C3 fc WEATHER FORECAST Tonight nnii ilundiiy, ruin in wii, probably miiu'v in miHlrrn portion of ntiiln. Wcp lEujenmn Herald NEWS OF THE WORLD BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' ... ; i ....', .... J'lllrilllll Villi ((l jm;j(, Member of the Associated Press. '-lamatii rAi.i7H'"oin:.v, " "sioxiAV,l'7ilit'iMMV , Fna'a MIDNIGHT HI I ic ni Mirm in Id ULUfMLU 1 iii:i'iniMc( T.uun' iimki hmummiiximtioxm Ai-i'iior. i:i iiv iixaxci: -)MMfrn:i: DEEP MYSTERY Men, Women, Booze and Cards Found in Rooming Home; One Arretted WMry silt round a raid made Haturday nlnlit by eight nicii under Hut liMilrmlili. (if John I'uriiell, pi rlnl i.fflrer, on 11 rooming Iniumi nt MI9 iui, insi .Main trm,, n,r, insulted Ifrtlu, urr't of William (Winnie, nlln;.l priqirlrinr Jointly Willi II.tI .Mrlloimlil, umi ,P con. flHrallon of several ipinrl, of nN leged moonshine, mill' n quantity of pin) lug iiril. The mystery Mm In Hit fuct lliul ncltliiT Chief of lo. lire WIUoil. Illstrlri All, .,., HtnrtiT or Jiuili-n of the iv.irf (liiKhuK.b hail any knowlcilRe of I ho affair technically, that la. Tho raid n, mado on antliurlty or u search warrant IxihmI January 2S to John Fnrnell liy Jumico (laRliiini'ii at tho Inalanco of Deputy DMIrlcl .llnrnry W. ,. Wlest, which ilolcniili,! Fnrnell m u pe. rlnl uffjrur. ami which called fur Ihu almiiro of any "hoiiicmsdn liquor" ami Dip arret of WlllUm (lllmorn and llert (!. McDonald, At midnight Saturday Hneelal Offlrer Farnell gathered together III raiding form which assembled "ear I ho llaldnln hotel at hi, ill. ruction, Those prenont worn John. rjirniill, Waller (I. Went, Fred A. Iluknr. Deputy Sheriff Marlon Itarncii, Itev. 'otllnRham, Don Held Iiik nnd Patrolmen McDona'd ami Mclaughlin. Farnetl designated Ihrm all "iipcrlal offlrer," distrib uted ahort length ot gastrin a a precautionary measure, warned all pri'i.-nt of "tho probable serlouineu "i mo nitair. nnn net form with hi men for 1021 .Muln Mro.it. Tho inarch wan made, hy n rlrculloun rouln. ttoino lllrmhiir Of Ihn ral.llnv Iliad. It appear, worn heretofore unawnro or the destination or tho purpose of Dm raid. Upon their orrlval, however, Famuli marshal led hi force, pontlnn men at all door, then mado n dramatic ontry. That rnlern.illoii was general among lliusit engaged In playing rani In (he room may bo taken from Fnrnell' statement that ho pulled nnn man by tho legs from behind ii bathtub whom hu bad taken refuno. McDonald wa not present, hilt Ullinora was arretted by llarno. who accepted 1100 cah noun rr the at air nppearanco In the Juitlcn court at 10 o'clock (hi mornliiR. Tho name worn taken of 31 WAHHINdTON. II. ( t.,l, , StiOorlty meml-eri of dm Ihiliiiln I'liiiinci. romiiilllen In frninliiK now tnrlff rule for farm proiluriH urn umlertlooil lo h.'ivn approved tho rr'otiiitin- iliillnim of (ho flmial.. Itninli. nm AKrlniliiiryl Tnlrff bine on two third of Ihn llninn Ihu far mouldered. Tin no rale urn nllRhtly lilrlmr ihati IIiom In Ihn Kordney hill. rnicK PIVM CKNTH POPE PIUS XI. PROTEST AGAINST OCCUPATION TAX IS MADE BY MERCHANTS i (fit) I'nuiirll Will lie llriiieMei or lr.u...i . a.. ,.. ..inn, .,i-ii-iiim'i irri'iniru In IU. l'oflr A priei HKiiliHt iho city ocui lulloii in, levied iiRalnal all biub m