Z&MH r MfWMV, FtimUAttY W, BBMMMiBMSHHtttfaM Th Evening Herald V. k: HOVLK:...V.Ulrnr H rubllshrr H. R. Hlf.Ii .,..."Clx K.lUor Published dslly except Sunday, by The Hr.rnlrt Publishing Company ot Klamath Falls, nt 119 Eighth Stroct. Entered at tho pnstoffleo ot Klatn sth' Falls, Ore. for transmission through tho ma''' ns second-class matter. MEMIIKU OF THE ASSOCIATED PIOUS Tho A loclnti'rt Press I exclusive ly entitled to tho tiso for publica tion of nil newu rt1spalct.es credited to II, 'br not, otherwise crcdltod In this paper, nnd nlro the local news published heroin. MOXllAV, KKIim'AUY SO, inStf A DIAGNOSIS AKTElt reading of business condi tions In somo of the parol) ngrl cultural rcctlons of tho country, and listening to talcs of men who had visited them In Iho last two years, tho editor of thn Hor-lil long ago reached thn concl ,lon that Klamath county, In common with the rout of tho Coast, had been more scarr I than hurl by business depression. Wo nre Kind to find n confirming diagnosis In tho following paragraphs from the Pacific Woodman, wrltUn "by nn op timist," Wii'ro well over our score, now that tho regions which were realty sir arc convalescing, but It may be good to cousldcr what ailed u. If thcro's over ' next time" It may sav n lot of needless worry, Hero's tho optlmlit's diagnesis: Whenever I hear a fellow talking about hard times In any of our nlno Western slates, It sure ronkes mo tir ed. There "nln't no such animal" as hard times In tho West, and If any body thinks there Is, what alls him Isn't hard times nt all, It's cold feet. llccontly I've been hearing about sorao places In tbcab United States whero they really hrcro hard times. Cotton towns, textile towns, show towns nnd som other kinds cf town, whero every business man In town was busted flat by tho drop In price'. Mnybo that sounds exaggerated, but jou toko It In a town whero there's only ono kind of business that amounts to much, Ilko shoes, cotton, stool, or anything else, and when that ono thing goes k.'flesoy It comes pret ty near busting everybody In town And then another thine, In those same towns, wh a tho sbJp cf com mon Interests ran to tho Iceberg, do you think It v,n n. c.tvj of every fellow for hlmio f" i o u think that every fellev: ih"' ' d a life preserver tucked away In th form ot a fal bank balcuro or a wad of llborty bond got Into ihi cyclone cellar and waited for the tornado to blow by? Not much. At such tines i that the business man and tj farmer, tho banker and tho lawyer and the doctor and the preacher and t , editor Mood to gether. The said: "This U no time to play lone annds. What hak hap pened Isn't any me fellow's fault. It Is cvcrjDOly's mlsfouano, so why 'not pool our resour at.d fight this thing through? Ana that'j what they did. Tiero are town In the East and .Mld-Wctt today that If old at auc tion wouldn't bring ten cunt on the dollar of thelt i lebtedncss. A year ago they were prosperous. Everybody was making money and t ndlng It freely. Wages wcro high. Everybody was at work, and the principal wcrry was to find somebody u.at would taker tho wages and mn'io at lenst a protonso of earn!" th't.t. And then ranio tho Icoborg or the cyclone (vote for one), Hlch mon suddenly 'llscov i red thoy had nothing that they could ttmi Into cash. Manufacturer could n't tell their .stock on baud for enough to pay overhead and railroad costs. Tbo banks wero full of notes that simply couldn't bo paid. The merchant In town had to cxtond credits 01 :o out of business, I don't mean to say that everywhere through tho Kast nnd Mid-West nil men stood together liko brothers and comrades. 