The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 21, 1922, Image 1

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    I-' '.. 1 .
fcft . 13
Ol'liul.ntj 1.1 U....,
EUGENE, OlltJ. r)
r' A "TimVv.
. m " i'4
iunmutrt IteraUi
Tonight mill Wednesday, ruin In
weslj tli, inly In Mini iioillim,
01 INK
Member of the Associated Press.
ii i . . '
lirir'nlli Nil. fWtil
KLAMATH 1'M.t.H, OIICOOX, TriXD.W, lllltlll H !, ItMi!
43 on Board When Explo
sion Occurs in Midnir;
Only 10 Rescued
XOtH'OI.K, I'eh, 21.- Tlm nriny
dirigible. It iiiiiu, inr luno'il l) tln
i:uvrntiifiit friini Hilly, unit ilrnlroj
i'il tt' " oxpliulon Imliir while nper
mini: mur I'lumplnii lliiiulii naval
Tln big aircraft, uhlih It bolleted
In liun lii'in r.irr) Iiik n number
Ihiikiiiikiiih, hunted In flames I'our
mi u tero taken "If b.nlly IniriH'il.
NOIII-'OI.K. Vn, Vli 2 1. -The.
Iiillulier of ii". nl III the 1 1 n ma illminler
nan enlluinleil lain lodiiy at :U
A tnliil of 11 were mi Imnril when
the eipliiKliin limited Tell I'rrniliti
ueln ii'M-ilril. III. illy of win. Ill were
m I Injured
Hie nlliieitnim .ii llm Itouia uait
flylni: at u Imli'.ht or Hon lo imin
fll'l Ulll'll it lliln ulup of NlUOkll up
penri'd nml the rr.tft tarled down
vlilliiiely, titrlklur. a liarrnrk l.nlld-
IIIK A HIIIIiIht nf men le.lpcil, untlli'
ulli pirmhillen mul miliin ullhniH
Ml., .Uiie Mini Anlte. In 00t.
ml.. Willi Mix I'lltke
.Ml J.inn Allen, dlrerlor nf nun
liif for tlm Ori'rmi itutit lionrd nf
Iii-jIUi, arrived here taut IiIkIiI lo
rii-oper.tte with I he county nil rue,
.MU l.)Uln KrlrKe.
.Mint Allen lati' that ln lux
Jiut n.lne from Hut lulil-wlnler
1iiilliwelern lertloiiul ronforenrn
of the Orexnu I'ulillc Nurart auto,
rlittlnn held In ItotehurK, Kehtuary
IS. Hlie uy that Imreafler the
mlil'Wluter elnn will he held In
I'orlUml, whllit the miiumrr elnnni
will he irrtlnnal conference, one
of which may he held In Klamath
1'alU, perhapi thl niimmer.
There are no 17 county puhllr
heilth HxnrUlloni,
In Oregon, mid
the I Sill ulll he organized next
inniitli In llenton county, according
to Mia Allen.
Mine of I'rrklita ruritllniv lnue
SIiiihp. rinrflt Spirit
Klujiutli K.illa nivrchunl are alive
to the future tif their illy, mid lire
imikliiK pieparutlon during the Murk
winter mi'lilliH for u hiinluea revival
In thn spring. Thin n nliuun to n
murknil degree hy the 1'erkln Kuriil
ture I luttff, which recently iitiiM'd to
a new liciillnn on Hlxlh hi'tweeu Main
nnd Kl.imalli.
The new IVrklil nlnre han 12,0(11)
mitrfiio feet of finer Mpace, 4U0I) more
III ii n llm former quartern afforded A
roomy balcony and u largo third
floor prnvliln room for dlaplayn of
Mllle.1 nn well un ntnragtt a pa en for
goodn, A ervke mid piiHaeiiRer elov
atnr will ho one of Uin lunovatloiin
Whlln llm new qiinrlerH nro not
fully prepared, they urn open for bun
Inui Perkins plnim u big opening
italo ! tlm near fiilure,
....j ... . .,
i'IONOI.UI.U. T. II., roh. 2 1. -mm
Ni.'Hitu of Ihn lain Queen !,llunkulaul
lant niitlvn ruler or tint former Klin:
ilniu'of iruwnll, ntlll In vulueit ul more
than, nrrorilliiK lo llm an
nual report filed today hy Ihn trim
teen. i
"Queen l.ll" died In 1017. 24 Varn
after Iter ruin wint overtlirnwn.
