Kl rfy 4mv. 1 X Piro Thrco THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON' TCEflDAV, JANVARir Ml, II yi ". , dm The Office Cat IIV JII.MtlH 111111:1' Oil, lior II nine wii Irene, Ami nil" wore i ri'piiitii-cliino, Von coulil ecu morn Irene Tliiili )ou rniilil impo-ilo-rhlnc , fool mill lilg money nre soon en tlnl. II In mini iniirn trmililii In try In mini nun tlillit llmse ilny llmii It ilmil In Imi In rnlmi hU, mi It In mi wonder nirn suicide la so popular. I II OcivUiV, 'III' Kliiiinitl I'nll. Vmiii( WV Onct upon ii limn Ihcrn win un nuMst who illilti't try to inuko tlin Topsy dill on high gear Tim latest thing In mi'Vlo liniiilnlr wieiic, l t It it IioIiIm'iI linlr mullrrs .Nut tt Offltn ..( 'Iliu Cut mil down liy Hi" tiivi nml begun to iurr. nml Mule Murlliii rtleil nut. "('mini here. Muinii quick kilty' bulling"' A Pinnate- Any part of Ihn world In which you do not happen to dwell I'ltour nwimi: Though men nmy knock and men may roast, Ihn knro-leuglli skirl that show u stocking, I'roiu roast lo mist they liuk the most And longiwt at Ilia one most allock ing. Tlm vary men who rail and blow About llu skirt. In scrret lovil It Most women know that this Is n Tin')' have tlm flgunx, lm In prowi It! fmirlotilp tin). "Due tlin )oung limn si em thrif ty:" "Well, lin doesn't bellevn III waste Inn gas," replied I'aw Hoptoad ...... , i.io)ii inriersay inn noiiis no joj equal to tlin dentist's "Tliut will be v ' ... . O. M, lliictora) n good rompliu- Inn muy ralrh u man, but It takes n good disposition to hold him nnd n little good copklun Mill help some rirn Chief Ainbrosn su)a n girl with slralght up und di-wu cues In l form a druliiagmllstrlct under tlin " " r '"" !!"'."""? "?!!." w.? .'nbS :,,d(,.,,;::;.ed0,o; ecu Is ii sort of bean piiln III llm ash can elfin I t I'lappcrlMii" (I'm tho girl with Hie prcltleil unkloii Ihut see llm iiiousn first Many n girl' oebrow nre not B'n.in. rome n enre a in we turn anil .. ,, ' .,. ., l' r I'ubl e ii I liy and benefit Mack ii (hey urn piluleil A girl Ii kiiiinn Ii) Ihu engagement ring hIid keni. Don't makn Ihn mistake of bellnv Ini; thai Ihn girl with dreamy hch Isut wide iiwnke A i!lrl'H heart I naluriilly light when mIio Hlrlhex ii mutch. In tlm bintillfiil ulr rastlim whlih girl build ou will nncr find mi v w.ishtulm. 'I In I'liltnwlng Wis round Near Ihn door of Iho sheriff officii teday: When tlm frost I on tlm pumpkin And Ihn fmlder'a In tho shock. Wo lull sen'ii Iriiuillia iluiiinkln ti'in. .. i,i. ,..,, i,nr.i,.Li.. ,,.... i,.,. ..,.., , ,....., Tlin highest form of grnlltuilu ha Just been exhibited by u Now York er. When lip died. It was found Hint no linn iuii tiuii.iioii in it wnmiin wiid lind refused In tun irry; him l)i.) Utiles nml older IVhrium II'ioiiIm now lit I at I HliCplieiilV, 31-t. ,,.,,, , . . i Wo furnish a nirn wurm dressing room, n naming mut, lownt iinu hiiiih- or for llfi reiita, Tlm Plungn Is free to Rpmid what llnio ou llkci. Coinii nml hno n good tlnm. J3ii r.' 2H rooiii, n bathing mill, low nl and Hhiitt- ; .NOttCi; OC Ilinitl.Vll (IV CI:TI. tici, to IOIIM IH(.l.A(Ji; IHH- TIIICT IN Till! COI'NTV