The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 06, 1922, Image 1

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    ' 9
ionmuit w mji.miiav, r.wit
WHHT I'OllllfIN, sot Ho n,,
IN MHlTII ij.ihi' foil.
tiovn. Moiii:n,vir. 10 iiichii
r.OI'1Hi:ill.i WINDS
l'llminit 'ni, No, nun.i
District Attorney'! Letter
n . .. .. .
minus lauttic Keply
From Governor
A till between IHnirlrf At torrit-y
llrnwer nml Governor Olioit I re
vealed through tiiilillrutlmi In I 'oil
liiinl newspapers nf n letter wrltlitn
to tint governor tiy lln.wcr ut the
limn of Jiiilm, KukcuduH' tealglui.
lion, toifthrr wllli tlm rather caus
tic answer nf llm governor limner
complained of "liilnlerabl ' londl
lions here, tirrorillnc to tlm letter,
nxklng Hint tlm governor watch
lrp In wiMiliitliiK u rlrrillt JudRe
Tlm hint tliat Hiower would do well
In rclnn I contained In dm Rover
bnr's answer Tlm letters (nllow
I have repeatedly Informed you
Mint civic condition Iifik In llil
county am practically Intolerable In
in iiny respects, writer llrnwer I have
never receiver any particular sym
pathy from yoti In Mil respect Ymi
have u thrnre nnw In ito anmrlhliiR
At J II f t about tlm mninrul you are
likely to receive tllU letUr you will
bo acting upon matter which will
have mucli to ilo (or or again! ilio.r
who ure Jimt now trcuunuly Mrlvlng
for the betlnriilrnt of civic rniull
lions mul the saving of our young
piopln form llm drRradlllnn to wlikli
cures, unit I may jy hundreds, have
lirrn drifting hrruute of tint dam
lulilr conditions hentifnrn
In etlai, nhsp I might properly
ay tiurouraRnd to flint by those
whose duty has been In prevent thrni,
nnl who urn itoutitloily ut till mom.
tit plaiinlliK ! niri,llioroii5bli'n
Irrnrh thrnurhra In llmlr Uwli'inf
by Kturlnic tlm nppolntmrnt of
xillin lawn niun In tlm position nf
rlilrf urliltrr of tlila rninniuulty
I lire nf you In forcot old lime poll
lien ami 'walrh your top"
lorrrnor Olcott rpplli'd-
th'Uy In tinrrlnR your IrtlT nf
I'rbruiry 111 hut .i-rn dim to u ullKhl
ImlUpoiltlnn which kept um from tin
off tin (or a (nw ih)
I am lulrrlcd din-ply In what you
ry relative to tlm failure of oftlrluli
n( our rniinty In i-tiforrn tlm low
It Iiak lioru my Imprnwlon that thr
dUtrlrt uttornry of h iminly li
rlurcril with a lrfii uluiro of mirh
ii'iponilblllt)'. I rnufpiii I am nurprln
ril nl your ulnlrrnrnt, rnmliiK n It
doci from a ilUlrlrt nliorm-y. that tlm
lawn not only nro not Im-Iiir i-nforffd.
but that thrlr lolalom nrtually nn
cnrmi rRiil by llinmi wbn-m duty It I
to rnforrn llmiu.
It hi'piii to ino that when n pulillo
nfflrhl cmifr-HU'i Im In iinalilo to
rnpn wllh llm dilllci ImpoKPil upon
hlin, Im han but one rnurim In piiriun.
(or tlm bonrflt of llm count) unity nml
till nwu mill reaped.
An to thn nmlliT of llm circuit
jiulRinlitp, no doubt you by tlnm bavo
(ibnorvrd In tlm prwn my nppnlui
nmnt of C, K. Rlonn, n man whon
nlilllly, Integrity anil lioni'xly of pur
poio hold In Illicit 1'itoiMii,
ilrowor today italed that ho wo
perfectly willing lo pulillnh hln (ur
I her correnpondrnco with (tovornor
Olcotl, but (hit he wm tinablo to pro
luro the lttr (or publication to
day. Ha alil they would no Riven In
llm llorulil (or publication tomorrow.
hits rou IXH HKI.1)
A null han hrvn (Hud In (ho cir
cuit court by CornelliiH Klynn ugrnnul
Con Curlln und thn Klamath Mvo
lock MorlRugo l.oun rompuny (or
912(10 ullvtoit dltu iih compeiiMUllou
(or herding u baud of hIiucii ImlonK
InR to tbu dofondant, Con Curlln.
