The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 25, 1922, Image 1

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    - j .
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ToiiIkIiI mill Hiiiuluy, ilinidy: lulu
In went portion of Ml it t tt.
ituimitm Iterato
Member of the Associated Press.
I - U " . ' '
llfiKiiili Viiir. '. MsaM
KLAMA'III I'ALLS, OltCOOS, HATI ltlA , I'Lltlll lt ii."., lll'J
wucm pivr CRirrs 4
nn k-m abiii-b-i
niu rniHtii :
TO MM CO. ii
- !
First Bonds to Be Issued
With Completion of
Technical Details
f Htutn iiinl federal riiml ii lit
nitiiiiiiitltiit In npptiulmntnly 1290,
Oiiil will Ii" furthcoming Ihla )enr
iin iln r tii It nf ii iih'i-iIiir In Port
liuiil Iwlwimi nii'Milii'tn gf l lie IC It Hi
nt it iniinly iiiiiiI ntul llm atntn high,
way inmmlaaloii mill forest aervlrn
l iir'n"ti I ill l Till U iircordleg
In I'nUllty Jililttit llutumll, Mho re
Ill riii'il friini I'urllniiil last night.
Judge lliiiitii'll Muled that wlilln
II wu getmrully reported tlmt lhi
Klamath delegation had mi nit i' n
dean sweep tl H ili'liinmN, they
tlil not mirri'inl In obtaining nil
lliul win u iik I'll fur llii until tlm
lain Hilt not li't contract until
llm tnuntles have paid union ntn dim
lint n l u I Tln mniiiinta vary from
i:r..iinii to $ inn, (Kin.
A lil prnmlted Klamath county
wan " follnvt a
I'rtitn nlil for t Klamath to lira
rliiilm county Him on The Dalles
California 1 1 1 n h n a y . n miles Torn
ly-tlxn per i lit to he paid liy the
riniiity, ;,' ir lent liy llm null
um! Tin per nut liy tin' fnreat it
xlre I'ioiii olil Kurt Klmiulh to tin'
Crater National pntk lioiinilur)'. IS
mllra County, Ule und forral
ervln, nne-lhlnl i'.irli.
Permanent location ot llm Luke
view. Klamath Kulla road with Ita
adoption u a federal ulil project'
Tbla will nukn available for I liu
mail uiiy (riirral appropriations
Iniproxcmrnt , uf thn nwil for
ihrsn inline north of Merrill, Ho
per rent atutn ntul 61) per rent
iniinty, .it ii lolnl rot of 135,01)0
Till project romra without Hie
Jurlrdlrtlim ot llm forest nrrvlre
Hutu Koreatnr (Vrll promised to
riTiiiiiiiii'iul it federal appropriation
for Improxcinenl of Hot wot able
toad from (Meant ulmoal to Kort
Klamath, ami to maintain tin- roail
wlu'ii Inillt Prexluusly Hid ro.ul
has ln'i'ti niallilaliiril liy lln roniity
Coiintriirllon would bit under Mlper
Xlalou of -tlm highway riitiitillnalun
IhoiiKli llm contract woulil Im let
liy Hot tiiri't senlm
II I nlo hopi'il, Jintgtt lliiniii'll
mm, to olituln thl ycur u Itiii.iimi.
iipproprliilloti to coiiiplnto tint
lialli'ii'Ciillforiil.t lilKhwny nrroi thn
ri'ioi ration. TMh work h:n ri'i'i'lv
ii tlio nuiirllon of llm trllml runic
ill mill HiiiiiTliiti'inlont Wulli'r (1.
U'i'nl, mnl thn foront ni'rli'n prnni.
Iii'.l to cotmlilcr thU n in one Hin
flmt proiTtM to hit uiiili'rlnki'ii In
tin' Miito thin yoar.
A portion of Hni Klnmntli county
rotiil liomlii will Im moIiI n noun mi
ii ri'pnrt of thn voln ha tin plarisl
of ri'diril mnl llm proci'i'illnct p.imi
i'il upon hy nilorni'yH for thn ho nil
hoiimi of Clark, Ki-mlnll & l.'oui
luny of I'ortliwnl Thli prohohly
will orcur wllliln .10 iliiyN,
I'ri'imnt ImllcntlnnK point to tip
prnxlniutcly $300,000 of roail work
In Klaniulli immty mnl thn I'tnploy.
mi'iit of ii large numhi'r of nu'ii
McCloud Company to
Plow Logging Tracts
MiCOUD, Keb. 25. The McCloud
lllver l.uuihnr roinputiy plaiiH to plow
out thtt hiiow on thu Niur tnirka lead.
