The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 31, 1922, Image 1

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MW44( ''',.,
r4.r ,,,,,, vrr-
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- -Mt.-
iwnimx Mvmlh
.(C'J. ''I
iniHKiil mill Wt'iliivniliiy. fulr
nsl mnl wcul portion of, tin to.
-. , 4 44 4 iltV. .vvwt--
" ' M .M M
lllllunlli Vnli, Vn
Enrlli Dinturbnncc Is Felt
From the Atlantic to Pa
cific; Orccon Slinken
WAHIIINOTO.V. Jim. ni..-W,.iU,.
ur liiiriwiii nfrii-liiM hclltitn ihu muter
j( lodiiy' 'ii I Hi itlnliirliiiiKo was In
noulliniii Alrxtro
NISW! VOItK. Jmt. 31. lli-nliiKlKln
rnlliiinti'il Din rnrtli'itliiKo nhnck nrl
Klll'lli'il nlnilg Dili iul count of Kmitli
Aimrlcn, litlwren l'uiiiuim unit ICcun
K.irlli'jUiiku of grenl liitmiidty. pinli
ably milon from Washington
wan recorded unrly loilujr by dm
(leiirgetiiwii ,HdMUOKriMiilnil nbiirrk
alnry. It !n-(rnn nt S:Sfi (Ijmlorn
llmol. Ten minutes IiiIit tliu tremor
became mi prononnrcd Hint they
threw tint ti-glli-rlug -.) ! off tlm
scnto. Tim qiinko u, 11 1 10 reentered
liy tliu wiwitlicr l.u ron ti svlaiimgrnpli.
An ufflrlnt ilecrllnd It u motintroun.
Iliilh machine were iitlll registering
illaliirhnncr nt IU 11'iluck.
CIIH'AISO, Jim. 31 A severe
mrtli'iuiikii w.m recorded liy I tin e.
liliigruph nf llin I'tilvurnlty of riilrugn
lit 7' 23 (central Hum) followed by
nliullicr ill 7.32 Tim illalurhniirn wn
Mtlmnti'il tu lu Itijn miles from
HKN'VCII. Jan. 31.- Tlic scl.mrt
graph nt lli-gl 1 ullrKo registered llio
mini severe lartluiuakn In tliu lint
fifteen )fnr It started at 0 20
(mountain time). Thn recording
iiitiIIii huh Iliri'Mn off thn drum be
tween C:30 ami A. 40. It n ntlmat.
i'il nt I "'On mile, from I)enor. ,
Tim shuck was ((renter limn Hint
reentered liy thn Han Frnnclico
MAIIHHKICI.H. Jnn. 31.-A pro
tioilliced imiikn uu felt at StlS. It
luiled a nilnulo nnd a hnlf ami wm
followed by u sreund nhork. There
wnn no ilamiiKn.
CNIICKA, Cul.; Jim. HI. An
earlh-uaki wu fell nt TiiSO follnund
by thrrn sln-rks within an hour.
IIAN KltANCIHL'U, Jan. 31.- A
tdlghl earth Iri-mcr was felt hero IUI,
, I
lltKIIIN'i:, .Inn. ,1I. A pronounced
shock wns fell nt .'.30 this mornliiK.
Dlnhi'H rallied, mid I'rof. II. I,. Pink
ard of thn geology department of thn
University of Oregon nalil lie lellmcd
It waa an earllniuake, Dunn John
8tr.mli Ha hi It y-iih tho first iiiak
l.'iiKcnn hml experienced III 25 years
Theru nn.i 1111 iI.iiiiiiki'.
ItOKKIII'im, Jan. 31. Ilurlli
ijuako IremorH wvrn full hero ut 3:20
.mnl C:30 this morning. Theru wnH 110
CA.MIHIIIHII:, Mans., Jan. 31.
Tho belief wiia rxpruiuiiiil at Harvard
unUorrlly Hint llio earllujuakt-occurred
under tho I'aclfli: oremi off tho
Waalilnr.ton or Oroxun nam.
Klamath Kails resident who wero
uwaliu felt thn eartllilinkn ilUHlirtly
about 5:30 this morning, .No dam
ago nus done.
