r ,it 1 ruiUt, MMM7AAY a, 1MB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Piiku Two Urn cf i i I Tl h fr rhlLTtinng Herald vi S K. MKIUCJMNor.Md IMMIshcr H. H. HILIi..-.:! .1 Chy fcdltar C. J, BAlUrrr....AderUslnji Mjrr, i Published dally except Sunday, by rhe Herald .l'libltshln Company or Klamath KolU, at lis Eighth Street. Kntarnd.at tha poatofflco at Klam- iittt, hi, rallK.' ' Ore. for tranamlsslon through tho malls aa second-clan Jt)Mt $uti T matter. MEMDER ASSOCIATED OP TUB nil v"ca Tha Associated Pre. I. eicluslTit. entitle to tho use for publics-1 Our Now York shipment yottorday brought us tho very latest If I I models In advanced inllllnery, silk nnd braid combination!, 1 I flower-trimmed; nlsn olhor combinations. ' I Deputy Sheriff llnrnoa was ulu hero to attend tho 1ol Growers' meeting. There has. been several sleigh nar tie during tho week. DORRIS on of nil now dispatches credited traveler will pauso to become dovcl- 1 It. Or not nthnmttfA rrAA tnl. .. ... .-... t ,v, - - - r -, -.v- -- .vimis vi uiir agricultural n'siiurrcn PUbllKVwIn. l ,0Cfll nPWa '1 ""M, "l uMMurli.R and I filial had Ahlnftirlana " At this particular tlmn the mad construction (hat would follow tho bend liwuo would provldo work for many who need work'. On this point I ho argument Is on all foura with tho general necessity fonweu by ; public officials every hero to do all THURSDAY, FEMMJAnV 2, 1PC2 THE ROAD BONDS 'If, I war basis. From tho chamber ct commerce atatement It appears that Klamath County ran votn road building bonds na earlly and economically now as at any foreseeable time, in tho future, tbo roads are needed now. Tho Herald, under tlm definite conditions laid down, favors tho bond tunic. DRESS UNIFORMITY K UAMATII COUNTY high achool ..tf. US Ul- is a , 1 -Inn Ua Y1 10 en UIRECTOU8 cf the Chamber ct tha expenditure cf the proceed, from , f"bIUs ,"0" "" urlnR Klamath County's $800,000 road!1 rlortlon ot ccndltlona to apre- bond lasue. If tho voters sanction tho bond, will bo protected by certain aeiinua proviaiona to aiwura econ omy, hito endorsaJl tho roadlbOndt, and their lead appears a safo bnn for ayery cltjaon to follow, ' i ' Tha Herajd haa alwa-s maintain ed that transportation Is tho J-orner-aton of tho foundation forjKUm ath'a fatoro prosperity, and tin pub lic may ccunt upon Tbo Herald's sup. ncrt Tor tha road bond Issue, If the conditions laid down In tha statement "uMfshtd elrawbem In this Issue, are 'illowod. We bfl'aro that good roads t,aro crth all they cost, profldiag thit -n1 business Jndamcnt Is shown In -73Ftruriton. and that aa an. Invest " ent ot pnbl'c meney they ylald lm "dlata and Krga returns. " - Tha atrlct pufsuance ot tha, policy e'Ined In tha chamber ot commerce 'etement assarea the people of Klam ath eoupfy sound administration and application of tho bond fund. ' Aa-lt points out the $90,000 now nnaually spent on repair and exten sion of dirt rosils will retire the bond ! Iiue, and thore Is no reason that taxes should bo a penny higher on account of the road bonds. '- So dollar of tba county's money la to ha spent until state dollar matches It, aad bo bonds are to be sold beyond the atate'a ability to meat the county fund en an even basis. Wherever tbo highway system rerves 'national f crests, or parka the federal government doublea the com bined atate and county fund. In Klamath county thla means that much of the road system planned un der the bond Isroe will cost tho coun ty only twenty-fire cents for every dollar expended. Where the read I benefits do not extend