The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 08, 1922, Image 1

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    Itumng Herald
Tonight unit Thursday, rnln; inot1
uinlu to Htrontr noutliciisii'rly cnlvn.
Member of the Associated Press.
w V
lirinulli Yciir. Xii, 1121 1
1 f
Representatives From Sev
eral Sections Assure Sup
port for Highway Idea
Tlio general Interest In I hit rnml
bond I'stlo ns strikingly shown
when it roll mil of guests ul tliu
rhamhor of (onininrrii foriim lunch
ion today was read. Tlicro went nlno
Mrrrlll residents present; several
persons frnm Kurt IC h, several
from Chltoquln, unit other from dis
tricts doner In, nit of Milium attend
it heraiisn It Imil been annttiiurrd Hint
llio forum would lo open to rood
minis illiciiMlun,
At J. Vuyo, speaking fur tlio cham
ber nf rommerre directors, vnlred tlio
reanotut Hint brought the illreMora lr
support the program Id' declared
that a largo part of tlm Itffl.non new
spent uunuillr fur the upkiep of dirt
roads, would ho nated by building
surfaced roads. An I lie bonds run :n
jrars, ctcii llo.Odii placed In n Mull
ing fuiiil each )car would pay tlio
Ixinil principal, mid without consider
ing llio vastly boiler belter road ays
lorn tUat would be olilulniil. he nald
It appeared to III in Ilia tlio people nf
llio county would actually nan inon
ry by aullinrliliiK tlm bonds.
TIip lounlry'a tiarc nf tlin state
rannllno lax and timber sale receipts,
lio H.1I1I, would meet tlin Intercut.
Tho bonds would bo limned only as
llio slate matches tlin rounty money
dollar for dollar, tin drrtared
Ho aim) mid that If tlio bonding
olnn la turned down tlin ronnly must
nllll nld In rxlrniilng llio alaln high-
way program, hut, tlm money will ho
ruined by direct lory nml form no lm
niedlato tat burden ami tlio results
In road will lio far tern denlrable.
Vnye aahl that llio directors' Invey
tlKatlnn hail ccndnccd hi in that tho
miittrr admitted of nn argument. Tlin
roads aro needed mul tlm liomt UUn
the mot ocnnomlcal nml cffectWo
way to procure thorn, ho nalil
It. (. (Irocntieck, preililent nf tho
Aulnmolilln atiociallon, aald hla or
r.nuli.itlin waa for tho bond Umio.
mid llko Vn)c, ho nntr no Mround for
iirRimicnt, Hmolopuii'tit of Klnmath
rouiity lilmti'd, ho Mid, on ro.ul lm
pinvomont. '
lr. Krfd Wmlorfi'ld nlrrd tlm
Mipiuirl nf tho Amorlcnn I.okIou for
tho bond, Imcauao It would pbco
tlio Tulo Latin homeatvad landi noiir
ii main artury nf travel.
I.lndnay Hlnemore, nf Kot Klani.
nth, nulil tlin Wood ttlvur Valley
would bo for1 tlo hi inlK to u man.
Oeornn Walton iiMiiri'd tho meet
lint that Merrill would bo bolilnd tho
Clilloiilln mid Illy reprt'sentallves
Kiivn xlmllur Hfnurnnrc If tho mee.
I iik, wlilrli waa tuild to bo tho larxoit
luncheon party oor K.illirrcd for for,
urn dUcuHilon, oxprtnited tlio nonernl
aniitlmont fit tholr aovornl orKunlza
tlona nmf locnlltloa tho bond lumo
would carry by a wide mnjt rlty.