Too Klumuth Mvtinlock MorlRUKo
Loan company U mudu u defcndanl
In I ho milt through huvltii; koiuo in
lnrH In (ho hi)ei.
wiaiTHKU 1'iuniAmi.rriw
Tho liorontotrlo prumura Iiuh urlx
tin lo a point well within tho "fair
weuthor" ono, lhu CyeloHlornia
Krophat Uudorwood'd I'liurmucy rog
iNterlnK 1.05 ut (wo o'clock thin at
(urnoou. Foioctuit for noxt 24 heum:
Uenerully fair woutbur; cool, with
variable wind.
.The Tyco racordlnx Ihormomoter
reilntorod muxlmum und minimum
lumperultiroH, today, a (ollewa:
lllgli 3
, r-ow "
iUfi? iEuenttm Herald
r.i.KJiitn.iiT or hmoot
ami itniiov roa allium
im:ht (emmiitci: iHinrri:i
WASHINGTON, I) (', Mnrih
'! Conflicting opinion otcr
tin' eligibility of H.-rnit or Hmimt
niiii lleprem-iitiitlve I In r I oti Ki
nirvi mi Din iiIIIimI debt com
inline in defer rilinl iIitInIoii
mull Thursday A majority nf
llll Hllliculllllllllen Ill-Ill tlmm not
I m
l'iiiMinl I'hIU Iii Ili'i-eUi. HilpHirl
nf Mlimill)- .Mi'ImIkih; Tluri
Offi'i Saw l'itidlii
1'roinnttln flint uinnri' cn-alo n
"Miurln MionU rommliiHlon" to ml
Hint li-Kal dlfflnillli-n Involvi'il In
dlpmltloii of tlm KuviirniiH'iil wnr
built proii-rtlci In Alalumitviiml to
illnct iiln or li-ami of thn proji-ct
to prlvato tiitrn(M, wan I'mdo to
day by Chairman Kahn of tlm hoiiHn
military nffulr nun ml I too, hut full
i I to riTi-lm tlm xuppnrt of minor
ity timmlmrii of tlm rommltlri1,
wlilrh ban pi-nillur: lii-forn It thn
llili-i- offi-rn for thn propi-rlli' rr
ri-lvnl by tin KOnrnnn-nt.
Joint MrriliiR of C'tly Counrll nnd
I', of l roinnilttrri Wrtlnpulny
A Joint mrrtliiK ut lln city council
and u (oiiunlltri- of tin- ihambcr of
lommi-rrn wilt lie Imld In thn chim
brr too in Wliii-jiuy rvcnliiR whi-n
a pronr-nn louklnR to nnnr ri-llaf In
tin pavlni proRrJlii of tlm city will
In outlined
Thn council Ih rxpcrlcnclur: much
difficulty In KallHfylnR all the com
intttrra that hme ualti'd upon it
durliiK lhi lnl few week) imklnR (or imvliiR dL'trlcli. (or llm
council In reluctant in rrrute morn
dlntrlrtt wlmn thnrn already treated
are Ur behind In their pjynmntH and
tlm machinery to force collection
nceiiix lnaileiiinte i) meet the nlluu
It U reported tliut tlm rrmt of par
Inn Home of thn dlalrlctii the council
I belnr. poiltlnncd to form will ex
cecd tho ntneiuied valuation of the
property und It U (or thU remon that
the mertlliK U'cUnenluy nlRbl will ha
J A (Inrdnn, II. N Moo, IM Mar
tin and X. J. Vo)r, nre. memberi n(
tho commlllpo (mm thn rhambnr
which wilt meet with tho council, i.k.nt
vktim r i'vixmovh
Tho neVeii-moulliH-olil duiiRhler of
Mr und Mm. I.eo H. Friend uh.ioiI
luviiy nl 10 o'ltorkli.iturdny mornliiK
Tlm child whh u victim of pneumonia
mid wait III but a Hhort limn, uccnrd
Im; to Dr I.. (1. (iiini who w.ih tailed
In hut nliout nil hour lieforo death
occurred. Ilurlal will lake today
In tlm local cciimtnry.