to the federal I roserree, tho atato and county sbaro on a flftyflftr baa's. There can be no argument against Klsmatb countv's need tor better highway eonne-tlons with its neigh bors and better highways to serve Its own rural pnnulat'nn In transporting their prndnHa from farm to railway. The aavlng In' time and cost of hautlnir alon will retnrn to farmori a targe portion of their share' In the r oart ' costs, Tho Increas In lonrlut travel that. Mil fpllow the b'llMInc ot a good highway system will bo of general bmeflt. It will put more cash Into die merchant's till and some ot the something In their recent movement for dress reform. The flrei outside comment to "come to the Herald's at tentfen, la an editorial In tho Sacram ento, Union .as follews: lrs reform, such as tl-o glrta of the Klamath Fall. Ore gon, high school haro put Into effect, I always sure to attract much attention at the time, hut no one seems to tako tho trouble to make a check a few months afterwards to see how enduring tho, downward revision In style , haa been. Any efforts to stamp out ex travagance In dresa and ex tremes in bodily embellishments are to bo commended, especially when thoy appear to arise from the vcluntary action cf tho rtu dents themselves aa waa the rase in Oregon. 'lit Is a pity that uniformity In dress must be resorted to. So many pleasing styles, well with in tho limits ot good taxte and On V'rldny nl;ht I lip arloun bask ethall'teama ot t)in school met nt tlm lllgli 'school for practice games. The tint gmue una n lively skirmish between tho fifth and sixth nrade boys, whtJi was Immensely enjojod by the apectnlnn Then tho saenth and eighth grade girls played tho hlith school girl. The lutt name una tlin regular high school team against tho. Flrti l.addles resulting In n score (t 22 to 19 In tator ct tho school licya. On Friday Feb. 3, the llonnnzn team piny tho Merrill teams ut Merrill. A surprise dance was given nt tho Sulllvnn brothers' homo about thren mites northeast of Merrill. Music vn turn Uhel by the different guests. Dancing was Indulged lu until mid night when u bounteous luucli iu served. All declared they had spent a mest delightful evening. Cbas. Ifc!.ai ot Watt & Dot-an, waa In Merrill Wednesday receiving fat lambs which ho had contracted fcr previously. Louis tlurrli has returned from u ten da) a trip North. There has been a change In the noitUIS, Calif., Fob. 3. Dr. nnd Mrs, Oorald Warren nro cxpoctod to arrUo from San FrancHco ono day this week to spend tho spring and Summer In DorrK whero Pr. War ren has n denial pracolco. During tho quiet months, ot wlnlnr Dr. nnd Mm. Warren hao been llvlnc. lu tbo city. Mrs. Hlchard F. Wolf is quaran tined at her homo' with n light ease of scarlet fecr. Dr. A. A, Atkin son la In attendance, C-. W, Sevlla has returned from bis vacation lu Los Angelea, Lesllo Lowla returned to Dorrls Monday oenlnrc to attend to mat ters nt huilncsa preparatory to go ing to Sacramento, whero ho will maki) his future home. An epidemic ot colds and la grlppo U prevalent in Dorrla and vicinity, rctulttng In tho partial or total Incapacitation ot sovoral otli cmlsi) artlvo cllltens. II. W. Mitchell, a prominent rancher and stockman, was in town from tho Willow Creek ranch cs- terday on business. Tho road, tin stated, U In excellent condition, en abling greater speed than Is soma I lines possible In tho summer time. During tho absence of Mr. and Mrs. K. Wodermann, who aro vaca-' ham on file In their ufflce at Allan la, (fisirRW, miT fifty tlioimuul sign ed stnteincntN