon 'd roc
tho aenitto-lrftga'tlon. committee to
Uy. ' N
Thi Cyclo-Jltorgnmraph at Under
wood'i PbargMtey reglatered n rUtog
pruaaurn thl looming, hut for ov
eral hour k remulned Ulrly con
atant.' Tha Indications ore fuvoruble
for clearing waather but freaky dl
lurhancta dficend upon iih with lit
lie warning. YeatertUy afternoon tbo
promurn (ell suddenly, after rlalng
nil morBlug.and tbU was followed by
the rtorm Tut night.
Forooaif for next 24 heurs:
generally fair, probably colder,
with variable wloda.
The Tycoa recording therrootueter
reglatered maximum and minimum
temperatures, tonny, nn follews:
, High,, ! ""
XiOlff) ..t. .... .,..4.l...,M. ........ i
itr.poiiT ih.'oi'hi'.m paid
T'Altlll, Miirrh 7. (Irrmmi
reparation- payment In rnnh In
kind iitul cessions of jitato prop
irl' up to last December .11 tot
nleil fl,U7,X:.n,0H0 In koIiI
marks, the reparations commis
sion reported today.
ThlHj.KUc TKnipIo) r of Pcnasjl
tattla Haali anil Door Fac
tory Jo oti Htrlke
(NmhUI to Tho lleralil)
DOttUIH, Calif., March 7 Km
plnyea of thn I'rnnaylvanla lnih
and Door rompuny at Macdonl, Hi
nr 40 In number, walked out
terdajr momliiR a few inlnutea at
tor beginning work. Their action
wan precipitated by announcement
of their employer to the effect that
it reduction In wage, had been
Aa thn I'cnniylranla company'
planing mill at Macdoel waa the
only lumber rulabllnhment In that
vicinity operating, thn atrlkn rlonea
down thn only Industrial activity
tlmrn. The aatiie condition riUta
at Dorrh, with thn two boa factor
lei Inactive.
(Nrtla to The lleralil)
(DOHttlH, Cal., March 7 -W. It.
Canterbury, prtfldent of thn Inter
national Timber Wurki-r'a Union, ad
ilreMed a public meeting hern yen
terday afternoon attended by prartl.
rally every timber worker In Uorrla
and a larrc detecatlon from Macdoel,
ua well aa numeroua cltltena not em
ployed In thn lumber Induitry.
Quoting ealleut facta from govern
ment atatltlca. Canterbury went
to rome lencth In hln endeavor to
clearly demonstrate with flgurea hta
contention that wage redurtlnni In
lb lumber Induitry at present are
Mardoel employes of the Pennsyl
vania Door and Hash company, who
struck yesterday morning, attended
thn meeting en'tiiasne. Following the
addresa by Canterbury numerous
workers were, enrolled In the Inter
national Timber Work cm' Union,
which In afflllatrd with tho Ameri
can Federation of lubor. Practically
every" orker who struck- locally has
bpcnttin a member of tlm union dur
ing the pan few dayn and thon from
Macdoel Joined yesterday.
'. of ('. Will Crgo Meeting If err In
llira lntmlon
A reprrscnlatlvn of the Mute pub
lic service rommlsnlon and another
from thn Htato flro mnrshara office
will bu asked by tho rhambnr of
commerce to bold u hearliiR hero at
tho varlli'sl possible date, relatlvo tu
Increased flro protection, according
to n decision reached at a meeting
of the board of directum today ulth
official of the city and tho Cal If or
til 11 Oregon Power company,
Mayor Wiley, Ion Kmnwalt. cliy
engineer, and W. U. Binltli, council
mnn represented the city. Paul II.
Mclvee, general inaiiaRer, C. K. Illee,
asslatunt general agent, nnd .1. C.
Ikiyln. division manager, wern tho
pownr company officials present.
7t problem hoforo tho meeting
waa prevontlon of Increased Innur
anco rules, npproxlmat,ely fixed at
'100,000 a ear by tho atuto flro mar
bhal'M officii.
Increased protection means un ad
dition to tho present water syntem.
Thn power company officials prom
ised utmost co-operation, and ex
pressed eoufldcnro that capital could
be vecurcd, provided an ndoquate ro
turn on tho Investment cun ho guar
anteed. ,l( wan roughly ostlmatcd timt
an iiunu'ul rovonuo of $20,000 annual
ly, would Justify the Investment.
