Page Three THE EVENING HERALD, " fl j KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Wednesday, Ftcnnt'Anv i.i, ioaj f l tX M The Office Cat W JUNIUS iorit c,it To Hfto t tin I ntcr part I nntf I i llft'll. Ami for "mi iio'idi'tit I... hIio HirhltiR i.oomii ii ii i ii mi i h ntn iIiiiii) rn- lll.ll't'll, Hut iwint nf all when inn' i f I linn n ilrlvini: IMng r "I gumm my diiughter tin- taken i iflllftnt III lliillii'rtiitl: ,il n liege "Hull"? Mm writes Unit Kim In mi tlm mrtili team." t llnw ll HiippeiiHl "Ami limn you u father?" nuked III" iliurlly worker nf n lugged hi ililil. "Nope." Im replied, "pa died or ! pot ore." Tour maul llnw i. i happen?" "Anntln-r guy Hlllrlic.l, mill they liuni: lilin." I'mtm.-ulnr lln)n dan ! rl.lit.1 in accept Hi,, tliii.iiiiil movie offer ll In mint red Unit ln hIII he plnr.t.1 In charmi of nil nf Wally llitld'n "lilaih" uutej. Home women urn particular to Mer Hint thn liruom liamlli. hut eate tlm halrbrunh looking like a home-hld.' nr imddle.lilaukcl. Admitting that marriage In a great InMlliillon who watitn to live In mi IllMltUllnti' oil. suisll Ho wrro a fine Itrun.l "toth." nf """ Alio mime nw fnngled gnlnHhen Aa In. twirled hit "innn "limh" Thlh H.'lil Mbl, .My'" I forgot lb put nil my e "IohIiom' - Harold M. Sherman. I'rartlro tnaKen in r(.M--und. . It nft.'ii m a ken iiix neighbor lei Ilk.. wnnhliiK the plain.. Sol To II.. Mls.. "I'to Juki had thin card rf linlta linn tn go nn it mnliirlui: trip hut what duet It. S V I' mean In lb" rorner?" "Hum Serwd Wry I'letitlfully. I Imagine." "Quirk! mn get lit the lelo phf nn." Ih" Was Completely Oveminn', In I'm l (rrnm the Hprlugfleld, Cut.)., Iieiun rrat Herald I Thn hrldn wan beautifully ilicmcd III blue H.ttln nml georgette, ami the groom win nearly tired In u blue wergc Hllll." (lermany want in pay un two lill llnnn In her own money or III S." In nurn. China wont n hllllnn dnllarn fnr thn Inland nf Yap. Wo had nuppnaeit nurli Iduniln were iUntrd at ubout three fur twenty.flve renin. Hpenklug nnd thinking nf tilings thnt mix, we'd Ilk. In call your nt tentlnn In boom nml giiKillne an be lug I wo ihlngrt thai won't mix. 'When Mr. Will Hays, pnntninnler general, earning $12,(100 per year, wan (.ffered ll.'n.imn jier year to rn organize the mutliin plrturn luduntry, ho took a munlli to think It over, .Mont of U:i '.Mill Id bftVn decided the mutter in two Hernndn. Tn drive dull cam away, upend an hour or ho In thn pool, ut thn Hot Hprlngn' N'liiutrrlum. RESULTS TELL There fan lln No IK.ul.t Almut III HrnullH lit Kliimutli Full ItenulU lull tho tale, All doubt In remnved Thn'tmiUinniiy nr u Klanialli Falll trmi Im ennlly InvnNtlgatvil. Whnt belter proof fnu Im had? , J. J. Keller, 7 18 JeffiirHon Hi., Klamuth FiiIIh, Hiiyn; "I am glad to recommend Itoan'H Kidney l'llln for they fixed mn In good Hlmpn when my klilueH win it mil nf nr.ler. I had dull, nagging iaeki.rhen uml n Horenon.1 urroHN my kldnnyri nnd my lilduuyH didn't net light hut Donn'rt Kidney l'llln Houn Hlopped I ho hncltncliu nml relieved all NlgiiH nf Kidney trouble." 