i v.VU. ' SH. 44 t lSS i X fc ' to Ay o Weather forecast Tonight mill Tlinrmlny, fair! tuti 1 1 ii u til colli. tg Herald v NEWS OF THE WORLD 4 BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Associated Press. l'lf(eon, Vinr No, IIU.VI KLAMATH IMI.I.H, OHItffO.V, WHllNIJiHAV, PI.'IIHPAHV 1KJ, UKi2 pniCR FIVK CKifTC ROAD BOND ISSUE IS APPROVED A mt ICUFUW RETURNS SHOW or Only Four Districts Cast NcRntivc Vole; City Swnmps Opposition Klamath I nil III ' iipprilli'd llii' JhllO,. OUU in.iil Imiiil Intuit nnliinllli'il In llm intern nl tin' npoiiul cloclloli ycstcid.i; by ii Minority of iilmost lU to mi)'. Dili) four illMrlrts Tcturnml u negative Mile. those bring .Mullii, Merrill. Title l.uk( mill Orliiitiilu With the tllnlrlrln nf Tinny. Plevna ,Mt .Ukl. Witideii. Midland, Cn-ii. tt'iit mill Odonnn, utiil city precinct Hlghl uinl IVllc.iu I'lly yi't In b lii'.lpl from ut S o'clock. I he total for bolli cuiiiily mill city stood I,: 18 fur unit 231 it Kiilnmt . Of I In' district unhoiril from It Is hulloicd they ull Mill return IiIk majorities for llm IhiiiiU. I low titer, men should thi'y ull Im lu'KtillX'. tlio linniU v.iuM curry by ;t largo majority. l.'iiriiniii'!.M nfflrliit return glio Iho in ii nty illntrlrln 517 for mnl I. Mi uiMlimt. mnl tlii rlly prcclmts 7i'l ,for mnl SI ugtiltml. Tim rlly into u folluw. Tor Aguliiil First pn'ilnct i'hmiiiI pri'clm I Tlilnl precinct . Ciiiirlh pieclnit Fifth procliirl iiUth prrclnil tr. a 4 r, 7 r. r, ;.:. 72 . S7 !S .. 70 ...114 Hoventh prinlnft 112 i:ii:lilh prrrlnrt Ninth precinct 57 3 Tenth pri'diid : i) l'iiulr) I'Mrlrts Tor Ag.ilunt lluiimifn 7!i II Mullii 3.1 to .Mori III I'J r.l Tnln I ..i Ui 13 2S Illy 2'J 21 Altmnniit :.... :i;i i l.-iiigoll Valley ... 27 4 Fort Klamath !'S 3 l).ilry 30 3 30 i . .. 3S If, .-! 2fi .. 37 21 , 20 wiw ri'porit'il Orliidulo . ('Illlllljlllll Kirk . , Algomn I'ihi Vulloy Viiltiux . Koiiu Wordou 14 I I n 7 3 llllMI lo vuU'il hoIIiI for Hid ImiiuIh HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS ' OBSERVE BIRTHDAY OF FIRST PRESIDENT I .mnl Mrii Aililiri A-scinlil) on Cfiiii-.it t of (lira! I'iilllul; Half Moll. Iny Ihrliirnl III pluro of tlio iihiiiiI nol'ionl uorl( tli tH liicriilni;. Hi" iiiplln of tlio lil;li M'lioul Muru iliilliilitfiilly ciitcrtiilin'il wllli ii iro;mm In liounr of WiinIi. ImrIoii'h lilrtluliiy, uml Mom glvon tlio iflcriioon .in a holliluy. Aililri'ios nro iiiiiiln liy T. A. Kldvi'iiuoii of tlio , cliiimlMT of coiiiinercn, mnl liy It. '. (IrooHliuil.. mnl u proKrain w.ik kUcii liy tlio mimical itoiiirliiniil of tlio ucliool, fSliivciimin Miiuku'iiu tlio olm-rvmico of Kcliriiiiry 22 n u hnllilay, on (inorKo WiihIiIiikIoii iim ii IoimIit, uml iniiilo n pica lo lilnh Hcliool pupllH to ii I ho Jii'ioiiin lumlorK In lliolr roin nniiilty. '(Iiot'sbiick lalld'il on tlio IiIo.iIh which 'W'anhliiKtoit liuil conlillmlcil Ui tlio proHimt lunoratldii to oxompllfy, mill how Ihc.io lilouU linl o truu AniorlcmilHm, Tlio mitulrul pragruiil ronnlslml of Kiinirn liy tlio girls' clioriiK, plimo koIuh by KIIuliolli MannlilK nml Uni on Will.!, n iiuiil lotto couhUIIiik of r.stlmi' ('nl Id n a, Murxurnt Hcliuhort, Clifford IIokuii uml DoIiih Mills, uml u violin nolo by Anno Collln.s, MAIIKl'.T IIKPOIIT POHTI-ANH, Kob. ,22. Hob Heady, Bhcop stonily to BtronK. IHT ALMOST 10 I.mim:iis MHlAII.IIOAI , MIA HP.l till: TO I (HIM PltOTIXTIVi: am.ianci: (HJCAIiO. IVIi 