The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 24, 1922, Image 1

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mt lEunmg Mvvntfi
Ti.lili'.lil mill lluttirdiiy, fair, fiuili
enntuly wlmln.
Member of the Associated Press.
llft'Vnlli Yciir. .Nil. HUM
KLAMATH IWUM, OltMIO.V, I'lllP.U, rilllltl Alt', lil, I IK!-.!
rittcK kivh cknts
Moat of Proposals Agreed
lO in Conference Wllh
Hitjhvvny Commission
POHTI AND. IVh 21 An som li
lt I .nut umitid I tin t In Klamath t
I'nlilllJ rn.ul bond Innlin nt Sllll.ljilti
Iiml ivrrli'O. iitflilnN i-r Klamaili I
ntlinly In Portland i;nl Imny Itidii)
with tin' Hlutc Highway iitmiiilnliiii
In arranging n pingrain nf t-n-ottr.
llii work lor tlm Klamath legion
t Ii In neumtu Mint nt tlii proposals
were itgteril to They worn
Ordering n lur.illiin Hiir" bi'lwi-cn
I v I ii hi (i t Ii Fall Hint l.nki'Vlew
lltitermliialli u lii rm-k tlm t.ill-
California highway fr tin Iti'n-
rhiitin imiiity llm lit I'ntt Itotk
Ordering n im Ii' ut Inn if Urn
riuiil 2 "i mile tinrtli nl Mfrtlll iiml
building n bridge orr l.ot r I v e
Authnrlrliig ii miner fur it lion
(flu projtrt In fi iiin'riitlmi with l..iln
roiiuly f rum l.nltnliiw writ through
Drew -valley
Aiilli(rllnr. tin' riiinp:llnn ff
. , , , . ..
Rrn.iiiiK nun mi.h.i.k ". " inr
iiioiik Apnu rii'h iroiu um inrrm ri
irrvn lioiiml.iry on Mm Prnt Initio
iiiunly lino to I'nrt Klamatli on tliu
llullrn Ciillfnmlii hlnliwa)
ItoiklllK of m lilllc if Hi" Anil
InuiUKIuumlli K.ilU ati wu
iiinnlilrri'il favor.llilv on n Jd '" Iiuk
In wHi K Ii rounly
DUIII.IN. Koli. 21
'ropmalit fur
ii urw IrMli iiirrinry nml Irluli pol
Mn itampn urn IhIiik illniMnl lo
tlm Knn main nutliorltU'n.
llaukliiR rlrflnn Imr.. arn nalil to
liu AtroiiKly oppoinl to any altrrallou
In tlm rurii'iiry no tlm Kroiitiil that
It will hninprr trait" ami r.iui" com
pllriitliiim liy Um pulnlillnliun'rit of yi't
uniitlmr flurttliitluK "fori'lKii "x
ilinligii" tint national mnlluii'iit may
nwri'p tlmmt oliji'r tliilin until". Snum
prrillrl Hint lirfori' Um -n il of tlm
"nr Irluli prlntlnic priM" will lm
tiiriiliir. out I r lull treattiry nnti'H
llorknulnc liy I'ouihIx. nIiIIIIiirk
mill iMinro will itrtilitli'iH tontltitm fur
Hiium Hum. ami llnrjllili j-IImt ami
uppr will rontiutm to rlrcululn: lint
It In nntldpnleil Hint Um lri' Hint"
will wilupt tlm xMimiii of en lu
ll r." nn noun n practlcaliln ami Unit
Irlili iloll.irs nml c"iit" or wli ilnvor
Hmlr I'nuHnloiil tianllf iMtimt may
Ii", will lillliiuili'l) tnlm tlm plain of
tlm nlnrlliiK mmmy
An for pnituKo hlatnpi. tlm pro
poHul In Hint Ireland uliall ronti'iit
Imrimlf for Hm prnni'iit wltli making
an iirrauimnmnl with Hrllnlii
for prlutluK n MtrdiarRn ln rlptloii,
prolmlily niimlntluR of u hliumrurk or
haip, comlilimil with Um wont "Crln"
In Irluli rliarartnrri upon tlu turn rf
I ho ntauipn now In lino
Lntiir mi, tlm I'rro Stain will tin
hIkii Itn own Jliunpi. ami tlmy am not
llld'ly to tlm UiikIIhIi Miik'h I hi
Naliiriitlilioii ICkiiiuloi'r lo II" I'M'"
i' nt lliro MiiitIi I
Niitiiiu'lUulInn lUumliH'r V. W.