1'rlco (illc, ut nil ileuliTH, Hnit't Hlntply imk fnr n lildnny rnrnHdy get Duun'ii Kidney l'llln- thn kuiuu Unit Mr. Keller hud. FusleiMlllmrii Co., AlfiH., lliitfalo, X. Y. American Legion News Spirit of Abraham Lincoln American Legion, llNFOItl MAC NIDKIl II) IIAVFOItH ,M.r Mllllli ! Niillnniil Ciiiiiiimiiilcr, tin' American , l.eglnit I INDIANAI'OI.IH, Till. ll-.Ahr.i- I ham Lincoln iylf let in every Amer- 'If... ill,, rili.mi.l It......... .. .....I I.I..I. ' " ''M.'M ..II4'-HI .11111 lli),ll Integrity we like to .-iMnrlatu kIUi mir Ideal., for nur inuiilry and lln llHlllllOIK, ' The nii'ii ami women nf tln American l.i'Klnn, nlfi'rlni: in they In, Miliiiilnrlly. liKiininrc to tlm na linn fur lli preservation nf It law fnl government, have rm other ntn hltlni t lut ii in kitvi' u4 ueful run rtrurtho miteim, than to li guided liy prlni Ipli't nf tlm iniin w Itiinnr. I.ttiroln 'h iiiili'.iviirii iuti' ever tn Rlri'iiKthcn lhi moral fuhrlc nf tliU ri'imhllr tn munti'rnrt iIi'ikd fnrri'i that He.iK.ii uiiil ili'Ktrny. Id' felt tin proper ran ami rnnnliliT.itlnn fur tin veterunN wliii fnnclit tin ll!ltlt.. tti A .iterl...'.. .I, nn. ... .i ., I '" '"""' '"I"'"""" mill llllltirill- live fnr. en In that end. Th Amerlrau Legion ban for lln prlncla r.Moii fnr being that jAiiH'tlra t.tny the way wo fought It might .lay Ann r ban. j We prnpiii.t in do thlt loiHtrili- tueiy iiiriiugn eiiuinllon nnd ex ample, thrniigh u real uml rlgblenun founibiiunei'H of nur ilullen nn Amerlrin rlileun that ilm princi ples, of wbleJi il.Uicnln ha ulveit im niirh high example may lie mcr Htreiigtheiied nml maintained I'OItTI.ANH. Ore.. Feb. II. Through the eiu.uiu.iul nf tlm Inl Unlive next No ember, lb,. Oregon Ut'Partmeiit nf Tlm American Legion! wljl plant upon tb.. ballot, die mont ilrantle oit'.inur.i m.r drawn up to oiiilut tb,. Jap.ine.e eMI which men atires the Facltlc t'oant Mtitei., ac ri.rillug t nuiiuuureinent from lie p.iitmeut Headquarter Dim to thn fa.i that Wunhlngtnn nml C.illfor-I ma nave law which partially unmile die el Mini fun. the Influx nf the Jap .iii.we In Im leaning In Oregon and early urlli u In uecennary The Antl-Japami. bill presented to the l.'glala'ure by The American Legion tl in i lit; tint Kperlal Senlun (if I!i2u wan defeated through Ibe ef fori of ibe Portland Chamber of Cumiiierce uml olliern. All Wentcrii HtateN 'will present u nolld front nn thin llu I iiii'tlon ut thn National Legion i'oneullou to Im held In New Orleiinn next October, nml get nctlon nf tlm National