The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 08, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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jvwMNBMAirrambtiir ,M
Page Two'
Tb Evening Htrald
M. H, KlLIi...
..Bdltor and rnMlshcr
.. ............CHjr Editor
.'PNblkhfd'tUllr ixct'Bundy, by
It Herald Pnbllsblnr, Company of
Klaautk rHs,,t n jsuntn Btreet,
Entered at tba Potofflco at Klam-
tth rail, Ore., tor' transmission
through the mall ai second-class
j no AWKira sras ' wciusito
tr entitled to the1 use for publica
tion of all nowt dispatches credited
lo It. or not othorwlsa credited In
thin paper, and alto to local now
published herein.
F a bond Uiuo for road building Is
I roted by Klamath County at the
forthcoming election, tbo cost wilt bo
equally distributed upon all taxable
property In the couuty.
This Is something for tho rural
tax-payer, -who otherwise bears all
the cost of road construction, to
When the county builds roads, the
farmer pay the whoii' bill. Proper
ty Inside , Incorporate towns la ex
empt from the county road tax, de
spite the tact that citj dweller bene
fit with tho rural population In hir
ing good road.
When the state bulMa roads under
tho bonding Plan, evwry piece of
property on tbo tax roll paya It
oultabla shsru. The bonds are a
lien upon tbo to-1 aluatlon.
No ono who loves fair play
will deny that this li the more just
arrangement. Why should the farmer
alono pay for the privilege of bring-.
Ing his trade to the city' Un It only
fair that tho city should share In
building the' highways that brings Its
citizens commerce ami profit?
It haa been kufflciontly shown
that the bulk of money now rwnt
yearly on Klamath' dirt roads will
be saved when tho hlghwas are sur
faced, and the saving can be implied
to retire the bonds.
In other words the tax rate will
nol be Increased by the bond issue
Good highways, on the other hand, by
, making rural property more attrae-
ttve. tend fo Increase tho population
of tba county, apread out the tax
burdeo and lower the rate.
Klamath County cannot afford to
stand Idly by. while more progres'
aire communities avail themselves of
the fifty, fifty offer of the state and
build good roads.
We cannot demand, In the face of
tbo state-wldo need for highways,
that the state Immediately tie up
(00,000 to match the county. But
the aame end is attained. It the pro
gram outlined by the county court
and chamber of commerce Is adbored
to. for not a dollar of the county
bond fund Is to bo used In road con
struction until the state produces Its
dollar for the aame job. By this
method the county sells Its bonds
only as the money Is needed and pays
Interest only on the amount Invested
in good roads.
tack of highway hits the farmer
hardest. On him falls the loss of
time that results from inefficient
transportation facilities, the leng,
cold trips, ihe struggling with mire
bound vehicles.
Tbo Herald asks all Its readers,
and especially Its rural readers, to
approach the investigation of the
road bond Issue with" open minds. It
they find tho facta bear out the pub
lic statements that havo been made
by supporters of tM bond Issues,
they cannot afford k defeat the
And further, n defeat would be n
most illogical actlou lu the face of
the need of roads, .tha benefit of
roads and tho lark of expense In
getting roads under tho outlined pro
gram. Repeal of Japanese
Dual Citizenship Law
In Honolulu U Asked
HONOLULU, T. H. Feb. 8. Jleso
lutlona asking for repeal of tbo Jap
anese "dual citizenship" law, which
provldea Hut any person born cf
Japanese parents' In imv other coun
try is a citizen of Japan unless his
application for expatriation, made
before he becomes IT years old, Is
approved by the Tokyo authorities,
were passed rocently at a meeting
hero of the Eocloty nf American fill
sens of Japaneso Parentiige, Hono
lulu Forum No. 1,
The resolution wus given to M.
Zumoto, editor of Tho Herald nf As
ia, wno nas oeen apenuing somo iinm
here, for presentation to the authori
ties at Tokyo upon. his return
The resolution- points out tbat' the
Dotton, Tob. 8. A dog's view of
life In th0 Whlto House Is given In a
letter ostensibly written by "Laddie
Boy," President Harding's Airedale.
terrier, to "Tiger," a atago dog.
which wilt appear In tho current Is-
suo of tho National Magatlne, to bo
published tomorrow. The President
sent tho letter, which was In reply to
ono from "Tiger," to Joo Mitchell
Chappie, editor of tho magazine.
"Laddlo Boy has mado reply,"
President Harding wrote, "and 1 am
sending you a copy herewith tor your
Information, slnco you were the
bearer of Tiger's message."