He Borrowed Only $100
Now He Owe Trillions
BAN JOSt:, Cul., March 0. (leorRO
Joiieri, laborer, la undoubtedly, nnd
without urgument, tho world'a hard
link champion,
Twenty(lvu yours ago, buck In
189F, Joiiuh borrowed 1100 (rom Mm,
F. N. Stewart nnd agreed by noto to
puy 10 per cent Interest pur month,
compounded monthly.
Joiich later loft town and (orgol
all ubout tho dehf. I.iiat month Mrs.
Ktewart hroiiRht milt, to recover tho
money will) interest to duto. Jonci
toduy uppeured In court In umtwor to
tho uimmonn nnd admitted ho owed
tho money.
"I'm reudy to pay," Joiich told
Judgu J, It. Welch, "lluw much doea
It ioiiiu to?"
"Jiut a mlnuto, I'll work It out (or
you," h.i Id tho' Judge ,
(In Hot to work; uftor mi hour ho
hunt nut (or n firm of accountants,
who worked It nut with hlghor math
omatlcH, und utter two hours announ
ced tho sum.
Tho umoiint Jonea owed was 11104,
Tho court Is in a dllemna, Judg
ment for tho debt already having
been entered. Tho num. exceeding 303
trillions, la moro tbun all tho gold in
tho world, ull tho national dobtu and
all tho currency.
Jouoa earnii f 300 a mouth, k
Strike Said to Have Spread
to McCloud. With
30OMen Out
Teloplione (iimmunlrntloii with
llm Weed Lumber company nl
iibntit 'i o'lloik llilt iifleiunnii
verified the infiiriniitloii that tho
.McCloud workem urn out It wai
Nlali-d, however, thai Information
bad In en rerelvi-d nl Weed In tlm
offert that tlm .MiCluiid pluulH will
re-mum Timmlay ineriiliii: with
whatever iih'u ran bo ohtalne.l mi
ller the tmw Ill-hour ncaln. Tin
calii llmrn lit uiidi-riituod lo Im vir
tually llm naiiin nl Weed, with n
wane nit nmuiiiitliiR to npprntl-
tnulely lu per cent It believed
them have been about ,tuu men
limpid)! d ut Mi Cloud. Tlm box
factory, pIuiiIiir mill and yard havn
been operated, but tlm huwiiiIIIh had
nut teaumed (or tlm xeanun. '.u
pi oyer,, couleml that under tlm 10
hour day t-mplo)ei earn ubout IS
per crni moro tbun under thu old
Lumber workem of tho McCloud
dlitrlct In Northern California lime
walked out and tlm Induatry li at u
lUiitlntlll, MCcordliiK lo I'reiddent
Itay It. Canterbury of tho Timber
Workc.rn' union
Al it meetliiR of ihti Timber Work
era' union In Scandinavian hall e
tcrduy It waa derided not In grant
the request of tlm Ou-an Hay Lum
ber company of -San Fr.inrUcn (or u
crew of men to toad (or idilpmeiit
lumber from tbu lllr
Lakes Lumber company. It was un -
001 11) SOUTH
derstood Hie vlghl-hoiir day was of ''.'eiiinK anii.Aiiiencani.m. oi
fored for the period of the Job. The!1" 1,,K H'o '' orRanlrallon
iterlnloii wus rem bed ufler mi Inves
tigation b) union heuds, who con
cluded Ihat Rriinting tho request
would be Inadv liable.
It waa ugreed however tn permit
men tn work as watchmen, firemen,
or other essential work, providing
thn eight-hour duy Is observed. A de
cision was reached against permitting
mi'iubcr to work us carpenters ut
tho Kl.imulhl.uinln r K Hot torn
pany plant
I'retldeut C.nuii'rbury left this
morning for Morris, expecting to re
turn hen this evening
i.KSTi.ii ;oix -.vitii iMiiMii:
M, !l. I.enter. well known In local
automobile clnles, on Miirch I, ac
cepted the position iih sales
for II. K Wnkeflii'd, Hodge tleuler
l.ettur predlitH u prmperous Mason
I Rise ih ) , t -r
GgAlH " f
ktxc?1?- CV DftcC -- 1 i rylta"
Member of the Associated Press.
