i -t ' "V Ji .-,'A Page Tfrrctt -JML The Office Cat II V JVSiVH JOIMI I I" lliire 1 1 1 Ilu boil) of Mill Mrl'lncllf. Hi) Irlfil lit ilrlvit ntiil kin hu c.. t'llllly Nena Hleiluiu .lonm illeil Kimiur morn Ho ilrotu I1I11 rur wlillo rnll r.f nun DiiIIhk I.Iiiiih ('lull Hiiro 1 1 a 11 limit Mini w oik i'il nml lull. il. , 'linn ilrnwt In low 11 nml f-niun dark bulled. I'llllMOIiliom loll in Hint luilf (In. world tlon'l kiinw what tlm other half nr ilnlu', ll they hawn'i tt,., In i;nt 11 Job II1I11 winter. Iti'lilinllicr llmt oh! parlor nut home, Hth tin. IiIImiU ilr.iwn. Inlr rlotll furniture, nlil inirxl allllir In III n corner with Brand pa's picture i u It. Hllil the. way )0I (nit ir Mn -II )(MJ In them to , onnlliliii; nfor nliit I1111I fallen? Al 8ll)lllT U)' untlln rntrn lllltl u'aoclnlUm l tn t roiiuil nil the limn, nn' I'll lion ihii niliir filler tiiailo hit money. Tnii lot mitt limn nml tn is llku n rent illiiinniiil, nn' ilurn near a rnri opine l rinmlto l)..n IllllNi I lo bought lilini'lf 11 bran iiiiw car, lid li.ul It filled Mllh Kan. la i(im 1111 iioi-k Man oviT pir. Hit lo.iikil In Ms I.im ANI Hi) nii'nuf'Ml li 11 in tin I ifr ami llinli. Ho klllnl itivek by the rore. Iln tried to rnfp with mi uprcM NOW Hu (C"il mi Hi' ridden nhnre ilm llrlicoll nukn i)it linn In mini' of thi 0111(1111111111011 niiitUer who really In i veil that mtiiim roillil ho preleiited by ruhbinK the link .iltalllst 11 I111K 'riuiKli' ' '1 . ritMNi:ii fiioto-. M i (oliilril IUi) sliiinc I mil In llii Murk IMIlur lircp Hi Hi .Ho Mint Them U 11 9 mill I matter wlilrh $omo of our fuliKrihert hui leem IiirIx fnrr."ii''i To ni it it mceflary In our lliidni'. V iin ery nimli'll nml iln not wllli to Ipi'iilt of it Death lurk.i In wlillo rem lliiior. naynyi l.ouUvllln prohlhltloit ar.cnt, uml lit' niiRht to know. Probably Ilium In iioIIiIiik iiillo no iinlmporlmit In thi' world as tlm HiIiiki father ueeilN when nil Ilin reM of tho family In rlutiinrliiK for new iliuR' ' V.v ..... fwiiiiiin miiiiiemntirui witnm ua.i lliturnl It nil out Hint u mini npemlH two nml iinn-lialf jeani In liiilm: IiIm slini'H. Wbiil iloen llio blr(l wnut to do, i;o 'liarcliml? Illi; niiotHloiiii In lieorRlu hoiiiik llini'ii hii;miriiiiHly referred to an tho Niinny Boutli- Ifnn't worry- llm wilier In alwayn w.imnit tlm Nat. Kvnry day at tlm Ilex. 2re dinner fioni 11, to I. in-22 I.-U . -j. . -I Ulll-W' S'etici: roit I'CIimcatiov Not Coal I. nml ni;i'AitT,Mi:.T or thi: i.vrnuoit II. 8. I,ANI orriCi:, nt l.aknvlow, OrcRoli, January 2H, 11122, N'OTICi: In hereby j; I veil that Chnik'H KIoIikh, of Malln, Oregon, wlip, On, April litlth, IDli. incido HomnHteiid I .' n try, Apt nf Juno 17. 