Legion organization, In order to bring Ibe Jap.iiicto quen. tlim thiough tin. National l.eglhlatlvo t.'nmmllleii of The American Legion tn thmm wjin rlt In CnngiCkn. I'OUTI.AND, Feb I I Through pergonal ralivnnn In which Ibe legion UUxlllnr) null In expected In (alio till Important purl, n iuentlnnniilro will In. placed In tho haiidn nf every Vet- DontcouiiK TIIK Iolcnt naroyfiin of coughlnif won cawil hy Ur. Hnt' New Ditcovery. Iiltv '. m,3"4"!" rrmcily for rol.U; t.lnl.lrcn like it. No harmful dtURn. All drugilstn, 60c. Dr. Kind's New Discoyfry For Colds and Coughs 'Muko'Uoweln Normal. Natiuc'n way in tlm w.iy of Dr. King n I'llw -yciilly nml firmly rtttul-itliiR the botti-M, I'limliuitliiR I'C inteitine cloit&iiii! waste. At .ill dniutjUti, .'5c. PKOMPTt' WON'T ORIPE Dr. Kintfs Pills ; . . ... rt .!..... ii; j m ', 'iWb "flaw V - 'Hl9 B 'JaaBBaV 'Sail Isbbbbbbbbbbv vnp llPBBLBBoaVaBBr Lives on in Sfiys Commander MacNider iTiiii iiml rotillor wlifiilmr or not n nii'iuW nf Tlm AiniTlrnn ly tin. OrrRon rxipnrltnrtit, within thn nnxt tiveiity diiyn. Thin In following In linn with nctlon of thn legion of ficial til thn recent .Vntlotm) li'Rlon nnforeiifn linlil In ItidlnniipolJH, Iml.. nt which limn, ili'rUInn whm mniln for miicIi n imtlnn-wld.. rnmiiulRn. fly (be Informntlmi tlm vnlnmii will Klvn In ( iiimucrliiR Ha unstlmiN, thn policy nf i lui IokUhi mi innti) prrilileinn nffoet Inn thn veteniim vi ill ho fornintntnil Thn ler.lnn wll ajiciirliiln thn iintiihur nr nllierwlnu illiinlilrd xi'lorntiri iieedlmt KoM;niinimt nttnn lion nr x nrnt lurml traliilmt. Thn earn pnlKti will lie iliurmiKli nnil nf Im iiii'tmii benefit in thn rountry, pnrtl ulaily in tilunnliiK for nn organiza tion to hamlln paymi'iit of udjuxtcit nimiiennntlon. Thn legion cennim will Hhnw, nluumt nxnrtly hour ninny mm lirefir thn vnrlmm npttnmi nf tlm iflvn.fdil rompnmtiitlnti tilll. Thin rcn 'him will ennliln expertu to' rnlrtihln hnw many men will need I treatment, nnd linnpllallintlim In lliuj cemlni: yenrn. Thn vi'trrnnN' Iniroatil will learn how many turn tired, nri' elilllled tn mill ilralrn to lie I milled vocationally. Thn Tnvuury nnd Navy Depariimmm will Im nlilc tn rlrar up I it infiiH of iinfllilheil liiinlneH telal-, Im! to nlloliiiinlH, inrlinr,;n lioniMen.i llherly hninlK, nnd renervljil pay, etr. Thn American l.i'Klnn niulllary In tlm vnrknn dUtrlctn Ik eipeitrd tn play nn Important roln In mmlHtlni; In 111.. innvaHH Ibroi.L'b whirl, one.. Inn. I nnlr.M will I... dlMrlbntod nml mllert-' ln,ul""' ,ml l,"H ,"lllt "'" u" flf,t,. .d Tl... Hum Kiivuilvi. 0mmllb-o.',M,,,B,u '" v"U'Uu ' f'";1 H""''ly """' ...en r nL.nn. win iv ....,.. i '"'." "-'Id Mm. AI. K IIMoji. I2 -- ri"" "... t...... i i,.