Iiik to tho I.okkIhk rampH on Hunduy,
Knhriiiiry Slith. I.okkIiik HI begin
nooii ufterwurdx.
The iiri'HOiit ilutn cull for only two
i'iiuiiw UiIh your.
The lumber cut will bo about the
Hiuim nit luht yrur, In llm nulKhhor.
hood of $80,0011,000 feci, unit only
one Hlilfl will Im worked In tho xuw
Them Ih no Imlloutlon, ub yet, ot
nottlcd weuthor coiiiIIHoiih, tho Cy-elo-Htormaxrupli
ut llnderwood'H
I'bunmicy roKlnturliiK a Might rtao In
huroiuoirlo prtKHurti thin morning,
hut ut 2 p. m, It wait fulling ugiiln,
Tho Indications, (horeforo. uru tlmt
tho noxt 24 hoiim will bo Homowhut
Hlmllur to (tin luut nuverul iluyo.
Korccuat for noxt 34 lieum:
llimettlml, with modorut temporu
turnH. '
Thu Tycou rocordliiK thormomotor
ruglHtornil m.'ixlmum unit iiilnluiuni
leiuperui 11)08 today, an follows
High A 4a
. tow ao
:Mc,tri:i i'ihhoncii ih
c.tpirncii iv ni:.Hi:itTi:i
IIIIS'I), Kelt. 2T, ltolnrt
HIi'Viiih. Hi. who I'Hciilii'il a
wi'i'li iitio from Jiill, whi'hi ho
wiin ln'lil on ii iilntiitory rliurr.'.
wiiii ii il ti i el toilny In ii iln 1
n'tiiil en hi ii iliii'i' inlli'i from
lli'inl hy lliipoly Hlirrlff Hlo-
poi' lltnvi'im hinl lii'i'n without
tooil for flvtt iIii)n
Cuirii Hoi'n III I'm out llftlik llnllit j
liiK) IrilKiillon ItUlrlii mnl
1'iinii llnirmi to Hi- on 7Hi
Iln .Moiiiliiy iiiernlui: tlio I'ullfor
n In llri'Kon I'owit lonipaiiy will
opi'ii for liimliii'H4 In It now iiiur
Irrn In Hut fiinni'r Klrnl National
hank hullilliiK. roiirth mnl I'lno
Thi iiiovIiik ntnrti'il thin nfti'rnoon.
mnl will roiitluuii tomorrow.
Tim toratlon Micnti'il it I'.'C Honlh
Hcvi'lilli w h ocuipli'il hy Hut
Klamuth IrrlKiillon illatrlrt ofllim
mnl tint MiiltlKrupli nhop, now lo.
lutfil at i:t North MlKhtli, ami hy
tin' Klamath County Kami lliircau,
whli h will movit (rom thu Hwunnon
hullilliiK Thi l.tttiT will ocrtiiy llm
iinirli'M inlJolnliiK thn I'owit rom
paiiy ollli"!' rt-ri'iilly raratnl hy Iln
I'Mlrr rufi Thn forinvr firm, will
iiiotr,' toinorrow unil tint furm tin
frail within Ii fi'w day)
Tho thri'n llriim uro chiuiRlnR In
latlon, ilii" to iiri'it for lari;ir
iliMiii'm lint powi'r lonipany will
huii' I no fr.'l ,( aililltlnnal Hour
Mum In tli" ni'w iuurtrr .which
will hntiiin huth I'liKltmcrltiK anil ail
iniiiutr.ition iinpititut'titii, wbii- m
uoniiniii in nisjrn room lint otrmr
fir niu w han hrttrr facilities for
hauitllni: tlmlr raphlly growing
The pots or company h lakrn u
lo-ynar Inane on thu former hunk
IkIm, Klki unit U'lxMlnirn True
I'irfi'iriny fur l'neniplo)ii
I'UltTI.ANI), Ore, I'nli 2.'. V H
rllliuia ahoiibl bit ghnii (irnfer
elicit over nlleint In einplo) nient mi
aiulit hlghwny v.i.rk
'ontrartont ahoiild follow thin
Willi hoi. I lontrartx from nuy con
Iractom who refui. to tecnunliii l ti It
Themi were llm r.lnl of n. mailer
taken up today with Hie Main high
way loiuinltnlon hy reprteulatlven of
thn Anmrlrmi Legion mnl llm Klkx
mid Wood men of the World lodgei.