TCI JOIN' Ill-:i7ri.l'l f'ONTHOli
.4, It. Illicit, formnrly ot Kllul,
MIchlRiiu, when) ho held tho position
of iisslsliiut paymaster for a largo
miloiiuiblln concern, and who re
cently wiih appointed as purchasing
iigeut for thn Hiiiilhvrii Oregon
Nnrlliorn Cnllfomli I'lne lloetlo
Control project, has urrled horn to
milur Into his new diiilns, lllark
snrvml fu Krmii'o with the 'Twen
tieth Knglnneis, mnl lins u number
of friends liorq who worn with that
.Hcir.xci: PAi'ims ciioskx
IIOSTON, Jan, 31, (lharlOH K.
Jarvls, formerly of I.ns Angnlos,
wnn olectud hiiHlneas, nimittgnr of
Ihu ChrlHtlaii Bcleuco Publishing
Hocloty, eucceodlng John 11, WhIIh.
Jarvls hnH hneu cleik or tho
Mother- church for four yofirs.
Moenniiim: plant ih
rot mi in
jiahi:mi:t or ninini
. I.OI IHVII.I.I?. Ky . Jim. 3J,
" A mill wiu niiwirHii'il loilny Ih
lln linni'iHont of iiui film ll.ip-
Urn clyirrli of linen. Iml I'll- 0
iiiurn Jiiiiii', I1111I riiiiii In net thn
ihurili warm, fur his primlfuth-
or' fiuiiTiil, Wlillu M'i(rrliln
for kliiilllim. In foiiml n union-
nil Inn iniiiiiifiicliirliiK nlmil. 4
4 Tlii'rn wnn no nvlili'iim of nny
" inoi'iiMilnii iictlvllli'ii iiiiiIit the f
(liurrli. 4
Auili'iilttirnl mnl l.lii-lo(k lnnn
Coiiip.ui)' Wilt llo Oiniiiilril
liy Ciiiiiiiiiiiillj
lli'lili'liU of Hiv 1'nrt Klniniitli nor
tlnti, In order In nvnll IlieinmOveii of
Hid Inini'fllN of Ihiiiih throiidi thn nr
finance Vorpniiitloii for thn develop
went of nrrli'iilturnl mnl llreotock
Imliiiitrld of Ihu iielnliliiirliooil, hnvn
Inrnrporitlril thn Port ICInnintli AKrl
cultural nmt l.letock Loan nun
p.iny. nmt lll finlit an orKnnlintlon
ineetlnc tomorrow nftemouii nt Port
Klni.iutli. ,
A linrter linn lieen secured from
tliu lntr. Tho lnrnrHirntor ro ('. V
IjMnley. K .V. I'nvpr mnl II. It
Tim I'litlrn Tiirl ICIriniiHi rounlry.
It In iiiiili'mtoi'il. In rn-opprntliie to
want inaklnn Hie roinpany 11 mir
refn nreiicy for KrciirliiR money to
flnutirc thn Imlniitrlal ileteloiiment
ilurliiK Hm roiuiMK uriiKiin.
Ainonit llioe wlm nre foMnrliiR t In
corporation urn HlKemoro llrntliern,
hi hno lnrRK ilmk xrowlur; Inter
est". II. J. (lorilnn, nn nxleniHn hay
raler. ami I.M Cnnlwrll, mill thn rn
tiro nclRlihorliiioil In HorklnK touetli
rr In n ilrlt of liarmonluu., co-opnra-Hon
Is put tho ncro.
Supply IMinlnkliliiK Itaphlly L'nilrr
1'rcM'iit. V'i'llier Coiullt Ion-.
Klamnth county's liny surplus this
your Is rimvilernbly Inns this yenr
than ll was IhU limn last year, ne
rordlni; In V II. Thomas, county ngrl
cullnral agent, who made 11 general
Iniiulrj of farmers gntherad Sat
hrdny ut the Shorthorn llrceder's at
sochitlnitnueutlug. Iletweun he'ro and Merrill thn car
ry otir I., small, nnd diminishing
rapidly under prcucnt wentln-r roinll
Huns, which Mlmulatn feeding.
In thn Malln district thn stock of
liny on hand wns estimated by W. C
Dnllon tu bo sllthlly In excess of tho
surplus nt this time last yenr. How
ever, with n light supply In other
portions of the comity nnd n streng
thened demand from logging camps
mid other directions, thn buy surplus
will bo practically cleaned up, and
much of It m a profit, hyjho tlmn
that another crop Is hurvesteil.