1'vo heard romo Merles of meanness and extortion that made mo want to turn Uolshovlk but they wcro the cixcoptton. Tho rule, hat been nnd Ik that tho men of theso towns are standing together, facing tho storm, liusted, according to the record of tho cash) book. Bankrupt, reads tho ver dict of tho halanrn sheet. Overdrawn, by tho bank statement. Delinquent dobtors by tho statement from thn grocery store. Jflut men who still have courage and faith, and determination and In tegrity, and who stand together,' aro never down and out. They are Invin cible. Anil tho spirit that bus written the' record of the past fow months In localities where they have really had bard ilntw, will write tbo splendid MMMMVMWWVMMMMVWMMVM'VMMVVWWWVMMAMMAMAMMMMMMMMMM Outbursts of Everett True By Condon Mr?. Res?, VGR.Y k MMV WH3WCrc FfcUO U3CRDS. I wint; - w -----'-'--1 "- - -7 record of returning prosperity in the J months to come. And how about tbo nlno Western states? Well, they are like the child that comes home from school wher. everybody clso has tho measles, and scratches Its arm until It Is red In spots, and then wants to send for the doctor. If anything Is the matter with the West besides cold feet, It Isn't i mcalcv It's hives, or, gout. Wo've, News From BONANZA On last Thuraday evening, Febru ary 1C, tho debating team from the Klamath County high school met the Ponaniu team at tho Donanta high school. The question of debate was. resolv reselv ed: That the Pnltcd States should maintain a navy equal In sire and strength to any rthor country. The subject was well handled by both teams, and the audience was privileged to hear a number ot In teresting points on the matter under discussion. Tho. negative side, wns handled by Albert Moorlind and Victor Kcs from Klamath KnlLs and the afflrmatlva by Lynn llorton and Clarcnco Welsh ot Honaiua. The local boys won two decisions. The Judges wero, J. O. Wight of Hll dobrand. Wm. F. II. Cbnao and W. It. Wood of Donanza. A.ffer the debate a supper consist ing of sandwiches, cake and coffco was served. Music for the occasion was furn ished by Claude Dayton, on tho clari net, accompanied by Mrs. Hell, pian ist. MALIN Tho letter recently published In Tho Evening Herald stirred up u great commotion In tho Mulln sec tion, A meeting of the parents of all tho students lit tho high school wus called by John W. L. Smith, tho principal. Ho gave n splendid talk on the situation here and denounced tho way dancing was conducted ut tho prarent time. Ho ulso declared that tho high ftihool and the liquor traffic could not possibly exist tegnthcr: that the high school Is proving itself a greater flnanlcal success than the other. If only tho public would open Its eyes to tbu fact, Tho nutccnio of tho meeting Li that an organized effort'wlll coon he mad and war declared on Jlquor and other vices indulged 'in. MERRILL Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N, Taylor wcro Klamath Kails visitors Wednesday, Mr. Taylor remaining In Klamath Kails. Tho Ladles Aid ot tho Presbyter ian church wcro entertained by Mr. Durr Wcslbrook and Mrs. N, E. Woodhouse ut tho home of the latter on Weduesday Feb, lp. The house wasprotjUy decorated In hearts and QlborUBgetlcmV P' fij- Valentino. THE EVENING HERALD, T'M A M.4N OF cot very ,A SHAVCS, ucon living too hlglt. What wo need Is more exercise, moro work, more houses, more repairs, moro Improve ments and less Idle money In the bank, lets talk about hard times, nnd more active preparations for good times. What we of the West should worry about Isn't cyclone or Iceberg, but tho harvest-field sunshine wherein men stand Idle. the Country This was also carried out In tho re freshments. The usual business meet ing was held after which delicious re freshments wcro served. Those prcjent were: Mcsdames It. II. and It. C. Anderson, J. A. Drown. C. Ilowman. J. II. Ilobbs. Davis (I riv al. Oeo. Thomn, 11. K. Edgar. J. W. IfniWIna r: U-. ftfflolil. Wlonenl. K. a ,,nrvoo,,, N F. ,. w. F. j,. nettc, Fred Peterson, Ceo. J. Walton, MIm Leta (.rival nnd the hostesses. Thn next meeting will bo held at the manse. A prayer