bmiHc, w roitie before the city loiiiiill IrnlKht In Mm form of.' ii r.iiet hy the Merdinnt' biironu of tbn Cliiiinbcr of Commerce that the tax ho repealed, Tli bureau iirrlded pon thl ac tion followltiR a recent meeting! when It hr deilded that the de-j rlnrcil purpone of I he tax In provenl peddler from operatlug In I thl elly Ha wllhopt effect, and that tho tax merely took the, form of u plan to ralim money for tho city. It waH aliown that In noma lntanco tho tax for 192S wa k..vnral htm. ilred per lent falgher than for 1921. Knuller merchant havn uroteii. ed that tho tax 4 unflr In that It take no coxnlranra of tho capital. nation of any biulnei. tho amo f previlllng whether a $500 or a IS0.U00 .lock I, carrleS. W. A. Ja,ckion, who conduct a imill gro cery at 336 Koutb H(xth, vald that bo bad paid a tax of 125 t tho rlly treaiurrr, tbn amo amount a Ihn largo grocerle worn riiqulred In pay. Hu aald he would probably takn flepior tho recovery of vtbl um. HRP" J ggPIBBV H1 gLlgLlgV'' &?x '9HHV l gLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW TIL' t W S gfigfigfigfigfiK. PnLtf i w ftr L ggggggggLllllllllgL v39llgKigggggggggLIIIIII ggggggggggg. ''9rlig9gliiiWgiiiiiiiiftg mm made er PRESIDENT ENDS PARLEY Six Trattico Concluded and Olhcrs Pending as Re sult of Conference i:Tllli: KTAI'P )! oiTKi:itsAin:KiM,r.i ix mm hv ixniAXH I.OXDO.V. Veb. fi.A mob of 200(1 Indlnn Natlnnallct al" lacked pollen office at Chntirl- Chaurl Fohruary 4 and killed tli ii enllr.1 staff of officer, alno tho watchman and elrlit armed pollro ent a reinforcement. ay a (elexram rerelred from 4 the (mill office today. Tim IwM. le of thoro killed were Alrlnned ' 3 NEW YORKER IS , 'and burned. DEVELOPMENT OF THE WEED.KLAMATH HIGHWAY IS URGED lion, which bn contribute,! to hlo.nViecufi. Ai.nolnte.l in leci lvnh Kry nix complelcd troatle and two ki..li... c n...i WAHIIINOTO.V. D. ,Tho confernnce on arinnmenta and far C. IVb. C llmllillon of naatarn iiie ether BRreed to In ilibstanee. H ieoliilkm and 10 aeraoate or 'joint i declarctlon of national policy, ad journed today after tho delegate 'hid lBned tho treatle ami "I'rcal- dent Hanllnc bad delivered of .HurM-rrlmir HcpreentlnR" the Chamber of Crmmerco .ind the Klamath County Auto nmoclatlon. Kred A. linker hll.tnri lln. ....... . V..1.. ..k . .... . .. .-, r.tcmr., iiir (UKU. WIIITO "TJ,." n;, rhJrM Lh: jt' .'?'? "- k . ft the fa., pIlRhlei. her8 todaV.!," 1, , "' .""" I """" SUSPECTED OF TAYLOR DEATH Jealousy Motive Is Seen in Former Engagement to Movie Actress 1.03 AN0KI.R3, Feb. 6.Dolec- tlvc today ore accklng a prominent younc J.'uw York man, formerly on- RaRcd to one of ihu beautiful ttar U fllinilom, In connection .with tba murder of Wllirara(bemond .Taylor., Thl mytcr opeet I rported lo havo checked out of a hotel Ihn day iho murder wa committed, and CAItDINAI, ItXTTI. WHO WAH KI.KCTKD I'OI'K TODA.Y IIOMB, I'eb. A. Cardinal Aclilllo Hon upon tho rrowd in St. IVtcr llalll. ArrliliUSun nt Milan una ,.rn.'nnil retlrnl in ihn V'nll,... VETS OUT FOR DRILL llrvak Vow Mode Wlieii Kl-rr Uih.1, I'.ilM, trp Hlrle men and two women, who wcro pre' mil. Thl inornliiR wlion Ollmoro np puared a directed ho found no re turn had been mado on tho war rant. Tho chltff of pollro had n