Tha addition would mean tho In
stallation of approximately 40 blocks
of water uialus, on Conger, and
Klii math uvea u en, Fine, Waluut,
Rlxtb, Ulovcntb, Tenth an(l othor
It U hoped to get speedy hearing of
thn matter, und. If an agreement sat
isfactory to tho flro marshal nut! pub
lic service commission, la reached the
construction will bo completed this
MAnur.x nRPonT
rOnTI.AND. March 7. Mveatock
steady, eggs weak, butter Hlmuly.
'iWhOttt $1.35, to $1.31,
til MM
Compromise Bill Is Result
With Four Options and
Cash Provision
WAHIIINMTON, l. C. March 7.
A final iiKremni'iit on .1 rompro
mlxn bonus bill wnK rent bed today
by thn house ways and mentis com
mitted republicans, who authorized
Itepri'senliitlre Fordnpy to present
thn ineaiurn to the housw bofore
adjournment today.
As finally drawn tho lueastiri car
ried four options, wllli an ndili'd pro
vision for ImincJIato rush payment
for those es-evrvlrn men entitled to
not over f&o adjusteil service pay
No changes were mado In tbo rer
tlfrnto hank loan plan. Tho other
threo options are vocational training
and farm aid, and land rcttlement.
Representative Tordiioy pri'dlcted the
homo would pans tbo measure.
Gun nvn Aiilve llopll.. i;ffort of
I'ollii- Hint SiMliT-t
IlKtKAHT. March 7-amimeii
arc urthe here, despllo efforts of
the police und sbldlers. Ono man
was shot dead on Perry hill, and a
news dealer had part of his right
arm shot off.
I.IMEUICK. Jlltrch 7.-Tension
Is holng catisi'il hern by the pres
enco of threo dlKtlnct forces tha
llrltlsh tronpo, which have not yet
evacuated, and lh frev state repub
licans and member of tho Irish
republican nrmy. Tbo latter Invad
ed Limerick Sunday, commandeer
log hotels, nnd today occupying the
technical school.
l.VIMANAroLlrt. Ind, Manh 7.
The cross of the Commander of the
Legion of Honor, tho highest decora
tion within the power of France to
give, wilt soon be bestowed upon Na
tional Commander, llanford MacNId
rr of tho American Legion, according
to advices received from Mnrsbul
Focli. MarNlder who halls from Mn
son City, la., recently refused an ap
pointment to tho t'nlted States sen
ate to fill tho acancy caused by the
resignation of Senator Kcnyon of that
state. . , . fc-r
Dffoit lo HIpjiI ttinflOit With ,ld
of Ammonia Olin T I'ni-trnl-til
Aflrr Hnnl HtriiRKh
PITTflllUItU, March 7. Dressed
as n w'nmnii, nnd armed with a
water pistol loaded with nminonia,
a bandit fired fit Charles l.ataro, u
bank messPtiRer, who wos carrying
ir,,0D0, ns ho nllr.htpd from a
street car In the busy district here
today .
Kuzaro, although blinded, )i"ld
In thu satLhel ami grappleil with
tho bandit. Policemen swing the
struggle rescued l.ataro and ur
reitPil the bandit, who gnrq the
name of Joseph Lindsay.
Klglit Additional Are Drawn to He-
plnrr TIiomi KjcumiI
The following Jurors have been
notified to appear on .March 20- C.
V. Wnrren, A. II. Male, F. M. (iarlch,
W. F lllll, J. n. Autln. George Hog
elsteln, K. L. Itlghtmlre. J Frank
Adams,. A Wlckfttrom, M. J. Lyle.
Vlncenl Jelenlck, Oeorge Hlrnw'
bridge. B. L. Ilosley, Pearl Htlles, II,
J. Oordon, If. I. Dow, II M Daniels
and Homer Cabler.
In order to fill up the regular pan
el elRht additional Jurors wern drawn
jrterdny to take thn place of those
who had been excused, nnd have also
been notified to appear on March 20.
Th additional Jurors are, Otto Wob
bles. Plnkey narks. Floyd Cunning
ham, Charles n. Itcardsley, J. O.
Hamaker, B. L. Hopkins, J C. Smith
and T. J. Jackson. All special vcnlro
Jurors have been excused.
KANSAS CITV. March 7. Four
men were kll!ct nnd nine Injured
when a compressed air tank at the
Kansas Hallway company's barn
hern exploded today, tearing out a
brkk wall nnd derailing many can.
H. S. Heater has Relapse
Suffering With Bad Cold
Tho many rumors that were per
colating upstairs from the haie
meut or tbo high school yestimlay
thet the furnace was suffering n
sevcro relapse from Its cold of last
week, wcru confirmed this morning
by the cold radiators throughout
the building, which cavo amplo tes
timony that tho heating apparatus
wan laid up for repairs.