fnim n'piVMcntatU' tnwt nnd women frn i"rjr Hlnto In llm I'lilnii nnd every I'linine' In t'nu ndii, Mauv ot llicto mi' fiiuii piiin In enl people In iliUiliy unit mmIIoii nod lmo I"-''!! nc(loiily piililMinl lu tills iapV, T.uilaq and Tnnlao Vegotahlo 1'llla arn sold by iHuhhIhIh evnrywhere. Adv. twi W'OOI, ('1,11 IS sifi:iiioit gtiAi.rrv itlll) IH.DKI'. i.'nl,i IVh. .1. Tho Meol clip nr Teluimn eiunly thM eur li much siifierlnr In thai nt 1U2I, It as staled by llerrntiiry A, (' Hell of the Northern California Wool llrow. er- niiliuiil meelliiK of Ihlit body nlll lm held lu thn ftUtnrvlnra' luom of tin iiitirtliMiKo Iikki 1'elnunry N, liuers an offerluK from -0 to 211 cents per IMiiind for wrnl nt present, auld Hell. Officers nro to luydi'iled In Miicceed I'red A. i:ilenoOil, precldnlll; tl. II. Wilcox, vlco pri'sldoiiti A. N, Monl Romery, treasurer, and thoVecmlary, y-. 7 , .. Reaildn In luie 170.000 school hulldlnir IMrlland lOO.OOii constructed, itnr.lr.e lo ho Don't fergnl that Hulurdny next Is "Tug Day" for llm I'lly lleaiillful Campiilgu. Hiiym it illinii and u smile fur thn pretty itlrl. Tho water li warm and nice warm I.....I.... ,..ii. nl llm Vtilnl ftvllltil I IIM'I'I'IIII, l.'.MIIl ,, .M.l ..........li. Airiorlntlrii, who aminunred Ibo'como nnd learu In swim, J20 F3H .-.-w---...ww-. ..immiiwWMAwWAiwyvv.ppwwOi CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS e-onomy, are to be found through which tho buoyant youth of "high school age ran find eipresston that only mid dles and skirts seem somewhat severe. It Is no doubt resorted to as an alternative to an unwel come eeni.orshlp ot Individual drewos. VThoMastcf the experiment will come In tbo length of tlmo for which (his new departure will ho f hserved. If within a short while thern Is a slipping bark to a few variations from tbo established mode, much good wilt havo re sulted. Temperance, rather than uniformity, U what the students are really endeavrrlng to attain. In tho mesntlme. no harm will como If high schorl student bodies in California look them 'reive over to see If thero Is need tor similar action In this state. .MISS MM.I.IK COM.I.NS i lmn been thankful n thousand times that 1 took Tantao win it I did., It Is simply wcnderfiil the way It has benefited me," said Miss Xoilln Col lins, 1330 Connecticut Avn., Hrldgo port, Ccnu. "About eighteen months ago my IIHIIrtllln l,artlt In it II MVft.t V J -4ftft All .. . .. . J. Ul'l'l'lHl' UrKdll IW 44tll tlilVl I BWIIIVta .oumg in an trancisco. ino.r mor- b K0,K nt0 docUlM,. Solnl chandlso soro In Dorrls Is belng,nRr00(, ,,, , nm Mnn wro conducted by Mr. Mltsor. , kl,yei, u, , ,uc) ,Kh pUc , v Miss Marguerlto Laird Is acting actually afraid they would snap In firm of the Merrill Merchantlle com-l0"18"1 P'as Uurlnc lh nb-ttt0. panv. Itcr Klrkpntrlck retiring toj80000,0' ,s'"- 'l0a "Ichardson,. "iliit Tanlac has brought about a enter business In Klamath Falls. EI- no " lI,lne ' Sacramento. wcnderfiil chango In my condition mr Andernn leaves tho Anderson I R- R W returned Wednesday) My appeytn Is almost raenoua, my llroi Oroeelerla to tnko Mr. Kirk-l0cn,nB Irom Yroka, where bo basi digestion Is perfect and I feel as well ' .. . . - . I...... . t ., .. t -.. I ., . . a -. .ill , i nntrlcka ulace. 