- ri Midi dlnlrlct, thn ntnto being divided Into flv.t dUlrlrln. and eaih not! rnin. . mander and udjiilimt bavin,: iliargu0 ,'!,,, ,n '"' "'""'w. "n uml of Urn rnminllte., for their pout ami. a,M ,1,at ' w,t,t f,,r wc"k', r,,h Ce.Tgn II. Wilbur nf Hood Itlvcr "ut UaT,U ""ul" tt "'k "f ,,,,,'" ' lllliav.itlinrRKfirCriHih.llichiilM. raill,ll,t ral' my ,,U,"I " rnml' m r.llllam. Ilno.1 Hlver. Jeff.)r..on, Mnr-,,alr nr"' "'" J"ln,H of m-v nnRm rnwuudSheiman, Vnr.rn.,ndVhee."tt"",,I '" '"", u"cam" MI l",lnf"1 nr celllitli'K: II P. I'niinil nf H.ilein nf .. iieninn. iine, i.ifunin, .Murlon. i.iniii"" ' " ' ' nnd Pell: luuntlrs: flenrgn A. (od-j""'- ' Ml ltt '" w,,k1' """1 ' w"' .It.- nf vi rm.. I.. finirr. h.dow " " "" ." """"" " inoi, Lurry, houi.d.. Juctnuu, Jour Phlne, Klanutli and iJike count!.". Oliver II. JlllMntl of rorll.iUd, .if Mill tnnm.'ili, Cla.'ki.iiMN, t'liitHnp, Coliim bin, Tillnmnnk, V.mlilngl..u, uml Yamblll couitU.-H and Trul I.'. Kiddle I of Iji (irnnde nf linker, f.nint, Hnr-! tiey. .Miilhi'ur, I niatllla, l;ilun and Wnlliiwn". WHY DO ALL THE AUTHORITIES FIGHT THE DRUG HABIT? Cheap Glansct. poorly-flltcd niaxncn, filntuc.t that you ran only Jiut get by with am llkn iiliiw poUon to thn ryrn nnd nervoun tiyxtcm. They under in Inn your Bcttnral health through thn nervoun nyMcm. thus Imparlng your general efficiency. Thn nuthorltlen nrn fight ing thn Urn Intldt, In all thn big rltli'H fnr tho Mirun ro.ifon. See about your 7IH Miilu Dr. Goble eyes nnd flawiCR. I'lionn I It I WOOD In tlm cheapest thing you buy, pro-l Tided you make a wlso nelectlon. I BLOCK WOOD i W.OO A LOAD i In the hottest, therefore) thn bent wood (or tho cooU stove. i 1 SLAB WOOD s.i.00 A Deuiti.i: irOAU ' T I In thn t'hoapcat for nil purposes you got morn (or tho inonoy, ' O. PEYTON & CO. 410 Mala Pboae 035 I'OIITI.ANO. (llr Foil tl Our ,)Iik tlio'ilral three iwiWh u iiwi Nnv Vimr, Urn rlrruliillnn n.inflgir nf I In Aini'lll.lll l.eflnn WVilily r''i"rl'd In Oii'koii Himn lii'iiduiiiirlcrii tlini :i ., 'ion uiilixii liiion nirdH Imil lie n ie riilvnil nt their (iffl'mi from Hi" I0( P'tclit of Tlm Alnerlrnn l.i ulmi In Or Son. Ktnln nfrli'lnlii tepiirl n ' lirnwtli nf mnmliern llnoiiclioiii tin el ii In ami lt ini'monrnhlpH nr IZ.OOn liint year, It In tititlrlpatnil will In- ex I ceded !) it t IciiNt .1,0110, lirlliKlni! the ntntn tnemhernhln nrnuml tlm ir..0Qi. murk. Thn weekly magnrJiin clironl rlivi hnppenlngH of legion IkikIm throughout the world, nnd nwiril nf untlonat Itnporlniirn nnd dolnm nf tlm former ex'nervlro perHnit In tin) nerrlrn. .