$ m m l itunitin HraU WEATHER FORECAST ThiiIrIiI iiiiiI Friday, ruin or suow In norlbwrnt portion, NEWS OP THE WORLD BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Associated Press. I'lri'Vrilli Year. No. HiSltf KMM.Vril I'AI.I.H, OltllttON, Tlllllsim, I I llltl AHV , lliJ2 I1CICK FIVH CKNTH cfte SUSPENDS ON SHIPS FOR ! AMERICAN NAVY: Thousands of Workers Lnitl Off lo Conform With Naval Treaty WASHINGTON. I) C Feb U Urclc'm lin v been llaucil liy Horrc lary Di'tiliy fur u imi"'Mlmi of nil nriliiiilico wind ilcnlKiU'il (or vcimela nlfi'Cli'il by I tin nitvnl llniltnlliiti ll"'ll) Till! "ffCCl Will llO III III)' ulf temporarily nil employe mi ltnK'l I" kiii'Ii work. Tim urtln covered liy the order iiri' n( New Ynrli, Plilluilelplil.1, Nor folk, South ChurlcMon, Mure Inland C.illf., and poimlldy lloalon. CIIAHI.KHTON, W. Vu, IVh U 'I Iim unvnl iirclniiiii'ii plant if South I'liiirlpilun Ik under orders today friini Secrelury lli'iiliy to clnao mid l.iy off wlllioiit pay until Jtlnn An nil cuipln)nn except Ilium uccemiar) fur imitiitcusncc nml proleitlun of the plant, WASIIINOTON. I C. IVIi. !i Approximately 1 Sr.it of tin- T.OUO employes of tin' Washington nuvy yard wore handed u temporary fur IuiikIi without pay when tliey pre sented tlimiiBi'lti-i tml.iy fur work Mini of I tin Mini were marlilults DEPOSITORS TO MEET Will Cuii'Mrr .VUMMIU) f A Milnf Inic 0n.i.illiro lleponltor of Hi" l'lrl Htat" mid HavliiRn limik Mill ineet toinorron nlKliI nt tint Moom I (nil ut ? 3i to iiiinlder tint dimlralitllty or nrcunltrf I Ion 4 ml appointment of a romuilttre lit rii-nperntti nllli the rtiirk'tiiililer rommllliHi, titroaily uppolnteil, mid tit" Mai" tinklnR ileiiarlinent In tde tliilldntnu of tde Imuk'n nffnlrn for til" lieit Interenta of nil roilrerili'd I'miiU t nrmnell, itni" Imiik MiM'rlnti'tiilent, rerenlly nlutil tlint tlio depiirltiieiit nuld do clad to date Hie ro-iipefntlnu of Imtli utiiok-lnild ern unil ilepitiltoii). Imtli llirimnli their roiniultteen mid ludlttdiinlly. In rurrylnK nut tde lliUldiillini pmcriim Mll.l.s II, I'll TO CONMIICII I'AHK IMI'lll i:mi:nt I'lAVS Tint MIIU Addlllen lmproeiueiit t'luli Mill unit .it tde MIIU tirdmil nt 7: ."it n'cloik 1'rldny eMiiInn innilder idmia for Die pini-utliiK if Irvei mid luylnR out Hi" p.uk douiiti'd liy Hie K'tanmtli Ueielnpinnet t'n Tde park lien uorllie.ift nf tde Mllli Monl riiriierliiK nil l.'nnt M.ilu ami Koine htrielK, Tdr feuUllK lll de fnrtll lotiiliiR If Hie roniliiunlty Mill do tde nM llui ini'indum ilerlari'. vi:.viiu:it I'ltoiiAiiu.iriis Tim rruKliiriii.iKrnpli nt t'lider Mimd'M IMiurninry iniitltiuert to reRl ter n very low durnmelrli' preimure. Hie lino on Hie rluirt remnlultiK prnr llrully iniintmit nil nlKlit. nt ndont 'J'l.'.in. A allvlit rlm link plate 1 It In liiiirnlnir dut ut tde Hnm of unlK In pinN Urn tniilenry muk hkiiIii down Miird. In vIum- of !de low rcmlliiK nml ii miullierly wind umeltleil iiiiiiIIiIiiiih urn upl to rule tonight KnreniMt for next ii Iniurn Cloudy, uiiHoltlitd Mentder. wild inoilnriito Utinporiitiiren. I'roludly morn hiiow , The Tyroii record I in: lliennoint'ler reKl-itereil iniixlmuni nnd iiiliiluium leiiipenitnri'H IniUy. im folliiWN. IIIkIi . .. ; Low - MARY MILES MINTER'S LETTERS