Wniil nt dun Time Widely I'miI
Hi legated In Hm A- Heap
JACKKONVII.I.i:, Ha.. Jun. 31
I'rohlliltlDii hu,, rendered nbtoliilo
tho world "sober," according to tho
City Council here, and tho term hits
been relegated to the scrap heap of
ficially by that migust body. Tho
louncll recently In considering an
mitomobllo ordinance which provided
Hint lertnln persons must bn "sober
mid of good moral character,'' wiih
surprised when onn member objected
sttenuously to tho Inclusion ot "noli
ur "
"It Is 11 reflection on thn goo'rn
meiit mid tho constitution," tho mem
ber said. "It recognitor it violation of
tho law, nnd, since we huvo prohibi
tion Jt ImH bucomo obsolete."
TliD'oliJecHou at. first was not Ink
1111 seriously hut ttpcu liialstauro thn
tin m was ollmlnnted h11 vote ot 12
tu 7fiOiiu couuclliiinn, refused to vote,
stating, llin ht ''didn't know vhethor
a mun could Ini, drunk or sober under
Hid new oi'fler of things:"
: l d't ,
(imei'iiiii- Hnuill In Ho Tiled Separ
ately l-'rom llaiiker
WAUKUflAN. 111., Jan. 31, Sop
arntn trials wurolodiiy granted Uov
urnor l.en Hnuill nnd Voriion Cur
tis, Imukor, charged with conspir
acy to emhnxzln ntulo funds, flmnll's
trial Is to bo first,
Bmull nnd Curtis both pleaded
not guilty. j
AT 97
Blizzard Kept Uaud.1 Crowd
nt Home and Srvved a
t Greater Disnstcr
VAHIIIN(.TO.S Jan. 31 N'lmiy
wren ilenil TTT Hm K11I1 kreliccker
llii'iilro rolUpau lYiia Ilia official final
lift limned toiluy. Any uililltlonr
would remill from tho fatal I'jnnliia
Hon of Injurlm, it wua iinnouiirril.
Thn oxnet niimlmr In tho llinater
wlmii tho nl eel nmt roiniiti'tc ian ot
thn roof hurkli'il and fell mtilrr Itr
three-fool load of miow prohahly nev
er will hit known. The. Mnrleit of w!i
liap.t Inn who cot nut uninjured hnvu
lieen rfporlrd. Thiin account for a
few more Hum 300 In thn aiiil(cncr
(hat wnn roarliiK In Inunhter. ut n
fllmvtl roini'dy when tho roof full
on then. Illco u Id. in Int. currylnn
flown thn front of tho wide halrony
In IU rrnnh.
Normally thn thuator hna liml every
neat filled at that huur and nearly
2000 pemmni nan Iti rapacity. Tho
miino unprecedented ammfnll which
hrounht death to thn nilrpitiircaomn
fnw, kciit many nt homr. filrect ear
traffic hml hncn aliandoned nnil
fttrrutn unit aldcwalkn wvro all but
There him not hwii limn for offl
rial Inquiry " to tho cnumi of tho
illaaitrr. Tho ruln dUclone. however.
lliul tliu 111.IMK nf Nli-t-t.lii-lil rnnrrn
that formed thn roof hml comn down.
Tho rrnah swept thn supports from !
under thn lmcony aiipan-ntly, ami '
this hlngt-d down ut the nnglo of 4:. i
degrenn, Ridding to tho tangled wreck
ago on thn floor Ik low.
Thn orchestra leador, Orcilo Mj
tolll.o and suvnral mombcrs of
theater orrhentra ni-ro kilted
Cnllotlilau li Victim
KANJIIKOO, Jan.-31. J. 7.. Tuck",
er, well known ntlornoy of this city,
received n telegram from relatives
saying tiiat his brother. Charles
Cow lea Tuckiir, attorney of Wash
Ington, mid tho lattor's wife hnd per
Isheif In thn ICnl-kerhbcker tbentur
disaster In Wnihlncmn. Tho Wash
ington attorney served In tho offlro
ot tho advocate, gouoral during tin;
recent war with rank of llcutcnnnt
colon el
niTii 'n:iwi.v, ,o Mi:irr.
ixci or(AMi!iii(A. i.i:iox
As this Is 'tho fifth Tuesday of
thn month, there will he no meeting
of thn American Legion tonight.
Tho next meeting will bo on Tiles
diy, Kebrunry 7. Kor the same
reason tho rlly council did t nut
meet last night, "- !