COCHT OK Till HTATi: OK OKIUION KOIt TIIK COUNTV Or KLAMATH NOTIC'li Ifl IIKHKIIV (IIVKN that heiirlng on tho follnwiiig petition will bo held nt tho County Court Itooiu lit tho Com t IIoukii of Klamath County, Oregon, In IlieCllyof Klmuuih I'uIIh, County of Klmuatli, Klulo of Oiegou, Oil Ihn 0lh day of MjiicIi A. 1), 11122 tit Iho hour of 2 o'clock In tlm nftnr noon of mild day, for tlm pur potto of ilotoi mining whether tho luivr of kAAAAAAMAMAAAAMAMMMMMWWWWWWMWWMMMMMMWSAAAMMMMVMWMM Outbursts of Everett True By Condon iWVWWAVWVVWWVWWWWWWv ,- v jf BBl l V8i I ' rfTmzLiZl."4W&ijKm 1 Y. w . , tv Vf sil wfrjir .riBi. ftinm r "-rtf Vlw THAT Rff.OUJ WAVING Gv&rorraorvr tvf houdimg TMcCAft for. him OOCrS THAT OOOT CVT2RT MORNlMCJll ClViS THCS NOTORMAN TWO QUICIC T3C5ll'5 Of oat THINGS 50ING TO wop KFaaWfflH mid t Dtlon sluill be graiilrd westerly bnundury of Agency Lake; All persons owning or claiming an thenrn Norlherl) following tlin mean Interest In land, il scribed In mililidrr of ihn siild Westerly boundary of pxlllli'U urn hereby notified in uppeiir Agency l.akn lo Ihn Intersetllon with nt said time nt said plum on said Ihn lino between Lot 1 and ! In said lain and show rause. If any there 'Hecilon 'J, thenco North along the un. wny tim prayer In said petition should nut be grunted r it dixai'. Clerk of llm ('mint) Court of the Klulo if Oregon for Kliiiniith Cminty (H(Mll) Tlm following I u rcpy of said peilllon, to wit in Tin: coi'Ntv roritT or Tin: ktati: or oiikoon roit klam- ATI I COI'NTV In Ihn Matter of Tlm Organltatlon ofitlon 10. thenro Kast along the line it OriilnuKii District In bn known a. i between Lola 2 and R In said Kec- tho 'Meadows Drultiugn Olstrlcl'' of Klamath County. Oregon pirtirioN roit hui,m..tiov TO Tlir. IIONOIIAIILK COI'NTV COl'IIT'Or KLAMATH COUNTV. OIICOON We. the llttdi rilgiied. your ie. 1 1 loners herein, sin w to your honor abln body Ihn follow lug Urst That the ix-rsons who hum Joined III und signed this etltl()ii urn , llm owner of more than fifty per lent lo wit tlm owner of fit UK tier ;ceni. a sliown liy inn records of iKIamnlli Count). Oregon, of thnucre ugn contained In und roniprlsing the lirity or land herelniirier described, und Ihn boundurles of which are liere- Inufler particularly set forth. Hccoml Thai lh body of land which your pelltlpner desire to bn InroriuiMteil Into n drainage district it n roniigunii body of swum p. wet laud cverllowed lands altiiiiln In Kluinath Count). Oregon Third That )our petitioners deslro tlm lauds within the boundaries hero Inuftrr set forth and described, for Ihn purpose of huliig audi and said land reclaimed mid protected by iitmluiign from llm effects of water for ugrliullural purpose, mid In or der lo contribute In the publlr I nnrtli Tho name proposed for such dlslrlrl I. "MKADOWH DUALS AHK DIHTIIICT" I'lflh Tlm bniiiiilary line of Ihn I ri'Pused district urn a follow, to wit lleglnnlng at Iho Northwest comer of Het tltiu G. Townsblli 31 Honth, llangn 7 '.4 Kast of Ihn Wlllainelto Meridian, thenro South uloug the linn between Itungea )' und 7 Hi Knit of Ihn Wlllametln Mrrlilliin, n din lanrn of 