21! Miner mill nillni.nl million hitvo il illicit in for in ii "proteinic ill llmioo' In i'.Ivm inllH'rn Hiipport In llii'lr nlrlko though ii xyin i.i:lii'llr strike "III nnl ho (tilled fur HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY AT AMERICAN LEGION MINSTRELS I'd fin niiiiiri' In Hi- llcM'alr TIiiiii- il.i) Mlit Kiiti'nnliiiiii'iit la Ureal Hiim" Tlio pnrtlnii of KS-iriiKili I-'iiIIh pop liliillon'tlint ttinicrtli'il In CiilnlllK ell I rami' to Hntinllnnvl.in bull rnlcil the l'i'.lim itilimtiil ulnnv mnl Diili'rlaln incut to bo nil iiihrrlLncil. mnl inoro The mucml hutnlruil icopln who ni'ro liirni'il linn)' after llin b.'ill vmn fill nl to iirrfli-liii: lll lit r,l''ii mi uptiortwnlly to allcinl n nccoml per foriniinri' Tliiimiliiv nlKlit I'roin tlio tlini' tbi' curtain ucnt up to tlin I'llil. I'lc'ry lunniciit Han fllb'il wllli fun Tim luirnt cork iirtlitn.' ultbJ I: llmli'iR n Interlocutor mnl (' P Pouter mnl It V llroivultiK n eml men. t.iiMi'il ii lontltiuDUH ripple of iimiitemrut. No better einl men worn cur M'Cii here, In the the opin ion of ninny prenent They were ubly nuppiirti'il by the enllrn rant wlilrh Inrlmteit i: 0 .Sim. I.e.' I'nrkrr. J T Knlnioml, Jnmex I.) tie. Itobert Sonic. John llnintton, John Hrliubcrt. I'.irkn Hibneliler mnl It (! ln!c benbnrbrr "Mini" lle.ni mnl Arthur PylllnR an iiUteit iin mtiiilcliinii 1'iipi'i'ln Hir I'.iprlka. n Itnr nmiio pr o cil In be Hnn u Knock-out. The buxom hula hula ibmcer. lmportei ill rmt from Honolulu by tint Li'itlon, lm uKrecil to iiliiy oxer fur llm Thurii ilny pcrfnrinniici'. It wan reporii'it 4; M. I. J oh n mi n, program artlnt. that I'nprlliA recuheil four proponnU fol low Iiik thexhoir nml miten mnre(tlil inoriilnK. Johnson lilitmclf In murrlcil Tlio biimi lunpltal HCeno. with O. It Mueller. Mob nml Mill WliinlnKhnm In the cant, protlilcit real fun. It wan learned, howeier. that uhm the "patient" called fur wntor he win i:ltcn a drink from a bottle found In the hall which contained lemon Juice or nnmethlUR -no one knew Jmt what. It an unly IhrnitKh exercliliiK Krcat ni'lf-poiiii'i'iloii that the patient refrained then and there ficm iindltiK the earner of bh nttendmilH Captain I. M. llnrbolled'H drill piii:ul performed like u'tcr.uiH. When the men (In bled to "xiuip Into It" In older to he permitted to r.n mornciiH, each memb'ir of the iuud Hhnued Hint ho wan u renl rnhllor when It came lo hainlllliK a rifle. The ml wiih full of fun mid furnlidicd a wealth of mnuneuieut for the audi ence. The Miii:nl was compo'ed of Menrrn. Iilff. Ilellbrolilier. Slarkey. Abbott, WlnnliiRhmn. Mcl.mmhllu, Mitchell. Vlnccnf and CounerK. Tliry urn reiiiented to I'.it In touch with Caplalu llnrdbolled at the earliest poinbln momiint In receive Instruc tions for the Thursday porfonuunro. Max Woks In comic koiikii proved mi" of thu ovenlliK'N Jiltu- Tbo Kcnl.il piopilelor of tlio Army (IihhIh r.l ore demoiistrutud hlrt nlilllty iih mi actor uml M'a.s u Kre.it nuxct to thu l.i:i;lou'ri program. Tlio mnrrliiKc mtiid In thu hint act, ' with V V. Foxier iih Iho IdiiuiicIouu ( colored prciicher. I'nrKH riciineiucr mi Iho IiiihIiIiik Kriiom nml P, It. Old ns Ibo'hard-bnllcil bride, mum voted one of the licit actH on Iho program. Ilrldo mid Krnuiii appeared Inter In the d.mro Hint followod tho nhov, rutin lllg II HOIIHIltloll. TlrkdtH for Thnridiiy'H Hir,fornmncn are "on niiln nt O, Iiiirimn'ti