3lr. Klrkratrlck lias.""" ,ur ,u,"sl u" uuium. nnu strong as i ocr um in mj me been here sovoral years and madoi e ... i Such a good tlmo at such a low prlro, brings good rbeer to all who MERRILL Miss Ruth Hill, wwho U teaching at Henley, cpent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hill 00m0V& 1 ft """""---" - "'jji','ririan.rLr-irL''LTjxjTj'uvnj-Lnr- TONIGHT AT THE STRAND 10c . WHERE?EVERYBODY GOES 20c HOME OF THE HODKINSON FEATURES aaiwsssss'tw.ww ..n--r-tf--g-vnnnnjvvji Complete Change of Program A Benjamin B. Hampton Production ZANE GREY'S GREATEST NOVEL 'The U. P. Trail" A massive picture of the -Great West, with a powerful cast, including; Roy Stewart, Joseph J. Dowlinsr, Kathlyn ylliam8, Frederick Starr, Rob ert McKi'm, Marguerite De La Motte, Charles B. Murphy. i 10c. 2 NfJW COMEDIES 2 Admission 20c. : CfMfaw Next Sunday "RIP VAN WINKLE H sf ( i ' m ., -i--rt-,-rM-v-wy-irwrtntV,)aAArLaAAJU'atJUXrui-rLrL'LiT-r msny friends who regret his depar ture. ' The new management has taken chargo of tho telephrno Co., recently bought from tho Fruit Fsiate. Mrs. Carr. vrho has been tho efficient man ager for two yean, retiring. i The regular annual meeting of the Klamath County Wool Growers' asso ciation was hold Wednesday oventng at tho Merrill hall. Thero waa a good attendance. Election ot officers and other business was nttonded lo. The question as how best to prevail upon Ihn f'allfnrnl i nfllclals to nermlt the I Orcgra sheep lo graze In tho National Forest reserves waa discussed. Mr. Carnahan, Secretary of tho asaocla- J tlon, was ot the opinion that their efforts would bo successful. It was the sense of tho meeting that thlsi association should Join thn Blalo and 1 National association. Several c.pressi 'jtho opinion that the National as sociation had done? a great deal of, goad work for tho sheep men of the' country. Kpeclal praise was given for Its successful offorts. In having n duty placed on wool. ' Tho future for sheep men looks, more promMIng than for many months past. Tho following officers woro clerted: President. Dennis O'Conner: Vlco President fl. U Hol brnok; Kxecutlve Committee. Tom Newton. Dick I-acey. Ned O'Connor, Ted Kulllvan, C. P. Hasklns: J. II. Carnahau. .Sc:retary; John Hlomens, Jr., Treasurer. I Jlnt Il&ldwln rf, Lakovfow -waf In1 Merrill Wednesday to attend tho. Wocl drawers' meeting. Msit tho Hot Springs' Nat. I never dreamed thorn waa as grand a mcdlclno as Tanlac In thn world." XOTK The. Iniernnllonal Propria InrPN ('i illstrlhutorN of Tantnr, Harmony Four ENTERTAINERS 1 of the Meneley System AT .Elks' Hall Monday Evening Feb. 6 A Delightful Evening of Music and Song I Foil HAI.KAt n bargain, 3 show cases, lilajer tdanu rolls, nne-bult price, Latent sheet music. Winters' Jewelry More. IM WANTKD-A good phlio lu Pheuii 'ir"i evenings rent 30-5' I'Olt 8AI.K 1300 llrunswlck phonn. graph $ 1 .12.no. Cull miming nfler 7 o'clock. It. II. Cook, Itooma :loft. 307 Winters' llldg. 2-1 TO l.l'.T One single room apartment everything furnished. I IT.. on. K1S Oak Ht. s-r. FOIl SAl.IJ fi building lots on John, son Ave,: 1 lot between 7 H X Ilroad Fit. If you hao a little money to speculate with. I will show )iiu good money. Hen Dick 310 Ilroad Hi. i'-l Will iuro for ono or two small children In my homo. Address Mrs M. Jowolyn, Ashland, Ore. 13' WANTKD-II)' married man (x soldier) work on riiiuh fan give refnrenro. Address Win, lllglnw, 711 I'alm HI , Medford, Ore 27-2 If you want to sell It. buy It, tradn It. or find It, try n Herald classified ad. . I.) roum Hall, ror. 8th ft High, well suited for select parties, wilt bo rent od at nominal prices, Apply to M. Motsclienbachvr, Phuno C50W, nr nu premises. 