3C,n;t:i feet, inoro or less, to jllin rorner of Township 34 and 3S 'Houth, Hunges. ! nnd 74 Kast of tho Wlllainelto Vnrlilliin. tlmiiin loutlii ulng south on said llangn linn n ills Innco of 23 7C0 feel, morn or less, to llm mio-uuiirler rorner rommon In .KcitloiiH 30, Townsblli nr. Kouth, lliingn 7 Mi Lust of Ihn Willamette Meridian and Kertlon .'S, Township 3.1 Houth. Iliinrn Kast of llm WII H...I.II..., .1..... l.... ..I KIIIIVIIV1 IUI iiiiuii, iiivit.ii ,.,ini tiiiiiiK Ihn center line of said Kecllon .10 lo tlm Intersection with tho northerly boundary of I'pper Klamath Luke, itbencn l.'nulerly, following llm mean ,orH ,)f 'HUld northerly boundaiy of HMiper Klniuatb Luke In the Inter-1 Upper Kin nertlrti with the linn between Lot 3 libit 4 In Kecllon 29 of uld Town hIiIii nnd IIiiiiko. thenco north ulong un Id linn liMween mild Lot 3 and 1 4 In llm KiiHt mid West center linn 'of said Kectlon 29; thenrn Kast along sulil center linn of mild Section 29 lo Ihn une-quiirler corner on Ihn nasi ,. , ,i a v-ml ;,,,,,.., .... i ' ,Vf ,?,', ,," ,".. ' , l , , " , , ,,. ., ......,. ' ..rii said TiiwiikIiIp mid llangn iirthwcttt comer of Lot 2 of Inn H ; t hence Kast along the linn between l.ul 2 mid 1 In snld Keitlon 2S to the Wimlerly liniiiidary i.f tin Htr.ilt. rouiiortliig upper Klum ,nth Lake with Agency I.iikn; Ihenco northerly ulong (ho Westerly bound my of mild HtnillH nnd Agency Luke through Hcctftiiin 28 und 21 mid 10 of mild Township mid Itnugn to Iho Koiitlienst turner or Lot 4 In Kectlon 9 of mtlil TowiihIiIii and llnnge; thenro Want to the Houthwest lorner or l.ot 4 In mild Section 9; thenco North, ulong tho West lino of snld Lo 4 (n the Northwest corner (hero of; thenro Kast ulong Iho lino be tween I.oIh 4 mid 3 of mild Section 9 to (ho liilornvQllou wlli (ho mild FOR. OU To EC-AY ...l-r . II sl Yri--- Una l,.lw,,ii .ill, I lj.l. I r.,,,1 In said Kectlon It to llm Northwest cor- center of said Kecllon 31, thenco tier of 11 I of said Kecllon 9. Kal along Ihn center linn of .alii Ihenco i:usl along th North nn8erlon 31 and 32 lo a point 3G0 of said l.ot I to tlio Northwest cor- feet Kast of Ihn one quarter orncr tier of Ixit 4 of Kecllon 10 of sald'betwc-en said Kectlon 31 and 32. m. L.. . .. . -. . .i..nMu i. rt .mint .. iii it,tii ; Township and llangn, thuiro rontln ulng Hast along the North linn of Lot 4 and 3 In said Kectlon 10, to the Northeast rorner of aald Lot 3, tin urn Kouth along tho Kail linn of said Mil 3 to tho center of aald Hec thin 10 to Ha Intersection with the said Westerly boundary of Agency liki, thenrn Northerly following the Uirululer of tlm slid Westerly bound ary of Agency l.akn through said Kectlon 10 In It Intersection with the linn between said Sections 10 and 3 of said Township und llange, thence West along the tine between said Kerltons III and 3 to Ihu Houthwest rorner of Lot 3 In said Kectlon 3; I bene Nnrtli along Ihn WV-sl line of said Uit 3 In the Northwest rorner thereof, thence Kast ulong Ihn North linn of said Ut 3 to the Northeast corner thereof, Ihenco Kouth ulong Ihn linn between Kectlon 3 and 2 of said Township 'and Itango lo Ihn