Krcd linker reported thut HlnUlyou
rounty aupcrvlnorK, nnxiired him on
hla trip to Yruka us to HHCortaln their
position, tlmt they would atipport tho
Weed-lOninutli I'allt rond mid ae(
iinldo a Ritm fur lniylmt tlin rlnht of
way of the privately ronntructod
road from Wood twenty iiiIIoh
nnrtliwnfd linniiullnioly. They uilop
ted tho onllrn road from Weed to
tho Klamath county lino as n coun
ty rhghwoy, '
Kollowlntt tho luncheon u mcet
liiK pf the acoro or morn vlsltora
from outllUo point a waa hold to
arrunxo man nicotines In till din
trlcfii of the county. It, C. tiroes
bock, chairman or the clnmbor nf
I'oiumorco ipoakura' commltteo, will
furnish spenliera. It was derided
to draft apoukera from ull sections
or tho county, to net u tliorougli
lutcrchaiiRo of iiontlmnnt. For In
ntunco. u man from Vort Klamath
may iIIsciihs tho Isnuo with it Mer
rill audience, unit a man from Do
naiua may bo clioxon to apeak at
Chlloquln, Tho dates for the meet
ings aro to be sot, ,
- y-7
WASIIlrfaTON, Fob. 8. The Bak
er Ileclamatlon project, Oroxon, with
mi Initial appropriation of 1400,000
was Included In tho bill reported by
(ho itotiflo committed,
I ii ti:i: aiuh:kti:i
in conniption with
iiunii kidnapinoh
IIIXFAHT, Fob, 8.-A Inrgn
niimlior of leading u ri 1 1 n of
enmities KcruiuliR mill Tyrone,
lu 'Ulster nron, worn kidnaped
frnm their homes onrly today.
Fifteen wro nrrrated In connec
t Ion wllli llio kidnaping, Tlio
raiders, It In bellnvcd, ciuiin
frnm roimllPH divan nnd I-orm-
fiird, near tlin border
lti'Hirt nf t'liniliilllro lodlriilen
Affair U (VMnlii to Ho
(It rot HuricM
Plana for tlm forthcomliiR mom
burahlp drlre, to atari l'llirunry
H, and tho mluatrol allow and
ilnnro In bo Rltcn on Kebruary SI,
wore dlficiiMcd by meinbera of the
American nlon at llielr rerulnr
ri'ml-monihly meetlnK In tho LurIoii
club rooms Jiul nlitht.
A report of llio enterliilnnioiil
rommlllro Indicated that tho 'ii-
lertiiliiinunt la certain to bn n (treat
iirrera. In mUlltlnn to Iho mln-
slrol ahow, several other "acta will
be shown, and members aro rn-
hearalnic dally In tho club rooms.
Tlin I.Ffilnn went on record us
favorliiR tlm proposed ISOO.OOO
road bond ltm and davelopmcnt of
tho Wood-Klamath Knlla hlchwny.
In tho roport nf tho laud com
mltteo It was stated that n coin
muulcalloii luid been rerolvcd from
C'onreiiinu llaker, of tho North
ern California district, In tlin ef
fort that the aeCrotary of tho In
terior wan holding up llio Tulo
Lake leaien, recently adrcrllneil by
tlm reclatnatlou office, and that no
further action would bu takon In
tho matter until u dcclilon had been
Tho post rolod to extend an ox-
preinlon of appreciation to tho
chamber of rommcrrn for Its co
operation with tho l.enloii In at
lemptlni; to ham tho Tulo Uiku
lands thrown open lo soldier homo
nteid rnlry Instead of leased' for
the nop season,
Kotlnwini; the inectlnr n dellctit.
fill buffet luncheon was' served by
tho Women's Auxiliary,
I'or tho membership drlvo tho
fullnwlne organization has been
perfected: Carl Rchuberl, tuajor.
Under the command of Captain
llentley nr Hurgiunts Mathews,
Corkcry. Carn ami llotden; Captnln
Mllln, UerReanls Uoddard, KerRU
on .Wells and l'lymalo; Captnlu
Ocle, Serceants CaUor, -4'aliu, .oil
man and Christy; Captain. McClure,
HuriconntH I'aRe, Andorsou, Trulls
and Votchatzcr.
Tho city has been divided Into
flro wards, with captains In com
mand of each, as follews: Klrst,
Captain McClura; Kccond, Captain
OrIo; Third, Captnln llentley;
l'ourtli, Captain Mills; l'lltli, Cap
tain llentley.