30-tf ni:tii: wi: auk aj.mm While Leghorn Hahy Chicks, llarron-Tancrod Hlraln. Hatched exclusively from our own hens that averaged for tho year Mil, IS1 eggs each for tbo whnln flock. This Is tho real test of merit, rather than thn achievement ot n few select ed from a lurgn flock and fed on KOIl HK.NT Nlco large. uiinyl!' anu aiikci roou ni a laymit con- lennltiir rnnm-wtilrelv fiirtiliheil. I all conveniences, Plume, hath, etc. (03 N. 10th. Phono 33111. 13 WANTKD A position as housekeep er of apartment or rooming house with privilege of buying. lUperlenred lady, or will take position as hnusi. keeper. Ilox I). M. Herald. 1-6 FOIt HALi: Klght room house ami lot. In Kugene, Paved street, all paid. Cheap for rash or will trader fur milk rows, C. K. Craig. Merrill, Ore. M i:TIU HI'KCIAI-dold coin pota. toes at $2,00 per sack. L'very sack weighs more than 100 pounds. Ornnd Central Public Market, Uth A Klam ath Ave. Phono IG9 3U-3 w havn greatly enlarged our plant and arn prepared to hatch fifty thousand chicks during tho season. Order early and get them when wanted. Prices per 100: January and Feb. runry IK.. 00; March and April f 13 CO: May and Juno $11.00. Punt bred P. Hocks nnd It. I. Ilcda batched on special order. May wood Poultry Farm, Corning, Calif. J3-K.1 STKAM IIKATKD rooms II. SO per wcok. Large, well lighted lobby. showor baths. N, winter rates Contra! Hotel, J. T. Word, Mgr. 9tf. FOIl HKNT Nice sunny front bed. room all innvenleureti of home. centrally located 1135 Pine. 3IO -- BLOCK WOOD NEW PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1st llllfl H tmr We furnish a nlco warm dressing room, a bathing suit, towel and show er for 35 cents. Tho plungu Is frco to spehd what tlmo you like. Como and have a good tlmo. J2C F. 28 ) "Only One Thing Breaks My Cold" "TllE relict tut Dr. King's New I)ucmcry gifrom stubborn old colds, and onrmhlng new ones, frfppo and throat-torturing coughs lias mado ' It tho standard remedy it is today. Time-tried for fifty years and never more popular than today. No harmful drugs. You will toon notico t!io relief Jn loosened nldrcni and r.iuil mufl. Always reliable, and good for the whole family. ,u a convincing, heal ing taste with all its good medicinal qualities. At all druggUts, OOentJ. Dr. King's New Discovery Foe Colds and Coudhs The Kesulu of Constipution 3RT sick headaches, luliousneu, sallow skin, asto matter in the intestinal. nwir.ii. i-orreci uibi liejllli-under. "'"jug mvuiiwn uy Liking l)r. Pills. 2iccnts. All ilru..uL.. SPECIAL PRICES FOR SATURDAY M $5.00 We have had Satisfied eustomei's for over two years. Let us put you on the satisfied list. Wo are reliable. ' HEILBRONNER & REA Phone 195-J or 239-R - Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ada. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmimrrtmrrtfvv'tfvvvw,vv',vvvvvnjrifvjvtf CHOICE YOUNG BEEF FOR " STEAKS, ROAST AND BOILING at Prices that Cannot Be Beaten Anywhere Else PORK, VEAL AND MUTTON SAUSAGES, HAM AND BACON Best in Quality and Price king Dr. King's iru.-cNt. SAVOY CAFE S32 Main Street CHINESE DISHES NOODLES SPECIAL MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11 TO 2 nai ri " " "r" -TT! "i"ii"i"i"siaM"riiJY'r'YyVt"T''s- INDEPENDENT MARKET DfTJompti wont oiupc reKLncVs Pills 1136 Main Street ; Phone 543-J V"iM' da ' 4kT' VPHHBsiilssw CHEAPER BLOCK WOOD $5.00 LOAD Just when you need wood the most wo are making cuts in prices SLAB WOOD $5.00 DOUBLE LOAD Phone in your orders this cheap pi-lee may 1 not last long 0. PEYTON & CQ. "WOOD TO BURN" 419 Main Phone 535 " "'ir,v'"' w 1 i' . w by STR A W MURPHEY'S FEED STORE J vT - M 124 So. 6th St. ..IfidSIJSikLiuC JPhone87 ' Phone 87 j fJ v 1 4