At noon iftlay tho extent of thu
damaKo could not he ascertained.
It was thought, howoror, that all
repairs could be mado In tlmo for
school Wednesday morning.
Action Follows Inclusion
of $15,000 Item in the
County Tax Rolls
Criminal action against Ilurrell
Short, Asa Fordyco and It. II. Hun
null of tho county court late yester
day was Instituted In the circuit court
by tho Htato of Oregon and Frank
Ward, as a taxpayer. In which de
mand was mnde that tho defendants
ho mado to show causn why they
should not be arrested for contempt
of court for Including In tbo present
lax lovy a 1 1 T. , 0 0 Item for comple
tion of n Jail In the Hot Springs'
An Injunction against Including
any sums for compltolon of tho Hot
Spring court house, granted De
cember 21, 1920, Is the alleged basis
for tho present action.
Plant lU-celrctt Order,,
O0H0 Indefinitely
No Immediate activity may bo ex
pected In tho box factory of the Orow
ers' Packing & Warehousing associa
tion, commonly termed tho Chelsea
plant, according to the following tel
egram today received by C. F. Sctxer,
local manager from II. S. Coykcndtll
of San Jose, general manager of the
"Owing to lack of orders close
down mill Indefinitely. Do what re
pairing nrecssary. May not operate
again for loino time "
Convicted Mnn lcave In
of Iepuly Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff C. C. Low left for
Salem this morning In chargo of W.
A. Finch, who was recently sentenced
by Judgo Stono to serve three years
In the atato penitentiary.
Pneumonia yesterday morning
d.ilinci! tho live. of Orace, aged two
and one-half years, and Mary; nged
IS months, daughters of Mr. nnd Mrs.
J. J. Hay, who have been residing on
n ranch roven miles beyond Kir
since coming hero from Taromn three
weeks ago. Burial services wcro hold
at Whltlocl; chapel today.
LONDON, March 7. Lloyd
Ocorgo has deferred his resig
nation without any pledge as
to 'futnra action regarding tho
prcr.iiershlp, according to tho
most reliable Information. It
In commonly accepted that Ho
will retain leadership until
Irish legislation Is completed
and possibly until tha Ocnoa
conference, which he desires to
Hlaln Iteplnre) ftawdttst, Inctaxslac
Cost of Httm Prodncxlo
for Utility Concert
Cessation of work In tho local
box factories on account of the
strike has curtailed tho supply of
sawdust fuel for tho Central Heat
ing company's 'plant, and steam was
low In the radiators this morning.
It was explained from tho plant
that the company Is now burning
slab wood, which Is consumed rap-
Idly, and tho supply ran out during
tho "night. However, the condition
Is only temporary, It was said. The
slab supply Isjiutflclent tor a week
or so, thou "higher priced atove
wood must ho used. However, the
company 'anticipates no curtailment
of service, although tho cost of op
eration with blghprtced. fuel
will bo Increased.
Klamath's Fame Growinf
Epicures Make Rick Fiad
Pandora was the mythical penes
who turned loose all tbo troubles of
the world by opening tbo fabled box
In which tbey were confined, says
tho Oregon Journal. Ono of these
troubles was tha Pandora moth.
The Pandora mothr'emlerpUlai aim
pear about once every 20 years la
tho yellow plno region of Southern
Orogon and defollato many of tho
pine trees. Tho full grown caterpillar
crawls to tho ground, buries Itself
about an Inch below the surface and
goes Into the pupal or resting stage.
In this stage tho Itucct Is a reddish
brown object with a leathery cov
ering and filled with a yellowish
green albuminous fluid.
Now come tho tale that Is supposed
to tickle tho palates of real epicur
eans and creato disgust In tho mlnJs
of those who havo never beon trained
In the fine art of eating bugs.
A Grat Delicacy
Tho Indians have, long considered
the Pandora moth a great delicacy.
Bach 20 years, as tho cycle of moths
appear, they would dig tho pupao out
of tho ground, gather them Into
sacks and keep them ovor winter llko
It Is now tho cycle of tho Pandora
moth In Southern Oregon and on the
Klamnth nnd Modoc Indian reserva
tions wero great feasts last year when
tbo young bucks tasted for tho first
time the supremo delicacy. The young
Indians mado only one mistake They
prepared tho "food' according to tho
recipe furnished by their elders, but
failed to let It cool. In their eager
ness they dovoured the Pandoras hot.
and tho result was they nil becamo
A. J. Jaonlcke. Insect specialist for
tho forest servlco knew all about the
Pandora. Jaenlcko has a scientific
palato as well as a scientific mind. He
had studied tho llfo history and ha
bits of Pandora and ho wanted hut
ono thing moro to know how Pan
dora tasted a la Indian.