Member of the Associated Press.
ulamaiii imiiI,h, oiii:r;o.v, tichimv, i.vs't'.utv i, hus
I .-
With thin jaauo of Thn llnrulil. I lie present nianaKcmcnt of tho
paper cohm-h iuiiI control imrceii to Mr. f'rud ficulo. Tho traniac
llouoiloe not Include Tho Klalnnth Itoconl, which will atlll ro
maln thn proKrty of tho Itccord I'uljllRhltig company, th0 com
mon Mock of which wn putchatei! liy and bclonKM to tho under
nlnned. It- Ih hardly tmci-naary to Introduco Mr. Bouln to tho rcadorn
of Thn llnrulil. Kor two he win It city editor ami In that
inpaclly o clmrly ili-momitrotcil liln ability that It In only nitnrnl
thiil ho tnkein ovur tho affnlra of tho pnpor. Ho lit a thorough
iinwppiimr 111 mi and one who will contlnun tho cohdlructlre pol
Irlim of Tim Herald, policing that hnvn done. o much for tho up
Imi lid t iik of JUiimntli Kallj, and Klamuth county.
Tho trnnnfiir will dale from Jnnunry 1, 1922. All money duo
prior to that dale vlll bo lolloctrd by tho nndnrilKncd, with thn
exception of Hiili'crlpllon nccntinta, which will hn colloitcd a
tuna! by tho now moniiRcincnt. All ndvnrtlnlng accoiiola con
tractwl jilnco January 1st will he collected by Mr. flonle.
j u-i-"" . .-.--.- -.--.--.. -
Affair of K. A. A. A. Will lie
MUiKiil I'rlilny Mslit
I'lrday 11 1! hi will wltnor.x thn firat
nthlvtli' toiirnaiui-nt of hu Klamuth
Amateur Athlnllc unmx Intlon, pluni
for which huvo hvc-n completed by
Harold Chrlaty.
That n hie tlmn Ih rclicdiilcd for
that nlRht Is nppareiit from tho fol
lowing partial cf rvnitu mhrdtil-
nt If- roumU of nappy boxing, two
fa' vtrcatlltiK bouia. chiimplonnhlp
'Indian wn-utlllig match, punching
bag exhibition, novelty athletic hIuiiIh
mid cxhlbltluu work, urnl 11 battle
Wjhlln thn (omtiloto list of entrant,,
In not being tuuilii public at prcucnt,
I'hrlaty nyn It n probahlo that Hob
lion and Hilly Huff will rlngo nn
oihiblt.on bqut. The-io bdxern nro
ai'hedulcd for a flitht hero Kobniary
21. Tho bent local talent will bo. kovu
'" ,,Ml1 "resiling. "'nB and t.thcr
Member,, of U10 wuioclatlon bcllevo
this tournament will In, thn best ovtr
stngeil here. Tho association was re
cently formed hero with thn Klks,
Amerlian IkIoii. Ciilvcrsltr club and
1 :
high school an upoiihors, and slnro lias
been Incorporated under tho 'rltato
laws. It Is a non-profit making organ
isation and all irrolpta from exhibi
tions will gu tow aril Improving
tho gymnasium In .thn ussoclBtloin
hall nt I'ourth nnd Klnmnth. -A
nomliint ndmlsilon ot () cents will
bo .charged for thn tournament.
At a meeting Sunday ut tho stcek.
holders ut tho Hoblnson Music Pub
lishing company. Inc., tho follow.
Ing directors wore rhetcn: Waltor
(I. West. Dr. C. V. Fisher, W. C.
Van Kinon .Mrs. Yuurny ami Frank
II. Itoblnsun. A report for tho
first four month tho company hisi
been In business showed that 21 1 gen's 2,500.000 acres of swamp land
p.-r cent hnd been earned on thufwill doublo state's agricultural pro-
csmmai invesieu.
- - - - 1 iani-wni-nn.niTnjTjnjTjxxrjTjinnru4
County mnl Iirnl I'rohlrmM In Conic
I'ji for ItUciivtlon
A community meeting whcio local
mid county problems will Ihj consid
ered Is to bn hold at Malln Wednes
day ctcnlng at 8 o'clcck.
Among tho speakers will bo R. II,
Wilcox, principal of tho Hummers
school, and I'rofetior J. W. I.. Smith,
of tho Malln high school. Tho Utter
will discuss thn Hmllh-Hughcs work
wlillu Wilcox will deal with dairying.
Two films will bo shown pertaining
to county health nursn work. Tho bond iftiestlon nlso will come up
for discussion.