hIiou sbp. Main lion r Sixth. Alt.MV iio.vitu wii.i- piteiii: i ata 1 1, Diiiiraiu.i: accidiont NOItl'OI.IC, Vn., lbv 22. lie ports thut tho bag of- tho dlrlglblo, Itoina, which was diiHtroyed yostor day by mi oxploslou, with !M killed and eight Injured, wan rotten, will bo prubeil by an nrmy board. OffloorH mid men declined ty commont on tho roport, which orlg-' iiKted from Indirect iulatlim of me'ctiaulrs. Thy illsnBtor wak caused hy tho tilting 'of Iho rudder, and Iho ox jiIohIoii occurred whn tho bag hit n notwork pf oloctrlcul wlfes, War Diary Tells of Men's Love for George Washington " V. A Knrvii". IIOOMINdTON. III. Poll 22 - A little, well worn diary, iilmoni faded I out III phicei. nt lit telln tin- rent f r of thu love of (ieiirne 'a)illii;inii o men for their coiummil' r in-elilef during the llovultitlonnry V'ar Thin war bltlory. kept up duv bv day iluillii: tint c(jii'ii-)ear b.itltn, by Samuel Da v In, a flfer olid driiminer later iiiidur llm. direct uniiiuitid nf WiMhlncton now belotiRn to hln daiiiiht'T, Mm. Jocephlriu Wodetzk) of l.ox.111 county. Ill Uet-iilln Will Moile i.Mrn. Wodet-ky In n real d.niKh'er nf thu American ItiiMiliit'oii Hie ban Junt celebrated her ntnty-lhlrd birth dny, mid "he vnnuely teialln nnuie rf tip) ntorlen nbont U'iifhltii;li'ti Hint hoc fnther lc-lil hrr ivbrn hIio'viik ii little Klrl "Hbortly nflrr belli;: urropted ns a j ilriimninr. rho nld. my father wnn trimnferied to Iho ciniiiuiliil nf (ten et nl Price. In those ia there were no remirven nml eierv man nvnll.ible fur duty vn nt the front practically all tbo tlmo. ".M- fnilirr told in- that moxl ofi bin ncrvlro unit with Dm army of j Gotten iininy nl tho liiterei'Jnr: Incl-J which fleorno Wnnhlnctim vnn tlio f ilMlti related by her father -"hut I direct commiinilir nml that he wiwjfntt --''ck bark on mniiy of thorn by Hum Mile tn ret n dlre.t lino on the1 Kient heart of U'anblnston, nml bin rumpAMlnn for bin noldlem. IH ill 'IlieJr l.rmlor " "All those KOlillnrii,' fallior iwbl 'wore ulivnyH ready to einluri' nny hardship If WahhliiKton said the word. The patriotic rolnnUtn loved their lender lo n point nlmo.it ap proaching Idolatry ' "It ni tho tirlvlbiRe ot mv father In mirvn an orderly fi r unhliiRtou miil-when CornwiillU surrendered bin hln Utile dlnry. a nraphle picture of nrmy to tho Wnshlur.tou forces nt Ileiohillonary War lime, and an In Yorktnwn. onillus the Rrvnt, MrtiRKlo. side peep at Wiishlimton. an a lender for frcodom, ho stood within a few I of men. NEW EDITOR SELECTED Until Delaip .SurieeiN lortilliy Hoi ell as Chief of School Aiiiiu.il At nn annual staff .meeting last night at tho high nclmol. Dorothy Pel- J roll resigned as editor-in-chief, r.li llig ns her reanou that she wius car-' rjlfig a lioaiy part in thu senior pla. and had tunny other prouln-; school activities which she would rather' carry on than the annual. ' ' I 1- 'V- jJt- ..w. . . , .. . - ,- ,stiii.i' . . vJr -r nsrsfn s4v'.4tA-i; - Stewm-fe-. . . , 4At , SJ W ,' ;)WS!fci.',,rrrW. ,. ss.f-' .. ir.i."-..-toJ- 'Jffl - JcK. iw'UlfcJ' . ' nCin wpn rtr-.'KI .! ?S I liy isf i f ' ; h2 ' J fi Ha fi l2 "- ' V --' J lit?' -i -An ?P "- Pi:H -i $ ! . ' -iWk' 2Sj: -s ' jn(uniHnt.,m,tvi-" iM-awKtuojii4iw.siv-i.iKw. ,t f r'j ,-"t! ., Ii, j w & f ;r;. v; I . -Lm I t ( ''" ""' 'i - i f I I -, ' ? vsy ! ' ill' I'Si il, ' : ' 1 I'V j. r f II 'II' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBslBBkff i1'' V t$ to " MwsV'Blsr sSsAsl , 4 HHflHflHHBHSjlKteaksjMJMBMBJStaSBSasMSMK fmIBv L3 jtWSk Ts1 ?"