Tho lulu! reri'lptH of tint entnto
during llm year worn tliri,248,:ia nml
tho tnlnl dlHliiirneniont.'i, mostly for
plillalilhrnplrul roaaona ordered In
tho will worn fai.U80.LM.
Thn hnrnmnlrlo iirttwuirn'routlnueH
In hn erratic thn Cyclo-Ktorniagriipli
nt Underwood' I'hnrniney rocordliiK
Hllght fall and rlnc nlturniilely, but
with llttlo not chungo during tho pant
24,11011, At tho Hum of going lo
proHH Did tendency wan down waul.
Indications nro that prnaunt condl
tlonn will nbtnln for at leant twelve
bourn, poHsltily longer dopimdlng
upon thn "low" now putting In an
Koiccuur' for nxt 24 heur:
Cloudy, nniottled weathor; moder
ate toinporutuies.
Tho TyroH rocorilltiR thormomotor
roKlMorod muxlmum anil minimum
Iflinnornturps, today, an follews:
nigh as
. Low i. 4-.1C
I'iiiihii.nt thi.i.s hcxati:
mi ihicoud wah ki:it or
in rori:iii:N(
II. C, Fob.
21 I'ri'nlili'iil Harding, In r
tilyltii; In Hid Hfiiiiin ri'Hiiliillnii
fir liifiirniiilliiii mlallvo to ne
gotiation of tli four-power
I'lirlllr Iri'iily, Muled II would
be liiiponalhln In (iirnliili tint
roiiioMoi Information, lu'diiinit
IIIIlM n( t tilt 111 KOt In t lotlH UI'P'
i iiiiiIiii li'il ulllinut keeping it
ri'inril Ho milil It wu not
ronip.itlliln with pillillr Inliir
mt to illmlinn' I'onfliliililliil Hi'-
r.iilliitliiii", lint ili-ihri'il "llii'm
" "I
Uirn till lillirrali'il llllllrrnlllllll- f
Iiik mill no Hi'iri'l nxilimiKi-n
f !,,,,
'. i:, WiiIIin Will llilnu .MriKr of.
Ilpllllllkllll IIIXIIIH III llllllll
i:ii'(lnil lii lie Mlteii
('. i: Walleii. 'rerelver for tlm
I'lmt Hindi K iliitltiKt) hank, will lie
I In' Mpeiiker ul tint t'hiiui
tier of Ciitiiumrie fnrillil Wedneti
day iiiniii IIU miliJiTt ulll Ii"'
"Kt.iimilli Cnillily Ciiiiillllnlni: I'.nil,
I'reteiit mul future" Tlm talk
wilt lie of particular Inlerent to the
Inmlni'M men of Klamath run My,
hi the Mpeaker In wry familiar with
rnnilltltitm ihioiiKhoiil the cniliilry
un a remil' of hi roiinerilon ultli
l,u r n haiikliii: liiterenlii Wiillen un
liniini i'il that he would hrlnr, ll
limmMKii of iiptllllllil to lilt llnleii-
er loiiiurrow.
Tlm roimnlili'e U iiUn plumiltir.
In i.trry out mi appropriate pro
:rntii for Wanliltii:tnu' hlrlli day.
nml a Itrr.i' rrouil U etptTted lle
piirtH from nil (he prerlurlii In llm
tniilily ulll he made on llm road
liolid flection at tlm clone of llm
A il"li'i:.itloii front Merrill U cotu
IllK to lh inretlliK, It wan annniinc
vd liy (lenrKe Walton lliln mornlnic.
Mnn Haiti to llite lliiien Tit) lor
lino llpM'ititsl
I.OH ANOKI.KH. I'eh 21 The
nearrh for n taxlruh driver who dl
appeared from hi home here uhoul
the lliee William PiMiiinml Taylor.
film director, wan murdered, wn the
oiilatamllng feature )rlerda nf the
police Imeatlgnllon
The man, It wu aiibl, bud driven
Ta)lor home on m eral occit'lnna,
mid II iii Indicted that ho might
i have tltllt'd llm tllrertur the night he
ua klalu, the detective N.ild
The ilrlter'a dlauppearnlice wan re
ported to thn pollen iiewrul du)H ago
by hln wife, who eirt'K.ud bewilder
ment nnd al.iriil at III uhaenre.