Tho meeting Is In charge of Frstbk
Hextnu, county club leader, who Is
Just recovering nftor a rather severe
attack of bronchitis.
Widely Known l.timticrmnn Will
DIm-uis rrescnt KItuatkm
A program of more than usual
Interest Is scheduled for tho Cham-
tier of Commerce forum tomorrow
noon, when tho principal speaker
will be J. S. Kent, widely known
Kan Francisco lumberman, who Is
crast manager for the Germain
company of, rittsburg,
Kent will dlscnts tho lumber sit
uation, front 1 various 'Sngles, nnd
will deal In particular with the
present situations and the outlook
for this year. Ho bad Just returned
from an cxtenslvo tour ot the Kajt.
where ho becarua familiar with na
tional conditions'.
Ilcforn his present conncctlou,
Kent practiced lw In this city.
special permission today was
granted by tho board c,f directors for
tho chnrtcr members of tho mystcrl
ous "Wednesday Morning" club to np-
pear be faro tho forum tomorrow.
WILL DOl'lll.-: I'KOtirCTIOX
estimated that drainage of Ore
VUIIA CITV, Jnn, 31 Kranlc
tloxan reported to tho officers
today that lout night 12 chain
of llcrln & Son, funeral direc
tor of Maryirlllo, wero itolcn
from I bo Yuba City cemetary.
It la aald the chair wero taken
away In an auto. They had been
left In tho cemetery to nceom
modalo mourners.
High Hdiool (ilrla Crlrlmtti Itan
00 Ilougn anil inn Oowiu
With MborU Dlnplay
Feminine vanity admitted defeat
and surrendered to common sens
at the high school yesterday, but
It retreated gsllsntly.'and with fly
ing colors literally speaking.
Tho 1 roles enacted by a mill
meeting of the high 'school girls,
banishing rouge. Up stick, high
heels, lace hoso, silk gowns and oth
er people's hair, went Into effect
on Monday mornlngr according to
schedule. Friday, their last day of
grace, was celebrated by a gay dis
play of satins, sheer stockings, elab
orate coiffures and heightened
complexions, and many a foot
braved discomfort In tottering
French heels, for the sake ot auld
lang syne.
The costumo of middy blouse, and
skirt, adopted as the official uni
form, has already been given a pre
liminary "try-out" by most of tho
girls, and has been enthusiastically
endorsed as both comfortable and
convenient. The "make-up" prohi
bitions, which were adopted almost
unanimously,' are meeting with the
approval ot tho boys as well ss the
girls and the faculty, and many ot
them have expressed tholr satisfac
tion In discovering, as one boy
put It, "how a girl's natural com
plexion really looks:" Curls, braids
and hair ribbons are replacing patfa
and marcels In the school-day affec
tions of the "flapper"-especially
In view of tho fact that -Ihey re
quire about one-half the time for
a committee ot stuuents will co
operate with the principal and the
faculty In the enforcement of the
new rnles.
(Spectators Made to lavc
Woman Testifies
Practically tho wholo day and
part of yesterday was taken up In
the trial ot Earl Kennedy, Orvllle
Hohlnett and Leo Friend, who are
under Indictment tor robbing lluth
Drown of 115. At one time the
prqspect ot a flood of salsclou, evl
den co seemed Imminent, when At
torney banning opened a fire of
cross-examination on' Ilutb Drown
as to the receptacle In which she
kept her money aud which she coy
ly admitted was hor stocking. Judge
Kuykendnll nt this point ordered
tho court room cleared of specta
tors, Ileyond demonstrating that
tho stocking was not a Particularly
safe banking place for a young wo
man's cash, Attorney Manning dhl
not Proas bis questioning along tho
sensational lines expected.
Among the witnesses examined
fc-r the prosocutlon were R. McDon
ald nnd his wife. Frank Marshall
and It. C. Dougan, The prosecu
tion rcitod Just before tho noon re
cess. Tb6 oponlug witness for the
dotenso wos Leo Friend, followed
by police officers McLaughlin and
MoDonald, In an effort to Impeach
the ovldenco of the complaining wit
ness, itutn urown. .The trial will
probably take up the rest of the
At a meeting of the board ot
directors ot tho Klamath Amateur
Athletic association at the Chamber
of Commerce Saturday nlgbt, the fol
lowing committees wero appeinted:
house rules, Dr. L. 1). (lass, W. V.
