ti jt :r .Tfii1' j. - -l .vt H Transportation Is Essential to the Development of Klamath County Vote for the Road Bonds February 2l& , vl 4ft 1MI WEATHER FORECAST Tonight mill Tiiuftilay. fulr; light nurlluirly wliiiln, fawning Wvvuib urun nte itir wmin "M"u W1 ,,0 ij; Y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Associated Press. rifleinlh V'ir. No. WMI KLAMATH I'ALLH, OltKttON, MONOAV. lEIIItlAllY ao, XWi'l PRICK Ft vh askti ,;m imv C. F. STONE IS NT TO CIRCUIT 1 Olcott Announces Choice; Will Fill Vacancy Until Voter Elect (Spcdiil l,t 'I In Ihnilil) POH'II.AN'I). IVb, SO.- llotornnr Olriill Imliiy appointed (' I' Hlniie of KIiiiiiiiIIi Fulls lo niicci'i-,1 II. V. Kiiykoiidnll. ri'lKiiiil, nil drrult JiiiIkh of Klamath "county. Tho ntlii'r inndldalon fur tho nf flro wuro W. A. WleM mill 12. L l.'lllutt. Tim pnnltlnn of drrult J ml Kit 1 linw tiirml mil) will b until tint f.it li uf nfflcu In taken by Htone. wlii'n liUTTiiiimlKiiliin urrlvon from Hit lent 'I'll ii rotumlinlnii will prnb- ulily lie mulled today iilld urrlto Wednesday or Tliursduy It In Rnnonilly iiiiilorntoiiil lli.it tlin iiiiliitiiii'iil uf rtloiio Ii tempo raty. effective until Hi" peoplu havn otpronsod ii tliultn ut llm May jtrl m.irlrii, whim ilin npulillcm riiiin Iihii till lii appointed. Tim iliulni Di tln ROtrrilor'n on ii miIiiIIiiii nf the inlllriil nllua Hun created tiy Judge Kiiykcud.ill n ri'itlRimtiiin Meno Innl Ih'pii frank In lila iitnwals lli.it lie ti nil mi do- Ire fur t)n olden, which nn n per iiiutn'iil ponltlim wini lil Intuitu ii lnrr.n fllianrl.it sirrlflrc. Thoreforn liu made Ho effort lo Influence tliu tllimtlon. lint when llm Riivcrnur nnVcil It I in to t.iko tin' miIIiiii un til tliu I'viil'li' Imil mi opportunity to oipitM their prrfiiirtii'u In routil not rcfiuo to nu'upl. Mk u duty to I tin Main which tliu rlih'f oxecutlto might ili;lilfilly fpU lit tit to under t.iku innl i-Mnt to rcrultn willing ui untr.itli)ii Tliu appointee ha been a rrnl It'll t of KIiiiiiiiIIi MjUlity for seven I ti' n teari. Hi' I rrroKiiliml iu oiiii of tlm lender-, of t ho Oregon It.'ir. Wlillo ho unit for ten )earn u lilrinhtT of the Main flMi mill li.iuiK ronwulMlun, In Imi never IihIiI mi elective public nfflcu except oiio term on Iho city totutcll It'll or twelve )ears MRU. lln mild toil.iy that ho was very willing lo nrcrpt tliu appointment nl tliu governor's reitiest, innl was appreciative uf lint honor ilonu hlt:i In Ihu selection. N Members of tin) h.ir innl Icadlm; ' huniiii'nif unil priifcwilonul iiu'ii. com menting n tliu appointment today, etpronrod uiianlinoiiH tullff.ii'llon. I.IKilO.V Mr: iriS TOMIJHT ArronlliiK to n rcniiliillon mlupt. I'll ul tin' lant iiii'cIIiik, tin1 Anirr Ic.iii I.i'rIiiii will nii'i't toulKhl. In titl'ilil Of Tui'r'illly nlitht, till) ri'KO lr nutitliiK iilcht. Mad Coyote Pursues Cat Ranch Cook Enters Fight A liuiiKiy royoto chiinliiK u nit, mi ouriiKuil fundi rook purHiiliiK thu coy otu wild ii pitchfork thin Ih tho ntuuo that wun t'lincli'il thu other inornliiK nt tho A. 0. lliinui'll much noiir Merrill. llovtlmiil, llm cook, mteil lii.'wiis on Ii let way lo thu ham