-.... ij TO CUT UP HER Fl Portland Woman Had Rheu matism So Bad She Could Not Close Her Hands Over Her Knife and Fork Fell Off to Mere Shadow of Former Self and Went for Weeks With Hardly a Wink of'Sleen. Friends I-IsbJu Knnuf Mat Siflta ! Recovery. "Tlm iliatign litm innde In mn In hluiply iimurlng, for It han not " '"' "'y "dlnv lf . f rheu- Karulnr.ii Kt , I'nrilaml, Ore "For ii lorn; time I hnd rheumutlmn tnat i (oiiinni imie my mnin ami .... vl....,.l .,.! I.. ...It ...v f..A.I for 1 nt ju i like a il.ff. n ' im r- '.i II I 'Ml jr in.' I i t.Ott anil my frlelida wln I .'' J nn. for niiui.t tluii. liar. Ii l I After wlinl Tnulac tint tne nuoDJitu nnu Take Yeast Vifcamon Tablets To Put On "Stay -There" flesh AND INCREASE YOUR ENERGY QUICKLY, EASILY AND SURELY AT SMALL COST liL U ( lllutMl wrnkrnrd phyilrnl nnd mtnUl conditioo OHJKCTS to hntinii their wrlght increurd tuuonual. Do Lot accept imiUtloae cruUUtuU. You can aft Mutia'a VITAMON toUttt at Ul good druaabta. msTiNS: 5EMBbV VWOItCMU CINUINI vun yiiAMiN Mil XSUl wwwwvwwwvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WAREHOUSE MWVlMVVVVvVVTnfMVS Located on Siding and Paved Street Inquire of J. T. Ward, Central Hotel aaVa M QMfcavMMMAVaVVWVVn 'VW''V.VMMMx aSVMajaSiWaaaAVAvVWrfVVWN..VVV"a. SAVOY t 532 Main Street CHINESE DISHES NOODLES SPECIAL MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11 TO 2 r ' lu jjl s .-...w.-.'.v.-.v.-,., --- .wJuv.-uwA-iniuo J ,.. I iran l .nmlnli I Tntilur mid Taiifuc VfRolnlilo Pills a rt , dv. I in 'l itj!i: i everywhere MIH I. I (Hi IM lllilCATiO.V n'uMlfthnr) nnPAUTJinNT nv tiii: intrrioii, .Not coal land I, ll. Land Offico at I.nknvlow, Ore lion, Jlee 30, 1021. NOTICi: In liorobf lvnn that I'limk Wind whow; pnsf-offlcn nd dr Im Klamath Pall, Oregon, did. lit, ll... M.t ,irt nt VI. IllOf NU In plh, ofM", Kworn Htntement a'd Ap. piicaiinn, .no, oiiiSK, to purcnn the KlUi PBK Bt. 22; NBVi NB Hoc aV; HW fUVVi. Hertlon 22. Tnwiixhlli 27H, I(uiKn 1.11.'. Wlllatn eitc .Meridian, ami thn timber there on, under thn provlnlocm of thn att nf .titnn H, 1I7K, nnd nctn nmoitda- lory, known ai ll.n "Tlmbr uad Htnnn Law," nt nueb vnluo an might Im fixed by npprnlvimntit, and tbat, leirximnl to jiijrli application, thn laild and limber thereon havn bcn an- nirnlMi'il. four Hundred Highly Dol- mm, it"- timber cntlmuted 320 M I in i l f..i ni I on prr M. nnd thn $i- on. ma aid applicant will , tirnof in i.tipport Of lib) i iili .Him and wurn KtPtement on !'. I nn dir or March, vm, beforn IP n i Tli om n n V 't CoinmUnliiner, ..t Klamnih I- i 1 1 h Oregon Any perKon In m libcrly to prntnft iiiw piiniuHit tiernry entry, or fnlll :itn u ronUsit ill any tlino beforn pat- IS YOUR BUSINESS SLOW Get Into One Good for $6,000 to $12,000 a Year Many men anxfou to chango Into n good, profitable. bul nein hive found tbnlr oppor tunity through Klectrllc Maid link. i Hliopi. Today they own prmperoitN tniflnetin..rt without having known n thing ubout thn bakery bunlniH before. Tb" opportunity thine men found In here In Klamath r'llln fnr you If ymi act. No previous baking experience; needed; we Mlpply all efjulp nient nnd Information, A catt biikliii'HK; n() ch.irgcn; nn de liveries, y.nir profltH In thn till .