The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 25, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    v !- UMliltiHKirill'liuiii'irtM'ilitiivmkWwd
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NATi'nn.ty, fkhrpahy ha, tua ,
Page Four
The Lumber Industry
Bam! Ledoux Goes Down for the Count
ifdotHitv'i' i"- v j-:s
Production It Only 10
Per Cent Below Normal
over-sea clearances 13. 237.3 41
fori. Hall shipments nuiounlcil to
1.28S cars.
uniiTi.AMti v.h nit nn. imn. I unruled domestic enrco order
dred and tlilrty-ntx' mill reporting 'o' S.T3.008 feet, nnd unfilled
export onier. ai.isii.nsa reel un
filled rail order tolnl 4,5(56 car
loads. !'
to West Count Lumbermen's nsso
rlallnn for Ihr week ending Fchru
nry 18li, manufactured 79.U4.189
feel ot lumber; nld 69,575 625
feel, and shlppod 69 783,604 feet.
Production wa only 10 per cent
" helnw .normal. Now lmlne was
12 per rent helow production. Ship
incuts n n it now tiuslne practically
rnnccl each other for the, week.
' Thirty-tour per cent of nil new!
business tnklnB during the week
wns for future delivery by water.
Thfs-nmounted to 2.1,5fir..r.25 feet,
of which 11,143,122 feet will more
coaitwlic and IntorcoitalA and 12,
172,403 feet will more export. New
business for delivery by 'rail
amounted to 1,533 carloads.
Forly-flvo per cent of the week,'
lumber shipments moved by water.
This amounted to 31,143,604 feet,
of which tho domestic clearance ac
counted for 17,!06,263 feet, and
Kim: uksthovk i.vmiikii
v.u.vkh at
11ROOKI.YN. 111 , Fob. 25 Klre
breaking out early Thursday In the
lumber yards of tho Cain-Hurley
Lumber company destroyed fi.000,
000 feet of lumber and four build
ItiRi, with n total damace estimated
a hlfih as $200,000. Firemen were
handicapped by Insufficient water
supply nnd the stronR northwest
wind. The loss probably will be
covered by Insurance.
ritAXK s, iost. iii:iik
Frank S. l'ost, Jr., associated with
A .K Kruso In tho lumber business
bore. Is rcRlstered at the White Pell
can hotel from Portland.
IHIHLBf1. bbbbbbV I
bbbbVIbV JsHVLViPsV ry!.t Iibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!
bbbbbbbs r VsBLPIbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwi -. vn j i 1
sbbbbbbbW:' 1 yBV VV
Alk v laJlfliUHviLiiiiir J bbbbbbK
The One Way to Succeed
18 tO
Be Successful '
Cviqul In tho Rant at t'atls fur tho rl)Wvlht ihaiuplonshlp of Franc.
Photo show LojiMii trytnit to ft ui after the rvfrrwi hod counted tn.
mornlnR for Portland to confer with.F0lt SM.n -Seioral . 1 rcsldenco
lunkers there rcRuntlng ntfniM of in, " 'l,' to baud Will sserl
First State and SaUnK, bank ... ex-1 "ft T'Z'
poets to return weuiiesiiay or Tiiur : nirL. lmo iirn.ui -si :.
Chiloquin Win From
Klamath in Rough Game
In rough-hou'e. basket bat. Rime
at Chiloquin last nlaht. In which the
Chiloquin town team had all the best
of It during the first p-rlod. the
Klamath County high school five was
defeated by a score of 24 to 23.
II. Dlltstrom of the Agency arrived
hctwetn halve and referred the sec
ond half which then settled down In
to something llko a basket-hall came,
when tho already badly crippled
Klamath xpiad were able to hold
their own.
Charles Grove of The U nar
rowly escaped serious Injury In the
1)eKlnnlnR ot the game. Lie was
thrown agatnit a hoi tove In one
corner of the hall, badly burning hi
legs and hand.
The line-up:
K. C. II. 8. (23 Chiloquin (24)
drove (12) F Johnson (16)
Mill (4) F Hood (4)
Shrlver (7) C Hick (2)
Montgomery O Cartwrlght (2)
Hogue Q Silver
New Men in Majority
At Washington State
PULLMAN, Wash.. Feb, 25 New
men, yet undeveloped, probably will
be In the majority 0n the Washing
ton Stato college track team here
this year, a there are few star
from tho 1921 team back for work.