Tho rounty tins born divided Into
districts, with sarRonuts In charge
of vach, ns follows; Malln, Her-
Remit MiCulley; Merrill, h'ergennt
Htukolj Chllo'iuln, HerReant Kirk
patrik; llonnnta, SerReint KrtiRcr;
Illy, ricrgcant Hoyn l.ornlln, Rvr-
Konnl TuriiQr.o; Dairy. KorRcant
Hchomnr; Yulnax, Hcrncunt Coburn;
Algomn, BorRcant Mcssuor; Port
Klamath, 8erRenut I'aRe.
Mt:r.ri.(i op pihht htatii
I,. I., (IngluiRcn today announced
that 11 meeting of Btockholdors ot
tlm First rltntn und Havings bank
will bo. hold Friday evening nt 7:30
o'tlock nt Mooso hall, to deckle
whether tho depositors of tho Instllu
Hon wl.ili to orRanlzo and namo 11
commltteo (6 ro-oporato with tho
stockholders commltteo and state
banking doparttuout In liquidation of
tho bank's uffalr.
Telephono and pross communica
tion with Portjaml and points us
far north n,s Montana, cut oft re
cently by tho overflowing ot tho
Bantlam river, Ju Central Oregon,
was rontored by shooting across the
rlvor u wolght to which was nt
tnclicd n light wire.
A projoclllo gun wag usod, ac
cording to tho Pacific Tolopuono
and Tolegrnpli company, After ton
attempts tbo wlro wan landod across
a 400-foot gap and an emergency
enbln nulled across.
Rooming Houso Proprietor
Is Struck Down While
Crossing Main
Ml ruck by nn east bound uiilomu
bllo drhen by 0 l. llo.irst lis ho nt
Iniupted to irons Main rtrcel noar
Halo's market nl o'clock yrslrr
day ovonltiR, H. W. Turiiar, !2, prop
rietor of tho Tumor nparlmonls, SI2
Oak street, died lu tho Warrcnt Hunt
hospital two hour. later. ,
According to witnesses, Turner
had Junt left tlm l.urns furtilturo
atoro after innklnR a purclianc In at
tempting to croM the ctrcct ho step-
lied In front of n wont-bound Irucic
but failed tn sen a tar upproachlnR
from' llio oilier direction. Wltuesno
placo no blama nn Hearst, a Chllo
iln ttaRo drler, who was mUi! not
to haro In en drivluR nt an oicestlva
Honpltul uiithorlllei said that
death -was duo to u fracturu of tho
Turner had been worklnR nt a
Hhlpplngton box factory nnd tho
apartment houso w-na managed by
Mrs. A. M. Howell. Ilo camo hero
from California nbout onu year ano.
Tlicro aro no relutltrs hero but It Is
bolloveil ii sinter reside In Crdtr
vllle, Kiinaas, and n dauKhter In
Chlco. There Is believed lo bo a sou
whnne nddrcts Is unknown.
Klnco comluR here Turner had been
an uetlto member of tho Christian
Kclento church.
Funeral arraugemcuts awult word
from relatives.
iihim; iik; vum iii:hi:
Local KnlRhta of Pythlus, a a
feature of tlin February membership
rnmpalRli, have persuaded Ted While,
inanaRcr of the Hlrnnd Thenlrr, to
securo tho six reel (Urn "Damon nnd
Pythias," nnd It will bo shown here
February Mth. y
Members who have seen tbo film
declare It Is a wonderful exemplifica
tion of tho fraternal teachlnRS of the
order, and they dctlra that nil may
reo It In order that n better ncnrral
Idea may be Rained of tho prluclplcu
that thu order stands for
Tho story of Damon and Pythlni
Is oh Rcnornlly understood ns the
story of David and Jouuthnn. Doth
aro bated oil friendship. The picture
comlm; to The rttraml next lucsdny
nlKht Rrnphlrally portrays tho love
of man for n man. n lova so highly
prized that Ufa Itself wus held a Unlit
sacrlflra In thu maintenance of Its
sacred IdraW
U 1 1 1 1 ,
Wirier of Northern I'orlflr Conies!