ntnn TO MURDERED MOVIE DIRECTOR I .OH ANllKMM, Cell. ! A cent- ed nolo dropped from ono of WII-, Ham Ucsnionil Tnylor'M-liooka while pollrti dolectlvea wito miiklni; exmii' Inullon of hla efferlH. iiceordlnK to, lint I.oh Anjeleii Kxuniliinr. It wax on tho butterfly mnuoKrum edition Htalloiiery of Mitry Miles Mlnter. It road a follewa: "Demeftt: I lovo you I Invo you 1 lovo you. "X-x-x-x--x-x-x-x! "Vourrf nlwaya "Mary." Tlin liint "X" wiia two luthiiH In helRdt followod dy nit cxclnmutton point nu Inch In height, Muiy Mllt'H Mintm- did not deny mithortiUlp of thn lctti;r, iirrordluK to tlin Uxatnluer. "I did lovo William Taylor," aim uaiil, "I lovod him deeply, nnd ton- LsIB Mli , .MAUI, I, MlltMWII r.iiiniiiH uioviit Minr tint lint pricn In Tn Tn)lor nliVf ami Mlionn r r d'ttiTH ui'rit fiiiiinl toil ii y in a linui in Tn)li r 1 liouii SOLDIER LOAN BOARD OF APPRAISERS GETS MORE INSTRUCTIONS Mi'lllir Min Ale (ilwu I mil Ma) '."J. UK!'.', to ijunllfy fur M.ile ("i or liun AildlHiin.il lliilruiiloiu reljlhv to tde hlute Imiiiiir mid loan today neru recehed dy M. 1. Julilmnu, who wild I! M II u lilt utnl Arthur U'llmin were nppnliited on tde I'ttird of iipprnU er fnr KluuiHtd roiinty Tli" liiiliuilloim prui Id" Hint e. rrnko ini'li rllill dae until Muy ::. I'Jl:. to uunllfy for QUdvr cash or loan, and that iippllcallitn fur ranli mny lm rlimiReil to tint loan, or vlru era. up to that time. It l proxldeil. Iiowmur. Unit in ap ptlculliiu for tlin ruli caiino'. bo ihaiiKi'd to tint loan It tde iipptl rint da rlrnvd tin) ourdur liaileil dy the hiiiiii'IkIiiii. Ki-norvlcn men who wrri C'.i rdnrKeil from inTilrit iifler May J?. 1'JSI, nro KlM'n ii enr In wdlch to lunllfy fnr canli or tomi. If lint applicant ilcnlrry .t'l ti'.lllj u liotiiiK the innuulMilou reiiulrei that rompletii pl.lliR mid iti'rlllo,i IIiiiik. miUi the dtillder'a etilmnte. he midmitteil If lliexe are approv ed Hie npplltutil thru In required to mill nit din rnutrmt wltli the diillder. ide Idank form for wlttrd la fuml'lit'd dy tde mmtnltiHlon. SUES TO FORECLOSE i:rmliir of .Mm tin INtit Ak liidUMietil on Null-. I.ikII" ItoReta iih exei'illor for tho iv-lali ol Alexmider Miirtlu lodii)' fil ed unit In Hie rlrutll inuri ur.nlnet C I) Wllroii. A T Miller mid Altu IMIth laihelt Miller to forei'lixc u morlKiiKo kImmi by the pl.ilntlffi In iniy Tde premlxe.i deyrrlbeil In tde motlltiir.e weie ruieutly acdl dy Hie rlty to atlf ii iiiIiik Hen In tliu iiiiniiiiii nf 'S I J7 1 t'.si. Ilesldea t It Ik niiKilllil the pl.lllllllf uaka for S'.'iir.n, in. d.iluni'o reitiiiliiliiK unpaid on fivo liolea Klen liy I lie defelidrtiitH mid JTiimi.imi iitioriiuy fei-H. AtloniojH lien tier. MminliiK mid Himeni: arc rep. iivt'iitlnr, tde plaintiff mahki:t itKi'oitr I'tlltTIiAND. Ted 3 l.tvetdock hteady IIkkh Irri'Kiilar. duyliiR price 2T.0 to aOr lllltter, 3c IiIkIi er. exlr.i elides :i"e. duily, wild nil tho admiration mid reaped 'u yoiiiiK r.lrl kIvi to man wild the pnlao and culture nt Mr. Taylor." Taylor iind MIh Mlnter met nt Snritu llxrdnra two yearn ago. ill wiia her director. Among Taylor' effocln xvero found two letlora written in ft well known Reining Rlrl code, of Htrnlitdt lines and dota, One of tdene, de ciphered, readH n follews: "I love you oil, 1 love you, "I had to romo down, benuino nimuum remarked Hint I always 'aet'iitPd lo feel rat her happy after helm: out with you.' So doro I am. Camouflage. "Furthermore. I nm foolluu uu usually fine moro cumouflaRo. "I jvlll boo you later, (lod 'lovo you uk f do,", i Says Road Bonds Will Not Increase Taxes in County TluiT lint prnpnioil $ Kild.O'Ji) Imiuii nf roml bunds' would not lurri'iui) tnxe, In t)m htiitcmnnt luiulit (od.