--. tSMMItJ4V , ,.,.,.., 'yifjvvJr'CiM-f, ft &fH '' ? " wKnsiMTUY.t rwmtfAirr t; a Papo Tlirco' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .. A, xd The Office Cat iiv jii.Mtm Minimi I'iiIiII'i ' Fnbtn! Onrn iion it Hum there wim a clllsen nf a republic who illiln't think li iniilil liimilln mutters holler (linn llin elected offlrlnls. -Ilull. morn Mil. Hun, Fiiblu; Thorn wn onc n innn who liiiiiln nil iiumiuiiiemciii Hint hit In leiuleil to lirfiinin u candidate fur of fice who illiln't iluliii Iki huil been urged to run by his friends. Port Inliil, Mi'., Ilxprrss. I'nblol Onrn thorn trim u farmer who illiln't think hit could movn tu town nml run it grocery stnro nmt got rich. ClflMiliiml 0, fiows. Fable: Onco upon n lima thorp win it innn whii limt nciillrcit thn dally bath tin tilt nml illiln't brag about It orciilnnuUv I lurtruril Conn, Time i I'lillni Onco npiMi n limit Ihoru wn it nun wliii illiln't iitijoy t ho sound of hi own tnlra. New Virk livening Tr I it rum. J. 13. 8tiitmm says It miiy ho flno tit Iciivii footprints 'in thn siind of time,' hut you iliMi'l c.-ttcli nny married innn leaving nny on thn front hnll carpel. J. W'b Kerns nay n real illplnnint U n innn who rnn persuiido hln wife (lint alio looks Juit an wpll In cotton stocking. I'nder the. now ndmlnlatrntlon of Mayor Olcs. Ymingsliiwn. Uhln, Is to li.ivn nn offlrlnl Inspector of breaths whnto ilittr It llt I'" to pnkn til honk Into Hut fates of polliniuen to flnil out what In on thn Inside. Thr Jnh took tuny, hut thn "safety firm" Ide.i would ftunrt Ilia ute of n gut mask. Mrxlnin rlrls urn s-ild to hn taking up tint bobbed hnlr- Idea. Wi don't know in mil n limit thn unnlomy of a Mexican girl, hut o ilo Know that hohhril hair makes It n lot easier when u KlrMmH to nmt a fine coin I) Nut So lt.nl, After All "Do 'ii over want to leave, thn fiirmT" "Vt," ,uld Mr Cobble 'Now ami then I get to feeling Hint way. 11111I whnu I ilo I run down to th' rlly for a fnw ilny. After !' been elbow -cil, stepped on. ImwIciI at hy traffic policemen. Insulted hy head waiters nml hcli! "P hy bellhop I ret out for th' Iioiiiu plnro In u prrtty cheerful fra mo of inlnil. Vent can't rmapo punUhmrnt lu tho opinion of II. M. Hull. "No noon it," ho miyi, "do your parcutn atop MpunliliiK you than expcrlciivo tnkon up llm Job." ( Tho .Mnj or nml tho I'pllft Wi'lUvllle. Mo. Optic .Mu) or Kllahit I'ortU' went oer to t'lili Jail yeatenlny mul entcrtal'ied thn r.ui'Ktn by iI.iIiik "Turkey In the lllrnw" on tho harmonica, 'I he I'litl'iuInK I'linii llouauhobl lllntu: "How to cut rhl of niiperrliiuu, hair titiiff It Into u eofu pillow; If Hiifl pillow la ton mnnll nllck tho mat of It Into thu alouv l KIH-.l-.MI Onro I klaxvil ii llttlo mulil In ii mor- iIh chair, Ami l'vu lulHHCit ii llttlu klirn at tho bull. Hut the Hurt of llttlu kUa Hint In nort of lilt or inlnrt Ik tho denreiit llttlo l.la.1 of nil. Uoiikivo that (old chilly fcollnfi with I hn hot inlnenll water nt thu Hot HprliiKa Nntntnrlum. NEW TODAY Rloam Heat ut Colonial lloouin. t Out Klowom, fertiH, plnnls for nil occusIouh.' ,1 KLAMATH H.OWUt KHOI' 1'hoiio nttu sa i Mum st, l Will rum for nuo or two biiiiiII (lillilrmi In my homo. AililreaH Mrs, M, Jdelyn, Aahluml, Ore, 1-3 KOIt lllJNT Nlco largo, sunny hIuopIok room nlcoly furnlshoil, nil cniiveulouriiH, I'hono. bath, etc. Boa N. loth, l'honq :i:ii!ii. i-a Stoitm Unit u( ColonluJ llooins, 1 j FOIt HAI.H Oil HUNT Our room limico, roriiur Hth & (Irniit. Wish lo roll or lnno for win i'iir, with or without furiilturo. Hyil Kvims. I VANTi:i).