11102, Nn. ninimi, for H'. or B1JU (IiuIiik I.oIh l! uml 20.) Her I Inn' 17, Tnwimhlpv a, hoiiIIi, Hiiiiko 12 east, Wlliniiinttu .Merlillmi, Iiiih filed not loo or'lutcii(im lo miilio final three year Pi oof, tn cHliibllHli I'hilm to thn land ubmo ilo'tirlbed, he f urn O. It. Del.np, Clerk of, 'County Couil, ill Klamath I'n'tlH, O'ipkoiii on tlio lllth day of Mai eh, 1!22. (ilnlinnnt iiniiien no wltneHpen: .1. I,. JiiioIh, I). I). Hinllh, It. A. FniUn uiul .1. II, MtCulley, all of Ma Illi, OroKon, ( Published for flo roiiflociitlyo KeokH In thn "Klmmith Herald," Klninnth Fullu, Oickoii.) Pri'. I.IHIIT, HeRt6r, Jim, ;io Kyb. o-ia-20.27 FLAPPER SECTION OF AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE A-FLUTTER dly Tim AmmrlnlPil Press). I'AIIMINUIJAI.IJ, NY, Kiiti. 17- Tlin KUhmlvu yomiit flappor nor I Ion ni tint Hliiln Institute of Aiilliil AKrl iitlliim vmid nil urinl tor with unite j ini'iit iinliiy 'I linn, min iiiinh nrtful 10111111K or iikiiiIh nml iirmmliiK of flmi fi'iillii'm I'or In xiunn urn tlm turns I1111I Kotli'ii iilmiit Hint tii.forn nlKlit full nil Ilin i;ii(i. fliipp.im, lint Ixitl Hug In to liiiiiliomi, isiru lo net limit '"'I ' K llllnlinntln. with iel;ht ' fill liiiikKroiiniln of wealth uml rot In I ImihIIIiui 'I In' fml, miWirlliK of AnIii. Hint the brlilwi to tin huil iinviir eiii their fu ' urn himlimiiiH ilhln'i simm to li(iihur tin' flappers Nor 1II1I Dm furl Hint mh huh to ftluiiu hr hiinlmml with l' ulhers Mntioitiiitij- nt III In nn . known In tlm world of While .tr. Iiiirim. IHioiln Inhiml llnli nml Ply lno)illi Itnclo. Toilny' wimIiIIiirh mnrk tlm di'coinl "iiiK'i of 11 iliri'noi'nr-i-KK luyliiB nml iMiullr) lirvnlliiK lonli-Kt hi'liii: ion ilnrtnl ,y 11. a Alirctm, lii-ml of tlm UiHllliiti'ii poultry ili'i'.irtini'iil DurliiK Urn hmi inr, Immi ihiIImIh frnni nil p.irii of Dm rant lino li.-cn iloveiliii: thv.r I'lmrnli'ii noluly tn tr.r. Ih)Iiik. nml )inti mtnlilUlinl iiivluhlc ri'innlR for thi'inin'lvi'ii Tlm output iiiiIh iitcrril liy poultry riilvrii for tlii cxpcrliniiMt-coiilt'l, ) alii 1.13,477 res In ilin yi-iir, or an nvrniKi- of !': II pit imllil A ulnr.lo romh White LrnliPrti own- ! liy K J l.mrlnnil, of Now Vork rarrlnl olf flrnl prlro with '.'02 i'krk Mr. I.otrltiiiil n wlillo l.i'clmrii pen nl o r.irrlnl off tlm pen prim lth n total of .1 7.1U i'cru Them wer.i 107 flllctw out nf tlm 'JO II tnlrrcil. Hint proilineii :on or nicro ei:i;i. Ihf nproml, or tirnvilliiK iliam of tlm ronlivl. Mhlch tnrt with toitay'a in.i(lii(;, will (ontluuo HiroiiKli Mnrrh, April mnt Muy, mrh hrlilu lie IliK nllotteil li mltliiK of 10 rKK Thr lii'iu will not lui permitted In hnlch Hmlr nun fupillleii, hownwr, thin tin tall hi Iiir nlteiiiled lo III Inriihatorf. Niot full, SO piilletn from each pen one from each hen'n hrood a far an piunihlf w ho nulccted uml placed In (ho purn their parenls nc- cu pled TuIr un to their "kill m luyori unit piitrnlD, rnnitilrteil ilurlliK tlm follow. Illi: uriMoli. wilt ronrlud" the rontenl The ohJectN of tlm content, which In MippcrlPil by a II .'