. to llinl Off Cnio Afnyt Hail
Hern Hold Uff Million
NIJW VOItK. Keb. 8. Tho former
Inmsport N'ortheni Pacific, which claimed nnwspaicr hcadllnoi In
I ft 1 9 when she crashed Into n stilid
luir off I'lre Island with H00O sol.
dlors, today was destroyed liy flro 10
miles off Cape May, N. J.
Mns,iics rnported her to havo
been nbaniloitod by Captnln William
l.untl and tho skeleton crew, who
were (aklnc her to a dry deck nt
Chester. I'n. The roscuo of nil the
rrow by steam ships rushed to tho
scene was next reported.
The Intent niereRao elated the Ves
sel, hlazlnR fiercely, and llstlnr; hard
to starboard, 'was driving so'utlicant-
t .
NHW YOHK. Feb. 8 Tho North-
em Pacific was for suvcral months
tied np at lloboken. Her sale to
tho Admiral lino fof $1,000,000
was completed yesterday. Bho was
to havo bron put Into service bo
Iwren Kealllo nnd Los Angeles, .nf-
(rr conditioning at .Chester, to "re
place the, Governor. Twenty-seven
of llio crew ()f tho Northern Pacific
wore rescucdi Four employes of
tho Kun Hhlpbulldlng company, who
wero on board, were reported miss
I'lhniiir) iit U Daln Hrl;
Amount $73,0011
SAl.l.-M, l'eli. 8. lllds on road
Improvement aRgrcRatiiiR npproxl-
nvately $TCO,000 wilt lo opened by
tho stato hlRhway commlssliin at Its
meeting In Portland on -February SI.
Tho Improvement program Is distrib
uted over flva counties and Includes
11.7 mites of alng, 3C.I mlle-i of
Krndlug nnd 15.7 miles of rock sur
fnrlnr; as followsj
PaMiiR, I0:mlles of tbo Mirtle
Creek-Canyonlllu section of tho Pa
cific highway In DoiiRlru county.
Oradlng, S.5 miles of tho Camai
Valley section of tho ltoieburg Coo-,
Day highway In Douglas county.
Oradlng and rock surfacing, 0.5
miles. of tho Itock Crcck-Khullcrs
vecllon of the John Day river high
way lit Ollllam county.
Oradlng C.l miles of the Hood niv-or-Ilooth
Hill rcrtlon In Hood ltlvci
(railing, IS miles of tho Hooth
lllll-forcst boundary section, Mount
Hood loop highway In Hood ltlxcr
(lrncl surfacing. C.3 miles of tho
Jumlcson-llrogan ectlon of the John
Day rlvor highway In .Mulhour coun
ty. Paving 1.3 miles ut tho city nf I'n
Ion section, Old Oregon Trull, Un
ion county.
$700,000 Granted by House
Committee for Klamath
WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (Bpcclal
lo The Herald.) Tho House appro
priation commltteo this morning ay
proved tlm estimate cf 1700,000 for
tho Klamath Irrigation project.
Herbert I. Newell, project mana
ger. In commenting on tho granting
of tli appropriation today, said that
whllo tlicro Is llttlo question but that
tbo measure will be panned by both
Hon mi and and Senate, there Is llttlo
probability that tho total amount
will bo available. Ho pointed cut that
money thus appropriated comes from
payments received from tho Irrlga
Hon district, and that an paymonta
aro In orrearsjt would bo surprising
If even two-thirds of tho amount was
uctually forthcoming.
A largo nil a re of tho appropriation
would en for tho development of Tule
I.ako lands, Ncwolt said, while a cer
tain portion would go tn tho 1-angoll
valley district providing tho dlstlrct
accepts a contract -with tho govern
ment to bo prcented within nbout
two weeks. Tho contract rill provide
terms of repayment for government
expenditures Tho division of tho ap
propriation among tho various die
trlcts In "tho project would depend,
ho said, upon the actual cash on hand
July 1, the legal date, when tho cash
Is suppozed to bo available.
A no orders to tho contrary had
been received, Icasss on Tule Lake
lands for tho crop season will bo
granted as advertised, Newell said.