Pile of playlns card unit chip to i.Viow, l.nt nolhliiR inore. Tho dli- inn attorney nan only tlie infor- A number of ex-jervlce mini who. about Ihu llm tho K'alivr derided ho bud lutportnnt bmlner In attend lo In Holland, declared, o helpVin, they would never clean another nrmv rifle, yoderdny aflernoou In tba I.e. rIoii room performed that very lank. Tbeo worn volunteer for tho ex hibition drill tu bo Riven In connec tion wlh tho U-kIoii how on IVb ruary 21. Not only did they clean tborlfb, but they performed Iho manual of arm In a highly rredltablo manner. Unfortunately, however, only enouRh wero prenent for a "akulclon" (quad. Drill will bo bald ncaln tonlRht and evory ox.arrvlre man who oven think hu. ran bandlo a rifle U requeued to report KVKIIVIIODY mi claimed n the clartcd I'opo thl iiinrnlnc. Ho hu taken tho name of I'lui XI. Tliouaaud waiting in front of fit. I'einr gavo n mlchty hout wluu thu thin whlip of urny amulio rnmu from Iho chimney le.'idlnc from tbn Slutlno chapnl. After 4I10 acroed AlRlial the new I'opo wa acreptcd. and had nnuouirr- ed tho nnmn bo cliose, Ho wa eneort 'ed to thn anteronm where ho dlxcard ed hi cardinal' robe mid jmUIi-iI by the ronrlavlttK, Iho papal vet inent wero placed upon him. Later ho bedownd liU first public boncdlc- Cardinal O'Connell. Arehblnhlp of lloitton, arrived hero Sin hour after tho election. Cardinal llattl wa for -reVcral year tho I'apal Nuncio In Poland whero Ills ilUchnrro of linnntlnnt ee- rleratlcal function enrntil tho w- teem of tho vnllrnn nuthorltle. nnd bii-an-o of thl rervlce the red bat va conferred on Juno IC, 1021. Ho wna.born In Jelr. itur,, ?arcl. .11, 1X57, For many year lie waa librarian or t,0 AnUiro.ilan Library and the Archive at Milan. Liitur hu becairto Librarian nt the Vatican. Ho remained In this poiltlon until hu wn nppolnled Arrhblnhop nnd n.t Blr.noil to Poland as tho reproscntn- tlvo of tho Holy Kci. kept '.n national honor, will mark the beRliinlnr of a new and better epceh In h 11 in 3 11 proRre." The prcldent wa frequently In terrupted by npplauie a ho refd from Jil manuicrlpt. Ing applauao followed when ho dlRreMed to ay thn Untied fltalcs rejoiced jn com mon with tho world that an under Handing bad been reached on the far eastern queitloit. Tho eutlro party atood and applauded n ho completed, then itood with bowed head a the benediction wa pro nounced. , road be delgnated a an all-year blRbway and that iiifflcleot fond be appropriated for tho required Improvement. He will return Tueidiy. The meeting comes a an evi dence of the purpose of the local organization to co-operate with Sis kiyou county for the development of thl road, lpng recognized a necessary to the development of thn Northern California counties a well a, to Klamath county. Iui provement of the road, It has been chown, will aid In the settlement of lands In thl dUtrlct. as welt a dl vert a large amount of tourist traf fic from the Pacific highway. LEGION TO BE HOST Amlllnry to lip Entertained Follow Inic llu.lmx. Meeting ' FollowlnR tho business leisloo at tho regular meeting of the Amnrirsn I-cRlon tonight, the Legion will bo w7n i.' . . J '""'' wu,cn n,K,l l-AKBVIEW. Ore. Feb. . The ..... ... . ... IVKUUlr niecnnR. v ivespocal wool market 'I