-.jti JSssssssssssMBis4ste iiiMi" r' Vl'v tW-''? - W h' v B A .s &&&& til rrw P-i of WnnblnKtuit. He wltncHCit W.mliliiKton'n nccoptanco of tho ISrlt M louder' nword Mr. Wodutzky iwyn nhe ban for- renrrniR to tinner s nmry Tho llltlo war diary even men tlons the llrltlsh losies durlm; n hIcru that lasted a month IS killed nnd .t'.'i; wounded. Tho American nnd Prench lotnoM wore S5 killed and 200 wounded. ' Mrn. WmlflxVy ns born In-llnltl-moro In I S30 nnd Ik the only surviv ing member of n fataliof noun In 1M7 nhe ii a married nml shortly nfter her father died leavlnR her. In Jtutti Del.np was nominated by tho staff to till the vaenncy and was elected HiLs morning In assembly. A report from tho committee can vasnlng ndvertlstiiR for tho annual was mnde. which sbowod thut over half enough aiU wore already secur ed to publish tho book, and that only about 40 per icnt of tho buslnozs! houses had been ranvnrsrd. It wns' definitely decided to make, the publi cation, nnd plans are being made uc cordlnglyx , HART BUILDING - I3SS . 7 ' ' - V , ' -IJB1I- -" - IttO GREATEST Banker Says Prosperity It Certain if People Will Pull Together (' K. Walton, spehklne nt the chiiniher of (ommcrro forum today, tidd tbo mornbcr.s that with tho co oiwratlon of Its citizens, Klamath county, with Its tremendous rexour reg. was destined to lmu nn unpnral led nren of praiperlty. Ha voiced u popular sentiment In referring to the "two monuments Indlcatho of dln ention" now slandlnR In this city by .i)Iiir that If tho people here will Koi together and forRct their local difficulties, thero Is virtually no lim it to tbo progress tho city could make. Wnlle opened hU talk with refer enee to tho scenery i.f tho county, which ho declared to bo second to none In tho Pelted States. Headline tho subjeu of banklnR and business, ho mado frank statements which re vealed to his Uitcncr si new phase In the recent period rf doprcssliyi. He censured bankers for stemming the tldo of prosperity through not sup porting tho essential Industries when help was tnoit needed, r-iylng Oi.it for this reason ns much as for any other was the deplorable economic condition developed. Tho nddrcM was highly appreciat ed by tlii forum members, both, be cause ofthc wlso analysis of local as well as of national economic condi tions. HlltVKV IS OHIHCItP.I) OX DAI.I.IM-CAI.irOP.MA KOAI) rOKTLANIl. Pob. 22 The high nay commission has ordered sur ioya on The Dalles-Callfornta high way between Uufur nnd Tygh Val ley for construction bids this sea son. Thu commission has accepted the offer from Tillamook county for co-operatlvo road bulldlns. Tbo contract for hard surfacing 1.31 miles ot the Old Oregon trail In thu city of Pnlon has beoti c warded to tho United Contract compiny for SG6.S97. ' . -r-rl -1 o - Tl H m siniMtAi, aui: voi;m)i:i I.V ritKSir OPTIIUKAKH OF rnti.vo, hi:m'aht stiihkts IIKI.PAHT, Pcb. 22. Several wero wounded tndny In n fresh outbreak of flrlnR on tho cant utile, mulling from a venden- I nctt ncalrut nnloon-kecpcn hov- 14 Intr Sinn Pcln nympatlilen. Mill- tary Riiardn woru stationed at nil naloonn In tho York street 4 ! dlntrlct. Iaaaaaaaaasaaa CRATER CONCESSION MAY .REVERT BACK TO A. L. PARKHURST Company Itoportcl t'nnblo to Italm iW,(JM .Veces-nry to Kx i-itIm.' Option