The officer luf looking ocr hi
effect to find u clew to hln where.
about, dlacovered three hullvl of
tlm caliber of thai which killed Tay
lor ami ii cap Mmlliir lo thiil worn by
a man necrnl ullneaaen rcpnrlftd h.iv
lug ecn about Hut Taylor npurlmcnta
the night the director wan uliiln, they
Tho parent ot Muhnl Nurmaud,
flliy urtrM, nun ot Ihn but pernon
to Men Tnylor alive, were expected to
nrilvn ffiim Now York tu vlalt their
Mian Xorumml mowd from her l.o
Angelen renldenrv to an unnnnniiuced
uddrenn, which It ViiH learned I In
Allndell.l, u iniliurb of I'aMiileli.l, Her
frlendn n.ild Hint wn neeklur, nnd
Ltiiie I'lne In llral lo llnUli Ite
iiiliTtl Work nml .Make ItepnrU
Tho l.i. no I'iiio Cookery club it
the. Mr. it cliih In Klamuth county to
cnniplulo tho ron u I red work mid
miiko thn final report n, Tho fol
lowing nro ineinberH of lliln club:
VfMta lliiOHlnir, Curl Klger, Hoy
lleaaley l.oln llumiell nnd l.oralnn
I. list year Iheno boyn and glrln
worn enrolled In several of tho
vurloiiH project h In club work,
Tho I.oue IMno illatrlct holds tho
record In thl county for achieve
ment In club work, having finished
four club 100 per cent mul ono 80
pur cool. Mis Mario Dolnu wan
tho locul louder last yenr, mid hold
thn kiiiuu ponlHon agulu tills year.
A Washington's lllrthday program
will ho given nt tho Algoma Hchool
tomorrow under tho dlrocllon ot
Mlsn Krma McCulllstor, tho touch
or, which will bo supplemented by
nn Illustrated talk by Frank Sox
ton, county club leader, ,
Prosperity Is Predicted From Development ot
Large Area of Fertile Klamath Comity Land
Tin- I'lilli'il HIiiIch government Iiiim t by safeguard iimj make nvallnhlo sev 'trii't tho district will take over Hip
submitted a contract lo In vnli'il upon y oral thniisulid ncron pt llm Till" Lake operation ami nialtmnanre of the y
liy Him people nf tin- Mingi'll Vnlley land Thin being pillillr laiul llm e-' I'-ni nn noon an compiled Whether
anil Horsefly Irrigation illntrM fort norvlre men will be greatly benefited t thl In n good feature of tlm contract
tlm (nuMliiclloii of an lirlxutlnii s-l liy thin proporod dnvclpuuieril , nr not, remains to ho seen, nml ban
torn nml witter nnpply fur a purl of "Tlm people comlnx nnilcr thl up- b'en llm basin for a good many nr
tint Liuiln nt tlnsn two tllslrlt In. Up-' pur project, liiivn Vtnlted Urn; mid ! KUiimntn.
' .... 'I, i. it ..l.ll.iti ulll lut!
llll ."III l ll ml - . "in ."
fur tlm piirpoim of ralirylnr. n Joint
. . ......... I I...
i"1'"""" '" "' ',"l,'',ll "" "''""
i ""' '""K''" ll' "",l "" I lrrw-
i My InlKiitlon illntrliln rallliiK for llm
iiiiMlriictloli or a iiivnrniiii num.,
nl mill n)lini anil pumplnc!
i'iillpini'iit lo I aliont ' 2 -'
.nri'H of Iniiil on thn wiyt nidi' of
Ridl valley am mi nrr.i of aliont 4. mm
iirri'n In Hie MnrMilly ilillsllirl went of
lloniiiita The ilmelopiimnt if thin
are.i iipirinliiinllnt: lO.ono nrr"i will
nie.iii a Jimt deal in the ron tity Thin
helm; an area of eirepllonally fine
land, uell nllunlid mid free from any
eiiKltieerllli: nlmtnrle.. It hould he
roine one of tint mint valunlde arean
of IrrlKalril land In llm Klamath ln
Jerl Hererinry WUhanl or the l.miRell
Vnlley Iriliiutlnn dlMrlrl maken thn
fullowliiK Hlnli'iiiint In ler.ard lo thin
proposed itKVi'lopment :
"In my opinion the tleMdopinent
of the liiinln of the U'fliRell Vnlley lr
ilrnllnn and lit mefly dint rlrln meaim
a crenl deal to Klauinlli rnutity. The
lirlncliiK under Irrigation of nu area
of npprotlmalely 42r.,iiiin nrrrn of
land will Inrreaim tlm viltiallnn of,
the land ni'Veral tliucn mi'i Itn pren- j
eiit tnluallou It ulll make hoiiien for ulll he plentiful Tlm farmer of that of Ihn hent If not thn hent nml moM
fi'Mral lime llm prenent inipulalli n neclliui hne plenty of tok and feed efllrleiit deparlinenl of the Rovern
It will eliahle the goveriiment to teg- mul Un hard lo lmllee that price ment. I wan more convlnred lhati
ulalo the run-off nren trlhutnry to, mul wagen ulll he a great deal lower, j i'irr that they are the proper agent
thin necllnn of tlm country nnd there-' I'mler tlm term of the propou-d con-' to develop our arid land.."