In tersection with tho aald Westerly liomidar)' of Agency Ijcke; thence Northerly following tho meander of tho said Woiterly boundary of Agen cy Uiko through said Kecllon S and 3 to tho meander corner on the lino bilween aald Kectlon 3 and Kectlon 3 4. Township .14 Hoath. llange 7H ',.i .if ii,.. willnmnii,. Meridian. Ka Ihenci- through Townwshlp 31 Houth following the meuuder or llm wen- erly und Northerly boundarle of the iirljruJMjs,v-fVi"ii-sJa"i' ----'-'' CLASSIFIED ADS ryynAxAArjsyyv'sr'nr "'" - -" - MISCELLANEOUS WANTKI) A good piano to rent Chono 10K2 cjeiiliig 30.fi i:TIIA HCKCIAI-tlold coin potu toe at J 2,00 per urk Kery sack weigh morn than 100 pounds ('.rand Central Ciibllr Market. 'Mirti Klam Hill A vii Chono 1C3W 30-3 I.08T Ilrown beaver collar. Sun. day Jan 22, 1922 llewurd ir re turned In tlm office of Klamath County Abstruct Co 29-4 itt'v runt: intr.n hulls Vour nun price On IVh 22. 1922 at D.iM, Calif., tlm Shorthorn breed. .!. .'ii0!'"'. m!"11. ,.1:" ?" I -v ...... ..u i.v...n "" - and tuberculin tested. A big mile of good rattle. For particular uddrct Howard Vutighn, Mgr., Dixon. Calif. 26-Kol) -10. WANTKD Joh for u tho ton Mack truck nnd irultnr, riggeu ror log glng. O, Ceylon, J no. II. Collmau, 27-31 WANTKD 11 married man (ex- soldier) work on ranch. Can gtw reference. Address Win lllglow, 714 Culm 81., Medford, Ore 27-2 ahcadk iiotkl m:v wi.ntku katkh THANHIK.VrS Hlngle, $1,00. Wln, I..TO. Double, fl,no, $1,7.1, SVJ.0O. HCKCIAL WLKKLV AM) MONTHLY 1JATKS TIIK CLACK WIIKHrYOU WILL K.VJOV A (!OOI NKiHT'S IlKHT ALL OUTSIDK HOOJW STKAM 1IKAT HOT AND COM WATKIt IX KVKHY HOO.M HKCAHATK IX)HHII4 1XVK UI)IKH rilHK HI'S TO AND I'ltOM ALL THAINS 24-31 Room with board, at 1028 Jof- forsuu st, ay-sv. snld Agency Lakn thrGilgll Hertlon, 34, 27, 20 nml 2& of ToWHshlp 34 Hiiulli. ItnriKii 7V4 Mast of tho WII Initintti) Meridian to tlin Wcatnrly or right bank of Wood Hirer, thenri) Northerly following tlin meander of aid Westerly hank of Wood Itlvnr through Hellion 2f, 24, 13, 14, II, 10, 3, nml 4 of said Township and Itniign in n point In Lot 2 of said Hcrtlon 3 which I. K14 fot floutli of the Nnrtli lino of mid l.nt 2; thniro U'flit 470 feet, thenro Hon III 90 feet; thenui Went .12 feet! Ihcnro Honth 13 di'K 0.1 mlii. Went "IT, feet! tlicnrit North 71) ilex fit mill Went 21,12 fret to 11 point on the n.lnt line of lil 4 of Hoctlon 4 of nail! Town nhlp nml ltniiRO wlildi In 1089 R (eot Hniilli of tho oiip-riiarler rorncr on the North linn of mild Kecllon 4; thenco North 87 deft 37 mln WVt In the North linn of nalil Kectlon ' of nnltl Townalilp ami ItanKe, thenio Went iiIoiik Hip Ni rill lln of mild Kectlon n to the Kontheant lorner of till) Went luilf of the Hdllllienut iiiar ler of Kectlon 32 In Towimhlii 33 Honth, limine 7'i l.'nnt of Ihn WII Umetle M rlil In ii, thenro North along'of sufficient helnht and width to keep t list Knst linn of tlm Wettl half of tin- out Die Lake nnd flood water; also Kust half of said Kectlon 32 to tlin i a system of main drain, traversing Norlheiisl corner of tlm Houtlmi-si tho iroperty and leading to a liump-one-ouurler of tlm Northuist