They found ready earn mining tho
rommlMalonern mnl u wlllliigueHH to
urge rontruitorn to lefuait Juki to
aliens when Americana went without
work, ' i
Thu plan of emplo)lng Amerlcaim
on ro.ul work In enforced whenever
ioalhln, llm roinmlanlou pointed out
C'ontrucln for road loiihtrucllnu de
nimid that contractor emiloy cltl
lens If they iiuiy Im uhlulued.
No utlempt la made, howeer, lo
forco contractor lo employ clllieiu.
Many of Hut road camps, operated
uuder Hut "atntlou plan." ulinllar to
auh-conlrurtlng, employ nlleiiH, he
c.iuhii, Niiy I'ontructnis, white men
won't work under Hut "station" )
KlciuUo Hluily of HiialmiHi (Viiull
lloiu Miiilit in Kt
Mian tlertrudo Kckmuti roturned
Wednesday from mi extended buy
lug trip to Chicago, Ht, Louis and
Now York, having been gone ut
most two months,
While lu each uf thu cities men
tioned mIid bought liberally of thu
luteal fashion fur her millinery
ntoru hero, und ulao hud mnplo time
to Htudy bUBliu-Ha conditions In gen
eral. Alwayw optimistic, MUg Kckman
In more than over ot tho belief, that
conditions, lu Klamath Kalln nro
fur uhovu thu averugu throughout
thu country, und looks for ro
miirkuhly good yoar,
VMHHAILLKH, Keb. 25. Henri
l.aiidru, thu Kronen Illuobonrd, dlod
on thu BUlllotlno Hil morning for
tho murdor ot 10 xvomon and a
youth. Ho offered no confosBlon or
uo urofosBlouu of lnnocenco,
i T
Allinncc Reservation Is At
tached to Four
Power Treaty
7AHIIINiril)N, l C 1'ih. it,
Thn Knur I'owrr I'.irlflc Ircalv. to-
I'l'lhiT with iniptili'iiii'iitN mnl u ri'siT
Millon, mnl llm Naval l.liiillnlloii mnl
Hnhmiirliin triiilli'Ji, wito orilcrml
fiivornhly ri-porli'il toilay hy thn Koti
nln Kori'lKli Iti'lallotiH lomiullli'i'
Thn ItincrMitlon Ih iiltm IimI to thn
Knur I'ownr pint inul In I'uihoilli'il nv
n lompromlin hui;ki'kIi'iI nflrr ion
fnri'llinii with I h" prnnlili'lil It ill'
fi'ri'lirnn with llm pri-nli'tlt Itili'ilaril
lrnr tiothliiK In thn ttcnty nliall In'
ronitriicil n fermlm: mi ulllmirn. It
wmi npproW'il hy n otn m in In
Alio hy n illvUlon 10 to thrn- with
Itorali. Johni'on mnl Hlil"lil. Di'iiin
rrnl, Trutn-mo.''. vetlm: noK.ithn, llm
Kour I'owit Irnaty llirn wom onlnri'il
Thn tinvul llmllallon ami
Inc Ih'hIU'ii wito iipprmi'il nniinl
immily. Hi'MTiil ciiIht voir wirn taken on
thn prnpoix'il culntltuti'ii to thn com
Hilton roiniromln on llm Kour I'owit
treaty K'n'-rvallon, hut iiilmlnhitr.i
llon Iruilorit ili'fniilril nil
ST. L.OIIIK, Kelt 25. Tlio moon
la loo Inronalatviit v planet to gov- j
.... ti... .Ii.,.. .f l..ti.r I, thn ...ill.. 1
Ion of ll..r M H llrennan. n"tron-!ho,no
tomer nrleit of tin city, who ha
expreaaeil tiont that the council of
aitronuiuiTH cnlled liy Hut late Pope
lleneillct XV "for ,i meetlur. In ltomo
next April, will deeldo to ellmlnutu
tint moon an n meaiin of determin
ing the datti of Hut Panelist Keaat
Ka tber llreuuuu recently nuggeat.