Track work started recently at
tho call of Assistant Coach Eldon
Jenne, a star of the Cougar team
for three year. The men are
working out In an Indoor training
hed. More than 30 aro on too
quad. ' - .
Men from last year' varsity
Bquad who are 'turning;' out ere:
Davi and' Herman, (printers;
Mauror, quarter mller; Michel and
Colo, half rollers; Row.eo and
Washburn, two mUers; Looml and
Fox, hurdlers; Roberta, high lump
er, and Hamilton nnd Loro on the
Tho freshman team ot last
year ban gome promlnlng material
which Is being counted on to build
up tho varsity. Hopkins, Al Davis,
Kcheyer and Sturdier should devel
op Into good two rullo men; Spraguo
and McLeod are good candidates In
the distances. Jhrlg Is fair ut hur
dle and Trow look promising us
u high Jumper. Illckey and "Truck"
Puvls will strengthen the weight
event material.
Mr. T. K, McDonald returned from
California last evening. Mrs. Mellon
alii has been spending the Inter
with her son, who is attending school
(Fred Raker, who has been In Port
land on buslne for the past two
weeks returned here last night. C.ip
tain J W. 8lrmen who accompanied
him to Portland will remain there tor
a short time.
I. Smith and family of Dorris are
registered at the Arcado hotel.
Mayor Wllty Is retorted to be con
fined to hhi home with the flu.
jMr. and Mm. Oeorge Strowbrldge
avo registered at tho Hall hotel from
their If) me In Chiloquin.
Wni. F. 11. Chaie Is a Ilonanza vis
itor here. lie I registered at the Hal.
Fred Kngllsh of the California Ore
gon Power company Is confined to
his home with the flu, according to
Word has been received here by
friends to the effect that MUs Jean
Perry, who Is attending college at
Kugene has had an attack of Influ
enza, but I again able to be about
the campus.
(Arthur Leavltt Is reported to be
seriously III at his homo on Conger
Avenue with the flu.
D. L. Moody who operutcs a ranch
near Malln spent the day here yes
terday buying supplies.
Rowland Cook who reside on the
Merrill road spent yesterday In this
city transacting business.
A. L. Marshall, n prominent farmer
residing near Olcne, transacted busi
ness hero yesterday.
W. F. Fruit of Merrill Isreglster
ed at the Halt hotel.
C. R. Wallos, deputy state hanking
superintendent, will leavo tomorrow
day. t
(leorgo Stcven'on, who ha spent
tho past three months with his par
ents In Kugene. returned here Usl
Dick, 210 St.
J.ick Cheihov and family moved
from the CarNon place to California
this week.
Mr nnd Mrs. Win. t'lipyno nnd
.Miss Mabel Crosby attended tho min
strel show In town Tuesday night
Mr .iml Mrs. Frank visited Thurs
day afternoon nt the homo of t'lia
K A. Schrelner I slowly recover
ing from hi. recent lllnes.
FOR UIINT One 3-room furnished
apt. Hath, hot and cold water.
Lee apts. 25-27
WOOD KOIt sai.i:
Dr limb and body wood. $'.i.0ev
po riord. Harry Furch, Tel. 342W.
Tho partnership heretofore exist
ing between J N tllvaii a nil J. W.
Siemens In the Cattle
comp.iti) has been terminated by the
purchaM by the undersigned of the
Mnteriwts if J. W Siemens
J N IHVAN 2.17
FOR SAI.K- lllg black con. fresh 111
Auguit. 4 utio brood sows. 2 Du-
roc and 2 Poland China 30 nloi ,
shoals. Jersey bull l months sin ,
gt Iiukbv and harnens good as nen .
II K ROVSi:. Mldlaud F 2.. M 3
Successful nicii invariably aio thrif
ty and saving. Many of them Htart
od in business with a fow hundred
dollnV.s saved from small salaries.
Don't you think a Hank Account
would be a nice thine; to own? If
so, why not open an account with
. I!f
"The Bank with over 4,200 Depositors"
Wt are getting In iihw lined cars
ery day Drop In and see them nnd
take adtantagu of the low prices or
1 1920 Dodge. J.ISO.OO.