M- "
Hfflrcr (liosrii nt Monthly Mert
lug of Tlirrc Dlitrlcts
At the regular monthly meeting of
tho Klamath Irrigation district di
rectors held yesterday afternoon at
121 North Klghtfa. officers wero
elected for tho ensuing )car as fol
lews: a. Offlold, president; F. D.
Fletcher, attorney; and A, 1 Wish
ard, secretary. T. N. Case, recently
elected director to succeed It. K.
Uradbury, took office
At the Iingclf Valley district elec
tion Wm. P. II. Chase took office,
succeeding A. K. Oslo, retiring offi
cer. II. J, TIchnor was, elected pres
ident, P. 1. Fletcher, attorney and
A. K. WInhard, secretary.
llurrell Short was elected presi
dent of tho Enterprise district. O. J.
Hlllyard was mudo secretary, and F.
D. Fletcher, attorney.
.MAJOitrrv' wnuiii haihk
K)l,l)li:il IU)MH TIIHOL'fHI
8. Funds for a soldier bonus
4 would be raised throuch laxa-
Hon, under plan of n major-
Ity of members of tho ways'
and means commltteo, It waa 4
announced after tha executive
session today. One sub-corn 4
mlttee la to consider tho tax
problem and another compen-
nation plans. Members said
tho sub-committees' work 4
would bo finished within' two
lcnder of Force Declnml Not Clt
lrtt uf IT. H. IiiTeny Ctmrgrn
. May Dp Preferred!
That tLo raid conducted early Sun
day morning on a rooming-house at
1031 Main by n group of officers
and otliorJ under tho leadership of
John Farncll, appointed special offi
cer for tho occasion, was Illegal, At
torney Wm. Marx was attempting to
show In arguing tho motion to quash
tho warrant and Its return In the
Justlco court this afternoon. Tho
bearing was not comploted at 3
Marx referred to Section 3S1S,
Oregon lawn, providing that "any
procers or order authorized to be Is
sued or made by this net will not be
served for want ot an officer." and
cited a .decision In which it was
shown thnt "It U not sufficient that
tho constabto bo not available, but
the absence of the sheriff or his de
puties to act must also bohown to
warrant tho Juatlco In appointing a
third person."
He also Introduced tho sworn state
ments of Jcsco Turner and W. E.
Ollmore, who was arrested during;
the raid, and who appeared In court
today, that John W. Faruell Is to the
br-U ot their belief and knowledge
not a citizen ot tho I'nltod States.
' Dls'trlei Attorney llrower, declared
that tbo warrant for tho arrest ot W.
i:. Ollmore and Dert C. McDonald,
authorized tho ncr of.sclzure and ar
rest to bo performed by other offi
cers and John V! Farncll.. and that
the return was made by Deputy Sher
iff Harries according to law.
That further action la the case may
follow -was brought out in Marx'
statement that ho was prepared to
zbcv that goods to tho value ot ap
proximately M00 had been remov
ed from the premises upon which n?
return bad been mado, making tho
act of removal one ot larceny.
NILAND, Cal.. Feb. S. Tho long
blue sink ot tho Imperial Valley.
California's great Salton Sink, added
almost n year to Its Ufa a-i a result
ot tha recent unusual event ot a rain
fall In tho Imperial Valloy. according
to observers nt tho sink. This lake, or
salty Inland sea, which now Li about
forty flvo miles long nnd some
twelve mllca wld'e, has been evapora
ting at tho rato ot about a foot a
year. Tho recent rulnfall, howoer.
not only brought rut strango flow
en In the desert, but refreshed tho
sea, observations Indicating that tbo
desort mountain watershed drained
sutflclen water into tho sink to raise
the level ot the soa more than eight
Ilert McDonald stated today that
published reports that ho held tbo
lease on tbo placo on Malu street. In
which u number of persons wero ar
rested In a gambling raid Saturday
night, was erroneous.
Ho said bo" had never had a lease
on the promises, and that ho had uot
resldod I hero for ten days prior to
tho raid.
Tho Cyclo-StoriiittRnipli nt Under
wood's Pharmacy registered n baro
metric pressure ot 39.90 at one
o'clock this aftoruoon, there having
boon a steady and constant fall slnco
Monday noon. Although a slight rise
had taken placo at 3 p. m. It was not
sufficient to baso any forecasts upou.