I'ALLH, OltKfiO.V. .MO.l.l, M.ll( (I, Ittatf
Eternal Triangle Again
Dire Tragedy ! Rciult
'I hi Im thn lain of u tragedy In
tlm teinphoni) nffiie, Invnlvlni:.
Jiuneii l.ylln, 13. T. I.lldden, Win
llek mid (llcnn Hunter, rlvaluiK.
1 1n niont notorious Hollywood nf
fiilrn. mid riKilltlnr. Ill tlm death of
.lumen l,)tln nt thn h.inda of Mr
When llm office, wua opened
iirdny morntni:, l.yllu vim found
ntlff ami ntnrlt, und bearliiK markn
of :i bloody eniouuter. Heck waa
(ireaiut but exhibited Utile (on'i-rn
over Ike affair. I'rlenihi laid the
body out mi thn ilnHk of Mra. I
Wyr.anl, with an upproprl-ito nolo
readlm;, "Jlmmle, tlm poor sucker,
he died."
I'l-rbupH Jlmmln will turn over
In bla fltby' crnvn for lit I or called
a Milker, (or Im wna n Rotdflah,
und, ti rat II thu tragedy, awatn peace
fully In a,, bowl loRelher with
his btother ROldtlah, Win Heck, I!
T. I.uddeii mid (llcnn Hunter.
The theory waa advanced that
perbnpa om of llm other ahould
have been named "Nellie" or
"Mary," which would account (or
tlm trouble.
ItrpM'tenlntlto nf lial ltttlon H
Ktudy IOcal Hit mil Ion
W. II. Flligerald of Portland, ed
itor of thn Four I Hultctln, offi
cial orRau of the l.oynl leRlon of
I.oRRCr and Lumbermen, arrived
hero yeitorday to mako a personal
InveMlnatlon fl( the lumber Industry
and thn strike, sltuutlon In this dis
trict. Ho W.III confer with tho mill
owner and union chief,, to obtain
both tides of thu question.
Tlm Loyal Leklon of LoRROrs and
Lumbermen It a northwest organl
zatloti founded by the Rovcrnmcnt
durliiK tha wurilor the purposo of
promutliiK patriotism iimong work
""on nml ,m-'l(" ' u "" ,0
was continued with a board of ill
rectors lompused of 1J employer
und I 'J employe members, two (rom
each of the 12 districts. Uphold
ing Ihe eight-hour duy Is tho prin
cipal pur pone of tlm organization.
Fitzgerald say a tho legion repre
sents u largo portion of tho north
west lumber Industry und that all
members are dedicated to the eight
hour day Tlm various district,, are
controlled, be sa, by u board of
eight director!, half of whom are
workers and half employes. Ques
tions affecting any one district
come before this board. Thus
should labor or other trouble arise,
both side,, have equal voice In Ihe
Fitzgerald says un attempt will
Im mtido to organize the legion
hero during tlm strike. i
Resolution Adopted Aikinrj
Effect on Lansing
Ishii Agreement
WAHIIINOTON, I). C, Mirrh 0.
A resolution -inking I'lesldent
llnnlliii: what t-fficl ratification of
thn fourpoH-er I'aclflc treaty will
have on tlm Lansing-Ishil aKrei
merit between thn United State
ami Japan, waa adopted today by a
RPti.itn raiolutlon, preierite( by Sen
ator llornh, und was nRre'-d tn
without roll tall after u short de
bate, In which Senator Undorwood,
Alabama, n member of thn Amer
ican anno delegation, declared that
in his opinion "that tlm agreement
would bn wiped out entirely by n
erl of confen'nen Irentles."
Thero la no "alliance" In tho
four-pnwrr Paclfli treaty nor any
obligation lo tiso force, Senator
Now, Indiana, republican member
of tho senate foreign relations com
mittee, declared today In opening
thn M-nato discussion of tho treaty
on behalf of tho administration.