Kept to TlKmiselv
' Uut tho Indiana wcro sonsltlvo
about their Pandora banquets. So
many folk laughed at them about
oatlng eatcrplllura that they took no
chances on Inviting a white mnn to
dine with them. Jaonlcke, therefore,
bad to retort to surreptlous methods.
Ho dug up a score or moro of tbo
Padoras, started a flro IA the depths
of tho foresVand, following tho reclpo
of tho Indians, boiled them for n
halt hour, let them cool and then
ate them.
"The flavor resomhlos sugar pine
seeds or tho plnon nuts of com
merce," said Jaonlcke, "a pleasant
nnd rather mild, resinous flavor. The
contents of the shells are yellowish
cretin In color nnd have the- consist
ency of a thin custard. Tou wait un
til they get cold, then puncture a hole
In ono end and sip tho contents."
60 rich In flavor are the Pandoras, I
according to Jaenlcke, that an Indian
Further Correspondence I
Made Public by Dis
trict Attorney
Further correspondence between
District Attorney Brower and Oover
nor Oleott was given, out today by
tho former aa follews:
March 3, 19.
Honorable Den W. Oleott. Governor,
Balem, Oregon.
My dear Governer:
I do not flatter mysolf that ar re
cent communication, or I In any way,
had anything, to do with your a re
appointment 0f circuit Judge In this
dUtrlct .especially aa I afterwards
learned that you had made the ap
pointment before I wrote the letter.
However. I wish to express to you
my entire satisfaction with and ap
proval of your appointment, adding
that Sir. Stono Is one of two men I
had In mind as fitted for the re
sponsible position. 1
8incerely your,
(Bed) q.C. BflOWER,
District Attorney.
March 6th. 1921. (7:30 a. in.)
Honorable Don W. Oleott, Governor,
Salem, Oregon. ,
My dear Governer:
Ko senral civic conditions In this
Tour kind letter of recent date. In
reply to ray communication of tha
18th nit., relatlvo to "condition"
and appointment of circuit Judge
received late lart evening.
I note the gentle sarcasm of same
relative to "unable to eppe" and
"self-respect.; I am glad that yonr
excellency assumed I nave Intelli
gence enoigk to appreciate and not
Beieftewedy'lt.-'r'iX ', 1
Yes, I certainly shall keep right on
striving and striving for bettor eon
dltlcras not-wlth-standlng "the proud
contumely which patient morlt of the
unworthy take." For I hare the ap
proval of my own conscience and at
the present a growing active approval
of tbo better element of the people
of our county.
I often re-call many and many of
the sayings of Itooeevelt, among them
such as these:
"Th3 country haa a right to de
mand tho honest and efficient acrvlco
of every man In it, but especially of
every man who has had the advan
tago of rigid mental and moral train
"Wrong should be strenuously
and fearlessly denounced; evil prin
ciples and evil men should be con
demned." Speaking of one who haa had the
advantage of education, he says: "He
Is bound to havo a high Ideal and to
strive to reallio It, and yet ho most
raako up his mind that he will never
bo able to got the highest good, nnd
that he must devote himself with all
his energy to gottlng the best that
ho can."
Yes, I shall koop right on doing the
best I can; remembering aa "T. It."
says, that "the man deserving of
credit Is the man' who actually does
things, even though Imperfectly, and
notthe mau who confines himself to
talking about bow they ought to be
Sincerely and obediontly yours,
(Sgd) C. C. BROWEB.
District Attorney.
Commander Urge AU Mnmbent and
F.x-Servlce Men to Attend
Tho regular meeting ot the Amer
ican legion will be held In the le
gion headquarters thla evening.
Commander Fred Weaterteld has
Issued a request that all members
be present aa well ag ex-service aea
who are not members.
cannot eat more than a hundred at
time Jaenlcke consumod about SO at
bla solitary feed.
Pet Planned
Jaenlcke has written for a ship
ment ot the Pandoras, upon receipt
of which ho plans to glre a dinner
and Invite bis mart Intimate friend
to share the relish. The Pandoras
have not yet arrived, however, an
Jaenlcko la becoming inpatient, tvi
June 1 tha month when thsy'hatek
into moths, and when It near that
period they assy basest as asps'
table si a too-old f ,
'. H