1 1320 Dodge, $rto.i).
1 1917 llulck, 4 cylinder. I.'.oit on
1 1917 llulrk. 6 cylinder, $7il0.l'O
1 1920 llulck. C) Under. S0O Oft
1 191 S llulck C cylinder. Sedan.
.wo or ceLitsi:
The latest In new Iliiicks, In both
four und six cylinder models J tut
Klamath Ate., nt Tils.
F 2I-tf
FOR RKXT Warm three room
apartment. Milt Addition hall
Phone 239J. 23-25
FOR HALKr,:. acres all goo.l land
under cultivation. 40 acres In al
falfa, 9 miles south K F . on Merrill
road. Wrlto box 05. Herald. 25
FOR SALK Furnished threo room
house, with bath. A bargain. 120R
Pine street. 23-3
LOST Small song book of ginpel
hymns. Miss Ilramhall, Kellogg
Apu. 25
Divert Will Compete in
Championship Tourney
Diver from San Francisco, Oak
laud, Stockton and other cities of
this section are expected to com
pete in u diving championship tour
nament to f held next June In
Yosemlte vallfy, under the auspices
of Phil Patterson, wminlng di
rector) at Yosliulte lodge. Don
Hopper of Stockton, a' champion
plunger, will be one of the men en-
,wed- ItJfeUatftlf
Only Sixteen Frethmen
Turn Out at U. of Idaho
MOSCOW, Idaho, Feb. 85. Only
aliteen freshwn turned out tor
early track work at the University
of Idaho her recently, and, a a
mult, tb coaehea have appealed
to the data ijlrlt ot tke men, ak
Ing them ta get out In suit. Tke
freakaM have four eet, ached-
4BHJw sjr sssaTssiilisV- Tnr t77UBl
Look at Thit Sunday Show
Three Big Features A Big Western
Lester Cuneo in "Blue Blazes"
.Charlie Chaplin Comedy and Al Jennings
CcUnuou Hhpw Huuday Show starts 1, U, 5, 7, U 10c nnd UOc
Admission, 10c and 20c
A .1 Lmm y' WWmWm
mmmmmmmmW H M fH bbbbbbbI bbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW IbbbbbbbI
vsm mw
Tlie Thrte-Passenuer Roattsttr
N The Tuv-Paiutmr Coupi-Roudittr
Ideal for Two or Three
Studcbaker builds two attractive roadsters, each mounted on the
iturdy 40-horsepower LlGHT-SlX Chaiiia.
, Both cars are ideally suited to the requirements of the professional
or business man, or the small family.
The open Roadster seats three adults in perfect comfort, with
ample room for complete relaxation. The lines of the top har
. , monize with the graceful body. The wide doors with outside and
..'!. ... ' H ., ., inside door handles, permit easy entrance and exit. There is
SIS.'...; ...T:; ::.T. p16 IUBgagc pace under rcar deck-
RdBUiO-PM)!!!!!!! 1045 For a convenient, light, easily operated car of great economy,
cup.Rodsrft.Ps.). jJ75 there is no other three-passenger SIX on the market at or
"' anywhere near its price.
Special-Six '
5-W, U9'W. B., 50-H. p. The Coupe-Roadster, like the open roadster, is built complete by
b joo Studebaker. it is one of the most attractive enclosed cars of the
R'surypMs'i!!!!.' 1425 year and, at its price, has no competition. In materials and work
CettlU(4 PawT 2 Jo A manship it measures up to the highest standards of the industry.
i.. ...... '.'.'.'.'.'.','.'. 2JW Seats two passengers with plenty of leg room. -
to iJ'n u B Interior is upholstered in genuine leather. Windows are raised
2' ,, . .' ii'sS and lowered by simple automatic device. Equipment includes
TourW'-"""l!!!!i I7B5 cowl .ventilator, side coach lamps, thief-proof transmission leek,
d. i4.'P?' ItoS windshield wiper and clock.
' JPikm, g. i. Futtiu You cannot obtain greater intrinsic values at any price,
403 South Sixth. Phone 52-W
This ir a Studebaker Year
, .
"" '.,-'-, - i -i
! i
IV?. -
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