to feci I Ihu Htoc It. Tho itiornliiR wux chill ami liu wont n html li Ih iltillci tvlthotit en. thimliiaiu, ilri'iiiuliiK of tho day when lilti hi nk ii would hu Mtiffldeiit lo taltn him to thu lllc t-lt- whDro tlilnm hiippeii (ncu In u whllo. Hu wiim rudely nwnkuned fioiu hhi drtutuH hy thu appearand! of n roy. ole, Thu miluiiil wnsi hotly piir.iuliir, thu hum cut which wim htmikliiK It acroMH tho hiirnyiird lit n tlexpuriito untloavor to oauipo u inUeriihtu death. Itowlutnl dlvcrled Iho coyolo hy hoav (UK u pitchfork, ratiHltiK Iho coyote promptly to turn hln attention lo tho weapon. Thu cat eHinped mid Ih lie Moved lo ho itoltiK yul. Itowlund followod nil hln attack hy dollvurliiK ti klolt on Iho coyotu'u Jaw, jtint n.i Hint vltlniiH aiilmiil iiiuilu n IttiiKu nt 111 in. Tito coyotu dcoppetl unit Itowlmiil pronii'tly prococdoil to mlutlnlntur flnlaltliiK " w"1' ' fpot. Tho royolu'ji hotid I lii'luc foul lo J'nrtliiinl for tnountliif, ro.VH'rrri"rM..ti,iTV oi' . iau' I'oiiiiiiMii.sti i'I'hmi; hi:ii; riHin.Mj ,rr.ci(i:i I'OIITI.ANI), 'I'uli SO A lllt llttlll'llllIK Ihu cunntlttltloii. nllty of tliu Oirr.nn lnw for- lihlilliu: piirito hi'Iiiii fltililm: nN flltii In ihu ftnliinil court h) (IcorKu Jurlch, n ronlilt-nt of WiikIiIiicIou, who nnhl hi) 4 4 leprt miitiil till Idwit Tol u in - 4 lilit iiuriui uolni'M. Tho roin- j plulitt ihurKun llm lfj:lnl:it ti rn illiicrliiilti.'itiil lit ferhltlillni: lln piiknrmloli of punt'1 HUlliu- , iiillKlit null III Dim "liitu. tlu , ilinrKi") ciinr.ri'iii only hint piotor lo ri'Kululu IIkIiIiii; In Urn iiri'iin olf tliu count AIRPLANE BRINGS HULA HULA DANCER FOR LEGION SHOW liprt,i l.lki'M NtfliriJ, Itut Willi. ill Ik lllllV I'lSiple llllIKU Wlllioill t'nltlllliK Colli I'.ipi'cln. the ttok'it IIiiwiiIIjii hula liul.i ilanrcr, Imported hy the Atttcrlitin LukIoii nt (treat expeine lo pji foi in at the Iniiiit cork entur- l.tlnmi'iit at Kcmnlluavlan hnll In-, uiorroi,' iiIkIiI. arrived hero hy nlr-j plain early thin inornliiK, tilakliin the (tip from lluniioliilti In exactly an iimirn, .1 iniiitiioi ami 13 hoc Mdn. When lutorvli'ited tudny. I'lipeel.t 'Xpreined her dellRlil with thu local xi'lieiy. nhlih nhu dcrlarcd filial lo that of her liutltu laud. Hhu ex prehed li'n i'UIIiiikIjkiii oter the climate, howetur, and nikvtl how It ; fan ponnlhlo to diuro without I'ttdiliiR cold Vhen It wun ex plained that peiipln horn did not i;o iulto mi far an to wear only u fuw lir.Uiln of uallto nranf, mich an nlio will appear In. nhu nliook hur head In liewllileriiii.iit. l'aHtta In lepu(ii to ho lllfled with thu lltidlent feet In her part of Ihu world, mid ee thut aro ah- Kidutely naiiRhty. Willi I'iipocIu'm arrival ull In nrt fur the IiIr iliow. .M. I.. Johnaun, who han i (implied a proKram that will ro down In local hlrlory If It tlnen not land him in Jill, nay over half of thn reierteil neat were Hold hy noon today, lie nude fretiient trll'i lo the hank thin tunrnlui;. hln pocket njRRliiR heavily. I). It. Mueller, wh0 In In oharr.o of deforatlinin, In inakliiR el:ihorato preparation.'). Ted (.'