I'fioniiiMOn In oxpmliMl Imrn nliout
Alii rdi 1 from Portland, to bj pin.i-
mil ul tlm ImarltiK of naturnllu
Hun putltlotiH to I'u "ul'l I" ""' tIr-
c tilt court ut Unit llni".
All pftltlnnorii wlm luivo Iiml
Ihulr potltlonn riled for ut IwihI 0
iliiyn tiro ru'iiipilt'd ly ll to b
lituHiml nt that tlmo. Thoso wliu
ilu not uppour on thut diitn will bu
obllKcd to wiill until Juno .10.
Ho will nUu InKu up Hu matter
of tlm niituralliiitiou of uny ox
Koldlor who dostrvH to on
thut ditto. I - jf) H
wiUTHKit iiioii.iiii.itii:h
Tlm Cyclo-HtormuKrupn nt Undor
wood's Phiirmucy Iiiim ri'Klsti'ri'd but
nllKbt oluniKi1 nlti(i) tlm report of
joHturdiiy. In fact tlm prOMHiiro Iiiim
viirled but u low pulnlH lit nuvoral
duyH. DiiIiik In thin men continued
utiHottled wimthcir may bo luoknd for,
ultormilely fair and htormy.
ir'orocaiit for next 24 lieuw:
Cloudy uuHottlod weather, with
iiiodorata" tomporatunni.
Tlm TyioH recordluK Hieniioinolnr
roslRtnroil maximum mid minimum
tmpruiur( today, nn follewn: '
High I'll
. J.ow ..., , 33
rumen iu,i'i;iuuiti.vii,i,
ui: i:.i:i-i'ti:i tomorrow
roil diiatii or id womi:n
I'AIIIH. yitli 21 Henri twin
Orit, lliu IIIihiIm'iiiiI of (liimhaln,
will lio iixcriiti'il mi tint ijiiIIIii-
Hint nl Versailles tomorrow lit
iluy lirciik I'nulili'Ml .Mllliirainl
today rnfuneil ii irll(l(ili lo (oui
mute Him rcnti'iirn nf dnalli fur
(lir murder nl 10 ui'iiiimi iiml ii
I mro r-k7m iisnm mir
Apputiiliu Will CnO Approxlmati-I)
JM,H)tl lllllllllll Vol Yl't
Dl'lllll'll l'MIl
1 1 lit m on jjIh v k roti inl (jttlptiiiiit will
In oH'ii('il at tll (linilllixr nf mill
turn ii nl 7 30 tonight liy Hi" play
gruuml loiiinillli'i', cniniioii'it nf Mr
Marry Arklny, i lialrtiian. M H Went
ami Kniil A linker wlio went ap
pointed to I in i'M I KM" prlren Tin
mi'i'tinr. will b attended liy a mm
mitten from llio women's miilllary.
I Wililln a ilctlnlt" decision linn not
linen innil" on tln Juration for tilt)
playground, Hi rommltten wilt pro-
i r.Til wltti plann for flnaii'liiK tin1
, pun-haim whlrli will iiiumiui lo nliout
ll.imn Knulpmetil will Inrliiit" n
tdlde. M't of nix swings, sen-saw, nl
nnt itrlid'. parallel barn, horliontul
Imrn, liorltontal ladder ninl a rami
,,,, ,nw, irpn trrelu., from In.l
Inr, el'irt riioiIi liouipn of Hid roun
liiiinM !. Minttii In i:"i) AK"
(.'niup; Infant SO? lri
Tin ilip.irlmrnl of rnmrmirro.
Ilitouc'i tlm liuri'iiu of tlm rPtiitin,
linn liiui'il a kUti'turnt nliowliiR
ilrnthit aniL ilratli ratrn liy ukh
(.,!, frmu .jifforrut rauKun In
1 9 in unit lOStf. In rvrry ukd croup
u,n ,pnt, r,l0 wall ow,.r Jjso
tlian In I9H). tlm mot prononnci'il
rian.., i,ninrlnK In tlm roto for
Infnntn undrr one )ear of iiki
wlilrh derllni'd from 13.0M per in ioio in u.coo pr loo,
11(10 In 1920. n decllnn of nliout 20
per rnnt Tlm iKith ratn for old
pi'iipln abmn 7fi earK of aro fhown.
ii derrennn of iiboul 0 per cent, be
inr, 1.1. 490 tier In 1920 ni
aRiilIlM 1 1. 3(iU per 100.000 In 19 10
In 1 1 1 i ttm death rate tor Infantn
wan illiuoit a h birth It wan for
otd penpln nbova 75 ) oar if of iiko.
but In 1920 tlm Infantllo death rate
wan only about tliree-fourthn a
Rnal an the death rate In old ngu.