..000 npproprlii Hon of tlm lefilalnttirH mnl liy fen front milrmiiN urn To eiiroiirnri" relutlon of htork and it closer utility of tlm ph)Kleul rlinriiclerUtlrii which ilvtcnnlnn n hlril'ii produrliiK nml lireeillnR nlill It) To furnliili onrli poultry rnltor with nn nicuruto record of ckk pro liicoil nml tlm lirecilliiR nhlllty of each hen entered. Tn return to the farm nt I lie end nf each leiir Home rritliilered hlnlt with their reccrdu of performance which may lm ueil In KtiihlUliliis ilnflu- (IIk uml xaroi'iiful inithod of hreed- Iiir And lo demoimlrnli' tn poultry raltern tlm method nml pr.ictln.n In hrt'eilliiit mnl nyiiiiiRoiiu'iit that will lend lo hlr.lirr iriSiliicluii and great er profit OREGON BREVITIES OrcRmi 1021 export total $C7.- 901.MI, half riiIiik to KiiKlnnd. Iiiikor owralli factory started on Kvliruury 20, Twohey llros. hao returned (IrantH Puns Municipal railroad to tho rly, Tillamook cheem output for 1021 l.G7G.nno. Porlhnil P. H. D. A P. Co. ban 21.000 now Hioeklioldi'rH. Mllwniikoo wool KOOiirliiR plant ban IiIr iiinlrart for 1922. KiiRone 200 piece properly bo Iiir forerloned for lax.03. KiiKi'im fruit Rrowerri 1021 ot- put ji..t..ouu. i.abor blllH worn 1 4 7.000. - - i:ery day-iit tho ItjSxr SSdMllnner froiu.U to 0,, ,, n' ,. ,,15,22 KiddiCpldtCan Be E wed Quickly Dr. Kinc's New Diicowry will do that very thing, easily nml quUkly. Don't nay. "Poor little Udijie, I wjli I knew wliat to ilo for i'oul" When tlieroiiiih first comcn, give a little Dr. Ki'iir's New DiKoxrry un directed, ami it uill soon bo eased. It's n good family rqugli and cold remedy, too. I.oomiis lip the phlegm, P. Uk- a bolt near up ino ruiigii, relieves inc. eon jetton. No htm(u drugs. Forftky )rara n Btaudarq rjrn9i)y for roA, rouclm. crinnc. At lour draciiUts. Ktntf New Discowry CoiutlpiiteUr' Hero'HKelleflCleante the hyucin, with Dr, King's I'llln. 'Iliey prompt Ireo bile How, stir up the lazy hur and get at the root uf thu trouble. AH druggists, 25c., T PROMPT I "WON'T OR1PS Dr.KinJPills, r , lit (illCS I MltS. ANSA IS, Mm Anna II HiirIiph, 22 Weil Kim -Ht , ChlniRo, nn urtlm who enloyn u wldo and. enliilil reputatlcju for kill In china pnliitlnK, In relulliiK the farti of her rcinarl.ahle expurlciirc ullh T.uilac, payn: "I Imton't i!!iJoed niirh koiii! health or felt no will In oery way In )ear nit I iln now lleforn I took Tnnlap I uun mo ti itown Hint halt mi hour nt my work would tiro mo rompli'tcly nut uml I win mtually an nnrvoim nml weak that nl tlmei the hruili would full from my hnmU nml I would hnii o iult work for tlm rcrt of tlm day, i:ery nlRlit I would Iln nwnku fur liouri, miserable nml mrv ous. "My Itiipruviimnnt nfter thn flrt fnw iIom.8 of Tnnlac wnn rapid and. ennttunt. I'm happy to nay I'm well, and MroiiR now nml feel belter than In twenty yearn Tmilac. dencrren every ord of pralio I ran j;lo It" J Taulne uml Tnnlac Ver.i table I'llli I are (old by dniRRlttn e ery where. Adv. - Kvory day nt tho Hex, 22c dinner from 11 to 0 1G-22 JUSTICE TO YOUR EYES Thu more ikllr.itu tho work you expect of n piece of ma chinery, tlm nioro attention )ou Blo tho machine. Hut of tin machine, do ou re lulro llio amount nf delicate work that )ou do of our eyes. Arc you rIvIhr your eyes tho earn they tleero7 If ou nrn Ii.iIiik the nllKhtent trou blq h.io us cxumlno tliom. SEE H. J. WINTERS