meeting was held on i Tuesday night at thn manko and Ilov Edgar announces that he will hold n meeting each Tuosday nvcnlng. A csrd party was given Friday evening at the library by tho Library club. A good crowd was present. Tho following were hostesses, Mesdamc It. C. Anderson. J. Dowcy. W. Walk er. Jas. Stcvor.aon. Clyde Harrows and John Harmon. . Cards were played during the evening after which a lunch was served. We had so'iie very cold weather during tho week but Is much warmer now. ' A Valentine party was given Fri day evening at tho high school. It was appropriately decorated for the occasion and tho evening wus spent In game and dancing. A lunch was serv ed. Mrs. E. J. Lawrcnco returned Mon day from a month's visit, In 8nn Fran cisco with hcr,duughte,r Mrs. C. W. McDonald. Shn reports n delightful Visit, visiting old friends In San Joeo, Saratoga, Tho rold hit that part of California. DORRIS DOIIHIS, Cal., Fob. IS. II. K. Dally, who for tho past six month1; has been employed lis pharmacist at tho Tabor Drug company, has re signed his position ami departed for tho mlddlu west whero ho will visit with his futlicr Dally expects to spend covcrul days In Chicago and other metropolitan cities. Mru. Oludys Atkinson Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Peter stclncr In Klamuth Falls. Mrs. Hoy Lutmun and small son wero pussengors on jentorday morn ing's train for Chlco, whero thoy will mukn their homo for some time. Mr, Lutman Is now employed nt Stand, ard, California, as n saw flier. C. A, Webster of tho lumber firm of Tnrtor and Webster nrrlved last evening from Sun Francisco for a bhort business trip. Tarter and Voli- KLAMATH .iter own tho Associated Lumber and llox company of this city, Marry I'oltx, wholesale tobacco and candy denier of Ktamnlh Falls, spout Wednesday of this week In Dnrrls niul vicinity on business A sudden rlso ill temperature, to gether with it warm rain Wodiicsdn) night, precipitated it largo portion of tho snow Into tho vallejs In tho form of witter. Tho thaw continued nil day jestordny wllh tho result that most of tho hill surrounding gate etld onco of losing their winter gnib. Mrs. Ulchiird K Wolff Li rapidly Improving from tho effects of scarlet fovor after having boon confined with tho muhtdv for sotor.tl das MIDLAND John Siemens Jr , of Klamath Kails was it business tsltor Saturday. John Allen, well known stockman ' of San Francisco was a business vlsl- nor 1-rniay nnti Mtiunint t name iei.ap itnu son ..ro .. ... - i land today. Joseph Fisher of Pan Francisco Is . ll.tl....l I.IIM lHlUl T .1 .lllllinilll tlOltV't IIMIHJ (It. N. Lowlu and Dan florden. Southern Pacific plumbers? nre In Midland today. Maurlco O'Keeto. .sheepman of Mer rill was a Midland visitor Krlday and Saturday. Mlko Quintan and Jim Flood of Merrill nre hero today helping with the shipment. Don Lewis, merchant from Klam ath Falls was it business visitor Fri day. John Kndcllffe, stockman of Mer rill was n visitor at Midland Friday. He delivered n cnrlo.td of fine steers to Charlie IM.np. Jerry O'Connor, sheepman of Mer rill was a Midland lsllor Tuesday. Herbert Oeorgo, prominent stork buyer and wioto4ile man of San Kranclsco leaves this section for that placo tomorrow, fieorge says that most of tho lambs In this part of tho country aro sold nnd In the hands of tho butchers. Ho says In fact most of tho caltle nlso. John Allen, well known .stockman was a passenger on this mornings train to Sin Francisco Helen Cowglll. of Corvallls. State rlub leader.