I'jrtlrul.irly noteworthy In tlm do
ereimo from 2,fSI to a,2So pir
ton inn) pupiilatlon In the ar."
Itroup SI to 71. a decre.nii) of 12
Per rent, dim l.irK"ly In murli lower
t.ilis from tiiteruiUHlH, uruto
k"phrltl.i ittitl llrlcht'n dljejne, or.
paule ilUeimeK of tlm heart, .iccl
ilenlM ami typhoid Uuv.
Tlm death rato from
ttilien iilouli hun from ltlo
per tOO.uuti piipulallou to III. Tlm
lalo from iicutu uephrllln and
HiIkIiCh dlHe.tii) derreancd from
99 to S9. Tlm rain from accident!
ban decreaned from M to "I, und
tlm rate fiout tjpliolil fever from
21 lo S
On tbo other band, Inrrt'aaej In
tlm i alu from Influenza, cancer and
ptmrperul niuven clearly hhuw- autmi
of Um daiiKor npoti.
iii'umcs' PitonisAi, rou
HVIINKY, X. H. W Jan., .1. (liy
.Mall). Almont unlrnrmil dlfiipprnv.
ul ban met Premier HtiKhen' proposal
to ronono n Knthorlni; lo rmiHlder
nmendmentn to tlm conHtltiitlon of
tlm cominuuw'cjlth, ai-eordltiK to tbo
uownpupein, which am practically un
nuliuDiitdy aRalnstthn project.
SAN FItANOISCO, Fob. 24. Hoy
Pruvoel, tlm minding Arbucklo wit
ness, hun boon located In Now Or
lean, It wan Hatd lu u message to
tlm pollen today.
,mi:.ic. n.ui:i
ISAN QUKNTINCul.. Fob. 24.
Iiiiln CI ii 11 ton, n Mexican, wiih hanxed
I if tho stain prison horn today tor the
murder of two dopuly horlffn in
lllvoiBldo county last November.
PORTLAND, Fob. 24. Livestock,
Hloady; eggn, wouk, unsottlod; hut
tor, stonily; wheat 11.21 to 1 1.27,
m m t i
Shot h Fired no Youthful
Accuser le About to
Tnkc Witness Stand
WACO. Tuxnn. full SI -.Minn
Mitrrlim Mntllmwii, 17, illicit ami In
stantly killed J. U Crosslin today
In rourt iliirlm: Hid M.rtinil trial of
Croniillii fur criminally attnikltiR
tli Klrl two )arn iiro.
Cromlln ti.iil olitnlucil a new trial
nflir IicIiik rniivlcU'il ii ml m;nti nrcl
lo ulno )farn In tlm 'iilt-iitlary
.Mian .MiiIUkiwh Iiml lii'i'ii tailed to
Hie iit.iliil wlii'ti ulic flruit.
"tin llii;inni mo, rulncil my
licnltli umt ilfpriwtl inn of my
nclinol iiilrltpcm," li" ntnlcil after
Hio Mlllrii: "Hut li" will tmur
ruin (iiinllicr clrl."
rrioprlnll'i .S.Mmim
Hali'i of Hub I, ('iiiiiiii
That aiiloiuoblln ilealnrn run) look
forward to n biuy car In linllru'cd
by tlm mien made recently by tlm
llulik K.i lis A. SerIcn lompatiy, an
It. If. Ilarrlnou, Iltilck "t" milli
liter; J. (.' rio)ln. Itulek "lx" tour
Inc: C II L'ndorwfod, Itulek "nix"
tnurln; W '. Wnrren. HiiIcU "nix"
teiirlng: A. IVkwald, lltilrlt "four"
tourlni;; A J Vc)t Unit k "il"
I.oiiU IIiukIjioI. bead of Um roiu
pan', m) the outlook In ncillent
and bolleten iiutomoblln row In due
fur an una of pronprrlty
.INKS I.WI.rsiO.V III' taiii: .ur..