.mo, head usher, lum round, oil up elRht rallorn .who will appear In uilfurm. Tlrlintn aiu on nulo nt O. Uir. on'n khou htore, .Main near Hlxth. THEY ASK FOR ROADS Itl.iliinlli .Not Alone In I Ionia ml for IIIK lllRlittn.t Impioti'liieiil COI.fSA. IVIj. 20,-Tho uiiinty suporttVi'm Hatiirday afterncnii hoard tho report of thu county hlRhwny committee, WViod Verva, Jr., Phil II. Arnold, .1. . Memlenhall, A. J. Pouch, 1". W. Sclniu, (I N. raniHMorth and Churlen llutlur, who had roiio over the PMM.oneil ronton with Comity Ku Rlucer Charlon du Ml. M.uirUe, mid nfter ccmdderliu: tho pi'tltliiii.i nlRtted hy around I dud dtlrenn, called mi oloitlon In tolu on thu iKHiiancn of IioiiiIh In tho mini of tTPti.ouo fur hulldliiK tho rouiln. Tliu election wan not for Titomlay, March SS, Thu hondn will draw n pur cent lulonvd. It Ih tho Reuoral hollof nil over tho county thut road development In ah Holuloly ctiHOiitlal to tho Krowlh mid prnppeilly of tho county and that tho buuda will ho nuppurtud almost uimulmoUHly. HlHtrK't Attorney Allan In already nt work proparliiK thu uoconnary pn pern for proHentatloti to thu tmporvls or thlH week. MALIN NOW A TOWN (,'itUeiis Volo for Incorporation ut Special Kloclloii HlRiiirylnR tholf ilonlri) for civic proiire.tM. eltltens of Malln ut u Hpcc" lul rledon Saturday voted to iiuiko Alallu mi Incorporated town. Thu volo wan Ti to 10, With Iho recent construction of n now kcIiooI luilldliiR mid u clioono fac tory, Miilln luiR heon forRlnR nlumd doNplto thn lintlbn-wldu flnuuclnl do pri'DHloii, Uh proRmsslvo cllUonry propo-ton to imiko tho town, lit point of Rriiwlli, Horond to nono In South- ori Oiokoii, ' Importance of is romrea lly II. A. I.'iiiinllt Worn ICImiiiith County to vole Iho propri.ii'i roml homlH for Hie Piirponn of rnlilim futiilt nnluly innl nloiio lo conntrurt nml miiln tnlu flnlahtil hIi:lnvii)H, ilouht inlitht hu t'liliirl.'iliiuil itn (o Iho ml- Ur.ihlllly nt Ihlt tliiiu win n ci'iMT' nl (Imiiioni nru in Nllcli ,i frrloiinl coil.lltlon. Hut ronohliirliiK tho ! liim-nlflriuit tifftT of I liu Main nf Or'tRini - lo puy onu half of tho ux- piumu nml lo tnku churi:u of the tonntriKtloii mid thereafter main tain mi eh K.ailn -tiothltiR nhoulil piovenl totlliR the hondn Reed mid ntroiiK. Thu ntulu fiimln will noon ha hiiuitiil mid thin opportunity will thorehy cr-nin lo he available. If thu Mute fiimln urn not un'tl In Ihln cotinly they will hu expended In other locullllcn In Ihu Mate. Or loilrmi wu nru coiupclled lo cun trlhtilu lo llm Ntato fund for auto llrrme, Kiinollno tux. anil a nmnll iiiIIIiiru tax under tho Dunn-liar-red ad. hut Hint han In hu paid wlibtliur or not Klamath county Inilliln any rouds. All lilr.h nuthiirltlun on flu.incl.il IcRlntatliin ntul road trnnnportn Hon, IncludliiR lutlon.il ctiRlnccrr and inuRiizInn wrltcrn. tmilntaln that Mi per ent money In a wl Ilivi'ntmi.'Ut In Reed road Tho lih erallly uf the ntulu Riiaranteen the opportunity l which Klamath county can moire Ihu money for lens than tliren per rent on the whole amount xpeiidod. It In ImpoMlhlo to uvolil Hit rninitructliiii of Hi rue ro.idn In the near lulitre. either with or with out help--the diflllllelj of com- menu will rlru up