Replying tn criticism, Now, who Is
a dose friend of Harding, declared
thu (ourpowor treaty gavo safe
guards (or peace t0 tho United
Stati-, and did not Impair Amer
ican aoverelanty.
Comparing treaties vrlth tho
league of nations, he said Iho treaty
wis "co-opcratlvc," while the
league was "drastic 'and compul
sory "
Senators tloldnson of Arkansas
and Ilrnndegeu of Connecticut sug
gested the four-power treaty con
tented only the Pacific Islands,
while thn l-inslni;-Ishll agreement
dealt with China.
Citizens of Merrill Would Obtain
I'nrole I'l-iuu (iowntor
ClUlzens of Merrill today nre cir
culating a petition to (iovernor Olcott
for the parolo of W. A. Finch, sen
tenced by Judge Stone Saturday to
ervo three years In thn statu peni
tentiary. Tho petition states that tho facts
of tlm t-.iso do not warrant thu sen
enco Imposed und on Unit ground u
stay of eu-cutloii Is requested . A
lurgo number of hlgner.-t wero ob
tained, It was reported.
HI'ltl'ltlHi: HI'ltl'.Vff IN
oiti:cH.i.vwiii:v itntcii
LOS AN(lKLi:H, March C
Thn proierullnn sprung n sur
prim on Arthur C. Ilurch, Joint-
ly Indicted with Mrs. Oben-
chain on ii chnrge of murdering
J Helton Kennedy, by calling
him to thn witness stand today
In the Obenrlmln trial. Wlmn
asked questions Ilurch rc-tused
to answer until ho could bo ml
vised by counsel
Officer of I'oucr Company to Pre
sent lleport for Additional
Water Main
Paul II McKee. vice president and
general manager, C. I. liter, assist
ant general agent, and J. C. noyle,
division manager of thn California
Oregon Power company will bo proa
ent at thn chamber of commerce,
bnard of directors' meeting tomorrow
noon lo report on tho proposed addi
tional water mains for this city.
It was proposed to Increaso the
water supply of tho city at tho In
stance of tho sta'te flro marshall, who
pointed out thn need for additional
facilities hero as flro protection. It
was shown that $60,000 In flro In
surance rates could be saved through
certain Improvements.
The plan has been under consider
ation for some time, and a complete
report will be presented at tho meet
ICIoiiuttli nivcP Is Only Ht
County to Ilrmaha Ope
According to L. J. Dean, secretary
of the Klamath Sportsmcn'i associa
tion, the fishing season Is now closed
In all streams and lake In. district
No. 2, except thoso stream .affected
by tldo water, and as" thoKlamatti
rlrcr Is the only stream In Klamath
county that Is affected by tldo water
tho remainder of the streams are
According to tho government maps
tho Klamath river begins at tho lower
er end of Iako Kwauna, and does
not Include Link river, the upper
Klamath Lake or any tributaries to
tho lake.
Tho closed season for fishing In
district No, 2., Is Dec. 1 to Ap
ril 15. and until such tlmo that tho
Fish and Came Commission adver
tises tho change that was suggested
at tho meeting with Iho stato game
warden tho season remains tho same
iu the law now reads.
K. M. Itubb Ciudiler of American
Nutlonul lit Suct-tiNl Wlmberly
At n recent meeting of tho Hoard
of Directors of thn American Nation
al bank K. M. Hubb wus elected cash
ler to succeed O. V. WJmberly who
has resigned to accept n position as
stato bank examiner.
Tho bank has also recently added
two new employes to Its force, Dola
M. Clemens, who was formerly with
tho Kwaunt Dux company, having ac
cepted a position there.
Stuart S, lleckor, who has also ac
cepted a position with tho American
Nulloanl, comes hero from tho First
National bank of San Francisco, Ho
was accompanied by his wife, and
they are temporarily located ut tho
Hall hotel.
Kxperts Diametrically Opposed In
Opinions of Ciisb lu Mritniii
LONDON, March C Within 24 or.
at most -IS hours tho world will know
wbethor Lloyd George has decided to
resign as chief of tho Dritlsh coali
tion government.