-i y liy It (' (JrixmlifcU roml roml worker nml president , Cm, nml gasoline tnx o ftlii Kliitmitli County Auto As- fees, willed tcroipts urn Im-ro.-m-in nil inn, In illnriiHHliii; Din us-, tug from iiur to year, ami whlrli pciln of lit" pri'io'lil situation, iri'ii'lpln iilotiu i r lit present am Peraoiially. nml speaking on pin to Id kit run- of Hut imritt Ix'liiilf of tlin ntilo iitmii'liitlon, I ' on lunula already l-iauod. imiiIiI not In In fnvor of nnyj "If. without iiililltlnnnl laxn road Imiiil IttMiiit nt (IiIh tliui) If .Hon. several liumlrcil thousand liiTranil t iixi t Ion Mmulil ri'fiillt," of Julliirn ran do released In In- ilrrluri'il "It coiii'lutilvi'ly! Klmiintli county nt till lime, appear. Iniwuwr, Hint Klmnntli i sue), iiionuyn would undoubtedly iniiiiiy Mill lm relieved of pri'H-1 lii-nnfll ui mor' In our Kirlui:nn- ii t roml innliii)'ti.innt to anlry ilmu 1 o n ! Uih atnoiint nt nmount willed Mill amply pay llin luim-il In normal r.ooit tlinci NIMRODS TO CONVENE Hporttliirn'n Hliuu Will ll. lli'lil In I'oltlmiil I 'id. UU-21 I'OIITI.ANIi. Keli J TlieilalCHif tde nportineu'a nIiom dam diru ilif liiluli fl for r.hrtiaty 22, 2.1. and 'ii nt the auditorium, It In miuoiiur. id hv W. V IhifWim. nri.itlilent of Hie Multnoniiili AtiKlern" rluli, iiiidnrl"' "" r'sl't kind of l.ooka will helmanli? Komi of (rvrnmetit ha whnne uiiaplrra tde lilt; hIiiiw will lie hitld. It will lie tint flrnl uliow of Ita X""' "' ' ' " "" "' annuiil allow ut Hpokiine. Hie flmt of Itaklnilotitl." IMUflrrouHt Tde aliow will he modiled after tde minu.il aportamen'.H eililhiiiou in Mndlnon Siiinrn itardeti. New York. I'ladlnK. adootliiK. trappliiK ml eolt will be tho i:hli.'f utlr.ictlona of Hie outdoor allow l'ly mid hnlt rant-' ins exlildltlona will bo the BUlII feuturea for tho miKlcM Hie Multno mull AliRlera I'lud will do ii:.iMimI In lin exhlliltliiu dy Hlnte llainit Wnr-; dun llurKddtiff mid lila ntaff of de puties. rtecrctar) MeNeally aald today that the Klamath County Hpurtamcii'ji an oclalltiii intrflit hnve ti representative at thn ihow, nnd at I on tit would li.ioi an cxlilhlt, prnlinbly pliotiiRraptilc. SKVi:it.l. CAHS IM'slll.'CI' aiii: Miii'i't:!) iii:t:mia Suter.il tar loada of lieep davit re-' reiilty been Kdlpped wiutd by locnl stockmen lienr:e W'ntl .mil Cdarle ! Del.np sdlpped nix cars lo tde Went-1 eru Meat eiimpaii) of S.m rraiubco. i John Allen mid Herd I'lilllpi ahlpped , ten mid fix enra riMpectlel to San l-'ramtM-t. f.itunlay. J COI.l.MUIA (iltACIIAI'IIIIVi: iti.ei:ivi:itsiiii- askkd WII..MINC.TO.V. Del.. Feb 9 Ap- plication for iiTt'lu i.ihlp of Hio Col I iimdln n.ipliiipboue m.iniif inuring lompmiy. his been tmidi In the Fed- criil court r ' ) icaTchiT 1 .