MKDFOItD, Pcb. 22. Prom the best Information .obtnlnnblo here un less something In tho way ot a mlr nclo hdppensbeforn March 1, the Crater Lake company which Ixst reason operated tho Crater I.ukc con cessions on an agreement w'lth Alfred I.. Pnrkhurst. and spent 120,000 In making Improvements at the Crater Lakfl lodge, with tbo option of tak ing over tin; concessions from Park hurt, Icr ISO.000, will not cxercls 'that option and will turn tho con cestlons back to Parkhurst. Word has been quietly In circula tion for some tlmo past In Mcdford and Portland that tho Portland. Med ford and other stockholders ot the Crater I.ake company would bo un ablo to ralso tho 180,000 for tho March 1 payment, and this situation was confirmed by Vernon W, Vawter, nn officer of tho company, who re turned Sunday from Portland whoro he conferred with Krlc Hiuser and Mr. Trice, other oJcIa.lU!f.hojflE pany. This gives a peculiar outlook at present as to oporatlon of the Crater I.nko concessions for tho coming .sea son, as Stephen Mather, national di rector of parks, whoso enmity to Mr. Parkhurst for several years Is well known.' ho. repeatedly said within tho past year that his department would never allow Parkhurst to opc ra'.o the concessions again. However, although tho outlook seem almost hopeless as to raising tho. ISO.000, Mcjsr. Ilnuser nnd Vawter are stilt at work trying. In tho oient the Crater Lake com pany has to turn back tho concessions to Parkhurst. tho stockholders will not loso tho $20,000 they spent last tcason In making Improvements. It Is pointed out, ns under tho optional agreement with Parkhurst, If tho op tion Is not exercised, tho Improve ments will revert to Parkhurst along with tho concession, nd ho has three ears to repay tho $20,000 back to tho company. Tho company made n splendid tluanclal shnwlug In its operation ot tbo concessions last season. CAUSE FOR ANXIETY lllgli School IteiHirt Partis Due To nioreow; Students Worried High school btudents are ull auremblo today In anticipation ot BlvlnR out tomorrow ot tho report cards which mark tho end of tho first six weeks period of the second aom ester, for these reports must lie car ried home for fond parents to inspect, and tho amount ot prnl.Hu or chastise ment or sympathy will be commensur ato to tbo number of A'a or D'.s ou tbo cards. A canvass of tho ropurt carda shows a much greater number of talltircH among thu freshman und sophomore cinsse. than oUowhoro. Tho opinion of teachers ot tho high school Is that this high porcontugo ot mortnllty Is duo to poor background upon which to baso studies in high school. A now ruling of tho faculty how ever, Is stimulating the' pupils to much better work that last semester. If u studont does "U" work for the first two periods ot the somostor, ho is dropped from tho course, Two "A'a" in a omestor in any subject oxompts him from final examination, providing ho hag two "A's" In both deportment nnd application. It ho does not have tho latter, he must take flual examinations In nil subjects. Two "D'" in deportment and ap plication' In tho first two perloda of tho semester, automatically drop the studont from school, - L T Large Building Program la Planned; Portland Firm Lowest of Hart Bids Parker Ilranflold ot Portland were lowest bidders on tho Hart building, it was loarncd here today by O. Puettcrcr, engineer In chargo of construction. The bids wera