Marshall and Dr. W, A. Leonard;
game schedule, Frank Howard, liar-
oldChrlsty and Wf W. Southwell. It
waK decided to hold another board
meeting at the Chambor ot Commerce
W'enesUay evening when discussion
nrtll tin ha,! nt Ilia fnrlhf-Amfnv alii.
lello tournamerft and other padlg I
pwicb mvk onm
Japan and China Reach an
Agreement It Declarn
tioh in Washington
WA8HINOTON, D C. Jail. l:tr
Much gratification that the Bkantaair1'
controversy Is ended was expressed
today at the White, House. Officials
aald that President Harding felt Ike
agreement one 'of the Important ac
complishments ot the Washington '
This was the first official confir
mation that the Japanese aad Chin
ese had reached complete accord.
Local Aauteam Listen to
Aoajr HM rresn Frit
No need to Journey to 8aa Frw""
cisco to hear the lateat- Jaasv nn
C. B. Ritchie, when one has a'rtdto
outfit. (
Last night Ritchie, together, with
If. R. Lovelette and" T, r- Wright.
who was an operator on the v! 8." S.
Rochester1 'during the war, enjovfd
a concert sent out from various sta
tions, Intludlag the Fairmont hotel.
San Francisco; Lo. Altos, Calif orals t
The Radio Telephone Shop, San Fran
cisco; theRenalds Radio company,-'
Denver; Hotel Oakland, OakiMf,
California; and the Leo. J. May berg
company, San Francisco.
Ritchie says the music waa from
the following Victor recerd: Soft
Sweet Rag, Rebecca, Love will Find
a Why. Hungarian Rag. Ok I We Oct
Pleasure and Beseeching Medley.
It Lj Ritchie's purpose to efgoalae
a radio elab In this city la eteerto
develpo the work. He tresUcta .that
It la oaly qaeatJea of ttas mtlt
the wireless) telepkoae wlU'sjfsM lao
general nee and aetata oat
of suck a service to, a aeari-laalam
community suck aa Klaatatk.FaMe.
Others 'who are Interested laraitte
uoTQioiinvnv nvre ursr a. u. wsas,
John Wallen, Charles lloaae Jr..''-F.
C. Lues, and Floyd L. Furber ot Mid
land. Vtf
Wright has tho credit while In, tke
nary ot having handled 8. O. 8. alg'
nals ot three different occasion's; up
on two ot which ships' crevs ware
saved by his prompt action-
. u-. . V A 1 t 1.
Lane Assouan Placed Ci
tract ta Utah aad NevaaU
nOSTO.V. Mass., Jan. 31, TIUt
the wool trade l tar from down
hearted la shown by a sudden expan
sion of contracting In the west. This
has developed largely daring the pat
week, considerable wool kavlag been
placed under' arrosL Practically all
of this wool Is In Util and Nevada.
Beginning recently at 19 and 11
cents in Nevada, the movement rapid
ly spread to Utah, where a targa vol
ume of wool has been secured, main
ly from Boston.
Top prices for the best fine and
fine medium clips havo been J 5 to 17
cents, the clean cost for lota aaadted
In Boston being estimated at (o to t
cents. Soma leaders in the movement
claim to have withdrawn alter se
curing a good bit of wool. They say
the growers have become excited ky
the operations and are advaaelag
prices faster than buyers cars to fel
PORTLAND, Jan. 31. Caws lie
to 25c higher, other t cattle steady.
Hogs, steady; Sheep steady; maun-
uln lambs COc klgker; ,aat (
mounUln lambs, M5 aad f'lt.lf r
Eggs weak, Batter unsettled. '.'
- rz. u
TBe uycio-wormsgravB' at
woods Pharmacy reglaterad "
.' V . . A- S? k
rise in tarasmatrto prsasa
the early moralag koaf, ;
noon tais movoaseat
then the tendeaer 'la'-'i
downward, tbu situauoa-
forecast rather difficult." I
upward moveatant be resumed alajai-,
Ing weather .might be expssaa1;l,i
night, Otherwise' a coatwaatlk . af
the unsettled conditions WM-awW'
prevailed for several days. !V'$Lc'i "'
rorecaat toraen at aosias:"., r
Unsettled with. indtcatefM 'jtsyaisr-
aoia lur Vienna; mia"ti '. t. ,
The Tyco reeoratac is
regtsterac meatman, ;i
Ej tar S
scale) 'ssamslar
aMMi.lS ' v
i- u
- i ,t"-ti
' f
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SjjvA' '. -