After telling ct "d thrill that wag
ged my stub tall violently when 1
read of tho part yon are playing, giv
ing to the public a demonstration of
the fidelity which characterlrcs our
lives," "Laddto'a Boy's" letter says:
"Every dog plays his part well
when he Is merely hi natural self.
but unhappily many a deg Is more or
lets spoiled by his environment, and
associations. I Imagtno I am spoiled
some myself. So many people cy
press a with to seo mo and 1 shako
hands with so many callors at the
Executive Mansion that I fear there
are some people who wilt suspect me
of political Inclinations from what
I see of politics I am sure 1 have no
such aspirations.
"Of course it Is exceedingly Inter
esting and worth while to bo In the
center of so any activities of great
Importance, but there Is an air of
earnestness and responsibility about
It which I, can see In my chief that
I often long for the good old days
back home.
"Sometimes tha Chief acts as
though ho would like to sit down
when be and I can be alone, and I
can look at him with sympathetic
eyes and he fixes his gaze on mo In
a grateful sort of way, as much as
to say, 'Well. Laddlo Boy, you and I
are real friends, dnd we will never
cheat each other.'
"When tho Chief looks at me this
way. I know that he feels that I will
never find fault with him, no matter
what he does, and that I will nerer
bo ungrateful nor unfaithful.
"I realize that a dog'a life Is limit
ed In years, but it Is, after all, a won
derful life to live. I can believe we
leave our Impress on our human as
sociates. 1 suppose, because of my
members' of the organization "al
ways think of ourselves as American
citizens. Intend to remain In the
United States, as citizens, regardless
of this law, and wish to appear In a
true light before the people of Ha
waii, as well as before those of Jap
an, without bitterness or misunder
standing." The document requested Mr. Zum-
oto to present tho appeal to the Jap
anese authorities and also urged him
to take additional steps "to havo a
pedal law enacted whereby Hawaii-
an-born Japanese over the ago of 17
years will be given the right official
ly to denounce their alleglanco to
the Japanese governnet. In order that
wo may enjoy the privileges of Amer
ican citizenship to tho fullest extent."
The society, composed of Japan
ese born In Hawaii and therefore
American citizens, was organized
three year ago.
Tho natural charm of rural New
England, and the simple, liomo-y
folks who live there, are splendidly
set fcrth In "Down Home." the Irvln
V, Willat production, which will be
shown at tbojltrand Thursday.
After the etnrm of Impossible and
Improbable pictures with which wo
have been deluged, this photodrama
of simple, kindly folk living their
simple, rugged lives, has a strong
appeal. You" find yourself on the
brink between laughter and tears
throughout the entire picture, for
there Is a delightful blending of hum
or and pathos which it Is Impossible
to resist.
It is without a doubt foremost
among rural screen dramas and will
make n singularly strong appeal to
every typo of theatre-goer. It Is safe
to recommend it as entertainment of
the very highest order.
Two good comedies will bo shown
in addition to this feature.
Don't forget tbo Thursday night
"country store." A real treat In store
for patrons this wock.
The water Is warm and nice warm
dressing) rooms at the Natatorlum.
Come and learn to swim. J20, P.28
1176,000 appropriated for Im-
provoment Albany-Cascadla road,
I temporary assignment to tho Whlto
House, you nttributo to mo greater
knowledge than 1 can really claim to
posesss, I am only IS months old and
1 do not Know many other dogs. I
have heard tho Chief talk about some
of his dog friends, and I know that
ho chooses to bo known as tho
friend of good dogs.
"Say! talk about fellowship mo
for tho company of a smnll boy who
has been taught nc'icr to bo cruel
to animals. That's tho association for
play that strengthens tho heart and
brlghtenR tho spirits. Still, there Is
n lot of grown-up whom It Is most
agreeablo to attoclato with.
"When I came to the Whlto House
the Mistress gave mo a rather cold
shoulder .1 found out afterward It
was because sho did not want to be
come attached to me and excessively
grieved In rare our association had
to be severed. Slnco then sho has
'fallen' for me to beat tho baud. She
let mo como to tho private dining
room now and then, and 1 can coax
morsels from the tablo, a' whole lot
more effectively than a lot of office
seekers can appeal for Jobs. But I
murtn't talk about these things, for
fear 1 will be giving away some of
the White House secrets.