-A piMltloii hn hniinekeep it of ii luirt tiK'tit or roomliiK hnuso with privilege of buying. Cxperltmceil Inily, or will Inl. ii position iim house, keeper llnx I), M lli'nilil M R)lt KAI.i: niithl room hounn nml lot. In lluitono I 'nv oil street, nil pulil f'hcnp for mud or will I null for milk cows. (' I!, CrulR, Merrill, Orn, 1-4 Don't forRiit (hat Saturday unit Ik "Tin: Duy" for thn City lleiiiitlful CnnipnlKii fl'ivn n illinii nml n smllti tor tlio pretty girl. SUMMONS . in Tin: nituuiT court ok tiii: STATU OP ORF.HON KOIt KLAM. ATM COUNTY J. I. Iliirrntiif, I'lnlntlff, A II. Vlnmin. IJofcmlnnl. To A. II VINHON, llnfnmlnnt! IN Till: NAMi: OK TIIK BTATi: OK OltCIION you urn hi-rrhy com inniulpil nml rmtulrril to npiicnr nml nmiwnr or nthnrwlftn plnuil to thn plnlntlff'n romiilnlnt on flln heroin, on or hnforn llio Kith ilny of Kohni nry, 1021, nml If you full to no np pnnr nml iiuaunr or othnrwliw plrnit to mihl complaint within unhl tlmn, tor w ii lit thnrnot thn plnlutlft will tnkn JuilKiuniit nRnlunt you for'tho urn of IKJ.r.t, with Inti'rcit there on nt thn rain of I'lxlit pr cent, per iinnum from thn IKlh ilny of Octo ber, l!i:n, nml for thn further mini of jr.o.on nttorimr'N fnn, nml for tho furthnr mini of 19 uo nml for thn plnlntlfl'K rnl nnil illiihiirteiiipnti In HiU nrtloii. Thin mimmmiii la nervnil upon you hy pulillcallon In llm Kvenlnc Her nlil for tho piTloil of nix ronnecutlvn wrnkn, miren lue, roinmpnrlnR with thn lun of Dnrrnihrr 2X. 1021 nml I'lulliiK with the Uaun nf Kebru nr H, 1032, piirmmnt to nn order (1 ill r mnile. rrmlcrml nml rnlnrml on tho 27th ilny of December. 1021, hy thn Hon, D. V Kuykomlnli; Judge of tin; llbOW entitled Clillrl. pntn of flrat publication Dor. 28, 1921 OAKLAND & KIIANKfl I'oatofflrn nililresH. I.nhnnou, OreKon.' 1 1 i:VITT t SOX I'natoftlrn nililre, Albany. Orecon. Attomnyi for thn Plaintiff. l)-2t J t.ll-IK-25 P I-K NOT THE ONLY ONE Thrrc An Oilier Klniiinlli I'nlN I'ropln Minlliirl) Hlliinleil Con llipm hn nny itronjtpr proof olfereil than thn pdencn of Klam nth I'nlla renlilentiT After you liatrn mini thn follow Inx, quietly uinwer. thn iuellon. Ilenr)' Binlth. rarponter, 10(1 Main fit., Kin mu th Kiilla, a) "I have uaeil Dunn Klilnry I'lIU off ami on fiir n lour, tlnnl nml hnvn nla)i foil nil them to hn a reliable kidney remedy, My hack nrheil nml pained nml I hail n orrne Jut orer my khlneya mul they didn't act rlxht Donn'a Kidney I'llla ulwuj'a rellnveil tho trouble, tho bneknehea left nml ,uiy llilueyn wero reijulnteit," I'rlrn fiuc. nt all dealer, Don t almply nk for n khlnor remedy uet Dnan'n Kidney I'llla thn anmn that .Mr Kmllh had, loterMllhurn Co., Mfra.. Iliiffalo. N V Ailv llroken Out hkln nml ItrlilnK LVK'him 