Itepnit litillrnli' I'ett nl I'nlU I'p,
liiTlmv OTIihU i
At .1 o'rlork thin nftorntion It wa
reported at tint chamber of com
merce that only n tight vote had
heen cant In the bond election.
It ua pointed out, how ft or, thai a
number of people do not vote until
after hiiMno bourn, which may
ralatt the total mi appreciable
Itetultn of tho election will not
Im determined until late tonight.
A half holiday will ho grant-
ed In Hip public nchool of tlm
rlty tomorrow, In oNervance
of Wiibiigtou'n birthday. In
n number of the school ap-
proprlatit exercise ulll be held.
At tlm high school exorcise
ulll bo held at 9 o'clock, with
It. O. Otoeibeck mid T A. 0
Htovuuson us speakers.
yriS yAUfe.X FLOURISH Trte
si s wwjj i i ii -.---. , imiu'w ii in mmm'mrm-mmmm
I ii. .1 l...itti. f,. Ilila ..iitinrhitillv
' ll 1 1. -l 11 li'l nun r-'i....iii ..
' Uhtp ni'i'iim to tin llttli ilnulit iiIkiiii
I ..... .... .. . I
' llll'ir nufpiini; inn KiiviTniii"inii in-
J fur. 'n liavn hml nomc xp'irli'nc- In j
ntlcrnptliiK lo (Innrirc nml liullil UiU
part of our projrri iiniHT inn nmiriri i
manaiiitiimnt nml fouml tlm lli-m of
i Int'-fit nlonn on t lie mil" of tlm'linn tlm offer again anil poiallily
hotun oer n pnrlod of 1". jcarn would
nmonnt I'lflT.n'iO nr niproxlmnte)y
r, f per rent of our entlmateil Initial
roil, nml thern l n jtietnn an to I
wiiether tlm principal under the hond i
rale undid he sufficient to romplele ,
ni kooiI a ylem n wn think the !
KDWrntnenl will build for im Anoth
er ndvjtilnKo of harlnic tho Rorern
ment do tlm work lit that our pay-
nienln will hn nprrad over n pnrlod of I
20 yearn mid the nuniinl payment
will he very light nt flrM iinyiimntn
lo Mart mm year after the xynlem In
put In opnratlnn While under tlm
linnil plan the repayment anil Inter-
cut niiint Im provided for an noon nn
the lunula tiro nold
Tlm tiientlon of ulmther thin
In llm opportune time to Mart thin
project may he r.ilneil I'ertMwIlV" I
i llilnl: It In Ihn tlinn to ntart. Wan
tin re eer n (line when money wan
ut'edrd no tinirli an lion l.:ilior It and J
Death Rate Is Too HirIi
Smith Hesti for Klamath
Knrty-nlx killed In
I.o Angcle
traffic accident last menth: 4CS
Injured during January; fine total-
lug J.t.500 paid by law vlolntom."
Then., were tho statement In a' Although, according to Wnl
I.o Angele newgpjpor that met tr' i.hacrvatlon mado lat um
the eye of It K. Smith during hU'iimr, the boat rest at a depth ot
recent trip through Southern Col- 300 feet, and ! almost completely
Ifornlt. j covered with fa nil and nea growth.
.Smllli until mat wa enougn lor
bliu He nml Mr. Smith took the
jflrt train north, hent only upon
reaching the safe confine of Klnm-iand
i"th Fall at thu earllcit
possible j
-"Klamath may have its draw
hack," nald Smith, "hut here wo
j don't kill people by wholesale, lie
I sides, from u business standpoint
liie future ot tins town iooks us
good tu mo it anything I saw In
Southern Cullfornlu,
"ftmi nf llm ritlnrlftfil pnnitnna ie.r
..-i ... acj n'i ......i... ..-.
laldiic ailvantaKo of thin upporttinlty
... .1.1 .- .!.. ..... .
urn man ii ion iini- mm i nr(
It tlmrc nro imintiroiiB other projects
tliat arn caKerly wnllliiK for tlm inon-
ami win iooi no umo in lUKing n.