one ling station which will pump water quarter of said Kectlon 32, thence West 2040 feel along llm North line of the Honth ono-lmlf of the North Mie-liulr of said Kectlon 32 In the .Northwest comer of Ihn Koutheasl one-quarter of the Northwest one quarter of Nald'Kectlon 32 thence North 1333 feit to n post situated at the Northeast loninr of the North west i no-riuaflnr of lire Northwest tonO'tiuurtcr of nalrt Hoctlon 32 Ihencii North 1333 feet to n post sit juated ut'llio Northeast comer of Ihn Hi)Utbpt onu-iiuarter of the South-'snld west one quarter of Kectlon 2'.' of said Township linil llange: thenrn ' liiiiin that may bo levied again! their I West I33S feet to n iot xlluuted attlundN for tho purpese of paying the the Northwest corner of said Honth-, expense of nrganlilng or attempting west one-quarter of tlin Houthwest onn-Unrter of said Kectlon 29; thence North along tlm line between Kectlon 2'J and 3d of said Township and llanga 204 1 feet to u post allu-lset ulcd at the Northeast rorner or lhefumi ty ti, COi,rt to be properly In Honth one-half of the Northeast eluded In tho proposrd district, elth quarter of s.ild Section 3o; ihcnce cr jwrmanently or until further In West along llm North line of Mid I vestlrallcu and survey may permit Houth half cf Iho Northeast quarter 1 elimination, shall be declared organ of said Kecilon 30 lo tho Northwest lied Into a drulnage district, and our corner thereof, Ihenco Kouth along i petitioner will ever pray. ;cim renier line oi neciious wu ami ji i O SBld TOWnslllII mill llangO 10 tlllll Ihenci. Kouth to a point on the Kouth linn of said Kectlon 32 which I 30 feet l.'ast of Ihn Houthwest Comer thereof thenco West along tho Kouth lino of raid Kectlon 32 and 31 In tho Northwest corner of Kectlon C. Town ship 34 Kouth, Itango 7H: Kast of the Willamette Meridian being Ihu place of beginning, containing In alt 27.C42.n4 acre , AND YOl'H I'KTITIONKUH Kl'lt TIIKIl AI.LKOK. a staled herein before, Ihut such land ronsjltute a contiguous body of swamp, wet and overflowed lands Blsth Tho total ucrcage Included In said proKseil district Is 27.fi42.S4 acres, ull situated In Klamath Coun ty, Oregon. Seventh: The name of the ownera of land In said proposed district as shown by tho record of Klamath County, and the acreage owned by each of such owner, urn a follow W. W Jone. 6.444.34 acre. W K. Ilrown. 2.233.54 acres. B. It. Ileamc. C.454.14 acres Korl Klamath Meadow Co. 12,218.- 10 acres Kstate of J (5 l'lcrce. CO.05 acres V. S National Hank. Cortland. Ore S4 10 acre. I) II Campbell. 7. Cl acres jTotul, 27,643 81 acres Klchtlr That the proposed reclam- ntlon. n stated hereinbefore. I for agricultural purposci ". "" proposed reclamation will bo condu- Lrxrinrsnnftnn-irir------ -------'' sai-ti vxivvvvvy.vvvri'innr'i! -,-- -------- It jou want to stsl It, buy It, trads It. or find II, try a Herald classified ad. STKAM IIL.VTKI) room S3.C0 per week. Iirge, well lighted lobby, shower baths. Ksv winter rates Central Hotel. J. T Ward. Mgr. 9tf. L)coum Hall, cor. 8th & High, woll aulted for select parties, will bo rent ed at nominal prlres. Apply to M Motschenbachcr, Chono &5GW, or on premises, 30-tf iit-iti: wi: AUK AOAIN! White Leghorn Haby Chicks. Harron-Taucred Strain. 