1I1xmI 0er MRlit, For unalnhtly iklu eruptions, rash or blotche on fnco. neck, nruit or body, oii do not hnt to watt for re lief from torture, or rmbitrrnaament, ! declare n noted xkln apeclallat. Ap I Ply ii llttlu Mentho-Hulphur ami lm provoment ahuwa next ilny. Ilecniiao of lt Kerm iletroyliiK pruMrllen, nothing hna ever been round to tnko thn plnro of till Mil phur prepurntlon, Tho moment you apply It heallnK hcKlns. Only those who have hail onslRhtly akin troiihtrs run now thn ilollnht IIik Mentho-Rul phur brlima. Kven fiery, ItchliiK-eczema la dried rlxht up. (let ii a ma 1 1 Jnr from nny rooiI ilniKRlat urn) ino It like cold cream. Adv. AN OLD RECIPE TO Satce Ten nml Hiilpluir Tumi ti'rny, nuieil iiuin nark nun (lloy Almost uveryouo kmiwa that Hauo Ten nml Sulphur, properly compouml. eil, brliiKa back tho natural rolor and liiAlro to thn hnlr when failed, streak cil nrjany. VnnrK iKo tho only way lo cot thin mixture wan to iiinkn It ut WOOD lloKlimlnK Kobriiury 1st, for llmlh'il tlmn. Htrlrtly rush, wo will deliver DIpcU Wqoil Half Single'NLoad....$3.00 1 Single Load...T. $5.00 1 Double Load $6.00 ALSO I.I.MII, ItODV AND HI.AH WOOD 1'flcos ltlght WOOD AND HAY FRANKFORD (122 Main St. I'hono 73 USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN DARKEN hohin, which I inuaay ami trouhln soinn, ' Nowpdnys wo nliuply ask nt nny ilniK ntnrn for '"Wyotb'n Hiio nml Hiilpluir Cniupiiuml." You will net u larno bottle of this olil-tlum roilpa liiiprovml hy thu iiiblltlun of other In Kreillonls, ut very lilt In mat. livery body nana till preparation now, be moan mi on ii rnn poaalbly tell Hint you darkened your hair, as It iloes It so lialiiTnlly nml evenly Vim itiimpeii u spotiRn or soft hrilsb with It ami draw thin throunh your hnlr, InkliiK one small at rand nt n lime; by morultiR thu Rray hair dlnappeara, nml nfler miotliur.appllcntlon or two, your hnlr heioiueii heaullfully ilnrk, thick mul Rloaay nml you look yearn youiiRiir Ailv ti T BAD TUTS Hy IlKikHthn la alRti yon bntr lieen en llm; too nioih Mrnt WJien you wakn up with backache ami dull uilijery In thu kidney region F KIDNEYS AG Yeast Vitamon Tablets Greatest Beauty Secret 1i.nVJaW "V c(wwvmj r A- UCtv tWuWT in ratca MASTIKSJ itilrW tkioiicmu Alio CtNJItlt VtAJt VI1AMINR 1AOUI , WW aoo-iMn t tT &KXAPISS BLOCK WOOD NEW PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY Ut $5.00 We have had satisfied customers for over two years. Let us put you on the satisfied list. We are reliable. HEILBRONNER & REA ' Phone 195-J or 239-R '$ CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS KOIt HKNT Four room bouse, well located, on paunl street tfoo John Villi, 4 3S Main St, 31-2 KOIt SALK Household furnlturo In- cIuiIIiir stoves, niRs, furnlturo mul dishes. Cull 32bll or call ut 120 WaslilnRton St, 31-2 FOft Ri:.T Furnished or unfurn Isheil npnrtnientM. Tol 342 31-2 WOOD FOll HAU- Dry limb or body wood $10.00, Hurry Furrh, Tol. 312W. 31-2 Fon ram: oit tiiadi: a room house. 4 roojn house, six' roomU lieuao. win consider auto, uvestoPK, or light truck. llno ulfulfu farms for sale, trndo or rent. 20R Winters' llblR. 