nml ilcmaml thum for Iho very reason Hint they COMMITTEES NAMED HpoitMiien Cluxiso HeiuN for Vnrl oU Aitltltli. of AkMirlntloti At a mooting today of tho newly elected officers of thu Klamath HporiMtien'n unnoclatloti appoint menis were made an follews: Hiecutlvu commltteo. Win. Mc Noaly, Ilyron llardcnbrook and Dr. II. II. I.. Hlowart. McNealy wan appointed deler.atp to nlteiid thu conference In Port land for tho formation of a statu iiitnoclutlou. It Is bollotvd thin as- rurlallon will bo formvd by sports men from every county, each with 1 i'tiinl representation, so nn to lend! moru wclr.lit to lexlslatlto und edit-1 catlonul matti'in than could ho Rained hy nny action tulun by or- t gauUiitloiis ludtt (dually. . Hurry Pcolo wuh appointed chair- (AceT f.V ecAimVui. CHIUOCEN, IK BVJoLC4 TTie9 USOOELV AR6 HUSlCf LOOKiN FEUCRJ .. -, - ... ;j5-si. "a 'T' J,'Tir.;-stV" -. -frvTVIV" V fifr nt a-TTh ---" J--U 'T "" miww'W'" "IT tsts ' '3r7lrAS&fcJiliMfXltty2ylKR t - m ltvLiM V SI rzz " If 1ft,. '"hj... .stiH ( t wi w flMm ;.lw- r- ' ''r' - ' I"'"' Good Roads uut oy writer nru an nhnoluto ncri unity Tin' f;inn"r, who I tlio Ktnnil-iril h.-mo of nil toiniuurcJiit iirtlvltlR, ru (llllri'n Ib'j btHt of rouiln to ninrkt-t hln pnmiiiu dicniily. Tlio farmer uniiiilly licnrit morn thmi hln JnM liortloii uf thu Imrilenn if lln wliolu country niul In tnoru rnt- ,,,,r.ljr ,",''",',' "' ' '"Ko I'rob '''"m t,"", ""' 0,,,Cr cUm "' "" plo. Vi .Vow In thu time to help the 'farmer mid for thn farmer to help hlliiM'If. Tho natural Upkeep ami Rcncial advancement of prosperity of the wholu county demand thovi (onveiilenriM nml the sooner Hie hotter for tho proRreiw of uwry llnu of activity. It In neither conceived nor hop ed that within tho near future, nviui with thu mont favorntdu con dltloni for eany money, thu work can hu performed for even one half of what It ran nt tho prencnt time when Iho ntnte aid can hu , had. Therrforn, If It In rhcupcr to liiaku tlime wholesome Improve mentn now, and In thu mean time enjoy tho Immediate convenience hcnldut unlit In temporarily Mil for the reason that nil tuxahlo Ini; oter thu "out of a Ji h" nltu .illon .thero In no rooJ reason for not vutlnR thevio hnmln unanlmou I). A hum! Iniuo In the nitre ciu It- able manner to prorldu road fumli piiHirly of thp wiiidu county KliimU nquaroly helilnd the hondn, white under the county hmlRct yj Ictn for nucli piirp'-e the Inror ptiratcil cltlen with crcr 11,000,.' hOO uinennnhlu properly would l.o exempt which h'justly fair, for the cltlen would unruly dwindle In non-exlatencn without roadn by which pcoplu coijld net tu them. man of Iho rioniirtTrnliln commltteo, und In making plans (o enroll ev ery man In the county that handles rod or gun. Stewart wan made chairman of the publicity committee. Tho association feels that it hat n Rreat ileal of work to do, and points out that tho help In necdod of otory rltltou Interested In hunt ing or fishing., Hy concerted ef fort. It lit shown, moro fish will be planted, morn pheasants illntrlbtit ed. R.ime pronorve established, and hy education tho killing of fume out of season prevented. W.ll.l; TO