GRADCATB OPTICIAN ' rhono 149-W v 713-714 Main n eU$ ,tirf? a ' H f nu o -I Is the ohtuest, thing-ypu buy, pro vided you mako a Svlso solocllon. BLOCK WOOD 5.00 A LOAD f 'J Is Hip hottost, thoroforo tho host wood for the cook stovo. SLAB WOOD ' fs.oo a nouni.K load la tlm cleapoit "fpr nl). purposoa you got more for tho money. O. PEYTON & CO$ g 410 Main Pkoao BOB "S iit -it T if t. il WOOD tHR EVENING HERALD, l, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SOVIET NURSE PAY lon of HV- 2i:" " purmiant lo c-ki I a f ts f rcc Ttiiu "" 'ippllnitlon of llornin It. Dunlnn, tU.UAL IO Lbbi) I HAN Horlnl .No OM.'n'J, wfa will of Mr nt COSTOFCAKEOFSOAP!,u''l,c, n; ', j'h wwr. Init at not leNn tliim $D,00 per ncrc, inNtiriM vnii vn .. tllf,lill t Two 'clriPk P M on tlio aoih clay LONDON, Kuli. 20.- Tho monthly ,)f Mlirr)( um Mxi Jt ,,,, ffr,I( milnry tA a niirmi In tlm miinlrlpiillHin followlriK Irnct of land HUW homillnl In Mciicow In Ipm Hum tlm HW'i, nml HW",NW',' Soctlon 17, niNt of u rnltn of iwnu In Hint city U,'"1.':'''' ,!cc.ll!nI ,8',TA3R H" Thl. Htr.k.n,: cixnnip.,, of m HlNpro- ?,, t'HZ Zni porllon hotwcoii wnKcN nml tlm roat market on n kIiow Inn that tho greater of llvlni; In thu ItiiNnlnn Pnpllnl In iIIr- portion thereof In mntiiitulnoim or too ilc.He.l In it roporl Juit madci hy n rol,V;M ,or, r",.!!vol.n' . . -r-'" "'. - h... i.y w,,i:;tciJ!!.,n,!icr"ho,o tlm Hiinlth Ccminilltee of Dm I.ci.iruu I priTont nt Ihn hour nameil hnvo cian of Nnlloim. nl hlddlnc. TJio pcrnon mnklnr; llm Tlm Cuni.il.i.loii .11.. n.ni ,.!,.. I IllRlmut hill wJM ho roqiilrcl to lm- .....h .. ...nu of Noap In Atcieow cent 8, ."fill milieu, while nurncH In tlm city hcnpllal worn paid only 0,000 ruheN n month nml Hint they hint to he content with viry dcjinty food Tlm pou-rly nnrt mlnery Hint pro vailed In lunula nn neeii In tlm lionpl tain which tlio conimlmlon vlaltml made n deep Impremlon upon tlm mi'inher .S'fivurlhnlewi, I'limmlmlon Mated, there U n IiIrIi ktnlo or of flcluicy In the iiiiinlclinl honjdtal nml tho c-ommlNMon emplianlied tho njilr II of xacrUJcu Ulplydi l,y Hiom m Irunteil with ;nlnltirliiR to tho henlth of thn Itujulnn people, enpec lally of Iholilldren. NOTICi: I'OII I'UIIMCATIO.V I.SOiaTI.'DTIt.VT Not Coal l.und I'lIIII.IC DA.VDHAI.i: ih:i'at.mi:nt ok tiik inti:ioii, t', H DAND OKKICi: at l,tkecw. ureRon. Kniirimry J,. 122 NOTICK b livrcluc Klvtn that, an illreried by thu CommlMloner of thol Cqnoral Iiml offlco, under pro. "' , fi- Klamath Falls n:ot a 122 South Sixth Mi:irnito (JltAXTS IMSS H mr- v T- I r Tl.k t BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE ' Will mII jour, tiii'liuvy-lliiinllL' our lenc Secure )ou ii imrtniT, Etc. ' " .No I liariie for I.Mlujf Tniu-nclloiu Confidential We Locate Buyers FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY AHIII.AM) -' . OREGON Mk'DKORn - lU-iiwr Hlmk Vlsivr Meilfortl llldic. Phono I HrMnnrtm . Mtn.yM 4-MOST TOW.NH "LET GEORGE DO IT" Swiss Watch Repair Specialist Welches, Clocks, Jewelry GEO. L. METZ - 622 Main'St. f-l- ldar iffbnujfteatf SWA"3-3rJ Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works GEO. D. GRIZZLE, Prop. 1040 Main St. i ,..