31-1 All members of Knlghls of Colum bus reiiuesteil to iilleml meeting Wednesday l.'ve, Maltera of grnvp lm liortuuro will como before tho meet Iiik.iJ. F, MiiRiilre. (1. K.- 31-1 FOlt 8AI.D 14 head no, 1 milk cows, 12 head jearllngs nml calves, flvo 2 year old steers, & two er old htilfem', 3 stock corcn. 208 Wilntors' Illdg. 31-1 FOK HIJNT Nlco Hiiimy front bed- room nil (onvenlonces of homo, conlrnlly lociited 113TI Flno, 31-3 KXTItA HI'KCIAI-tlold coin pota tooH ut $2,00 por sack, Kvory sack woIrIis mora than 100 pounds, flriiml Central I'uhltc Market. th & Klam nth Ave. Phono I WW, 30-3 STKAM IlKATliD rooms $3.B0 per wook. l.argOi well lighted lobby, snowur oniiis. iiiw wiuiai mirs, Ccnlrnl .Hole), J, T, Wflrd, Mgr, 9tf.j It Rcnnrnlly means you Imvn been eulliiR too miidi inent, snys n Wfll known nulhorlly. Meat forma uric ncld whlrh overworks thn kidneys In their effort to filter It from thn blood nml thny buromn sort of pnfalyrnl ami low When your kldngys Ret sliiRRlah unit cIor you must relliivn them, llko you rnllevo your bewels: removliiK nil llm body's urinous wnaln, elan you liuvo backache, sick bendnibe, ill.zy spells; your stomnib sours, toiiKUo Is coaled, nml when the weather Is bad you hnvit rheuma tic twInRcs. Tim urine Is ilonily, full of sediment, channels often Ret soro. watnr senilis nnil you nro obliged to seek relief two or threo times during the night, Cither consult a rood, reliable phy. sldun nt onro or Ret from your Phar macia! about four ounces of Jail Halls; Ink, n tnblespoonful In n Rlnas of water before breakfast for a few days nml your kidneys will then art fine, This ruinous salts Is made from tho acid of grupes nml lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been limed for generation to clean ami sti mulate sluggish kidneys, nlo to neu- ll.r.ll.. jl,tH In lt HvlMa mn 1 nn lIMiuu Uk.UB ill ill" ,1,1,,' r- ,. .... longer Irritates, thus emllnr, bladder wenknnu. Jail flails Is a Ufa snvnr for regular meat colors It Is Inexpensive, rnn nol Injure nml makes a delightful, effervescent llthla water drink Ailv. BanlstiM Skin Eruptions, Puts On Firm FUsh.'Strsncthtna th Nam and Increases Enarcy. Thin or run-down folia who want to quickly ft some Reed, firm, tolid firth on thrir Lonea, All out th liollowa and aunki-n clmlia ith slrnnf, lu-altliy lluura a lid build up iattt&tnl rnrtty and vitality altftuld try taVlna to cl Mailln'a tiny vrait VITAMON Tablets with Ihrlr nicili. 'A(aitin's VITAMON Tatlttl con tain Mchly ronrcntrated yrait vitanlow aa nfil ai lh two ollirr ilill mora important tltamlnea (l"t aolutla A aDd Watfr eolubla C), all of which Hrirnrn aaya )ou mutt have to I ttronr. writ and fully developed. Tbry banlth plmplra, toiU and tkin eruptions aa if by maglr, ttrmglhro the nrfvrt, build up tbe body nub firm (trill ami liuuo and olten compltttly rrjuttuta.tlrft whola tytirm. Vou run mi rik of tautlBR a aa or upwltin tha tlomach. If you an thin, pale, hacgard, drawn looVlng r lack energy and endurance take Matlln't VITAMON two tabltla with eery weal. IMPORTAHTI While tb remarkable health landing value of MuUo's VITAMON TaUrlt bate been clrarlr and roittltrcly