M'KAIC AT C. or C. FOUCM WHI)M".SI.Y ('. H. Walles, of thu First Stuto & I Savings bank, will ho principal speak- I ur at tho chamber of commerce forum; S:vl ur at tho chamber of commerce forum Weilnesday noon Ids subject will be. "rinancu," i'ant. present nnd futuro." INTRODUCTIONS ARE NOW IN -J "Iari?S fs St?6 hT C s Sales Tax to Be Consider-) cd; Lcfjton Commander Wires President , WASIIINOTON. I). C, Fob. 20 1 A majority of- tho members of thn ' lloiuo Wnys&ml Means commltteo ro ; ferrctl back todny to tho special tax rub committee tho whole problem of how tho noldlcrs' honun In to bo fin anced. The tub-committee in to meet , tomorrcw to ro Into tho nucstlon of n nale.i tux nmonR other thlncr. White hoiiso cfflrlals wild that many tettern und telcsramn, opposed to ennrtment nt thin lime of honun legislation, aro bolnj; received dally. The executive commltteo of the American la'Rlon made public n tele rram to I'nildrnt HnrdlnR from com mander Mac .S'lder unkliiK that teg' Lnlatlou bo no InnRcr delayed, Mac Nlder wild American Ioclon did not iinderxtand the adinlnlatrntlonn "flrit commitment and then retraction" on the bun n n. i E TB1ITT STOCK SHIPMENTS BlQSS-n. lain' 1 number of Sheep iuiiI Cattle laate Mltllaml Hatiinlay (Special to tho llernltl) MIDKAN1). Feb. 20. Shlpmcnta of sheep ami cattlo were madu from Midland Saturday as follews: Klnniuth Livestock rompiny to Herbert (Jeorge, Ban Francisco, S.nuo head of bhecp. Jerry O'Connor of Merrill to Allen Ct I'ylc, Han Francisco,' foven cnrlocJn of gheeji. "'' John Allen to Allen & Fyle, San Francisco, 82 head of cattlo. Charles DcLap to Wejtent Meat company, San FraucUeo, C7 hoad of cafjlo. Watt, Vctor ft Del.ap t0 Wcitorn Merit company, one carload of cows nnd ono carload of steer?. John Allen to Allen & I'yle. Mau rice D'Keefe of Merrill, several car lo-ids cf sheep to San Francisco. m:vi.y.x)im:i mii.iaits . in: nisTiniirnm nv h.v.nks Jloth the AmorLan National nnd thn First National banks today wore distributing tlio nuwly-colued dollar over which such u furoro was cr-'ated recently In NowYork City. Tho coin e.trrles tho American eagle caono e.trrles tho Amerlrnu c.ieI hi'du and u new characterization of ' tlio C.oddess of Liberty on tho other. ORDER W &s5LjP:a itii.f, m:(;,i,ii.vh cailmkiw t.O.OI'KIIATIVK ASHfKTATIOXH is hkim:i iiv pui-sidknt WAfllfl.VOTO.V, I), C, Fob. 20 Tho Capper-Volntead co operative markolInK hill, which , 4 leRnllzog co-oporntlvo auocla- tlonn of farmer and produccrn 4 for mnrkctlni; purpocc nnd ex. omptn them from tho Sherman Antl-truit f.nw, van nlgnod to- day hy tho president. GRANDDAUGHTER OF ROCKEFELLER WOULD WED RIDING TEACHER Vomliful III lit-.