1 f n t aIi.i.1 nvnliisli'nlts frrttil nllr AWIt , t eracd for 10 )rnr lfl21i I" egg each, for tlm whole flock, This is tho reul test of merit, rathor limn the achievement of n few select ed from n largo flock und fed on plo and Angel food nt n laying con lest. Wo hao greatly enlarged our plautiiiml are propured to hatch fifty thousand chicks during tho season. Order onrly ami get them when wanted. Crlce per 100: January and Feb ruary $1C. 00; March and April $13.. SO; May nnd June Ml 00. Cure bred C. Kocks nnd U, ,1, Ilcils hatched on spaclal ordor. Maywood Coultry Farm, Corning, Calif. , ' J3-K3 ILllll i(OIH Just returned front Hun Francisco with u now supply of HAIR liOODfl. HUMAN HAIR of ull shade and length, Cerfect match guaranteed. Rn Itches, transformations, ear puffs, rniis, nous, curls wigs unit toupees mado to order. Old w Itches mudo over und combing made up.' flood workmanship nml reasonable price. Juunltu M, Cedlgo. 425 Clum near Gth. Chono 044.M. 2S-31 FOR RKNT 0 room furnished house. Oarago walking dlstanco. Chono 240M und 178 J, 2S-.11 FOR SALK No. tl Remington just like. now. 170.00. Tonus on nait. u ?3? ao-aa clvo In tlin public health and welfare anil will lm of tmlillc Utility unil bono fit. Mil tli Tlmt all of the land In cluilid In K.1I1I proposed district urn properly Inrluilcd therein 11 nil will lie hunoflrliilly iilfecleil liy the oporn- ton of the propoxnt dlntrlet. Tenth That tlin licnpfltn of mich propo-eil reclamation will mceod tlin dmniiKi' to ho dona and tbnl Ihn lient InlrrontN of tlio land liiillided and of llm nwnern of mich laml'ax a whole, inl of tlin public at law, will he proinolPil liy the formation and pro I poxod operation, of auch illntrlc!. 1 eleventh That tlm formation of a drulnaRn district under tlm provisions of the Iiiwh of Ilia Htutn of OniROii, to wit Chnpler tl of Olson' Oregon I.an mid Ainendments thereto, la u proper and iidvintnKeoun method of urcompIlMiltiK the rcrlamatlon and protection of the land Included therein Twelfth The proposed plan of Iteilmnullon l Tlm reclamation work will connlst of 11 !( entirely around tho project from the drains Into the Lake T4io pump to b of sufficient capacity to , hn' din all the sccpjgn water brought ta It by the drain. The main drain to have a system of lateral drain en tering them In such location and of such mpjclty a may he determined Is neress.iry lo rarry away all seep ago water entering tho tract. Tlilrteinth And your petitioner, whose signature aro attached to thl petition, hereby obligate themselves, and their successor In Interest In lands, thai they will nay any and i all expeme Incurred and any tax or; to organlie the proposed district WIIKIIIIFOIIL'. our petitioner pray Hint the land described anil In cluded within tho boundaries herein forth, or such of Ihem a may be ,. i, j()vi-u .