It may lio wrcral yrarn lioforo wi-
never aijflln under the aino termn.
"Twelvn yearn ni;o today I Marled
to work for tlm Klamath Wntcr lT'
eri' nnd have heen routlnuouily In
llmlr employ for the p.nt nix yean.
and while I don't want to poo a.i an
authority In Irrigation mat tern, from
what experience 1 have had 1 certain
ly hellevo the Irrigation ha heen a
great fartor In development nf thli
county nnd that It will come to ha
more appreciated In the future, and
fiirlhir I firmly helleve, that the
Koternmeut han heen and nlwayn will
l the logical meann under which
proJertH of nny r.lze nhntild he devil
opetl '
When a hndy nf men numhnrlng
2fi I repretentlng 13 we.nlern ntaten
met nt Bait l-nke City, I'tnli, nnd
without n tllnitentlug Mile endnrned
tlm t'nlted Stalin Iteclatnallnn Ser
vice nnd declared It their oplnlcn,
Itirtt thn Iterlnmntlnn Ht'rlrc wan one
Buried Treasure Lures
Deep Sea Diver
JUNKAU, Alaikn. Feb. 21. Bur
led treasure on tho ship Islander,
which wa wrecked oft tho coiut.ot
' Douglas Iiland, near here. In 1901,
u t)0 ,urc f()r p w WattcrS( docp
ra diver, who plan. to search tho
xc,' thl-1 "umnicr.
ne claim nin searcn win ue sue
cetatul because of a specially mado
dIMng ult whlcl he hus patented,
which allou tho dlvcr to drop
to this extraordinary depth.
Walters claims to be the only per
son who ha found the ship.
The sand covering tho Islander
would bo removed by means of
hydraulic pumps. Walters has pur
chased the boat Sumez, und will
bo hern with bin crew early In tho
ummor to begin tho search.
I'AWTUCKKT. It. I.. Keli.
21 Onn man wax killed, two
MTlatmly woiimlnt anil nix pr
nonn hurt v,hi'ti pollco ueil riot
Kilns today on a rrowd of
1,000 gathered nt th plant of
tlm JenckcN' HplnnliiR company,
wlmre a strike In In protean.
The fiuim wcro "cd when ev
eml p.itiolmen were knocked
down afii'r thn arrext of three
utrlko nympathlzeri.
Interior Department llen'l Till
MrXnry That Itrclainallon
HhoiiM Ik- Complete.!-
WASIUNOTO.V, D. C. Fob. 21.
Assistant Secretary Flnnoy ot the
Interior department writes Benator
MrNar that ho hcllovc tho con
tract or J. Frank Adam for
tho reclamation ot lands o.n Hank
marsh on Upper Klamath ,lake,
.should hn carried out. Tint Amer
ican legion ul Klamath Fall re
cently urged that thu lease bo can
celled, oven though -appropriation
ho required to reimburse Adams.
Finney nay Adam claim to have
expended I2."..0ij0, with 110,000
needed t0 complete the work. Tho
department lack money In reim
burse him, Finney adds, and Im
doubts that congress would appro
priate ll. Hu suggests that tho con
tract bo finished with on amend
ment providing that fair cost of
construction he ascertained by tho
department and tho United Stales
bate the right to take It over at
any time on payment of this coat.
Problems, of finance, wlth.par
tlcular reference' to tbo paving prob
lem, occupied a largo portion of the
city; councllnien's attention at the
regular meeting last night. Ho
definite derision wa reached on
tbo paving program for thl year.
It was reported by the flnanco
committee that a commltteo of tho
chamber of commerce merchants' bu
reau Is making a survey ot the oc
cupation tax question, with view to
recommending a change In tho local
tax ordluanco.
Permits wcro granted as follews:
Dr. J. G. Coble, to erect an electric
sign over his storo at 709 Main;
Acme Motor company, to erect an
electric sign at Sixth and Oak; Koy
Call, to change a partition in hi
garage? at 224 .Main. ,
Tho petition ot Fred Duke, to
move a Jitney office from 109 North
Sixth to KlutentU and Main, and .of
Mrs. II. II, 1'erham to permit a
lunch ' wagon to continue at Its
stand on Sixth between Main and
Flue until another location was
found, were disallowed.