decidedly bull UITi:i .MIXIW AT KI.V S.X(TI()X XoT ItlltTIKOMlVO I'liut'Aiti: ,ro hi:koh:i fok im:mini-:v.iiiik.v.v.ix .match "Oulildo for ilrlll-ut!v' iniiilnu that had comb lo him dur Iiir hi walk frnm homo lo tho offlro. Thu thlrty-ono mon and two wo men nro wondering what dlapoal Hon I to hu made nt their cime. O110 of then mou I reported to hnvn loft for oilier pari. IICXI) IIAIIH OIL PLANT FIIOM CCXTKII OF CITV Ili:.S'I), Feb. C, Permission wa refused Friday night by tho city rbuncll to tho Union 0(1 company to erect 11 dlstrlbullitK station on the Hlto chosen near the renter of llio city, Ilomonitriinro petition of near by prnporly owur. tho nearness to bcIiooI hulldlnRR nnd Iho oxpecled movement of tho busliiou district toward tlml part of town, woro rIvoii nroasonH. 0. L. Tostovln, who rop roRuntod tho oil firm, said u sltotout- Klilii thu city limit Is IioIiir cniiHldnr ed. XI'.W IXDl'KTIIV HKKN IX IIONDIXt! OF TAI.? MIXi: r.O.VOUA. Cnl Fob. C. A poss. bio now Industry for tlf statu of Oil. flfornln Is indlratcd In Ihu hondlni; ot n tnlo mlnu 0110 unil a half mile north of IlitRby, .Murlposa county, to H, F, I 'mi I uiul olhor of Oakland, Tho inlno I tho property to Herbert Bhaw, 11 prospector ot thin city. Tho talc deposit Is ald to bn ot unusual klzo, ranging In width from six to too fent, and tho quality of the nlc.no Is said to bo high Rriulo. Tulc, besides lie Iiik used extensive ly In tho munufneturo of'talcum now der, I utilized nJ n luhrlrunt. It alt ho I lined papor. KLY, Nor.. Fob. C Preliminary work under way nt the nmelter and ronrontratnr iit tho Novadn Consoli dated Copper company hern Indicates operations nt thn mluenjirn In bo.re. xumed shortly. About lino former em ploye of tho tomiiany havo arrived at ivly from other r.tmps, ami It Is thn general utiderstiindliiK that the mines utid rmeltor are la bo oerated at 60per cunt of normal canadty un til tho copper' mnrliet Justltlcs pre war activities. Ni:V YOHIC, Fob. C Tho prrpos- dl match between Jack Dempsey and Kill Ilrcnnan tor tho .world's heavy wolnbt boxing rbamploiMhlp will not bo tolerated In New York, William Muldnoii .chairman nt tho stain nth letlc, commission, has Informed Tex Itlckard, promoter. Plans had been under way to hold Iho bout In Madl-sun-Squaro Onrdcn March 17. Itlckard. fnllmvlnt? Mr Miil.lnni,' statement, snld nit his neuothllons for tho bout wero abandoned. and mothers of ex-terviro men r invited to attend. llocauso of tbe forthcoming mln strcl show nnd dance, to be given by the Legion on February 21, all legionnaire ,iro requested lo be present at tonight's meeting. Other manors or importance alto are to come baforn tho meeting. , fllllKS Cl.f II I.Ulli:i( TO Wiaif ,J MALIX TIICItSDAV Mls Helen Cowglll, slitto leader ot KlrU' club projects, will deliver an mldreu on "Thu Valuo of Club Work" at a meollng In Malln Thurs day evenlnng. Prof. John W. L. Sinltli. of tho Malln high school, and Frank Sexton, county club agent, al so will rpeak. Sexton will uhow slides of Klamath county club achlevtfincnts. Other speakers will talk on matter of community Inter est. ' WOOL MARKET BETTER HI Lnlt-tlcir Grom Prk-e of Receive Cent ANOTHER HIBERNATING ANIMAL COMES OUT TO LOOK AROUND In Iho manufacturo of LOCAL AltTIHT