"I have no doubt you will do a lot
of good. It you can only havo tbo
realization that you are helping to
establish a mora kindly considera
tion of tbo animal life of which we
are a part and you can Impress your
audiences with tbo beauty of the
friendship of dogs for human asso
ciates who treat them becomingly,
and Install in human lives soma of
tho honesty and fidelity which char
acterizes tho lives wo dogs live, you
will find a compensation In tho good
you havo dono which will surpass
any other cxpcrlcnco In your life."
Tho letter says thero Is no cat to
play with at the Whlto Houso and
"I do not think I nnt sorry thero
at. There Isn't much fun In pursuing
and making war on somo other quad
ruped as spmo of our forbears seem
to think. It Is really fine to dwell In
"Laddie; Boy" signs himself,
"Yours, with .a cordial wag, a
friendly sniff and a Joyous greet
Little Bud Stevenson was out of
school several dayg last week" on
account of sickness, but Is getting
Estln Kigcr and Chester Enman
were both hurt whllo playing bas
ketball at Merrill high school last
week. Estln bad a sprained foot
and Chester was hurt on tho head.
Neither of them was seriously hurt.
Geo. Offleld was In this district
a few days ago buying bogs.
.The dance and house-warming at
Sam Knman's Friday night was well
attended, there being about 75 pres
ent. Everyone had a good tlmo.
Music wbs furnished by tbo Human
Mr. Franklin of Merrill Is help
Ing Jim Stevenson get wood from
Stukel mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turnsr,
Misses Faye Went, Clara Calkins
and Maggie Tallman canto out from
Klamath Falls to attend the dsneo
Frldfy night.
DORRIS. Cal.. Feb. 8. Herman
Bercovlch, proprietor of the Dorrli
Mercantile Company, was u passenger
to Ran Francisco on Sunday morn
ing's train. Ho will spend a few days
in tbo city on business.
Charles Cooper and It. it. Noblo
Outbursts of Everett True By Condon
jyivyy!! " " - j. m. m.. - -
drove up from Macdocl yesterday to
transact business.
Mrs. William t'r. Hagolstcln. who
spent tho wcok-cml at tho llngclstclii
ranch at Algoma, returned to her
homo hero yesterday morning.
Luke Walker of Klamath Falls was
a business visitor In Dorrls yesterday,
having driven down by automobile.
Babbit driving has been renewed
as a popular method of spending
Sundays In this section. Several bun
dro drabblts have been exterminated
during tho past few weeks.
C. It. Jordan, manager of tho Dor
rls Lumber & Box company, was In
DorrLs Monday from Chlloquln, hie
headquarters, on a short business
Mrs. It. F. Wolff Is Improving
rapidly from tho attack of scarlet
fever which raured her to to confin
ed to her bed and quarantined last
Snow Is fast disappearing from thc
mountain slopes under the thawing
Influences of n warm south wind
combined with the sun which appear
at Intervals through a vail of hazy
clouds, noads are beginning to break
up on account of tho thaw resulting
In much rlct to autolsts.
-TAU5SAN-r f '(5T fl5- ? olj h
SeeTHcr .otur-oF-- terser. ls& "
fircwcj .mc-'a ' '"3ltt::-:"
of ess 5TWS rjr--r- i-j?:
MO tHltS Vou'ti r5jjsg"Jr
ivhcsc- wtvCAYo Fw jyttr
HAVG Thc NAME'S (-1557 7,A
or THS woo on St'
We have had satisfied customers for over
two years. Let us put you on the satisfied list.
We are reliable.
Phone 195-J or 239-R
Located on Siding and Paved Street.
Inquire of J. T. Ward, Central Hotel
m. - m. . .. yrirri-rnriiin rmnuinnj-i-ij
Mere Billions No
Lonscr Indicate Total
Soviet Rubles Issued
MOSCOW, Fob. 8. Mere billions
no longer sufflco to Indlcato tha
amount of paper rubles annually Is
sued by tho soviet government. It
runs Into trillion.
M. Krestlnsky, the rommltsar of
finance, ha Informed thn congress
of Soviets that tho government con.
templates tho Inuanco In 1922 of
23,000,000,000,000 of paper rubles
which, ho estimates, should havo
a buying power or $230,000,000
gold rubles. Ho pointed out to
tho congress that thl Issue,whlln
largo In figures, Is by no means
large In buying power, for It Is
based on hi estlmato that tho gold
ruble Is equivalent In buying power
to 100,000 paper ruble. These
Term, S0..10 to SH.OO
HAUL Slir.l'llllltl) CO.
.-07 Main Ml.
paper ruble nro tho ordinary mo
dlum'nt exchange.