PDMTI.ANI). Poll. 21. A ploa forj
ttm ronniTMitlfn of Diamond like
and Itn Inrltulon within tlm Crater
lake national pnVk'dMtrlct wan made
by UenrKo II. (loodwlii. iblnf civil
enislnetr of tlm nntlutial patk ken Ice,
nl Um lumhi'on of tlm Klwauln rluli
nt the Milltiinnuli bntnl Coodwln do
crltii'd tlm appllr.i!!i n by private In
torctiM for the mm of IHumoml lake
for deM'lopmeut of water power a
acci,m:d m.s M'iniii:
,i:iMli:NK. IVh. 2I. Hon P. Cham
Ih'M. Imllrted on u ntntutury ebanu1
and (irri'ilod Ttmtday at Cor.illla,
nliot hlimielf to death with a bullet
tbrouch tbo brain today .U hU home
Ollftll'lll ItlllMll WIll'tlKT Vlllflll-tl
ilcnl mill OIIiitn nrr l!n
tltlcil lo rrhlli'K'-x
IIAI.CM, Kli. 21 -A fit iiti In
l"'lni; pl.innril to K"ttle tlm 'ii"n
lion an In wlifllmr nlnl" noMtiT
lioniin lonii" may lm maito i'X"!t
fur liullilltiR lioinrn or for li'iylnir
rrnl mlilln. '
Tin- milt woiiM :ilo ilertiln
wlicttinr noM-rclilt'tits who wont
Into tlm Kfrvlrfl from Orci;nn anil
wliollirr nilatlv'n of ilfiul nx-itfr"-ri'
innii an- I'litltlnl to tlm bonun
Tlm null will not irlny paymnnt
In ram-n wlirro mirli iiuontluni hnvo
nut urlron.
Moi. lo Akicm CilHiull) III t'ollon
lot; ('nlliipsc AHir Ttliil
I.OM ANCKLKfi, K"l 21- Tlm
rnmtltluii of Mabel Nurmanil. who
ban been critically III with Infill,
enx.i followliiK Imr collapim after
Um Talnr mtiriler. remnincd un-
iMiiKctl HiU mornlnR.
Mli N'ormnml'n necretury later
told Iti'iulrern that whllo Iht con
dition In nerlout, her recovery Ii
uliiu nt hurt'.
hiiii'; iioaiiii .i.NMir.vciM
WASIII.NT.TON, II. C . Koli 21
Tlm nhlpplnr; board ban announced
(bat Hio ntenniihlp Columbia and
lliu former paetoncur r.hlp, Oreat
Nnrthirn. which ban been flan nlilp
for tlm Atlantic llvvt. will bo sold
to Um hlr.lmnt bidder, bliU to closo
.March .1. Pretldunt Alexander of
tlm Admiral lluu In ready to Mihmlt
1 bid, IntindliiK to put tbo ship on
the Soattb-I.OB AtiRelrii run.
Alcoholic Cinrfr Latest
Manufacturer Pays Fine
"antl-Voltiteml smoke.' or nlci'l.ollc
cigar, ban made Itn uppeiiranio In
Santa llarbarn.
Its producer. A. del Curro. cHtao
muktr. paid n flno of 2"'0 p poll-e
court, following u plea of guilty to
tho charge of halm; liquor In bin
poisesHloii contrary to law.
A-liMiw spraying dctico oxhlblted
elicited Um explanation that It wa
used to fatuat" tlm tobacco lnves
wllh liquor bvforn rolling nnd wrap
ping. Tho cigar thiin ticattil does no,
lontnlli a "kick". It wan mutunded In
defense, although It wan (onredid
that It ciurled it he.i)-fielghled fra
mm A?.
Measure Is Supported by
Only 3 Members; to
Come Up A Rain
V.'ASHINOTOX, I). C, Pelt. 24
Tho proposal to flnanco tbo noldlnr
bonun by a rnlen tax In undrstood
to linvc" been rejected by thn npeclnl
eub-'onimltteo of tho republican
member of tho huiipo ways and
me.irtd committee.