HIIOWH TAI.KXT IX WOOD CAHVIXO WKATHIIlt I'UOIMIHLITIKH Tho '8)lgbt duprosslon In tho biiro mulrlo prnssuro last Halurday wan pheccedod by another rlao and from Kunday noon until this morning, no further ehango look platu. Blnca ll o'clock thl morning tho (iyclo HtnrmnRraph at Unilorwnod's Phar macy, iniH rogUterott n marked full nnd whllu yot welPvwIlliln tho "fair weathor" afea, Indication am that a storm I browing, lo the South. -T'orocast for noxt St'lioursi DiHturbanrii npprniiohlnR from tho South. Probably windy tonight, Tho Tyco rucortling thurmoinoter registered maximum and minimum lemporaturo today, m follow!' High ...- 8l , J-OW .....1 ;,,..,....., 15 A hlRh standard of arllstrv Is shown III wood carving, In tho w'nrlc of Winter M. Knight an halt n dozen gun storks, photogrnpliH of whlrh nro on display in tho Oun Storo window, . 801110 nt tho carvlngn nro vory olaborato. Ono iBhowa a Grater Lake scene, yltli tho Island la tho dlHtuuro ami u leaping aor In tho foreground. OthorH nro animal' bonds, blrdH and figure, all curved wltlt careful attention to detail and general proportion. Knight Ih aloo n cartoonist and artist ot considerable ability Carv ing 1 a liotiuy with him, and ho takos many ardor from thoso fa miliar w,h, hi work, ' slH'Ar A GOtrVaTbBSA t . Ish, 20 cent having been paid for several clips recently by E. II Clark, representing Oelrlcbs. Oth er buyers ore offerlnr Hi. ..m. but Mr. Clark was tho first to reK celvo a wire permitting the offer. and ho lost n0 tlmo In getting busy. Among tho clip for which 30 cent was paid wero thoso of P. C. Mur Pby. P. P. Harry. Denis C. Lane and J. M. Flynn. Notwithstanding that tho Itoston market was reported by tho Com mercial liulletln last. SaturdSy as using tess active. local buyer gath ered In numerous clips at 20 and 27 eents. and Monday they were offerlag 2S cents. Telegraph wires went down Tuesday, and It wa not; ' o yesteruaj mat communi cation was again restored, and then it was that tho Drico Jumnl in 30 cents. The first clip to co wnr thn of John Snyder, Uud Brown and Crowder & Shedd of Davl. Creek and Willow ranch, and nt i a Harry and Kd Hartzoir. all of which sold at 26 cent. Later sales of S7 cont wero those of 8. II. Chandler. F. M. Green, George C. Fitzgerald and Uoorge Slovens. Tbe clip of Hunkln Lewi Is understood to have brought around 27 cents. All of those clip were purchased by D. T. Godsll, representing Eleemann Ilrotbers, nnd E. II. Clark, repre- ontl8R Oelrich ft Co. However, it I known that Charles Umbach, representing Hallowell, Jones ft uouald, wore, prepared to pay 28 cent for certain clips, prevlou to the last advance, nuiT aro now able to pay 30 cents. The act reus to whom the sumect was Engaged wa, a close friend of the ttaln director, and In thl the Investigator sco a possible motlvn of Jealousy. Funeral scrikt' for Taylor will be .held toae afternoon In n locrehurch, 'the wlion Picture Dl rector' iiMoclatlon ha announced, Taylor will bo burled In hi uniform or a captain In the Drltlth nny, which ho wore during tho world war, and mllltar honor.' will h paid by other Ilrlttsh veteran, liv ing In Lo Angeles, It was stated. LOS ANOELE8, Feb. . CUIre v Windsor, motion picture actress, to day revealed a threat