-wry night, (icod for ncs day a year. Inclusive, lerrl iory Ther.i nrn Mill many good tout) In Oregon oten, hut territory In being taken rap illy and prompt action In inc. 'Miry If yon want to get In'o a teil paying bUKinii U i lii r Wlr- V T.fla) for full iiirilmlurt. Art now for I ; ... r'gl.i In Klnm- " ELECTRIK MAID BAKE SHOPS :tiil l ..Li. si. m. I'.uil, Miii". Thin or run-rfown folk will Cod tU timtU Inl Kill worth tryiec: 1'ml mtith yountlf and xumu voutmU. Nut lUr MaiOn't VITA MON two Ublrt with tverjr mil. Tba wi(h and ittMiun yoyrwll anin mrh wrt k tnd centino Ukicc MuUn'i VITAMON ftfuhuly unul you u MlIrErd with your aaln la wrlnht and rnrro'. Mutia' VITA MON mm sir. hi(hly cuncrntraUd yrint-xltanimM rut wrll m the ta other still more jmpottant vltamtur (Kt SnliiUs A and Watrrt' talloC). nil nt which ixicuro a joi rsuil ).aM' to ln Mmitt;. well nr. I fully ilrrIod, It ii now Iflti ujed ly lUni.ainIi who appreciate its roa xt'itirnrr. troiiuiu) and qui k multi. 1MHORTANTI tthilo lli aniaz !ui! Iirutlli-liuildin: oluo of Mattin'n VITAMON hat Utn rKutly and ioitirlydrmorutra ted in curtuf luck of tneray. ocruu truuU. ir.ditlion, ronitiption, Lin enp tiotii, poor complriiua and o gvornlly , It tliould uot be u.cj by an) on wbo Art PJtivly Cwaffaatsaal I Pat Oa Firsi Flssk CWtWSyaoWIacroaM EMigy Whs Takoa Wkk EyaryM-larMo yaUck - FOR RENT CAFE nut InmiM, by filing n corrobornlnJ nrflilnvlt In 1'iin officii, nlloglnn facta wlikli woulil defeat thn entry. N.,tr will lir ptmiliiirfl fnr rilnn rnncerutivn weei in dm Klntnntti Herald. 1 l I.IOIIT Rnr.Uler IS y, V ..1'..2S'.M. 1 I I - J I NEW CITY LAUNDRY Finuhed Work FlatWerk IUikDry MPat Tmt UMb tm Ow B4' PltOXf 1114 Comer Mala aail Ooaer - -1 VWIV MCIIOOI ok ropctAit jwusro I have constructed through yean of oxporlonco tlio uuly conno tkat teachen yon to play tho pUno by Nolo and by -ar In 10 to 20 Ua Mtii Wrlto for parttcnlara, 701 II tk Rtreat, Klamath Falla, Or, Pbooa 367-R. CHIROPRACTIC ReeaoTra thn 'Cawwi Pressnr on ono nr morn norvea at the polnta Indicated Li tbo reason you don't get well. Chiropractic Adjaatmcats rt remove thin pressure. Drs. Mallett & Mallett Vnitertvood nidg. 7th aad Main Phono G3I-J Klamath Falls Plumbing & Heating Co. 1173 MAI.V ST. l'HOXi; 513-W Wortloy'a Taxi Service PHONE 185 Caa. Injuns ami Harry WorUey Driven At Waldorf BUUard Parlor KLAMATU POST No. S. . Aerlcan L(lon . setta in tbo baMsmant of the new courtbouM o Mala - I Street oa tho tint and Iktr4 Tuesdays of each oontb. mottIca mon are Invited to at ini tbo aitlncs. Tr Fred Wettertold. Commander. II. C. Re ti. Post Adjutant Und Ro llef and Employment commlttoo. t SHOE REPAIRING