Tli" proposition wan laid to hnvo
been supported by only three mom-
The propoal will bo unlimited
aicalu lata to lay at n meeting ot all
majority nmmber.1 of the. w)s and
mean committee.
Oalli N AiliiiluNler.'.l I'imih Arrival
nl ('iiuinUnlnu I'nini (inirmor
floxernor Olcott'n commlnntnn ap
pointing ('. P. fitono, circuit Judgo of
KlamaMi county arrived last night
and Judge Stone look the oath of of
fice nnd assumed bin duties this
Ouo to bin appointment, Judge
Stnno hnn ranlgncd an counsel for tlm
plaintiff In tbo ratio of Frank Ward
vn Klamatli county ot al nnd tho law
firm of Hcnner, Manning A Oanong
hnn been etnplojcd.
H.l.MO.V .M I'lTllftS VllM
In respouno to requcstn of mem
bers ot tho local KnlghlH nf P)thla-t
lodge und others, Ted While, man
ager ot tho Strand theater, announces
that he will show tho spectacular and
educational film, "Damon and Pyth
ian", tonight In addition to tho reg
ular bill.
The picture was shown Wednesday
night to a largo audlcme and made
a fine Impression, especially on mem
bers ot tho order The theater mana
ger wan prevailed upon to give It a
second showing, and secured per
mission from the distributor to keep
It until tonight, so as not to
It u counter nttraclon to the legion
performance last night.
itomiKiiv ron.i:i
STi:Vi:XSON. Wash.. Feb. 2 1 An
attempt to rob thd bank of Steven
son last night was tolled by n bur
glar proof lock on tho safety deposit
ault Only $5.00 wns stolen from the
till "
w-it ii:iAHTMi:.vr i:mpi-ovk
1.4 IIKI.I) 11V l'OMCK FOR
(icorftn K. I.onK, nn employe ot
tho war department, wan arrest-
cd In connection with mmllng let-
tern threatening tho death ot
and demanding largo sums 4
from promlnonl Washington-
lann. Long denlod tho author- 4
chip William J. Hum nald thn
writer wan traced by n peculiar-
Ity In handwriting and tho wn-
4 t'.rrnark on war department sta- 4
llllxitrily Condition Hpmul Dawn
Through Knnnan nml
.Northern Trxn
CHICAGO, Feb. 2!.Tho sovoro
cnld wave that has hold tho whole
northwest In Its grip for over 24
bourn continued today and spread
down through Iowa, Missouri, Okla
homa, Kansas, and Northern Toxns,
as well an east of tho Mississippi
ST PAUL. Feb, 21.- Illlziardy
conditions prevail again today
throughout the Northwest with tern
poraturcs falling rapidly In Minne
sota and tho Dakota.
Packet! Houo Greets Second Per
forinnnro of Veteran
A packed houso greeted tho second
pcrformanco ot the Legion minstrel
show at Scandinavian hall last night,
a trlbuto to tho veterans' entertain
ment which was oven better than
on tho first night.
That tho press had been In orror
as to the Identity ot the hulu bulu
dancer, Paprika, becamo evident last
night when that deter performer re
moved a black wig at tho end of the
act and disclosed Parks Schneider,
well-known local merchant and ex-
service man, who also appeared In
tho minstrels awl as tbo brow-beaten
groom In the marrlago scene Hut
tbo report of Paprika's many pro
posals were not without foundation,
It became known today when sevoral
of the young blades of tho city wcro
nwported to havo renounced women
Tho colored gentleman Uio appear
ed between acts proved to bo John
Houston. His act was one of tho hits
of tho evening.
The bam hospital scono camo to on
nbrupt end when the Incandescent
lamp, which was used to throw the
shadow on tho screen, broko a the
mallet was used as nn anesthetic, ap
parently In protest against tho surgi
cal methods used. The remainder of
tho act would havo disclosed tho sur
geon remuxlng from tho patients in
terior, n lutgo knlfo left thero by
mlntakb after which bo would havo
been ordered marked "duty."
Previous to tho lant act, Post
Commander Fred Westerfeld made n
short talk In which ho thanked the
public for Its support ot tho Lesion's
Tbo floral decorations were turn
Inlicil by O. K. Mooller of tho Klam
ath Flower ahop. who acted ns tho
surgeon In tho baso lioipltal scene.