Would Meet OiH'ratnrti to Au-rt Im
peitillnic Strike
CHICAGO. Fob. 21. President
Louis of tbo United Mlno Workers,
asked tho coal operators ot tho Cere
tral eompetltlwi Held to meet with
Iho union official at Cleveland on
March 2 for a wage conference, to
avert tho Impending strike. Some
oporutoru havo rejected similar re
quests, saylnc they wished to dis
continue collectlvo bargaining with
Flfteeu railroad unions met today
with tho in I int workers to plan a
"ilofonslvo alliance."
SUSANVIM.K. Calif., Feb. 21.
First of a series ot courses in kiln
drying given by tho United States
government In tho Western states
Is being held horo, attended by 18
men reprt'sontlnn lumbor Interests
from Southern Oregon to Southorn
Three men from tho forests pro
ducts laboratory ot Madison, Wis
consin, aro giving tho courses,
which consist of demonstrations,
lectures, laboratory work, discus
sions, and displays ot equipment.
Other courses will bo glvon this
spring at Eureka, California, Febru
ary 27 to March 10; probably Port
laud, March 30 to 31 ,and Qlbbs,
Idaho, April 10 to 21,
phone mm
Petitioners Are Scored by
Commissioners for 'Caus
ing Expense to State
HAl.RM, Feb. 21. Affirming tht
original order grantlsg Increased
rates to thn Pacific Tolephono and
Telogarph company, anil scoring tho
petitioners who asked for a rehear
ing, the publlo sorvlro commission to
day handed down a final decision on
the company's appllcaton for higher
Tho Increases worn ordered Feb
ruary 28, last year, cffecllvo last
March. Tho first ranged from 30 to
200 per cent for different clatsns ot
service, Tho rehearing was asked for
by thn city of Portland, the Oregon
Tolephono Federation and other or
ganizations and municipalities. Tho
hearings occupied several weeks last
Tho petitioners for tho telephone
rehearing were, flayed by the commis
sion for burdening tho stato with un
necessary expense and waiting stato
officials' tlm. "Tho evidence produc
ed at tbo hearing was Insufficient to
Justify a change In the original order ,
granting the Increaso," said the com
mission. It declared no ovldenco wor
thy of tho name was offered to sup
port the assertions ot an error.
WIU Mtnrt Promptly M T:St'TM ll
et Nearly AH aVMV
. r- . rsyisssssBjss i tM-Wj fSi'N. il
Tonight at 7:30 sharp Is tbo
time. Scandinavian hall Is thn plaeej. J
Papceta, tbo hula hula artist, Is
tho girl.
Uut Papctta Is not the whole
show not by 40 miles. The burnt
cork minstrels form a largo part of
tho Legion program, which Include
a dance after tho performance. In
addition there aro numerous other V
acts .each worth the price of ad- v
mission, according 'to tho enter
tainment committee.
Tho rush for tickets at O. Lar
son's hoo shop yesterday cleaned
out all the reserved seats, with gen- '
eral admissions going fast. Dy
7:30 It Is quite certain the S. It. O.
sign will be hting out. "
Admirers ot Papoeta, take this
tip: The graceful Hawaiian dancer
owns a prosperous- mercantile busl
ness. To win her would mean a
life ot case, with plenty ot canned
beans at wholesale cost and music
and dancing with every meal!
Knights of Pythias aro planning
general attendance when the filmed
version ot the story "Damon and Py
thias,' tho story which Is the founda
tion tor tho teachings of the order,
U shown at the Strand theater to
morrow night. There will bo two
evening shows, one at C:30 and the
other at 8:30.
Wednesday night Is the regular
meeting night ot thu local lodge, but
because ot general Intorost in tho
picture, S. R. Tledkey, chancellor
commander, today announced that
there would bo no lodge meeting
Wednesday ulght.
Tho picture Is In six reels and
those who havo seen (t pronounce It
n wonderful attraction, both from a
spectacular viewpoint and from tho
nobility ot tbo theme.
Tho local theator had much diffi
culty in securing the film, which Is
u great demand among Pythian lod
ges this month, which the birth
month of tho'order. Vlilto waa In
formed yesterday that the film had
gono astray en route from Tennessee
to Portland and there was much dls
appolntmnt In local lodgo circles, but
a telegram, this afternoon announcad
the picturo bad arrived In Portland
and would be hero tomorrow even
The Houso Military commJttM will
conclude this week the bearing "
Ford's Muscle Shoala oiler,
i t
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