ed that ii (I'H.ilu date tin fixed or
a certain iiunuii). mnl oiiggeHieu
lliul either April X or tint oeeond
Huiiday lu April lie designated llm
day on which llm ihurcluM cele
brain Kaatur Tlm prt'ient umltioil
of fllm: llm first Sunday following
llm ft rut full moon alter tlm xenial
eiiuliiox, K.ilhV'r llreiiiuin points
out, leaves a range of 3 1 day for
Hut Kailer fnaxt, mid by fixing a
certain date or lerlaln Simula)', hn
bellexed, much confusion could lu'
' . ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' 1,1 , . mm I
Thn ilmlll of Mm Mary 'I i-r
Oli'ii.ion llynr, wlfn of tlm hitn I l
llynr, win of Hut four pKi'n ifiln
iiilliiiii-tH ilurliii: Ih" liitl'T pari of
tin. .Minliii war, mill who i'r,-ipi'i
hi' I III', killed n( llm filial i.'irl'y with
I'.ipiulii Jink, Pi rnonli'il In llm
followlm; nmniorlul inrit hy Hiifuij
H Mourn, now in Han Krnm.lre: i
.Mm .Mnry llynr win hoin In
KnriiiliiKloii. .Mnlnn, May 1, IK:!:!.1
mill wiin llm nlilnnt ilimclilnr of,
lliul mnl Iti'liiTdi (llnunpii'it family.
of inn i liihlri'ii. Ulio I'tirly Inarimil
liahll,, of friiKnllty ami Irnluntry (hiiiuclcrlri'il her lein: llfn At
tho iii;n of 17 yearn she lnvau
tiimhliiK Hi'hool, mnl t'ontliiuvil that
ralllni: lor Iwi'lvo ynur In Kami
Ini'loii iiruili'ioy mnl later In (Mucin
tiulioi iKinli'lii)', wlnrn xho tuueht
I'riiiih, l.atln ami liutlmiiiallri. Him
waN foinl of iiuihlr, mnl wan kmi'h-
Kiir f ii rlmriiiliiR wilm, which wa
evlilenreil hy llm fact that k'io wji
rnlli'il Into prominence In munlcnl
clrdi'n of note, embracing thn nnle
riilcnln of tint celnhrateil Mail'im
Nonllia. Home of the e.irllenl ami
nwieti'Rt recollectlonK are of the
lii.iiiilful MiiiRn nhn Kang In the
early morn while at work. An a
further evidence of her artlntlc
MII, tlm walla of llm late home
urn adorned with n beautiful re
production of "Tlio Dream of Ar
cadia,' and other work of merit.
In ISC3 alio came to Oregon hy
way of the lathmun of I'anmuu,
and wan married to tno late I.. H
l)ur lit I'orttatul, Oregon, on De
cember 1 of tho name )ear. mowd
lo Hili'in, and thence to .Southern
Oregon, where ithu led pioneer llfu.
uiiiuiir thu Indians of Klamuth
count), Dyar huxlng chargu of
the Klamath Indian rccnallon for
n term of flxo yearn. In 1861 they!
came to Ontario, und made their
home hero during the remainder of
their the.
Mr. und Mra. !ar wero faithful
iburier inemberx of 'tho Klrst Meth-
ml Is I Kplacopal church, jud their
Wy "flconm abiding
-"' "" . "" i'"' "u"
Slater D)ar xxent iUllly homo
on Kebruary 4, 1022, to be forexer
with her Lord. She leaven tw(l uls
ter, Mrs. Julia A Hampaon ot Dor
i hesliT, Maarailinaettn, and Mm.
Ada I.. Staple of Dryilen, Maine,
uuil a daughter, Mian Helen, now In
Hie old home.
KiitsT Acrio.s or .it mil:
Circuit Jiulr.n i' K. Stcimn tnn
offlilal action follow lug his taking
tlm'tuth of officii yesterday xxiih tlm
bearing of argumentn lu llu dhorce
proceedings of Pantile D. McCJurn i
William MeClure lie heard Hie ur
gumeiitH from the beiit'h without tak
ing a transcript of tho cure, as ban
often been Hut custom, mid granted
tho decree ut llm rloje ot llm hear
Great Interest Shown in Re'
port That Lloyd George
Will Make Proposal
I'AltlH. Kih. 25 flreat IliKirnit
In titiiulfent In KrMich official rlr
'Inn In llm report that l.loytl (3iori;n
liiti'inlni to propoim nt Ih" (k'nna
loiifcri'iiut ii lli.yoar Iriiro In I.n
ropn to affonl oppurlunlly for re
rooktriirtloii. In nr of thu lack of anything
Offlflnl frfltll l.fltl.tfifl llm fin.lvn
,,,,.,. h,.r ttotIl, nnl comln,.nl on
llm matter. In unofficial rlrclnj,
however. It wnn arnui'd that nuch a
plan. InvolvliiR n radical reduction
I In the army, would have been cou
pled with adcMiiato guarantee of
reparation payment before Krancu
would Join. A pledRn to abntaln
from nil would mvt with general
npprotat In Kranct.