- accompanied 'by Frank Sexton, county club leader. lltod Announcing Houston & Jester Successors to Van Beliefs Carrying Shoes of the Hour for the Entire Family Couteous, Treatment. SHOE FOOT Tl s Tfsir tn a "? Jusl Arrived World - i ' r Almanac 1922 h W'! KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tttSw I , V L VHCRE PARTICULAR PEOPLE jj U rgu&H V BUY THEIR DRUGS Ejrf&lfeS FALLS, OREGON Midland srhool Krlday. Miss Cowulll exhibited to tho Midland Hotting club tho work of other eltih girls gltlng tho Midland club gltls lit) Idea of what Uok tho prises nt tiio fair. Miss Kuapp, club leader of Mid land, attended tho mooting of local eluh loaders In Klamath Falls Sitnr day. She secured tunny pnttorus which will bo useful for hor club to use In their work. Tho Midland store and school wero closed Thursday In honor of Atlon It.tvldson's funeral which took pbiro In Klamnth Falls nt two o'clock ot (hat day. Alton Davidson was Iho son ot Mr and Mrs. H 1,. Davidson of this vicinity and was well know-it and bolovod by his many friends nnd neighbor of this place who morn his loss and untimely death Allon D.itldsou was born In Kansas, July ID, issn nnd died In Klamath Vails Fob 1 1. 1D22 after a brief Illness. At tho time ot his death ho was tlstllugl j his sister. Mrs. Woodword. David- , ex-servlco man. Ho leaves I ,,. ,,,,.- i.i. .... fti,r ,,.i ,,,,n..,r lia.liUon. Midland and a sister Mrs. Woodward of Khun nth Falls. F D. Young was a Ktitmnth Falls Walter Tuosday. W. O. Sherell of Lower Klamath lake returned hero Friday night from nn extended visit with rolnthes In Cl.trkson, 'Idaho. Sherell left hero In December, lie sas thnt Clarkson and Lotrlstoti. Idaho have grown wry much the last few oars Mr. Walter Kemp and daughter. Nova Jane wero weok-end visitors nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D Hooper ot Miller Island. Ha Hooper of Miller Island Is n weok-end Inltor nt Klamnth Falls Mr. nnd Mrs. tloo. Furber and fnm lly wero Klamath Falls visitors Friday Mrs. Largeul. who has beoti spend ing tho winter In Kresno, California, returned to this place several days ogo. Mrs. H. L. Ilumett nnd daughter Catherine wero Klamnth Falls visi tors Wednesday. Miss Lillian Kuapp was a Klamntji Falls visitor Saturday. ,Tho wator Is warm nnd nlro warm dressing rooms nt tho Natntnrium Como nnd learn to swim. J2fi. F 2S, Efficient Service FITTERS FIXERS - ' 50c WyWMMmWWAAAWUWWWMmAWWWWW,A'WwWAAA CLASSIFIED ADS vyyvwWWWWVWVWrWVsysVsyvwwsW MISCELLANEOUS l-Oll BAM: Oil THAW Kite tear old mill i weight about UlftO, broko to plow , will liihtt $"" or trade for good milch cow Iminlio Mitrtln (Iroen rauih, Merrill road. I s -2 f FOIt KENT - Furnished loom 'Iioiiso with biitli. rhino in I'linno -"" WANTED Mill mail thlily eai" o perleuro would llki to get In tomb with reliable firm ihmmIIiik prurtln.l man as supoilutondent Itofrrenies llox m2. Kliiimith Fulls. is Ul WANTKI) ruttilturo for iimiM.i it it. nt. iit nt t-rooni IS 20 SALESMAN" Hpeibiliy experlomo i.r..f..,r...i i.. ...ii v..ii.,...ii.. Lm.i.i, lino i'f Filling Station Kiiulimiout In got her Willi Oil mid (inrollno Storage Outfits to paint hardware and groc ery stores In local loirlttiry on ntrnlghi commission basis Lingo nd toitlslm: campaign now on and )im aro assured cnmpleto fuctnry m-oper-utlnn. Large returns assured a man who li not iifrnld to work Wrlio not 7th Si . sn Framlsui. IS KOIt SALE - li. nrros nit good liui.l under cultivation, in acres In nl fulfil ! miles south K. F , mi Merrill road Write box tift. Herald. IS ;.tmp rook, no hooter wants work llox 7, Arcade Hotel s..o Dodge car for sale In good running order Prko 1 100 01) Address A C Olenger. Chlioiiulu, Ore. IS. 2 1 Furnished honso for rout, .".or. tuit 8t . or phono 2"tSW Apply t7IS FOIl SALE (III TltADK- For rattle, two good big young mules J A Thompson run to I. 16-22 .NOTICE POIt PlIILHATIOS I Not Coul Laud ! DEP.VHTMEXT P THE INTEIIIOli' V. H LAND OFFICE, at l.akevluw. Oregon. January 2r. I s a NOTICE Is hereby glteii that Eugoiio Smith, of Mulln. Oregon. who. on April 2d, 1917, made Home stead Entry, Art or Juno 17. 