Ho explained that thn total pa
per Initio tor lOltl wn 34,000,
000,000 rubles, then worth r. 2 3 ,
000,000 gold rubles, Thn Issue
for 1919 was 13:i,000,000,pj)0 ru
bios, worth 300,000,000 nU ru
bles. Tho Issuo for 1920 wan 085,
OOO.QOO.OOO rubles, worlh 200,
000,000 gold .rubles. Thn Issue for
1921 vfim 10,000,000,000,1100 ru
Dressmaking hud all kinds of sow
Ing dono nt 208 M(ilu St. 7-9
FOIt HAI.K Oil TltADi: MO aero
lint, r-rnllt ntiil tiu'l.' rtini-ti Int-fit.
rd In Itoutto county, Colorado. Wliul
havo you to offer! O. A. Cook, 1021
wnnningion Ml. 7-s
FOIt IIKNT Completely furnished
apartment. I.jle upts. Tel. 73M.
Stnrn-fn mi.'iCi for mill. Innulrn
(Iraud Central I'libllo market. 7-'J
FOIt BALK Oil THADi: What hnve
you? Some auto cars nt speculate
price-!. Must get away. Seo Dirk, 240
llroad HI. 7-8
FOIt HAUIKoinn A-l building lot
nt speculate prices. Will trade.
What havo you? Seo Dirk, 240 llroml
St. 7-8
Whlto Leghorn, llarron-Trtncred
Strain, from our own stork of proven
merit. I'er. 100 to May 1st, .12.r0;
aftor $11.00. Order, now. Maywond
poultry Farm, Corning, Cal. F-ti M-l
It you want to sell It, buy It, trada
It. or find It, try a Herald classified
Lyceum Hall, cor. 8th & High, well
suited for select parties, will bo rent
ed -at noinlnnl prices. Apply to M.
Motscbenbacher, Phono CCCW, or on
Smooth. iich.fulM1iv -red isSSf
thcscarcthcciuiliticjjrou ri lMjf
will find in Folcct'sGoWen W Tn iKcO wW
GitcCoirccltitallilm t "JW.r. 1 f
good codec should be 1 FotAfaJ
Tdlyourgroceryouwintit. w'gwj lCj?
gj-ssSS. 50 willyou-
9fe all that good
coffee should be
bles, worth 200,000,000 gold rubles,
This mukos llio inlnl paper money
Innun li) dalo 11(H31000,000,000
Thu value of ono gold rulilo has
been legally fixed at 100,000 paper
rubles lor lliu months nt January,
February unit March, but when this
rnto was fixed n dollar, which In
worth uboiit two gold rubles,
brought In tho oputi market 2R0.000
to 27fii,u00 paper rubles,
I huo two flno lots, adjoining,
rlimn to tho business router of Port
land, for sale, or will triulo for prop
erty or equity In Klamath Foils.
What lmi tut T
FOIt HAI.i: 80 acres of Improved
valley land; clear; f.O acres In al
falfa; nn highway; prlro as low as of hnmeateadlm; Tulo Lake
lands. Liberal terms.
KOH HALi:- Flno corner on pae.
mi'iil, rlomi to Whllo I'rllran lintel,
clear. I'clco lower than It will oer
bo again. Now U tho limn lo buy.
Liberal terms
American National bank building, CS
WM.NTI.H- i:-'Vlr" mini Intriidlim
. .( 1 1- tlio "lain -.oldl'T loan wnnli
t buy i'll lomtril lot mi mimtlily
piijiiientx. Mnt itppritli-i til I,IHHI,
AiIiImvi i:i'rilV, mil' llrrnlil. t-tf
entertainment and supper for all
Moovi. Visiting ini'iubers Invited.
Thursday night, Feb, 9th, -9
LOST .Sunday evening at Klamath
Falls, ono largo leather traveling
bag containing fur rap and other
perrnnnl affects. Finder plessn re
turn to Herald office for reward. 0-
Howdy I'npt Urine your wlfo pr
snniebiid) eln-i girl mid ronin In thn
ladles' night. Moose hall. Thursdny,
Fob. 9th C9
BTI.AM IICATKO rooms 2.50 per
week. Large, well lighted lobby,
shower baths, Nv winter rates.
Central Hotel. J T Ward. Mr. tf.
Ssn Frmm
XMMtf Ctj PjLm
L 1241 So. 6th St :3?,,,u-i?.,.LaJ2biti!lu. . P-hne 87 J