Hoectt Lrathcr llouwt Work Hoaeat IrloBa JACK FROST Indepcndsmt Shop 119 S; Sixtk Work left at Valnlow Orooary or 104 Mala HI., will bo eatta (or ilally Hot Spriags NATATORIUM WARM DRESSING ItOOMS, TOWEL AND SHOWKB 35c, Children 25c DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTKPOATHIO pirrnciAN AND SURaKON OIUco nnd Itesl.lenro Phono Ml I. O. O. V. TKMPLU WOOD Doglnnlng Fob r nary 1st, (or n limited time, strictly cah, wo will deliver lllock Wood Half Single Load....$3.00 1 Single Load., $5.00 1 Double, Load $6.00 ALSO r.isin, 1101 )Y AND SI..VB WOOD l'ricca Right WOOD AND nAV FRANKFORD oca Mala St. Phono 78 avsaaXaftitay , "iVaBallr jmlSvHra RAINBOW ' SWEET SHOP nltKAKPASTfl A.l M'.Nciico.v.s Hi:itvi:n HOKT MIIINK.M, It'll tMIUAM AMI CANIHTH Winters Building I'lmnn 1M-.I &- Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. MMtf Friday night of each wcok nt l.O.O.P. hr.ll. nth nnd Main atrectn. W. C. Woltn..............Nohl Orand J B. Senda.........,..vico Ornndi Nate Ottcrbeln............8ecrntnry W, D. Cofcr... ....Treasurer KWAUNA KXCAMPMFXT Meets Tneaday night of each week. J. V. nrowbaber. Chle( Patriarch 1. R. Itedkay. Senior Warden CUad Carpenter Clinplnlu N. D. Olaaftaeh Scrltm Nato Ottreln............Trca8iircr COE'S AUTO SERVICE mm)., nincK and DOSOR CAM Ooaairy Trtog a RoMlalty PBONB JflS) Uaitool Cigar Store HASH STREET CHARLIE'S TIRE SHOP GAS ft OILS Sixth St Klamath Ave. Dr. Gerald F. Warrea DENTIST Ptninneatly located nt DorrM. Cat. Speclallvt la CROWN AND DIUDflK WORK Price Reanonablc. Work Osamntccil Saw Mill Engineering & Construction Co. Dralgnrr nml Rtill.lrrs of mod cm narr mllN, pt.inlns mllN nml bos plant". Dredging. I'llnilrhln I'lioxr. .m:o-w Offko (nrncr Spring nnd Oak Xcar S. 1. Depot Klamath Falls Cyclery "We are here to rervo you and aim to aerve you right. Motor cycles and Bicycles, Parts and Accouories, Tires and Tubes that win stand your Inspection, as wo carry tbo best In our line. Re- Eilr ahop In connection with irley-Davldsoa Service. PHONE STJ Ml Mala BC. Klamath Fall C E. DISMARK FRED WESTERFELD DMtiet Paoao 4S4-W .X-RAV IABORATORII Klaaaath Full J. C CLEGHORN CTOTL BNOINEER AND SURVEYOR rkQM lftM 1SS 8. Rlvernldo DR. R J: WINTERS Gflktaato aad Suto Registered r OPTICIAN Nlnateen years huro In liuslneis We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses FNsafft Serrico EqaJpjfS Optical Store iu Bontham Oiegoa 714 Main Street DR, C A. RAMBO Dentist .1. O. O. F. Bulldtaf PHONR 61 Excavating Teaming Let ua make you a price on dbjting that basemont or other excavating you, contomplato. Wo also do team work o( every de scription. PHONE 4C0-J DR. J. G. GOBLE OPTOMKTJUST OPTICIAN '700 Mala St. Pliono lita-W Wo (it arid eld ulansosDuplI cato broken lenses, repair framci. . .' 11 it 1 Ji ,ni.. At- VV y