-. I. ,...., , ..... n.....!...- !. ....-uiui.'i inijr iu III. ik.'VUIvi.'r IIIV amount thereof. Any pemonN rlalmlnn ndrornnly tho aliove-deiicrlhed land nro, iiilvlneil to file their clnlrnn, or objection, nn of hofririi tlm tlmo deslRiiuted for hbIp. I'uhllMi S roim'Cllllvo'WPPk In tlm "Klamath Horald", Kin math Knlli, OrPRcm F I' Did I IT,' Hogliiter P 20-27 .M C-n.2n.27f .NOTICK FOIl l'UIII.II'TIOV Not Coal Land " DDI'AltTMKST OI TIIK I.NTKItlOII V. 8 DAND OPPICK. at Ukevlew, Orrijnn, January 25, 1922, NOTICK In hereby Riven that Joseph 1. Jacobii, of Malln, OreRon. who, on April 20, 1017. madu Hiime nIciiI K'ntry, Act of Juno 17, 1002, No. 010227, for 814 of HWK ( bolnx I.o'.i 1.1 nnd 14,) Section 1G, Town Nil In 41 rouili, Itanno 12 pant, AV1I lamctto Meridian, tins filed notice of Intention to mako final threo-year Proof, to cKtabllBh claim to tho land nbovu ileicrlbed, beforo CI It. Dol-aji. Clerk of County Court, at Klamath Tallii, Orccon, on tho 13th day of ;r,-; .Miirch..l&22 Clalmbftl hamc ni wltncsucs: CharlcN Stokes, K. D. Smith, II. A. EdisbnAitists are GREATEST OTHER artists ma rival Bdisort art Ists in concert hall and open. But never In thu home. Thsir performance! iosetoomuchlnthereproJuctlon. Edi son artists sound on the New Edison, exactly as they sound in actual life. Tests of direct compariscn have proved that thero is no difference between l.vinn jwrfornunccand Rb-Creatud perform f ancc. Come inl Compare! Music House wirtz Phone 125 J? AslllMI K1.AMATH KAMSg '-f . SOLTHKUX OKKGO.N Will find artistic -memorials nt 1040 Main street. Whether anr imposing mqnument or a 'sniaU3 marker, it is of the best1 material and workman- ship. And this is the Tproper time, to, place. your order for spring delivery. Klamath Falls I'ottlo, nml J. II, McGullcy, all of Malln OrcRnn. (I'lilillntiPil for flv roneccutlvor weekii In tho "Klamath Itorald,", Klamath Kail, OreRon.) . V. V. I.I0I1T, ItcglNlcr. Jan. HO'roh. 8-13-20-27 NEW CITY LAUNDRY Finished Work Fla Work Rough Dry 'Tat Your Dad In Oar Hud' I'lIO.VK I ."I Corner Stnln and Conger I'll.. HCIIOOD OF I'Ol'UDAIt MUHIO I haro conitructed through years of experience the only courso that teaebe you to play tho piano by Nyto and by tUtr In 10 to 20 les ion. Wrlto for particulars, 7 Of 11th street, Klamath Falls, fOre. Phono 3G7-R. CHIROPRACTIC neBOTm tho Cause Prcsiuro on'" one or more nones st the points tndkatsd Is the reason you doa't cet well. Chiropractic AdJostasMta ra- remors this presiure. Drs. Mallett it Majlett Vadcnrood Bld. 7th and Main Phone BJ-J Klamath Falls Pfenning oc Heating Co, 1178 MAIN ST. raOTO B-W Wortley's Taxi Seryjce PHONE 185 - - Cm, laaaaa and Harry Wortley Drivers At Waldorf IUIUard Parlort KI.AMATH POST No. 8, American Legion meets in tho basoment of tho new courthouso on Main i Street on tho first and third Tuesdays of each month. Ex-ecrvlco men are InTited to at tend tho meetings. Dr Fred Wcstcrfold, Commander II. K, Gets. Post Adjutant and Re lief and Employment comnlUeo.. v SHOE REPAIRING nonejit leather Hoaert Worbj Honest Prices . , JACK FROST Independent- Shop 119,S. Sixth. Work. left. aCFaJnlctT Croccrf.qt, 1001 Main St., will be called for dally Hot. Springs NATATOR1UM WARX DRESSING ROOMS, TOWEL AND SnOWER. 