- l- t.rn,v. k. It ' HKA.MKH VIOLA K JONK8, wlfo of W. W Jonpf HATTIB M llltOWN, wife of W, K ,lron '""r" JKNNIK K ItKAMKK, wife of K. II. Iteumes. KOHT KLAMATH MKADOWS CO., Ily C N ILUVKINS. Cltl-XSIDKNT: Hy W W JONKS. SKCHBTAItY. (Sal Fort Klamath Meadow Co.) Signed In the presenro of u as witnesses MHS. KLIZAHKTH GKUIII1. W. L. COItNWEI.L. (Witness signature W. K. and II. M. Ilrow-n) II F CAINK. I). V. KA1K1KANT (Wltne,, signature W. W. and Viola K. Jones.) M. JKNKINS. ALMA U KAUVK.. (Witness signature K R and Jen nie Itcames.) W. K, JOHNSON. W, T SCMMKIIS. (Witness signature C. N Hawkins nnd W. W Jones. 8TATK OF CALIFOItNIA. City and County of San Francisco, SS. W. Jones. K. It. Iteames nnd W. K. Ilrown. after being first duly sworn, upon oath depose and ay: That wo arn the petitioner named in the foregoing petition for tho organliation of tho Meadows Drain agp District: that wo have read thu foregoing petition, know tho content thereof and liellevo the ramo lo bo true W W JONKS. K It. ItKAMHS W K. nilOWN. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 20th day of January A. D. 1922. (Notarial Seal) II I) DKNSON. Notary Cubllc for the city and county of Sun Francisco. California My connnhslon expires Dec. 20 1922. Jan. 31 Feb. 7-14-21-28 I WILL TAKK OUT CELLAIIS OH KILL l. IOTtf Con Murphy .117 Mortimer St., I'lioue Stl.AV V PREMIUM DAIRY OLDLST ItirTAIIi DAIRY IX KUVMATH I'ALIJJ Itanrli Chone SSF-J Office Chono -I0O-J HYDROTHERAPY Violet Kay Treatment and Massage DR. OLIVK WILSON ;s Jefferson St. Phono 248-J 10 Wortley's Taxi Service PHONE 185 Cas. Iuman and Hurry Wortlcy Dilvrrs A Waldorf llllllard l'arlor. , KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP 884 MAIX STRKKT CHUNK (S8D I Flowers for all Occasion F1L7.' SCHOOL OF rOUCLAR MVHIO I have constructed through, year of experience the only course that teaches you to play the piano by Nolo und by Kar In 10 to 20 les sons, Wrlto for particulars, 701 11th street, Klamath Falls, Oro. Phono 367-R. ,7 DR. H. J. WINTERS Jradaat and Hlato XU0itre6 OPTICIAN A Nineteen year hero In biifllneM Wc grind and fit Gfasaeni Duplicate broken Glasses I'rimpt Nervier) , J Hest Kfjalpped Optical Hlorc-I ia Hontlicm Orrijon I , 714 Main Street 1 !- KLAMATH P6ST No. I 8, sH-aBaV American I.celon met t jBH In tho hnsenvnt of itho now courthouna on Miiln Utrcct on tho first third Tuesdays of each month. Ux-iorvlco men aro Invited to a 'lend the meeting. " Mr Fred Wcstcrfeld. Commander. I 11, I. Oetz. I'oit Adjutant nnd R- IJIet and Kmplayment rommlttco. MADK I.V KLAMATH TM AL y' I crla. anI ALFALFA MEAL For Halo nt M-rphey' More. Anderson' Ororctcrla. HUtisct firocery. .i .Manuiorinrru oy mi IfAltltV TKLFORD J- E EAT T J il at the "rll WHITE LUNCH Home Cooking a flperialty CHILI COX CAJIXE CIIIXKHK XOODLKH HUXDAV CHICKKX 1HXNKII 7r 1122 Mala Htreet DR.C A.RAMBO1, Dentiit Kf O. O. F. Building CHOXK sfll r'f r t 1 Excavating Teaming ' Let us make you a prica on digging that basement or other excavating you contemplate, We also do team work of every de scription. . , choxe aJ ,f " NEW CITY LAUNDRY Finished Work ., ) v Flat Work f t Rough' Dry "Pat Tour Dvcb ta Oar Suds' I'HOXE i 54 Corner Mala and Coager ' DR. J. G. GOBLE ocTOJu-musT opticiax TOO Main St. Phone 1S3-W Wo tit and grind glasses. Dupli