The preiidi'r.l was undcrMooil to
have told tho republican mcmborn
of i In- houxt naval commlttro In
ronfereric today that while ho fa
vored mimii reductloun In tho navy
perxonnel. the total number of en
(luted men ought not bo cut under
' SO, 000.
, .nn,, i, Klrrrtl PrtNlilent
, ... Il..lle t.hIv
POUTLAND, Keb. 25. Mian Anne
Lang of The Dallei wa, elected
prealdeut of the Oregon Daughters
of the American Involution today.
Sim wa the nominating comralttee'n
choice, and defeated Mm. Seymour
Jones of Salem, who wua nominated
from the floor
Among other officers elected
were: Mm. Adam Skylej of As
toria, statu recording secretary, and
Mm W A Smith of nosohurg, re
elected statu chaplain.
Tiiitni: m'its sirrri.i:i
Tho following suits lu tho circuit
court had been fettled out of court
and dismissed by Judge Stene: V. V
llean vs. C. T Darley, Michael Mot.s
chnubarher n. L. Jacobs, and J. A.
Oorihm s Liverpool Loudon i: lllolio
Inaur.uun company, ltd.
POUTLAND, Knb. 25, Llxeatock
le.tdy. Kgg4 und butter Htoady.
Wheat ft. 24 to J 1.30.
kiikhidk.Vt ih
it, - I'mnlilrnt llarillnc" wan
Invlti-il toilay to Hpnk hnforn
llm Amerlrnn Imitltiitn of
Hankers at their nnnunl ron
ventlon nt Portland, Oregon,
next jiu m mer while en routn to
Alarika Tho renldent wait
unable lo glvo a deflliltn re-
Noilbirii 1'iirt of County fill Off
liy Itnil Ifnail ronillliona;
('..lint Will lb. DeUycl ,
lictwenn 700 and 800 mile, the
llatanrn from Croncent to Klamath
Kalln la Ilenil and Portland.
That I thn dlnlnnco tho halloU
rant at Creacent, lOT, mllen north of
thin city, In thn road bond apeelal
elections will havo to travol to reach
tho county clerk duo to the road In
thn northern part of the county not
being open for travel.
County Clerk Dcl.ap tald ho Ii per
mitted by law to count the votei
three day after election whether all
ilLitrlctn havo reported or not. He
laid ho would await the Crcucent bal
lots, however, i only 10 or io are
cant there and the reaulti of tho elec
tion could not bo affected.
Wpra tkn of Loral Ortaih
lions I Asked by Chamber
Co-operation of all fraternal and
other similar organisations ot tho
city Ii being asked by the, chamber of
commerce to purchase playground
equipment, bids for which were open
ed last night.
Tho total cost ot the equipment
will 'to from f 1,000 to 11.200, In
eluding maintenance for one year. "It
Is felt by the committee In charrc
that due to the need for playground
facilities moat ot the organizations of
tho city will be glad to offer aid.
Subscription of Individuals to the
playground fund will bo welcomed,
but none will be solicited.
Purcharo will bo made, from the
Pred Medart company of St, Louis.
New Instrument for Use
by Aviators Is Invented
WASHINOTON. Keb. 26. A new
manometer or Instrument for record
ing air preMiiro on wlug und tall
surfaces of airplanes at different
points rilmullanoously has been de
signed and dexotoped by F H, Nor
ton, an engineer ot Iho Itngley Mem
orial Laboratory nt Langley Field.
Virginia, It was announced today by
Iho National Advisory Committee for
Thn first experiments wero under
taken by the Laboratory for Iho Navy
Department In order to determine the
distribution of prosum over tho hor
izontal tall surfaces ot an airplane
mnl to nnalyzu tho relation ot this
pressure to structural load and
longitudinal stability and wero con
duced on full sized planes lu tho air
und on models In the wind tunnels.