While tho accounting had not been
completed today It was belloved tho
nnturtalnmont will provo a financial
Miffcif. Tho lands ylll ho used to
Improve tho Legion's quarters In the
Qut'ktlon Will Ho Acted Upon To
morrow; President Approvcn
WASHINGTON. D. C, Fob, 24.
Tho modified blanket reservation to
tho four-power raclflo treaty, which
was reported satisfactory to tho
president nnd to a majority ot tbo
members ot tho sonato foreign re
lations commltteo, was debated by
tho commltteo today and an agree
ment reached to voto on tho treaty
and tho proposed reservations to
morrow, '
A new resolution offered by
Ilrandegco uftor a conference with
the president reads:
"Tho Unltod States understands
that under tho statement In tho
preamblo or under the term of
thin treaty, tboro Is no commitment
to an armed force, no alliance and
no obligations to join any defense."
Johnson and Borah are under
stood to be opposed to this reserva
tion, lj , !.-.'
Will Go Into Effect March
1; Present Wane Scale
to Be Retained
Beginning March 1, the local lum
ber Industry will bo operated on a
nlnn-hottr day banln. In tho majority
ot plants eight hours has constituted
a basic day, although some of tho
outlying smaller mills and camvs
havo worked nlno and 10 hours.
Thn .dally wago will remoln at tho
present scale. Tho minimum wago for
common labor Is $2.88, but operator
stato that only a small percentarc of
plant employees draw less than $3.20
Tho chango In hour wn generally
agreed to by member ot thn local
Lumbermen's association nt n rocont
meeting. Operators claim 'that tboy
aro compelled to adopt thin plan to
meet competition of othor lumbering
areas. All tho largo California plants.
Weed, McCloud, Westwood, Susan
vlllo and others will operate 10 hour
shifts this year, It is said. Tho Pacific
Coast manufacturers aro forced lo In
crease tho hours of dally production,
they declare, to compete In tbo mar
ket with tho southern plno mllU,
which operate; ten hours, or moro,
dally, and hlrn labor at exceedingly
small cost. Tho southern wage is said
to rango from ono to two dollars a
Tho operator' attitude Is that thoy
are forced, If there Is to bo any pos
sibility ot profit In 1922 operations,
either to lower wages or Incroese
hours. They chose tho latter courie
as being the most fair to the employ
pes. In the face of conditions. It wa
tbelr ovtnrcm s Mproiicd Ma tht
meeting of the association, they must
Increaso production, reduce costs by
cutting wages, or close tho plants.
Worker havo glron llttlo expres
sion of their attitude. Most of the
local factories notified their em
ployees ot the proposed chango yes
terday. Former Commander of
Russian Navy WorkinR
for S. F. Street Railway
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 24. Ore,
ory John Ogneff, formerly a comman
der In tbo Russian navy, Is starting a
study of tho Amcrlcnn.transportatloa
business by doing a fourteen hour
shift each night at wathclng lantorns
for an Oakland, California street car
Ogneff. n graduoto of tho Russian
naval academy and tho Imperial Uni
versity ot Kazan, commanded a fleet
of Russian submarines on tho Baltic
and later was In command of a eun
boat on tho Amur River. When tho
revolution camo ho wo-t arrested.
Condemned to death, according to
his own story, he later was roloaacd
and. with his family, went to Yoka
huma, finally coming to San Fran
Cisco. '
First ho obtained work as an elec
trician on a torpedo boat being- built
here. Inter ho worked as a motion
plcturo operator, then as a night
watchman and finally as u lantern
Ogneff bellovc.i that soma day ho
and other Russians ot tho old rcglma
will bo bark In Russia and so bo Is
making a study of tho transportation
nystcnvi hero whllo ho In working.
"When tho tlmo comes." ho said, "I
want to be prepared to toll my fellow
countrymen of modem American id
Oillfomlii Oregon Company Pre
pare for Conntructlon
WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 21.
Thq California-Oregon Power com
pany has applied for a license to con
struct a transmission line 100 mllcn
long from its prospective power bouse
In southern Oregon to Bprlngflold,
Orogon, At tho latter point a connec
tion will be niado with the system of
the Mountain States Powor company.
The transmission lino, at first, will
bo constructed to carry 66,000 volts.
This later will be changed to 110,
000 volts. i '
The line will form a conaectioa be
tween the power-aera ot tha Celum
bia river1 valley and' the power ea
ter in the state of CaHteraia.
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