denioiiitralnl of lack of energy, ncrvoua liouUrt, anemia, lodlgeillon, rontlipation, ikio erup tions, poor conu4rlon and a if M rally weak- enl phytical and menial condition, they should not be um-U ly anyone wlio OlIJECTti to bating I heir weight increased lo normal." Do not accept Imitations or auhttitutra. You cad get klatlin'a VITAMON TabUts at all good drugging. j Are PotJthrtly Gaavaaieed to M Oa Fn FUah, CUaV tWUialMasi UffCllSJ Eajtrcy WfceTk.With Every, Mal orMMy Bck WANTKD A Reed piano to rent. I'hono 1!)K2 ovenhiRs. 30-5 iiuy I'i'iii: iiiti:i iim.us Your own price. On Feb. 22c4t22 ut Dntls, Calif., tho Shorthorn breed- ira fir flhrt ufiitn will Hell 11)0 liullri mul 20 cows and heifers ull registered mid tuberculin tested, a oik suio or good cuttle. For particulars address Howard VuurIiii, Mgr., Dliun, Calif. 2li-Feh.-10. WANTED Ily married man (ex- soldier) work on much. Can give reference. Address Win. lllglow, 714 Palm St.. Medford, Ore. 27-2 If you want to sell It, buy It, trade It. or find It, try a Herald classified ad. Lyceum Hall, cor. Sth & High, well suited for select parties, will be rent ed at nominul priies. Apply to M. Molschenbachcr, Plipno 60CW, or on premises. 30, tf HF.Ri: VK ARi: AOA1N! Wbltb LeRhorn llaby Chicks. Ilnrroii-Thncred Stniln, Hatched exclusively from our own lions that uvernged for tho your 1931, 1M crrs ouch for tho whole flock. Tills Is thn reul teat ot merit, rather than tho achievement ot n few- select ed from u lurgo flock mid fed on Pin mid Angol food ut a laying con test. Wo htiva Rrently enlarged our plant und nro prepnrod to hatch fifty thousand chicks during the season. Order onrly and get them when wanted. Prices par 100: January und Feb ruary I1G.00; March and April '13.. GO; Muy and Juno f 11.00. Puro bred P. Racks and R. I. Rods lintched on special order. Maywootl Poultry Farm, Coming. P.aljft J2-E3 Wo furnish n nice warm dressln room, u balhlnR suit, towol and show er for 3." cents. The plunRO Is free to spenil what lime ypu llkn. Como anil havo a rooiI time. J26 F. 2S NOTICi; FOR I'lIllfJC'ATIO.V (I'ubllshar) DKPAItTM'KNT OF TIIK INTEIIIon, Not coal land II S. Land Offlco at Lakotlew, Ore Ron, Dee. 30, 1921, , . NOTICR la hereby Rlvon that Frank Wnrd whoso post-office ad dress Is Klamath Falls, OreRon, did, on the 21st day of May, 1021, file In this officii Sworn Statement and Ap plication, No, 011728, to purchase tho si:v. nn j noc. 22; nbw nbu Hec. 27; 814 8WV'., Section 23, Townshlf) 378, ItniiRO 13B, Willam ette Meridian, and the timber there on, under tho provisions of tho act of June 3, 1878, and acts amenda tory, known as ilia "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as mlRtat bo "filed hy appraisement, and that, pursuant to such nppllcntlon, the land and timber thereon have been ap nrnlieil l-'niir Hundred KlehtV Dol lars, tho timber estimated 320 M board feet at $1.00 tier M. and tho land II GO. 00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on tho 14th day of Mnrcb, 1922, before llert C Thoinos, U. 8, Commissioner, at Klamnth Falls, OreRon. ' Any person Is at liberty to protest this nurrhnso beforo