$ -,s I i jump Miv2Xsy miorcst mi nny bonds wlili.li Mil routity w"l h allocI upon to nui to iitulcli tli't sliitn money "Audio from thl relief, tlii- .i oiiiity receives sli.ire nf the NEW SCHOOL LIBRARY NjMciii Dcoluuril Id IimiI(iI KiriHT Interest In It'iiiks .1. I'. Wella. fit) Hiiprrliit.ndent cf mi-IkidI" dint Introilurcd a new lldrarv n)tum Into tint rlty h IkuLi, Mdcrod) it keener Intercut In ohuMi- rt-adlnicl ' ktlmtilntcd. I nji rn Clemunls of StrnnKtd that of I , M 0f preferred dooki nnd . ' U',,R,",M'" w111 l, tne "Wcct of .imrtlons l.aa been .ul.mltf.! to il,o,M' ,C"', 'i0"""c"1 clu,,' "cba . ... ' In the Chutnbr of Commcrco rooms ( te.irderif of uard Krade When a pupil lm,,Khl Tho mBenB will start . "an fend tint reiiilr.d iiuiiiIht if promptly nt 7.4.". i hooka diirlni; the tear anil daa Klen' Six hualno'4 men will serve for anllnfartory report on e.nd one, a ' ejeh side In tho dtdiate, with II. I. ,, ,, ,.,, by lh(. .a(.MP. WclU atnten that Hie anteiii to far! . " "" """" " "' '" :,:, '". r" '"' Proven vcrr M-.-i.nii n.i many j pupil liavi) nlreail) lumidelid tho re- iiulreil number nf hooka mid been l- aued certlfleiitca. SCHOOLS TO DEBATE .. Merrill in Meet Klamnlli llluli Klliiiliintluii Cmitrt JU tireat Intercut das been arouod among IiIkIi .irlinol atildcnla over tde debate In tde hlr.h achm! neinbly accompanylnR her husband, was unla- hull tonlsht betwen Merrill nnd;Jurcd. Klamatd teamn Tde subject Is. Ito-1 nohed, Tnnt the Cnlted .Slutea Mioulil iTt'KMMt IT.SCIUI. AWAITS maintain u nar e.ml in ,Uo and' AltlCIV.ll. or son I'iiom cillim atrenRtli to that of any other nay Tde poiod Merrill ilitbntliiR team la com-1 of Allen Murray, (lenevleve (leiiu. Marlon Kim; lleatrlce Walt- , on. Oran Dlllard mid Nornh llcrry. and the ropreiicniatlV"K hent will dne the nrRiithc. At Merrill tnnlRlit tho same MUPhtlnn will be the mil. Juit of a debatii with the Klamath team on the ueR.itive aide. Tim jchonl of the count)' will en y.aRe in u nerle-1 M delmtea to deeld" Rage in u serle-i M dedatea to deeld". wdlcd shall be 'Hie tvprii.cut.ttlvc to-uit nt the suite championship trlil at Wugiaeon Ma) I. IT'S A TICKLISH POSITION, TO KIDNAPING IS AM OIFE IN IB com Four Constables Taken in Rosslea; Other Prison ers Retained IIKI.I'AST. Knli. 9.- Ailillllonal luilnaiilfii;H occurrcil today In roiln- i '.y Ki'riiinn.islt. ono of thn rounllc-H j In wdlcli yMti-rilny'it rnliln c.crurrcul ) Knur "rlawi II" xpcclal romtalilci. ' kldnapMl In tdc Itmnlpa district wore , taki-ii in tit" direction of Daily hay, , ttlivr" Ii U dtllovrd otlirr prinoncrs ' nn lnliiK kept fiomi' of Hii' ni"ti rnpturo'l )cMrr day wnf reported to liavo returned limiio. . GOVT. CLUB TO DEBATE i.tm'-liiiii of ('uiitirlliiimilr inent It Kildjett Govcrn u,.)lov,.d. That the Council , Neell leader for tho neKatlve and , J. Voyc lea ,or for tho affirm- athe I.V.M IIIKm TM THICK nitivm .not si:mt)ts I I. Suttnu. n driver for he Klam- ' till. Illa .?..,... U'l.n ...n lnl,...,,l ..... ....0 v,,u,lll nuu ...in ...J...... i yeiterday ufternoon wheo the truck i lie was driving skidded from tho road j and turned turtlo, will b confined to ' bin h n mo four or flro days. Ono left ivxi bruited near the nnklo and a , knee apralnnd. Mr. Sutton, who was Announcement of funeral urranRe menu for S. W. Turner, wdo died Tuesday