-. Ii Only I0 .Match U rictitrnl nn livo nf Kprlr.R nml Hummer" CIIICAflO, Feb, 20'. .Mr. Kdltb Ilockcfeller JICormlck today refuncd to confirm or deny roports published hero quoting her lCyeyar-old daugh ter. Mathlldc, as saying that' she would marry Max Oicr, 48-year-old rldlnR teacher. In Zurich, Swlttcr land. In retpomo to rcriuoatx from a doxen reporters, Mm. McCorml'ck's secretary finally Rave tho following statement 'Urn. McCormlck has nothing what ever to say concernlnc theso reports, cither ono wny or tho other." MLm Mathllde M'cCormlck was said In tho published reports to have ob tained tho consent of her father. Har old McCormlck, to the marriage and sent. NBW YOHK, Feb. 20. Harold Mc Cormlck of Chlc.iRO today declined to mako any statement In regard to the report that his daughter. Mathllde, was engaged to a Owls, riding muter thrro times her ,irc. t "I can not bo Interviewed," be said, "but I will say that I haven't the sllRhtcst knowledge of where the ru mor ojKlryilcd." CHICAUO, Feb. 20. Tho romance of Mathllde McCormlck, aged 16. grandaiiRhter of John D. Rockefeller, Is pictured by Kmll L. Ilurgy, n Chl c.iro Interior decorator, who says he bt a first cousin of .Max Oscr, the Swiss riding master, as a loro of spring nnd summer. "Oscr Is not three times Miss Me CnrmlckVt dro as newspapers have stated." said Ilurgy, "Ho Is older; he Is CT years old, not 47. I am his cousin and I should kuow." He said Orcr It possessed of noble blood, also n reasonably largo Inde pendent Income. Ho said Oser's right name is Max Yondormuchl, and that his father was n German nobleman. Tho widowed mother married Sebas tian Oter in 1SGC. CHICACO. Feb. 20. Mlai MeCor iijlck spent today In bed resting from tho oxedtcment yesterday In obtaining tho family's consent. Tho' McCormlck family announced today through Howard A. Colby that Oscr Is only 10 yearn old, nnd "full of mustard and pep." Sl'IT I'll.l) AG.UXST LOCAL KNGINT.KIUNO CO. Qraton & Knight Manufacturing company of California filed a suit in thu circuit court this morning apalnst F. H. Hunter, doing Jmst- ncss under tho namo of sawmill Engineering and Construction com pany, and Saddlo Mountain Lumber company, to collect $1,098.36 alleg ed due for merchandise delivered to tho defendants between August and Octobor. 1920. Tho First Nutlonil bank til so filed suit ii Raima Fred M, Gordon to col lect n uotu for $300 executed by tho defendant May 4, 1926. Al'l'ltOYj: YAI" TUKATY WASHINGTON, D. C Feb. 20, Tho scnato foreign rotations com mltfco ordered a favorable report on the treaty regarding Ynp. WKATHHll PltOllAIHLITIDS The barometric press uro rose steadily from Sunday evening until 10 o'clock this morning, sinco wheu tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at Under wood's Pharmacy shows that It Is fulling again. Aa wo aro yet, In qulto a low- nroa tho outlook for settled weather Is not very bright. Responding to tho rise .that took Placo lust night it Is probablo that It. will clear tonight but If tho present downward movement continues unset tled conditions will rule tomorrow. Forecast for next 24 heurs: Unsettled. Cloudy, with moderate temperatures. Tho Tyeos recording tbormomoter registered maximum and minimum temperaturos, today, as fpllows; . High 36 Low,,,, .l...v....,....i3 0. S. WILL PUT THIRD. DALLES- F. 1 61 Information I Received by Long Distance From County Judge One-third of the construction cost of Tho Dnlles-Callfornla highway from the Doachutcs county line to Fort Klamath, and one-third the cost of tho highway from Port Klamath to Crater Liko park, will be -borne by the United States tor- eminent from tho forest service funds. This In according to a telephone message to A, J. Voyo, chairman o( directors of the Chamber of Com morco, from County Judgo It. C. Uunnell, who went to Portland to confer with representatives of thn forast servlca, who enmo from Washington to Invcstlgito the state's 1922 highway program with a view to determining the forest sorrlco'i sharo of tho cost. This means, said Yoyc, that tho cost of constructing tho roads men tioned will be borne by, tho county, If tho bond Issue to bo voted upon tomorrow carrier and provides fundi, tho state and government In equal proportions. On theso par ticular roads Klamath county will pay. 33 1.3 cents of each dollar ex ponded. Aid for Lakevlrw JloneJ In addition to this promise of federal aid, Iho Chamber of Com merce today had a tolegram from. It. A. Booth, chairman of the state highway loinmUsloa, stating that federal money would also be ex pended 'oV Hie 'L'nkovioV "roaH? and that work would be started on that highway this year, providing Klam ath county has money available to bear Its- sharo of tho cost. Thn commission has not yot decided the routing of this road, and whether It will bo by way of Dly or Bo nanza Is still to bo determined. Through co-operation with the Chamber of Coramercu of taxi men and others owning automobiles, vot ers wilt be given a free rldo to the polls tomorrow by calling SSfi, the chamber of convmorco number. trolling places for Klamath Fal's tvlll bo as follews: Precinct No. 1. Brown's carpen ter shop, Main and Center streets. Precinct No. 2. Bristol Illdg.. on Main between Second and Third streets. 1 Precinct No. 3. Up stairs In court house. Proclnct No. 4 Perkins' Furniture storo on Sixth St., between Main St., and Klamath Ave, Precinct No. fi. Central hotel, Main and Ninth streets. ' Precinct No. C. Buoslng's Ileal fo late office, Main street, between 9th and Eleventh ktrocts. Precinct No. 7. Ofllco nidg.. next to the Strand Theatre Precinct No. 8. Fnlrvlow. DoLap bouse, corner Wordcn and Eleventh St., near mouth of tunnel. Precinct' No. 9. Mills Addition hall. Precinct No. 10. Shlpplngton, houso near Swcetman rosldonce. Tho Chamber ot Commerco urges every qualified vbtor to cast hb or her vote, nnd not to lose tho oppor tunity to holp provldo Klamath conn ty with good roads. LIVESTOCK DECREASE Lous la Value, for Oregon Show by Jteport of V. 8. lliutuu PORTLAND, Fob. JO. Tho Ytl ue of livestock on farms and ranges In Oregon docreasod from $101, 684,000 to $03,834,500 (37.1 per cent), during two years from Ja uary 1, 1920, 'to January I, 1931. according to report ust Issued by the United States bureau ot mar11 kets and crop estimates. For the entire United States the decrease was from S8,'l6E, 194,000 to $4, 779,957,000, or 41.5 per cent, The roport Indicated teudeacy toward raising more col's tubj yr, than for several yearg past. "The high price of tractors ui tractor Implements, combined with" the low price of farm products ka caused some tractor farmers, to mra , horse power oa tkairfariM," sin tho report, 'V U I .s ,1 V 1 M ,- rw.i. ikfyX j-f; ?fc