entry, or Initi ate a contest at any tlmn before pat ent Issues, by flllnR a corroborated affidavit In this offlco, alleging facta which would defeat the entry. Miiticr will he punlls'ned for nine ronserutlte weeks In the Klamath Herald. F l MOIIT. rteRlater J 4-11-18-2G F. 1-8-1S-22 M. 1 xoticbto tiii: punMn and thk .MKltCHA.VTS OF KI.AMATH FALLS Tho Klamath Amateur Athletic Association Is a corporation orRanlt cd under tbe laws of thn State of. Oregon with Its principal office at Klamath Falls, and no person is authorltcd to Incur Indebtcdnes, on account of the Association without thn consent of tho Hoard of Directors, evidenced by a written order slRned hy ,lwo officers or members ot tne board of directors. No accounts will bo paid unlcs, they are accompanied by such written order or requisition. Ily direction of the Hoard of Direc tors. 'II. W MASON, President, W, C. Van Hmon, Sec'y. J. 30-31 F.-l MTiri: ixvitixci nuts for hay Illds for furnishing tho city witn in Inm nt linv nt thn rltv bam- Al- falfa and Timothy mUed tlellvcry to he made nt tna city Darn upon de mand. ' iti.1. in ia rr,.lvri n n to and In cluding Monday evening, February Cth at 8 ociock i'. .ii. Ily order of tho Council. A. I.. I.BAVITT. Police Judge. Jan. 31 Feb. 1-2 CHIROPRACTIC Removes the Cause Pressure, on ono or more nerves at the points Indicated Is tho reason you 'don't get well. Chiropractic AdJutlmcnU re remove this pressure. Drs. Mallett & Mallett Undermood Illdg. 7th and Main Tbone S3I-J Hot Springs NATATORIUM WARM DRESSING-ROOMS, TOWKL AND SIIOWKR . 35c, Children 25c Wortley'a Taxi Sei-vice PHONE 185 Cas, Inman and Harry Wortley Driven At Waldorf Rllliurd Parlor KLAMATH' FLOWER SHOP , H3 MAIN STREET , PHONE B89 . Flowers for all Occasions KIIJ5' 8CIIOOI1 OF FOUFLAR MVSIO I bavo constructed through' years of experlinco the ouly course that teaches you to play the piano by Nolo nnd by Ear In 10 to 20 lessons-. Write for particulars, 701 11th street, Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone 367-R. DR. H. J. WINTERS Graduate nnil fltoto Rcbiterci1 OPTICIAN Nineteen year horn In bnslnoM We Rrind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt rVcrviro llcst Quipped Optical Store In Southern Oregon 7l4 Main Street KI.AMATir POST No. 8, American I.oRlon mecu In thn basoment of tho now courlhouKo on Main Street on tho first and third Tuesdays of each month. Bx-servlro men are' Irfyltcd to at tend tho meetings. Dr Fred Wcstorfold, Commander. II. Vj Ceti, Poit Adjutant nml Re lief and Bmployment committee. DR. C A. RAMBO Dentist ' I. O. O. F. Rulldlag . PHONE SI f Excavating Teamiaf IM ns make yon a price on digging that basement Or other excavating you contemplate. W also do team work ot every de scription. PHONE , , NEW CITY LAUNDRY Finiihed Work Rat Work RougkDir "Pat Yoar DaAs U Onr 8ds" PHONE 184 Comer Main and Coager ' DR. J. a GOBLE OITOMKTRI8T OPTICIAN 700 Uln St. Phone 1M-W Wo tit and grind glasrct. Dupli cate broken lenses, repair frame. FRED WESTERFELD Dcatit PbotMi 4S4-W X-RAY IiABORATORIBS LooaaJs Bldg. KUaaath FaUa Klamath FalU PhwAiag ft Heating Co. 117S MAIN ST. PHONE B4S-W