oii'iilriK of Injuries receiv ed when ho was struck dy an automo bile, await the arrival of a son who will arrive here frrm Chlco Krlday IllRllt. til II US' Cl.l'll I.CAIICU HKItl Mli-i Helen CowrIII of Corvallis. late lender of girls' cluds, arrived, hero last night and will speak In Matin t nl.bt and nt tho Summers i haul Fridj). night. SAY THE LEAST fa ty " ' '' WM.I.IAM l. TAVMIH I'romlntnt movlo director and protildi'nt of tho Motion i'lcturo HI- , rCrlora aaioclatlon,. do was found (dot to death In din Hollywood liung nlow Kcdruary 2 SPORTSMEN TO LET CHANGE OF SEASON STAND UNALTERED Member Hail Questioned AdrW- hlllty of HhufUnR Off April KMilnK Loral sportsmen, nt a special meet InK of the Hportmen'a nwoclallon last nlRht, decided to let the recommen dation for chanco of the flshlnR seas on In alt Klamath waters, stand un altered. Stato Warden A. K. Uurshduff jald when hero recently that he would recommend to the atato fish and Ramp commission a cHanijo In tho ex- IstloR ruling, under which fisblns; Is closed from December 1st to April tuth. so that fbh over ten Inches inlsdt bo taknu.from JJay IT. to Feb ruary 1st nnd fish ever six Inches from Mny 1." to December 1. The commission will probably act on tho recommendation at It next meeting. December 13th. In the meantime some local sports men questioned tho advisability cf a chance which shuts off tho flshlnc In April and tho meeting was called la.it night to dlicux.i this feature Af ter full discussion, according to Sec retary McN'cally. It wai decided to let the state warden proceed with the recommendation along the lines pro- lously laid down. Tdo nnmo wardens of the Mute will meet In Portland February 1 3th. pur biinnt to a call of llitrghduff. to ills- , cims general fish and game plana for tho comlnr; reason, Henry aiout, deputy gamo warden, . ,f. ,..i, morning for the Crooked Creek datehory with .100.000 eastern brook trout eggs, received yester dny. They will be hatched at tho Crooked Creek plant nnd tho young fSli will be distributed among the streams of tho county later In the j ear. probably not before August or September. The next event In tho annul ot the nhioclatlon Is thu annual meeting nnd election of officer, which will bo hold Friday evening, February 17th. A nutter that Is to be dlscusied at tlbs meeting la the proposed rnlso of annual dur. from fifty cents to one dollar. RAID QUESTION PENDS Justice (iiiglinxcn to lU'inler lkct hloit on Motion to Qiuiali A derision will bo reudcrtd lato tills afternoon by Justice ot the Fence (iagluigcn on tho mi'tlon to quash the warrant Ubtied to John Farnell, .spec ial officer In the raid conducted on a rooming house nt 1031 Main early last Sunday morning. Tho motion was argued In the Jus tlcu court yestorduy afternoon by At torney Win, Marx, acting for Win. fillmoro und fieri C. McDouald. de fendants, whon It was claimed that both tho warrant and IM return wore illegally executed and that John Far noil la not u cltlron ot tho United States. FllOVISION MADK KOH COXVlIltSlOX OF ALI.1F4 LOAN W.ASHIXOTON', D. C. Feb. 9. Tho President has Signed tho bill creating a conunlsulon and otherwlso muklng provision for conversion of the eleven billion dollar debt owned by Allied powers