In any caso thero will likely be uo
change In present weather conditions
tor a number ot hours.
Forecast for noxt 34 heurs:
Cloudy unsottled weather, with
snow, and moderato tomporaturoa.
Tho TycoB rocordlng thermometer
registered maximum and minimum
temperatures, today, as follows:'
High 49
Low V----3 6
Man in Love With Actress
Seen Near Home oi
Movie Director,.
I.OS' ANOEI.KS, Fob. 8v Tho
police havo obtained Information
that a man In lova with a famous
screen actress, who did not return
hl lovo, but who waa bell-ted to
have had affection for Taylor, had
been seen near the Taylor bone
beforo the murder. ?, .
Tho police bollevo the clue fur
nished by Mrs. Douglas MaeLean,
who described a man seen. on par
lor's porch, Is shattered by tho
story of Howard Fellows, Taylor's
chauffeur, who told ot being on
tho porch at tho time Mrs. Mae
Loan saw a man there. Fellows'
said he rang tho bell several times,
but received no answer, then La put
the automobile In the garage. He
told of a ' quarrel between Tayicr
and Mablo Normand after a New
Ver '1 Kvc party.
Taylor loved Mabel Normand, tint I
do not believe that she returned 1J1I1
lore to any great extent." Harry
Peavey, ,houio man ot Taylor, Is re
ported to havo told representatives
of the Times. "I was In Mr. Tay
lor's house for almost six months,
and I know ttrat Mr, Taylor was
very much In lovo with Miss Nor
mand. At times I thought that she
returned his love, and then again It
seemed to me that she was tired ot
"One night, almost a month be
fore Mr. Taylor waa killed. Mis
Normand came to ihe bouse tor M t
dlnnoiC After dinner I passed -through
the front room while they
wero talking, and she stopped mo
and told mo that she and 3lf. Tay
lor wero to be married. Ho was
sitting there and didn't say a word.
Sho wanted to know 'if I would
work for them. Sho never came
often. While I worked thero she
was only there about a dozen times.
"Sho was there the night before
the murder, and tho night ot tho
murder. I know she was there
Tuesday night, tho night before the
junior, 'because she told me so.
"Mr. Taylor wroto a letter to
Mis j Normand almost every day ot
tbo wcok. His drlvor would take
notes to Miss Normand's home- by
automobile after breakfast In the
mornings. He sent (lowers to her
three days a wcok.
"Once Miss Normand asked me
what other girls had dinner with
Mr. Taylor. I told her thero was
only ono. Sho asked ma tho name
and I tolihher 'Miss Normand.' 8 ho
laughed and said that Mr. Taylor
bad mo well trained.
"Miss Normand was with Mr,
Taylor tbo last time I saw him
alive. My master asked me to" mix
up somo cocktails and I did.. I
placed the liquor In the shaker on
a tray with two glasses, and Mr.
Taylor and Miss Normand ,were
drinking when I left for the oven
lug. They both said goodnight to
me, and I left the house. When I
noxt saw Mr. Taylor, tbo next morn
ing, bo was dead on tho floor ot
hU living room."
NEW YOIIK, Keb. 8. Herbert
Drennon, -well-known motion picture
producing msnagor. declared that
tho actors' colony at Hollywood, Cat.,
ebould be broken up, ..
Discussing tho Taylor murder, he
said that the Incident, added tn re
cent motion plcturo scandals In Cali
fornia, had given tho Industry a set
back from which It would be long In
"The trouble U that out In Holly
wood the motion-picture people are
thrown upon themselves for recrea
tion," he said. "They live, think, and
talk pictures all the time. They do
not lead the normal lives with out
side diversion which wo In the oast
do. The minority who have made,
money quickly persons with little
character und lesa morals have had
tholr heads turned and have, east
asldo all retralnt. These are the t
ones who bring discredit upoa us, .
and tho good suffer with the1 bad.
"I think It would be. a Jolly feed -
thing It Hollywood were abeHeksd.
It should bf scatter and It will ,be
(CoaMaustP ?, 4;
HA '
' n
t 1 .