C V. .FISHER, M. p. DLSflASES OF THE EVE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT iass Fitted and Famished Phono 97 BIO Hate Btreet DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTEPOATHIO PHVSICIAN AND 8VROEON Office and ReaMeac Phoaea Sl I. O. O. P. TEMPLE 1 ' E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phoaea 1T-W, I7-R Rooms 1 aad S, White BaUiMag NEW BUICKS For Hire Phone 77 DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecanrer Phone 3M Dr. P. M. Noel Phone 4 ' OVER UNDERWOOD'S 7th aad Mala Bta. I WILL TAKE OUT CELLARS OR FIIL IN IOT8 Cob Murphy S17 Mortimer St., Phone Ml-W PREMIUM DAIRY OI.DF3T RETAIL DAIRt IN KIiAMATH FALLS Ranch Phone MFa Offlco Phone 4M-J HYDROTHERAPY Vlole Ray Treatment 'and Massage DR. OLIVE WILSON 1028 Jefferson St. Phone' 248-J sfil'anfssjaw '' KlamatK LcAlf e No. 137 , I. O. O. F. Meets Friday nlRht ot each week at I.O.O.Fi hall; Cth and Main streets. W. C. Welt-..............Nohle arand J. K. Seeds ...Vlco Oraml Nate Olterbofji .......Hectetary W D. Cofor .Treasurer , KWAUNA ENCAMPMF.NT Meets Tuesday night ot each 'week. J. V. Ilrowbaker Chief Patriarch 8 R. Itmlkey.........Honlor Warden Claud Carpenter..-.. ...Chaplain N. D, Olnsbach..................8:rlbe, Nato Ottorbeln.............Treasurr COE'S AUTO SERVICE V HUDSON, RUICK AND DODGB CARS r , Country Trlpi Specialty f PHONE- 1H r United Cigar Store M MALV STMOCX CHARLIE'S TIRE SHOP Sixth St ft Klamatk- AVs., Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart PHTfUClAV A5TD (WMaWV Valla mmltMmm Offkf PtKMc 177-W He. 177-B KUauth H L. D. GASS, M. D. FTB, EAR. NOftR AND THROAT UliAfWRH' FCRX1HHKB I. O. O. '. Bldg. Phesse t4-W RoonM 9vSt SOS 99 las Pie fW. Phone Dr. GeraW F. Warrt DENTIST rernuuieatly located at Berrta, OaL ajaslsllnillsn 4am VasBifjBjBjaTpnnij ggi CROWN AND'BRRMM W4MK Price Rea nante. W , Gam matte PEUCANBAY1US FARE SBC EACH WAT Lravs '' Rex Cafe PeUcanVOlr 7:4Saja. BiMavM. ll:4SfJM. If 9m. 0:06 p.aa. tBtv.sm. RBCKARD RENT BBRVKE Phene 77 Saw Mill EBffacmac ft Cetattructioa Co. 4 Designer aad' BaHdera of aaod. tr saw mills, planing nsHhi and box phut. BtTdgtac. PBadrtttac PHONE 4W- - Office Ceraer grlac aad.Oak - Near 8. P. Devet- Klamath FalUCyeUry- We are here to terra yM aad aim to erve you right. wMetar cyclea and Bicycles, Part and Accessories, Tire and Tuaaa taa will stand your Inspection, ai wa carry tbe best In our line. Re pair shop in' ronnectloa with Harley-Davtdsoa Serrle. t ' phone ara. 1019 Main St. Waatatk FaUa C.iE. BISMARK" DR. W. A. LEONARD PENTMT " Saerialiat la Extraetioa. al Sargerr-aad dlseaaea , month. Room 10, over Gold Rain Wore. Paoae ltM DR.TlGCAMPHXl PHYSICIAN AND HVRGBON ROOM 218. I. O. O. F, BLB6. PHONR 48.W Rea. ms Pine ., Phone '4eVR DR- CLAi MAS5EY Fourth and Pine Sta- ., IN WARRKN HUNT HOHPITAl Office Phono 4B7 He. Pbn asVM . ,, ' i . ) u ' ' DR. U L.TRUAX WARHBN -HUNT HOUrTT Ktf ' Day Phone 47, Night Pheae MS GAS ft' ' OILS r : C ' v J. C. CLEGHORN ' CIVIL KNGINHMI , AND SURVEYOR Phone la-J iM B, Wterilia L S CHIROPRACTOR , DIfWBtHMrr:' Over, Flrat at'eT'AVln.fiink SaMe'ie Phone le :i A i'l - m U r o, ,,0 I ' I