by William Desmond Taylor against Sand. Bha ibid of accompanying Taylor to a notei party within a week before hi duath. She aaU Taylor was talking ot tbe robbery of certala jewel, which the police and Taylor ntlribu(edlo 8ad.aeentia,..to-. the police. Miss Windsor aald that Taylor In thl connection declared: "If I ever lay my hands on Sands I will kill him." Mis Windsor In discussing It salJ that Taylor seemed rery determin ed, "because Sands robbed hfm of every cent he had nt tho tlmo." "Mr. Taylor mado no secret of hi plan to kill his valot," she aald. "as ho told a number of neonle'hu would kill blm It be ever cot hl hand on him." Ml Windsor said that she had known Taylor for a long time, but never very well. That a woman wa Involved in; Iho murder wa tho theory advanced by Sheriff William L. Traeger ot Lo Angeles county. "From what I have been able tov learn," the sheriff said, "it appear lo mo that one. woman and one man are responsible for the victim's death. The woman supplied the In centive and the man did tho alar- Ing." IIA8KIXH liltOTHKIW HOU.M) OVKIt TO flUAXD JUIIV Claude. Percy, Fred. Floyd and Karl Husklns. charged with larceny, on Saturday waived preliminary hearing before Justlco of tho Pesea Oaghagon and wero bound over to tho Brnnd Jury. Plymouth Storms, hold on a similar charge, was slated for u hearing this afternoon. IIAItPRIt k'nr. rv.1. ,.... -- rvu. Ull llam Desmond Taylor, film director, who was slain at Lo Angelo Wed neduy, lived hero for a short tlmo a a young mun. He came ou from Ireland with a. group ot re mittanro men brought out bv 'ed Turnley who. In 1887 or 1888. formed tho settlement ot Itunnv. meade In this county. Old residents' hero iccall young Taylor, . He wont back to Irolnud ufter a stay ot six month at Ilunuymeade. He later returned to the United States, but did not come back to tho colony. BRAMWELL IS VISITOR Ktnto linnk Superintendent Hero to investlgnto First Htnto Frnuk C. Uramwoll, state auperln tendont ot banks, urrlvod last night to Investigate conditions In connec tion with tho rccdnt closing of the First State and Savings bank, and nxpocts to bo hero for 'a fow days, Mr. Uramwoll held a preliminary oonferenco with tho committee, ap pointed by tho Imnorlly stockhold. its hub arioruoon, Ho ttatod that bo had no public statement to mako until hla lavestl. gatlon bad proceeded furtbsr, KTAXFOlUt filtAIMJATK'S 8TART , diuvk fob t,oo,eoo. ' STANFOUD UN1VERS1TV. Cal,. Feb. 6. Stanford graduate, and un dergraduates and ortlctals hove start ed a drlvo to ralsn tho rtri iiunn dollars ot a fund which It U Aeaeil win reach threo million dollars be-. fore tho drive Is completed. The mon- oy Is to bo used to augment tbb on-' dowment of Stanford University. "Much has been accomplished with tho millions given tbn university In its .original endowment," Pr4dM nay Lyman Wilbur said at 'a reet ublverslty raeellng.. "Ilutvwa havsi Bono as far ua we can go with these iuiius. 11 oiuniorn 10 goaaeaa k must depond upon the love a4, the generosity of lt alumni u,aad friend." '..( ?Ai .- ., T , ' "Pi . PdRTLANDVw.''W:..htalfer. . other eaMIe steady l f-1Hm, I7.B0 sad 17,75,' Hf m4g, u " steady, Bwa w4k. JNisat star'' Wfctit. I1.14 mmi J.iT.; " ii f5 StAL T ;? it. "$ fcf "