to' the United States. LOVE LETTERS OF IDLE ARE FOUND !l! Actress Anxious for Rocc r cry; Denies She Loved Murdered Director QUI.. IS HTAUTKD HV IIIHTHICT ATTOItYFY i.os an(ii-:m:s, Fed. o- Tho Dlrtrlct Attornoy'.i nfflcn o began a thorough Inreatlgitloft of tho Taylor mystery toda. starting with Pcavoy, thn negro houseman. Taylor's chmiffnur Howard Fellows, will bo thn next to bo quizzed, follower dr Mr. and Mrs.'Dougla.i Macl.onn, residing noxt door to Taylor. It la planned to quoMlon several wealthy producera n number of film, directors, at least four up- tropes, and two men mentioned A In Jealousy theories. I.OS ANOKI.KS. Feb. 3 'In. Normand's letters to Will 'j, mond Taylor, whoso mysterkin ' i" Ing has resulted In a natlon-wldo ' ' sntlon, wero reported to havj be. -i found In n boot In Taylor's aprl mnnta when n final search was r beforo giving up tho premize i first had lieon believed tho leltora bad been stolen. Mablo Norm and was anxious to n cover tho letters, sha sadft he-. somo phrases t( them mleht be " understood. She said a (rlndly f ' Ing existed bctweon thum, but n ' love. The fearch al,o revealed a hsn kerchief Initialed "M. M. M." The Inveatlcatlon today ,ls ce1 " mted In tho hand of Chief-Djpnrv Praiecutor Doran. , I.AV(illTKH AND HCKKAM LnK FtXEKAL SKUVICl LOS ANOKL.ES, FcbJ. Laucht'-r and screams and prayers, markod L c funeral' hero today ot William V mond Taylor, murdered motion r turo director. Almost ten t lines as many as er i be seated In St. Paul's Kplscopcl 1 Cathedral fought for ndmUtv" and when that was denied to t x'ast majorltr, those left on tho i -t-slde of the structure Jammed ' - streets and overflowed Ter 'I"'" Square, a small downtown in on which the pro-atliedi Tae crowd n ctifiiiv A largo forco uf pollf"- r ' men, plainclothes men nnd ciou officers was practically hctileu ' tholr attempt to control tho cr t throng, which surged back and to?'" toward tho pro-cathedral doora un til finally convinced that no more could possibly squeeze inside. Then C waited with Its curiosity and Its hys teria for tho passing of tho cortcso Lto tho cemetery JLiny Women Faint Outaldo. many women In tho crow I fainted. Within tho darkened pro cathedral only ono fainted. Sho was Mabel Normand, who wjs attired lu deep mourning, and who Is ono of thu lart to buvo seen tho dead director ullve. Another within tho structure also gvo way to hysteria. This other was Henry Pcavoy, negro houseman em ployed by Taylor. niacniiTtoN is ivk. of missing nrri.rn LOS ANOELKS. Feb. 9. Tho fol lowing description of Kdward F Sands, cough by the Loi Angeles po llco us tho most Important witness In connection with the murder last Wed nesday night ot William Desmond Taylor, noted motion picture direc tor, was given out dy the police hero teday: "Edward F. Sands, American, about 26 years old. v- "Height -5 feet, 7 or M Inches. "Wolgbt llathcr heavy build, at ono tlmo 19S pounds, recently lost wolght mid believed tomthlne be tween 175 and 195 pounds, but no ticeably Btout ot heavy build, "Round face, light' comploxlon Hair brown, quite heavy and straight, not curly or wavy. Not nau to' ha cut vory close, alway rather bushy. Heavy eyebrows, short ,, Peculiar (Coatlntwi, ) ncu yn - t. 1 ti' v :.-.