Experts toduy woro dlamoterically
opposed In thejr opinion of how tho
crisis stood us a result of week end
conferences. Somo declared tho out
look for a coutlnuanco of tho coali
tion was improved and oncouraged
the belief that tho premier would not
Wealgu. Others declared all signs
pointed to his retirement.
Uy a closo vote tho house today re
fused to pass a bill authorising ap
propriation of 91,000,000 for pur
chase of seed grain to be used In tho
drought strlelien areas of the Northwest,
'BYfHtf .
1'iucm nvR cmn
Illinois Chief Executive in
Court' for First Time
in History
WAUKEOAN, III., March 8. For
tho first tlmo In tho history nf Illi
nois, its chief exccutlvn wont oa
trial during hli term of offlct lu
tho court bouso iiorn today, whin
dorernor Small appeared to ta'es
fraud charges.
Not alnco tho Impeachmont n4
removal of William Suiter from tat
governorship of New York In 1I1S
has iho governor or any Americas
stato faced charges ao swrloaa W
which have attracted tha wide
spread attention as thoso pNidlag
against Len SmlTl, 2Sth governor
of Illinois, and his fellow dofead
ants, Lieutenant Governor Fred B.
Sterling and Vernon Curtli, a bank
er of Grant Park, Illinois.
In IlllnoU' 104-yearsof atateaood
only two other governors have avtr
been Indicted white In office, and
In each of. the previous caaes the
court dismissed the charges with
out trial becauso of., their trivial
Although dovernor Small a4
Messrs. Curtis and Sterllag- are
charged jointly with conspiracy t
defraud the state through eaabes
clement of (und, (rom the state
treasury during tho terms of Small
and Curtis a atate treunrer,' oely
the governor will go on trial aero
Monday. Curtis, whose case ,wss
brought to Lake county from laa
garcea. .county with (hat of the gv
CTBc-r.-iras'granUd separate, trie!
by Justice Claire C. Edwards, pre
siding in flrcult court hero.v Lieu
tcnunt Gorernor Sterling did not
nk for a c!ungoor venue, and his
caso is still p-ndlng In tho Sanga
mon county circuit court at Spring
Originally (horo wero four In
dictments against Messrs. Small,
Sterling and Curtis, threo of which
Involved thu governor, hut only
ono -the crniplracy caso remains.
Ono Indictment, charging the
three defendants with embexillng
1700,000, wus quashed by Judge
Kdwurds becauso of technical er
rors. The court also quashed counts
In the conspiracy Indictment which
remains to bo tried .und a charge
of operating, a confidence game.
Tho Judgo then ordered tho gover
nor to trial on an Indictment charg
ing embezzlement of $600,000 dur
ing hU term as statu treasurer, but
tho stato objected to trying this
caso first, and when the Judge In
sisted C. Fred Mortimer, state's at
torney of Sangamon county, dis
missed tho Indictment.
Tho fourth ludlcttncnt, which was
never brought tu Waukegau, charg
ed Sterling with embezzling $700,
000. The conspiracy Indictment charges
tho two formor treasurers with en
tering Into a conspiracy with Curtis
to defraud tho statu out of large
suing due It as Interest. Curtis
owned the charter of the Orsnt
Purk bank, a formor prlvato bank
lug Institution, which, the stste al
leges, "absolutely ceased to func
tion as a bank after 1908," Orant
Park is a town of fiOO population
In Kankakeo, a few miles from Gov
ernor Small's homo.
The battery of lawyors for both
Hides Is one of tho largest ever as
sembled In the historic old Lake
county court room.
The defenso Is expected to wage
an attack on the constitutionality
of tho state treasurer's act of 1101.
which required the treasurer lo
place slate funds In the bank pay
ing tho highest rate of interest.
Tho act, tho defense clslmsd Is
I preliminary arguments, Is uncon
stitutional becauso It wsa Improp
erly passod and because It com
bines two subjects under one title,
provision having also boon made by
tho law for an appropriation to pay
for bonds of the state tressursr
and his assistants.
WASHINGTON, D. C, March t.
Dr, Hubert Work today assumed the
office of postmaster general, sue
cdtjdlng Will Hays, resigned.