Tho old method constated In using n
horizontn tall surface Inside ot which
rubber tubes connected with a series
ot holes on tho surface led to a mul
tiple liquid manometer. Tho several
tubes of tho manometer registered
tho prcssuro nt each change of speed
or air prcssuro and tho results were
recorded by an automatic camera
which photographed the height ot the
liquid lu tho tubes every; fewseconds.
To study various pressures In ac
celerated flights or "Stunting", It
was Impossible to uso tho old liquid
mauomoter and consequently the new
manometer was developed, substitu
ting tho deflection of metal diaph
ragms and u means of automatically
recording their deflection tor the li
quid muuometor and the camera re
spectively, Among tho results achieved by the
Investigations arc:
That the low average load per
squaro foot on tho usuat type of tall
piano doing Bte'ady flight Is so small
that it could not In any conceivable
way cause failure
That the records token ot tho same
pressures on tall surfaces In acceler
ated flights demonstrated that thero
xvas no large Incroaso in these forces.
The postoftlco department baa an
nounced that a specially recruited
force from the department would
booh replace the marine mall
Inquiry Into Whole Qucf
tion of Lighter Than Air
Craft May Develop
NOrtFOLK, Fob. 25. The army
board today began Investigating the
Homa disaster and an Inquiry Into
tho whole question of tho military
value of lighter than air craft Is ex
pected to follow.
Officers of thn air service said to
day that nuch an Inquiry would b
necessary, bncausn Iojs of tho noma
had ontlely upset training and opera
ting programs for air service. From
tho Inquiry, It If understood, wtll
come a decision as to whether thtrt
la sufficient military value, direct or
Indirect, la the employment by the
army of dirigible arcratt of great
size to warrant ecommendatloni io
size to warrant rocommendatlonsr to
Congress for acquisition ot new craft
ot lighter than air type.
Secretary Weeks said today ha bad
not discussed with bis military ad
vlsers the replacement ot the Rozaa.
bnt felt there was no Justification for
asking the purchase or construction
of a new vessel ot the same type.
The war secretary, after a coafer
ence with Major General Patrick,
chief ot the Army Air Service, who
bad just returned from Langley IUU
where he made a personal preliminary
of the disaster waa re ported as cob
vineed on the basis of preeeat Infor
mation that the accident waa dm to
breaking ot elevating rudder control
or of supports for elevating gear, aid
that there waa no structural defect
Involved of a nature that probaMy
could "haveben detected IrradvarJce.
Weeks said he would, have depart
ment records Investigated fully to
see what report had been nude by
operating officers on the condition of
tho ship.
Ho had no knowledge, ho said, of
any complaint concerning tho ability
of the crew to control flight of the
Ttoma except for motor difficulties,
which led to replacing the original
Italian cngli as with tho American
built Libert; motors.
Had any officers of tho noma hads
knowledge beforo tho accident of the
xveakncsies of tho vessol or the struc
tural or other defects which render
ed her In tho least unsafo for ope
ration, Weeks said. It was tho duty o
that officer to report tho fact to his
superiors for protection ot himself
and associates on tho ship.
.nLOOMINGTON. Ind.. Fob. 25.
A letter purporting to havo boon
written by M. L. Dealt shortly before
his death lu thu crash ot tho noma,
on which ho served as a sergeant en
gineer, xvas mado public today.
"The ship Is a death trap," the
letter said. "It's coming down one of
these days and only three or four of
us are coming out alive."
Z. R. Uland, to whom the lottcr
was addressed, said Boall had refer
red to thn noma In other lottera as a
"death ship."
dlcall, ho said, was ono of tho
Americans sent to Italy for the
Itoma'a test flights.
nrlgadler and Mrs. Mrs. J. W.
Hay ot Portland, who are In com
mand ot Salvation work In Oregon.
will be In Klamath Falls Monday
and Tuesday, February 17 and 18.
They wilt conduct services In the
Salvation hall at 8 p. at. on! both
days. Monday Is regular ntatlag
night, while on Tuesday Prlgadler
Hay will deliver a lecture, "People
1 Have Met and How They Impress
Urlgadler and Mrs. Hay have seen
many years of service in the Salva
tion Army, and hive held various
leading positions In Us ranks.
A meeting ot the board of directors
ot tho Klamath Amateur Athletic
club will be held In the chamber of
commerce rooms tonight at Ttltyit
was announced today by vice presi
dent Frank Howard, lie reejiOHS all
members to attend aa ImportMt boa
luess 1 to becomu before U msittog.
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