35c, Children 25c,, DR. F.'R. GODDARD - OSTKPOATHTO. PBVUCMN. -AND SURGEON Office aad,ResJ4eace riuiacs KU l70v0.vF. TEMPLH WOOD, Beginning February 1st, "for 'a limited time, strictly cask, wo will 'deliver Bloclt Wood - r Half Single LQad;...$3,00 1. Sine Load $60Q 1 Dpu!je, Lgad, ftt-QO, ALSO UUB. B0DE AND 'SLAB- WOOD Prlcca 'RlKBt f WOOD AND HAS , FRANKFORD, aa Mala 8. VNmm.M Monday. rEflnvAnv 20, ids RAINBOW SWEET SHOP ItlU-IAKFAHTH AND I,L'NCIIi:ONH HKUVKD bokt nniNKH, hi: cukam AND CANDIFJi Winters Building Phone tM-JT , Klamath Lodge No'. 137 I. O. O. Fi Meets Friday nlRht of each wcok nt I.O.O.P. hall, Cth nml Main streets. Vf, C. Woll.....Noblo Oranil J. B. Bmils.................VJco Oraml Nate OUorbcla..........fiocrotary V. Dv Cofor... ........Troasuror Meets Tuesday night of each week. J. V. Drowbakcr..Chlof Patriarch a. It. nodker.........Senlor Warden Claud Carpcntcr.... -...Chaplain N. D. OlnbaCh:.................flcrlbo Nate Otterboln..............Trcaauror COE'S AUTO SERVICE nuosow, nciCK and DODGE CARS Conatrr Trlp a-Bpedalty PHONE IcW United Cigar Store CM MAIX STllECT CHARLIE'S TIRE SHOP GAS OILS Sixtb Stj & Klamath' Ave. Dr. Gerald. F. Warren DENTIST Perauacatly located at Dorrto, Cal. v Hacclallst la CROWN AND DKIDOE WORK Price Rraaoaaale. VTata; Gaaraatecd Saw MR Engineering. &, Construction Co. Deslgaera and Balldcrs of mod. era aw callls, plaaJaar .mills nail boxplaats. Irrda;iBK. I'llo UriTlng PHONP 4S.W Office Comer Spring and Oak Kiear.d. P. Dcaot" Klamath Falls Cyclery We are here to serro yon and aim to serro you rJebt. Motor cycles and Bicycles, Parts and Accessories, Tires and Tubes that will stand your inspocjJon, as wo carry tho beat In our Hue. Ro pair shop In connection with HarJey-DaTldeon- Service. PHONE S7'J 1010'Mala 8C Klnrunth Falls C. E. niHMARK. FREDWESTERFELD -Dentut Pkoae 43LW X-RAY laUOIUTORIES LooaU Bide.' Klamath' Falls Cf3 r J. C CLEGHORN CIVII, ENGINEER AND SCRVEVOK Phoae 1WJ 133 B. Riverside DR. H. J. WINTERS Gradaate and Stato Registered OPTICIAN Nineteen years hero In business We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt, Ser Ico Beat Equipped Optical Store In Southern. Oregon 714. Main Street DR.C: A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Dulldlag PHONE 81 Excavating Teaming. Let us make you a price on dlsilna; that basement (r other excavating you contemplate. We also do team work of every de scription. raoNE Dfc.J.jfc.GOJILIL OPJOME7RSVr OWaCIAN, , 7atMainr8t. ptiaaW iaaw, W fit, as4,.irhdt Shu. DupU etii.irrtiB.,a4, rM)r..frtMal ..; C V "v. -Uti m vi '. fJW -a H ; Tft v ,:j, i,t H ,x t t.,, U IJ..b .5 fas t i ,iiii . Ak"J . t. ;.i J ?