oponod at Sacramento 'at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. The next lowest bidder wero Lorcnx Drothers ot Portland and Itydo & Son of Maryavlllo. Klam ath Palls bidders wero' K. S, Henry, F. II. Cofer and W. . Miller, tho last two entering a Joint bid. Henry' bid at I3S.O0O was tho highest, ac cording to Fuclteror. Tho figures on tho other bids will not bo revealed until the contracts are awarded. Construction of tho Hart building will mark the beginning of construc tion work on Main streat totalling ap proximately 12G0.000. Work will start this scatou on buildings at the northeast corner and tho southeast corner of Klghth and Main, as well as on two moro buildings In tho Im mediate vicinity, nelthor ot which havo been mado public. Tho total cost ot the Hart, building will bo about $110,000. With the comnlctlon ot the IUrt ' building this city will haTo one ot me iincsi mcairca ui " city In thu stato with a seating capa city of 800 and Interior decorations on par with theatres In largo cltlos. Rest rooms for women and modern feature will bo Includod. Tho dlraen slons of tho thoatro proper will bo 40 feet by IH feet while the. office building fronting on Main and Seventh will bo 23 by 108 foet with a basement 35 by 118 feet. Thero will bo four stores, not Including two In tho thcato, and eight or ten of fices. v A foundation .has been laid to hold eight stories, and It Is moro than probable that several atorlcs will be added within tho next few years. Fuottcrer said. Tho architects, CoJtcs & Travcra of Fresn6. are said to rank as one of tho leading Western firms. At present they arc ald to hnvo tinder way work totalling over $3,250,000. Thoy wuru Identified with tho Liberty ship yard oh San Francisco bay during tho war. Puctteror was glvon recognition by tho Amurlacn Society of Pnglneors In bolug appointed head of n commit tee to Invoitlcate tho Admiral Jayno J Terminal project, which contomplatoj a tunnel from Snn Fraurlsco to Oak land .Through his recommendations changos wero mado In tho plan which may result In a through tunnel bo ing built under tho bay by which passengers 'may bo transported from ono end to tbo other In 12 minute. During the war ho was connected with tho war department on harbor defense work at San Pablo bay. Dur ing tho past 10 yoar.s ho has handlod projects totalling $13,000,000. ASK PASTOR TO STAY IVniuuient Call Will 11" Kxtondeil llcvercml A. Ii. like Following tho Colonial dinner at the Presbyterian church tonight, a mooting ot tho congregation will bo held to extend to tbo Rovorcnd A. L. nico a pormunout call. Tho pastor was liutnllod hore as stated, supply tor ono year, tho time expiring this spring. Hocauso liln services havo been highly satisfactory. hQ will bo asked to stay hore permanently. All membor.H aro requested to attend. WKATIIKII PltOlUUlLlTIKS Tho Cycl0- Stormagraph at "Under woods' Pharmacy has roglttorod but little variation In barometric pros sure In tho last 24 hour, period, nnd w-nllo the reading U comparatively low tho stability would Indicate a continuance pf present feather con ditions for another day. Forecast for next U norm;--Generally fair with Ufkt wlsds and moderate temperatures, -""., Tbe Tyco,, recording tMrsMMtr rojrlstorrt maximum and "" wtalBtim temperuatwa iMttY as Htrawa) High IS ))Sjf ! bow 1 .',. .. tM t(aefM( " 4.11 T T H RUCTION i RK PROPOSED 1 -J&i i "'"V AX'