1'.MI2. No IK'231. for Ni of NE'l. Section 21. . Township 41 south, llango 12 ohsI. Willamette Meridian. Iin, filed notice of Intention to mnko final three rnr Proof, to establish claim to tho land nboto described, befuro C. It. DeLnp. Clerk of County Court, at Klamath Falls. Oregui, nn tho 1 3 III day ot March. 1922 Claimant names ns witnesses' Charles Slokes It A Fugle. J. II Mi-Ciillcy. and Joseph L. Jnruhs. all of Malm. Oregon (PilhllshM for flvo consecutive weeks In tho Mumalh Hnnild,' Klamath Falls, Oregon, I IL F P Linil T ItegUter 'Jan RO Feb il :t-CO 27 24 Rounds Boxing SCANDINAVIAN HALL, FEBRUARY 20 M.IX EVENT. Hi KOI NIK III IIDSS nf Kliuimlli lulls. SPi :ri,l, EVE.ST. II ItOI'MIS h, VOP.VO III! K STEVENS rot II ItOlNIIS KID Clilrngii, WIM: TtlFl'V AXHEIISO.V v. Admission at the AA SAVOY CAFE 532 Main Street CHINESE DISHES NOODLES SPECIAL MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11 TO 2 fi fs mmmmmmm i mmmfm. mm . WAREHOUSE "'V'silVs'SsfysVWSss?sy Located on Siding and Paved Street. Inquire of J. T. Wdrd. Central Hotel L iWWWWsAM' iii r ir r PATRONIZE ONLY RESTAURANTS FAR TO 0RGAN1?EED LABOR ! Club Cafe, On I f'afe, Peerless Lunch, Whlto Lunch, flnvoy t;nh,"York Cafe, KaUi "Peel Hull liiimli Koom 1 CULINARY ALLIANCE No. 424 Two" ft t vvwwvyysw,wvryww Nuisii desires work, country or ellv Wry roiisonablu. I. . Ho nil, Kliiiniith Falls I7-'J,'I Ft) II fiAI.II- II I Hod roikiirols net- ting i'UKs, Whlto Leghorn siillliu: eggs and biiby thicks. Ernest Wnlib, IVnlral I'oltil, Oin. 10-JT nitl.'.SHMAUIMI I'lioiio r.uw. :HH Main III. I.T III .il'Oll HAI.E-llaby l.tif.K)- tlflS 17- llth Ml W '.WTi:! I!.s rli mni liiimilli k I .to uso tbo Mnto n ddl T liinintiin ' t lV ' loiioil lot on monthly -. ' IlllWIII'lltM. Alllll MIlllllllsO lit Ml.tltlll. ! AddroHs l'hortleo, tins Herald. (1 If ,HAI.i:iMAN WANTED A live wlro wanted for Kliiiuath cmiiity. by an i otii lino 1 1 in in. norai lonirini porlomv unnecessary Address I a. I Wohli, Hen Agt lli'inl, Ore II-2"' II.MIV CHICKS Whlto Leghorn. Ilairon-Taticreit Strain, from our own stock of proven merit Per Hit) to May 1st, 111! Ml; after III tin Order now Mawonl poultry Farm, Corning, Pal F-'S M-t Lyceum Unit. ror. 8lh At High, well .suited for select parties, will bo rntit- ed nl nominal prlres. Apply to M. Motsrhonbacher, I'limui flfiOW, or on promises, 30-tf White Leghorn Imby rblcks Ptiro Tunered strain Males from Inns with 221 to 25S orgs cinular Henry Kami I. Ciiriilmt. Calif 1 1-28 STEAM HEATED rooms 3 00 per Week. Lurge. well lighted tnthy, shower baths ,S'v winter rates. Cotural Hold, J. T. Ward, Mgr. Ptf. If you want to sell It. buy It. trndn It. or find It, try a Herald classified ad. SOIM V. I Hit PI IILIf.V't ION Nut ('oat l.utul DEPAUTMENT OF THE IVII'.lltHK I'. II LAND Ol-PICE, nl Laketlow. Oregon. January 2. 1"22 NOTICE Is hereby given that Joint It MiCiille). nf Mulln, Oregon, who. nn April 2Cth, HM7. nmilii Homittonil Entry. Art of Juno IT, ISHt'.'. Vi. oo3S. for N' of NWvi. Section 21. Township II South. Ilnngo 12 east. Willamette Meridian, tin, filed nntii'o of Intention to mnkp final threo.yo.ir I'ronf. in establish rhilm to tho land nhuto ilescrlbiHl. Iii'foro C It. Del. up t'lerk nf County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the nth dav of March. I!i22 Claimant nam' us witnesses .1 I. Jac.dis. Chas Stokes, E D. .smith nnd II A Fugle, alt of M.illn. ' Oregon Published in Klamnth llernld". Klamath Falls Oregun. for lltn rnn- Mitliro weeks.) F P LKI1IT. Ilegis'er. Jan .10 Kol. I J 2 27 I, L HI I'F of CIiIchIiii v.. Edit KID HEItlll.SOTO.V of t'hlloiiilii of Merrill. of Minlll o. KID llltOWN of VOt'X.d IIQII Fir.SI.MMQX.'s Same Popular Prices I iTirM"VV"W'WtrinAJJiJVVsAJ tj,,-,JWM-ww-ya-jJ-yVJ-M-w 111- iiT"s"sJVMVnVVVnjnyAJVV-iJnxriJl FOR RENT i"siwvtyi,,uivyTjr yvysAjVsJVXysjvvvuvvvJ I' i i s ISIBDrsiRAW MURPHEY'S FEED STORE 124 So. 6th St Phon 87 i i. Avv. v'UU -ia,-- itf&iL . -fc'fr$stiL - " I TTprysyi h ..'JW., m ?xma''mfieai!t MftsMslkHsMMi