cate broken lenses, repair frames. FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Phone 484-W X-RAY liABORATORLES IxiomU Bids. KUmat- Falls Klamath Falls Plumbing ft: Heating Co. 1173 MAIX ST. PHONE S-IS-W C. V. FISHER, M. D. DISKASKS OF TIIK F.YK, KAR, XOMR AXD THROAT Classen Fitted and FuraUhed Phone 07 BIO Main Street DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTEPOATHIO PHYSiaAX AXD BURGEON Office and Residence Phones 3-1 I. O. O. V. TEMCLF. E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN VANB SURGEON Chone 17-W', 17I Rooms 1 and 8, While B-lldlnf NEW BUICKS For Hire Phone 77 DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver Phone 804 Dr. P. M. Noel 'h9" , i, t" OVER UNDERWOOD'S 7tb aad Mala fill. f ' Klamath LorJfe.No. 137 ,u- I. O. .O. F. Meets Friday nlglit of each wesk at I.O.O.F. hall, 6th and Main streU.' i W. C. Wells Noble arMd J. n. Seed.... ..........VIcn'OritMl I Nate Oltorbeln.............8crtiry I W. I). Cofer .Treasurer KWAUNA KXCAMTMRNT Menl Tuesday night of each week. J. V, Hrowbakcr..Calcf Patriarch S. It. Itedkey..........8ji)nlor Warden I Claud Carpenter........... . nhafftulfc N. D, Nalo ainsbacb... Otterboln,.. ..Scribe -Treasurer COE'S AUTO SERVICE IIUDSOX, IICICK AXO DOIKJK CARH f. ,7 Country Trip a Apcclnlty 1 nioxn ids 4- , United Cigar Store 029 MAIN STRKKT , r$ CHARLIE'S TIRE SHOP. GAS "" I OILS ' w rz r Ji Jt.p Sixth St fc Klamath Are. Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart PHTHICIAN AND HURtTEON White Bnlldiag Of fire Clione 177-W lies. 177.11 Klamath Falls Orerm L. D. GASS, M. D. EYE, EAR, XOSB AND THROAT GLASHKH FURXI8HED I. O. O. V. Bid-. Pboae w-W Roosm aoa, aes, ao4 125 Ptae St. Phono Dr. Gerald F. Warren DENTIST Permanently located at Berrls, CL Hamuli -ia CROWN ANB BSISOX WOK, , Price KewaoaaMe. Work Oa-raateea PELICAN BAY BUS PARE 2Se EACH WAY Leave lams! Res Cafe a PHe, CMf 7i4USas. a mUlS.' ia:3p.i. l:4MMa: o:in.i, B:-vfu RECKARD RENT SERVICK Pboae 77 Saw MUl-EafliBeriag t: Conttructiea Co. Designers and Ballden of cm w mill, plaaiDf; mHIa and box plant. I)red4K. PUedrlvlas PHONE 4S4KW " I Office Comer Spring; aad Oak Near S. P. Drpot Klamath Falls CycUry - We are here to serve you aad aim to servo" you right. Motor. cycles and Btcvcles. Parti aad AccessorleeVTlrea and Tubea'taat, will atand your Inspection, as we carry the best In our line. Re. pair shop In connection with Harley-Bavldson 8ervlce. phonk ar 1010 Main St. Klamath. FaUe C. K. BISMARK DR. W. A. LEONARD DENTLST Hprrlalist In Extraction, Oral Surgery and disease of the luoulh. Room 10, over Coldea, ltuie Store. l'hoae lleS-J DR. T. C CAMPBELL a' Pin'KICIAN AND SURGEON ROOM 213. I. O. O. F. BLDOi ' I'HOXE 48.W v1 Re. 15 Pine St., Phone 48-1 DR. a A. MASSEY . Fourth and Plae St. IN WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Office Pboae 487 Rea. Phono M-M DR. L. L TRUAX WARREN HUNT'HOSPITAIi Day Paoae 407, NlgBt Pboae MS J. C CLEGHORN CIVIL ENGIXEKR v AND SURVEYOR A Phone lDaVJT 1M S.Rkeswtst i- Vsrfr 'i CHIROPRACTC , Dr. L'BridtM J v irrcr v uses m m Suite 1W ' Me iSw J 'J o J .y 17 .1' T.i' m 'f-, 4 it ,1 "? ''